Opportunities for Individual Support

Support for IndividualOpportunities individual.pdf · six main British opera companies, who help select 12 singers each year who they believe have real prospects of becoming principal

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Page 1: Support for IndividualOpportunities individual.pdf · six main British opera companies, who help select 12 singers each year who they believe have real prospects of becoming principal

Opportunitiesfor IndividualSupport

Page 2: Support for IndividualOpportunities individual.pdf · six main British opera companies, who help select 12 singers each year who they believe have real prospects of becoming principal

SUPPORT THE NATIONALOPERA STUDIOThe National Opera Studio has an internationalreputation for providing the best opera training

The National Opera Studio wasestablished by the Arts Council asa link between the music collegesand the main UK opera companies.It provides a master course for asmall number of young andexceptionally talented singers andrepetiteurs, to prepare them fortheir professional careers in opera.The Studio works closely with thesix main British opera companies,who help select 12 singers eachyear who they believe have realprospects of becoming principalartists. The intensive one-yearcourse, running from Septemberto June, provides individual tuitionat an international level and isdesigned to add dramatic, languageand interpretative skills to refinethe students’ existing talents.

The cast lists of national andinternational opera housesand festivals are witness to thecontinuing number of high-qualityperformers who have trained atthe NOS over the past 25 years.NOS alumni include Kim Begley,Matthew Best, Jeffrey Black, AlfBoe, Ivor Bolton, Susan Bullock,Elizabeth Byrne, Bruno Caproni,Alice Coote, Robert Dean, ImeldaDrumm, Richard Farnes, GeraldFinley, Lesley Garrett, Lisa Gasteen,Julian Gavin, Susan Gritton, AlisonHagley, Robert Hayward, GwynHughes-Jones, Philip Joll, KatarinaKarnéus, Marie McLaughlin, AlastairMiles, Gerald Moore, Steven Naylor,Jonathan Nott, Jean Rigby, JoanRodgers, Peter Rose, Kate Royal,Claire Rutter and William Shimell.

The National Opera Studio receivesan Arts Council England: Londongrant which comprises about 32%of the income needed to run theNOS and so a significant amountof its finance each year comesfrom private sources. In additionto its own running costs, the Studioseeks to help young musiciansobtain the support they need totake part in its programme. Theexamples that follow are intendedto illustrate the kinds of benefitsavailable in return for support givenat various levels. The Studio ishappy to develop tailored benefitpackages in line with thepreferences of individual donors.

opposite page: Alice Cootebelow (left to right): Gerald Finley,Katarina Karnéus, Lesley Garrett

Page 3: Support for IndividualOpportunities individual.pdf · six main British opera companies, who help select 12 singers each year who they believe have real prospects of becoming principal

NOS STUDENT PATRON£8,000 to enable anoutstanding young operaticsinging star of the futureto attend the NOS mastercourse.

Possible benefits include:

• An exclusive private recital inyour home given by the singeryou support

• Attend rehearsals andmasterclasses at the NOSand meet your ‘adopted’ singer

• Complimentary tickets for theShowcase

• Opportunity to attend weeklylunchtime recitals and eventsat the NOS

• An invitation to a Soirée at theNOS, with a concert featuringNOS alumni and a canapéreception

• Acknowledgement of supportin the singer’s biography

• Acknowledgement of supportin a list of donors in NOSpublications including theNOS website

NOS STUDENT BENEFACTOR£3,000 to fund an elementof the NOS master coursefor one year.

Possible benefits include:

• An invitation to a Soirée at theNOS, with a concert featuringNOS alumni and a canapéreception

• Complimentary tickets forthe Showcase

• Opportunity to attend weeklylunchtime recitals and eventsat the NOS

• Acknowledgement of support ina list of donors in NOS materialincluding the NOS website

NOS STUDENT SUPPORTER£1,500 to help fund singinglessons for an individualNOS student for a year.

Singing lessons are not providedas part of the NOS course, as manyof the singers will continue to studywith their existing teachers. Findingadditional funds to pay for weekly/fortnightly singing lessons can bedifficult and the National OperaStudio is setting up a fund to helpto cover these costs.

Possible benefits include:

• Opportunity to attend weeklylunchtime recitals and eventsat the NOS

• Acknowledgement of support ina list of donors in NOS materialincluding the NOS website