Surrounded Surrounded By By Enemies Enemies Presentation by: Ann Budway, Karli-An Gilbert, Christian Harvie, and Meghan Lynch ENEMIES allies

Surrounded By Enemies Presentation by: Ann Budway, Karli-An Gilbert, Christian Harvie, and Meghan Lynch ENEMIES allies

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Page 1: Surrounded By Enemies Presentation by: Ann Budway, Karli-An Gilbert, Christian Harvie, and Meghan Lynch ENEMIES allies

Surrounded BySurrounded By EnemiesEnemies

Presentation by: Ann Budway, Karli-An Gilbert,Christian Harvie, and Meghan Lynch



Page 2: Surrounded By Enemies Presentation by: Ann Budway, Karli-An Gilbert, Christian Harvie, and Meghan Lynch ENEMIES allies

ENEMIESENEMIESWhen the Roman empire expanded, it pushed many people out of their homes. Many of these people fought back: the Huns, Visigoths, Franks, Vandals, Angles, Saxons.


Page 3: Surrounded By Enemies Presentation by: Ann Budway, Karli-An Gilbert, Christian Harvie, and Meghan Lynch ENEMIES allies

The HunsThe Huns The Huns were a nomadicThe Huns were a nomadic tribe of Turkish, Tartaric,tribe of Turkish, Tartaric, or Ugrian origins. or Ugrian origins. Their territory was Their territory was

located located above the roman empire.above the roman empire.

At its largest, the Hunnic At its largest, the Hunnic empire was more than empire was more than twice the size of the twice the size of the roman empire.roman empire.

The Huns invaded Rome The Huns invaded Rome for the same reason for the same reason Rome invaded its Rome invaded its neighbors. They wanted neighbors. They wanted more land and power.more land and power.

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Page 4: Surrounded By Enemies Presentation by: Ann Budway, Karli-An Gilbert, Christian Harvie, and Meghan Lynch ENEMIES allies

CarthageCarthage Carthage was a North Carthage was a North

African city-state that was African city-state that was ruled by Hannibalruled by Hannibal

Hannibal was a Hannibal was a Carthaginian general who Carthaginian general who hated Rome and hated Rome and dedicated his life to its dedicated his life to its destructiondestruction

Hannibal lead them up to Hannibal lead them up to Rome by going around Rome by going around the Mediterranean to fight the Mediterranean to fight Rome. However, they Rome. However, they suffered a crushing defeat suffered a crushing defeat and Rome added and Rome added Carthage to their empire.Carthage to their empire.

The purple area is the extent of the Carthaginian Empire.

Page 5: Surrounded By Enemies Presentation by: Ann Budway, Karli-An Gilbert, Christian Harvie, and Meghan Lynch ENEMIES allies


The vandal people The vandal people settled between settled between Elbe and Vistula.Elbe and Vistula.

They took They took advantage of the advantage of the thinly spread thinly spread Roman army and Roman army and poorly managed poorly managed government to take government to take over some Roman over some Roman territory.territory.

Page 6: Surrounded By Enemies Presentation by: Ann Budway, Karli-An Gilbert, Christian Harvie, and Meghan Lynch ENEMIES allies

ENEMIESENEMIES Most countries Most countries

and groups hate and groups hate the United States the United States because we are because we are always forcefully always forcefully implying our ideas implying our ideas on other places.on other places.

Some of these Some of these groups include the groups include the North Koreans, Al North Koreans, Al Qaeda, The Qaeda, The Taliban, some Taliban, some Islamic people, Al Islamic people, Al Jihad, and Aum Jihad, and Aum Shinrikyo.Shinrikyo.


Page 7: Surrounded By Enemies Presentation by: Ann Budway, Karli-An Gilbert, Christian Harvie, and Meghan Lynch ENEMIES allies

North KoreaNorth Korea

The North The North Koreans do not Koreans do not like America like America because they are because they are a communist a communist country and country and during the during the Korean War, Korean War, America invaded America invaded and tried to and tried to make their make their government a government a democracy.democracy.

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Page 8: Surrounded By Enemies Presentation by: Ann Budway, Karli-An Gilbert, Christian Harvie, and Meghan Lynch ENEMIES allies

Al- QaedaAl- Qaeda The people that belong to the terrorist group Al-Qaeda do not like The people that belong to the terrorist group Al-Qaeda do not like

America because of our foreign policy, our government’s presence America because of our foreign policy, our government’s presence in much of the middle east, and the fact that many Americans are in much of the middle east, and the fact that many Americans are Christians. Al-Qaeda leaders have declared that it is the duty of Christians. Al-Qaeda leaders have declared that it is the duty of

Muslims to kill Americans.Muslims to kill Americans.

The red areas are places where Al Qaeda has attacked or is currently known to be active

The goal of Al-Qaeda is to “Unite all Muslims and to establish a government which follows the rules of the Caliphs.” – Osama Bin Laden

Page 9: Surrounded By Enemies Presentation by: Ann Budway, Karli-An Gilbert, Christian Harvie, and Meghan Lynch ENEMIES allies

The TalibanThe Taliban

The Taliban is a The Taliban is a dictatorial dictatorial government in government in Afghanistan who Afghanistan who punishes people who punishes people who are violators of the are violators of the Islamic code of law. Islamic code of law.

The Taliban is our The Taliban is our enemy because we enemy because we removed them from removed them from power in Afghanistan. power in Afghanistan. They, like many other They, like many other people, feel that people, feel that America is gaining too America is gaining too much power and is much power and is becoming too becoming too influential.influential. The red area signifies Taliban control

Page 10: Surrounded By Enemies Presentation by: Ann Budway, Karli-An Gilbert, Christian Harvie, and Meghan Lynch ENEMIES allies

ConclusionConclusion America appears to beAmerica appears to be

heading in the same heading in the same direction as the Romandirection as the RomanEmpire as we are Empire as we are becoming becoming too controlling of other too controlling of other countries and countries and continuously imposing our continuously imposing our ideas on other people, just ideas on other people, just as Rome did. Like Rome, as Rome did. Like Rome, we are slowly being we are slowly being chipped away as different chipped away as different enemies attack like in enemies attack like in 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.9/11 and Pearl Harbor.

Page 11: Surrounded By Enemies Presentation by: Ann Budway, Karli-An Gilbert, Christian Harvie, and Meghan Lynch ENEMIES allies

If we continue gaining more enemies than allies, the world could look like this…

Page 12: Surrounded By Enemies Presentation by: Ann Budway, Karli-An Gilbert, Christian Harvie, and Meghan Lynch ENEMIES allies

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