SURFACES OF CONSTANT CURVATURE IN AFFINE SPACE XXI Congresso UMI Topologia e Geometria Differenziale Pavia, 3/9/2019 Joint work with Xin Nie

SURFACES OF CONSTANT CURVATURE IN AFFINE SPACEseppi.perso.math.cnrs.fr/slides_pavia.pdf · 1. CONSTANT GAUSSIAN CURVATURE We say an embedded surface in three-space has constant Gaussian

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Page 1: SURFACES OF CONSTANT CURVATURE IN AFFINE SPACEseppi.perso.math.cnrs.fr/slides_pavia.pdf · 1. CONSTANT GAUSSIAN CURVATURE We say an embedded surface in three-space has constant Gaussian


XXI Congresso UMI Topologia e Geometria Differenziale

Pavia, 3/9/2019

Joint work with Xin Nie

Page 2: SURFACES OF CONSTANT CURVATURE IN AFFINE SPACEseppi.perso.math.cnrs.fr/slides_pavia.pdf · 1. CONSTANT GAUSSIAN CURVATURE We say an embedded surface in three-space has constant Gaussian


Let us start with a simple object: (a connected component of) the two-sheeted hyperboloid in three-space.

ℍ2 = {(x, y, z) ∈ ℝ3 : x2 + y2 − z2 = − 1, z > 0}

= {v ∈ ℝ3 : ⟨v, v⟩ = − 1, ⟨v, ∂z⟩ < 0},

where we denote the standard bilinear form of signature (2,1) (the Minkowski metric) by ⟨v1, v2⟩ = x1x2 + y1y2 − z1z2

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The hyperboloid has some simple properties:

• It is an entire graph (in fact, it is asymptotic to the cone x2+y2=z2);

• Its shape operator is B=id, where B=dN is an endomorphism of the tangent space, and N is the unit normal vector with respect to the Minkowski metric.

Moreover, it is unique (up to Minkowski isometries) under these conditions.

We will look at more general classes of surfaces: 1. Surfaces of constant Gaussian curvature for the Minkowski metric 2. Affine spheres in affine space 3. Surfaces of constant Gaussian affine curvature

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1. CONSTANT GAUSSIAN CURVATUREWe say an embedded surface in three-space has constant Gaussian curvature (with respect to the Minkowski metric) if the induced metric is Riemannian and det(B)=K, for some constant K>0.

The problem of classification of entire graphs of constant Gaussian curvature has been studied: Li ’95, Guan-Jian-Schoen ’06, Barbot-Béguin-Zeghib ’11, Bonsante-S.-Smillie ’19.

Analytically, it is equivalent to the Monge-Ampère problem on the disc (here K=1):

det D2u = 1(1 − |z |2 )2

in 𝔻

u |∂𝔻 = φ∥∇u∥ → + ∞ towards ∂𝔻

where the necessary and sufficient condition for existence and uniqueness is that φ is lower semicontinuous and finite on 3 points.

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THE DIRICHLET CONDITIONThe Dirichlet-type condition has a geometric interpretation. It says that the surface is asymptotic to the deformation of the cone:

u |∂𝔻 = φ

Dφ = ⋂p∈∂𝔻


where we are taking the intersection of (at least three) half-spaces

Hp,φ(p) = {z ≥ p ⋅ (x, y) − φ(p)}

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2. AFFINE SPHERESThere is another generalisation of the hyperboloid in the context of affine differential geometry.

Given a convex embedded surface Σ in three-space, there is a notion of affine normal field N which is well-defined for the action of the group of volume-preserving affine transformations.

In fact, for a transversal vector field N, we can write the equations:


DXY = ∇XY + h(X, Y )NDXN = B(X) + τ(X)N

Then N is the affine normal field (which is unique up to sign) if the induced volume form on Σ coincides with the volume form of h, and moreover

Finally, Σ is a proper affine sphere if B is a nonzero multiple of the identity. Equivalently, the affine normals meet at the same point.

τ ≡ 0.ν = ιN det

Page 7: SURFACES OF CONSTANT CURVATURE IN AFFINE SPACEseppi.perso.math.cnrs.fr/slides_pavia.pdf · 1. CONSTANT GAUSSIAN CURVATURE We say an embedded surface in three-space has constant Gaussian

CHENG-YAU THEOREMHyperbolic affine spheres are those for which the normals meet at a point in the concave side of Σ. This corresponds to B=λid, λ>0.

det D2v = v−4 in Ωv |∂Ω = 0∥∇u∥ → + ∞ towards ∂Ω

Analytically, it reduces to the Monge-Ampère problem on

Theorem (Cheng-Yau ’77): For every proper convex cone C, there exists a unique complete hyperbolic affine sphere with B=id, asymptotic to the boundary of C.


In fact, on the disc is a solution for both problems, with zero boundary value, corresponding to the hyperboloid.

u = v = − 1 − |z |2

Or equivalently on the dual convex domain

Ω*=C*∩{z= − 1}:

Examples are the hyperboloid and the Țițeica affine sphere xyz=1, which is asymptotic to the boundary of the first octant.

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We shall now study a larger class of surfaces, defined by the condition det(B)=K for some positive constant K, which includes both surfaces of constant Gaussian curvature and affine spheres.

Important fact: A convex surface Σ satisfies det(B)=K>0 if and only if the affine normals of Σ, translated at the origin, form a hyperbolic affine sphere (with shape operator λid, λ=λ(K)).

Given a proper convex cone, we say that Σ is an affine (C,λ)-surface if its affine normals have image in the unique complete affine sphere asymptotic to the boundary of C, with shape operator λid.

• Complete affine spheres asymptotic to C are affine (C,λ)-surfaces. • Surfaces of constant Gaussian curvature (for the Minkowski

metric) are precisely the affine (C0,λ)-surfaces, where C0 is the quadratic cone x2+y2<z2. In this case, the affine normal and the Minkowski normal coincide.

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Let us assume: • C is a proper convex cone, and denote Ω=C∩{z=1}, Ω*=C*∩{z=1}; • Ω* satisfies the exterior circle condition, i.e. for every p in the

boundary of Ω*, there is a circle through p which contains Ω*; • is a lower semicontinuous function, finite on at

least three points; • λ is a positive constant.

Then there exists a unique complete affine (C,λ)-surface asymptotic to the boundary of

φ : ∂Ω* → ℝ ∪ {+∞}

Dφ = ⋂p∈∂Ω*


where the intersection is among the half-spaces

Hp,φ(p) = {z ≥ p ⋅ (x, y) − φ(p)}

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In terms of Monge-Ampère equations, the problem is (here λ=1):

det D2u = v−4 in Ω*u |∂Ω* = φ∥∇u∥ → + ∞ towards ∂Ω*

where v is the Cheng-Yau solution of

{det D2v = v−4 in Ω*v |∂Ω* = 0

Observe that we recover all the solutions of the previous two Monge-Ampère problems: constant Gaussian curvature surfaces (when Ω=Ω* is the disc) and affine spheres (when φ=0).

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Hence to determine a surface of affine constant curvature, one must specify the domain D to which it is asymptotic and the cone C to which the corresponding affine sphere is asymptotic.

For instance, a domain D which is the intersection of three half-spaces can be obtained as a deformation of different cones, and thus it contains several surfaces asymptotic to its boundary.

On the left, D is seen as a deformation of the quadratic cone, hence it contains a surface of constant Gaussian curvature. On the right, D is seen as a cone itself, hence it contains the Țițeica affine sphere.

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In fact, by a variation of this example, one can produce a proper convex cone C and a deformation D which contains no complete affine (C,λ)-surface.

The exterior circle condition fails on the left picture, and is satisfied on the right instead. Dually, the picture is:

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Hence the second cone C, for which there does exists a complete affine (C,λ)-surface asymptotic to the “triangular” deformation D, looks like:

On the other hand, our theorem is not sharp: by a result of Labourie, there exist complete affine (C,λ)-surface asymptotic to deformations of cones C for which the interior circle condition fails.

Page 14: SURFACES OF CONSTANT CURVATURE IN AFFINE SPACEseppi.perso.math.cnrs.fr/slides_pavia.pdf · 1. CONSTANT GAUSSIAN CURVATURE We say an embedded surface in three-space has constant Gaussian