Sustainable Procurement Gerie Schonewille & Rainier Wiering

Sustainable Procurement Gerie Schonewille & Rainier Wiering

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Page 1: Sustainable Procurement Gerie Schonewille & Rainier Wiering

Sustainable Procurement

Gerie Schonewille & Rainier Wiering

Page 3: Sustainable Procurement Gerie Schonewille & Rainier Wiering

Sustainable Development

“Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future

generations to meet their needs.”

Gro Harlem Brundtland

The world Commission on Environment & Development

Page 4: Sustainable Procurement Gerie Schonewille & Rainier Wiering

Long term profitability is essential..

Be good neighbours … manage the social impacts of our activities.. Enhance benefits to local communities

Reduce the environmental impact of our operations, products and services

Page 6: Sustainable Procurement Gerie Schonewille & Rainier Wiering

Best Practices

Page 7: Sustainable Procurement Gerie Schonewille & Rainier Wiering

Supply Chain

RFI – Request for Information


ARQ – Advanced Registration Questionnaire


ITT- Invitation To Tender


Page 8: Sustainable Procurement Gerie Schonewille & Rainier Wiering

The road to sustainable procurement…





MM’s en SM’s


Jan Braam


“Is het mogelijk om duurzaamheidscriteria te verwerken in de RFI en ARQ van FPAL en dit te implementeren in FPAL en/of Shell?”

“Is het mogelijk om de productgroepen van SenterNovem te koppelen aan de productgroepen van Shell en hier een bruikbare lijst voor te


Page 9: Sustainable Procurement Gerie Schonewille & Rainier Wiering

Main findings Recommendations 1. Qualification of vendors is not based on sustainability criteria.

Extension of the qualifying questions with specific sustainability issue (ref. In FPAL: RFI- Request for Information)

2. Selection of vendors is not based on sustainability criteria.

2. Extension of the Capability Assessment with specific sustainability issues (ref. In FPAL: ARQ – Advanced Registration Questionnaire).

3. Award of contract is rarely based on sustainability criteria.

3. Development of a standard evaluation model for non-commercial criteria, which sustainability is included as part and refer it to the already developed SenterNovem criteria.

Page 10: Sustainable Procurement Gerie Schonewille & Rainier Wiering

Findings Recommendations 4. Awareness of sustainability among employees is low. 5. Insufficient incentives for applying sustainability are defined.

4. Reward employees for good behaviour. Create a Sustainability Award. 5. Define sustainability goals in the individual task & target of employees Goals and Performance Appraisal (GPA).

6. Only 20% of NL-population in C&P is a member of a trade association; no structural influence on sustainable development in the field of procurement may be expected.

6. Encourage employees to join trade associations in order to follow developments and co-direction to the development of sustainable procurement.

Page 11: Sustainable Procurement Gerie Schonewille & Rainier Wiering

The question you’ve all been waiting for…..


Page 12: Sustainable Procurement Gerie Schonewille & Rainier Wiering