SUPPORTED BY AN EDUCATIONAL GRANT FROM ALCON LABORATORIES… · 2017-02-27 · (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) at the recom-mendation of several colleagues. Although we

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Page 1: SUPPORTED BY AN EDUCATIONAL GRANT FROM ALCON LABORATORIES… · 2017-02-27 · (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) at the recom-mendation of several colleagues. Although we

Supplement to April 2008


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Page 2: SUPPORTED BY AN EDUCATIONAL GRANT FROM ALCON LABORATORIES… · 2017-02-27 · (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) at the recom-mendation of several colleagues. Although we


Torsional Ultrasound

Is It Time to Switch to a RevolutionaryUltrasound Movement?

Ophthalmic surgeons are showing a lot

of interest and enthusiasm for the

unique OZil Torsional ultrasound

technology available only on the

INFINITI Vision System (Alcon Laboratories, Inc.,

Fort Worth, TX). With the recent introduction of

two new phacoemulsification consoles, many sur-

geons are evaluating multiple manufacturers’ units

when assessing their purchase options. As you will

read here, several of these non-Alcon–based sur-

geons were so impressed with the “new paradigm”


definitely made my life easier.”

By James P. Gills, MD

6 OZIL TORSIONAL DELIVERS IMPROVEDPATIENT OUTCOMES“I am happier because my patients are happier.”

By Manus C. Kraff, MD

7 THE DECISION WAS QUITE EASY TO MAKE“We were enticed by idea that a phaco machine

could add value to our bottom line through

discernibly better results.”

By Thomas Walters, MD

9 EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE AND TECHNOLOGIES “The OZil Torsional technology was just amazing.”

By Jitendra Swarup, MD

11 COMPARING PHACO TECHNOLOGIES IN A TEACHING HOSPITAL“It is hard to believe what difference a tip can make.”

By Tal Raviv, MD

14 OVERHYPED, OR A REAL TECHNOLOGICALADVANCE?“I feel confident that I chose the phaco technology

that is going to revolutionize the procedure.”

By Jason Jones, MD

17 GROWING YOUR PRACTICE WITH INFINITIAND OZIL TORSIONAL ULTRASOUND“Collectively, these factors made surgery better and safer.”

By David M. Kwiat, MD


Figure 1. Phaco machine market share by quarter.

1. Q4-2007 Cataract Quarterly Update. Manchester, MO: Market Scope LLC; 2007;10.

Page 3: SUPPORTED BY AN EDUCATIONAL GRANT FROM ALCON LABORATORIES… · 2017-02-27 · (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) at the recom-mendation of several colleagues. Although we


Torsional Ultrasound

and proven surgical benefits of OZil Torsional that

they agreed to describe their experiences and rea-

sons for switching to the INFINITI platform.

The domestic US phacoemulsification market

share numbers are reflecting the buzz. According

to research from Market Scope, LLC (Manchester,

MO), Alcon phaco machine procedural unit mar-

ket share grew approximately 6 percentage points

between Q4 2006 and Q4 2007 (Figure 1).1

Considering how the surgical environment is

evolving and changing with new surgical options

such as premium IOLs, does torsional ultrasound

make sense for your technique and practice?

Learn from your peers about the thought process

that drove their decision to cross the fence and

transition to the future of phacoemulsification!

James P. Gills, MD, is Founder and

Director of St. Luke’s Cataract & Laser

Institute in Tarpon Springs, Florida. He

acknowledged no financial interest in the

products or companies mentioned herein.

Dr. Gills may be reached at

(727) 943-3111 ext. 2431; [email protected].

Jason Jones, MD, is Assistant Medical

Director of Jones Eye Clinic, Sioux City,

Iowa. He acknowledged no financial

interest in any of the products or compa-

nies mentioned herein. Dr. Jones may be

reached at (712) 239-3937;

[email protected].

Manus C. Kraff, MD, is Professor of

Clinical Ophthalmology at Northwestern

University in Chicago. He acknowledged

no financial interest in the products or

companies mentioned herein. Dr. Kraff

may be reached at (773) 777-4444;

[email protected].

David M. Kwiat, MD, is in private prac-

tice at the Cataract Care Center in

upstate New York and is Medical Director

of an ophthalmic consulting company. He

acknowledged no proprietary interest in

the products or companies mentioned

herein. Dr. Kwiat may be reached at (518) 265-1610;

[email protected].

Tal Raviv, MD, is Assistant Professor of

Ophthalmology, New York Medical

College, Valhalla, New York; an attending

cornea and refractive surgeon at the New

York Eye and Ear Infirmary; and is in pri-

vate practice as founding partner of NY

Laser Eye in New York City. He acknowledged no finan-

cial interest in the products or companies mentioned

herein. Dr. Raviv may be reached at (212) 448-1005;

[email protected].

Jitendra Swarup, MD, is in private prac-

tice and is the managing partner at the

Albemarle Eye Center in Elizabeth City,

North Carolina. He acknowledged no

financial interest in the products or com-

panies mentioned herein. Dr. Swarup may

be reached at (252) 335-5446; [email protected].

Thomas Walters, MD, is President of

Texan Eye, P.A., and Advanced Oph-

thalmic Services, P.A., and he is Medical

Director of Keystone Clinical Research

and LaserView Vision Correction Center,

all in Austin, Texas. He is a paid consult-

ant for Alcon Laboratories, Inc. Dr. Walters may be

reached at (512) 327-7000; [email protected].


Page 4: SUPPORTED BY AN EDUCATIONAL GRANT FROM ALCON LABORATORIES… · 2017-02-27 · (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) at the recom-mendation of several colleagues. Although we


Torsional Ultrasound

Greater Excitement andConfidence

My staff and I at the St. Luke’s Cataract andLaser Institute in Tarpon Springs, Florida,have had experience with quite a few phacosystems over the years, including the ChironPhacotron Gold and the MillenniumMicrosurgical System (both from Bausch &

Lomb, Rochester, NY), the Sonic Wave (STAAR SurgicalCompany, Monrovia, CA), and the Sovereign Compactwith WhiteStar (Advanced Medical Optics, Inc., SantaAna, CA). I was happy with the Sovereign, but I tried theINFINITI Vision System with the OZil Torsional handpiece(Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) at the recom-mendation of several colleagues. Although we had initialconcerns that the additional cost of the INFINITI cassettewas prohibitive for our outpatient facility model, weeventually switched to the torsional because of its ease ofuse, time savings, and performance.

FIR ST IMPRE SSIONSMy son, Pit Gills, MD, was trained on the INFINITI unit, so

the transition was easy for him. Although it took me a fewweeks longer to fully adjust to it, I realized it was the easiestmachine I had ever used. My first reaction was, “This is soeasy, it is going to add 5 years to my career.” Within half anhour of testing the machine, I could tell that the OZilTorsional handpiece offered great advantages. By the end ofmy first day using it, I knew I wanted this unit. It felt stableand was effective. It was like driving a high-performanceautomobile; the system did everything the way it should. Ithad all of the parameters a surgeon would want. The OZilTorsional technology is better than any phaco system I haveused before. Now, I start my surgical day with much greaterexcitement and confidence, rather than expecting surgicalchallenges.

SURGICAL PERFORM ANCEI had to adjust to using the 45º bevel mini-flared

Kelman tip, which emulsifies the lens material slightly dif-ferently than nonangled tips. Because the angled tipemulsifies deeper into the nucleus when I create my ini-tial grooves, I learned to adjust my hand position so thatI slightly decrease the angle at which I hold the hand-piece during the sculpting of the nucleus (Figure 1).

Also, I especially appreciate how the torsional technol-ogy allows me to better handle challenging surgeries byallowing me to work more centrally in the eye (Figure 2).Furthermore, I am presently working with Alcon engi-neers to develop and introduce a phaco irrigation sleevethat is especially useful for small pupils and cases of intra-operative floppy iris syndrome. The sleeve contains onlyone irrigation port, so it directs fluid posteriorly andthereby avoids the cornea and iris. It is quite surgicallyefficient when using torsional ultrasound, and it workswell with that type of energy to provide incredible anteri-or chamber stability, decreased fluidic turbulence, andcrystal clear corneas. Many of my patients have Fuchs’dystrophy, and some have very unhealthy corneas.

“The INFINITI with OZil Torsional ultrasound has definitely made my life easier.”


Figure 1. The author has slightly decreased the angle at

which he holds the OZil handpiece to take advantage of the

angled tip's ability to emulsify deeper into the nucleus than

straight phaco tips.“When I first heard about torsional,

I thought it was just an advertising

gimmick. After trying it, however,

I changed my opinion.”

Page 5: SUPPORTED BY AN EDUCATIONAL GRANT FROM ALCON LABORATORIES… · 2017-02-27 · (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) at the recom-mendation of several colleagues. Although we


Torsional Ultrasound

Directing the fluidic flow to the posterior chamber helpsto preserve compromised endothelium, which helps tomaintain the clarity of the postoperative cornea. I alsofeel it lessens the risk for posterior capsular rupture, be-cause the fluidic flow is always pushing the capsule awayfrom the phaco tip. The idea and benefits of the single-hole sleeve has also been promoted by John Hart, MD, ofWest Bloomfield, Michigan, for many years.

The fluidics of the OZil Torsional handpiece also pro-vides me excellent control of low-end vacuum power,which allows for exceptional, capsule-friendly polishing.This added polishing of the anterior capsule helps me togive my premium IOL patients excellent outcomes. I haveevaluated but am not currently using micro-incisions,because I implant a fair number of premium IOLs thatrequire a 2.8-mm incision.

SAVING TIME AND EFFORTI feel that the INFINITI Vision System with OZil

Torsional ultrasound offsets its cost by saving our sur-

geons and staff time and effort. The OR staff are able toturn the machine over more quickly and easily than withprevious systems. Surgically, I find it an easier and moreconsistent machine to use. Although I do not try tospeed through my phaco surgery, I have realized that thetorsional procedure is much more surgically efficientthan with traditional longitudinal ultrasound. The systemhas improved fluidics that are highly controllable andresponsive. It permits a very slow technique when neces-sary, such as with a dislocated lens. With a hard cataract,I can increase the parameters and adjust the torsionaland even blend in small amounts of longitudinal energyas needed. I reserve the longitudinal ultrasound for thedensest lenses only, perhaps in one out of 500 cases.With any amount of energy, I find the system gentle onpatients’ corneas. Even with challenging cases, vitreousloss has been much more rare for me than in the past.

For all of its performance power, the INFINITI withOZil Torsional is also very durable. Obviously, allmachines suffer breakdowns, but I expect to have fewerwith this machine than any other I have used.

CONCLUSIONSTo me, the biggest selling point of this machine is its

torsional phaco technology. When I first heard about tor-sional, I thought it was just an advertising gimmick. Aftertrying it, however, I changed my opinion. Torsional is anextremely significant improvement in phaco technology.Overall, although I have not conducted statistical analy-sis, I believe that the system has improved my outcomes.The INFINITI with OZil Torsional ultrasound has definitelymade my life easier. ■

Figure 2. OZil Torsional ultrasound draws nuclear material

to the phaco tip, which is especially important in challeng-

ing surgeries, such as this case of intraoperative floppy iris


“Surgically, I find it an easier and

more consistent machine to use.”

Page 6: SUPPORTED BY AN EDUCATIONAL GRANT FROM ALCON LABORATORIES… · 2017-02-27 · (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) at the recom-mendation of several colleagues. Although we


Torsional Ultrasound

OZil Torsional DeliversImproved Patient Outcomes

I have been performing phacoemulsificationsince I took the course by Charles Kelman, MD,in January 1974. I have used all the genera-tions of phaco instruments; most recently, Iwas using the Sovereign WhiteStar with theICE system (Advanced Medical Optics, Inc.,

Santa Ana, CA). I was interested in the new phaco technolo-gies, so I asked to evaluate the INFINITI Vision System withOZil Torsional ultrasound (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., FortWorth, TX). After careful consideration and evaluation, Inow use this system exclusively.

ONE SIMPLE SELLING POINTMy reason for adopting the INFINITI system can be

summed up in two words: better outcomes. The OZiltechnology delivers an impressive “wow” factor on day 1.I see clearer corneas than I have with previous phacotechnologies, and my patients are impressed with theirexcellent vision. I am happier because my patients arehappier, and this is important because at least 70% ofmy patients come from other satisfied patients.

The reason for INFINITI Torsional ultrasound’s clearcorneas is the oscillatory motion of the OZil handpiece.A sweeping motion keeps nuclear fragments at the tipof the phaco needle (an action termed followability byDr. Kelman), whereas the anterior/posterior movementof a phaco needle with traditional longitudinal ultra-sound causes material to bounce at the tip.

I have especially noted an improvement when emulsi-fying very dense cataracts, thanks to the greater followa-bility of OZil, reduced turbulence, and overall quieterprocedure. With very dense cataracts, I use the 30º beveltapered tip (Alcon Laboratories, Inc.) and a combinationof torsional and longitudinal ultrasound. Even with thiscombination, the OZil technology keeps the nuclearfragments in better contact with the vibrating phaco tipand thus minimizes turbulence within the eye versus myprevious modulated, longitudinal ultrasound system.

EASY TRANSITIONTransitioning to the INFINITI and OZil Torsional technol-

ogy was easy. My staff had no problems with learning the

new system, and it did not affect our patient flow. I hadto become accustomed to the unit’s power settings andthe Kelman tip, but these adjustments were not techni-cally challenging. I look forward to making such transi-tions when it comes to adopting new technology. Mostsurgeons are willing to modify their technique or instru-mentation to get better surgical results, and simply put, Ifelt my results were better on day 1. The eyes look better,and my patients have better vision compared with previ-ous phaco technologies. I have also evaluated micro-coaxial surgery with the INFINITI, and I feel the mainadvantage of this will be more stable anterior chambers(less chamber fluctuation) during phacoemulsification,since the wound size is only 2.2 to 2.4 mm.

ALCON SERVICEAlcon’s service is terrific. My honest, uninfluenced opin-

ion is that no company provides better service or is moreresponsive to requests than Alcon. If I ask for something, Iget it quickly. Also, I am impressed with the company’s rep-resentatives. I think they are the best trained in the indus-try. They are very knowledgeable about their product, andthey know how to share information with their physicianclients to help adapt and evolve their individual surgicaltechnique.

BOTTOM LINEMy bottom line is always about the patient. To me,

the decision to switch platforms was very simple:clearer corneas and better vision sooner for mypatients. ■

“I am happier because my patients are happier.”


“The OZil technology delivers

an impressive wow factor on day 1

for both my patients and me. I see

clearer corneas than I have with

previous phaco technologies, and

my patients are impressed with

their excellent vision.”

Page 7: SUPPORTED BY AN EDUCATIONAL GRANT FROM ALCON LABORATORIES… · 2017-02-27 · (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) at the recom-mendation of several colleagues. Although we

The Decision Was Quite Easyto Make

Our physician-owned ambulatory surgerycenter (ASC) is a 13-ophthalmologist practicewith seven cataract surgeons. We had usedthe same phaco technology since the ASCopened more than 9 years ago, theMillennium Microsurgical System with

Custom Control Software upgrade (Bausch & Lomb,Rochester, NY). In addition to the age of our unit, two otherfactors compelled us to consider purchasing a new phacosystem. First, some of the new doctors who joined our prac-tice had been trained on other phaco systems. They felt thatthey could not perform surgery as well with the Millenniumtechnology, and they began taking patients outside the ASCto do their procedures. Also, we were sometimes disap-pointed with our first-day outcomes for dense cataractswith the Millennium.

DE MOCR ATIC DECISION PROCE SSWe decided to make the selection process for a new

phaco system democratic among all the surgeons and surgi-cal support staff. In the last quarter in 2007, each surgeontested three systems for 1 month each: the WhiteStarSignature System with Fusion Fluidics (Advanced MedicalOptics, Inc., Santa Ana, CA), the Stellaris Vision Enhance-ment System (Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY), and theINFINITI Vision System with the OZil Torsional handpiece(Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX). We created astandard report that we filled out for each system at theend of its trial month. The report described what wethought were the strengths and weaknesses of each systemand whether we would want to purchase it. The supportstaff had their own report card to evaluate each phaco unit.They rated the systems on setting up, taking down, and ster-ilizing the equipment for the next case. Surprisingly, theINFINITI with OZil Torsional received nearly unanimousapproval from all involved. So, whereas we expected to haveto resolve differing opinions between so many people, thedecision was quite easy to make.

Interestingly, a third-party opinion reinforced our purchasedecision. The majority of patients treated at our practice

receive postoperative care from one doctor who specializesin the postsurgical management of most of our cataractpatients. We had informed this doctor that we were testingnew phaco machines and asked him to let us know if henoticed any difference in the quality of patients’ outcomeson the first postoperative day. We did not tell him whichunit we were using each month. The second week of ourusing the INFINITI with OZil Torsional technology, followinga large group of postoperative patients, he reported thatsomething had changed, that the results showed quietereyes, clearer corneas, and better first-day outcomes than theprevious two units. He wanted to know which unit it wasand expressed hope that we would acquire that one. Wewere enticed by idea that a phaco machine could add valueto our bottom line through discernibly better results.


Using the INFINITI with Torsional ultrasound for thefirst time is surprising. The OZil handpiece performs com-pletely differently from any other longitudinal phacohandpiece. Using torsional ultrasound with the 45ºKelman mini-flared tip is nothing like I have ever seen in25 years of doing cataract surgery in that it does not repelnuclear material and rarely occludes, two features that areunexpected in the surgeon’s initial use. “Adapting” to OZilTorsional ultrasound basically means eliminating thesetwo necessary side effects of longitudinal phaco. Without

“We were enticed by idea that a phaco machine could add value

to our bottom line through discernibly better results.”


“Using torsional ultrasound with the

45º Kelman mini-flared tip is nothing

like I have ever seen in 25 years of

doing cataract surgery in that it does

not repel nuclear material and rarely

occludes, two features that are unex-

pected in the surgeon’s initial use.”


Torsional Ultrasound

Page 8: SUPPORTED BY AN EDUCATIONAL GRANT FROM ALCON LABORATORIES… · 2017-02-27 · (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) at the recom-mendation of several colleagues. Although we


Torsional Ultrasound

repulsion, the surgeon no longer has to search for nuclearfragments; they simply follow into the tip. The onlyadjustment the surgeon has to make is to anticipate amore effective and smoother phaco procedure that doesnot involve repeated starting and stopping.

Dense NucleiThis level of performance remains consistent even with

dense cataracts. When we were testing new phaco systems,we wished to reduce if not eliminate the standard cornealedema that is associated with the longitudinal emulsifica-tion of a dense lens. The OZil handpiece with the 45ºKelman mini-flared tip has accomplished this goal. Even

with cataracts of significant density, this technology emulsi-fies so readily that the occlusion mode in the fluidics is al-most nonexistent. Because of the increased cutting efficien-cy of the OZil handpiece, much less energy is used to re-move a dense cataract, resulting in less early postoperativecorneal edema as well as anterior chamber inflammation,which significantly improves patients’ speed of recovery andcorneal clarity.

Chamber StabilityWithout the repeated stopping and starting of occlusion,

the system’s fluidics does not have to work hard at all, so thechamber remains inflated at a constant level. The increasedanterior chamber stability associated with use of the OZilTorsional handpiece is an important point. Not only is theemulsification stabilized from an energy standpoint, but theOZil handpiece also helps to maintain a stable anterior andposterior chamber from a fluidics standpoint.

Customizable ParametersOne of the best features of the OZil Torsional technology

is the ability to customize settings that take advantage ofthe benefits of each ultrasound technology for lens removal,including the blending of linear and torsional duty cycles tofurther reduce the possibility of occlusion. Additionally,these fluidics and power settings can be adjusted in anygiven surgical mode or step. At any point during the phacoprocedure, the surgeon can customize the parameters toeach stage of cataract removal, including sculpting, quad-rant removal, epinuclear, and cortex removal, etc.

PR ACTICE BUILDING WITH THE INFINITIAs we continue to adopt new premium elective treat-

ment modalities with premium pricing, such as lenticu-lar surgery for correcting refractive error or new-tech-nology IOLs for presbyopia, patients increasingly expecta rapid visual recovery and a high quality of visionimmediately postoperatively. It is important for thesepatients to know that they have invested their moneywisely and are getting a good value, and high-qualitypostoperative vision and fast healing are two of themost important marketing tools for growing a product.We do little to no advertising and instead rely on ouroutcomes to grow our practice, and the INFINITI withOZil Torsional technology contributes to that endeavorsignificantly. Not only have our word-of-mouth referralsincreased since acquiring this machine, but we alsoreceive many referrals from eye doctors who do notperform cataract surgery. It is very important that thesepatients return to their referring doctor seeing well.Those doctors are very discriminating when they exam-ine a postoperative eye, because they can choose whereto refer their patients. Thus, we must be able to providea consistent standard of outcomes that continues toattract referrals.

In addition, the INFINITI Vision System attracted anadditional physician to our surgery center who is notpart of our practice, and we hope to continue increasingour business this way. We had been trying to bring newdoctors to our surgery center for more than 5 years, butour previous phaco technology discouraged them.

E XCELLENT SUPPORTOne other critical component of our purchasing deci-

sion was the quality of support from Alcon’s technicalstaff, who bring more to the table than just superiorequipment. Alcon representatives are always availableand able to provide us with the tools we need to putout a better product. For example, they improved mysurgical technique by offering advice on using themachine’s different settings in various surgical situa-tions. In my opinion, Alcon does an incredible job oftraining their surgical support staff to make owningtheir machine a value-added experience. I assume thetechnical support is just as good, although we have nothad to rely on that yet.

SUMM ARYIn short, we can only build our practice through referrals

generated by superior outcomes, and we can only achievethese with the best technology available—the INFINITIVision System with OZil Torsional ultrasound. ■

“High-quality postoperative vision

and fast healing are two of the most

important marketing tools for

growing a product.”

Page 9: SUPPORTED BY AN EDUCATIONAL GRANT FROM ALCON LABORATORIES… · 2017-02-27 · (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) at the recom-mendation of several colleagues. Although we


Torsional Ultrasound

Exceptional Service andTechnologies

I practice in the Northeastern part ofNorth Carolina in a large ophthalmic clinicthat includes four offices with two oph-thalmologists and three optometrists. Mymain focus is cataract surgery. My previousphaco systems were the Sovereign with

WhiteStar and the Sovereign Compact (both byAdvanced Medical Optics, Inc., Santa Ana, CA). I beganlooking into different phaco machines because, in thisrelatively rural area, I see a lot of extremely densecataracts (of 3 to 4+), and I wanted a phaco technologythat would handle these types of lenses better.

A NOTICEABLE DIFFERENCEFirst, I tested the WhiteStar Signature System with

Fusion Fluidics (Advanced Medical Optics, Inc.). Al-though it has improved fluidics over the Sovereign andCompact, I found the improvement only marginal.When I tried the INFINITI Vision System with the OZilTorsional handpiece and the 45º Kelman mini-flared tip(Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX), it was atotally different experience for me. First, it kept theanterior chamber completely stable. Most impressive,however, was its cutting ability and how efficiently itcould emulsify nuclear material. It emulsified a 4+ cat-aract with minimal energy. My cumulative dissipatedenergy levels stayed between 3 and 6, and occasionallyreached 7. My patients’ corneas were much clearer com-pared with my previous experience. Plus, my phacotime on the INFINITI after just a few cases was signifi-cantly better than using highly modulated, longitudinalultrasound. I have to say, the OZil Torsional technologywas just amazing.

FACILITATION OF TECHNIQUEMy preferred technique is a modified phaco chop

with a back-crack maneuver that does not involverotating the nucleus and therefore minimally impactsthe capsular bag and zonules. The 45º Kelman mini-flared tip facilitates my technique by creating a widergroove so I can access and crack the nucleus. When I tryto separate the posterior portion of the cataract, this

additional space allows me to use my second instrumentto more efficiently back-crack it into two hemispheres. Ino longer have to make two or three passes to widen thegroove for the second instrument. After this initial step, Iwant holding or purchasing power to be able to impaleand maneuver each hemisphere upward to back-crack itwith the second instrument. I was initially concernedthat the torsional technology would not allow me toocclude the tip and achieve the vacuum I wanted. Mylocal Alcon representative worked with me to adjust themachine’s settings to provide the purchasing power Ineeded while delivering improved response and chamberstability versus the other phaco systems.

OUTSTANDING SUPPORTDespite our remote location, my sales representative has

been very responsive and available. His exceptional level ofservice and expertise with the INFINITI system played animportant role in my decision to purchase this device overanother. His knowledge of the settings and fluidics hashelped me optimize my surgical outcomes. He respondsquickly if I need something for surgery, such as an IOL or anadditional component of the machine. He also helped meto transition from a 2.75-mm to a micro 2.2-mm clearcorneal incision.

When I first tested the INFINITI system, I liked itimmediately, but I wanted to trial it for more cases. Hebrought the console to me again, and we did another40+ cases in 3 days. He also trained my surgical techni-cian on the machine and its disposable componentsbefore I tested it in the OR, and she also made the tran-sition very easily. Trying a new surgical technology canbe stressful, and I appreciated having a representative

“The OZil Torsional technology was just amazing.”


“When I tried the INFINITI Vision

System with the OZil Torsional hand-

piece and the 45º Kelman mini-flared

tip, it was a totally different

experience for me.”

Page 10: SUPPORTED BY AN EDUCATIONAL GRANT FROM ALCON LABORATORIES… · 2017-02-27 · (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) at the recom-mendation of several colleagues. Although we


Torsional Ultrasound

there who could understand my technique and explainthe benefits of the technology to me. This level of com-mitment has continued, and it makes a big difference.


On most of my cases, I use only torsional ultrasound.With extremely dense nuclei, I sometimes introduce asmall amount of longitudinal to the torsional movement.I cannot help being excited about the exceptional per-formance of OZil with brunescent nuclei. It is refreshingto be able to emulsify such lenses without pushingagainst the cataract and worrying about the zonules. Iwas a bit hesitant using the new technology in my firstfew cases, but by the fifth or sixth case, I was moving fair-ly comfortably. By my 15th case, I was working so effi-ciently and felt so comfortable with the chamber’s stabili-ty that I had reduced my surgery time from 10 or 11 min-utes to 7 or 8 minutes. This is not an exaggeration.

Weak ZonulesI see a lot of patients with weak zonules due to pseu-

doexfoliation and intraoperative floppy iris syndrome(IFIS), and I am impressed with the way the INFINITIwith OZil Torsional handles these delicate structures. Inan IFIS eye, the pupil will dilate well initially and the sur-geon can often get a decent capsulorhexis, but duringthe case, the pupil comes down and becomes very flop-py. What I find reassuring about the INFINITI system is

that once I make the initial groove down the middle ofthe nucleus and crack it into hemispheres, if the pupilcomes down, I know I have a fairly large capsulorhexisunderneath it and a stable chamber. I can insert theKelman phaco tip sideways to impale the hemisphereand tip it up through the smaller pupil so that I canextract it at the iris plane. The angled tip is very helpfulin this regard, because I do not have to turn it at theincision and distort the wound’s size.

SUMM ARYI am very happy with the INFINITI with OZil Torsional

ultrasound, much more than I ever was with my previousphaco technology. It makes the procedure much easierand more comfortable for the surgeon and better for thepatient. My practice is in the process of replacing all of itsexisting competitive phaco machines with INFINITIVision Systems with OZil Torsional technology. ■

“I cannot help being excited about the

exceptional performance of OZil with

brunescent nuclei. It is refreshing to be

able to emulsify such lenses without

pushing against the cataract and worry-

ing about the zonules.”

Page 11: SUPPORTED BY AN EDUCATIONAL GRANT FROM ALCON LABORATORIES… · 2017-02-27 · (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) at the recom-mendation of several colleagues. Although we


Torsional Ultrasound

Comparing PhacoTechnologies in a Teaching Hospital

My affiliation with the New York Eye andEar Infirmary in Manhattan, where I per-form cataract surgery on my private prac-tice patients and teach ophthalmology resi-dents, has given me a unique opportunityto compare a wide range of phaco plat-

forms. The Infirmary’s ASC-like OR houses most of thecurrent phaco machines, including the WhiteStarSignature Phacoemulsification System (AdvancedMedical Optics, Inc., Santa Ana, CA), the Stellaris VisionEnhancement System, the Millennium MicrosurgicalSystem (both by Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY), and theINFINITI with OZil Torsional ultrasound (AlconLaboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX). During the past 12months, I have used and compared different machinesalmost weekly as I move between the facility’s ORs. I donot find this burdensome; rather, I truly enjoy testingand optimizing the newest phaco technologies to bene-fit my patients. Furthermore, I am better able to

demonstrate the latest technologies to the Infirmary’sresidents.

In general, new-generation machines continue toevolve the science of phacoemulsification. In the past 3years, all of the platforms have benefited fromimproved fluidics that feature greater programmablesettings, advanced sensors, low-compliance tubing, andoverall improved efficiency. On the phaco energy side,power modulations such as hyperpulse with variableduty cycles have become standard, offering better fol-lowability, a safer thermal profile, and the ability for

micro-incisional phacoemulsification.With traditional longitudinal ultra-sound, these power modulationsdecrease chatter and improve surgicalcutting efficiency.


I believe that the most excitingadvance in phaco energy delivery sincemanufacturers introduced modulatedpower is Alcon’s INFINITI with OZilTorsional ultrasound. When theINFINITI was first introduced, I wasalso using the Millennium Micro-surgical system and the SovereignWhiteStar with ICE (Advanced MedicalOptics, Inc.), and I thought all threesystems were very good. I liked the

“It is hard to believe what difference a tip can make.”


“The most exciting advance in phaco

energy delivery since modulated

power is Alcon’s INFINITI with

OZil Torsional ultrasound.”

Figure 1. The Kelman 45 mini-flared tip enhances torsional cutting efficacy and

puts torsional phaco "on steroids."

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Torsional Ultrasound

speed, agility, and dual-linear control of the Millennium;its Venturi fluidics allowed for safe and efficient seg-ment removal. The Sovereign’s power modulations andocclusion mode did a lot of work behind the scenes tooptimize phaco energy output. Admittedly, I was notinitially enamored of this machine’s nonlongitudinaltechnology. I thought the INFINITI with Torsional ultra-sound was an excellent platform that worked well andhad very good followability, but it did not particularlystand out to me.

My opinion changed dramatically when I recentlyswitched phaco tips from the standard 30º tapered tothe newer 45º mini-flared tip (Alcon Laboratories, Inc.)(Figure 1). It is hard to believe what difference a tip canmake, but the results were very positive.

“Extreme Nuclear Breakdown Efficiency”Instead of pounding or hammering the nucleus head-

on, the INFINITI’s OZil tip oscillates side to side, creatinga much more powerful shearing force. The wider angleof the 45º mini-flared tip provides greater surface areacontact for this shearing action, which creates extremenuclear breakdown efficiency—even more than withthe compressional force of longitudinal ultrasound.

The difference between the two forces can be illus-trated by an unrelated example—a block of ice. In onescenario, a dense block of ice is easily broken down toice crystals by an ice shaver. The alternative would be tobreak it into chunks with a hammer or ice pick. Withthe hand ice shaver, the block stays still as it is gentlygrated down. Conversely, with a hammer, the energy isdistributed throughout the entire ice block, whichshakes with each strike. Similarly, in the eye, torsionalultrasound minimizes chatter/repulsion, and the perfectly

constructed and angled tip can actually cut more effec-tively than with longitudinal energy.

Clinically, without any meaningful repulsion, once anuclear fragment nears the 45º Kelman tip, it just foldsitself into the handpiece and disappears. Furthermore,whereas I experienced some clogging with the 30º tip,the 45º OZil tip does not become clogged; the surgeonsimply moves it close to any nuclear piece, and it willattract, shear, and crumble material effortlessly. Withsuch efficient nuclear breakdown, I find that I actuallyneed less manipulation with my second instrument,which I normally utilize to reposition nuclear pieces atthe tip. Torsional ultrasound actually requires less skillon the surgeon’s part, because he or she does not haveto emulsify around the edges of nuclear segments toavoid stagnation and clogging, the way we have learnedto do with traditional longitudinal ultrasound.

Power Modulations UnnecessaryThe efficiency of the INFINITI Torsional platform ne-

gates the need for power modulations, in my opinion.I love the power modulations such as hyperpulse, vari-able duty cycle, etc., that make longitudinal phaco-emulsification more efficient. I expected the INFINITIconsole’s power modulations to similarly enhance thetorsional technology, but it actually slowed downphacoemulsification. The pulse action introduces apause to the shearing process that is unnecessary andcounterproductive to OZil’s efficiency. The OZilTorsional technology is almost a new paradigm forphacoemulsification.

The 45º mini-flared tip not only provides increasedsurface area for torsional phacoemulsification to work,but also a larger amplitude of movement per oscillation.

Figure 2. The author demonstrates a 2.2-mm quick-chop

maneuver using OZil Torsional to impale the nucleus.

Figure 3. After occlusion with maximum vacuum, the author

returns the torsional power to zero and chops the nucleus

into two halves.

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Torsional Ultrasound

I consider the jump in performance from the OZil 30ºtapered tip to the 45º mini-flared angled tip to be equalto the difference between traditional longitudinal andtorsional phaco technology. It is just that dramatic.

Decreased Fluidic and Power SettingsI noticed that besides not needing hyperpulse, the

OZil Torsional handpiece does not need high flow andvacuum rates. I was able to decrease these settings toapproximately two thirds of what I had been using withlongitudinal ultrasound without losing efficiency. Thisoption is a tremendous benefit for surgeons, as it re-duces total fluid usage in the eye and further lessens thechance of postocclusion surge, thus making the proce-dure safer and more efficient overall.

Since switching to the new tip, I have not had to mixin more than 5% longitudinal ultrasound to the torsion-al ultrasound. In fact, I have typically been using a maxi-mum of 80% torsional power to emulsify 1 to 4+ nuclei.When I first used the system with the 30º tip, I pro-grammed combination settings for nuclear densities of1, 2 and 3, 4, but I have since found that I needed fewersettings. Now, my settings are for grades 1 and 4, and thelatter mixes in about 5º longitudinal ultrasound. I re-cently scheduled a 5+NS black cataract that ordinarily Iwould not have dreamt of attempting with a pure tor-sional setting. The 45º mini-flared tip handled thiscataract with aplomb, even without longitudinal ultra-sound. Although it did take some patience, the tip didnot get clogged, and the lens was safely emulsified—chatter free.

TECHNIQUEHaving always used a straight phaco tip with other

platforms, switching to the angled Kelman 45º tip wasmy only minor learning curve with the INFINITI system.

I now utilize it the same way as a straight tip. On occa-sion, if the eye’s chamber is very shallow, I may turn theOZil handpiece on its side. I use one of two techniques,either a supracapsular or a quick-chop technique. Likedivide-and-conquer, quick chop produces four nuclearquadrants, an approach in which torsional ultrasoundexcels in efficiency (Figures 2 and 3). In the supracapsu-lar technique, which I use for soft and intermediatelenses, I skip the initial grooving and go right into emul-sification (Figure 4). I have found that the OZil hand-piece is very efficient in that technique as well.

Micro-Incisional PhacoOne other very important benefit to the 45º mini-

flared tip is its ready adaptability to coaxial micro-inci-sional cataract surgery (C-MICS). By simply switching thetraditional Micro sleeve to the Ultra sleeve (both fromAlcon Laboratories, Inc.), surgeons can maintain all ofthe power and safety benefits of OZil through a 2.2-mmincision. The flared tip shaft design is constructed toallow maximum irrigation flow with the Ultra sleeve. Ihave used OZil with C-MICS with excellent results, with-out needing to change my vacuum or flow settings. Isimply increase my bottle height for the 2.2-mm incisionto maximize irrigation flow. Practically speaking, there isminimal-to-no learning curve when switching from 2.75-mm phacoemulsification.

Certainly, aside from the benefits of OZil, micro-inci-sional cataract surgery is the clear future direction ofphacoemulsification. With 2.2-mm surgery, we canachieve a more minimally invasive procedure with lessastigmatism, less iris prolapse, and maybe even a slightlylower risk of endophthalmitis. The ability to match a fullspectrum of IOLs through the micro-incision, includingaspheric, toric, and presbyopic lenses, makes the Alconplatform currently a leader in C-MICS in the US.

CONCLUSIONTorsional phacoemulsification, especially with the 45º

mini-flared tip, represents a significant advancement inphaco energy delivery. Although I continue to use theStellaris and the Signature and enjoy the unique attrib-utes of the differing technologies, OZil changes the par-adigm. Simply said, it makes phaco surgery easier, andby allowing lower fluidic and power settings, it alsoincreases surgical safety. ■

Figure 4.The author uses the Kelman 45º tip sideways in this

shallow chamber at the start of a supracapsular technique.

“I was able to decrease [my] settings

to approximately two thirds of what I

had been using with longitudinal

ultrasound without losing efficiency.”

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Torsional Ultrasound

Overhyped,or a RealTechnological Advance?

My father founded Jones Eye Clinic in the1970s. During the course of his career, hereadily adopted new technologies such asphacoemulsification and IOLs. In the 1980s,the practice expanded to include an ambu-latory surgery center (ASC), and my father

cultivated a Medicare-based patient population. When I joined the Jones Eye Clinic practice several years

ago, my colleagues and I were using the Millennium Micro-surgical System (Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY). Over time,we adopted a few upgrades to the system’s pump and soft-ware that made a significant difference in patients’ out-comes, but when the system approached 10 years of age, itwas time to think about a new phaco machine.

THE SELECTION PROCE SSWhen my colleagues and I began looking for our new

phaco system, we had to choose from several new tech-nologies on the marketplace. I had briefly used the INFINITIVision System (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX)when I was a resident. Although the machine was impres-sive, at that time, it offered only longitudinal ultrasoundwith the NeoSoniX handpiece (Alcon Laboratories, Inc.).When OZil Torsional ultrasound (Alcon Laboratories, Inc.)became available on the INFINITI, I was not sure if this newtechnology was overhyped or a real technological advance.Our local Alcon representative offered to provide a demomachine for 1 week, and after I used it for several days, Iknew that the torsional technology lived up to the hype. Isaw a real difference in my patients’ outcomes, and I wasable to comfortably approach various grades of cataractsand difficult surgical situations. Right away, the OZilTorsional technology proved itself.

For the sake of comparison, my staff and I consideredother machines, such as the Stellaris Vision EnhancementSystem (Bausch & Lomb). I was less enthusiastic aboutthis option, however, because of my previous experiencewith the Millennium, in which my colleagues and I feltthat we had suffered from a technical support standpoint.Due to our geographic location, we had a high turnover

of Bausch & Lomb equipment representatives over ashort period of time. Geographically, we are somewhatisolated, and we are located at the border between twodifferent territories for representatives. In addition, I won-dered how the recent buyout of Bausch & Lomb byWarburg Pincus LLC (New York, NY) would affect thecompany’s long-term technical and field support.

We tested the Sovereign Compact with WhiteStar 2 yearsago, and more recently the WhiteStar Signature system(both by Advanced Medical Optics, Inc., Santa Ana, CA),but the Signature did not have nonlongitudinal ultra-sound technology during the demo. I was less interestedin the phaco systems produced by Advanced MedicalOptics, Inc., because I feel they do not offer the sametechnological advancement and efficiency that is avail-able today from the INFINITI with OZil Torsional tech-nology. I think that the Signature system has great poten-tial and will be a good competitor in the marketplace, but itmay take some time for its manufacturer to iron out anyoperational issues that any new platform can experience.The INFINITI platform has been in the marketplace for a fewyears, so many of its teething issues have been worked out,and I am confident that it will be a workhorse during a busysurgical day. I concluded that I wanted the INFINITI.

HOW INFINITI DIFFEREDCompared with the INFINITI Vision System, the

Millennium system took a long time to get through a

“I feel confident that I chose the phaco technology that is going to

revolutionize the procedure.”


“My experience with the INFINITI

and torsional was ‘eye opening,’ and I

chose the phaco technology that I

believe is revolutionizing cataract

surgery. I think this system benefits

surgeons and patients alike, and I

encourage any practice to try it.”

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Torsional Ultrasound

fairly dense cataract. Our core patient base is what Icall “reluctant customers”—older patients in their mid-80s who present with brunescent cataracts and oftenhave pseudoexfoliation and Fuchs’ dystrophy of thecornea. I was amazed that the INFINITI allowed me toextract dense cataracts in approximately the sameamount of time as it took to remove less challenginglenses. I expected the INFINITI to shorten my phacotime somewhat, but the difference was significant.

The INFINITI’s torsional technology has not only in-creased my operative efficiency, but it has also improvedmy patients’ outcomes. Their eyes look quiet and clearimmediately postoperatively, and I feel that their visionrecovers faster and to a higher level than I previouslyexpected. Such results give me more confidence when Iinteract with patients preoperatively because I havegreater comfort to approach patients with IOL optionsregardless of their nuclear density. I feel this confidencetranslates into greater conversions to premium IOL tech-nology, both multifocal and toric IOLs.

I also notice a difference in the phaco wounds postopera-tively. Although I have never had a significant issue withwound burn with any machine, I think the INFINITI systempreserves the tissue better. The corneal wound looks lessdisturbed. I believe this is because the increased efficiency ofthe INFINITI’s procedure reduces the length of time thephaco needle spends in the eye, thus reducing the amountof fluid going through the eye. As we all know, less fluidmeans less turbulence. In addition, the torsional technologyminimizes incisional friction during the procedure by itsOZil phaco needle’s different mechanism of movement.

SURGICAL TECHNIQUEI usually use vertical chop for my cataract procedures

(Figure 1), because I feel it applies equally well to soft andadvanced cataracts. After sampling several phaco tips with

the INFINITI, I found the 45º mini-flared Kelman tip (AlconLaboratories, Inc.) was the most advantageous. Its 45º bevelincreases the amount of surface area available to the shear-ing forces of the torsional phaco, which helps enhance theprocedure’s efficiency. Additionally, this tip’s lower massallows it to swing side to side more efficiently than largertips such as the 1.1-mm flared (Alcon Laboratories, Inc.). Myfavorite aspect of the INFINITI’s 45º mini-flared tip is that itfeels small and maneuverable in the eye, which is a new sen-sation for me. Also, the system’s OZil handpiece is very lightand extremely comfortable to use, and this enhances mysense of increased maneuverability and flexibility during theprocedure.

Although some surgeons may be concerned that per-forming a vertical-chop or a quick-chop technique with tor-sional ultrasound could interfere with occlusion, I have notfound this to be the case. I typically use 100% torsionalultrasound for my phaco procedure. I add some longitudi-nal ultrasound (10%) for very dense cataracts and for eyeswith any zonular instability in order to minimize any build-ing of vacuum and keep the tip clear. This option greatlyincreases the safety and the efficiency of phacoemulsifica-tion for those challenging eyes. Also, I like that the INFINITIsystem allows for longitudinal energy to be independentlycontrolled and set for intermittent burst and pulse pat-terns. I often use a burst setting with the longitudinaloption to reduce the duration of ultrasound in the eye.

E A SY TR ANSITIONChanging phaco machines naturally requires some

adjustment, but transitioning to the INFINITI has been easyfor my staff and me. The surgeon’s interaction with anyphaco machine boils down to the handpiece and the footpedal, as well as the system’s auditory feedback. The hand-piece, as I mentioned, is very comfortable to hold and per-forms excellently. The INFINITI’s foot pedal allows ampleflexibility, and it has programmable buttons that let the

Figure 2. The OZil handpiece and 45º angled mini-flared

Kelman tip efficiently emulsify nuclear fragments.

Figure 1. The author performs a vertical chop maneuver

using torsional ultrasound. Note that the 0º amplitude

denotes the occlusion of the impaled Kelman 45º angled tip.

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Torsional Ultrasound

user transition from one step in the procedure to the nextif desired.

The machine’s auditory tones give good feedbackand indication of aspiration and vacuum levels. TheINFINITI’s software allows the surgeon a high degree ofinteraction with and control over the device. Also, themachine’s menu-based user interface is easy to under-stand and convenient for staff to use. Surgeons can pre-set their power settings into a drop-down menu that iseasily accessed during surgery.

Videotaping my surgeries helped me perfect my tech-nique with the new machine. The first day I used theINFINITI, I could tell that it had advantages over otherunits, but I was not achieving the surgical effectiveness Ireally desired. Watching my videos helped me realize that Ineeded to interact differently with this machine than I hadwith previous technologies. Thereafter, I was able to makethe transition fairly quickly. As soon as I understood howto interact with the system, using it became very easy andenjoyable. Also, our Alcon equipment and IOL representa-tives both were very helpful in encouraging and guidingme during the transition.

TECHNICAL AND FIELD SUPPORTAn important consideration when purchasing a new

phaco machine is the level of support provided by themanufacturer and the field representatives. I have foundthat Alcon’s representatives are some of the best-trainedin the industry; they really know their machine and itssettings. They are also well versed in phacoemulsificationand can readily offer pearls to help surgeons excel withthe machine. Furthermore, the company’s representa-tives go to great efforts to collect information from sur-geons about the INFINITI settings they employ and howwell these perform. It is readily apparent that the repre-sentatives know how settings need to be managed fordifferent cataract grades and techniques, and theirknowledge can prove invaluable when approaching aparticular procedure.

I have found this same level of expertise with the Alconengineers with whom I have interacted. During a trip tothe INFINITI’s R&D and manufacturing facility, I was veryimpressed that the engineers with whom I spoke perfect-ly understood my description of the phaco procedure.Alcon engineers visit surgeons’ ORs to watch how theircompany’s instruments are used and base their designdecisions on this real-world feedback. Their depth ofknowledge was impressive and helped convince me thattheir products are an excellent choice for this kind oftechnological advancement.

COST AND VALUEAlcon has been a premium player in the ophthalmic

marketplace, with both lenticular and phaco technolo-gies. Although some perceive the company’s pricing asbeing unfriendly to physician-owned ASCs, its technologyis unmatched, and I feel that the efficiency of the INFINITIwith the OZil Torsional procedure offsets some of the sys-tem’s cost. I also believe that Alcon’s phaco machines arebecoming more price-competitive for ASCs.

My staff and I have found that the features on theINFINITI that cost a little more, such as the single-useFMS cassette, translate into savings of time andworry. My staff do not have to manipulate thereusable cassette and tubing for turnover on a case,which has reduced their manual labor and stress dur-ing a procedure. With this step eliminated, they cannow spend more time and effort to set up the ORproperly and make sure the patient is ready and com-fortable for surgery. Overall, this seemingly smallchange has made the procedure more enjoyable forall involved.

CONCLUSIONSWhen a surgeon and staff are used to executing a pro-

cedure in a certain way, they accept it as the norm. Mystaff and I had to try the INFINITI Vision System withOZil Torsional to understand the differences it wouldmake surgically, which then became evident. Having thefreedom to spend more time and energy on patient careand less on worrying about the machine is a tremendousadvantage, especially as we look toward premium IOLsand “premium patients.”

Purchasing equipment is difficult, and surgeons oftenfeel influenced by their peers and their past experience.My experience with the INFINITI and torsional was “eyeopening,” and I chose the phaco technology that I believeis revolutionizing cataract surgery. I think this systembenefits surgeons and patients alike, and I encourage anypractice to try it. Finally, I think the market competitionthat this technology generates will benefit the entire spe-cialty in the end. ■

“An important consideration when

purchasing a new phaco machine is

the level of support provided by the

manufacturer and the field represen-

tatives. I have found that Alcon’s rep-

resentatives are some of the best-

trained in the industry; they really

know their machine and its settings.”

Page 17: SUPPORTED BY AN EDUCATIONAL GRANT FROM ALCON LABORATORIES… · 2017-02-27 · (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) at the recom-mendation of several colleagues. Although we


Torsional Ultrasound

Growing Your Practice WithINFINITI and OZil TorsionalUltrasound

I currently practice in a two-doctor officewith an adjacent ambulatory surgery cen-ter located in upstate New York. Ourpatient population here is diverse, but themajority of those we treat are older than55. The cataract volume for our office is in

excess of 1,000 cases per year. We offer traditional oph-thalmic services in combination with refractive and cos-metic procedures.

CHO OSING A NEW PHACO SYSTE MDuring my residency, I trained on the Millennium

Microsurgical System (Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY).Overall, I found the system to be satisfactory and helpfulin developing proficient cataract surgery skills. I did, how-ever, experience occasional issues with chamber stabilityand followability that frustrated me as well as some of myattending surgeons. During my years in private practice, Ihave extensively utilized two other phaco systems, theSovereign Cataract Extraction System with WhiteStar(Advanced Medical Optics, Inc., Santa Ana, CA) and theINFINITI Vision System (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., FortWorth, TX). Recently, our center needed to purchase newcataract surgery equipment. My partner and I desired asystem that would deliver safe and effective as well as eco-nomical surgery. With the fortunate advantage of havingexperience with many different systems, the choice was avery informed one. Based on my experience, we selectedthe INFINITI Vision System with OZil Torsional ultrasound(Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX).

PHACO EFFICIENCYOf the systems, the INFINITI was simply the most effi-

cient in my hands. With it, my cataract surgery timesdecreased noticeably. Part of this efficiency was due tothe recently introduced torsional ultrasound technolo-gy, which delivered very focused energy that more effec-tively emulsified the nuclear fragments. The OZil hand-piece’s followability was excellent, with negligible chat-

ter and repulsion, due in part to the system’s decreaseddependence on high fluidic parameters needed withlongitudinal phacoemulsification. The INFINITI fluidicsproduced a more stable anterior chamber that allowedmore control and easier lens manipulation. Collectively,these factors made surgery better and safer.

STIMUL ATING PR ACTICE GROW THAnother consideration when my partner and I were

deciding to purchase a new phaco system was the po-tential for practice growth. I was drawn to the INFINITI’sability to create astigmatically neutral cataract removalthrough a 2.2- or 2.4-mm incision. For our refractive IOLpatients, this technology was crucial. We could cus-tomize our incision size based on the patients’ astigma-tism and corneal topography to facilitate an astigmati-cally neutral result. This facet has helped us grow therefractive IOL portion of the office.

E A SING CHALLENGING CA SE SThe potential for improved outcomes with our more

complex cases was another draw. Fuchs’ dystrophypatients, for example, require very clear corneas in orderto be happy with their result. With decreased surgicaltime and comparatively less fluid passing through theanterior chamber, the INFINITI minimizes stress to thecorneal endothelium. Also, because I feel more comfort-able with the system’s fluidics and use less longitudinal

“Collectively, these factors made surgery better and safer.”


“With the fortunate advantage of hav-

ing experience with many different sys-

tems, the choice was a very informed

one. Based on my experience, we

selected the INFINITI Vision System

with OZil Torsional ultrasound.”

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Torsional Ultrasound

phaco energy, I reintroduce viscoelastic in these casesless than I did previously, and thus save time.

TECHNIQUE AND SET TINGSMy partner’s and my transition to torsional pha-

coemulsification from longitudinal was uneventful, withan extremely fast learning curve. The introduction of the45º bevel mini-flared Kelman tip (Alcon Laboratories,Inc.), which maximizes the torsional technology,enhanced the OZil’s sculpting and segment removalcapability. I experienced more comfort during sculpting,as the angled tip afforded less incisional torque toengage the nucleus. Further, the mini-flared Kelman tipmore effectively facilitated nuclear purchase. Thus, thetip fits well into my surgical approaches.

I use two different temporal clear corneal phaco tech-niques with a high integration of astigmatic correction,including limbal relaxing incisions. For harder nuclei, Iperform a stop-and-chop technique. For softer nuclei, Iuse my own modification of the flip-and-chip tech-nique. My settings on the INFINITI system work ex-tremely well for all approaches. For sculpting, I utilize a

small amount of traditional longitudinal phaco and alarger amount of torsional power to offset this. For seg-ment removal, I no longer utilize longitudinal ultra-sound in any of my routine cases. I use the torsionalpower at a level of 75% to 80%, which clears the lensfragments quite effectively. With mature cataracts, I addlongitudinal power in a pulsed fashion to torsional,which enhances fragment removal without increasingrepulsion significantly.

VALUEMy partner and I have found several ways to boost

our bottom line with the INFINITI Vision System. First,the consistent and efficient manner of our new systemhas allowed us to get into a surgical “groove.” We havedecreased our surgical time, which has allowed us toincrease our volume and maximize patient flow. Thevolume we can accommodate has increased by 15% to20%, from 15 to 18 patients per surgery day. Second,because the system has allowed us to more consistentlydeliver an improved “wow” factor following surgery, wenow use more premium IOLs and are in a better posi-tion to satisfy these patients’ higher expectations. Last,as a minor issue, the efficiency of the INFINITI systemhas decreased the amount of balanced salt solution weuse per case, which translates to a small savings.

SUPPORT AND RELIABILITYAlcon’s customer support clinched our decision to

purchase the INFINITI system. The setup and transitionwere smooth and easy, and our representative(s)responded quickly to our questions. Their ongoingattentiveness, quick offering of upgrades, and timelyresponse to maintenance issues has reassured my staffand me that we made the right choice. ■

“Because the system has allowed us

to more consistently deliver an

improved ‘wow’ factor following sur-

gery, we now use more premium

IOLs and are in a better position

to satisfy these patients’ higher


Page 19: SUPPORTED BY AN EDUCATIONAL GRANT FROM ALCON LABORATORIES… · 2017-02-27 · (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) at the recom-mendation of several colleagues. Although we
