Swallowtail Sweep Locations INSTRUCTIONS: Ohio is home to six species of swallowtail butterflies: pipevine, zebra, black, giant, spicebush, and eastern tiger! Each of these butterflies is hidden in a Fairfield County Park District location. Can you find all of them? Visit at least 6 of the parks listed before September 30. Once at your chosen site, first go to the front kiosk and Read the instructions. Use the instructions to find the swallowtail. Once found, use the drawings below to identify the butterfly and draw a line from that butterfly to the park in which it was found. Earn prizes for finding six or more! To pick up prizes, visit Wahkeena Nature Preserve or contact [email protected] If you discover Swallowtails are missing from sites, please let us know! Wahkeena Nature Preserve Smeck Park Cross Mound Park Arney Run Park Lockville Canal Park Stebelton Park at Rock Mill Two Glaciers Park Wahkeena’s Hours: Wed-Sun 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (yellow form) Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (black form) Giant Swallowtail Pipevine Swallowtail Spicebush Swallowtail Zebra Swallowtail Black Swallowtail We have hidden the eastern tiger twice since it has two color forms, the black and yellow!

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Page 1: Swallowtail Sweep - fairfieldcountyparks.org

Swallowtail Sweep


INSTRUCTIONS: Ohio is home to six species of swallowtail butterflies: pipevine,zebra, black, giant, spicebush, and eastern tiger! Each of these butterflies is hidden in a Fairfield County Park District location. Can you find all of them? Visit at least 6 of the parks listed before September 30. Once at your chosen site, first go to the front kiosk and Read the instructions. Use the instructions to find the swallowtail. Once found, use the drawings below to identify the butterfly and draw a line from that butterfly to the park in which it was found.

Earn prizes for finding six or more!

To pick up prizes, visit Wahkeena Nature Preserve or contact [email protected]

If you discover Swallowtails are missing from sites, please let us know!

Wahkeena Nature Preserve

Smeck Park

Cross MoundPark

Arney Run Park

Lockville Canal Park

Stebelton Park at Rock Mill

Two Glaciers Park

Wahkeena’s Hours:Wed-Sun

8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Eastern Tiger


(yellow form)

Eastern Tiger


(black form)











We have hidden the

eastern tiger twice

since it has two

color forms, the

black and yellow!

Page 2: Swallowtail Sweep - fairfieldcountyparks.org

Cross Mound Park ϭϭϲϭϱϭϲƚŚZĚ^t

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Arney Run Park ϮϯϰϬDĞŝƐƚĞƌZĚEt >ĂŶĐĂƐƚĞƌK, ϰϯϭϯϬ

Lockville Canal Park ϱϴϵϱWŝĐŬĞƌŝŶŐƚŽŶZĚ ĂƌƌŽůůK, ϰϯϭϭϮ

Smeck Park ϳϯϵϱĂƐŝůZĚ

ĂůƟŵŽƌĞK, ϰϯϭϬϱ

Stebelton Park at Rock Mill ϭϰϮϵZŽĐŬŵŝůůWůĂĐĞEt >ĂŶĐĂƐƚĞƌK, ϰϯϭϯϬ

Two Glaciers Park ϳϲϯϲůĞĂƌĐƌĞĞŬZĚ^t >ĂŶĐĂƐƚĞƌK,ϰϯϭϯϬ

Wahkeena Nature Preserve ,ŽƵƌƐtĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJ-^ƵŶĚĂLJ