liifWSIIliil 3 t»" I •*'" 'I' I CATSKELiE 'MOUNTAIN" 3STEW8, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1000. "When the Eye GrowsSDim." Are yowl' eyes all right now 1 Vrubiibly llii-y are. Still, many liave fieleotlTe eyeslglit and do not Know It. Wiey llnd out all about it when the BliKAK comes, however. Ha " stitch in time" is effective, why not apply the old saw to your eyes ? Are they not worth saving 1 I test eyes by a seieatllie process and lit glasses perfectly. If your eyes are diseased let me exam- ine tiieui. Jt will cost you nothing. H. S. VKItMIl/VHA, Jeweler and Optician, Ul-yl (irlflin Coiners. 'ROUND ABOUT MIDDLETOWN poeketboolt at. home If you have anything in It. I don't mean to say Hd. Hull hud been calling on the girls last Suuday nlglit when lie was bold up by hoboes botweon H. D. Searle's and the Elgin Dreamery, neither do I mean to say thatthey robbed him; but undoubtedly that was their in- tention when they commanded biin to throw up his hands, Ho did not soaie, however, but told them to come on if (Jtoy wanted anything, whereat they turn ml and went the other way, thinking, proba- bly, that they had tackled the wrong man. Mrs. A. V. Sweet and her mother have returned from a visit with friends In J'ut- nam County. LARGEST RIVER STEAMER IN WORLD Will Take Place of Dean Richmond on the Hudson. The new steel steamer "C. W. Morse," uiidor construction at the HolllngeworUi plant of the United States Shipbuilding company, Wilmington, Del., was launched Saturdayuftornoon. Tlio uew boat,whlcli Is the largest steamboat In the world, will take the place of the old " Doan Kleh- niond" of tho people's line, now plying on the Hudson lllvor between New York and Albany, While closely following the linos of t h e Adirondack, the Morso will bo consider- ably largor, her iongth being 430 feet over all, with a breadth over guards of nlnoly- slx foot. The hull Is of stoel and iron deckhouse up the saloon deck, anew feat- ure In Hudson ltlvor stoamors. Hor IPR- ulation beam engines will develop 4!>t)0 horse power. The Interior of the Apish Will bo similar to the Adirondack in tlio Louis VIII, style, white and gold. Tho number of staterooms will oxoeod that of any steamboat afloat, there being 450(1 ex- clusive of those of tho orew. Tho now boat will be completed in time to be placed In service at tho opening of navi- gation in 1004 and will cost over a million dollars, . _ A DAY'S OUTING. Pino Hill and Bij; Indian Sunday Schools Hold an Enjoyable Picnic. Pino Hill Sentinel, July 18, On Tuesday of this wook the Methodist Sunday aohools of Pine Hill and Big In- dian onjoyed a day's outing together lu the grovo at tho latter place. Oarrlnpes for tho Pino Hill sohool wore generously furnished by David Morwln, Giles Elgmir and John IfrnnoQ. Tho rain In I ho after- noon drove tho ploniolcors to Bryant's Hall, where games and ohlldron's i'rolln were continued, Among sports we ought to mention that for standing and high jumping Frank DuPlon was foremost while among boys Willio Kosa won the sack and potato races, for overhead throw- ing tho stone, Itov. Goorgo 8. Davis was tho heavy wolglit. Elizabeth PnKloit proved champion among babies* oin, llosa for the llttlo girls, Etliol Smith wus lloot- oat of foot among bigger girls, and Mrs. T. Ji Harrington for the married ladles, Will Iirownoll inado tho longest jump, Mrs. Ell/a Molynoaux and Mr, Prank Du jplon did all In their power to givo their respective schools a day of genuine pleas- ure. DRY BROOK. Mrs. L. K. Baker visited Mrs. O. K. ICnupp Monday. Mrs. Sarah Gavett visited Mrs. 8. G Moot Saturday. 8. G. Moot made a business trip to Arkville on Saturday. Mrs. David Todd is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. Atwood Orook. Mrs. H. D. Haynes visited her sister, Mrs. S. G. Moot, last Friday.. Our farmers aren't rusblng haying on account of the rainy weather. Orson Woolheater of Griflln Corners is helping B. H. George In haying. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Klttlo visited Mr. and Mis. Martin Hoffman Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gyrus Gaorgo visited at Harvey George's Saturday and Sunday. Alfred Austin of Hoffman Corners was in this place on business laetof thevroek. Mr, and Mrs. William Alton of Arkville visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Graham on Sunday. Miss Ltbble Haynes Is assisting her aunt, Mrs. A. 0, Todd, with hor house- hold duties. George Owons of Beaverklll passed through this place Monday en route for Arkville. Mrs. Nelson Graham and Mrs. Georgo Stewart made a business trip to Marga- rotvlllo one day lust week. Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo J. Gould oame to (heir summer home at Furlough Lodge on Saturday and returned to Lakowood on Monday. A doulilc-hnadod unalto that can buck up its readily as It can move forward has boon added to (ho Natural History De- partment of tho Memorial .Museum at San Franolsoo. It 1B about thirty-two Inches long, as broad aa tho handle of a table knife, with tho tall blunt at the end, II) bolougo to n wholly tropical species, called arapulabanuti, defined an << a species of tropical IlKftfd distinguish- ed by t h e obtusoiuiBM of the head anil tall." Tho rnptllo hitherto has bean found hi South America and tho Won I. intlloH, The specimen just preabnjiod td tho muaoum was found In Half Moon Bay, Oul, Hpualul to August 1—Corn, II cans for Mini. 0. J. I 'InllOOM. BELLAYRE. M.Hall is working in haying for Mrs. G. Gavott. E. A. Marks' barn Is being completed tor haying. Quite a number of farmers about hero have commenced haying. Mrs. Peter Kittle Is with hor daughter at Arkville. She Is very low again, Wosloy Hinckley, while coming to this place, saw a large black bear near Gould's park. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook of Dry Brook wore pleasant callers at this plaoe on Sunday. Mrs. Gould Gavett's hlrod girl, Miss Morwln, lias roturned to her home at Boavorklll. A hard shower of rain passed over this place on Monday, It also hailed with a heavy wind. Mr. and Mrs. Wosloy Hinckley are vis- iting their llttlo son, who is very ill at John Clark's, Chandler Hlnokley and Miss Pearl Clark returned from their visit on Friday, They report a very pleasant time. " Sandy " Wilbur of Arena passod this violnity on Monday with his grocery wagon. Ho Is vory reasonable with bis prices. We are glad to soo his face. Deepwood Lodge. J. H, Sherman of Now York City, the owner and proprietor of Sherman Island, Long Island Sound, has purchased of Charles T. Goutant, James Jenkins and George Kraft two hundred acres in Wat- son Hollow In the town of Bhandukon, Mr. Sherman Is a direct ltnoal descendant of Roger Sherman, ono of tho signers of tho Declaration of Independonao, nnd Is also a cousin of tho lato General W. T. Sherman. This property has boon known as the old Yager homostoad, I t Is a lluo combination of mountain top plateau, val- ley, good trout streams, and glens and ravines of rare beauty, Mr, Sherman ox- pools to build a lodge, which ho will call Deepwood Dodge, and tho property will hereafter he known as Sherman Park, little Brown Hands. Tliey drive liomo' flit oows frou'i Hit- J:IUN1I.UC, fipthromjli tai* Jong shady lane, Where llic quitil whittle loud in the wheal fields 'f but are yellow villi rijirning grain. They iiiicl in the illicit wliving grasses AVliert'Llit tioarjet lipped siruvvbeny gicuvs; They gather the curliest snowdrops And the iirsl crimson buds otthe rose. They less tlie liny in tlie meadow: 'J'iiey gather <1 he elder bloom white; They iind where tlie dusky grapes purple ju Hie soil-tinted October light. They know where the apples bang ripest And are sweeter limn Italy's wines. They know where the fruit bangs the thickest. On the thorny blackberry vinos. They gather the delicate seaweeds And build tiny castles of Hand; The pick upthe liuanlafiil soasbells— Fairy barks thai have drifted to land. They wavei'roin the tall, rocking tree tops, Where tlie oriole's banimock ppBt swings, And at niglil time an folded in slumber By a song that a fond mother sings. Those who toil bravely are strongesl; The humble and poor become ureal; And from these brown-bunded children Shall grow mighty rulers of statu The pen of tlie author and statesman— The nobles and wise ol our lands— The sword and flic chisel and palette Skull be held in the little brown hands. PRATTBVILLE. Imer Wyekoff of Gllboa was lu town on Sunday. Otis Lewis of Gllboa was In town on Thursday and Suuday. G. M. Gregory bid In the grass on the Prattsvllle creamery farm. Attorney JB*. M. Anclrus of ltoxbury was In town on business Monday. 0, A. Booth of Grand Gorge was a buti- uess caller in town ou Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Itichtmyerof Gonee- ville were In Prattsvllle on Tuesday. Miss Olive Conine returned home ou Thursday from an extended visiting tour. Miss Mary Fraukon has returned from a several weeks' stay with friends in New Jersey. The Prattsvllle creamery oomp.iny has declared its semi-aunual dividend of 4 per cent. Mrs. Georgo Phelps started on Satur- day to visit her daughter, Mrs. Kroobel, of New Jersey. Miss Ollvo Huggans is home from Stamford, where sho has boon attending summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pattison and son of Kingston spent, a week with Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Marsh, Mr. aud Mrs. Sala of Newark, N. J., are spending the summer with her moth- er, Mrs. Georgo Sachs. Tho Misses Marsh, accompanied by Miss Grace Dart, spent Tuesday at Hod Falls, the guests of Miss Bertha Bapel- yea. Bov. Charles M. Dixon is expected home this wook and will hold tho regular service In the R. D. Church on Sunday, July 20. The Willing Workers arc .planning to hold an loo cream social on Saturday night, July 25, on the M. E. Church lawn. Mr. and Mrs, S. W. Chatfleld have been spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. E. Endorlln and Mr, and Mro. W. B. pbatfteld. A party of our village young folks en- joyed a hay ride to Gllboa on Tuesday evening, returning homo in the "wee sma' hours," Erkeon's store was broken In on Sun- day night. A small amount of change had boon left in the store that was taken and some goods, but the loss is not very hoavy. ROXBURY. "" C. G. Heater made a trip to Margaret- ville Thursday. Claude Thomas is assisting S. W. Hicks for a lew days. Peter Tracy visited relatives at North Eoxhury Sunday. A. J. Underwood made a trip to Hobart one day last week. 0. G. Keator made a business trip to Grand Gorge Monday. Mrs. T. Underwood of Brooicdale visited at Mrs. A. B. Rutherford's Sunday. Miss Emma Underwood of Avooa., Wis eonsiu, is visiting relatives In town. John Dales of New Kingston is visiting his nephew, Marshall Dales, in this vil- lage. Most of the farmers have oommericed haying but it goes slow on account of the rainy weather. Mr, and Mrs. 0. G. Keator, Jr., and daughter, Ethel, visited relatives at Grand Gorge Saturday. Mrs. Jay Moot of Grand Gorge, who has been spendipg several days in town visiting relatives and friends, returned home Saturday. James Miller of New Kingston pur- chased anew Milburn wagon of Mitchell & Endorllu one day last week. An organization known as the Catsltll) Mountain Camping Club has been organ- ized at this place, A large and commodi- ous club house has been built In the woode north of Stratton's Falls, where the mem- bers of the club will be pleased to enter- tain any of their friends at any time, TWENTY H RASPBERRIES MAKE TROUBLE. For the Farmer's Eye, Partlou lu hoot! of anything In the line of light nud heavy wagono, MoCormlcli mowers. Now York Champion horse ralios, mifl other fiirin mauhliiery should call ou II. B, Kelly of this village, In iitippnrb of the claims to superior oxniil- lnncn of the Champion horse rakes I point to the sale of elghtuun of thoiu during the last Mominn, H. 11. Km.iiV, MargiiroUlllo, N. Y. 21 will Mrs. yoiiiigiuau has reduced lliln spring' 1 ! hats to below first cost. Good shapris In blauk and white. All goods iuui.it now bo sold at any prion. Dailies' lioiinoti.i, dome and soo styles und (pin! Ity. »0I I' Tho .It'our-U'rui'lt JVniwi for July la bout yet. Hold by nowfidoalorii) live cunts a eop.y, 'j.'iiltn T n IO NIOWH mid Now York '.PhrlaO' a-Wook World—boll, ono year for $1.(16 Blanchard Demands Berries Picked on His Land and Tries to Drive Pickers Off. An affair occurred one day hiBt week be- tween Goorge Blanchard and Mrs. Jurnos Williams and Mrs. Irving Cole, which led to the arrost of tho former for assault. The alleged assault occurred ou Mr. Blanohard's farm, a mllo above Walton on tho south side of the river. The women say they woro picking berries on Mr. Blanohard's land, ami that without any explanation as to who ho was, demanded their berries. Thoy had only begun pick- ing and had but a few berries lu their palls, Upon their refusal to give up tho berries Blanohnrd seized tho palls and tried to take them away by foroe. Tho women clung to tho pulls, and rather than let him have the berries they were emptied on tho ground, Thoy claim that Blanchard struck them several times, Mrs. Colo and Mrs. Williams thou started to leave tho field but did so leisurely, go- ing along tho lower side, picking berries all the time. When near tho corner of tho Hold Blanchard came at thorn again. Mrs. Williams claims that he struck anil kicked her and that he picked up a largo stone to strike her after she had boon knocked down. Mr. Blanchard states that he informed the women who lie was and told them that ho wanted the berries for his own use; that they refused to leave and usod offensive language. Ho docs nut deny that lie used force, but thinks that he was justified In doing as ho did. Ho also says that tho women's statements In thin particular are very much exaggerated, Mrs, Williams and Mrs, Colo sworo out a warrant beforo Justice More and Ollloor Smith placed Blmichiud under arrest, in the afternoon bo was given a hearing, Ho pleaded not gtillly to the charge, gave bonds and tho ouso wits adjourned, STAMFORD. Georgo Holstead has been confined to the house with pneumonia. Miss Althea Boret of Margaretvllle vis- ited Miss Nellie Champion last week. Miss Emma Boulon of Roxbury spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Boggs. W. E. Elliott of Delhi has been In town the past week iu the Interest of the Gold- en Seal. Orson Mattice has moved from South Kortrlght to D. 0. Hoagland's building near tho U, & D. station. Twenty-two Middleburg people were guests at the Delaware House Thursday ovoning. Tlie hotel lodged 45 people that night. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Corbin announce the engagement of their daughter, Augusta, to Mr. Edward A. Talbot of Nowark, N. J. Considerable United States Steel stock Is owned by people of Stamford aud vicin- ity. It was bought at $32 to $02. The stock is now willing around $25. "An other speculation bustod." Miss Jennie Leonard, aud Mrs. Fannie Shoemaker of Prattsvllle, Miss Emma R. Leonard of Broome Center, aud Mies Clara Burke of Iowa, woro guests at Mrs. G. 11. Loouard's, Saturday.—Mirror, AT SLOVER'S. railroad ran from New York to Cluen.gO' brines vou no nearer Baltimore. 1 o a-eneli. the latter city you must fwwwZ towaM it, Tho same in taking medicine for any par- ticular disease. People .fall short of a. cure lieoause they use the wrong medicine. So their money, time and hope go for wotting. Tho complaint is sure to get worse, and per- liaps thoy bring up in the grand terminal Btiitioii from which there are no return trains. Now when Dr. David Kennedy, of Dr. Kennedy B.ow, Bondout, N. Y., pro- 1 Hired his WW medicine, Gnl-eura Solvent, lis object was to quickly relievo arid cure diseases of ike Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Blood aud Nerves; and not to keep people taking medicines witliout benefit. He meant to build the right rood and induce people to travel on it—witli life and health as their destination. Mr. Chris. Larsen, a well Inown painter and decorator, of Handout, N. Y., writes: "I was stricken with painter's colic. I had tront- nitmt and took various uiodiclnen without getting nny l'cul benefit, until I used Dr. Duvld K.ennodjr's new medlciue, Ciil-cnia Solvent.' To make my Htory abort, itcurod ine BO thoroughly tlnil I luive not hud a eie.k day uiiioo,iiiid there-are many wholmow what I say is true." Mr. Martin Montgomery,formerly of Rox. bury, N.Y. ,«nd now of Silvern, Pa,, writes i "Dr. Kcnnody'e new medicine, Cal-curo Solvent, is Immense. Itcurod me of livr.r mid kidney Irtm- blea, and rlioiiirinlivm, after a lot of weary dosing With tbiiiuB Hint did no food." Serfd to the Cal-oura Company, Dr. Ken- nedy Bow, Rondout, N. Y., for a free sample bottle. Large bottles $1.00, all druggists. One size only. Remember I Only one Dr. David Keniie. dy ever lived in Rondout, City of Kingston, N. Y., and the name of his new and latett medicine is Cal-cura Solvent. SO VEARS* EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS &e. Anvono Bendins n akoteh and description may aulakly.Moertntn, free, wlmtlier 11 . 11 Invention Is probaulr iiiiloniiUilo. Communications utrlotly ooulidontliil. Oldest npcoiiy forseeurlng jiutonts In America. V'e have u Wanbtngtpu union. Patents taken tbrouKh Muun k Co. receive epeolal notice lu the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of any soloiitllie journal, weeldy, tonus 13.00 n year \ fl-uO&lx months. Bpeolmen copies ana UANK BOOK ON PATBNTB sont free. Address MUNN & C O , , 3(>1 Jiroudwav. New xwk. Many Tilings That the Housekeeper Wants When She has Time to Think. AD incident Unit occurred at Purlouyli Lodge ono day last wook la suggestive of the little tragedioiii that are happening dally In thla land ot tho summer homes. A rush of visitors mado a demand for inoro sleeping accommodations and aa a result seven cots, seven mattresses «nd seven pillows wont up to tho Lodgoi'rom Skiver's furniture store at Grlfflu Corners. How many of our houaokeopers And them- selves thus perplexed every day, aud how easily the troublo can be overcome when they reflect that Slover can help them out In a "Jiffy" 11' thoy will lay their woen be- fore him. Among other things that the housekeepers want are rattan and other chairs for tho piazza and carpet sweepers that reduce tlmo and backaches to a min- imum. HoliaotheQrandKaplds atisti.'/.'», and It's a gem.' Ho has handsome wash- bowls and pitchers to replace tho cracked ones In the guest chamber or tho star hoarder's room. Look at his rugH, poems lu color and big us the baseball ground. He sells an elustle felt mattress, good as thoOsterinoor, for.$ll, and ho has springs without end. A man could sloop ou one of his oouohes If ho was going to be hung, Ho has sold 1000 yards of matting this year at 111 to HO oents a yard, hut he lias lots more to sell. Bee Ills Iron aud brass bwlsteuds, oilstovoa, lamps, Bto.^—Adv. SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. AdverliNi'iiieiils under this heading arc 1 cent a word curb insertion. No adv. taken for less than 10 cents. WOK SALE—Ballard House at llolliiicii Gor- ' ners. |for particulars enquire of AY'KKY noi'-ii'MAN, [tolly Corners, N.T. 11:110 W AN'J'ICD—Woniiiii or eirl to help 111 kitchen; iilsuaiil for waitress. Apply at I'AKA. TAKAN, F OI! SA1.I5 ( Apply to M'JIH villi-, N.Y. \ ill villi-, N. V. )J{ HUNT (!. It. House ol M>; rooms. KNIJMniM, Miugllfct ;nti 170UN I)—A sum of money; nlson belt. Own- r or prove property and pay oliarges, T. H, II11,1,, Ac.herly llonse. 8a anil Ark. F OUND -Between niiiraarH vi vllle, watch. Owner enlli prove property anil pay pc sis. 1!. M . l l l b b , Ne'w Kingston, N, .'IDIii. rpolt HA 1,15-Oopy of the " BUiyniphionl His I tory ol Delaware ('.oiiiify," in good condi- tion, g, KO.liN, Arkville, N. V. W ANTI'd) lumbar Arkville, N. V, TO BUY FOB CAHU-Oliorry ami logs. B. H. FB'ISBBB, HOW. V ICTKHINABY.—A. II. Chamberlain, V. S„ graduate Ontario Veterinary College, has opened all office at 'Wilson's livery, (Iril'lin Cor- ners. Veterinary work In all its liuinehes. Uef- crenccK furnished. Connected with Standard, llalcott, lledklll mid TowHsenii Hollow tele- phone Hues, All orders promptly atfeinlcil to, night or day. S8yl Seara-lloehuck ninno cased second-hand E OB HAl/G-A organ, nearly new; 11. second-hand Cor 1 organ; a second-hand Chicago Cottage organ mid a second-hand Kebiilierf piano, all bargains. JUUNN'N MUSIC K'.l'OKK, Alurint- Btl bargains, retvllle. Farmers' Exchange. Small want and lor sale advertisements arc printed ritlClt In this department, for fanners who arc subscribers to Tine Niows. FT Y. SAL15—One new Yankee horse rake. SYBVBNUH Kiai.Y, Griffin Corners, N. 3H WOH NALK—1 bay rond iiiarc 10 years old; :l x bay work horse, il years old, weight )wi pounds; 8 colls il years old next spring; lpnlr will make 3-100 pound teams 1 '.'-wheel scrape nearly now ; I champion reaper. 'Will sell above at a bargain. "W. T. A UST.IN, Austin's Bridge, Aliirgarctvlllc, N. Y. COB HA1.K ~ 'Will can a bargain. A.P.BANFO One ml Ik wagon In good "Will carry H or 10 cans of milk. 'ejiiilr. Will sell at rialeoltvllln,'N,Y. Griffin Comers Tailor Shop, Hull a mado to order. Ladles' nud golds' mil tr. cleaned, preened ion I repaired. La- dles' skirts cleaned, prwiMod and rebound, John reunion, Ltlii hulliUii/!, (I1IIII11 (lor- noi'H, Ordoi'u b'lt with A, •). iJliuiuian will bo culled for throe times a week, The Ji'oiir-Trault, ,/VVmi for July In best yet. Hold by newsdealers; (Ivo bants 11 uopy. What Became of tho Snake. A big bluclcHuake wound Itself around tho leg of a horse belonging to IBriipat Diamond as he was driving a fow mlleB out of Waterloo Thursday. Tho bouet leaped to one sldo and the reins fell to the ground. As tlio horse sprang forward Dia- mond leaped on to tho horse's back and tried to bring him to a standstill, but without Bucoess. At just that point Dlu- inotul was pitched Into a brush heap wherein a Bwnriti of boos had built a iiosl, and wan badly slung, Tho borne fell Into a mud hole iind was hitnr pulled out by a touiij of lioi'iniH.--Emohango. Parlor Matches Forbidden, A. boarding house keeper In OutsitIII has had notices poBt.od In all his rooms forbidding the UBO of parlor matuhos, Ho wiiyii that during tho Inst fen yeara thorn have boon at least six Incipient fli'oa discovered In his house ciiuaed by them! iiiafclicii, aud hut for timely dis- covery mid pi'iiiniitactloii sorlous duniago would have resulted. 6 PIGS '1 weeks old July i, for mile AUCitiHAbi), New Kingston, N. V. h. \V. T?()B HA .1,15-1 heavy F poiimlH, Hound, el horse, sound, six years i M F Olt KABIC—One new Osborn luowluu ina- „ chine l'rlodi »ao, H. Hi Kelly, Mivi'Sarob- vllle, N, Y. Mi draught horse, I'.'.MI Igbf years, 1 Cnrrlagc ml, black, good style. JKH. E.F, KMUNlY. F OB SABK Oil HISHYICK-Bcrkshirc JC. II. DIWMICK, llalcoffvllle, N. Y hoar, as T7iO.ll HA I, I!- I r kind mid I A. O. ICI5AT01I, - Illack HIIU'C, 7 years old; sound, lino; good style; weight ltlWi, ]\hli'giiretvllle, N, Y, anff JUST TO REMIND SOU. SCREEN DOOR'S AND WINDOWS. I'llos are hero. WICKLESS OIL STOVES (Blue Iflauio), Oook rjulck, Koeii tho house oool. Frooi'.orB, the kind that don't WHItTLE, Arltvllle, N. Y. loo Oroam broil It your back toutl PARKEITT'S""™ HAIR BALOAM 1 M 1 mill ln'iiiilllliiii tun lutlr. I I 'l till II llMllil.ilit I'NlUlll. I Nnvpi' T'lilhi In lldiiloi'o t.li'nyl .nule to Bn rniillihil Otilni'.' I 11,11 fll'lllp (IlMf "II IV illlll' lllllllll; MilMiiitl >l,l"iil IIIIIIIIIIMH —WtWOI.llHI II ll 4.1,»,,II-.I,-M^J Wanted at Once. Tho NIIIWS In ilonlrcnifi of snouting a good ciQt'i'OBpoudonIi lit Oilflln Ooruoi'fl, Any j'lmg ludy or gontloman who would like In iiiidoi'tnliu tho wurlc may Iciiru the tiirmii by addressing tho oil I for, Oiirroiipoiiiloiifii nhio wanted In IMno Kill anil Blinvnrtiiwii. Sliitlte Into your Sliotis Alluii'n l i 'oc|.iiiiiiii,a)iow(lid'. llctiriiMpidnfiil, simirllng, iiervniis 1'iicf and lii-growliigiiiills.iiiiil iiiHimitiy liiltoii tin' HI lug out of OIH'HH ninl bun- Id I'm. ll'ii (.lie Ki'iiiitnst eiiiiifiif'l'ilbiiiiiviiry ol' Ilia age. If lii it iierfiilii mire for inventing, OIIIIIHIM mid but., Ilieil, nulling fenf. try It lo-ilny. Hold by nil ilniuitlslii mill wlioe (l"Ulern. By mull liir '.'li neiilsIn IIIIIIIIIIN, 'ninl pni'l.ni'.o ii'lii'il';, Ad dresn, Allen M, flliirilend, liidloy, N, V, Ul-lw A. H. Chiiniboi lain, Veterinary S urgeon GRIFFIN CORNERS, N, Y. HoitdquiirlorH at (I It, '.'tut Liishof'e Hotel, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATUH1MY. g""i"" 't'iint*nn- i^uOLJ«i~.^^iji^*Wi-^-^.^iii-;Ufflx.^ii^ Thouti are the days on which 3. W. ETTS 9 Butulitir, tho C11HF1P.IW C.IO.UN.1flUH Visits Min'i;n,ni|,vllli>, l J i'lmo Bnef, I'ork, Jiainb, Jiltu, Olioluo VfoMtui'ii Hoof. If you whih him to null noiid postal eiird to hhu at Urllllii Ooriiorw. , , , Swart & Hitt. Wlien-wo say iliat we keep a General Country Store we ha,ve said about all that is necessary. Everybody knows that an up-to-date '"general country store" offers to the public pretty much everything that is needed in the home. We buy the best goods that can be found on the market and we sell them at a fair price. The truth of this statement is apparent to all who have in the past favored us with their patronage. To particularize as to the character and excellence of our stock would be to waste your time and ours. Dry Goods, Groceries, Footwear, Crockery, Flour and Feed, Building Material—all these and more are to be found at our store. Others may have as good, but None Better. We buy Butter and Eggs and pay the highest market price. We are headquarters for all the desira- ble Patent Medicines. We take orders for Gentlemoji's Fine Suits. In fact, we do everything that goes with tho keeping of a first-class Gen- eral Country Store. Our Prices Defy Competition. SWART & HITT, Wapos That "Stand Up." % and They Sell, Too. The price keeps them going. Bought in large quantity and AT LOWEST CASH PRICES, with stock of all kinds on hand, you will find I can please you. Surreys, Eunabouts, Top Buggies, Two Seaters, Klein ' s Hancock Buckboards. NEW OSBORN Mowing Machine $30. Special inducements to close out Farm Wagons. Call and see me. I will give you prices that will satisfy you. AMOS ALLISON, MARGARETVILLE, H. Y. m0m •fl—iw JUST ARRIVED, t Consisting of Surreys, Top Buggies, Three-Spring and Eoad Wagons, all the latest style, with long-distance o,xles. Also, I have a largo stock of HARROWS, stool and wood frames; Plows, Corn Planters, Cultivatera, Potato CJovorors and Hillors, Grain '.Drills, Foi'fcili/,oi\ etc.; Manure Spreaders, Mowing Machines, Horso Rnkos find Hay Toddors, Gasoline EnginoH, Silos and Cream •Separators. A postal card will bring you a cata- logue and prices, Cori'ospondonoo solicited. Mail orders will recoivo prompt attention, Will bo ploancd to show you goods any day extiopt Sunday. W. T. FAULKNER, New Kingston, R. Y. «**»** •map** •Ml* I «*»

Swart & Hitt. - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1903-07-24/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · take the place of the old " Doan Kleh-niond" of tho people ... Mr

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t»" I

•*'" 'I' I


" W h e n the Eye GrowsSDim."

Are yowl' eyes all right now 1 Vrubiibly llii-y are. Still, many liave fieleotlTe eyeslglit and do not Know It. Wiey llnd out all about it when the BliKAK comes, however. Ha " stitch in time" is effective, why not apply the old saw to your eyes ? Are they not worth saving 1

I test eyes by a seieatllie process and lit glasses perfectly.

If your eyes are diseased let me exam­ine tiieui. Jt will cost you nothing.

H. S. VKItMIl/VHA, Jeweler and Optician,

Ul-yl (irlflin Coiners.

'ROUND ABOUT MIDDLETOWN poeketboolt at. home If you have anything in It. I don't mean to say Hd. Hull hud been calling on the girls last Suuday nlglit when lie was bold up by hoboes botweon H. D. Searle's and the Elgin Dreamery, nei ther do I mean to say t h a t t h e y robbed h i m ; but undoubtedly that was their in­tention when they commanded biin to throw up his hands , Ho did not soaie, however, but told them to come on if (Jtoy wanted anything, whereat they turn ml and went the other way, thinking, proba­bly, tha t they had tackled the wrong man.

Mrs. A. V. Sweet and her mother have returned from a visit with friends In J'ut-nam County.


Will Take Place of Dean Richmond on the Hudson.

The new steel s teamer "C . W. Morse," uiidor construction a t the HolllngeworUi plant of the United States Shipbuilding company, Wilmington, Del., was launched Saturdayuftornoon. Tlio uew boat,whlcli Is the largest s teamboat In the world, will take the place of the old " Doan Kleh-niond" of tho people's line, now plying on the Hudson lllvor between New York and Albany,

While closely following the linos of the Adirondack, the Morso will bo consider­ably largor, her iongth being 430 feet over all, with a breadth over guards of nlnoly-slx foot. The hull Is of stoel and iron deckhouse up the saloon deck, a n e w feat­ure In Hudson ltlvor stoamors. Hor IPR-ulation beam engines will develop 4!>t)0 horse power. The Interior of the Apish Will bo similar to t h e Adirondack in tlio Louis VIII, style, whi te and gold. Tho number of staterooms will oxoeod tha t of any steamboat afloat, there being 450(1 ex­clusive of those of tho orew. Tho now boat will be completed in t ime to be placed In service a t tho opening of navi­gation in 1004 and will cost over a million dollars, . _


Pino Hill and Bij; Indian Sunday Schools Hold an Enjoyable Picnic.

Pino Hill Sentinel, July 18, On Tuesday of th i s wook the Methodist

Sunday aohools of P i n e Hill and Big In­dian onjoyed a day's outing together lu the grovo a t tho la t ter place. Oarrlnpes for tho Pino Hill sohool wore generously furnished by David Morwln, Giles Elgmir and John IfrnnoQ. T h o rain In I ho after­noon drove tho ploniolcors to Bryant 's Hall, where games and ohlldron's i'rolln were continued, Among sports we ought to mention tha t for standing and high jumping Frank DuPlon was foremost while among boys Willio Kosa won the sack and potato races, for overhead throw­ing tho stone, Itov. Goorgo 8. Davis was tho heavy wolglit. Elizabeth PnKloit proved champion among babies* oin, l losa for the llttlo girls, Etliol Smith wus lloot-oat of foot among bigger girls, and Mrs. T. Ji Harrington for the married ladles, Will Iirownoll inado tho longest jump, Mrs. El l /a Molynoaux and Mr, Prank Du jplon did all In their power to givo their respective schools a day of genuine pleas­ure.

DRY BROOK. Mrs. L. K. Baker visited Mrs. O. K.

ICnupp Monday.

Mrs. Sarah Gavet t visited Mrs. 8. G Moot Saturday.

8. G. Moot made a business trip to Arkville on Saturday.

Mrs. David Todd is visit ing her daugh­ter, Mrs. Atwood Orook.

Mrs. H. D. Haynes visited her sister, Mrs. S. G. Moot, last Friday..

Our farmers aren ' t rusb lng haying on account of the rainy weather .

Orson Woolheater of Griflln Corners is helping B. H. George In haying.

Mr. and Mrs, Walter Klt t lo visited Mr. and Mis. Martin Hoffman Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gyrus Gaorgo visited a t Harvey George's Saturday and Sunday.

Alfred Austin of Hoffman Corners was in this place on business laetof thevroek.

Mr, and Mrs. William Alton of Arkville visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Graham on Sunday.

Miss Ltbble Haynes Is assisting her aunt , Mrs. A. 0 , Todd, with hor house­hold duties.

George Owons of Beaverklll passed th rough this place Monday en route for Arkville.

Mrs. Nelson Graham and Mrs. Georgo Stewar t made a business t r ip to Marga-rotvlllo one day lust week.

Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo J. Gould oame to (heir summer home at Furlough Lodge on Saturday and returned to Lakowood on Monday.

A doulilc-hnadod unalto that can buck up its readily as It can move forward has boon added to (ho Na tu ra l History De­par tment of tho Memorial .Museum a t San Franolsoo. I t 1B about thirty-two Inches long, as broad aa tho handle of a table knife, with tho tall blunt a t the end, II) bolougo to n wholly tropical species, called arapulabanuti, defined an << a species of tropical IlKftfd distinguish­ed by the obtusoiuiBM of the head anil tall." Tho rnptllo h i ther to has bean found hi South America and tho Won I. intlloH, The specimen just preabnjiod td tho muaoum was found In Half Moon Bay, Oul,

Hpualul to August 1—Corn, II cans for • Mini. 0. J . I 'InllOOM.


M . H a l l is working in haying for Mrs. G. Gavott.

E. A. Marks' barn Is being completed tor haying.

Quite a number of farmers about hero have commenced haying.

Mrs. Peter Kitt le Is with hor daughter a t Arkville. She Is very low again,

Wosloy Hinckley, while coming to this place, saw a large black bear near Gould's park.

Mr. and Mrs. F rank Cook of Dry Brook wore pleasant callers a t t h i s plaoe on Sunday.

Mrs. Gould Gavett 's hlrod girl, Miss Morwln, lias roturned to her home at Boavorklll .

A hard shower of rain passed over this place on Monday, I t also hailed with a heavy wind.

Mr. and Mrs. Wosloy Hinckley are vis­i t ing their llttlo son, who i s very ill at John Clark's,

Chandler Hlnokley and Miss Pearl Clark returned from their visit on Friday, They repor t a very pleasant t ime.

" Sandy " Wilbur of Arena passod this violnity on Monday with h i s grocery wagon. Ho Is vory reasonable with bis prices. We are glad to soo h i s face.

Deepwood Lodge. J . H, Sherman of Now York City, the

owner and proprietor of Sherman Island, Long Island Sound, has purchased of Charles T. Goutant, J ames Jenk ins and George Kraft two hundred acres in Wat­son Hollow In t he town of Bhandukon, Mr. Sherman Is a direct ltnoal descendant of Roger Sherman, ono of tho signers of tho Declaration of Independonao, nnd Is also a cousin of tho lato General W. T. Sherman. This property has boon known as the old Yager homostoad, I t Is a lluo combination of mountain top plateau, val­ley, good t rout s t reams, and glens and ravines of rare beauty, Mr, Sherman ox-pools to build a lodge, which ho will call Deepwood Dodge, and tho property will hereafter he known as Sherman Park,

l i t t l e Brown Hands.

Tliey drive liomo' flit oows frou'i Hit- J:IUN1I.UC, fipthromjli tai* Jong shady lane,

Where llic quitil whittle loud in the wheal fields 'f but are yellow villi rijirning grain.

They iiiicl in the illicit wliving grasses AVliert'Llit tioarjet lipped siruvvbeny gicuvs;

They gather the curliest snowdrops And the iirsl crimson buds otthe rose.

They less tlie liny in tlie meadow: 'J'iiey gather <1 he elder bloom white;

They iind where tlie dusky grapes purple ju Hie soil-tinted October light.

They know where the apples bang ripest And are sweeter limn Italy's wines.

They know where the fruit bangs the thickest. On the thorny blackberry vinos.

They gather the delicate seaweeds And build tiny castles of Hand;

The pick upthe liuanlafiil soasbells— Fairy barks thai have drifted to land.

They wavei'roin the tall, rocking tree tops, Where tlie oriole's banimock ppBt swings,

And at niglil time an folded in slumber By a song that a fond mother sings.

Those who toil bravely are strongesl; The humble and poor become ureal;

And from these brown-bunded children Shall grow mighty rulers of statu

The pen of tlie author and statesman— The nobles and wise ol our lands—

The sword and flic chisel and palette Skull be held in the little brown hands.


Imer Wyekoff of Gllboa was lu town on Sunday.

Otis Lewis of Gllboa was In town on Thursday and Suuday.

G. M. Gregory bid In the grass on t h e Prat tsvl l le creamery farm.

Attorney JB*. M. Anclrus of l toxbury was In town on business Monday.

0, A. Booth of Grand Gorge was a but i -uess caller in town ou Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde It ichtmyerof Gonee-ville were In Prattsvll le on Tuesday.

Miss Olive Conine returned home ou Thursday from an extended visiting tour.

Miss Mary Fraukon has returned from a several weeks ' stay with friends in New Jersey.

The Pra t t sv l l le creamery oomp.iny has declared i t s semi-aunual dividend of 4 per cent.

Mrs. Georgo Phelps s tar ted on Satur­day to visit her daughter , Mrs. Kroobel, of New Jersey .

Miss Ollvo Huggans is home from Stamford, where sho has boon a t t end ing summer school.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pat t ison and son of Kingston spent, a week with Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Marsh,

Mr. aud Mrs. Sala of Newark, N. J . , are spending the summer with her moth­er, Mrs. Georgo Sachs.

Tho Misses Marsh, accompanied by Miss Grace Dart , spent Tuesday a t Hod Falls, the gues ts of Miss Ber tha Bapel-yea.

Bov. Charles M. Dixon is expected home th is wook and will hold tho regular service In t h e R. D. Church on Sunday, July 20.

The Willing Workers arc .planning to hold an loo cream social on Sa turday night, July 25, on the M. E. Church lawn.

Mr. and Mrs, S. W. Chatfleld have been spending some time with Mr. and Mrs . E. Endorlln and Mr, and Mro. W. B. pbatfteld.

A par ty of our village young folks en­joyed a hay ride to Gllboa on Tuesday evening, re turn ing homo in the " w e e sma' hours ,"

Erkeon's s tore was broken In on Sun­day night. A small amoun t of change had boon left in the s tore t h a t was taken and some goods, but the loss is not very hoavy.


C. G. Heater made a trip to Margaret-ville Thursday.

Claude Thomas is assisting S. W. Hicks for a lew days.

Peter Tracy visited relatives a t North Eoxhury Sunday.

A. J . Underwood made a trip to Hobart one day last week.

0. G. Keator m a d e a business trip to Grand Gorge Monday.

Mrs. T. Underwood of Brooicdale visited at Mrs. A. B. Rutherford's Sunday.

Miss E m m a Underwood of Avooa., Wis eonsiu, is visiting relatives In town.

John Dales of New Kingston is visiting his nephew, Marshall Dales, in th i s vil­lage.

Most of the farmers have oommericed haying bu t i t goes slow on account of the rainy weather.

Mr, and Mrs. 0. G. Keator, J r . , and daughter, Ethel, visited relatives at Grand Gorge Saturday.

Mrs. Jay Moot of Grand Gorge, who has been spendipg several days in town visiting relat ives and friends, returned home Saturday .

James Miller of New Kingston pur­chased a n e w Milburn wagon of Mitchell & Endorllu one day last week.

An organization known as t he Catsltll) Mountain Camping Club has been organ­ized a t this place, A large and commodi­ous club house has been built In the woode north of Stratton's Falls, where t he mem­bers of the club will be pleased to enter­tain any of their friends a t any time,



For the Farmer's Eye, Partlou lu hoot! of anything In the line

of l ight nud heavy wagono, MoCormlcli mowers. Now York Champion horse ralios, mifl other fiirin mauhliiery should call ou II. B, Kelly of this village, In iitippnrb of the claims to superior oxniil-lnncn of the Champion horse rakes I point to the sale of elghtuun of thoiu dur ing the last Mominn, H. 11. Km.iiV, MargiiroUlllo, N. Y. 21 will

Mrs . yoiiiigiuau has reduced lliln spring'1! hats to below first cost. Good shapris In blauk and white. All goods iuui.it now bo sold at any prion. Dailies' lioiinoti.i, dome and soo styles und (pin! Ity. »0I I'

Tho .It'our-U'rui'lt JVniwi for Ju ly la bout yet. Hold by nowfidoalorii) live cunts a eop.y,

'j.'iiltn Tn IO NIOWH mid Now York '.PhrlaO' a-Wook World—boll, ono year for $1.(16

Blanchard Demands Berries Picked on His Land and Tries to Drive Pickers Off.

An affair occurred one day hiBt week be­tween Goorge Blanchard and Mrs. Jurnos Williams and Mrs. Irving Cole, which led to the a r ros t of tho former for assaul t . The alleged assault occurred ou Mr. Blanohard's farm, a mllo above Walton on tho south side of the river. The women say they woro picking berries on Mr. Blanohard's land, ami tha t without any explanation as to who ho was, demanded their berries. Thoy had only begun pick­ing and had b u t a few berries lu the i r palls, Upon their refusal to give up tho berries Blanohnrd seized tho palls and tried to t ake them away by foroe. Tho women clung to tho pulls, and r a t h e r than let him have the berr ies they were emptied on tho ground, Thoy claim tha t Blanchard struck them several t imes, Mrs. Colo and Mrs. Williams thou s tar ted to leave tho field but did so leisurely, go­ing along tho lower side, picking berr ies all the t ime. When near tho corner of tho Hold Blanchard came a t thorn again. Mrs. Williams claims that he struck anil kicked her and tha t he picked up a largo stone to s t r ike her after she had boon knocked down. Mr. Blanchard s t a t e s tha t he informed the women who lie was and told them tha t ho wanted the berr ies for his own u s e ; that they refused to leave and usod offensive language. Ho docs nut deny tha t lie used force, b u t thinks that he was justified In doing as ho did. Ho also says that tho women's s ta tements In thin particular are very much exaggerated,

Mrs, Williams and Mrs, Colo sworo out a warrant beforo Just ice More and Ollloor Smith placed Blmichiud under arrest, i n the afternoon bo was given a hearing, Ho pleaded not gtillly to the charge, gave bonds and tho ouso wits adjourned,


Georgo Holstead has been confined to the house with pneumonia.

Miss Althea Boret of Margaretvllle vis­ited Miss Nellie Champion last week.

Miss Emma Boulon of Roxbury spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Boggs.

W. E. Ell iott of Delhi has been In town the past week iu the Interest of the Gold­en Seal.

Orson Mattice has moved from South Kortrlght to D. 0. Hoagland's building near tho U, & D. station.

Twenty-two Middleburg people were guests at t h e Delaware House Thursday ovoning. Tlie hotel lodged 45 people that night.

Mr. and Mrs. J . G. Corbin announce the engagement of their daughter, Augusta, to Mr. Edward A. Talbot of Nowark, N. J.

Considerable United States Steel stock Is owned by people of Stamford aud vicin­ity. I t was bought a t $32 to $02. The stock is now willing around $25. " A n other speculation bustod."

Miss Jennie Leonard, aud Mrs. Fannie Shoemaker of Prattsvll le , Miss E m m a R. Leonard of Broome Center, aud Mies Clara Burke of Iowa, woro guests at Mrs. G. 11. Loouard's, Saturday.—Mirror,


railroad ran from New York to Cluen.gO' brines vou no nearer Baltimore. 1 o a-eneli. the latter city you must fwwwZ towaM it,

Tho same in taking medicine for any par­ticular disease. People .fall short of a. cure lieoause they use the wrong medicine. So thei r money, time and hope go for wotting. T h o complaint is sure to get worse, and per-liaps thoy bring up in t he grand terminal Btiitioii from which there are no return t ra ins . Now when Dr. David Kennedy, of Dr . Kennedy B.ow, Bondout, N. Y., pro-

1Hired his WW medicine, Gnl-eura Solvent, lis object was to quickly relievo arid cure

diseases of ike Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Blood aud Nerves; and not to keep people taking medicines witliout benefit. He meant to build the r ight rood and induce people to travel on it—witli life and health as their destination.

Mr. Chris. Larsen, a well Inown painter and decorator, of Handout, N. Y., wri tes :

"I was stricken with painter's colic. I had tront-nitmt and took various uiodiclnen without getting nny l'cul benefit, until I used Dr. Duvld K.ennodjr's new medlciue, Ciil-cnia Solvent.' To make my Htory abort, itcurod ine BO thoroughly tlnil I luive not hud a eie.k day uiiioo,iiiid there-are many wholmow what I say is true."

Mr. Martin Montgomery,formerly of Rox. bury , N.Y. ,«nd now of Silvern, Pa,, writes i

"Dr. Kcnnody'e new medicine, Cal-curo Solvent, is Immense. Itcurod me of livr.r mid kidney Irtm-blea, and rlioiiirinlivm, after a lot of weary dosing With tbiiiuB Hint did no food."

Serfd to the Cal-oura Company, Dr. Ken­nedy Bow, Rondout, N. Y., for a free sample bottle. Large bottles $1.00, all druggists. One size only.

Remember I Only one Dr. David Keniie. dy ever lived in Rondout, City of Kingston, N. Y., and the name of his new and latett medicine is Cal-cura Solvent.



COPYRIGHTS &e. Anvono Bendins n akoteh and description may

aulakly.Moertntn, free, wlmtlier 11.11 Invention Is probaulr iiiiloniiUilo. Communications utrlotly ooulidontliil. Oldest npcoiiy forseeurlng jiutonts In America. V'e have u Wanbtngtpu union.

Patents taken tbrouKh Muun k Co. receive epeolal notice lu the

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of any soloiitllie journal, weeldy, tonus 13.00 n year \ fl-uO&lx months. Bpeolmen copies ana UANK BOOK ON PATBNTB sont free. Address

MUNN & C O , , 3(>1 Jiroudwav. New x w k .

Many Tilings That the Housekeeper Wants When She has Time to Think.

AD incident Unit occurred at Purlouyli Lodge ono day last wook la suggestive of the little tragedioiii t h a t are happening dally In thla land ot t ho summer homes. A rush of visitors mado a demand for inoro sleeping accommodations and aa a result seven cots, seven mattresses «nd seven pillows wont u p to tho Lodgoi'rom Skiver's furniture s to re a t Grlfflu Corners. How many of our houaokeopers And them­selves thus perplexed every day, aud how easily the troublo can be overcome when they reflect that Slover can help them out In a "Jiffy" 11' thoy will lay their woen be­fore him. Among o the r things tha t the housekeepers want a r e ra t tan and other chairs for tho piazza and carpet sweepers that reduce tlmo and backaches to a min­imum. Ho l i ao theQrandKap lds atisti.'/.'», and It's a gem.' Ho h a s handsome wash­bowls and pitchers to replace tho cracked ones In the guest chamber or tho s tar hoarder's room. Look a t his rugH, poems lu color and big us t h e baseball ground. He sells an elustle felt mattress , good as thoOsterinoor, for.$ll , and ho has springs without end. A man could sloop ou one of his oouohes If ho was going to be hung, Ho has sold 1000 y a r d s of matting this year a t 111 to HO oents a yard, hut he lias lots more to sell. Bee Ills Iron aud brass bwlsteuds, oilstovoa, lamps, Bto.^—Adv.

SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. AdverliNi'iiieiils under this heading arc 1 cent

a word curb insertion. No adv. taken for less than 10 cents.

WOK SALE—Ballard House at llolliiicii Gor-' ners. |for particulars enquire of AY'KKY noi'-ii'MAN, [tolly Corners, N . T . 11:110

W AN'J'ICD—Woniiiii or eirl to help 111 kitchen; iilsuaiil for waitress. Apply at I'AKA.


FOI! SA1.I5 ( Apply to M'JIH

villi-, N.Y.

\ ill villi-, N. V. )J{ HUNT

(!. It. House ol M>; rooms.

KNIJMniM, Miugllfct ;nti

170UN I)—A sum of money; nlson belt. Own-r or prove property and pay oliarges, T. H, II11,1,, Ac.herly llonse. 8a

anil Ark. FOUND -Between niiiraarH vi vllle, watch. Owner enlli prove property

anil pay pc sis. 1!. M . l l l b b , Ne'w Kingston, N, .'IDIii.

r p o l t HA 1,15-Oopy of the " BUiyniphionl His I tory ol Delaware ('.oiiiify," in good condi­

tion, g, KO.liN, Arkville, N. V.

WANTI'd) lumbar

Arkville, N. V,

TO BUY FOB CAHU-Oliorry ami logs. B. H. FB'ISBBB,


V ICTKHINABY.—A. II. Chamberlain, V. S„

graduate Ontario Veterinary College, has opened all office at 'Wilson's livery, (Iril'lin Cor­ners. Veterinary work In all its liuinehes. Uef-crenccK furnished. Connected with Standard, llalcott, lledklll mid TowHsenii Hollow tele­phone Hues, All orders promptly atfeinlcil to, night or day. S8yl

Seara-lloehuck ninno cased second-hand EOB HAl/G-A

organ, nearly new; 11. second-hand Cor 1 organ; a second-hand Chicago Cottage

organ mid a second-hand Kebiilierf piano, all bargains. JUUNN'N MUSIC K'.l'OKK, Alurint-

Btl bargains, retvllle.

Farmers ' Exchange. Small want and lor sale advertisements arc

printed ritlClt In this department, for fanners who arc subscribers to Tine Niows.


SAL15—One new Yankee horse rake. SYBVBNUH Kiai.Y, Griffin Corners, N.

3H WOH NALK—1 bay rond iiiarc 10 years old; :l x bay work horse, il years old, weight )wi pounds; 8 colls il years old next spring; lpnlr will make 3-100 pound teams 1 '.'-wheel scrape nearly now ; I champion reaper. 'Will sell above at a bargain. "W. T. A UST.IN, Austin's Bridge, Aliirgarctvlllc, N. Y. :«

COB HA1.K ~ 'Will can a bargain. A.P.BANFO

One ml Ik wagon In good "Will carry H or 10 cans of milk. 'ejiiilr.

Will sell at rialeoltvllln,'N,Y.

Griffin Comers Tailor Shop, Hull a mado to order. Ladles' nud golds '

mil tr. cleaned, preened ion I repaired. La­dles' skirts cleaned, prwiMod and rebound, John reunion, Ltlii hulliUii/!, (I1IIII11 (lor-noi'H, Ordoi'u b'lt with A, •). iJliuiuian will bo culled for throe times a week,

The Ji'oiir-Trault, ,/VVmi for July In best yet. Hold by newsdealers ; (Ivo bants 11 uopy.

What Became of tho Snake. A big bluclcHuake wound Itself around

tho leg of a horse belonging to IBriipat Diamond as he was driving a fow mlleB out of Waterloo Thu r sday . Tho bouet leaped to one sldo and the reins fell to t he ground. As tlio horse sprang forward Dia­mond leaped on to t ho horse 's back and tried to bring him to a standstill , but without Bucoess. At j u s t tha t point Dlu-inotul was pitched Into a brush heap wherein a Bwnriti of boos had built a iiosl, and wan badly slung, Tho borne fell Into a mud hole iind was hitnr pulled out by a touiij of lioi'iniH.--Emohango.

Parlor Matches Forbidden, A. boarding house keeper In OutsitIII

has had notices poBt.od In all his rooms forbidding the UBO of parlor matuhos, Ho wiiyii that during tho Inst fen yeara thorn have boon at least six Incipient fli'oa discovered In his house ciiuaed by them! iiiafclicii, aud hu t for timely dis­covery mid pi'iiiniitactloii sorlous duniago would have resulted.

6 PIGS '1 weeks old July i, for mile AUCitiHAbi), New Kingston, N. V.

h. \V.

T?()B HA .1,15-1 heavy F poiimlH, Hound, el

horse, sound, six years i M

FOlt KABIC—One new Osborn luowluu ina-„ chine l'rlodi »ao, H. Hi Kelly, Mivi'Sarob-

vllle, N, Y. Mi

draught horse, I'.'.MI Igbf years, 1 Cnrrlagc ml, black, good style. JKH. E.F, KMUNlY.

FOB SABK Oil HISHYICK-Bcrkshirc JC. II. DIWMICK, llalcoffvllle, N. Y

hoar, as

T7iO.ll HA I, I!- I r kind mid I

A. O. ICI5AT01I,

- Illack HIIU'C, 7 years old; sound, lino; good style; weight ltlWi, ]\hli'giiretvllle, N, Y, anff




Oook rjulck, Koeii tho house oool. Frooi'.orB, the kind that don't

W H I t T L E , Arltvllle, N. Y.

loo Oroam broil It your back



1 M 1 mill ln'iiiilllliiii tun lutlr. I I 'l t i l l II l lMl l i l . i l i t I'NlUlll. I Nnvpi' T'lilhi In lldiiloi'o t.li'nyl .nule to Bn rniillihil Otilni'.' • I 11,11 fll'lllp (IlMf "II IV i l l l l l ' l l l l l l l l l ;

MilMiiit l > l , l " i i l I I I I I I I I I IMH —WtWOI.llHI II l l 4 .1 ,» , , I I - . I , -M^J

Wanted at Once.

Tho NIIIWS In ilonlrcnifi of snouting a good ciQt'i'OBpoudonIi lit Oilflln Ooruoi'fl, Any j'lmg ludy or gontloman who would like In iiiidoi'tnliu tho wurlc may Iciiru the tiirmii by addressing tho oil I for,

Oiirroiipoiiiloiifii nhio wanted In IMno Kill anil Blinvnrtiiwii.

Sliitlte Into y o u r Sliotis Alluii'n li'oc|.iiiiiiii,a)iow(lid'. llctiriiMpidnfiil,

simirllng, iiervniis 1'iicf and lii-growliigiiiills.iiiiil iiiHimitiy liiltoii tin' HI lug out of OIH'HH ninl bun-Id I'm. ll'ii (.lie Ki'iiiitnst eiiiiifiif'l'ilbiiiiiviiry ol' Ilia age. If lii it iierfiilii mire for inventing, OIIIIIHIM mid but., Ilieil, nulling fenf. t r y It lo-ilny. Hold by nil ilniuitlslii mill wlioe (l"Ulern. By mull liir '.'li neiilsIn IIIIIIIIIIN, 'ninl pni'l.ni'.o ii'lii'il';, Ad dresn, Allen M, flliirilend, liidloy, N, V, Ul-lw

A. H. Chiiniboi lain,

Veterinary S urgeon GRIFFIN CORNERS, N, Y.

HoitdquiirlorH a t (I It, '.'tut

Liishof'e Hotel,



g""i"" ' t ' i i n t * n n - i ^ u O L J « i ~ . ^ ^ i j i ^ * W i - ^ - ^ . ^ i i i - ; U f f l x . ^ i i ^

Thouti a re the days on which

3. W. ETTS9 Butulitir, tho C11HF1P.IW C.IO.UN.1flUH

Visits Min'i;n,ni|,vllli>,

lJi'lmo Bnef, I'ork, Jiainb, Jiltu, Olioluo VfoMtui'ii Hoof.

If you whih him to null noiid postal eiird to hhu at Urllllii Ooriiorw. , , ,

Swart & Hitt. Wlien-wo say iliat we keep a General Country Store we ha,ve said about all that is necessary. Everybody knows that an up-to-date '"general country s tore" offers to the public pretty much everything that is needed in the home. We buy the best goods that can be found on the market and we sell them at a fair price. The truth of this statement is apparent to all who have in the past favored us with their patronage. To particularize as to the character and excellence of our stock would be to waste your time and ours.

Dry Goods, Groceries, Footwear, Crockery, Flour and Feed, Building Material—all these and more are to be found at our store. Others may have as good, but None Better. We buy Butter and Eggs and pay the highest market price. We are headquarters for all the desira­ble Patent Medicines. We take orders for Gentlemoji's Fine Suits. In fact, we do everything that goes with tho keeping of a first-class Gen­eral Country Store. Our Prices Defy Competition.


Wapos That "Stand Up." % and They Sell, Too. The price keeps them going. Bought in large quantity and AT LOWEST CASH PRICES, with stock of all kinds on hand, you will find I can please you.

Surreys, Eunabouts, Top Buggies, Two Seaters, Klein's Hancock Buckboards.

NEW OSBORN Mowing Machine $30. Special inducements to close out

Farm Wagons. Call and see me. I will give you prices that will satisfy you.


m0m • f l—iw



Consisting of

Surreys, Top Buggies, Three-Spring and Eoad Wagons,

all the latest style, with long-distance o,xles. Also, I have a largo stock of HARROWS, stool and wood frames; Plows, Corn Planters, Cultivatera, Potato CJovorors and Hillors, Grain '.Drills, Foi'fcili/,oi\ etc.; Manure Spreaders, Mowing Machines, Horso Rnkos find Hay Toddors, Gasoline EnginoH, Silos and Cream •Separators. A postal card will bring you a cata­logue and prices, Cori'ospondonoo solicited. Mail orders will recoivo prompt attention, Will bo ploancd to show you goods any day extiopt Sunday.

W. T. FAULKNER, New Kingston, R. Y. «**»** •map** • M l *

I «*»