Surgeons fin d better way s to treat nerve compression disorder tha t can sideli ne athletes WUS TL leaders urge act ion on sequester threat Doctor wins NIH prize for ideas to restore vision Gut microbes at root of severe malnutrition in kids Best Practices / Discussion Space Survey 2014 . SPACE

Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

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SPACE. Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes . Gut microbes at root of severe malnutrition in kids . WUSTL leaders urge action on sequester threat. Doctor wins NIH prize for ideas to restore vision . . Best Practices / Discussion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that

can sideline athletes

WUSTL leaders u

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wins NIH pr

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Gut microbes at root of severe malnutrition in kids

Best Practices / DiscussionSpace Survey 2014



Page 2: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014Contact Information


Rebecca Waltman, 286-1057, [email protected] Keith Van Booven, 362-8146, [email protected] Carrie Slama, 935-5726, [email protected] Chuck Wuensch, 935-5713, [email protected]

Page 3: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes


Effort Planning / Deadlines Changes/New Features in Webspace How the Med School uses the data

Review of PI Lab Suite concept Examples

Space Survey – 2014Presentation Overview

Page 4: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014Schedule


Room Splits & Room Inventory - complete by Friday, May 16 Survey - complete by Monday, June 16 Central Review and Department clean up - complete by mid

July Final data for financial reports and space analysis – late July Hands on sessions

Thursday, April 17 Tuesday, April 29 Thursday, May 15

Page 5: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes


Research areas (Dry & Wet) / MAIN FOCUS – Investigator Lab Suite (dedicated & % of shared rooms) Occupants (retrospective FY & point in time June 30th, 2014) Funding Sources tied to rooms or Lab Suite IDC % as appropriate to activities

Clinical areas – Renewed Effort to provide backup information for Emergency Preparedness PO (manager for space) Occupants (identify if their permanent/only home is in the clinical

area) Academic/Administrative areas – Renewed Effort to

provide backup information for Emergency Preparedness & Space Planning PO (manager for space) Occupants

Space Survey – 2014Workload Planning

Page 6: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014New This Year


WebSpace Changes View Employee/Account

Page 7: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014New This Year


WebSpace Changes Assignment – change both IC and surveyor at the same time

Occupant screen – Current field renamed Currently Occupied

Page 8: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014New This Year


WebSpace Changes Survey summary popup

Prior year %s on survey screen

Page 9: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014New This Year


WebSpace Changes Reporting – filters and prior year (archive) option

Print Form enhancements Download to Excel Prepopulate account and occupant information (specify number to display)

Delinquent alerts

Page 10: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014New This Year


New Room Types 345 – Office Service Corridor Space 358 – Break Room/Kitchenette

New Service Room Types 315 – Office Service 325 – Admin Office Service 335 – Faculty Office Service 345 – Office Service Corridor Space 355 – Conference Room Service

Unpaid Occupants Occupant with 0 FTE & No payroll in HRMS will now have 1.0 FTE with

84-No Account Function. Anyone with a WUSTL key will be in HRMS and their name will be available in

WebSpace. This would include visiting professors.

Page 11: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014New This Year


Space Datamart (VERSA/RAPS) Reporting Additional reports-Space Reports

Page 12: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014New This Year


Space Datamart (VERSA/RAPS) Reporting Additional reports - Current Space/Inventory Only

Additional reports - IDC Function Reports

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Space Survey – 2014New This Year


Space Datamart (VERSA/RAPS) Reporting Additional reports – Multiple Year reports

Additional reports – Occupant Reports

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Space Survey – 2014New This Year


Space Datamart (VERSA/RAPS) Reporting Additional reports – WebFocus Reports

Page 15: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014New This Year


Space Datamart (VERSA/RAPS) Reporting DCs and SubDCs in FY12 were given access, new DCs and SubDCs, and

any other WebSpace user (Inventory Coordinator, Surveyor, Audit) must request access

DCs and SubDCs do not have to specify departments when they submit the form, they are given access based on WebSpace departments

Other WebSpace users must specify the department when they submit the form, as do others that are not WebSpace users.

Department on the request form means the WebSpace department or sub department

Request form available in WebSpace Training Documents and Space Utilization web site


Page 16: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014SSF/Recharge Center


Specialized service facilities/recharge centers Mark room as recharge on edit screen Payroll funds will be assigned function code 85 Rooms will need to be split if the recharge center/SSF activity is not the only

activity in the room (also if not the only recharge center in the room) The business manager or center manager should be assigned as PI/PO, not

a faculty member Survey will be based on billing data - Cost Analysis will complete the survey Examples of Recharge Centers included in appendix C

Animal facilities Space used by departments that is not SSF space will not be assigned to the

departments Will be split by PI but not department Departments will not be responsible for inventory or survey Survey will be based on billings

Page 17: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014Split Rooms


Splitting / Un-splitting a room Rooms can be un-split only during the inventory process in WebSpace If any of the splits on a room have been surveyed, the survey(s) must be

dropped for the entire room in order to un-split. Complete room splits by May 16 Contact Keith VanBooven or Carrie Slama for assistance

Page 18: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014Split Rooms

What Space Belongs to a PI: Office Space

Faculty Office Administrative Office/Workstations Staff/ Student / Computational workstations

Lab Space Wet Lab Space:

Multiple labs / Multiple occupants / Multiple activities Dry Lab Space

% of Service Rooms (research common rooms) - split by Dept / PI based on equipment or headcount or usage

Tissue Culture Room Cold Room Dark Room Glass Washing Room Equipment Room Microscope Room Other Lab Service Rooms


Note: Do not include conference rooms, collaborative spaces or break rooms unless assigned 100% to an individual investigator

Page 19: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014Service Rooms

WebSpace will automatically calculate the survey percentages of a service room by applying a weighted average to all benefiting rooms that have been surveyed.

Service Rooms are those rooms that provide support or service to other regular rooms (benefiting room)

Rooms will be noted with in WebSpace Room Types

254 - Dark Room 315 - Office Service (new this year)255 - Non-Class Lab Service 325 - Admin Office Service (new this year)256 - Glass Wash 335 - Faculty Office Service (new this year)257 - Warm Room 345 - Office Service Corridor Space (new this year)258 - Cold Room 355 - Conference Room Service (new this year)259 - Electron Microscope260 - Cold Room


Page 20: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014Service Rooms

Benefiting Rooms are those rooms that benefit or use the services of a service room Examples

250 Non Class Wet Lab 251 Non Class Dry Lab 252 Non Class Electronic Data Processing Laboratory 270 BSL3 Laboratory 271 BSL3 – Ag Laboratory

You can attach additional benefiting rooms to a service room at any time and the survey for the service room will be updated.

You can remove benefiting rooms at any time and the survey for the service room will be updated.

Contact Carrie Slama for assistance with adding or removing rooms.


Page 21: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014Service Rooms Split Service Rooms by Department/PI

Service rooms should be split by Dept or PI based on their % of usage in the room For Example - 4 Departments / PI share the Glass Washing Room on the floor,

room should be split 4 ways Service rooms should be split by PI based on their % of usage in the

room PI/PO for each split should be identified.

For Example - 4 PI share the Glass Washing Room on the floor, room should be split 4 ways

Occupants are not necessary in Service Rooms Do not include service rooms in clusters

A cluster can be a benefiting room for a service room


Page 22: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes


A Space use survey is the process of assigning functional use categories, such as instruction and organized research, to each room the University owns or leases

Space survey (how) vs space inventory (what) The information used for

Rent calculations Clinical Space Charge Space Co-op

Productivity & utilization metrics MTDC ($s) / NASF (department & investigator) NASF / headcount (department & investigator)

Financial statement allocations Back up data for emergency planning Determine room usage for F&A proposal to the federal government – next base year is FY 16 Medicare cost reporting (BJC)

Space Survey – 2014Purpose

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Space productivity & utilization metric example

Space Survey – 2014Purpose

Page 24: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes


“Assignee” Department/”Occupant” Department A room can be ASSIGNED to only ONE department or unit

The assignments have loosened over the years and should be checked and cleaned up. If space is ASSIGNED to one department but OCCUPIED by another, it may be prudent to implement a memo of understanding (MOU) to document the loan terms, discuss with your business manager.

Spreadsheet distributed with assignee department and occupant department information

VERSA/RAPS report – Building – By Room – Occupant Dept & Assignee Dept A room can be OCCUPIED by MULTIPLE departments and investigators

If the room is in the laboratory setting (room type 200 series) and shared by multiple investigators, split the room according to the investigator usage

If a portion of the split is unoccupied/unused for the entire year, assign this split to the unit business manager and identify as inactive (IDC 93) and check the End of Year status box (EOY) as ‘N’ if anticipated as inactive for next FY.

Space Survey – 2014Specific Issues

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Space Survey – 2014Specific Issues


Vacant space Should only be coded as inactive (function code 93) if it was vacant the

entire year Assign the business manager as PI/PO Note in the comments section if space is being held for a recruit in FY 15 Do not split rooms for space inactive for part of the year If the space is expected to be inactive in FY 15, place an ‘N’ in the EOY

status field. EOY status flag on the edit screen

Default is Y

Page 26: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes


Current occupant flag in WebSpace The default is

Uncheck the box if the occupant is not using the space at the end of the year This information is used:

For the HEADCOUNT data included in the annual bench research analysis To load occupants for the FY 15 space survey

Occupants are not required for all rooms Rooms that are not used as permanent work areas (exam rooms, classrooms,

etc) Conference Rooms / Lounge Common Support/Service Rooms (ie: Glass Wash/Dark Room)

Space Survey – 2014Specific Issues

Page 27: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014Specific Issues


What activities/funding sources are going on in this space? An occupant can be working on multiple activities (funding sources) in a

given space For example, a faculty member may use a research lab for organized research &

a classroom for instruction Make sure to identify the funding source for the activities in the room (correct

fund numbers) Split the room if the occupant’s activities in that room are from multiple

funding sources and those funding sources are from either different department, different PI or associated with a recharge center Split by department Split by PI – using funding source of occupants Split recharge center space by % of use

Page 28: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014Specific Issues


OSA (other sponsored) activity (function code 83) normally takes place in an office or clinical setting If a wet lab (room type 250) is coded with this function code, verify that

OSA activity is in fact occurring in this setting. Verify that the account profile is correct. Contact the Med School Finance

Office with any questions.

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Space Survey – 2014Specific Issues


FTE Source is the FTE in HRMS Adjusted FTEs

If the FTE is 0 in HRMS and the individual was paid, an adjusted FTE will be calculated

The FTE will be adjusted for any employee that did not work the entire year using the start and/or end date to calculate an adjusted FTE

Occupant with 0 FTE & No payroll in HRMS will now have 1.0 FTE with 84-No Account Function.

% Time (in room) 1.0 FTE x 50% time in room = .50 0.5 FTE x 100% time in room = .50 Cumulative Time % % Time does not automatically equal % of payroll - do not automatically

use copy function

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Space Survey – 2014


Appendix A – Service Rooms Appendix B – Survey Instructions Appendix C – Recharge Center List Appendix D - Sources

Room Type codes: http://space.wustl.edu/defs.html IDC codes: http://space.wustl.edu/costcodes.html

Page 31: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

250 – Wet LabRoom# 06600

PI – SmithRoom#

06600^01A/B Occupants

PI – JonesRoom#

06600^02C/D Occupants

PI – BlackRom#

06600^03E/F Occupants

PI – WhiteRoom#

06600^04G/H Occupants


Inventory and Attached Room to the appropriate

Benefiting Room

BENEFITING ROOMSInventory / Survey

* Lab Space can only be clustered if the same occupants and same funding activity is occurring

in all the space31

Space Survey – 2014

Appendix A: Service Rooms

Page 32: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

PI – Smith Research


250- Wet LabRoom#


250 – Wet LabRoom#


250 – Wet LabRoom# 06603

330 – Faculty Office

Room# 06612255 – Lab ServiceRoom#

06600A^01 256 – Glass Wash

Room# 06625^01


Space Survey – 2014

Appendix A: Service Rooms

Page 33: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

PI – Jones Research


250- Wet LabRoom#


250 – Wet LabRoom#


20 – Wet LabRoom# 06602

330 – Faculty Office

Room# 6615255 – Lab ServiceRoom#

06600A^02 256 – Glass WashRoom#



Space Survey – 2014

Appendix A: Service Rooms

Page 34: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Step 1: Service Rooms should be inventoried in the same manner as any other room. If multiple PIs use the service room, the room should be split by PI No occupants are required for a Service Room, however, you can

certainly add them if you wish.


Space Survey – 2014

Appendix A: Service Rooms

Page 35: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Step 2: Inventory must be complete for any benefiting room(s) prior to assigning these rooms to a service room.

In the example below, the inventory is complete on the 250 Wet Lab & the 257 Warm Room. Also, the warm room is a split room by PI/PO


Space Survey – 2014

Appendix A: Service Rooms

Page 36: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Step 3: Accessing Service Rooms & assigning the benefiting rooms Only the DC & Sub DC roles will have access to assign the benefiting

rooms to a service room. If you only have the Inventory / Surveyor role you will need to contact your Sub DC for your department.


Space Survey – 2014

Appendix A: Service Room - Access

Page 37: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

3. The Service Room (room# 6620) has been split by PI. Only select the PI split you wish to attach the benefiting rooms (Lab Space) to.


Space Survey – 2014

Appendix A: Service Rooms - Assigning Step 4: Assigning Benefiting Rooms to Service Rooms after

inventory completed1. Click on the Service Module on the left side of the Home Page of

WebSpace. A list of Service rooms will appear. 2. Select the service room or rooms you will be assigning benefiting rooms;

click proceed.

Page 38: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Step 4: Assigning Benefiting Rooms to Service Rooms after inventory completed



Space Survey – 2014

Appendix A: Service Rooms - Assigning

4. A list of benefiting rooms will appear. Select the benefiting rooms you wish to attached to the service room

• Room# 6619 (250-Non Class Wet Lab) was selected as a Benefiting Room. Note, the PI listed is Sharon Tomiser, which is the same as the Service Room – Room# 6620^01

Page 39: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Step 4: Assigning Benefiting Rooms to Service Rooms after inventory completed

The #1 listed under the Service Column is the number of benefiting rooms attached to the service room.

The Benefiting Room is Room# 06619 – Non

Class Wet Lab39

Space Survey – 2014

Appendix A: Service Rooms - Assigning

5. The Service Rooms – Room# 6611^01 & 6620^01 will automatically be surveyed when the benefiting room(s)’ survey is completed. Note, the survey status is now complete

Page 40: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Room# 06611^01 Service Room; 255 – Non Class Lab Service

Room# 06619 Benefiting Room; 250 – Non Class Wet Lab


Space Survey – 2014

Appendix A: Service Rooms

Page 41: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Room# 06620^01 Service Room; 257 – Warm RoomRoom# 06619 Benefiting Room; 250 – Non Class

Wet Lab


Space Survey – 2014

Appendix A: Service Rooms

Page 42: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Do I have to use the service room feature of attaching a benefiting room? It is highly recommended that you use the Service Room feature in

WebSpace. Accuracy of the survey. By not using this feature, the system will direct the user straight to the Survey

Screen, where functionality can be specified, bypassing the payroll process. If the room is surveyed with the functionality of Organized Research, you will be required to enter the Organized Research account(s) associated with the service room


Space Survey – 2014

Appendix A: Service Rooms

Page 43: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

The survey process is specific for each room and involves the following steps: Step#1: Viewing payroll distribution for each occupant & identifying

which accounts/projects are taking place in each room


Space Survey – 2014

Appendix B: Survey Process

Page 44: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes


Occupant #1 has his own fundingIf all activities were taking place in this room, split by PI

Space Survey – 2014

Appendix B: Survey Process

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Space Survey – 2014

Appendix B: Survey Process

Page 46: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes


Step#2: Specifying the % of time each occupant expends in each room on each activity during the fiscal year What do we know about Occupant #1?

Multiple payroll sourcing from 3 different PIs Payroll associated with Principal #1 is only 3%

Space Survey – 2014

Appendix B: Survey Process

Page 47: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes


Principal #1 only spent 10% of his time in this room working on organized research activities, even though 66% of the pay is on organized research sources. The remaining time spent on organized research activities could be going on in an office or another lab.

Space Survey – 2014

Appendix B: Survey Process

Page 48: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes


The FTE in this room is .77 The occupants of this space are not in this particular room 100% of their

time. Their organized research work is done in various other rooms.

Space Survey – 2014

Appendix B: Survey Process

Page 49: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes


Step#3: Updating Survey with the functional percentage that represent the use of the room for the fiscal year.

Functional use percentages must reflect the specific activities performed in each room

Arbitrary percentages, such as averages or repeating percentages, are not acceptable

This room will be surveyed at 100%


Space Survey – 2014

Appendix B: Survey Process

Page 50: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

PI Faculty Office Space could be split in the following manner:


Space Survey – 2014

Appendix B: PI Activity – Complicated Example

1. For the time spent on federally funded research, the portion of the time working on the grant in the office should be Organized Research IDC 82

2. If there is any time spent on activities associated with a federally sponsored clinical trial, this portion of time should be identified as Other Sponsored Projects IDC 83.  The note on the Finance Website that refers to this coding can be found at http://aladdin.wustl.edu/medadmin/fis/finance.nsf

3. The portion of the time writing grants should be identified as Department Admin IDC 89

4. For the time spent on industry sponsored trials, all portions of the activity should be identified as Clinical, IDC 95

5. For the time spent coordinating and following up on clinical activity in the Emergency Department, the time should be identified as Clinical, IDC 95

6.  The portion of the time spent coordinating training and educational activities of students should be identified as Instruction, IDC 96

7.  The portion of the time spent on their own training grant activities or K Awards should be identified as Org Rsch, IDC 82

8.  The portion of the time spent on various other administrative functions for the Department should be Department Admin, IDC 89

9.  The portion of the time spent on Hospital Administrative activities should be identified as Independent Operations, External, IDC 92

Page 51: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014

Appendix C: Recharge Center list


Specialized service facilities/recharge centers Specialized service facilities

Recharge Centers over $250KCyclotron DCM

Biochemistry Stockroom MedpicsBlue Arc Metabolomics CoreResearch Testing Core Facility MicroPet FacilityCenter for Biomedical Informative Support Molecular Biology StockroomTransgenic Core Facility Mouse Genetics Core FacilityCCIR MR FacilityComputer Support Group Pathogen DiscoverDNA Sequencing ProteomicsFlow Cytometry & Fluorescence Activated Cell Sort Sm Animal MR Rechg CtrGTAC T.S.P.RMedical School Machine Shop Tissue Procurement Core

Page 52: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014 Appendix C: Recharge Center list


Specialized service facilities/recharge centers Recharge Centers under $250K

2 Photon Core Immunohistology LabABI RPTPCR Freezer Medical School Electric ShopAnimal Models Core Hope Center Microbiology Glassware FacilityBiologic Therapy Core Facility Microbiology Imaging FacilityCADR Recharge Center Microbiology Media PrepCardio Imaging & Clin Research Core Lab Microbiology Service / Maint - ShopCenter of Genome Science Cluster Rechg CTR Microbiology StockroomCenter of Genome Science Sequencing Rechg CTR MO Flo Cell Sorting CoreCIDER Services Molecular Biology Core Hope Center RCCCore Facility - Human Genetics Molecular Genetics Core LabDNA Polymerase Facility Molecular Pathology LabDNA/ RNA Purification Core Hope Center RC Mouse Phenotype CoreEarhart Research Activities Neuroimaging Core Hope Center RCCElectron Microscopy Services PCR Freezer FundEM Cost Center Pediatric Research Freezer FundEmbryonic Stem Cell Core Skeletal Imaging & Phenotyping - Skip CoreGenechip Core Skeletal Imaging & Phenotyping - Skip CoreHamlet Core Special Project LabHistology Lab Tissue Culture Support CenterHistology Service Center Transgenic Vectors Core Hope Center RCCHTS Robotics Core Wubios - ComputingHybridoma Facility Pathology  

Page 53: Surgeons find better ways to treat nerve compression disorder that can sideline athletes

Space Survey – 2014 Appendix D: Sources


Room Type codes: http://space.wustl.edu/defs.html

IDC codes: http://space.wustl.edu/costcodes.html