Morning Bliss | Ramadan 2014 | July 12, 2014 Surah Al Muminoon CLASS 14 – RAMADAN 14, 1435

Surah Al Muminoon Class14 12th July 2014ver0 · 7/12/2014  · Surah!Al!Muminoon,!Class!14!! PAGE4!!! SECTION!V:!STORY!OF!PROPHET!SALEH!(AYAH31[41)!! Ayah!31!!! “Then We produced

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Page 1: Surah Al Muminoon Class14 12th July 2014ver0 · 7/12/2014  · Surah!Al!Muminoon,!Class!14!! PAGE4!!! SECTION!V:!STORY!OF!PROPHET!SALEH!(AYAH31[41)!! Ayah!31!!! “Then We produced


Morning  Bliss  |  Ramadan  2014  |  July  12,  2014  

Surah  Al  Muminoon  CLASS  14  –  RAMADAN  14,  1435  

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Surah  Al  Muminoon,  Class  14    

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Surah  Al  Muminoon  


Surah  Al  Muminoon  is  a  Makki  Surah  revealed  before  Hijra  of  the  Prophet  SAW.  It  was  revealed  to  strengthen  the  believers  and  to  keep  them  firm  on  the  faith.  In  this  Surah,  Allah  is  telling  us  about  all  of  His  signs  to  strengthen  the  belief.    

Allah  is  the  supporter  of  the  believers.  The  believers  do  not  believe  their  eyes  or  anything  around  them.  They  only  believe  in  Allah.    Though  the  believers  in  the  time  of  Nuh  are  a  minority  but  Allah  saved  them.  They  are  the  first  believers  are  on  the  earth.  Before  them  everyone  is  a  believers.  We  understand  the  value  of  the  believers  when  there  is  disbelief.  Allah  saved  the  believers  because  of  their  belief.  

Today  we  will  conclude  the  story  of  Prophet  Nuh  A.S  and  start  with  the  story  of  Prophet  Saleh  A.S.  


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 Ayah  30      

  “Indeed in that are signs, and indeed, We are ever testing [Our servants].”

ت ـ means إإنن فى ذذٲلك أليی  “Verily  in  this  (Story)  are  Ayat”

What  are  the  Ayat  (signs  /  indicators)?    The  signs  and  indicators  are  showing ال االهھ ااال هللا    

The  story  of  Prophet  Nuh  is  a  sign  /  indicators  telling  us  that:      

! No  one  can  save  us  except  Allah.  No  one  will  give  us  the  victory  except  Allah,  no  one  will  give  us  the  good  end  except  Allah,  and  No  one  can  give  us  the  inspiration  except  Allah.  We  should  not  attach  to  anyone  out  of  love  and  magnify  except  Allah  because  of  His  Perfection  

! It   is  a   sign  and   indication   that  Nuh   is  a  messenger  of  Allah.  Nuh   is  calling   the  people   to  Allah   and   the   disbelievers   are   not   treating   him   right   and   they   belied   him.   Then   Allah  inspired  Nuh  on  what  to  do.      What  does  it  mean  that  he  is  a  messenger  of  Allah?    This  means  Allah  will  support  Nuh,  grant  him  the  victory  and  give  him  the  good  end.      

! It  is  a  sign  that  people  of  Nuh  were  liars  because  of  their  false  accusations  against  Allah  and  His  messenger.   Allah   destroyed   the   people   of  Nuh   because   they  were   the  wrong-­‐   doers,  they  disbelieved.    

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! It   is   a   sign   that  Allah  will   always   save   the  believer.  This   is   consistent   every   time  and  we  need  to  trust  and  believe  this  although  the  disbelievers  may  be  in  majority  

! It  is  a  sign  that  Allah  will  destroy  the  disbelievers.  ! The  ship   is  one  of   the  signs  of  Allah–   it   is  an   inspiration  of  Allah  because  the  concept  of  

“ship”  did  not  exist  before.  

It  is  absolutely  necessary  that  we  must  believe  in  these  Ayat  


means ووإإنن كنا لمبتليین  “And  Indeed  we  are  testing  you”    


,means إإنن  “  Surely”,  “Indeed”.  This  is  for  affirmation      

لمبتليین   means,  “  testing  (  our  servants)”.    

After  mentioning  that  Ayat  are  signs  for  us  in  order  to  increase  you  in  faith,  then  Allah  mentions  that  he  is  surely  testing  us.  Allah  created  us  and  made  us  to  live  in  this  life  in  order  that  we  maybe  tested  for  our  belief  in  Allah.    The  subject  of  our  test  is  our  belief  in  Allah.    This  is  why  we  need  to  increase  our  belief  otherwise  we  will  fail  the  test.  We  need  to  increase  in  our  faith  and  knowledge  in  order   to   succeed   in   the   test.  The  different   situations  we  go   through   in  our   life   are   a   test   for  our  belief.  

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 Ayah  31    

  “Then We produced after them a generation of others.”

ثم  means   “after   a   while”.   This   shows   sequence   but   with   time.   This   indicates   a   passage   of   time  passed.  

means أأنشأنا   “we  produced”  This  means   a  new  creation  came   forth.  Although   the   creation  was  already   started   with   Adam   A.S.   Our   default   is   to   belief.   The   believers   are   in   harmony   with   the  universe.  The  default  is  belief  which  is  natural,  but  then  after  that  disbelief,  which  is  something  odd  emerged.  So  when  this  happens,  Allah  sends  the  messengers  and  more  signs,  may  Allah    protect  us.    

Before  Nuh  people  were  disbelieving,   then  Allah  destroyed   all   the  disbelievers.  Then   again   there  was  disbelief  after  a  certain  passage  of  time.    Because  of  the  disbelief  they  were  a  different  creation.  This   is   about   the   people   of   Thamud   to   whom   Prophet   Saleh   was   sent.   The   people   of   Thamud  disturbed  the  harmony  of  the  universe  as  they  changed  their  nature  from  belief  to  disbelief.  Allah  wants  to  save  them  so  He  sent  them  Saleh  A.S  as  messenger  

means من بعدهھھھم  “after  them”.  This  means  after  the  People  of  Nuh  A.S.

means قرنا ءااخريین  “another  people”.  These  are  the  people  of  Saleh  A.S.  i.e.  Thamud.  

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Why  does  it  mention  that  they  are  another  creation?  

This  is  because  they  emerged  as  disbelievers  and  that  is  odd.  There  were  so  many  signs  were  sent  to  them,  but  they  failed  their  tests.  Allah  wanted  to  save  them,  so  he  sent  a  messenger  i.e.  Saleh  A.S.  to  them.  

Ayah  32      

“And We sent among them a messenger from themselves, [saying], "Worship Allah ; you have no deity other than Him; then will you not fear Him?".”

نہم فأ means ررسلنا فيیہم ررسوال م  “And  We  sent  among  them  a  messenger  from  themselves”  

When   someone   disbelieves   Allah   sends   signs   to   bring   them   back   to   faith.   This   is   because   Allah  wants  us  to  succeed.  If  a  person  does  not  see  the  signs  and  he  is  failing  then  Allah  will  send  extra  signs  in  the  form  of  a  messenger.    

فأررسلنا   means   “And   We   sent”   The   “We”   refers   to   Allah.   This   shows   Allah’s   action.   This   is  nurturing  from  Allah  as  it  is  action  of  Allah.  Allah  wants  the  humanity  to  go  back  to  Him.  It  is  out  of  Allah’s  mercy  we  are  by  default  believers,  disbelief  is  odd–  the  Duniya  is  filled  with  Ayat,  so  you  cannot  make  mistakes   the   answers,   they   are   everywhere,  And   if   the   people   still   fails   these   tests,  Allah  out  of  his  mercy  will  still  send  a  messenger  to  the  people.  

,means فيیہم  “  in  them”.    

,means ررسوال  “Messenger”.  This  refers  to  Saleh.    Allah  sent  messenger  to  remove  the  disbelief.    

نہم م  means,  “  of  them”  

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Prophet  Saleh  is  from  the  people  of  Thamud.  


أأنن ٱٱعبدوواا ٱٱ#  means,  “  worship  Allah”  

We  need  to  humble  and  humiliate  ourselves  to  Allah.  This   is  the  same  message  as  Nuh  A.S.    The  message  is  same  for  all  messengers,  which  is  to  worship  Allah  alone.  


هھ غيیرهه ـ ن إإل ,means ما لكم م  “  You  have  no  other  ilah  but  Allah”.  This  is ال االهھ ااال هللا 


,means أأفال تتقونن  “Will  you  not  have  Taqwa?”    We  need  to  have  Taqwa  for  the  one  we  worship.  

These   are   our   actions   to  worship  Allah,   to  have  no  other   ilah  besides  Allah   and   to   taqwa   in  our  worship  


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Ayah  33  


“And the eminent among his people who disbelieved and denied the meeting of the Hereafter while We had given them luxury in the worldly life said, "This is not but a man like yourselves. He eats of that from which you eat and drinks of what you drink.  

,means ووقالل ٱٱلمأل من قومهھ ٱٱلذيین كفروواا  “  And  the  chiefs  of  his  people  who  disbelieved”  

If  we  compare  it  to  the  story  of  Nuh  we  see  that  in  both  the  stories  the  Chiefs  are  speaking.  They  are  the  leaders  who  want  the  power,  which  is  why  they  object.  

In  the  story  of  Nuh  the  chiefs  spoke  immediately.  This  is  because  the فف   is  used.    

In  the  story  of  Saleh  the  chiefs  spoke  after  some  time  This  is  because  the وو   is  used.    

Also   in   the  story  of  Nuh  the  word   كفروواا   is  preceding   قومهھ   ,   this  shows  emphasis  when   كفروواا   is  brought  forward  because  the  people  of  Nuh  were  the  first  disbelievers  on  earth.    

In  the  story  of  Saleh   is قومهھ  mentioned  first.  This  is  because  the  intensity  of  disbelief   is  different  with  the  people  of  Nuh  versus  the  people  of  Saleh.