The duty to undertake JSNA was introduced in 2007 in recognition that strategic planning for health and wellbeing was best done in partnership, and based on evidence. It is intended to provide a powerful model for joint working in every locality. What SHAPE offers JSNA SHAPE provides information (where available) for SHAs, PCTs, PCT clusters, Local Authorities , GP practices and Clinical Commissioning Groups on a range of indicators, all relevant for JSNA including: Supporting Joint Strategic Needs Assessment SHAPE case study Understanding your population Population density by sex age structure, specifically percentage of population by broad age band and by quinary age bands assessment of the population by ethnicity Determinants of health Index of multiple deprivation, including by assessment for disability, children and older people Childhood obesity levels Teenage pregnancy rates MMR immunisation uptake Epidemiology Premature mortality figures for cancers and circulatory diseases as well as life expectancy for males and females Infant mortality rates QOF prevalence for CVD, COPD, CHD, atrial fibrillation, diabetes, epilepsy, heart failure, hypertension, hypothyroidism, stroke & TIA. Service access, utilisation and effectiveness HRGs representing the highest proportion of admissions and bed days by admission type. QOF prevalence indicators and also provides a link to actual QOF data at GP practice level. Analyses of emergency admissions, readmissions, excess bed days and length of stay by provider or commissioner. Estimate of savings that could be achieved by reducing emergency admissions, length of stay, excess bed days and multiple admissions if performance is improved to the level achieved by the top 25% of providers. Mapping of outpatient and A&E attendances available soon. Costs of care by programme budgeting categories. All indicators can be mapped and compared to location of NHS sites and facilities. Strategic Health Asset Planning and Evaluation 60, 45 & 30 minute travel time catchments around A&E hospital site QOF COPD prevalence by GP practice site

Supporting Joint Strategic Needs Assessment...Supporting Joint Strategic Needs Assessment SHAPE case study Understanding your population Population density by sex age structure, specifically

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Page 1: Supporting Joint Strategic Needs Assessment...Supporting Joint Strategic Needs Assessment SHAPE case study Understanding your population Population density by sex age structure, specifically

The duty to undertake JSNA was introduced in 2007 in recognition that strategic planning for health and wellbeing was best done in partnership, and based on evidence. It is intended to provide a powerful model for joint working in every locality.

What SHAPE offers JSNASHAPE provides information (where available) for SHAs, PCTs, PCT clusters, Local Authorities , GP practices and Clinical Commissioning Groups on a range of indicators, all relevant for JSNA including:

Supporting Joint Strategic Needs AssessmentSHAPE case study

Understanding your population

Population density by sex

age structure, specifically percentage of population by broad age band and by quinary age bands

assessment of the population by ethnicity

Determinants of health

Index of multiple deprivation, including by assessment for disability, children and older people

Childhood obesity levels

Teenage pregnancy rates

MMR immunisation uptake


Premature mortality figures for cancers and circulatory diseases as well as life expectancy for males and females

Infant mortality rates

QOF prevalence for CVD, COPD, CHD, atrial fibrillation, diabetes, epilepsy, heart failure, hypertension, hypothyroidism, stroke & TIA.

Service access, utilisation and effectiveness

HRGs representing the highest proportion of admissions and bed days by admission type.

QOF prevalence indicators and also provides a link to actual QOF data at GP practice level.

Analyses of emergency admissions, readmissions, excess bed days and length of stay by provider or commissioner.

Estimate of savings that could be achieved by reducing emergency admissions, length of stay, excess bed days and multiple admissions if performance is improved to the level achieved by the top 25% of providers.

Mapping of outpatient and A&E attendances available soon.

Costs of care by programme budgeting categories.

All indicators can be mapped and compared to location of NHS sites and facilities.

Strategic Health Asset Planning and Evaluation

60, 45 & 30 minute travel time catchments around A&E hospital site

QOF COPD prevalence by GP practice site

Page 2: Supporting Joint Strategic Needs Assessment...Supporting Joint Strategic Needs Assessment SHAPE case study Understanding your population Population density by sex age structure, specifically

Have you tried?Using SHAPE to talk and plan with your local LA or NHS partners? They can also register for SHAPE by contacting [email protected].

Focusing on outliers only (by choosing the “Outliers Only” option from the drop-down box at top of left hand panel). This will quickly identify areas where your local situation differs significantly from national average and therefore may require further consideration.

Investigating trends over time on a range of indicators including emergency admissions, lengths of stay, excess bed days, outpatient and A&E attendances.

Investigating differences between secondary care providers as regards: length of stay, excess bed days, multiple admissions, and others.

Investigating differences between GP practices as regards demographic profiles, patient satisfaction, mortality and all QOF indicators.

Investigating your local population and comparing it to other similar organisations.

Undertaking a travel time for your local GP practices to see what population is within its catchment area.

SHAPE is free to NHS professionals and Local Authority professionals with a role in Public Health or Social Care.Access to the application is by formal registration and licence agreement.

For further information:Email [email protected] • Telephone 0191 334 0368

Visit shape.dh.gov.uk

North East

SHAPE is a web-enabled, evidence-based application which informs and supports the strategic planning of services and physical assets across a whole health economy.

The application aims to support national policy priorities including Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, QIPP, Transforming Community Services and Clinical Commissioning.

SHAPE contains a number of key indicators from a range of datasets including: hospital activity, JSNA, public health, primary care, programme budgeting and demography. Each indicator can be mapped and is linked with information on healthcare estates performance and facilities location.

PCT programme budgeting, all categories