Swaminarayan Darshan July 2011

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SHree Swaminarayan Gurukul International School Hyderabad

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Page 2: Swaminarayan Darshan July 2011
Page 3: Swaminarayan Darshan July 2011

Vol Issue Con. Issue.:12 , :02 , : 128

Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Hyderabad( Branch of Rajkot Gurukul )

Chevella Road, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist.,

Hyderabad - 500 075, AP, India

Ph: +91 8413 235288/89, 98665 91293

[email protected] • www.gurukul.org

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Subscription: Yearly - Rs.25 • 12 Years - Rs.200


3 Importance of Faith in Life...

4 Importance of Faith in Life...

6 laLFkk n'kZu

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Page 4: Swaminarayan Darshan July 2011

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Page 5: Swaminarayan Darshan July 2011

July 2011 3

Importance of Faith in Life

(continue on page 5)

Faith permeates each day of our lives.

We have faith in the Lord, faith in Life, faith

in one other and faith in oneself. It enriches

our lives and holds us together in this

ethereal world. Even though as kids we

have faith in our parents, as a student we

have faith in our teacher, as a citizen we

have faith in our leaders, we don't

recognize the fact that as a human being

we should have faith in the almighty.

As an individual, one fails to

understand that however strong, rich and

influential one is, help is still required

from friends, well-wishers, service

providers, other nations and above all the

almighty. As kids, our mind is transparent

like clean water and we immediately

invest our faith in someone who is very

close to us; however as we grow older we

start doubting the value of other people in

our life and eventually opaqueness

reaches to such a height, where we even

fail to recognize the importance of the

Lord in our life.

When one is lacking in faith, all the

elements that create life, diversity, wonder

and beauty of the Universe still are here,

but one cannot feel them. Faith is not a

religion, but it acts as a guide, a lamp post, a

street sign leading to a righteous life.

Lord Swaminarayan knew that we

human beings will lose ourselves in the

daily grind of the life and therefore he gave

us the GPS of our life "faith". Not only it

shows us the path to God, it also gives

instructions through our respected Saints

to correct our path, whenever we deviate in

our life and therefore it is essential for

everyone to have this faith-GPS in our life.

Also, Lord Swaminarayan has configured

the GPS in such a way that whenever we

select home from wherever we are, it

automatically shows us the path to

Akshardham. Many of us go from store to

store in search of cheapest goods to save

money still we fail to grab the opportunity

to have the invaluable faith-GPS in our life,

which God has given us free of charge. So go

out today and tell everyone about this free

deal and encourage them to have faith in

Lord Swaminarayan so that their lives can

also be enlightened.

For many of us Faith is a way to

manipulate God and to get what we

want. That is the most selfish definition

of faith; it is not a power by which we

make God do what we want. It is not a

kind of magic through which we make

God into our servant. It is a tool to devote

ourselves to God.

Because of faith, we come to know that

God is going to answer each one of our

prayers and therefore whatever things we

ask when we pray, believe that God will

bestow them upon us and our family.

Faith is like the confirmation slips given

to us by God that God's blessings are on the

way. Faith is like a cheque; all we have to do

is hold on to the cheque, go to the Saints to

- Sanjay Malani

Page 6: Swaminarayan Darshan July 2011

4 ËÄçuªŒ çºç®m tÆ|Œ

True Values and Meanings

“I am convinced that He (God) does not play


Imagine that you are seeing to move

into a house from an apartment. Within a

few months you purchase and build a new

house in a developing society and

community where all of the land is not

already occupied. In the meantime, a

religious group wishes to create a temple in

a particular designated area within the

society. In this scenario, society will rush to

the city to by any means prevent the

temple from building. Negative points will

be said and excuses will be created,

anything to STOP the building of the

religious abode. Few months pass by and a

few designers and architects decide to

build an entertainment plaza. Society this

time will rush to support the local group.

Even if the builders and designers wish to

back out and withdraw their offer, society

will push as far as they can to make sure

that they promise to build. It doesn't

matter if they have to pull out extra money

from there pockets, ship-shape the land, or

even destroy a few occupied buildings, all

(Albert Einstein, well known German-born

theoretical physicist who developed the

theory of general relativity, creating a

revolution in physics.)

that matters is that the entertainment

center is up and running.

In the scenario above we see a majority

basically winning over a minority. Maybe a

few people did vote in favor for the temple,

but the majority of the people went against

the idea. They probably never considered

the benefits of what the temple could

possibly bring to their environment. People

of the minority group are considered to be

leaders. They probably thought ahead

about what a religious environment could

offer to themselves, their children, and

their families. What is the main cause

behind this opposite movement, people

will to accept actions and places which

degrade morals and ethics because it is


When places of pleasure and

entertainment like casinos or cinema halls

are built, they tend to degrade the value of

the people who attend them by

encouraging illicit behavior and habits.

W h e n p l a c e s o f k n o w l e d ge a n d

comprehension are built, they assist people

in building up their own future for a better

way to live life. Places like bars, gambling

dens, casinos, cinemas, and even fast-food

restaurants has led to outer development,

but during the process, it has destroyed and

corrupted people's inner development.

People no longer feel the need to preserve

their beliefs, culture, and traditions. People

instead feel the need to be independent

and free without a sense of self-control and

responsibility. For instance, it's a rare sight

to see a whole family gather around a table

- Shyam Sheladia

Page 7: Swaminarayan Darshan July 2011

July 2011 5

and eat a fresh home-cooked meal. Fast-

food accompanied by entertainment has

taken over this aspect of life and people are

missing out on the opportunity.

Where should we take a stand on this?

We as Swaminarayan satsangis should push

the minority group within the example

given above. We should avoid the grasping

clutches of immoral entertainment and

replace them with our faith. Images and

videos within our house should display our

culture and tradition. Our reading

materials should be Holy Scriptures which

push and give us a further and deeper

knowledge of who we are and what our

culture and traditions are. Our habits

should be positive habits which other can

look at and learn from. These habits and

actions leads to an organized society and

community which leads to exceptional

morals and ethical standards, one that

every Swaminarayan satsangi should strive


“Laws control the lesser man… Right

conduct controls the greater one…”

(Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known

as Mark Twain, a famous American author

and humorist.)

present it and we can confidently expect

the God's teachings and blessings to

appear in your account after a certain time.

If we don't have faith, meaning if we throw

away the cheque/receipt our account will

remain empty and we will be never

admitted in Akshardham and therefore

wont escape the torturous and perennial

cycle of births and death.

Few Good Thoughts:


promise for the future, and without a

promising future, life has no direction, no

meaning and no justification

] Faith isn't the ability to believe long and far

into the misty future. It is simply taking

God at his word and taking the next step

] Faith is the light that guides you through

the darkness

] Fear ends where faith begins

] Most humbly we bow to you, O Lord

Swaminarayan. At your command moves

the mighty wheel of time.

Without faith, hope and trust there is no

Continue... Importance of Faith in Life

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Page 8: Swaminarayan Darshan July 2011

laLFkk n'kZu

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Orientation Exam

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6 ËÄçuªŒ çºç®m tÆ|Œ

Page 9: Swaminarayan Darshan July 2011

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“kkL=hth egkjkt tUet;afr

vkt ds jFk;k=k ds ijeifo= fnu ij iw +d`”.kpj.k Lokeh ,oa vU; larks zkjk xq#nso ‘kkL=hth egkjkt dk tUet;afr fufer iwtu fd;k x;kA var esa iw +d`”.kpj.k Lokeh us xq#nso ‘kkL=hth egkjkt ds thou&izlaxks dk o.kZu fd;kA


bl lIrkg es xq#dqy cssaxkyq# es Nk=ks ds chp esa [ksynhyh dh Hkkouk tkx`r djus ds mÌs”; ls ,d vuks[kk eSnku&,&tax” dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA bles lHkh Nk=ks us Basketball, Tennis, Cricket, Swimming, Football vkfn [ksyks es Hkkx fy;kA var esa fotsrk gkml dks VªksQh nsdj izksRlkfgr fd;k x;kA

fn- 26 twu 2011

fn- 03 twykbZ 2011

fn- 03 ls 07 tqykbZ 2011


Phycological Seminar

vkt gSnjkckn ds izfrf’Br euksfpfdRld P.V. Narsimha Rao ds kjk 11th ,oa 12th d{kk ds Nk=kas dk lsehukj vk;ksftr fd;k x;k FkkA bles lHkh Nk=kas ds eu ds izÜuks dk mŸkj vyx&vyx izo`fr;ksa ls fn;k x;kA

fn- 01 tqykbZZ 2011}

xq:dqy xqycxkZ

psl dksEihVh”ku

LVsV ysoy dh Chess Competition ds flysD’ku ds fy, xqycxkZ thYys dh lHkh Ldwyksa ds 100 fo|kFkhZ;ksa us Hkkx fy;k FkkA bles izFke dzekad&iz.koxhjh] f rh; dzekad&e;ad xhyMk ,oa r`rh; dzekad&/khjt xhyMk us izkIr fd;kA

orZeku nh{kk

vkt ds fnu xq#dqy es tqMs gq, 325 u, fo|kFkhZ;ks dks ln~ +nsoizlknnklth Lokehth us orZeku nh{kk nsdj Hkxoku dh eqfrZ viZ.k dhA

fn- 18 twu 2011

fn- 20 twu 2011


July 2011 7

Page 10: Swaminarayan Darshan July 2011

English Day

vkt dk fnu xq#dqy xqycxkZ es English Day ds #i es euk;k x;kA ftles English Grammar, Basic foundation, Debate, Speech vkfn izo`fr;k¡ kjk fo|kFkhZ;ks dks thou es English dk egRo le>k;k x;kA

ekfld lRlax lHkk

twu efgus dh ekfld lHkk dk vk;kstu vkt ds fnu gqvk FkkA ftles 50 gfjHkDrks usa Hkkx ysdj vkjrh&Lrqfr] ,oa dFkkokrkZ dk ykHk fy;kA var eas vesfjdk fuoklh Jhefr #ikcsu jkBksM dh vksj ls Hkkstu&izlkn dk Hkh vk;kstu gqvk FkkA

fn- 25 twu 2011

fn- 26 twu 2011


8 ËÄçuªŒ çºç®m tÆ|Œ

Social and Emotional Learning

CitizenshipI think before I act

I care and share



I am not ALONE



Responsible decision Making

Social Awareness

Relationship management

School Culture and Environment Values

Page 11: Swaminarayan Darshan July 2011
Page 12: Swaminarayan Darshan July 2011