Copyright © Dickie White. All Rights Reserved. Page 1 SUSPENSION STRAPS STRENGTH SYSTEM By: Dickie White

SUSPENSION STRAPS STRENGTH SYSTEM - … · doing suspension training with the wrestlers that I work with for ... used are the Blast Straps which can be purchased at Elitefts ... kinds

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Copyright © Dickie White. All Rights Reserved. Page 1



By: Dickie White

Copyright © Dickie White. All Rights Reserved. Page 2

Limits of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: This manual is designed to provide information in regards to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that the author is not rendering medical advice or other medical/health services. You must consult your physician prior to starting any exercise program or if you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. These exercises and programs are designed for healthy individuals and the content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. The author shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this E-book. Don’t lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. If you experience any lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop and consult a physician. Mention of specific companies, organizations, or authorities in this E-book does not imply endorsement by the author.

Copyright Notices: This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. All rights reserved. Copyright © Dickie White. Any unauthorized transfer, use, sharing, reproduction, sale, or distribution of these materials by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise is prohibited. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form whatsoever, without the expressed written consent of the author. Published under Copyright Laws of the Library of Congress of The United States of America, by: Dickie White 60 Sunrise Drive Binghamton, NY 13905

[email protected]

Copyright © Dickie White. All Rights Reserved. Page 3

INTRO With the emergence of the TRX Suspension Strap System, suspension training has become one

of the new big things in strength and conditioning as well as general fitness training. While I do think

there is value in nearly any and every style of training, I do predict that this, like every other fad will

come and go. Unlike the TRX System that has recently become popular in the last few years, I’ve been

doing suspension training with the wrestlers that I work with for many years now. The straps that I’ve

used are the Blast Straps which can be purchased at Elitefts.com. Here’s a quick picture of a Blast Strap

so you know what I’m talking about.

They sell for about $75 now, but when I bought them they used to only cost about $50. Thank

goodness for inflation and price markups! Anyway, that’s neither here nor there. There are a number

of reasons I like the Blast Straps for wrestlers. Here are, in no particular order, the top reasons I think

they are a great tool for your weight training for wrestling workouts.

The first two reasons I like the Blast Straps are because they are super convenient and they

don’t take up a lot of space (they’ll fit in your gym/wrestling bag easily). If you know how to use them

correctly (which I’ll show you soon) you can get a great upper body and core workout (and some light

legs) in just about anywhere. You can hang them on pullup bars in your wrestling room, on a bolted

down Power Rack in nearly any gym, on monkey bars or other pieces of playground equipment at a

park, or even on a nice, sturdy tree branch if there happens to be any in your back yard.

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Next, Blast Straps provide you with a wrestling-specific workout. Wrestling is a weight class

sport, and as a result, strength per pound of bodyweight is of the utmost importance in terms of having

functional strength you can apply on the mat. Relative strength (bodyweight strength) is what the Blast

Straps develop. Yes, adding weight to the exercises I’m going to detail below will certainly increase the

difficulty of them. However, you do not necessarily need to add weight to these exercises.

Another reason I like the Blast Straps for training wrestlers is the full body stability they develop.

Whether you’re performing Single Leg Squats and are developing ankle, knee, and hip stability or you’re

performing Supermans and are developing core and shoulder stability, the unpredictable nature of the

Blast Straps will build reactive strength in the muscles around your joints making you more resistant to

sustaining season ending injuries!

I also like the Blast Straps for their versatility. As you’ll see when you get to the Exercise Index

portion of this E-book, you can perform lots of exercises on these things with just a few quick

adjustments. Once you get familiar with the Blast Straps, you can realistically perform challenging

workouts in 20-30 minutes; talk about a way to wake up in the morning or finish off a grueling practice!

Finally, building off of the fact that the Blast Straps develop unbelievable relative strength, I like

the Blast Straps because they don’t beat you up too badly. Don’t get me wrong- the Blast Straps are a

great way to develop match controlling strength and stability throughout the body. However, unlike the

days that follow a heavy lower body weight training session, a workout with the Blast Straps will not

have you hobbling around from soreness for days at a time afterwards. I know a lot of wrestlers will say

they want to be sore because it “makes them feel like they did something.” But come on, in all honesty,

how much fun is it to get the crap kicked out of you in practice for the days following a crippling weight

training session because you’re too sore to move? Suspension training will work you hard and challenge

you like you wouldn’t believe but it won’t leave you super stiff and sore to the touch the days following.

This really is a win-win style of training, especially In-Season, for wrestlers!

Copyright © Dickie White. All Rights Reserved. Page 5


One of the best things about Blast Straps/Suspension Handles is that you don’t necessarily need

to spend a lot of money to make your own. However, I own a few pairs of the Blast Straps and choose

to use those with my wrestlers. Why? Because I own a gym with a lot of money invested into

equipment that has 24/7 access and hundreds of members. If I provide homemade equipment to my

members and something breaks or snaps while they’re using it and they get hurt, I could stand to lose a

lot! Due to insurance purposes, I do not stock my gym with homemade equipment. It sometimes sucks

having to pay for things that would cost a lot less if I made them myself, but I love my gym (it’s been my

cute little baby since 2006 awwwww! LOL!) and don’t want to unnecessarily risk losing it.

Anyway, one of my buddies, Joe Hashey of Synergy Athletics (http://www.synergy-

athletics.com) who runs a training facility on the other side of Binghamton (my hometown) does a great

job of making a lot of his own equipment. Here’s the step-by-step process he uses to make 2 different

kinds of Suspension Straps.

The first style of strap he has made and uses in his gym is a simple Sewn Strap. He has found

them to be the easiest to use and the most durable. As a result he likes them the most.

Copyright © Dickie White. All Rights Reserved. Page 6

Equipment Needed For Construction For A Pair Of Straps:

1. Approximately 20 feet of nylon strap/webbing. Measure the length from floor to wherever you

plan on hanging them most of the time to get an idea of the exact length of nylon strap you


2. Sewing machine. Whether or not you have one, I suggest going to an upholstery shop to get it

done. I go to one just around the corner from my house and the threads they have access to

and the heavy duty machines they use are far superior to anything your friends will probably


3. About 1 foot of PVC pipe. You choose the thickness and length. Just keep in mind that this will

be your handles so whatever is comfortable for you to grip on to.

4. Two carabineers large enough to comfortably clip onto the nylon strap.

How To Assemble:

1. Cut the nylon strap in half.

2. Attach the carabineer to one end by looping the strap around it and sewing the strap tightly


3. Slide the PVC pipe on the other end and sew that on the same way you did the carabineer

leaving enough room for your hands to get on, off and around the handle comfortably.

Total Cost: About $9.

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The next style of strap he uses is a similar strap as the sewn one above only this one has an

adjustable clip on the end of it instead of a carabineer.

Equipment Needed For Construction For A Pair Of Straps:

1. Approximately two lengths of 20 feet of nylon strap/webbing. Again, you’ll want to measure the

length from floor to wherever you plan on hanging them most of the time to get an idea of the

exact length of nylon strap you need.

2. Two buckle clips. You can find these online at strapworks.com.

3. About 1 foot of PVC pipe. You choose the thickness and length. Just keep in mind that this will

be your handles so whatever is comfortable for you to grip on to.

4. Sewing is needed for this Suspension Strap as well. As I mentioned above- look for a local

upholstery shop; your straps will be MUCH stronger and will last MUCH longer!

How To Assemble:

1. Sew the clip on one end just like you would if you were using a carabineer from the above


2. Slide your PVC pipe handles you are using through the nylon strap.

3. Pull the other end of the nylon strap through the buckle.

Total Cost: About $14

Copyright © Dickie White. All Rights Reserved. Page 8


Name: Chinup

Muscles Worked: Lats, Biceps, Rhomboids

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart at a height where you can grab the handles over your

head with your arms fully extended while your feet are off the ground. In order to keep your feet off

the ground, simply bend at your knees by pulling your heels toward your butt.

Execution: Grab the handles with both hands. Lift your feet off the ground and hang from a

motionless position with your arms straight. Pull your body up until your chin is over your hands. Your

shoulder blades should be squeezed very tightly together at the top of this movement. Lower yourself

back down to a straight arms position and repeat. For those who are not using the buckle Suspension

Straps, you may need to loop and tie your straps a couple times around the apparatus you’re using to

hold it up. It may seem inconvenient at first, but once you figure out what’s going to work best for you,

you’ll be able to set it up and get exercising very quickly. If you’re using the Blast Straps I simply loop

the small straps that come with it over the top of a rack and then attach the individual handles to each

of the small straps. Additionally, feel free to use various grips on this exercise- palms facing you

(chinup), palms facing away (pullup), or held in a neutral position. You can also move your grips

throughout performing groups of reps with each grip or rotate them during a single rep (ie going from a

pullup position at the start to a chinup position at the finish by rotating your hands as you perform the


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Name: Side To Side Chinup

Muscles Worked: Lats, Biceps, Rhomboids

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart at a height where you can grab the handles over your

head with your arms fully extended while your feet are off the ground. In order to keep your feet off

the ground, simply bend at your knees by pulling your heels toward your butt.

Execution: Grab the handles with both hands. Lift your feet off the ground and hang from a

motionless position with your arms straight. Pull your body up toward your left hand until your chin is

over your left hand and your head has been moved near the outside of the handle. Your shoulder

blades should be squeezed very tightly together at the top of this movement. Lower yourself back down

to a straight arms position and repeat to the other side. For those who are not using the buckle

Suspension Straps, you may need to loop and tie your straps a couple times around the apparatus you’re

using to hold it up.

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Name: Static Leg Raise Chinup

Muscles Worked: Lats, Biceps, Rhomboids, Grip

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms, Core, Hip Flexors

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart at a height where you can grab the handles over your

head with your arms fully extended while your feet are off the ground. In order to keep your feet off

the ground, simply straighten your legs and flex at the hips so that your legs are being held parallel to

the ground.

Execution: Grab the handles with both hands. Lift your feet off the ground so that your legs are

straight and parallel to the ground. Hang from a motionless position with your arms straight. Pull your

body up until your chin is over your hands. Your shoulder blades should be squeezed very tightly

together at the top of this movement. Lower yourself back down to a straight arms position and repeat.

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Name: 2 on 1 Chinup

Muscles Worked: Lats, Biceps, Rhomboids, Grip

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart at a height where you can grab the handles over your

head with your arms fully extended while your feet are off the ground. In order to keep your feet off

the ground, simply bend at your knees by pulling your heels toward your butt.

Execution: Grab one of the handles with both hands with the hand furthest from the other hanging

strap grabbing on first. Lift your feet off the ground and hang from a motionless position with your arms

straight. Pull your body up until your chin is over your hand. Your shoulder blades should be squeezed

very tightly together at the top of this movement. Lower yourself back down to a straight arms position.

With the hand nearest to the other strap (this hand should be on top of the other), grab the other strap.

Stabilize your body and perform another full chinup. When you’ve reached the bottom of the chinup

and are in a straight arms position again, move your other hand over so that both of your hands are now

grabbing the other handle (the one you didn’t start with). Perform another full range of motion chinup

and repeat this sequence.

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Name: Chinup To Leg Raise

Muscles Worked: Lats, Biceps, Rhomboids, Rectus (“6-Pack”), Hip Flexors

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart at a height where you can grab the handles over your

head with your arms fully extended while your feet are off the ground. In order to keep your feet off

the ground, simply straighten them out in front of you and lift them off just enough where your heels

aren’t touching by pulling with your abs and hip flexors.

Execution: Grab the handles with both hands. Lift your feet off the ground and hang from a

motionless position with your arms straight. Pull your body up until your chin is over your hands. Your

shoulder blades should be squeezed very tightly together at the top of this movement. From there

perform either a bent leg raise (easier) or a straight leg raise (harder) by squeezing your abs and raising

your legs until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Lower your legs back to the starting position and

then lower yourself back down to a straight arms position and repeat.

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Name: Row

Muscles Worked: Lats, Biceps, Rhomboids

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms, Core, Glutes

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their highest setting. While facing the straps,

grab both handles and step and lean back so that your body is angled away from the straps.

Simultaneously squeeze your core and glutes to lock your hips into position.

Execution: With your elbows against your sides, pull your chest to your hands by squeezing your

shoulder blades as tightly together as possible. As your chest gets closer to your hands attempt to touch

your elbows together behind your back. While this is not possible (at least I don’t think it is for most

people), it will help you to maximize your ability to pull your shoulder blades together. When you’ve

pulled yourself as far as your body will allow, return to a straight arms position and repeat for reps.

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Name: One Arm Fly One Arm Row

Muscles Worked: Lats, Biceps, Rhomboids, Rear Deltoid

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms, Core, Glutes

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their highest setting. While facing the straps,

grab both handles and step and lean back so that your body is angled away from the straps.

Simultaneously squeeze your core and glutes to lock your hips into position.

Execution: With your elbows against your sides, row your chest to one of your hands by pulling the

elbow of the hand you’re moving toward back as far as your body will allow. While you’re rowing

yourself with your one arm, keep the other straight as you move it away from your body as you pull your

shoulder blades together. At the end of this exercise one arm will be in a rowing position while the

other will be in a reverse fly position. Your shoulder blades should be tightly pinched together. Return

to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Continue this sequence going back and forth for

the desired number of reps.

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Name: Single Handle Rotational Row Press

Muscles Worked: Lats, Biceps, Rhomboids, Shoulders, Chest, Triceps

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms, Core, Glutes

Setup: Position one strap near the highest setting. While facing the strap, grab the handle with both

hands and step and lean back so that your body is angled away from the strap. Simultaneously squeeze

your core and glutes to lock your hips into position.

Execution: With your elbows against your sides, pull your chest to your hands by performing a row.

When you have reached the peak of your row, rotate your body by shifting your hips and core (keep

them locked) towards the ground to your right side. As you begin to rotate from a row to a pushup,

begin to push yourself up until your elbows are locked and you are stable at the top of the movement.

Lower yourself back to the start and repeat to the opposite side.

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Name: Scarecrow

Muscles Worked: Rhomboids, Rear Delts

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms, Core, Glutes

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their highest setting. While facing the straps,

grab both handles and step and lean back so that your body is angled away from the straps.

Simultaneously squeeze your core and glutes to lock your hips into position.

Execution: With your arms nearly straight out in front of you (there should be a very slight bend in

your elbow) pull your shoulder blades together as tightly as possible. Once your shoulder blades are

squeezed together, pull your arms back until your body forms a “T.” Return to the starting position, re-

pinch your shoulder blades, and repeat.

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Name: Face Pull

Muscles Worked: Rhomboids, Rear Delts, Traps, Biceps

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms, Core, Glutes

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their highest setting. While facing the straps,

grab both handles and step and lean back so that your body is angled away from the straps.

Simultaneously squeeze your core and glutes to lock your hips into position.

Execution: With your arms straight out in front of you; pull your shoulder blades together as tightly

as possible. Once your shoulder blades are squeezed together, pull your elbows back until your upper

arms and body form a “T.” Your hands should be at eye level just slightly away from your head. Return

to the starting position, re-pinch your shoulder blades, and repeat.

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Name: External Rotation

Muscles Worked: Rhomboids, Rear Delts, Muscles of Rotator Cuff

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms, Core, Glutes, Biceps

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their highest setting. While facing the straps,

grab both handles and step and lean back so that your body is angled away from the straps.

Simultaneously squeeze your core and glutes to lock your hips into position.

Execution: With your arms straight out in front of you; pull your shoulder blades together as tightly

as possible. Once your shoulder blades are squeezed together, pull your elbows back while keeping

your hands down and elbows at a 90-degree angle. Once you have pulled your elbows back as far as you

can, pull your body up more by rotating back at the shoulder as you raise your hands. Your arms and

head should look similar to the letter “W” at the end of this movement. When you have reached the

end, return back to the start by reversing the order of the steps and repeat for reps.

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Name: Straight Arm Overhead Pull

Muscles Worked: Rhomboids, Shoulders

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms, Core, Glutes

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their highest setting. While facing the straps,

grab both handles and step and lean back so that your body is angled away from the straps.

Simultaneously squeeze your core and glutes to lock your hips into position.

Execution: With your arms straight out in front of you; pull your shoulder blades together as tightly

as possible. Once your shoulder blades are squeezed together, pull your body up by lifting your arms

straight overhead. Keep your elbows locked throughout and continue to pull until you can no longer

pull your arms overhead. Once you have reached the top of the movement, return back to the starting

position under control and repeat.

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Name: Straight Arm Pulldown

Muscles Worked: Rhomboids, Shoulders, Lats

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms, Core, Glutes

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their highest setting. While facing the straps,

grab both handles and step and lean back so that your body is angled away from the straps.

Simultaneously squeeze your core and glutes to lock your hips into position.

Execution: With your arms straight out in front of you; pull your shoulder blades together as tightly

as possible. Once your shoulder blades are squeezed together, pull your body up by pulling your arms

straight down to your sides. Keep your elbows locked throughout and continue to pull until you can no

longer pull your arms back to your sides. Once you have reached the top of the movement, return back

to the starting position under control and repeat.

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Name: Curl

Muscles Worked: Biceps

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms, Core, Glutes

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their highest setting. While facing the straps,

grab both handles and step and lean back so that your body is angled away from the straps.

Simultaneously squeeze your core and glutes to lock your hips into position.

Execution: With your arms straight out in front of you and your palms facing up, pull your body

toward the handles by performing a bicep curl. Once you have reached the top of the movement,

return back to the starting position under control and repeat.

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Name: Pushup

Muscles Worked: Pecs, Anterior Deltoid, Triceps

Stabilizers: Core, Glutes, Shoulders

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their lowest setting. While facing the straps on

your knees, grab both handles and get into a pushup position by stepping both of your feet back so that

your ankles, hips, and shoulders are all in a straight line and you’re on your toes.

Execution: Once you have stabilized your body on the straps, lower your body into the bottom of a

pushup by bending at your elbows. Once your chest is even with your hands, press yourself back up to a

straight armed position. Be sure to keep your core tight and your hips locked throughout this exercise.

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Name: Fly

Muscles Worked: Pecs, Anterior Deltoid

Stabilizers: Core, Glutes, Shoulders

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their highest setting. While facing the straps

from the opposite site, grab both handles and straighten your arms out in front of you so there is just a

slight bend in your elbow. Adjust your footing so that your ankles, hips, and shoulders are in a straight

line and your core is locked.

Execution: Once you have stabilized your body on the straps, lower your body toward the plane that

the handles are on by moving both hands simultaneously away from your body as you begin to make the

letter “T” with your core and arms. Once you’ve lowered yourself as far as your upper body strength

and flexibility will allow, return to the starting position by squeezing your chest and shoulders together

to bring your hands back to the starting position. Be sure to maintain the slight bend in your elbow

throughout this exercise as you perform it for the desired number of reps.

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Name: Dip

Muscles Worked: Pecs, Anterior Deltoid, Triceps

Stabilizers: Shoulders

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their highest setting. If you’re using Blast Straps

that obviously will only go up so high, you may need to wrap them/knot them a couple times to get the

handles higher than where you would need them for a Row or Fly. Grab both handles and lift your feet

off the ground while you simultaneously press yourself up into a dip position. In order to keep your feet

from touching the ground at the bottom, you’ll probably want to bend at the knees.

Execution: Once you have stabilized your body on the straps, lower your shoulders toward your

hands by bending at the elbows. Once your triceps are parallel (or below parallel if your shoulder

strength and mobility will allow you to do so) to the ground, press yourself back up to a locked arms

position (or as close as you can get, I have trouble getting into a fully locked out position with these).

This exercise requires incredible shoulder stability to perform each rep with a lot of control and perfect


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Name: Skull Crusher/JM Press

Muscles Worked: Triceps

Stabilizers: Core, Glutes, Shoulders

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their highest setting. While facing the straps

from the opposite site, grab both handles and straighten your arms out in front of you so that your

elbows are locked. Adjust your footing so that your ankles, hips, and shoulders are in a straight line and

your core is locked.

Execution: Once you have stabilized your body on the straps, lower your head toward your hands by

bending at your elbows. Be sure that your elbows are staying tucked against your sides and are not

flaring out away from your body. Once you have lowered yourself so that your forehead and hands are

even with one another, press yourself back to the starting position. Be sure to maintain a tight core

throughout this exercise to avoid bringing your hips back before you perform the press (which will take a

lot of the stress off of the triceps).

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Name: One Arm Fly One Arm Pushup

Muscles Worked: Pecs, Anterior Deltoids, Triceps

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms, Core, Glutes

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their lowest setting. While on your knees facing

the straps, grab both handles. While facing the straps on your knees, grab both handles and get into a

pushup position by stepping both of your feet back so that your ankles, hips, and shoulders are all in a

straight line and you’re on your toes.

Execution: Once you have stabilized your body on the straps, lower your chest to one of your hands

by bending at the elbow of the hand you’re moving toward. While you’re lowering to the bottom of a

pushup with one of your arms, keep the other slightly bent while you move your hand away from your

chest as you would for a Fly. Once you’ve lowered your chest so that it is even with both hands, return

to the starting position by pressing the arm that is bent and squeezing the chest and shoulder with the

arm that is straight. Repeat on the other side and continue this exercise for the desired number of reps.

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**My hips should

be slightly lower and in line with my shoulders and ankles more in this picture.

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Name: Leg Raise

Muscles Worked: Rectus (“6-Pack”), Hip Flexorrs

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart at a height where you can grab the handles over your

head with your arms fully extended but in order to reach the handles you need to push yourself up onto

your toes. Grab then handles with fully straight arms. Your feet should be just off of the ground when

you’re in this position; if not, try to adjust the straps to make them a little higher.

Execution: Once you have stabilized your body, perform a leg raise by lifting your feet away from the

ground while keeping a slight bend in your knees. Continue to raise your legs until they are at least

parallel to the ground (if you have the flexibility and strength, you are certainly invited to raise your legs

higher). Once you have pulled your legs as high as you can, lower them back down under control and

perform for reps. The key here, as with all Suspension Strap exercises, is control! If you lower your legs

too fast you’ll end up swinging all over the place. So work hard to lower your legs in a controlled

manner…trust me, your abs will thank you!

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Name: Chinup Hold Leg Raise

Muscles Worked: Rectus (“6-Pack”), Hip Flexors

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms, Lats, Rhomboids, Biceps

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart at a height where you can grab the handles over your

head with your arms about 90-degrees while your feet are off the ground. In order to keep your feet off

the ground, simply perform a chinup and hold yourself in the top position. Your feet should be off of the

ground when you’re in this position; if not, try to adjust the straps to make them a little higher.

Execution: Once you have stabilized your body, perform a leg raise by lifting your feet away from the

ground while keeping a slight bend in your knees. Continue to raise your legs until they are at least

parallel to the ground (if you have the flexibility and strength, you are certainly invited to raise your legs

higher). Once you have pulled your legs as high as you can, lower them back down under control and

perform for reps.

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Name: Chinup Hold Bicycle

Muscles Worked: Rectus (“6-Pack”), Hip Flexors

Stabilizers: Grip/Forearms, Lats, Rhomboids, Biceps, Hip Flexors

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart at a height where you can grab the handles over your

head with your arms about 90-degrees while your feet are off the ground. In order to keep your feet off

the ground, simply perform a chinup and hold yourself in the top position. Your feet should be off of the

ground when you’re in this position; if not, try to adjust the straps to make them a little higher.

Execution: Once you have stabilized your body, perform a leg raise by lifting your feet away from the

ground while keeping a slight bend in your knees. Continue to raise your legs until they are parallel to

the ground. From there begin to perform a Bicycle by bending at one knee and pulling one of your heels

to your butt. Once you have done that extend that leg back out while you bring your other foot to your

butt. Repeat this under control for the desired number of reps.

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Name: Ab Rollout

Muscles Worked: Rectus (“6-Pack”), Lats

Stabilizers: Core, Shoulders

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart. To perform this optimally, you will want to pull a

bench, chair, stability ball, or something to put your knees on, but standing works fine too. The handles

should then be adjusted to a height where your hands are even, if not below, where your knees are

while resting on the bench or other object. Get onto the bench with both knees and grab onto each

handle with your knuckles facing away from your body. Your position should resemble that of a

Referee’s Down Position. To perform them standing simply grab the handles with a double overhand

grip by leaning forward while keeping your back arched.

Execution: Once you have stabilized your body, perform a rollout by driving your hands and hips

forward simultaneously in an effort to keep your core flat. Drive your hands out as far as your body will

allow and then pull your body back to the starting position by squeezing your abs and pulling back with

your lats. The key to this exercise is to keep your back flat and core locked throughout. If at any point

you feel your back start to dip down toward the ground, cut down on your range of motion or increase

the height of the handles as this is a sign that your ability to properly stabilize your core is diminishing.

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Name: Superman

Muscles Worked: Rectus (“6-Pack”), Lats

Stabilizers: Core, Shoulders

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their highest setting. Grab both handles with a

grip so that your knuckles are facing away from your body and drive your arms out and walk your feet

back so that your hands, shoulders, hips, and ankles form a straight line.

Execution: Once you have stabilized your body, slowly bring one hand toward the side of your

shoulder by pulling your elbow back. As you’re doing this, tighten your body accordingly as you will start

to support more and more weight on the arm that’s fully extended as well as with your core. Once your

hand is even with your shoulder, drive it back out to the starting position under control. Repeat this

with the other arm and continue for the desired number of reps. Much like the Ab Rollouts, the key to

this exercise is to keep your back flat and core locked throughout. If at any point you feel your back

start to dip down toward the ground, cut down on your range of motion or increase the height of the

handles as this is a sign that your ability to properly stabilize your core is diminishing.

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Name: Squat

Muscles Worked: Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes

Stabilizers: Core

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their highest setting. Grab both handles with a

grip so that your knuckles are facing away from your body and step back and away from the handles so

that your arms are extended straight out in front of you while you hold the handles.

Execution: Position your feet so they are about shoulder width apart with your toes slightly pointed

out (about 30-Degrees give or take). While keeping your chest up and low back arched, perform a squat

by sitting your hips back while simultaneously driving your knees out as you lower your butt straight

down toward the ground. Once you’ve gone as low as you can, squat back up to a standing position and

repeat for reps. While the other exercises in the E-book are pretty challenging, I use the Squat and the

Overhead Squat (which I will detail immediately following this) for mobility work. It’s a great way to

loosen up your legs and hips before a workout or to simply train your body how to squat properly. So if

you are experiencing tight hips/lower body, this may be just what you’re looking for to actively get you

the range of motion you’re seeking.

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Name: Overhead Squat

Muscles Worked: Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes

Stabilizers: Core, Shoulders

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their highest setting. Grab both handles with a

grip so that your knuckles are facing away from your body. Raise both of your arms straight overhead so

that your entire body in perpendicular to the ground. Step back and away from the handles until there

is tension in the straps when you are in this position.

Execution: Position your feet so they are about shoulder width apart with your toes slightly pointed

out (about 30-Degrees give or take). While keeping your chest up, low back arched, and arms locked

overhead, perform a squat by sitting your hips back while simultaneously driving your knees out as you

lower your butt straight down toward the ground. Once you’ve gone as low as you can, squat back up

to a standing position and repeat for reps.

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Name: Single Leg Squat

Muscles Worked: Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes

Stabilizers: Core

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their highest setting. Grab both handles with a

grip so that your knuckles are facing away from your body and step back and away from the handles so

that your arms are extended straight out in front of you while you hold the handles.

Execution: Position your feet so they are about shoulder width apart with your toes slightly pointed

out (about 30-Degrees give or take). Lift one leg up and straighten it out in front of you as though you

were performing a Leg Raise only with one leg. The leg that is up doesn’t need to be perfectly locked at

the knee, just focus on keeping it up so that it does not touch the ground during your set. While keeping

your chest up, low back arched, and arms locked (this is key to keep you from pulling yourself up with

them!), perform a single leg squat by sitting your hips back while simultaneously bending at your knee

as you lower your butt straight down toward the ground. Once you’ve gone as low as you can, squat

back up to a standing position and repeat for reps. While this is a great mobility exercise like the Squat,

this is also a great strength builder. Single leg strength is key in wrestling- just think about how many

times you’re pushing off of one leg in a match!!

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Name: Overhead Single Leg Squat

Muscles Worked: Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes

Stabilizers: Core, Shoulders

Setup: Position the straps shoulder width apart near their highest setting. Grab both handles with a

grip so that your knuckles are facing away from your body. Raise both of your arms straight overhead so

that your entire body in perpendicular to the ground. Step back and away from the handles until there

is tension in the straps when you are in this position.

Execution: Position your feet so they are about shoulder width apart with your toes slightly pointed

out (about 30-Degrees give or take). Lift one leg up and straighten it out in front of you as though you

were performing a Leg Raise only with one leg. The leg that is up doesn’t need to be perfectly locked at

the knee, just focus on keeping it up so that it does not touch the ground during your set. While keeping

your chest up, low back arched, and arms locked (this is key to keep you from pulling yourself up with

them!), perform a single leg squat by sitting your hips back while simultaneously bending at your knee

as you lower your butt straight down toward the ground. Once you’ve gone as low as you can, squat

back up to a standing position and repeat for reps.

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There are a number of tweaks you can make with Suspension Strap exercises to make them

more difficult. I’ll now go into all of the ones I use and then list the exercises that it applies for. The first

is adding weight with a weight vest (or holding a dumbbell between your feet or medicine ball between

your knees for the ab exercises). The reason I’m doing this first is because it will make any of the

exercises above more difficult.

#1 Lowering Straps

Adjusting the straps down (which will put your body closer to parallel or past parallel) will make

the exercise more difficult because you’ll be carrying more of your own bodyweight and because

Suspension Straps are generally bodyweight resisted, this is a quick and easy way to make nearly any

exercise more challenging without needed additional equipment other than a chair, bench, or ball.

Exercises This Works For: Row, One Arm Fly One Arm Row, Single Handle Rotational Row Press,

Scarecrow, Face Pull, External Rotation, Straight Arm Overhead Pull, Straight Arm Pulldown, Curl,

Pushup, Fly, Skull Crusher, One Arm Fly One Arm Pushup, Ab Rollout, Superman

#2 Elevating Feet

Elevating your feet is similar to lowering the straps, however, depending on what surface you

use, you may make the exercise more difficult. Additionally, if you can’t lower the straps anymore

without having to compromise your form (ie you lower the straps to make Rows more difficult but as a

result you have to shorten to half the range of motion), elevating your feet is the next step in

Copyright © Dickie White. All Rights Reserved. Page 75

progressing the difficulty. There are a couple ways to elevate your feet- either on a stable surface, or an

unstable surface.

While elevating your feet will make any of the exercises below more difficult, doing so onto an

unstable surface compared to a stable surface will make it even more difficult. Great stable surfaces

that you will probably have access to include portable dumbbell benches or chairs. My favorite unstable

surface for Suspension Strap exercises is a stability ball. If you don’t have any of these but are lifting

with a partner, you can always have your partner hold your feet up. Whatever the case may be, make

sure you keep your core tight and your hips locked!

Exercises This Works For: Row, One Arm Fly One Arm Row, Single Handle Rotational Row Press,

Scarecrow, Face Pull, External Rotation, Straight Arm Overhead Pull, Straight Arm Pulldown, Curl,

Pushup, Fly, Skull Crusher, One Arm Fly One Arm Pushup, Ab Rollout, Superman

Copyright © Dickie White. All Rights Reserved. Page 76

** On a quick side note, an additional way to make any of the above exercises even more difficult,

simply lift and hold one of your legs slightly above the other so you’re balancing on one foot instead of


#3 Fat Handles

I have a confession- I love Fat Gripz! These things are so easy to use but they’ll challenge your

grip like none other. The fit on any standard dumbbell, barbell, and yes, Suspension Strap handles! If

you’re looking to develop serious grip strength while working out your body simultaneously, definitely

get your hands (no pun intended!) on these! Check them out here- http://www.fatgripz.com/

Copyright © Dickie White. All Rights Reserved. Page 77

Exercises This Works For: Chinup, Side To Side Chinup, Static Leg Raise Chinups, 2 on 1 Chinups,

Chinup To Leg Raise, Row, One Arm Fly One Arm Row, Single Handle Rotational Row Press, Scarecrow,

Face Pull, External Rotation, Straight Arm Overhead Pull, Straight Arm Pulldown, Curl, Leg Raise, Chinup

Hold Leg Raise, Chinup Hold Bicycle, Squat, Overhead Squat, Single Leg Squat, Overhead Single Leg Squat

#4 Reactive Drills

This is an addition you can make, but you’ll need a partner in order to do it. It works with all of

the exercises detailed in this E-book and is a great way to add an even more challenging stability

component to an already unstable set of Suspension Straps. All you’re going to have your partner do is

simply move the straps in various directions as you perform the exercise. Your partner doesn’t and

should not hit the straps hard. Enough pressure should be used to cause your body to have to react

quickly and stabilize itself. Always err on the side of caution with this because with all of the tension on

the straps, they’re easily moved even by the most subtle of movements. The last thing you want is to

strain a muscle because your partner is overly aggressive on this, so take it slow!