Supervisors Organizational Meeting January 3, 2005 7:30 pm Chairman John May called the meeting to order in the Manor Township Municipal Building, 950 West Fairway Drive, Lancaster, PA. He led those in attendance in the pledge to the flag. Roll call was taken noting all Supervisors present. Members present: John May, Robert Aichele, Jay Breneman, L.Allen Kreider, and Richard Bauder. Staff present: Barry Smith, Ryan Strocheker, Bill Laudien, Mark Harris, Mike Dickert, James Reever and Rita Young. Visitors present: See attached. Chairman - Mr.Aichele asked for nominations for Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Kreider made a motion to appoint John May as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Vice Chairman - Mr. May asked for nominations for Vice Chairman. Mr. Breneman nominated Mr. Aichele as Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Mr. May seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. Kreider made a motion to close the nominations, seconded by Mr. May. Secretary-Treasurer Mr. May suggested that Mr. Smith be appointed as Secretary Treasurer and set his Bond at $1,500,000. for 2005. Mr. Breneman made a motion to appoint Mr. Smith to the position of Secretary-Treasurer with the bond for 2005 set at $1,500,000. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. May went over the areas of Responsibility for the Supervisors. The Supervisors agreed to remain in the following positions. A. Planning & Zoning is Mr. May and Mr. Kreider, B. Public Works is Mr. Bauder and Mr. Breneman, C. Protection to Person and Property is Mr. Breneman, Mr. Kreider and Mr. Aichele, and for Parks and Recreation is Mr. Aichele and Mr. Bauder. Mr. Kreider suggested that the Areas of Responsibility remain as listed. Mr. Breneman agreed. Appointments to follow: Planning Commission - Mr. May stated there are three terms that are currently up. He noted Mark Lauriello, John Ahlfeld and Mary Glazier. He stated that Mr. Ahlfeld and Mrs. Glazier have expressed an interest in continuing to serve the Board, however, Mark Lauriello has stated that due to his increasing demands from his job, he does not wish to be re-appointed. Mr. May stated he is sorry that Mr. Lauriello will be leaving because he has served the Township well for eight years. Mr. May noted that Mr. James Henke, an engineer, has stated he would be willing to serve on the Township Planning Commission Board. He noted that Mr. Henke is familiar with the Municipal Planning Code. Mr. Aichele made a motion to appoint Mr. Henke to the Manor Township Planning Board. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion. Mr. May stated we will also reappoint Mrs. Glazier and Mr. Ahlfeld to the Board, and asked Mr. Smith to send a letter of appreciation to Mr. Lauriello. Mr. May read a letter, which Mr. Laureillo sent to the Supervisors, stating that he regrets not having the time to serve Manor Township due to a promotion in his job and family responsibilities. He noted he has enjoyed his time serving on the Planning Commission and would be glad to serve in the future when time allows. Zoning Hearing Board Mr. May stated there is one position to renew. He noted that Mr. Walt Schlemmer had been appointed to fill the term of Norm Gerlach and has expressed an interest in continuing to serve on this board. Mr. May noted reappointment of Mr. Schlemmer and signed Resolution #1-2005.

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Page 1: Supervisors Organizational Meetingmanortownship.net/files/Supervisors05.pdf · Supervisors Organizational Meeting January 3, ... Kreider made a motion to appoint John May as Chairman

Supervisors Organizational Meeting

January 3, 2005 7:30 pm

Chairman John May called the meeting to order in the Manor Township Municipal Building, 950

West Fairway Drive, Lancaster, PA. He led those in attendance in the pledge to the flag. Roll call

was taken noting all Supervisors present.

Members present: John May, Robert Aichele, Jay Breneman, L.Allen Kreider, and Richard Bauder.

Staff present: Barry Smith, Ryan Strocheker, Bill Laudien, Mark Harris, Mike Dickert, James

Reever and Rita Young.

Visitors present: See attached.

Chairman - Mr.Aichele asked for nominations for Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Mr.

Kreider made a motion to appoint John May as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Mr.

Breneman seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Vice Chairman - Mr. May asked for nominations for Vice Chairman. Mr. Breneman nominated

Mr. Aichele as Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Mr. May seconded the motion, which

carried unanimously. Mr. Kreider made a motion to close the nominations, seconded by Mr. May.

Secretary-Treasurer Mr. May suggested that Mr. Smith be appointed as Secretary – Treasurer

and set his Bond at $1,500,000. for 2005. Mr. Breneman made a motion to appoint Mr. Smith to the

position of Secretary-Treasurer with the bond for 2005 set at $1,500,000. Mr. Aichele seconded the

motion, which carried unanimously.

Mr. May went over the areas of Responsibility for the Supervisors. The Supervisors agreed to

remain in the following positions. A. Planning & Zoning is Mr. May and Mr. Kreider, B. Public

Works is Mr. Bauder and Mr. Breneman, C. Protection to Person and Property is Mr. Breneman, Mr.

Kreider and Mr. Aichele, and for Parks and Recreation is Mr. Aichele and Mr. Bauder. Mr. Kreider

suggested that the Areas of Responsibility remain as listed. Mr. Breneman agreed.

Appointments to follow:

Planning Commission - Mr. May stated there are three terms that are currently up. He noted Mark

Lauriello, John Ahlfeld and Mary Glazier. He stated that Mr. Ahlfeld and Mrs. Glazier have

expressed an interest in continuing to serve the Board, however, Mark Lauriello has stated that due

to his increasing demands from his job, he does not wish to be re-appointed. Mr. May stated he is

sorry that Mr. Lauriello will be leaving because he has served the Township well for eight years. Mr.

May noted that Mr. James Henke, an engineer, has stated he would be willing to serve on the

Township Planning Commission Board. He noted that Mr. Henke is familiar with the Municipal

Planning Code. Mr. Aichele made a motion to appoint Mr. Henke to the Manor Township Planning

Board. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion. Mr. May stated we will also reappoint Mrs. Glazier and

Mr. Ahlfeld to the Board, and asked Mr. Smith to send a letter of appreciation to Mr. Lauriello. Mr.

May read a letter, which Mr. Laureillo sent to the Supervisors, stating that he regrets not having the

time to serve Manor Township due to a promotion in his job and family responsibilities. He noted he

has enjoyed his time serving on the Planning Commission and would be glad to serve in the future

when time allows.

Zoning Hearing Board – Mr. May stated there is one position to renew. He noted that Mr. Walt

Schlemmer had been appointed to fill the term of Norm Gerlach and has expressed an interest in

continuing to serve on this board. Mr. May noted reappointment of Mr. Schlemmer and signed

Resolution #1-2005.

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Park and Recreation Board – Mr. May stated Mary Beth Filling does not wish to be reappointed

to the Board, which leaves us with three positions that need to be filled. He noted that Mr. Jeff Roth

and Karla Vinson have expressed their willingness to be reappointed and we have received a resume

from Brandon Danz expressing an interest to serve on this Board. Mr. May reappointed Mr. Roth

and Mrs. Vinson and appointed Mr. Danz to the Park and Recreation Board. He requested a letter be

sent to Mary Beth Filling thanking her for all the years she has served the Township in this position.

Waste and Recycling Committee – Mr. May stated Brian Adams and Erica Runkles have

expressed an interest in continuing on this Board. He reappointed both. Mr. Kreider thanked them

for the outstanding job they have done.

Solicitor – Mr. May reappointed Goodman/Kenneff as the Township Solicitor for Manor


Labor and Personnel Counsel – Mr. May reappointed Ballard, Spahr, Andrews and Ingersoll.

Traffic Commission – Mr. May stated that the commission has currently been Mark Harris, Chief

Jim Reever and Mr. Smith. He noted that the commission should also include a Supervisor. Mr. May

appointed Mr. Breneman to the Traffic Commission, replacing Mr. Smith so it remains a three-

member board, consisting of Mr. Harris, Chief Reever and Mr. Breneman.

Engineers – Mr. May reappointed Buchart – Horn as the Township Engineers.

Traffic Engineer – Mr. May stated that in the past, Mr. Mark Henise has served as the Traffic

Engineer for Manor Township and he reappointed him.

Auditor – Mr. May stated that Hess and Hess has been the Township Auditors for quite some

time. At this time Mr. Penn Glazier asked to address the Board. Mr. Glazier, 269 Chestnut Grove

Road, stated that he would like to see a change in fiscal responsibility in this Township. He noted

that there was almost a 10% increase in the Township real estate tax for 2005, and stated how

comparable townships are completing their jobs for less money than us. He noted that we receive

one million dollars a year from the Waste Authority and we do not have a thing to show for it. Mr.

Glazier expressed concerns and felt it is time to look at our finances. He offered to have the

Township audit done by the three elected auditors of the Township instead of hiring the firm of Hess

and Hess and added that he would like the Supervisors to appoint them to do a very serious audit of

the Township. Mr. Bauder asked Mr. Glazier if he is suggesting that the elected auditors do the

audit and provide the report to the Supervisors. Mr. Glazier answered yes. Mr. May asked Mr.

Glazier if he has the expertise to do an audit and if he has ever done an audit. Mr. Glazier answered

no. Mr. May noted that is a concern. Mr. Glazier stated he is not an accountant by training but stated

that legislature feels that citizens elected by voters, have a function to be a watchdog on the fiscal

affairs of the Township. Mr. Bauder stated that the function of the auditors is to do the checks and

balances and it is the function of the Board to control the spending. He did not feel the auditors have

a function involved in the spending. Mr. Glazier stated that the job of the auditors is to look for two

things, fraud and waste. Mr. Kreider stated that he was a township auditor and during that time he

attended some workshops for auditors and basically he was told that the actual application of the

records to the state, is very simple. He stated that if anything is incorrect it bounces it back to you

and will not let you file any incorrect information. He stated he agrees with Mr. Glazier and felt that

we could do this job without hiring the CPA firm, and stated he felt the elected auditors would be

qualified to do the job. After some discussion, because of time frames, Mr. Kreider suggested we

appoint Hess and Hess for the 2004 budget and then we could change and put someone else in place

for the 2005 audit.. Mr. Smith noted that we would deal with the 2005 audit in a December

advertisement with a 2006 appointment to audit the 2005 budget. He added that he would never

question the integrity or the qualifications of the elected auditors, however he would strongly caution

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the Supervisors based on the complexity of the budget and GASB 34. He noted that most

municipalities our size are using CPA firms to complete their audits. Mr. Kreider disagreed stating

he has talked to municipalities that are our size, that have their elected auditors do the job. Mr.

Aichele stated that in his opinion, it is important to have someone that is certified for liability

reasons. Mr. Kreider stated that these firms are certified by law, but they have a clause in their

contract that exempts them from liability and that we don’t get a certified audit anyway, they only

spot check. Mr. May noted that if we had an audit with everything, it would triple the cost to the


Mr. Bauder made a motion to appoint the three Township elected auditors to complete the 2004

audit. Mr. May stated that we have already advertised our intent to appoint Hess and Hess as our

auditors for the 2004 audit. Mr. Kreider suggested we could appoint Hess and Hess to do the 2004

audit and look to appoint our elected auditors for 2005. Mr. Bauder asked what the options were.

Mr. Smith stated the option is to appoint Hess and Hess or not appoint them and have the elected

auditors do the 2004 audit. Mr. Smith noted that it is not necessary to advertise if you appoint our

elected auditors, only if you appoint the CPA firm. Mr. Kreider questioned the wording of

Resolution # 2-2005, where it states a price for 2005. Mr. Smith explained the appointment is for the

2004 audit, and the funds to be expended will be expended in 2005. Mr. Aichele stated he would like

to know more of the legal aspects before he would agree to appoint the elected auditors to do the

audit. Mr. Breneman agreed with Mr. Aichele. Mr. May stated that before he would agree to the

elected auditors, he would want to sit down and talk to all three of them. Mr. Bauder withdrew his

motion. Mr. Kreider stated that he would like to see all three auditors attend a workshop and find out

what is required. Mr. Aichele made a motion to appoint Hess and Hess as the CPA. Mr. Kreider

seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The Board signed Resolution #2-2005.

Vacancy Board – Mr. May reappoint Mr. Richard Taylor to the vacancy board.

Mr. May stated the following reappointments. Barry Smith as Manager, Bill Laudien as Assistant

Manager and Assistant Zoning Officer, Jim Reever as Police Chief, Mark Harris as Road Foreman,

and Bruce Ott as Zoning Officer. Also Mr. Aichele as delegate to the PA State Convention. Mr.

Bauder asked if these appointments were a contract for the year. Mr. Smith stated no. The

Supervisors were in agreement with the above reappointments.

Mr. May stated that the Supervisors did hold a brief executive session before this meeting to

discuss some personnel issues.

Mr. Breneman stated he has appreciated all the help from everyone helping him through his first

year as Supervisors. He greatly appreciated the time everyone gave him and appreciates the job the

employees do. Mr. May agreed and expressed his appreciation for all the staff. Mr. Aichele


Mr. Aichele made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion. The

meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm. The motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barry Smith

Secretary – Treasurer

Recording Secretary

Rita J. Young

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Supervisors Meeting

January 3, 2005 8:20 pm

Mr. May called the regular monthly Supervisors meeting to order and noted that roll call was

taken at the organizational meeting.

Minutes – Mr. Aichele made a motion to approve the minutes from the December meeting. Mr.

Breneman seconded the motion. Mr. Bauder questioned why more information was not included

from the presentation that he made. He noted that it was specific items and dollar amounts that he

had compared to other townships. He wanted those townships and amounts to be included in the

minutes. After some discussion, it was decided that Mr. Bauder would provide the information from

his presentation and it would be added to the minutes. The minutes will be considered for approval at

the February meeting.

Bills – Mr. Aichele made a motion to approve the payment of the bills. Mr. Kreider seconded the

motion, which carried unanimously.

Financial Report - Mr. Strohecker noted that the financial report for the month does reflect the

$250,000. transfer from the Capital to the General Fund. Mr. Bauder asked Mr. Strohecker if the

reason the salaries were not correct in last years budget was because the FICA and medicare costs

were not included, but were added in during the year. Mr. Strohecker stated yes, the salaries were

over budget due to the FICA and medicare benefits as well as the sick pay benefit that was awarded

in 2004 but not included in the budget when it was passed. Mr. May stated that has been corrected

for the 2005 budget. Mr. Bauder made a motion to approve the financial report. Mr. Kreider

seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Solicitors Report – Mr. Smith stated there is noting to report.

Business From the Floor

Mike Zuber, 124 Shannon Drive, stated the township recently installed stop signs in the Wilshire

Hills Development. He questioned why one stop sign was installed in September and then the other

9 were installed three months later. Mr. Smith stated that the Traffic Commission initially made a

determination on the first stop sign, than the request was made to look at the entire development.

The delay period took place because the Traffic Commission had to complete a traffic study and that

was the reason for the delay. Mr. Zuber also questioned the area being developed at Sutherland, a

lot size of 3.19 acres, and stated it is being built on a bog. He expressed concerns that the builder

would be allowed to destroy an important bog area. Mr. Bauder asked what the zoning is on the land.

Mr. Smith stated the area does meet zoning regulations and was approved by Manor Township

Planning Commission and the Lancaster County Planning Commission. He added that the wetlands,

are determined by the Army Core of Engineers and unless that area has been determined wetlands by

them the developer has the option to develop that. Mr. Smith stated that there was an original storm

water management plan, for the entire tract of ground known as Woods Edge, and that was

approved. Mr. Bauder asked when the Army Core of Engineers determined the wetlands. Mr. Smith

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stated that back in the 70’s, the Murry Corp. did invade the wet lands and altered them, which was a

violation. At that time, the Army Core came out and they have monitored this site since then. Mr.

May suggested Mr. Zuber may want to talk to the County. Mr. Bauder suggested that we check into

it. Mr. Smith stated this area is not grandfathered in for any building. He stated that before there can

be any building the contractors will have to first get a land development plan approved and then

come to the Township for zoning permits and then there will have to be an application for a building

permit. Mr. Smith stated that in reference to building and the wetland, the Army Core of Engineers

have defined maps, that indicate where the wetlands are, and they had been staked out for Woods

Edge Development. Mr. Smith noted that when the builders apply for permits they should have to

deal with and meet any code regulations that are determined.

George Elko, 3126 Windon Avenue, questioned white lines that were painted on his street by a

surveying company. Mark Harris informed Mr. Elko that the markings are in preparation for

installation of speed limit signs. He noted that, the markings are required by law, for the PA ONE

CALL, to mark any utilities, any time there is a dig location.

Jim Huber, 113 Shannon Drive, stated he feels Mr. Zuber has valid concerns about the wetlands

and asked that the Township continue to monitor the site.

Pat Weidinger, 2025 Manor Ridge Drive, supported the concerns with the wetlands at Woods

Edge. Mr. Weidinger congratulated the Supervisors for their first year of having a five member

board and felt they have done a great job. He asked if the Township has any AED equipment. Mr.

Smith stated our police do have them, carry them in their cars and are trained to use them. Mr.

Weidinger suggested the Supervisors consider having them installed in their public buildings for

emergency use.

Old Business

There was no old business.

New Business

Resolution #3-2005 – Mr. Smith noted this is a resolution to certify that the 2005 budget was

presented to the Board at the Manor Township Supervisors Public Meeting on December 6, 2004

and approved by the Board at the December 29, 2004 Manor Township Supervisors Public Meeting.

Mr. Smith noted that a copy of the 2005 budget should be put with the resolution. Mr. Bauder moved

to approve Resolution #3-2005, seconded by Mr. Breneman. The motion carried unanimously.

Resolution #4-2005 – Mr. Smith noted this is the annual resolution setting the meeting dates for

the year 2005. Mr. Breneman made a motion to pass Resolution #4-2005 to set the meeting dates.

Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Resolution #5-2005 – Mr. Smith noted a resolution to continue the Police Pension Fund with no

deductions from the police salaries being required. He noted that the actuarial study shows the fund

to be sound and a new study will be made in 2005. Mr. Bauder asked if this was part of the contract.

Mr. Smith stated yes. Mr. Bauder stated that we actually have no options here. Mr. Aichele made a

motion to adopt Resolution #5-2005, seconded by Mr. Kreider. Mr. Bauder stated that he personally

disagrees with this practice because the private sector does not do this, he feels this is a give away.

He would like to see it as a 401K. Mr. Glazier asked if the Township has ever studied the cost to the

Township. Mr. May stated yes, we do have those figures. Mr. Bauder stated we receive $175,000.

from the state to reimburse us for the pension costs and he believes the cost to us is another

$100,000. generally speaking. The motion, having been moved and seconded, carried unanimously.

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Resolution #6-2005 – Mr. Smith noted the depositories are the same banks and accounts as last

year. Mr. May stated the resolution shows deposits for Fulton Bank will be: the General Fund, Tax

Fund, Capital Fund, Crossgates Sewer Fund, payroll Fund and the Unemployment Fund. For the

Bank of Lancaster County, N.A. deposits will be: the State Liquid Fuels Fund, Sewer Fund Savings

and Post Retirement Medical Fund. The PLGIT will be the Sewer Fund Checking. Mr. Bauder asked

if we are obligated to use these institutions for our funds. Mr. Smith stated this resolution does

obligate us to these banks for the particular accounts, however if changes are desired, it must be

done through a resolution. Mr. Bauder and Mr. Kreider had concerns that we could get a higher rate

of interest on CD’s at other locations. Mr. Bauder made a motion to adopt Resolution #6-2005. Mr.

Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Resolution #7-2005 – Mr. Smith stated that Dave Lockard, the SEO for Manor Township has

changed his fees for the year 2005, and noted this is the first increase he has set in eight years. The

resolution will appoint Mr. Lockard for another year. Mr. Aichele made a motion to approve

Resolution #7-2005 for sewage enforcement officer for Manor Township. Mr. Breneman seconded

the motion, which carried unanimously.

Resolution #8-2005 – Mr.Smith noted that this resolution sets the fee schedules for Manor

Township. He noted that they are the same as last year with the only proposed increase being for tax

certifications to change from $5.00 to $15.00., noting this puts us in line with surrounding

communities. Mr. Breneman made a motion to approve Resolution #8-2005 to establish the fee

schedule. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Resolution #9-2005 – Mr. May stated this resolution will set the managers salary and that was the

reason for the executive session that was held. Mr. May read Resolution #9-2005 setting the

managers salary at $75,500. noting he is eligible for benefits afforded to all township employees.

Mr. Aichele made a motion to approve Resolution #9-2005. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion.

Mr. Penn Glazier, 269 Chestnut Grove Road, asked what the salary was last year. Mr. May stated

$72,800. Mr. Glazier expressed his concerns with how high the salary was when Mr. Goodhart was

here, and now we have three professional people to do his job at a higher total. He felt there should

not be an automatic pay raise and felt we need to stop with this type of increase. Mr. May stated the

Board has given this quite a bit of consideration in our executive session and we did consider the

cost of living increase at 2.7. He noted that the raise is 3 ¾ %. Mr. Glazier stated that the increase is

much larger than most are getting and as a taxpayer he is not in favor of the raise. Mr. Bauder made

comparison to his daughter’s profession and salary, a charge nurse, and noted that her salary has

been capped for two years. He also compared her holidays, sick pay and benefits. He stated he is not

able to vote for this resolution to increase the manager’s salary, for those reasons. Pat Weidinger,

2025 Manor Ridge Drive, stated that he is a current elected auditor for Manor Township, and feels it

is very hard to compare salaries because of degrees and what one person does professionally to what

another person does for his work. He felt Mr. Bauder was not comparing apples to apples. He noted

that what he would ask for from the Supervisors, as an auditor for Manor Township and a taxpayer

of Manor Township, is that the managers salary increase be given for his merit and performance for

the previous year he has worked. Mr. Weidinger did agree that we do need to control spending and

costs in the Township and salaries are one area they can do that now or in the future. He felt the

Supervisors do need to be sensitive to what the general public is going through right now with their

salaries and any pay increases. Mr. May stated the raise was discussed extensively but not all

agreed. Mr. Kreider stated that he feels there are a lot of ways to reduce spending in this Township,

but he does not necessarily feel it is to go after salaries right now. He stated they are in the process of

looking at the budget very closely. Mr. May stated that they did compare salaries of managers across

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the state and the average is $81,000. adding that this has been a hard decision. Mr. May noted that

there has been a motion by Mr. Aichele to approve Resolution #9-2005 and seconded by Mr.

Breneman, and he called for a vote. The motion carried, four Supervisors voting in favor and Mr.

Bauder opposed.

Resolution #10-2005 – Mr. Smith stated this rate increase for the Crossgates Sanitary Sewer

Quarterly billing is a rate that is being charged to us and we are passing it along. The increase will be

from $125.25 to $172.85 quarterly, effective January 1, 2005. Mr. Smith noted that the treatment is

at Millersville Sanitary Facility. Mr. Bauder made a motion to approve Resolution #10-2005,

seconded by Mr. Kreider. The motion carried unanimously.

Mileage Rate for 2005 – Mr. May stated it is necessary to update the mileage reimbursement rate

for the Township, for 2005 and noted that the state rate is $.40 ½ per mile. Mr. Bauder made a

motion that we adhere to the state rate of $.40 ½ per mile. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion,

which carried unanimously.

Ordinance #1-2005 – Mr. May stated this is an ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances by

revising Section 7.02, relating to LASA’S rules and regulations applying to industrial waste

treatment. Mr. Smith noted that, the referenced waste is governed by EPA rules, and to pass this

ordinance would put us in compliance with LASA’S regulations. Mr. Breneman made a motion to

approve Ordinance #1-2005. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Draft Burning Ordinance – Mr. May stated that they have been in the process of revising our

burning ordinance, and it is actually a proposed new fire ordinance. He thanked the Waste and

Recycling Committee for all the work they have done on this ordinance. Mr. May stated there have

been concerns expressed from residents, about this ordinance, for one Mr. Eckman from Washington

Boro. His concern was with yard waste, which haulers don’t normally haul away. Mr. May stated it

does not ban fires in rural or agricultural areas but does ban them in all other areas. Pat Weidinger,

2025 Manor Ridge Drive, asked if this would effect burning in a chimnea, in a residential area. Mr.

May said there are provisions for this type of thing. Mr. Smith stated the ordinance is still in the

draft form and it has not been advertised and won’t be until we would get direction from the Board

of Supervisors with a final draft ordinance. After some discussion, Mr. Smith noted this is an

environmental issue as well as a safety issue. Mr. Kreider stated that Columbia Boro has a program

where residents can bring yard waste to a specific location, and we could possible provide that

service. Mr. Breneman expressed his concerns as to where this leaves people with yard waste. Mr.

Smith stated the staff could look into possible alternatives to burning yard waste if the Supervisors

want them to do that. Mr. May stated he is sensitive to Mr. Eckman’s concerns about yard waste,

and Mr. Eckman stated he would submit his concerns in writing to the Supervisors.

Improvement Guarantee – Mr. Smith stated this agreement is for the West Branch Townhouses

Improvement Guarantee Agreement and the Fulton Bank Letter of Credit No. D003610 for

$114,238. He stated that the project has been reviewed by the Township Engineer and is in

agreement with the cost estimate. Mr. Smith stated he and the Township Solicitor have reviewed

these documents and he recommends we enter into this Improvement Guarantee Agreement and

accept the Fulton Bank Letter of Credit as submitted. Mr. Aichele moved to accept both the

Guarantee Agreement and Letter of Credit. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried


DEP Land Application of Biosolids – Mr. May stated we have received a notification from DEP

for Barleys intent to apply biosolids of sewage sludge on the Shenk Farm #6. Our notification is that

the application was sent back to Barleys stating it was incomplete. Mr. Smith stated we could

contact the appropriate people at DEP if we have any questions. Mr. Mike Bare, 107 Chestnut Grove

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Road, asked where the Shenk Farm #6 is located. Mr. Smith stated it is a farm on Anchor Road that

they own. Mr. Bare asked what role the Township has in this. Mr. Smith stated we can always

comment but he stated he does not know what we can do to affect the process as long as the

applicant meets all of the DEP requirements, meaning we do not have a say if they may or may not

do this. Mr. Bare asked if we have ever expressed concerns to the appropriate people. Mr. Smith

stated yes, in the past we have been in contact with Eric Laur, the soil scientist from DEP, and he

does follow through. Mr. Smith added that we feel confident with Mr. Laur and he continues to

monitor this program. Mr. Bare asked when the Township would call DEP. Mr. Smith stated that as

staff, we do not monitor that program because we know DEP is doing that, and if we do get a

complaint or concern from a resident, we in turn call DEP.

Act 14 Storm Water Notification General Permit Manor Heights – Mr. Smith stated that this is a

standard notification to apply for a permit. This is a proposed development that has been before the

Manor Township Planning Commission and this is notifying us they are ready to apply for this


Mr. Kreider stated that since Rita Young is our tax collector, he felt there is an obligation that she

should be on the ballet for election. Mr. Smith stated that he believes she is. Rita Young answered

that she has been elected for eight years as tax collector and appointed two years previous to that.


Mr. Smith stated the Supervisors have received information on the LCPC Long Range

Transportation Plan. It is for information purpose only, and there will be a meeting they may attend

if they wish.

Mr. Smith stated the next four items are for seminars or conferences. He noted the following:

PSATS Annual State Convention – which the Supervisors need to decide who will attend.

APMM Eastern Executive Development Conference – Mr. Smith stated he would attend.

APMM Annual Carlisle Winter Workshop – This is a manager’s conference, and he has provided the

workshops that he would request to attend.

Township Official’s Roundtable - Mr. Smith stated this is designed more for elected officials, and it

would be whomever the Supervisors would wish to attend.

Capital Area Turf I Ornamental Winter School – Mr. Smith requested that Mike Dickert and Dan

Funk attend this seminar.

Collision Reconstruction- Chief Reever has requested Officer Ryan Gerlach be able to attend.

Mr. Bauder asked several questions about the seminars. He noted that we did approve two

seminars for Mr. Smith last month and he has a concern for how much he might be out of the office.

Mr. Smith noted, that is correct, but he would choose which ones he would attend. Having the

seminars approved only means he would attend if it were suitable at the time.

Mr. Breneman made a motion that we allow the appropriate people attend the listed conferences

with the necessary expenses paid. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Traffic Commission

Chief Reever stated the monthly meeting was held Dec. 29, 2004, and the only new business was

a request to establish a speed limit on Indian Marker Road. He stated that Mr. Harris will place a

traffic counter on that road and we will do a traffic study to make a determination. Mr. Harris also

requested that the Traffic Commission conduct a survey of the reflective signs in the Township. Mr.

Breneman asked Mr. Harris about the reflective posts for stop signs. Mr. Harris noted that they are in

the process of looking at some new reflective material that is now available.

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Police Report

Chief Reever stated his monthly report has been distributed and noted two thank you letters that

were received, one for Cpl Geyer and one for Officer Trish Mazur, for their assistance to residents.

He also stated an E-mail from ADA Christopher Larsen for Det Alexander for his work on a home

invasion case in Mountville.

Road Forman’s Report

Mr. Harris stated they have been addressing maintenance issues and he has conducted a snow

removal meeting to prepare for the season and reevaluate the snow routes. He noted that they did

install some snow fence on Prospect Road this year to help with any drifting that might occur.

Park & Grounds Maintenance Report

Mr. Dickert noted they have finished mowing for the season and have started installation of two

new tot lots in Charlestown Park. They have been planting trees and have installed some memorial

plaques. Mr. Dickert stated that the President has proclaimed flags to be flown at half-staff for the

Tsunami victims, at government buildings and asked if the Supervisors would like us to do that. The

Supervisors were in agreement to fly the flags at half-staff.

Assistant Manager’s Report

Mr. Laudien stated he has administered the normal programs through the month of December. He

noted that he has been preparing the 2005 Waste and Recycling calendar with the exception of the

appointments that the Board has made tonight and the meeting schedule, which was finalized

tonight. He stated that he will forward the new information to the printer and hopefully the 2005

calendar will be in homes by February.

Manager’s Report

Mr. Smith noted that the Township continues to work on the sanitary sewer system and are still

discussing transfer options and a potential maintenance agreement that we would need to bring

before the Supervisors in the event that we could not get the Manor Township sanitary sewer system

transferred in a short amount of time. We are still looking at options to put pressure on Lancaster

City to deal with the absence of agreement of treatment. Mr. Smith noted that he would prefer not to

get to the point where we do not pay the bill, but he is not sure what to do to get their attention. He

noted that he would come to the Supervisors before any decision would be made. He did state that

LASA is receptive to the transfer but they will not accept it without a maintenance agreement. Mr.

Smith also mentioned that the Township has notified Waste Management that they are in violation of

their agreement by hauling on days that are not designated. They have been notified to comply and

they have not done that to this date. Mr. Smith stated that the police department has been notified

that they are to be sited if they continue to haul on days that are not in the ordinance. He did note

they have complied in issues with materials, but the problem is with the days they are picking up

trash. Mr. Bauder asked if the ordinance is outdated. Mr. Smith stated nothing has changed and the

ordinance allows for pick up three days a week. Mr. Smith also thanked the Supervisors and the

Staff for all the kindness and sympathy shown for a difficult time in December with the passing of

his father, and he deeply appreciated it.

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Building Permit Report

Mr. Kreider read the building permit report for the month of December noting that there was a

total of 16 permits issued. That brings the total for the year of 2005 to 402 permits issued.

There being no further business, Mr. Aichele made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 pm.

Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted

Barry Smith

Secretary – Treasurer

Recording secretary

Rita J. Young

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Supervisors Meeting

February 7, 2005 7:30 pm

Chairman John May called the monthly meeting to order at 7:30 pm in the Manor Township

Municipal Building, 950 West Fairway Drive, Lancaster, PA 17603. He led those in attendance

in the pledge to the flag. Roll call was taken:

Members present: John May, Robert Aichele, Richard Bauder, Allen Kreider and Jay Breneman.

Staff present: Barry Smith, Mark Harris, Ryan Strohecker, Chief Reever and Rita Young.

Visitors present: See attached.

Chairman John May stated that the Supervisors held an executive session prior to this

meeting, at 7:00 pm, involving discussion of personnel and real estate matters.

Minutes – Mr. May stated there are four sets of minutes to be approved this evening. He noted

the regular December 6, 2004 as amended, the December 29, 2004 Budget Meeting at 9:00 am,

the January 3, 2005 Organizational Meeting, and the regular January 3, 2005 meeting. Mr.

Aichele made a motion to approve all four sets of minutes. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion. The

motion carried unanimously.

Bills – Mr. Smith stated that Mr. Strohecker has provided two reports. The first is for 12

months ending, Financial Report for 2004 along with the one month, January 05 report. Mr.

Aichele made a motion to approve the bills, seconded by Mr. Bauder. Motion carried

unanimously. Mr. Kreider questioned the January 2005 report, showing the checking interest at

$929.00 far above the budget amount of $100.00. Mr. Strohecker stated that he will provide Mr.

Kreider with the explanation. Mr. Breneman made a motion to approve the Financial Report.

Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Solicitors Report – Mr. Smith stated there is nothing to report for this month.

Business From the Floor

Jim Huber, 113 Shannon Drive, commended the Manor Township road crew for the prompt

and fine job they have done with snow removal. Mr. May noted that Mr. Harris should convey

that to the road crew.

Lonnie Thomas, 365 Weaver Road, addressed the proposed burning ordinance. She asked the

Supervisors if they received a letter from Mr. Jim Stauffer. She stated she is representing Mr.

Stauffer and noted concerns and the effect that a burning ordinance will have on his business

located at the corner of Donerville Rd and Weaver Road, listing the maze and other fall

activities. The Supervisors noted they did receive Mr. Stauffer’s letter and they will be

addressing the burning ordinance later in the agenda.

Fire Companies

Mr. Keith Eshleman, Millersville Boro Fire Company, submitted his report and stated that

they have completed their second busiest year since 1911, adding that services have continued to

increase. He thanked Mark Harris and the Manor Township road crew for a great working

relationship they have along with the Manor Township Police. Mr. Aichele asked several

questions about new volunteers, funds coming in, and working with Millersville University. Mr.

Eshleman stated volunteers and funds coming in are less each year. He was pleased with the

working relationship they have with Millersville University noting he has more students active at

this time than ever before. He stated they are in the process of trying to provide a dorm area,

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noting they have the drawings and plans but lack the funds at this time. Mr. Aichele asked about

the possibility of a consolidation. Mr. Eshleman noted they are trying to do more training

together and co-sponsor classes together, and there may be some talk of consolidation in the

future. After some discussion, the Supervisors noted that they continue to put information in the

newsletters to encourage residents to support and give money to their local volunteer fire

company. Mr. Eshleman stated one problem is that new residents still think that the fire

companies are tax supported. Jim Huber stated that when he was a Township Supervisor, he

would go to businesses and solicit for more donations, reminding them that if people don’t

support the volunteers, it will mean higher taxes.

Mr. May stated we have also received reports from the Highville Fire Company, Washington

Boro Fire Company, West Lancaster Fire Company and Mountville Fire Company.

Old Business

Manor Heights Modification Request – Mr. May stated that in January, we referred this to the

MTPC for their review of two waiver requests and make recommendations on the street slope

percentage and reduction in road widths. Mr. May noted they have done that and have

recommended granting the waiver request for allowing a maximum street grade to be 12% and

also recommending the waiver request for a reduction in roadway width from 34 feet to 28 feet.

After some discussion, Mr. Breneman made a motion to accept the waiver request and grant the

maximum street grade of 12%. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Mr. Bauder made a motion to approve the waiver request for the reduction of the roadway width

from 34 feet to 28 feet. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr.

Breneman asked about the request for the parking to be restricted to one side. Mr. Smith stated

that is not a planning issue and the traffic commission jurisdiction will address that.

Draft Burning Ordinance – Mr. Smith stated we have received three letters with concerns

about the burning ordinance, which have been distributed to the Board. He noted that the biggest

issue with having this burning ordinance is the elimination of burning limbs and twigs in

residential areas. He stated that Mr. Laudien has prepared a list of three options to look at, giving

the pros and cons of curbside collection, having a drop off location, or to do nothing and the

individual homeowner would be responsible for finding a way to deal with that type of material.

Mr. Smith stated the Supervisors could take time to review this information and recommend

direction in the future. Mr. May stated he would be in favor of establishing a drop off location,

even though it would take a good deal of effort. He noted Manheim Township has a very

successful site for this, but he realizes this could be a problem for that individual that does not

have the use of a truck. Mr. Kreider stated he realizes we must act on the burn ordinance, but he

would not want to take the necessary steps until we have some program in place to address the

issue with limbs and twigs. He added that he would be in favor of three locations for drop off

sites such as the maintenance building, the compost site, and another one. Mr. Smith stated we

must come up with a cost for handling any material, along with a cost to rent land for a site, the

same as we do for the leaf compost site. Mr. Smith stated it would be a mistake to pass a burning

ordinance that limits burning the woody substances, without having some type of program in

place. He felt that curbside pick up would be at a very high cost to the township and the

Supervisors agreed. After some discussion, the Supervisors stated they would need more time to

study the options, and Mr. Smith will get some more information and data.

Brandon Danz, 654 Shultz Road, asked what should be done with a woody sustenance that is

too large to be removed, such as tree stumps. He noted he cut down a tree, put a chemical on the

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stump in the fall, and was planning on burning it. Could he get a permit to burn that, or will there

be an exception for such a situation. The Supervisors stated they were not sure, but would try to

determine potential issues such as this. Mr. Bauder stated that he agreed with Mr. Eckman that

this could be a solution looking for a problem. He stated there have been discussions in the past

about the residential burning and neighbor problems, and there are places all over the township

where residents have a burn barrel, and he feels that if people talk to one another they can work

out problems if they arise. He is not ready to approve a limiting burning ordinance because it will

limit the residents. Mr. Smith noted that this is in the draft form, and we would not act on any

ordinance until we have worked out issues and have done the proper advertisements. Mr. May

stated that staff will continue to work on the ordinance.

Bus Shelter presentation – Tom Feltenberger, LAMAR Outdoor Advertising, asked Mr. Jim

Lutz, RRTA, to make a presentation. Mr. Lutz, Executive Director of Red Rose Transit

Authority, spoke on the bus shelter program that they are conducting throughout Lancaster

County. He stated that they have identified a need for additional bus shelters for their customers

and they are planning to install the shelters and cover additional cost of maintaining the shelters

through advertising. Mr. Lutz went over the projected cost for 100 shelters, stating it comes to

about 350,000.for installation, but it does not stop there. Maintenance and upkeep over a ten-year

period along with the initial installation will be about 1.5 million dollars. He stated they have

sought proposals for lighted displays on one side of the shelters as a means to defray the cost and

upkeep. They have chosen LAMAR Advertising. He noted that RRTA will purchase the shelter

and LAMAR will take care of the installation, the lighting and maintaining the shelter. Mr. Lutz

noted that they are seeking municipal support for this program because RRTA is a countywide

service going through 30 counties. They are looking at park and ride lots along with the bus

shelters. Mr. Smith stated there are two issues that Manor Township is concerned with. The first

is if the shelters would be approved, our ordinance states that off site advertisements are not

permitted and would require an ordinance change. The second issue would be that the ordinance

does not allow for any sign to be located in a street right of way. Mr. Smith added that the

Supervisors, as the governing body, could give exemptions for that. Mr. May stated he feels a

bus shelter would look better with ads on them than having graffiti on them and he asked Mr.

Lutz if they have picked out any sites. Mr. Lutz stated they have identified three locations along

RT 462 at this time, noting the Vinyards, East of Centerville Road, Armstrong World Industries,

and across from Lincoln West Apartments at the Hershey Mill Home. Mr. Feltenberger noted

that they are also considered one possibly on 462 at Stonemill Road to accommodate the

Pheasant Ridge Park. Mr. Lutz stated they have no desire to locate these shelters in any area that

they are not going to be used. Mr. Bauder asked about the maintenance. Mr. Feltenberger stated

LEMAR would take care of all the maintenance on a weekly basis and when it needs more

attention they would do that also. He noted that they also do the snow removal to make the

shelter accessible and provided a copy of their policies to the Supervisors. It included the cost

involved, a consent form of the property owner, liability insurance, a permission slip for RRTA,

and the maintenance policy. Mr. Smith asked if the permission would be with an individual

property owner or the State of PA. Mr. Feltenberger noted that they already have an agreement

with the State of PA to put them in right of ways, adding that the present three sites they are

looking at are not in the right of ways but on individual business properties. He noted that RRTA

would not place a bus shelter on a homeowner’s property that might upset a homeowner. Mr.

May stated he was in favor of the bus shelters and would like to accommodate RRTA in the

easiest way that we can. Mr. Smith stated that if the ordinance is not amended and they have to

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go before the zoning hearing board, there would be a cost of $500. for each application and

recommended that the sign ordinance be amended. Mr. Kreider stated he was not in favor of

granting the bus shelters. He felt that the ridership is low and the concept has to be changed to

point people toward park and ride and shuttle buses. He felt most people today have cars and

could go to a park and ride location. Mr. Kreider noted shuttle buses in Baltimore and other big

cities. Mr. Bauder stated he felt the demographics of Lancaster County are not the same and he

would support the bus shelters. Mr. Feltenberger distributed pictures of local bus shelters that are

now being used. Mr. Aichele asked about the type of advertisements that would be used. Mr.

Feltenberger noted the RRTA had determined that there would be no tobacco ads or beer

companies, noting that most interested parties are local restaurants, health care agents and real

estate agents. Mr. Lutz went over several routes and how the services are being used today,

noting that park and ride along with specialized services are a part of the future, but there is still

a large need for the individual bus riders at this point in time. He noted the Columbia route along

462 is their largest participating route at this time carrying a little over 200,000.customers this

past year. He talked about the shuttle services provided at the Millersville University with steady

growth built up to 80,000.customers at this time and noted that they are aware of the fact that the

future market is with special services to accommodate working individuals and not a main line

bus running up and down 462. Mr. Kreider noted he is in favor of the small bus shuttles but not

the large buses polluting the air. After some discussion, the Supervisors were all in agreement to

accommodate the bus shelters in the best way they could and asked Mr. Smith to have staff

prepare an amendment to the sign ordinance. Mr. Aichele asked if there is a problem with snow

plowing if the shelters are in the right of ways. Mr. Lutz stated they make sure the shelters are

back far enough so that is not a problem. Mr. Bauder asked how many people would a bus

shelter accommodate. Mr. Feltenberger stated ten people comfortably. Mr. May stated we will

proceed with the draft amendment.

Mike Zuber, 124 Shannon Drive, had several concerns with the maintenance of the bus

shelter with trash and the plexi-glass that they are usually made of becomes ugly with time and

becomes scratched. Mr. Lutz stated they are no longer made of plexi-glass, but a heavy safety

glass and they are very well maintained.

UCC Review – Mr. Smith noted that the UCC was enacted in July of 2004. He and Mr.

Laudien have talked to township staff, Andy Nelson, the inspector from Commonwealth Code

Inspection, and several builders working in Manor Township about how new code enforcements

are working. Mr. Smith stated that Commonwealth has been very professional and helpful, and

most important they have been timely in their service, adding that they know the code and they

enforce the code. Mr. Smith stated that Manor Township staff is extremely pleased with Mr.

Nelson and the service that Commonwealth has provided and recommended that the Township

continue to engage with them for their service thru the end of the year. He noted that the fees

have remained the same for 2005. Mr. Bauder stated he has an issue with the fact that some

townships are receiving a lot more money from their building permit and zoning permit fees. He

believes some are self inspected and noted that Warwick is getting $286,000., and we are

budgeted for $15,000 to $18,000. West Hempfield is getting $136,000. Mr. Bauder stated he

does not know the details of any of this but he feels we need to get more income from this

activity. He does not know how they are doing this, but he does know that one township said

they are operating as an independent business and charge all the expenses. He feels we should

make sure we get the most money we can from this activity. He feels we should not commit to a

whole year with Commonwealth and find out how these other townships are getting the amount

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of money that they are. Mr. May stated that it would probably take additional staff. Mr. Smith

stated he has talked to some of these and they do have their own staff to do the building permits

and inspections, along with zoning permits. He also noted that our zoning fees are higher than

some other townships at this point, but he will meet with our zoning officer and talk about some

of these issues.

Pat Weidinger, 2025 Manor Ridge Drive, asked if it was possible that the reason Warwick

and Hempfield are bringing in a lot more money is because they have much more construction.

Mr. Bauder stated no and their property assessment is just about the same as ours. Mr. Weidinger

asked Mr. Bauder if he has looked at the number of units being processed there to compare to the

number of units being processed in Manor. Mr. Bauder stated they have approximately the same

assessment as we do and West Lampeter is bringing in a large income also. Mr. Weidinger asked

if we should be looking at this as a money making issue. Mr. Bauder stated that we should get

money upfront to cover our costs for police protection and fire protection and we are not getting

that back from the property taxes. He stated he has very little compassion for the developers and

builders and they should pay an impact fee. Mr. Weidinger stated he believes that the tax he is

referring to was called unconstitutional in PA, and added that we should find out the exact

reason the other mentioned municipalities are receiving the larger fees. Mr. Smith noted we will

continue the process for the UCC and review it on a yearly basis. Mr. Kreider stated he has been

pleased with Commonwealth Insp. Services, they know the code and he feels they are doing a

good job. He added that to provide in house inspectors would be expensive to the township. Mr.

Breneman was in favor to staying with CCIS but did agree with an annual review. Mr. Bauder

noted that he feels we still have no comparisons. Mr. Smith stated that it is discussed at the

monthly managers meetings and he will report back to them.

Street Light Tax – Mr. Smith noted that it has been discussed and has been decided that the

street light tax will be re-enacted. He has provided Resolution 11-2005, which will reinstate that

tax. He noted they have factored out any intersection lights that are for the benefit of the

community and are a direct impact on individual properties. Mr. Smith stated this resolution not

only reinstates the light tax but will also establish an annual assessment that is uniform for the

properties affected. The assessed fee per property will be $33.00. billed to any property within

250 feet of a street light. Mr. Kreider made a motion to adopt Resolution #11-2005 to reinstate

the street light tax and set the fee at $33.00.per property affected. Mr. Bauder seconded the

motion, which carried unanimously.

Fire Protection in Rental Units – Mr. Smith stated that two builders have asked for

consideration of modifying the Township fire wall ordinance that currently requires masonry

separation vertically and horizontally. The request is for the horizontal masonry separation. Mr.

Smith stated that they have reviewed any change with the township engineers and they find

nothing wrong with a proposed change stating the township ordinance exceeds the requirements

of the PA UCC. He noted a letter from Andy Nelson, with CCIS, stating that he could support

the proposed changes if the township chooses. Mr. Kreider asked if there was any request to

eliminate the vertical firewalls. Mr. Smith stated no. Mr. Aichele asked what the exact change

would be. Mr. Smith stated it would only be the horizontal or the masonry floor separation

between apartment A, first floor, and apartment B, the second floor. The Board discussed

sprinkler systems, state requirements and the township requirements. Jim Huber asked which

builders were making the request for changes. Mr. Smith stated it is Manor Heights and Murry

Construction. Pat Weidinger, 2025 Manor Ridge Drive, asked if we would be changing to a less

fire resistant material. Mr. Smith stated the present township ordinance has a two-hour rating and

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the requested change would go with the PA UCC codes, which have a one-hour rating. The

Board discussed the safety issues involved, sprinkler systems, past fires in the township and the

fact that our present ordinance has worked and proved itself in the past. All Supervisors agreed

that the present ordinance should remain the way it is. Mr. Bauder made a motion to maintain

the Manor Township Firewall Ordinance as it stands. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion, which

carried unanimously.

Wenger Improvement Guarantee and Cash Escrow – Mr. Smith stated the Wenger family has

purchased the Huber property, and now Mr. Wenger must provide the escrow for the

Improvement Guarantee. Mr. Smith noted that the staff has recommended signing the agreement.

Mr. Bauder made a motion to sign the agreement and accept the cash escrow in the amount of

$14,700.00. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Huber Letter of Credit – Mr. Smith stated that now that the escrow account is in place for the

Wenger property, he would recommend that the Letter of Credit be released for Mr. Huber. Mr.

Breneman made a motion to release the Letter of Credit for Mr. Huber. Mr. Aichele seconded the

motion, which carried unanimously.

Cell Tower Removal Bond – Mr. Smith stated this bond is required for a cell tower that has

been approved by the Manor Township Zoning Hearing Board on November 3, 2004. He noted

the tower proposed is to be located near Turkey Hill off of River Road. Mr. Kreider made a

motion to accept the Removal Bond, in the amount of $12,000., for the removal of the cell tower.

Mr. Aichele seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Letter of Credit Reduction – Mr. Smith stated this request is for a reduction in the Letter of

Credit for Manor Oaks remaining lands. He noted that all items listed have been implemented

and he recommends that the reduction be approved in the amount of $62,801.50. Mr. Bauder

moved that the reduction request be approved for the Letter of Credit for Manor Oaks in the

amount of $62,801.50. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Progressive Mower – Mr. Smith stated the information has been distributed to purchase a new

Progressive Mower and it had been budgeted for in the 2005 budget. He noted that Mr. Dickert

has submitted this thru a state contract and the cost is slightly less than the 2005 budget amount

of $12,000. He noted the cost is $11,194.88., however the current mower can not be traded in

with the purchase. Mr. Smith added that the current mower will be advertised for through a bid

process. Mr. Breneman made a motion to purchase the new Progressive Mower, through the state

program, for $11,194.88, seconded by Mr. Bauder. The motion carried unanimously.

DEP Land Application Biosolids – Mr. Smith noted that we have received a letter from DEP,

stating that Star Rock Farms, LLC, has made application for a land application of biosolids

permit, has been reviewed and approved by DEP to be suitable for the land application that was

requested. Mr. May stated that he did try to get in contact with DEP for more information, but

had no response and stated he feels these letters of notifications simply notify us and they bypass

us of any thing else.

Act 14 Notification Woods Edge Phase II – Mr. Smith explained that this is standard notice

from Woods Edge, Phase II, that they are in the process of making application for storm water

discharge to DEP and the Lancaster County Conservation District for renewal of comprehensive

plans and zoning ordinances under Acts 67 and 68, which amended the MPC to support sound

land use practices.

Millersville Borough Official Map - Mr. Smith stated that we have received a copy of the

Millersville Borough Official Map for our consideration. After some discussion, Mr. Aichele

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made a motion to forward the map to the Manor Township Planning Commission for their

review. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.


Mr. Smith stated that he has listed the seminars for Administrative, Public Works and Police

Department. He added and made a request that Ryan Strohecker attend one for the Government

Finance Officers Association, He also noted a request for Mr. Dickert and Mr. Funk to attend the

KAFMO Athletic Field conference, along with a request that T.E.A.M. be approved for the

police department. Mr. Smith stated the topics under Administrative, are mostly presented by

PSATS and any Supervisor or appropriate commissions may wish to attend. Mr. Aichele made a

motion to approve the items under Administrative for Supervisors or Staff wishing to attend,

including the Athletic Field Conference for Mr. Dickert and Mr. Funk as well as the Police

Department for the T.E.A.M. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Traffic Commission

Chief Reever reported that the Commission met January 26, 2005 and held a organizational

meeting appointing Mark Harris, Chairman, Jay Brenneman, Member, and Jim Reever,

Secretary. He noted a traffic study was completed for Indian Marker Road showing that 85% of

the speed of cars is at 34 MPH. For that reason it was decided to not establish a speed limit

because of the limited traffic and the majority of vehicles were traveling at less than 35 MPH. He

stated the Board discussed a parking problem on West Cottage Avenue and a traffic study will be

done to determine if parking should be restricted on the north side of West Cottage Avenue.

Mark Harris reported that the cost of the reflective strips for signposts would be $16.00 for a 2”X

72” strip. Mr. May asked Mr. Harris if it was difficult to plow snow on West Cottage Avenue.

He stated it was very difficult.

Police Report

Chief Reever stated that his report has been submitted but noted that he has written letters of

commendation for Det. Sgt. Gary Strock, Det. James Alexander, Det. Michael Phenneger,

Officers Matt Wolf, Randy Herman, Carolyn Gundel, and Stephen Snyder for work done on

skeletal remains found in the woods, in Manor Township. He noted the officers maintained the

scene during a snowstorm on January 22, 2005 from 8am until the following 1am. He also noted

a letter of appreciation for Det. Sgt. Strock in reference to a vehicular death in an accident.

Road Foreman’s Report

Mark Harris reported they had addressed maintenance issues during the month of January. He

noted this month they are beginning storm water pipe replacement and roadside trimmings for

the agility program.

Park & Grounds Maintenance Report

Mr. Smith noted that Mr. Dickert is not here tonight but his report has been submitted for


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Assistant Manager’s Report

Mr. Laudien could not be here tonight but he has also submitted his report. Mr. Smith noted

that Mr. Laudien continues to work on the waste management issues and the on going problem

with Waste Management. He also noted that the Township calendars have been mailed.

Township Manager’s Report

Mr. Smith stated his report has been submitted for their review. He stated for public record,

that Mr. Glenn Burkholder has provided the Township with a letter indicating that he is officially

removing two properties from the Agricultural Security Area, one located on Hill Top Road and

one located on Habecker Church Road. Mr. Smith stated that he will make the necessary contacts

with the Agricultural Preserve Board along with the recorder of deeds office.

Building Permit Report

Mr. Kreider read the Building Permit Report noting there was a total of 22 permits issued for

the month of January for a total dollar value of $1,773,714.

Mr. Strohecker stated he has the answer to Mr. Kreider’s question about the $929.00 that was

posted as interest on savings. He recalled that it was a tax deposit from Lancaster City that was

mistakenly deposited into that account and has since been posted and adjusted out of that

account. He noted that we have just received the statement showing interest and that will be


There being no further business, Mr. Aichele made a motion to adjourn the meeting at

9:25 pm. . Mr. Breneman seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barry Smith

Secretary – Treasurer

Recording secretary

Rita J. Young

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Manor Township Supervisors Meeting

March 7, 2005 7:30 pm

Chairman John May called the meeting to order in the Manor Township Municipal Building,

950 West Fairway Drive, Lancaster, PA. He led those in attendance in the pledge of allegiance.

Mr. May stated that the Supervisors held an Executive Session on February 16, 2005 at 3pm

to discuss real estate matters.

Mr. May noted that all Supervisors are present tonight but Mr. Smith is absent due to illness.

Members present: John May, Jay Breneman, L. Allen Kreider, Richard Bauder and Robert


Staff present: William Laudien, Chief James Reever, Mark Harris, Michael Dickert, Ryan

Strohecker and Rita Young.

Visitors present: See attached.

Minutes - Mr. Aichele made a motion to approve the draft minutes as circulated. Mr. Kreider

seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Bills – Mr. May asked if there were any unusual bills. Mr. Laudien stated no. Mr. Bauder

asked if there would be any way that the bills could be identified and connected to the budget

items, noting that the present way is listed by vendor numbers. Mr. May stated he is not sure

how much paperwork it would take to detail the items. Mr. May asked if Mr. Strohecker could

review the reports and possibly add another column to the reports for explanation. Mr. Kreider

made a motion to approve the bills as circulated. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion, which carried


Financial Report – Mr. May noted the financial report. Mr. Bauder asked Mr. Strohecker if

the Capital Fund items that were specified, were also included in the present total balance. Mr.

Strohecker stated yes.

Solicitors Report

Mr. Laudien stated there was no report from the solicitor.

Business From the Floor

Ted Gingrich, 110 Bent Tree Drive, commented that a few years ago the Township changed

the zoning on some properties in Manor Township. It was approved at a meeting, and then a few

months later when people complained, the Supervisors changed some of the zoning back because

they had never notified the residents. He noted it was done legally but the Supervisors said they

should have notified the people. Mr. Gingrich stated that last month the present Supervisors

enacted a streetlight tax, which is going to affect thousands of Manor Township residents. He

stated that this tax was not mentioned at the January meeting, which he attended, and there was

no notification sent out to any one that it is going to effect. He stated that only after checking the

web site after the February meeting, did he find any information that it had already been passed

to assess each affected property a charge of $33.00 yearly. Mr. Gingrich estimated that it would

be 11 developments, resulting in approximately 2500 homes, generating $81,000. He asked the

Supervisors why the residents were not notified that this tax was going to be enacted. Mr. May

stated that if he recalls with the zoning changes, it was from rural to agriculture. Mr. Kreider

stated that his land was changed at that time also and he was not notified, but he believes it was

only the Haverstick farm that was changed back. Mr. Breneman agreed. Mr. Gingrich stated that

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he is aware that the Township had budgeted 90,000.00 to cover streetlight costs for 2005, and

this tax will bring in approximately 80,000.00, plus the Township had an increase of a half a

million dollars as a result of the increased monies from the landfill. Mr. Gringrich asked several

questions about the location of the streetlights and which areas are going to be charged. Mr.

Aichele agreed that Mr. Gingrich had some good points and maybe they should have notified

residents. Mr. Bauder noted that this is a flat tax of $33.00, and that most townships have a street

light tax. Mr. Breneman stated we did have a streetlight tax in the past, which we did not

discontinue, but we had just stopped collecting funds for it. Mr. Bauder stated that the streetlight

tax they will be collecting will just about cover the electric bill for the year. Mr. Gingrich stated

that at least 10 percent of the streetlights do not work correctly and asked who maintains them.

Mr. Bauder stated this must be corrected, and asked Mr. Strohecker how many residents will be

billed. Mr. Strohecker stated 2700. Mr. May stated that due to all the new developments, which

all have streetlights, the Township electric bill for them has increased greatly. He does feel it is a

fair tax to be put on the properties it affects. Mr. Breneman stated that when the streetlight tax

was dropped, other residents in the township had to help pay for these streetlights, and they do

not benefit their properties. Mr. Gingrich stated that if that is the case, are you going to start

charging for leaf pick up, because this is no different than the street light. The rural people do not

have leaf pick up but their money is paying for that service to specific areas also. Mr. Bauder

stated he has considered charging for that service because most townships do not have a free leaf

pick up program, and he feels this is a good point. Mr. Bauder stated that he does not feel

government should do anything that people could do for themselves. Mr. May stated that

technically we did abide by the law to enact this streetlight tax, but maybe we should have had

more advertisement. Mr. Gingrich felt there should be more in the minutes about what is going

on and not just agenda items.

Bonnie Miller, 113 Bent Tree Drive, stated she thought that when Woods Edge was

developed, each house was assessed a fee for streetlights, and homeowners thought that the fee

that was paid at closing was the only cost for streetlights. Ms. Miller asked if they are going to be

assessed a fee that will continue, can developments choose to do away with streetlights if we do

not want them. She also noted that more than 10% of the streetlights are not working. Mr.

Aichele stated no, they cannot be taken out and it is a fact that streetlights do deter crime. Mr.

May stated that we do have to see that PPL has the lights functional. After some discussion, Mr.

Breneman asked Chief Reever if the officers could drive through the developments and see what

lights are not working. Chief Reever stated we have had calls that streetlights are not working,

and we do pass those calls on to PPL. Mr. Bauder stated we should do a survey right now to

assess the streetlights. Mr. Laudien stated that he will see that the lights will be assessed.

Brandon Danz, 654 Shultz Road, stated that he came here tonight to commend Mr. Harris and

the road crew. He noted he called Mr. Harris this morning from work, explaining that there was a

problem with the shoulder of the road at his mailbox and the post office told him it should be

repaired. He stated he was surprised because when he came home from work the problem was

already taken care of. He thanked Mr. Harris for the prompt service.

Old Business

There was no old business.

New Business

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Ordinance 2-2005 Amending Ordinance 3-2002 – LASA Rules and Regulations. Mr.

Laudien explained that this is an ordinance to bring the Township into compliance with LASA

Sewer and Sewage Disposal Rules and Regulations. He noted that this action brings the

industrial waste treatment up to state codes by amending the code of ordinances. Mr. Bauder

asked how our ordinances conflict with the requirements. Mr. Laudien stated the changes are all

definition changes at the state level. Mr. Breneman made a motion to adopt Ordinance 2-2005 to

comply with the State Rules and Regulations. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion, which carried


Resolution 12-2005 Public Sanitary Sewer Financial Security. Mr. May explained that

currently the Township holds improvement guarantees and from this point on LASA will be

holding the improvement guarantees for security for construction of public sewer lines and

systems installed in Manor Township. Mr. Bauder asked if LASA will be taking our current

security deposits and transfer them or just new work. Mr. May stated it will be for new work.

Mr. Breneman noted that it does not start until April l, 2005. Mr. Bauder noted that this includes

a five-year guarantee, and he feels that this five-year guarantee should be transferred to LASA.

Mr. Bauder made a motion to approve Resolution 12-2005, seconded by Mr. Breneman. The

motion carried unanimously.

LIMC - Growing Together Draft Objectives and Strategies – Mr. May stated that this has

been a project that he and Mr. Smith have been involved in for the past year and a half. He noted

this draft should be placed in the lobby for anyone that wants to review it, showing the goals and

objectives for a growing together plan for land use, housing, transportation, community facilities,

parks and open space, natural resources, historic resources and utilities. Mr. May stated we

welcome public comment. Mr. Huber, asked if there would be copies of this for people to obtain.

Mary Glazier asked if we could have the draft document put on the township web site. Mr.

Laudien stated he would if he can get an electronic copy of the document. Mr. May stated it may

take a little time because they would have to obtain it from the project developers. Mr. Breneman

noted that it is available but it is still being reviewed and subject to changes. Mr. Kreider stated

that he has concerns for Objective LU-AP.1, the non-traditional farming, under land use. He

noted his problem is with the clarification of the items. Mr. Aichele stated there is also a large

area dealing with parks and recreation. Mary Glazier stated that this is the reason she would like

this document put on the web site so more people can review it and respond to what is there. It

will help people be more aware of what is going on, and she noted that some comments were

already sent to the LIMC from the Manor Township Planning Commission. Mr. Kreider thanked

Mr. May for all the time he has spent on this project.

Millersville Borough Official Map – Mr. May stated that Millersville Borough had sent us

their official map. He noted that Mr. Ott has suggested that we invite someone from Millersville

to come to one of our meetings to discuss the map, because it has a very high impact on us with

the bypass shown on the map. Mr. Bauder stated that he did have concerns with the bypass

provision. Mr. Laudien stated that Millersville has agreed to do so. Mr. Aichele stated that one of

the roads Crossgates Development, in Manor Township, has already been constructed to be part

of that bypass. Mary Glazier asked if they were coming to the Supervisors Meeting or the Manor

Township Planning Commission. Mr. Laudien stated the request was for them to attend the

Planning Commission Meeting.

Pequea Township Draft Comprehensive Plan – Mr. May stated that the Manor Township

Planning Commission has asked that the Township Supervisors, send comments to Pequea

Township, regarding their Comprehensive Plan and concerns that they have to make sure that the

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Conservation/Natural Resource District is shown as part of the Conestoga Greenways Plan along

the Conestoga Creek.

Agricultural Security Area Addition – Mr. May stated we have received a request from Loren

and Kyra Fry, 410 Habecker Church Road, to add 79.2 acres to the Agricultural Security Area.

He noted they would be using the 180 Day procedure and have submitted their petition to do so.

Mr. Breneman made a motion to accept this petition and add the 79.2 acres to the Agricultural

Security Area. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Manor Oaks Letter of Credit #D01112 – Mr. Laudien stated that the inspections show the

work is completed for this and the recommendation from Staff is to cancel this Letter of Credit.

Mr. Bauder asked if the Township is satisfied that the heavy equipment did not deteriorate the

roads in question. Mr. Laudien stated yes, they are satisfied completely. Mr. Kreider made a

motion to cancel the Manor Oaks Letter of Credit #D01112, seconded by Mr. Aichele. The

motion carried unanimously.

Manor Oaks Remaining Lands Letter of Credit Reduction #D01689 – Mr. May stated that

Manor Oaks is requesting the reduction be a 15% maintenance guarantee, and final paving has

been completed. Mr. Laudien stated that Mr. Smith was not completely satisfied with the

developer’s request and has recommended that the Letter of Credit be reduced from $76,908.00

by 32,371.46 bringing the balance to $44,536.55. Mr. May asked if Mr. Smith has looked at the

site. Mr. Laudien stated yes. Mr. Bauder made a motion to approve the reduction of Letter of

Credit #D01689 to a balance of $44,536.55. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion, which carried


Village Center at Mountville Letter of Credit #2022 - Mr. Laudien stated that, this Letter of

Credit, for Hess Home Builders, Inc., has been reviewed by Mr. Smith and he believes there are

some discrepancies in the amount they are asking for. He stated that Mr. Smith is recommending

that the remaining balance for this total project be $103,922.00. Mr. Bauder noted the request

from Hess Home Builders is a balance of $29,150. Mr. Laudien stated that is correct. After some

discussion, Mr. Bauder made a motion to accept the recommended amount of $103,922. for the

balance in Letter of Credit #2022. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion. The motion carried

unanimously. Ted Gingrich stated that the retention pond, at this location, was so full from

snow and water run off, that it was overflowing. He felt that this is an issue that is going to create

future problems. Mr. Laudien stated he believes that is one of the reasons Mr. Smith is

requesting a larger amount in the Letter of Credit along with some other issues with storm water

management and the retention basin.

Act 67 & 68 Notification for Penn Manor School District - Mr. May stated this municipal

notification is to inform us that the school district is applying for a permit with DEP for

stormwater discharges due to land development including the construction of a new building,

parking and loading area. Mr. Breneman stated this is for the removal of a barn and construction

of a new facility at the Manor Middle School.

Act 67 & 68 for George Mann – Mr. May stated this is again notification that Mr. Mann is

applying for a permit with DEP for ground disturbance, to construct two poultry bars, 44’X500’

each. Mr. May noted this is for notification only.

Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority Landfill Gas to Energy Project - Mr.

May stated we have received a letter from the Authority concerning the proposed Landfill Gas to

Energy Project. He explained that LCSWMA is submitting a permit modification request to DEP

regarding the implementation of a landfill gas to energy project at the LCSWMA Creswell/Frey

Farm Landfill facility located in Manor Township. Mr. May noted this is a written notification

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that comments on the application will be accepted by DEP for sixty days, and LCSWMA will be

having a public meeting in Manor Township to provide more detailed information to those who

attend. Mr. May stated that the Township will be attending meetings with LCSWMA and the

County, but he does not have a date for the public meeting yet. Mr. Laudien stated that we did

receive our copy of the application made to DEP, just this afternoon, and the Township is

attending a meeting tomorrow with the County and LCSWMA to discuss the land development

process and our role in that. He also noted that he has posted on the web site, the details of a

public meeting to be held at Highville Fire Hall regarding this permit application. Donna Bare

asked if that information could be put in the Community Notebook, located in the Lancaster

News paper. Mr. May stated that they will look into it. Mr. Gingrich stated the information could

also be sent in to the Sunday News, which has a listing of agendas that they publish. Jim Huber

stated that the newspaper reporter could list it also. Mr. Laudien noted that this is a meeting

being held by LCSWMA and we are attending their meeting. He stated he could ask them where

they are advertising their meeting and encourage them to use the places we have mentioned.

Vacancy Board - Mr. May stated that we now have a vacancy on our Vacancy Board because

Mr. Taylor is no longer with us. He noted that we do need to fill that vacancy, even though most

times the Supervisors fill a position when it is vacant. Mr. Breneman stated he would like to

nominate Mrs. Marsha Barley to fill that position. Mrs. Elizabeth Bauder, 130 Sheep Lane,

Millersville, stated that she has already telephoned Mrs. Donna Taylor and asked her if she

would like to continue in her husbands place in the position on the vacancy board, and she said

the affirmative. Mr. Bauder stated that Mrs. Taylor would be another consideration. Mr. Kreider

stated that out of courtesy to Mrs. Taylor, we should consider her for this position and he felt that

we should not decide tonight. Mr. Aichele agreed and felt that they should wait. After some

discussion, Mr. Breneman withdrew his nomination for the vacancy board. Mr. May stated we

will address this at the April meeting.

Bid to replace playground at the Manor Township Community Park – Mr. Laudien explained

that this item was in the Capital Budget. He noted that two bids were received, with the lowest

bid being from George Ely Associates, for the amount of $25,010. Mr. Laudien recommended

that the Supervisors accept the bid. Mr. Bauder asked if $25,010.00 is the total amount that will

be charged to the Capital Fund. Mr. Laudien stated the $25,010.00 is the bid purchase for

equipment and another $6,000 for materials for the installation, which is being done by the parks

crew. Mr. Dickert stated that the total amount from the Capital budget will be $34,000.00 Mr.

Aichele made a motion to accept the bid from George Ely Associates for $25,010.00 Mr. Bauder

seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Donna Bare asked if the playground

equipment that is being removed, could be reused at the Creswell Park. Mr. Dickert stated no, the

equipment is the main wooden playground area that is obsolete, unsafe and rotting.


Mr. Laudien noted there are two items for consideration. The first seminar is titled The Nuts

and Bolts of Payroll in PA, to be held in Lancaster and requested all necessary personnel attend,

that being Rita Young, and Ryan Strohecker and staff. Second, a PELRAS Annual Training

Conference, and requested Mr. Smith attend. Mr. Kreider made a motion to approve the listed

personnel attend the seminars, with necessary expenses paid. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion,

which carried unanimously.

Traffic Commission

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Chief Reever stated Traffic Commission was held at 8:30 am on February 28, 2005. He noted

under old business, results from a traffic study were recommending a no parking zone be

established on the North side of West Cottage Avenue for approximately 750’ East of N. Duke

Street. New business was a request for a handicapped spot along with a request for a traffic study

to be conducted on South Bridge Street.

Police Report

Chief Reever stated he has submitted his report for review to the Manor Township Office. He

noted Letters of Appreciation from District Attorney Donald Totaro to Sgt. Det. Strock, Det.

Phenneger, Det. Alexander, and Officer Snyder for their assistance in the recovery of the remains

of Courtney Fry on January 22, 2005. Mr. Kreider thanked Chief Reever for information from

the police department, now being listed in the police digest of the Lancaster newspapers.

Road Foreman’s Report

Mark Harris reported that they have been doing routine maintenance, along with reviewing

and conducting local bridge inspections with a project manager. Mr. Bauder asked which bridges

were inspected. Mr. Harris stated the bridges were located on Bender Mill Road, Indian Run

Road, Habecker Church Road, and Charlestown Road.

Park & Grounds Maintenance Report

Mr. Dickert stated they are doing winter maintenance, pruning and equipment repairs at this

time. They also have assisting in snow removal.

Assistant Manager’s Report

Mr. Laudien noted the final firewall inspections have been completed, and stated that the

responsibility will now be with Commonwealth Code Inspections. Also he attended a meeting

about the Reiber House and noted that the project is moving along, hoping the house will be

completed soon.

Township Manager’s Report

Mr. Laudien stated Mr. Smith has submitted his report for review.

Building Permit Report

Mr. Kreider read the building permit report listing a total number of permits for the month of

February at 25, bringing that total for the year to 47.

There being no further business, Mr. Breneman made a motion to adjourn the

meeting at 8:40 pm. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

William Laudien

Assistant Mananger

Recording secretary

Rita Young

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Manor Township Supervisors Meeting

April 4, 2005 7:30 pm

Chairman John May called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm, in the Manor Township Municipal

Building, 950 West Fairway Drive, Lancaster. He led those in attendance in the pledge of allegiance

to the flag. Roll call was taken.

Members present: John May, Jay Breneman, L.Allen Kreider, Robert Aichele and Richard Bauder.

Staff: Barry Smith, Bill Laudien, Mark Harris, James Reever, Ryan Strohecker and Rita Young.

Visitors: see attached.

Minutes – Mr. Aichele made a motion to approve the minutes as circulated. Mr. Bauder seconded

the motion, which carried unanimously.

Bills - Mr. Kreider made a motion to approve the bills as presented. Mr. Breneman seconded the

motion, which carried unanimously.

Financial Report – Mr. Smith stated everything is as anticipated with the budget. Mr. Bauder

asked why there is a check paid to the Lancaster County District Attorney. Mr. Smith noted that the

payment is our contribution to the Drug Task Force. Mr. Bauder also questioned a check to the

General Fund for $1455.00. Mr. Strohecker stated that was a transfer for a reimbursement for a

check that was cut out of the General Fund that was to be out of the Capital Fund. Mr. Bauder made

a motion to approve the Financial Report, seconded by Mr. Aichele. The motion carried


Solicitors Report

Mr. Smith stated there is no solicitors report.

Mr. May stated that before this meeting, the Supervisors held an executive session, from 7 to 7:30

pm, involving a personnel matter.

Business From the Floor

Michael Long, 2192 West Ridge Drive, presented a letter regarding Resolution No. 11-2005,

reenactment of the street light tax. He stated that he did not feel a select group of township residents

should be paying for streetlights, which benefit the entire township. He stated that the greatest

majority of streetlights addressed by Resolution No. 11-2005 have been installed for public safety

reasons. He noted the police are for public safety and asked what if we charged only those who use

the police for maintaining our police department. He noted if something is for the good of the public,

then is should be paid for by the public. He challenged the Board of Supervisors to reconsider this

street light tax on a small select group of residents and return the cost to the proper source for paying

street lighting costs, the General Fund.

Mr. May stated that the Township had a street light tax in the past and a few years ago it was put

into the General Fund. Now, since there are so many more streetlights and the cost has gone to

$90,000. yearly for the electric, this present Board of Supervisors feels that the people that use the

lights should be the ones to pay for them.

Gene Walker, 1742 Stone Mill Road, stated that he totally agrees with Mr. Long. The streetlights

are for safety and used by all residents.

Jerry Dickerman, 155 Gamber Lane, stated that he feels the tax is unfair also and should be paid

by the entire township. He explained that because of Hampden Chase, the newly developed area next

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to his property, he now has to pay a street light charge, resulting from the streetlights that they have


Frank Filling, 303 Millersville Road, presented the Supervisors with a petition, from residents

located along Millersville Road, requesting that the Supervisors reconsider the 11-2005 Resolution

for payment of the cost of the street lighting. He stated the basic reason for streetlights is for safety

for the good of the Township and why should just a few have to pay for that.

Marge Burger, 15 Bradford Street, stated that she put a letter in the paper that she was not in

favor of the streetlight tax and said she agreed with Mr. Long. She noted that if the streetlight is

there only for her benefit then she would like the light removed because she does not want it. Mr.

Bauder noted that he read the letter in the paper and corrected Ms Burger because she thought that

all the taxes collected by the Township were ours, when in fact we pass a large portion of them on to

the County.

Fred Sereno, 201 Sutherland Court, agreed that the streetlight tax is unfair. He noted that he paid

to have a light installed at his property because there were no streetlights when he moved in. Now he

has to pay for his light and is still being billed by the township for the other lights that have been

installed. He noted that he feels the lights are ugly, he does not like them and asked for them to be


Carol Everett, 24 Oakgrove Lane, stated that she felt streetlights are for the good of everyone in

the township and the streetlight tax is discriminating to the people that have to pay it.

Elizabeth Detwiler, 29 Oakgrove Lane, stated that she agreed that the streetlights should be paid

for by everyone and did not agree with the tax being put on certain people.

Mr. May thanked all the residents for their comments.

Donna Bare, 107 Chestnut Grove Road, asked if permits were required for people that solicit at

the intersections, such as 462 and Centerville Road. She stated a church from New Jersey was

soliciting and came up to her car and she feels they are a hazard to traffic and it is an unsafe practice.

Ms. Bare also stated that she has noticed reflective stop sign posts in West Lampeter Township and

asked if the township has ever considered this improvement for safety. Mr. Harris stated that the

reflective strips have come up at traffic commission. Mr. Breneman stated that these cannot be

placed on the State intersections without getting Penndot involved, but we have been looking into it.

Mr. Smith noted that the township does not have soliciting permits for the people that stand in the

traffic to solicit funds. It is not our policy to allow this and stated that Ms. Bare or anyone should call

the township police when this occurs because this is a safety hazard.

Ted Gingrich, 110 Bent Tree Drive, asked if you must register in Manor Township to solicit. Mr.

Smith stated there is a soliciting permit ordinance. Chief Reever stated there is no charge for a

charitable organization, but we have gotten complaints from these groups and we do chase them off

the roadway.

Mary Glazier, 269 Chestnut Grove Road, informed the Supervisors that they are able to have

their agenda for the Township meetings published free, in a portion of the Sunday News, called the

Government Calendar just for municipalities. She felt if they did this, people would be more

informed about what is going on ahead of time.

Bonnie Miller, 113 Bent Tree Drive, expressed concerns with the amount of construction going

on in Manor Township and questioned a possible moratorium on building. She felt our roads are not

able to take more traffic and noted water run off and soil erosion as main concerns. She asked if the

Supervisors could do something to slow down or stop any further construction. Mr. Smith noted that

a moratorium on building is illegal. He noted that the ongoing construction has all gone through the

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channels of zoning and planning and is subject to all regulations, and if someone meets all the

requirements, we cannot stop them from building. Ms. Miller stated that if the township cannot stop

building, is it possible to slow it down because she is also seeing problems with storm drains not

holding the storm water. Mr. Kreider stated that he and Mr. Bauder went out this past Saturday, in

the rain, inspecting this type of problem. He noted they did see storm water situations, where the

basins were empty and not doing the job they were designed to do. He noted some areas such as

Weaver Road. Mr. Bauder stated he felt there were two issues. The first is the issue of storm water

and the systems that are in place are failing. Mr. Bauder noted that some were designed okay but

they were not functioning, and some were inadequate and not designed big enough to handle the area

that they were placed in. He felt this issue could be corrected and improved. Mr. Bauder stated that

the second issue he has concerns with is the fees that we charge developers. He has compared what

other townships receive in revenue from developers and most townships are getting a lot more. He

felt that if we charge more revenue from them, it would off set the cost when we have to make

corrections to this type of problems. Mr. Bauder gave the supervisors a chart with some comparisons

of what other township do in this matter. Mr. May stated that the Supervisors will be announcing a

date for a work session in the near future to discuss this subject.

Jim Stauffer, 365 Weaver Road, expressed concerns with storm water issues. He noted that he has

been having a recent problem with flooding in his basement since the Faith Bible Church has been

built. He stated Mr. Laudien did come out to look at the catch basins, and did agree that one of the

cement basins does need to have some repairs done to it. He stated he has been trying to meet with

the church, but they say, they were told, by the township that they are in compliance with the storm

water management. Mr. Smith stated that, after an inspection, the church was told they need to

address a few issues with the one basin, as soon as weather permits, and they must complete the

maintenance issues that need repaired. Mr. Stauffer stated he continues to have concerns with the

water run off and the soil erosion and he has contacted DEP and they will be coming out to look at

the problem. He presented pictures of the catch basins and flooding to the Board. He noted that he

has been told that a lot of the water problem is coming from the property owned by Leisure Lanes.

He also presented pictures of the area where water comes from Leisure Lanes and noted the water is

not making it to the catch basins. Mr. Bauder stated that he has gone out and looked at the problem

and in his opinion the upper catch basin of the church is not designed properly. He felt the bottom

hole in the basin is too large. The basin below is failing because of erosion at the concrete overflow.

Mr. Bauder stated this storm water system is inadequate, not working, was not designed properly,

and whoever designed and inspected it failed. He felt we are not doing what our storm water

management says we are to do. He also noted that he has inspected the system at the newly

developed Fawn Hill and in his opinion that system will never work either. He noted we must take a

better look at the design and the inspection than we have been doing. Mr. Stauffer stated that he

would like to see the plans that the church submitted.

Mr. Stauffer asked the Supervisors if they have ever considered forming some type of building

committee that would look at historic buildings in the township before builders would be able to go

in and destroy them. He also stated that there is a log home, located on the Fruitville Pike in

Manheim Twp., scheduled to be torn down. In that process it was discovered to be a very historic

building. Mr. Stauffer explained that he would like to be able to have that building relocated on his

property. He introduced Mr. Lester, 3615 Columbia Avenue, and stated that he would assist him in

moving the house. Mr. May stated that this issue would depend on the zoning regulations and land

use. He advised Mr. Stauffer that he would have to come in to the office and discuss it with Mr. Ott,

the zoning officer. Mr. Bauder asked if the Supervisors could provide a variance for Mr. Stauffer to

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be able to move the house to his property. Mr. May stated that would have to go through land

development with the zoning department. Mr. Smith advised Mr. Stauffer that he should talk to Mr.

Ott for what the zoning permits.

Old Business

Mr. May stated that due to the death of Mr. Richard Taylor, we will need to appoint someone to

fill the position of Vacancy Board for Manor Township. After some discussion, Mr. Bauder made a

motion to nominate Mrs. Donna Taylor to the Vacancy Board. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion,

which carried unanimously.

Mr. May stated that the Board also needs to appoint someone to the Greenway Park Advisory

Board. He noted that they will be looking for a resident who is interested in Park and Recreation, and

stated that Mr. Laudien was our previous representative. The Board noted if anyone is interested

they should contact them. Donna Bare, 107 Chestnut Grove Road, asked if there was a way that the

Supervisors could keep residents informed as to when there is a vacancy on a board. Mr. Smith

stated that the calendar that was mailed to each resident includes a list of all boards, their members

and the time that their terms expire, but we could look at putting the information on the website.

Sewer Maintenance Agreement – Mr. Smith presented a proposed agreement for service to be

provided by LASA for Manor Township sewer. He noted that we are at a standstill with Lancaster

City at trying to have any kind of agreement in place, so they have been trying to find an option to

maintain and manage the system beyond our own staff. He explained that the service agreement

presented tonight with LASA, states LASA will provide all billing and collection services,

maintenance and repairs for the sewer facilities and they will staff the facility with personnel and

shall provide the services from May 1, 2005 until March 31. 2010 unless terminated. He stated the

Township agrees to pay the Authority a fee of $3.56 per customer per month for all customers and

believes that this rate structure will be able to maintain the system. He noted we would retain

ownership at this time but LASA will upgrade a few capital improvements with our approval. Mr.

May stated we had hoped that LASA would be taking the system for good, but we have not gotten to

that agreement yet. Mr. Smith stated we are still working on that but he was not certain when that

might occur. Mr. Smith stated it is still the goal of the Township to have LASA own this system and

Manor Township is no longer involved in sewer. After further discussion, Mr. Bauder expressed

concerns with the 5 year turnover and if we would be loosing money from new customers. Mr.

Smith explained that this is a built out system. Mr. Bauder asked when the Township would be

paying the estimated cost of $264,239. Mr. Smith stated reimbursement to LASA for work to-date is

$14,469. and we will pay that. We hope to divert the Manor Ridge station this year, the cost listed at

$85,000 and when we divert that station to LASA, it will be a lot less going to Lancaster City. Mr.

Kreider asked who was the author of the agreement and if the solicitor reviewed it. Mr. Smith stated

that LASA and he drafted the agreement, using a model agreement from Oxford Township. Mr.

Lennox, LASA, explained how they worked with this example to draft this agreement. Mr. Smith

noted the appropriate people have reviewed this, but if the Board would prefer, he could have the

Township solicitor review it also. The Board agreed that they would like the solicitor for the

Township to review the agreement. Ted Gingrich, Bent Tree Drive, asked if we had any obligation

to divert any portion of the sewer to Lancaster City. Mr. Smith stated he was not sure, but they did

explore that possibility of diverting all of our flow to LASA and found that it would be too

expensive. After further discussion, Mr. Bauder made a motion to enter into the Service Agreement

with Lancaster Area Sewer Authority for Manor Township Wastewater Collection Facilities,

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pending the solicitors review and authorize the manager to sign the agreement. Mr. Breneman

seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Township Audit – Mr. Smith noted that he has provided a copy of the Audit and it has been filed

with the State and County Offices. He stated it is available for review in the township office.

Resolution #13-2005 – Mr. Smith read Resolution #13-2005 noting it is a resolution to set the

Crossgates sanitary sewer quarterly billing rate at $152.75. Mr. Smith stated that the earlier rate had

been set at $172.85 by resolution in January, but after reviewing information and data from

Millersville Borough, it was concluded that the January rate was higher than necessary to meet

treatment, capital and administrative costs. Mr. Smith noted that the capital reserve maintenance and

administrative fee to the township is 5.00 per rate customer. Mr. Aichele made a motion to adopt

Resolution #13-2005 and set the quarterly rate for Crossgates sewer at $152.75. Mr. Kreider

seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Award Bids – Mr. Smith stated the bid results as follows. Low bids were – Seal Coat was

$56,968.94, .705 per sq. yard, from Martin Paving, Micro Surfacing was $71,785.92, 1.649 per sq.

yard, from Stewart & Tate, Black Top In Place was $172,337., ID2top 40.65 per ton and binder

36.15 per ton, from Highway Materials, ID-2 Wearing/Superpave was FOB 29.90, DEL 34.15 per

ton from Highway Materials, BCBC/Superpave was FOB 25.85, DEL 30.10 per ton from Highway

Materials, and 2A Stone was FOB 3.85 DEL 6.40 per ton from County Line. After some discussion,

Mr. Breneman made a motion to accept the low bids for 2005 materials. Mr. Aichele seconded the

motion, which carried unanimously.

Award purchase of Pick-Up – Mr. Smith stated they would like to purchase a new 4-wheel drive

pick-up with a service body and plow. He noted they would like to replace a 1986 4-wheel drive

Ford 350 pick-up truck. Mr. Bauder stated that the Township presently has three heavy-duty trucks

and asked how Mr. Harris would categorize the 1995 Chevy. Mr. Harris stated that the 1995 Chevy

has 91,000 miles of heavy pulling use on it, and they are starting to see some problems with it. Mr.

Bauder questioned the need for another heavy-duty truck, noting that we already have three, and he

did not feel that the Parks Dept. should have the newest truck, that it should be the road crew. Mr.

Smith stated that even though it seems the parks dept. has the better truck, it is used in the parks

during the summer and in the winter it is used to aid in snow plowing and other winter maintenance.

Mr. Harris stated that Mr. Dickert assists the road crew with that truck for most of the heavy towing,

winter or summer. Mr. Smith stated that there was a budgeted amount of $45,000. for the total

package to replace this truck and the recommendation from Mr. Harris is a purchase for $36,194.12.,

through the state piggy back program. Mr. Bauder stated that his concern is that the Capital Budget

is maxed out, and in his opinion we do not need to spend the money this year, but he stated you

might be able to change his mind. Mr. Breneman stated he feels the need has been proven because

the truck in question is no longer able to push snow or pull equipment. Mr. Bauder stated he feels we

already have enough trucks for the work we do. Mr. Kreider stated he is neutral on this and could see

both sides to the purchase of the vehicle. Mr. Breneman made a motion to purchase the truck

recommended by Mr. Harris. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion. The motion carried four in favor and

Mr. Bauder opposed.

Award two police cars - Mr. Smith stated there is a budget allocation for two police vehicles.

Chief Reever stated that he is asking for permission to secure the bids for two cruisers, looking into

state contracts. He also noted there is the one dollar charge for the motorcycle. He stated he would

be looking at an SUV for approximately $28,000. and a police cruiser for $21,000 plus being

equipped at approximately $3,000. Mr. Kreider questioned the need for another vehicle. Mr. Bauder

stated he would like to see a listing of the existing fleet and the mileage that is on each car. Mr.

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Aichele made a motion to have Chief Reever proceed with the estimates for the purchase of two

vehicles. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Land Application - Mr. Smith explained that the Township has received a standard notification

from DEP that Star Rock Farms has applied for a Land Application of Biosolids for the Shenk Farm

#6, which Mr. Smith stated is on Anchor Road.

LCSWMA Gas to Energy Project - Mr. May explained that LCSWMA held a public meeting this

past week at Creswell to explain their intent, and what the gas contains. Mr. Kreider noted he has

concerns about the gases that will be released, and when speaking to the Authority, they indicated

they could not do anything about that. He stated that he did send information to LCSWMA on

equipment that could be used. Mr. Kreider stated he is in favor of the concept but has a problem with

the gases that will be vented. Mr. May stated they have received a set of plans from Mr. Norris to be

reviewed. Mr. Smith stated there are plans available at the office for anyone who would like to

review them.

Act 67 & 68 Notification for Manor Corporate Center – Mr. Smith stated this is standard

notification that Risco Partners is applying for a General NPDES Permit for Stormwater Discharges

associated with construction activities. He added that it is located on the industrial tract along

Charlestown Road.


Mr. May noted that there are several letters from residents in reference to the street light tax. Mr.

Smith listed the following seminars and asked for approval for the appropriate people to attend. The

Lorman Education Services Seminar for Ryan Strohecker, The Tax Collectors Seminar for Rita

Young, and the One Source Environmental Concerns for Local Government available for the

Supervisors or someone they wish to attend. Mr. May stated that he would like to attend that

seminar. Mr. Smith listed the Lancaster County Zoning Officers seminar with a request for Bruce

Ott and Bill Laudien so that they might stay certified, a public works LTAP for anyone who the

Supervisors deem appropriate to attend, and a request from Chief Reever for Officer Ryan Gerlach

to attend an Accident Reconstruction School. Mr. Breneman made a motion to approve the listed

personnel and have them attend the seminars, with the necessary expenses paid. Mr. Kreider

seconded the motion. The motion carried with a vote of four in favor and Mr. Bauder opposed.

Traffic Commission

Chief Reever stated the Traffic Commission met on March 28, 2005. He noted a stop sign was

replaced at Hampden Drive, a new handicap sign to be erected at 900 ½ West Fairway Drive, and a

request for No Parking signs on Oakridge Drive, south of the exit from The Village Center. He also

stated permission was granted for a request to close Clover Hill Road on May 28, 2005 for a block


Police Report

Chief Reever provided a Police Report and stated that it includes a letter of appreciation for Det.

James Alexander and Officer Brian Liddick from Ms Phyllis Frankford for an investigation they


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Road Foreman’s Report

Mr. Harris reported that they have been preparing for the summer months by cleaning catch

basins, crack sealing, bridge maintenance and doing brush mowing for PADOT. He noted tree

removal on Rock Hill road, sewer work and storm cleanup.

Park & Grounds Maintenance Report

Mr. Smith stated Mr. Dickerts report is listed, and he has been busy taking care of preparing for

the summer months also.

Assistant Managers Report

Mr. Laudien stated he has provided his report but noted that the Turkey Hill Country Classic is

May 7, 2005, from 8am to 2pm. He stated that at the Boards request last month, he is reporting that a

comprehensive survey has been completed for the street lights in Manor Township and found that

there were less than a dozen lights out in the entire Township. He stated that he and Mr. Harris have

been reviewing what to do with woody waste material and he is hoping to present a few solutions to

the Waste and Recycling Committee’s next meeting and can get back with answers in the May

Supervisors meeting. He also stated that he is hoping to have the next newsletter out soon.

Township Manager’s Report

Mr. Smith stated he has furnished a copy of his report but would like to highlight that he and Mr.

Harris have been working with Rettew Associates to prepare bid specifications for the proposal for

South Centerville Road. He stated the job will be bid and he is concerned with the cost of blacktop.

Mr. Smith also mentioned that he has met with a group of residents from Eagle Heights, the

Columbia Water Company, and the PUC to speak about water pressure in that area. Residents have

been complaining of low water pressure and the Columbia Water Company will be doing a

feasibility study to address the issue.

Building Permit Report

Mr. Kreider read the building permit report noting that there was a total number of 27 permits for

the month of March with a total dollar value of $1,780,829.

There being no further business, Mr. Aichele made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 pm.

Mr. Breneman seconded the motion which carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barry Smith

Secretary – Treasurer

Recording secretary

Rita J. Young

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Manor Township Supervisors Meeting

May 2, 2005 7:30 PM

Chairman John May called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm in the Manor Township Municipal

Building, 950 West Fairway Drive, Lancaster, PA. He led those in attendance in the pledge to the

flag. Roll call was taken showing all members of the Board present.

Members present: John May, Richard Bauder, Robert Aichele, Jay Breneman and L. Allen Kreider.

Staff present: Barry Smith, Bill Laudien, Mark Harris, Ryan Strohecker, Mike Dickert and James


Visitors present: See Attached.

Minutes - Mr. Aichele made a motion to approve the April minutes as circulated. Mr. Breneman

seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Bills - Mr. Bauder made a motion to approve the bills as listed. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion.

The motion carried unanimously.

Financial Report- Mr. Aichele made a motion to approve the Financial Report as presented. Mr.

Breneman seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Solicitors Report

Mr. Smith stated that there was no solicitors report.

Business From the Floor

Christine Brubaker, 22 Leaf Park, stated that she would like to commend the Supervisors for their

financial commitment in support of the Turkey Hill Trail and the support of the County Low Grade

Trail. She noted that in 1981 the area was to be designated at the National Level, but it never

happened and added that she is very familiar with the area and would take any who wishes on a hike

of the area.

Mary Glazier, 269 Chestnut Grove Road, noted that last month she informed the Supervisors that

they would be able to publish their meeting agendas in the government calendar portion of the

Sunday News, free of charge, and stated that she did not see anything in the paper this week. Mr.

Smith noted that he did miss the deadline this month for the meetings.

Jim Huber, 113 Shannon Drive, asked the Supervisors if they have received any free golf passes

from any developers in Manor Township. The Supervisors stated that they did receive passes for

golf, but have returned them to the sender.

Stan Buch, 717 Fairway Drive, noted that he has lived at his residence for 50 years and has never

received a street light tax. Now, he has received a yearly street light tax bill and stated he will not

pay the bill. He has installed his own personal security lighting at this home and he feels the street

light tax is unfair and should be paid by all residents of the township along with their real estate


Tina Pearson, 121 Townhouse Lane, expressed concerns with noise from her neighbors at late

hours along with loud car stereos and would like to propose a noise ordinance. She noted it has been

an ongoing problem and she has contacted the police on several occasions, but they say nothing can

be done because there is no noise ordinance in the township. She also had concerns with the number

of children that play in the street in her area. Mr. May stated he will take her concerns and see what

can be done about the late night noise.

Fred Serino, 201 Sutherland Road, stated that he had sent a petition to the Township Supervisors

with names of residents that oppose the street light tax. He noted that he feels it is unfair for the tax

to be placed on individual homeowners instead of paid by everyone.

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Mrs. Buch, 717 Fairway Drive, stated she feels the township should have a curfew. Mr. May

stated we could look at establishing a curfew. Chief Reever stated there is a present curfew of 10 PM

for anyone under the age of 18.

Mr. May stated that, personally, he is sorry they have chosen to reenact the street light tax. He

noted that after further consideration, he feels all resident’s benefit from the streetlights and all

residents should pay equally and we could possibly change it next year. Mr. Kreider stated that he

feels they should have looked at more facts about the tax since the streetlight tax is nothing new. It

was enacted in 1974 and continued until 1998 at which point it was added to the township real estate

tax and then paid by all residents. Mr. Smith explained the past assessments for the lights were done

before he was manager. Mr. Kreider stated his decision to reenact the streetlight tax was due to the

fact that the ordinance had never been changed and was an existing ordinance, but if he had to do it

over again, he would study more. Mr. Buch stated that when the streetlight tax was assessed to

properties in the past, his property was not included and now since they have reenacted the tax, he

has received a bill. Mr. Buch stated it is not fair for residents that live within the 250 feet, to pay for

streetlights that are a benefit to all residents. Mr. Kreider asked Mr. Buch how the Supervisors

should answer the people, that live in the rural areas, that ask why they should have to help pay for

streetlights that are not even close to the area that they live in. Mr. Buch answered that these people

drive in all areas of the township and the streetlight improve safety.

Art O’Connor, 1654 Colonial Manor Drive, stated that the people of Manor Township live in

various kinds of situations, where some can do things others can not, such as leaf pickup service and

burning. He feels that you should not seek out individual things and tax them. People need to be

treated fairly. He asked the Supervisors if they have looked into why the electric bill for streetlights

is $90,000. and if it would be possible to get a cheaper rate. Mr. Bauder stated that when the issue

of streetlight came before the Board, he went to other townships to inquire if they had a streetlight

tax. He noted that most townships that have streetlights have a streetlight tax. He stated that he felt in

the beginning it was fair to tax the people that had streetlights because a lot of residents did not have

streetlights, so the people with the lights should pay for the electric. He noted that he did a survey

driving around the township during the night and found that a residence with home security lighting

is as good as or better than streetlights. Mr. Bauder stated that in his opinion streetlights are not

necessary and felt that people should have the option to have them removed if they do not want

them. He stated that if he had it to do over, he would not vote for the streetlight tax to be reinstated

and if people want to remove the streetlights, they should be able to do so.

Tom Jackson, 506 Garden Hill Lane, asked how they determined who would receive a streetlight

tax because there are three houses in his area that are within the 250 feet of a streetlight and they did

not receive a bill. He noted that the streetlight in his location is an older one and does not give off

very much light and he has installed his own security lighting. Mr. Bauder stated he does feel that

streetlights at intersections are helpful. Mr. May stated we are paying for the lights at intersections.

Mr. Smith clarified that, some intersection lights are paid for by the township but not all the

intersections. Mr. Kreider felt that PPL should be replacing the older lights with newer, brighter ones

and felt the Supervisors should be addressing PPL about that. Mary Glazier stated there are no

streetlights in her area but she feels that all residents should pay as part of the real estate tax because

she feels she does benefit from them when driving through those areas. Ms Glazier stated that the

decision to reenact the streetlight tax was unanimous, but asked if there is any reason that the

Supervisors just couldn’t suspend collecting this fee until they decide what they want to do. Mr. May

stated he would like to see what effect it will have on the budget before doing anything. Mr. Aichele

stated the Supervisors have received correspondence from some residents that are not in favor of the

tax, and added that he is in favor of streetlights in all developments for safety reasons but agreed that

the Supervisors should look at some other way than to tax individual residents.

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Old Business

Greenway Board – Mr. Smith stated that John Ahlfeld, Chairman of the Greenway Park Advisory

Board, spoke to Brandon Danz and asked if he would be willing to serve on that board as the

representative for Manor Township. Mr. Smith stated that if the Board agrees, he will contact Mr.

Danz and then present his name to the LIMC for approval. The Supervisors agreed.

New Business

Floodplain Ordinance Amendment - Mr. Smith stated this ordinance was properly prepared and

advertised and is before the LCPC and the MTPC. He noted it is here tonight for the consideration of

the Supervisors. Mr. Smith noted that FIMA has presented this to all the local governments and

required this upgrade of the ordinance to maintain insurance qualifications. Mr. Bauder made a

motion to adopt Ordinance #3-2005 to amend the Code of Ordinances of Manor Township. Mr.

Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. Bauder asked if the township has

floodplain maps and are they FIMA accurate. Mr. Smith stated yes.

Wheatfield Rezoning Request - Mr. May stated we have received a petition from Wheatfield

Developers requesting a rezoning from Rural to High Density Residential. He added that this tract of

ground had been put back to rural. Mr. Smith noted this is a valid submission, we have accepted

their fee and their petition. We are presenting this to the Board tonight with their options to refer it to

the MTPC and the LCPC and hold a hearing or the Board could choose not to take the petition any

further and not hold a hearing. Mr. Smith noted that the Supervisors had received an application for

this property in the past that was similar but not identical, but had rejected it the last time because

they were in the middle of revising the Regional Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Smith added that nothing

has changed at this time and the developer had been asked to wait until the comprehensive plan was

completed before submitting a request again. However, we have received another rezoning request

from the developers. Mr. Huber asked where this development is located. The Board stated the

property is located on South Donerville Road, behind Stable Drive. The Board discussed the tracts of

land. Ted Gingrich, Bent Tree Drive, asked if this property is in the UGB. The Supervisors stated it

is currently within the urban growth boundary. Mr. Kreider stated he was not in favor of this change

because he felt they should not start to do spot zoning. All the Supervisors agreed that any change

should wait until the Regional Comprehensive Plan was completed. Mr. Bauder made a motion to

accept the petition presented from Wheatfield Developers, but that the rezoning request be denied at

this time. Mr. Kredier seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

South Centerville Road Bid Award - Mr. Smith noted that bids for South Centerville Road were

properly advertised and properly accepted and opened. He stated there were two bids and provided a

letter from Jim Stukey who prepared and reviewed the project. Mr. May stated there was a debate

about this project at the work session that was held prior to this meeting, about whether to wait or go

ahead with the South Centerville repaving for 2005. The Board discussed the availability of super-

pave road surfacing and how the roads will be built in the future. Mr. May noted the two bids are

very close, and stated bid one, from Martin Paving was $285, 454.71 and bid two, from E.J.

Breneman was $285,508.60. Mr. May stated he felt that they should go ahead with this repaving

project because all materials will be going up in cost next year. He noted that this does not address

the northern part of South Centerville Road, which they had decided would not be done this year.

Mr. Breneman stated he also feels they should go ahead with the project since materials alone were a

$12,000. increase over last year, plus to keep putting this off will continue to put more problems on

the road foreman’s schedule. Jim Huber asked when the bids for this project were opened. Mr.

Harris stated that it was April 21. 2005 at 2:00pm, in the Manor Township Municipal Office, open to

the public. After some discussion on the super-pave surfacing, Mr. Aichele was in agreement with

going forward with the repaving project. Mr. Bauder stated, he was told by state officials, that super-

pave will be required on all state projects starting September 1, 2005. He added that next year we

will be required to use super-pave in order to get reimbursed for highway fuels funds. He stated that

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in his opinion super-pave is superior to current asphalt paving and he feels that South Centerville

Road is not that bad that we should wait one more year to do this project and use the better

technology. Mr. Bauder stated that he has talked to people that feel South Centerville Road is not

that bad and he cannot justify doing this project when if we wait the cost could go down. Mr. Bauder

stated his position is that he is not in favor of going ahead with this project this year because he has

no documented evidence from a professional analysis done on this road proving that it needs to be

done at this time. Mr. Kreider stated that he has attended a workshop from PSATS on super-pave

and he noted that Maryland has been using super-pave for several years on heavily traveled areas

with success. Mr. Kreider stated he is in agreement with Mr. Bauder that the project should wait

until next year. Mr. May stated that the recommendations from Rettew state that the cost difference

between the received bids is very close and that usually indicates the plans are very clear and bidders

have submitted their best prices. Mr. May stated that in his opinion, the bidders are reputable and the

bids seem reasonable, where if they wait for the super-pave, you might not know any of the bidders.

Mr. May added that the road is breaking up, has been patched several times and in his opinion the

project should be completed because if not, the road crew will be spending even more time there.

Mr. Harris stated that the North end of the road is not scheduled for paving and he knows that he will

have repairs there, and one of the reasons the southern end has lasted this past year is due to the

“band aid” that was put on it last year. Ted Gingrich, Bent Tree Drive, asked if this is for repaving

the area or rebuilding the area. Mr. May explained that the road will be rebuilt and the proposed life

of it will be 20 years. Donna Bare, 107 Chestnut Grove Road, asked how long South Centerville

Road is going to be closed. Mr. Smith stated that the time frame is starting after school is out and

completed before they go back. Hopefully it will be closed to thru traffic only approximately four

weeks. Ms. Bare asked it they plan on advertising when it is closed. Mr. Smith stated yes. Scott

Haverstick, 1976 Water Street, stated that Mr. Breneman is in favor of going ahead because there is

a cost increase of $12,000. in materials from last years bid and to wait will only increase that further.

Mr. Haverstick stated that Mr. Bauder has said this bid is less expensive than last year and asked for

an explanation. Mr. Bauder stated that in 2004 the cost of materials was down compared to the cost

of materials for 2003. Mr. Haverstick asked if there were any bids submitted for the 2004 budget.

Mr. Smith stated we did not have any official bids, we only had budgetary documentation to

compare. Mr. Haverstick asked what that was based on. Mr. Smith stated it was based on the

information that they receive from the industry. He asked if that suggests the price differential

between 2004 and 2005. Mr. Smith stated it would be roughly 12 to 14 thousand. Mr. Harris added

that it would be an increase of $4.00 per ton. Mr. Haverstick noted that it is a function of the

township to provide a decent road system, and the information he is hearing from the people that

should know, is that this is a problem road that needs attention. Mr. Haverstick quoted from 2004

minutes that Mr. Bauder stated that the cost to do South Centerville Road could go down if the cost

of materials goes down. Mr. Haverstick stated there is a price increase in petroleum products and he

feels it is safe to assume that the price is going to continue to increase and not go down, adding that

by not doing the road last year cost the township approximately 12 thousand dollars to wait. He feels

this was a bad decision because the road is not going to go away, and in his opinion, the Supervisors

need to do the project on South Centerville Road now. Mr. May noted that they already know there

are other repairs that will need to be done and he does not want to see work pile up for the road

maintenance schedule if we do not do this project. Mr. Bauder stated that the cost of materials in

2004 went down compared to 2003 plus the technique in 2004 was not the same technique that we

will be using for 2005. Mr. Bauder stated that he would argue the point that we will be getting this

job done for less in 2005 than we would have to do the job in 2004 because of the less expensive

process that will used to do the road. After some discussion, Mr. Haverstick stated that, the fact is

that the township did not save any money by waiting, all prices have increased and it is the less

expensive process they have chosen to do the road work that will make the difference. Mr. Aichele

made a motion to adopt the bid from Martin Paving, Inc., in the amount of $285,454.71, for South

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Centerville Road. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion. The motion carried with a three to two vote

having Mr. Bauder and Mr. Kreider voting no.

House Bill No.1254 – Mr. Kreider stated that he feels this bill is typical legislation that will

drastically limit our ability to control construction within our municipality. He feels it goes against

what we have done so far with the UCC in having one single inspection agency. He does not think

we should be forced to accept any inspection agency. Mr. Aichele made a motion that Mr. Smith,

send a letter to all of our Lancaster County Elected Officials and the State Delegation. Mr. Breneman

seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

LIMC Growing Together Draft Objectives & Strategies – Mr. May noted this information is

provided for the Supervisors to review and make comments, along with the Planning Commission, to

make comments and forward them to Mr. May, Mr. Smith or Mr. Ahlfeld by May 9, 2005.

Sewer Permit Waiver Request – Mr. May stated that they have received a request from

Christopher Figles, 405 Old Blue Rock Road, to waive the isolation distance within the sewage

regulations under what is called the “Best Technical Guidance”. After some discussion, it was

agreed that to grant this would improve the situation that currently exists. Mr. Kreider asked if there

was any liability if the Township approves this. Mr. Smith stated we are approving on the

recommendation of, Mr. Lockard, the sewage enforcement officer. Mr. Kreider asked if we could

require that he install an ultra violet light to his water system. Mr. Breneman noted that we would

not have the right to require that. Mr. Breneman made a motion to grant the waiver request for

Christopher Figles according to the recommendations of Mr. Lockard, the sewage enforcement

officer and ask that they conduct an annual hydrological study to assure that the wells safety is

maintained. Mr. Kredier seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Police Vehicles Purchase – Chief Reever provided a report of all the police vehicles and their

mileage. Mr. Bauder asked the mileage on the vehicle with the bad transmission. Chief Reever stated

the mileage is 90,000. and they were planning on retiring that vehicle at the end of this year. Mr.

Bauder also asked if the Ford Explorer has confidential tags. Chief Reever stated yes, we use it on

limited assignments, but is generally used by the Township Manager. Chief Reever reported on cars

that would be available to replace vehicles that are in need of being replaced and went over the costs.

Mary Glazier, 269 Chestnut Grove Road, questioned the need for an expedition. Chief Reever stated

that it is used all year but especially for bad weather and used to haul traffic equipment for accidents,

and the crash team, that would not fit in a standard vehicle. After some discussion, Mr. Aichele

made a motion to permit Chief Reever to proceed and purchase the Chevy Impala at this time and

the SUV is available. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Manor Oaks, Section 1 –Mr. Smith recommended that the Supervisors authorize the reduction of

this Letter of Credit as stated. It was stated the reduction would be $22,000. Mr. Aichele made a

motion to approve the reduction in the Letter of Credit for Manor Oaks Remaining Lands Section 1.

Mr. Breneman seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Manor Oaks, Section 2 – Mr. Smith stated he has inspected this phase also and everything is in

place. He recommended that the reduction request be approved. Mr. Breneman made a motion to

reduce the Letter of Credit for Manor Oaks Remaining Lands Section 2. Mr. Aichele seconded the

motion, which carried unanimously.

Faith Bible Letter of Credit Release – Mr. Smith stated that Staff has inspected the storm basin

and repairs have been made. All requirements are in compliance. Mr. Aichele asked if Mr. Smith

was satisfied with everything. Mr. Smith stated they have completed it as per design. Mr. Bauder

stated that he has inspected it and he agrees that they completed the work as per design, but in his

opinion the design is deficient and does not retain the storm water as he wishes it would. He would

like to see these basins fill up and retain water longer. Mr. May agreed but stated it was built as per

design. Mr. Bauder stated he feels we must look at the design of these and change this. Mr. Kreider

agreed with Mr. Bauder and we must change how these basins hold water. Art O’Conner, 1654

Colonial Manor Dr., stated that he also went out and looked at this system. He felt the ordinance

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should contain more requirements on the run off water. In his opinion the letter of credit should be

held and have them make the corrections to the basin that it would hold the water longer. Mr. Smith

stated that since Act 167 was enacted, there is actually a 50% reduction of post development runoff

compared to pre development. Also, the current ordinance is what people must follow for their

design. Mr. Smith stated that if the Supervisors wish to change the ordinance they can, but the legal

process is that an applicant must build to the ordinance requirements that are in effect at the time,

whether it is storm water or land development and sub division. He added that to retain water as

discussed, that specification must be written into the ordinance, but this applicant has met the

ordinance requirements. Art O’Connor, stated he feels that our obligation goes beyond that. It

should be to follow the ordinance but also should be good for the surrounding neighbors. Mr. May

stated that in his opinion, the applicant has met the requirements and we will have to release the

Letter of Credit on the due date of June 14, 2005, but we can make specific recommendations to

make to improve the system. Donna Bare asked if they are talking about the water problem on

Weaver Road for the Stauffer property. Mr. Bauder stated that the basement flooding that occurred

on Jim Stauffer’s property and this storm water system are completely two different issues. Mr.

Kreider asked questions about the retention basin on West Charlotte Street. After some discussion,

Mr. Aichele made a motion to release the Letter of Credit and make recommendations that they

explore enhancing their storm water system. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion. The motion carried


Clifford Sisler, 316 Stone Creek Road, stated that if the code of ordinances is there to protect the

resident, then if there is a loophole in the code, then we should take steps to improve the code. The

burden should be on the contractor not the people.

Rohrer Poultry – Mr. May stated that they have received notification from DEP that Geoffrey

Rohrer Poultry Operation, 3280 Blue Rock Road, has applied for a permit to construct two 48’X500’

poultry barns on his property.

Woody Material Recycling Options – Mr. Smith stated they have been considering options to

disposal of woody material if a burning ordinance should be passed. Mr. Laudien stated that he and

Mr. Harris have been working on options and have proposed two that seem reasonable. The first

would be to create a vendor list of the different businesses in the area that would accept woody

materials, for a fee the same as our landfill. The second would be to set up an agreement with a

vendor, such as Kreider Mulch, located on Blue Rock Road, to set aside possibly one day a month,

where the residents could bring their woody material onsite and deposit it there free of charge.

Kreider would then grind it and use it. Mr. Laudien stated the problem with this would be they

would need a large tub grinder in order to process the material. He stated they would be willing to

organize the monthly drop off, house the material and use the material, but they would want the

Township to supply the tub grinder and perhaps an operator. However, LCSWMA has a tub grinder

and we would be able to rent that possibly three or four times a year, at a rate of about $200. per

hour. Mr. Laudien stated that the big advantage for the Township to utilize the facility at Kreider

would be that we would not have to house or handle the material and we would not have to find

some place to get rid of the material. Mr. Bauder asked what people do with the woody material

now. The Board stated most burn it now, but some already take it to Kreider for a fee. Mary

Glazier asked if the Supervisors have talked to LCSWMA to ask if township residents would be able

to take their woody materials to them to grind and dispose of as part of their contribution to the

health, safety and welfare of Manor Township. Mr. May stated they could inquire about that but he

feels it should be one of the Supervisors. Mr. Bauder stated he would go to the Authority. Mr.

Laudien stated the Authority already provides that as a service, but they would take it to the

incinerator and it would not be a useful product. He noted that he had talked to the Authority about

handling the Township woody materials but they were not interested in doing that Mr. Kreider

stated he feels confident in the arrangement with Kreider Mulch and he was assured that the drop off

day would be monitored to assure that it would only be Township residents that will be able to drop

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woody materials off. After some discussion, the Supervisors agreed that they would go with a


Leslie Trautman, 120 Stable Drive, made comments on the rezoning that was denied for the tract

of land on South Donerville Road. She stated reasons the plan was denied included work being done

on the Regional Comprehensive Plan, along with various other reasons such as the UGB, traffic and

land zoning.


Mr. Smith noted a list of seminars being held by the Governor’s Center for Local Government

Services and noted it was available for any of them if they would wish to attend.. Mr. Bauder made a

motion that the Board or Staff be able to attend any of the listed seminars. Mr. Kreider seconded the

motion, which carried unanimously.

Traffic Commission

Chief Reever stated the regular meeting was held April 27, 2005, and they recommended that a

no parking zone be established for the west side of Oak Ridge Drive from the exit of the Village

Center, south to the entrance of the apartments. Chief Reever stated the developer, Earl Hess has

agreed to assist in the cost of the erection of the signs.

Police Report

Chief Reever stated that he has provided his report and it is on file at the Township Office. He

noted a letter of appreciation for Cpl. Geyer when she assisted some residents and a letter of

retirement from Sgt Charles Roberts to be effective June 30, 2005. Mr. May discussed the situation

where people are soliciting for money at the intersection on Columbia Avenue. Chief Reever noted

that the police were called and informed them that they could be along the curb, but could not be in

the middle of the road. Chief Reever informed the Supervisors that at the present time, the Township

is being billed from the Humane League, for the storage of stray dogs, when picked up and he

requested that the Board consider a resolution to authorize the police to forward those bills to the

owner of the dog whenever known. Mr. May made a motion to create a resolution that states any

cost occurred to the Township from the humane league, be billed to the owner of the dog when it is

known. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Mr. Kreider asked questions about daytime burglaries and why people in the areas that they occur

are not notified. Chief Reever stated that we do submit information to the newspaper, but there are

some items that get into the news but not all items that are submitted. Mr. Kreider felt we should

make a bigger effort to contact the newspaper and question why some things do not get printed. Mr.

May stated he will look into it.

Road Foreman’s Report

Mr. Harris stated they have been doing some base repairs and crack sealing. They have been

working with pipe replacement and catch basin installations and repairing catch basins. He noted

that we loaned our trommel unit to Lancaster Township and in turn they are doing some street

sweeping in some areas for us. He noted that this is a good example of cooperation in Municipalities.

Parks and Grounds Maintenance Report

Mr. Dickert reported that they are already in full force mowing, along with trimming and pruning.

They continue working on the tot playground installation at the Manor Township Community Park

and are preparing the handicapped parking area at the Washington Boro Park. They are also

working with athletic field maintenance.

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Assistant Township Manager’s Report

Mr. Laudien noted that the Turkey Hill Country Classic will be held this Saturday, May 7th

, and

will run from approximately 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. He stated that he is passing along the request and

desire from the Park and Recreation Board, which met April 25th

, to have the Supervisors approve a

comprehensive park and open space study to be conducted. After investigation, Mr. Laudien noted

the study should cost between $40,000. to 50.000. to be completed and would replace the study that

was done in 1991, and noted the intent of the study would be to lay out priorities and determine our

recreation needs. Mr. Laudien stated that the Board had allocated some money into the 2005 budget

in the Capital Fund, and the Park Board is requesting the Supervisors transfer that money from the

Capital Fund the General Fund to begin the study and if that is not possible, requested that more

money be put into next year’s budget so the study might be done then. He noted the assessment

should take about a year and the study should take about a year and it should preclude any

expenditure for purchase of land or development of land or facilities for recreation.

Township Manager’s Report

Mr. Smith stated his report has been submitted and he highlighted information about the

maintenance agreement that was entered into with LASA. He stated that the notification has been

sent to the homeowners and he is not expecting any problems. Mr. Smith stated they continue to

work with LASA for a smooth transfer and have set a meeting with all the effected parties to reopen

the transfer discussions and as it looks at this time, Lancaster City is willing to talk. He noted we

hope to move forward and not stay in the holding pattern that they have been in.

Mr. Kreider stated that Mr. Strohecker had previously requested guidance for investment of the

Capital Reserve Fund, which is currently $1,000,000. Mr. Kreider provided information for the

Supervisors on current rates of what the banks are paying on CD’s and he feels we should take the

opportunity to receive higher interest by changing where the money is. Mr. May stated he does

agree, but looking at the information Mr. Kreider has provided, feels that he does not recognize any

of the banks listed, and he would be concerned about the quality of the bank they might choose to

invest in. Mr. Kreider stated this is just a small listing, but there are others. After some discussion,

Mr. Smith noted the staff would look at what code allows and report at the next meeting.

Building Permit Report

Mr. Kreider read the building permit report noting that there were 62 permits issues in the month

of April. He noted that the number of permits for the year is just slightly over last year.

Mr. Aichele made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 pm. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion,

which carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barry Smith

Secretary - Treasurer

Recording secretary

Rita J. Young

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Supervisors Meeting

June 6, 2005 7:30 pm

Vice Chairman Robert Aichele called the meeting to order in the Manor Township Municipal

Building, 950 West Fairway Drive, Lancaster, PA, 17603. He led those in attendance in the pledge

to the flag. Roll call was taken.

Members present: Robert Aichele, Richard Bauder, L. Allen Kreider and Jay Breneman.

Members absent: John May.

Staff present: Barry Smith, Bill Laudien, Mark Harris, Mike Dickert, Chief James Reever, Ryan

Strohecker and Rita Young.

Visitors present: See attached.

Executive Session – Mr. Smith stated that the Board of Supervisors held an Executive Session

prior to this meeting, for two issues. The first was a personnel matter and the second was for a

consideration to an amendment to the collective bargaining agreement.

Minutes - Mr. Breneman made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 2, 2005 meeting as

circulated. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Bills - Mr. Breneman made a motion to approve payment of the bills as listed. Mr. Bauder

seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Financial Report – Mr. Kreider questioned the electric charges being over budget. Mr. Strohecker

stated it is due to the streetlight payment from the general fund and will be reimbursed. Mr. Kreider

made a motion to approve the financial report as submitted. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion,

which carried unanimously.

Solicitors Report

Mr. Smith stated there was no solicitors report.

Business From the Floor

Larry Booz, 213 Eagle Path, expressed concerns about the change in water pressure for the Eagle

Heights and Oak Ridge Commons Developments. He stated that the problems they are experiencing

from low water volume and low water pressure are a quality of life issue and also affects their

property values. He explained that prior to the construction of a water tower by Columbia Water

Company, their water pressure at the street was 90 to 100 psi. After the water tower was connected

and went into service, the water pressure for Eagle Heights and Oak Ridge Commons dropped at the

street to approximately 40 psi, with pressure in homes as low as 30 psi range. Mr. Booz submitted a

statement to the Supervisors requesting their help in taking the necessary steps to have the water

pressure restored. The entire statement is available at the Township Office. After some discussion,

Mr. Booz asked each one individually for their support. The Supervisors were in agreement that they

would look at what could be done to correct the situation. Mr. Smith stated that he has had

conversations with Dave Lewis, engineer for Columbia Water Company, and noted that Mr. Lewis

has stated that there will be a system wide full restoration to this situation. He noted a meeting is

scheduled for the 9th

of June.

Donna Bare, 107 Chestnut Grove Road, thanked Road Foreman Mark Harris for addressing an

issue she brought up at the last meeting. She expressed concerns about large gutters being created

along the sides of Chestnut Grove Road and Mr. Harris filled them in with much success.

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Mike Merva, 203 Banyan Circle Drive, stated he had questions about the street light tax. He

noted that he is the treasurer of the Hampton Chase Homeowners Association and expressed

concerns about how the street light tax is being billed. He explained that the Association is billing

residents of Hampton Chase and now some residents have received a bill for streetlights from the

Township as well. They feel they are being over billed. He would like to know which lights the

township is responsible for and which lights the Homeowners Association should be billing for.

After some discussion, Mr. Smith noted that there are several issues that need to be addressed. He

stated that the lights do need to be clarified, the billing needs to be resolved, and there has been a

large amount of requests for the township to discontinue the tax because they feel it is unfair. Mr.

Bauder asked Mr. Merva how many lights they are being billed for. He stated they are billed for 26

lights. Mr. Bauder and Mr. Merva stated that they would like to work together to correct this


Old Business

Woody Material Recycling and Draft Burning Ordinance - Mr. Smith stated that Mr. Laudien has

been working on the recycling issues along with preparing a draft- burning ordinance. Mr. Laudien

noted that after options given to the Supervisors last month, at their request he has pursued the

option to work with Kreider Mulch and have them receive the woody materials one day out of the

month. Mr. Laudien stated, in order to proceed further, there needs to be a resolution to the burning

ordinance. Mr. Bauder expressed concerns that residents have stated that they would have a problem

storing woody material and only being able to get rid of it one day out of the month. Mr. Smith noted

that Mr. Kreider has a business that would take it at any time but there would be a fee if not at our

designated time. Mary Glazier, 269 Chestnut Grove Road, asked if anyone has contacted the

LCSWMA to see if they would accept the woody materials at no charge. Mr. Bauder stated he was

going to talk to them but has not done that to this point. Ms Glazier made several comments about

services that some townships provide to their residents and suggested that someone talk to Mr.

Warner about providing some services to the township. Mr. Kreider stated we should proceed with

the burning ordinance. Mr. Aichele agreed that we should explore the options with Mr. Warner.

Donna Bare, 107 Chestnut Grove Road, suggested the Supervisors present the request to the Board

at LCSWMA and not just Mr. Warner. Mr. Aichele suggested they also talk to Les Houck, who is

Chairman of their Board. The Supervisors discussed the draft burning ordinance and problems in

neighborhoods where residents burn. Mr. Breneman asked if there was an estimated cost for renting

equipment from the County. Mr. Laudien noted it could be approximately $5,000.a year. Mr.

Breneman stated that he still has some concerns with making this new burning ordinance when it is

only a few residents that cause the problems. After further discussion, the Supervisors were in

agreement that Mr. Smith should move ahead with the draft, burning ordinance and advertise.

New Business

Economic Development Company request for Associate Membership - Mr. John Cox, Turkey

Hill, spoke on behalf of the Economic Development Company, (EDC) and ask the Supervisors if

they would support the ongoing efforts of the EDC as an investment in the community. He explained

that there are economic challenges today and there is a need from support and help from

municipalities. The group is looking for partners who would be willing to contribute economically to

move forward. He noted they are addressing all the townships looking for support. Mr. Aichele

stated he has worked with the EDC in another area and found them to be very helpful. Mr. Cox

stated there would be a fee of $500.00 per year for the Township to join. The Supervisors asked if

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they would have any vote or a representative on the board. Mr. Cox stated no, not as an associate

member, at this time they are looking for support from the townships. He added that the County is

aging and there is a need for the townships to be involved in the overall visions for the economy of

Lancaster County. After some discussion, the Supervisors agreed that this is a good organization,

however, they are not prepared to financially give support at this time, but they would discuss it at

the 2006 budget session.

Price Self -Storage – Mr. Smith stated that Mr. Gary Price, 458 Estelle Drive, is present tonight to

present a plan for Price Self Storage to be located along Charlestown Road in the Manor Corporate

Center. He explained that there have been some delays with this plan. Mr. Smith noted that Mr. Price

has gone through the usual steps with Manor Township along with the solicitors review and the

engineers review, however, Mr. Price has not been able to provide the required Letter of Credit. Mr.

Smith noted that on rare occasions the Board has been able to accept an improvement guarantee and

letter of credit contingent upon the review of the solicitor and concurance that this meets conditions.

Mr. Price stated that he has gone through the entire planning process, has received final approval

from the Township and the County for both the land development plan and the building plan. He is

in agreement with the amount of money but because of the Article 11 requirement that the

improvement specs must be completed in one year, the bank will not issue the Letter of Credit that is

required. This is the area that his bank does not agree with because the project is divided into

phases. Mr. Price explained that his bank is unwilling to finance Phase II improvements of his

project at this time. Mr. Price requested that the Supervisors entertain a motion that would allow this

Improvement Guarantee to be modified to the extent of $53,000. that could be spent after the one

year limit requirement in Article 11. Mr. Smith noted that one option might be to change the article

where by giving five years not one year of the date of the agreement, to be completed. After some

discussion, the Supervisors agreed that this would be possible. Mr. Bauder made a motion to change

the stipulation in Article 11 from one year to five years based on the solicitor’s approval for this

project, and agree to execute the Improvement Guarantee Agreement and accept the accompanying

Letter of Credit if that is agreeable to the Solicitor. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion. The motion

carried unanimously. Mr. Price thanked the Supervisors and thanked Mr. Smith for his help and his

willingness to work with him.

Mary Wilson, 100 Joseph Road, expressed concerns that she is being charged for a street light

that she gets no benefit from. She has no problem paying for a streetlight, but if so, she would like

to be able to have the benefit of that light.

Resolutions # 14-2005 thru # 19-2005 - Mr. Smith stated that Resolutions #14-2005 thru #19-

2005 are standard dedications for streets that have been in the Manor Oaks Development as well as

the deeds for them. He noted that they have been in place for some time and the dedications and

deeds need to be finished. Mr. Breneman made a motion to approve Resolutions #14-2005 thru 19-

2005 for dedication and receiving these deeds for the streets. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion. The

motion carried unanimously.

Resolutions #20-2005 and Resolution #21-2005 – Mr. Smith stated recently they held a work

session where current existing permit fees were reviewed. At that time, the Board directed staff to

draft a resolution to update those permit fees. He stated that also included in this draft are two new

fees. He noted a processing fee of $100. for a waiver request and a base fee of $25.00 for zoning

information to take care of the application process. Mr. Smith noted there are actually two

resolutions. Resolution #20-2005 reviews documents and services where the new zoning provisions

along with the land development and sub division reviews. Resolution #21-2005 is an updating of

the storm water management review fees. Mr. Bauder made a motion to accept Resolution #20-2005

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regarding permits as presented. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Mary Glazier asked how our fees compare to other municipalities. Mr. Bauder stated they were

compared to Ephrata Borough, which was used as a basis for our fees. Mr. Bauder made a motion to

accept Resolution #21-2005, setting the fees as listed for storm water management. Mr. Breneman

seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Capital Fund Investment Options – Mr. Smith stated that the Board had asked Mr. Strohecker to

review and give recommendations for short term CD investments for the Township. Mr. Strohecker

stated that the recommendations he has provided includes both 6 month and 1 year CD’s. He

presented options for the Capitol Fund and stated that money available to invest is approximately

$850,000. Mr. Strohecker reviewed two options. Scenario A would be to split the money into two

equal parts, with $425,000.in a six month CD for the remainder of the year and $425,000.in a 12

month CD, keeping them on a 6 month cycle of rotation. He noted if invested equally, the interest

income would be approximately $32,000. He did state that the current loan that the Township has,

should be figured into this scenario with that interest being paid at $11,000. This would balance out

to a net income of $21,000. Scenario B would be to take the original $850,000.investment,

completely pay off the $100,000.loan, take the balance of $750,000.and invest in two $375,000.

CD’s on the six months rotating cycles. He noted that this would make the net income $28,500.a

year and you would be debt free. Mr. Kreider stated he would be in favor of paying off the

$100,000.loan and investing the remainder of the money. Mr. Bauder asked several questions about

the existing loan and the Township cash flow. Mr. Breneman was also in favor of paying off the

loan. Mr. Aichele stated that the Park and Recreation Board had requested money to do a Park and

Recreation study and asked if that has been included in the budget. After some discussion, it was

noted that the money for the Park and Recreation study was not in the current budget. The Board

discussed the options Mr. Strohecker had presented. Mr. Smith stated that he has drafted a

Resolution and recommended it be in place to act on the investments. Mr. Bauder questioned the

need for a resolution. Mr. Smith stated the resolution is necessary and read the drafted Resolution

#23-2005, designating the Manager and the Finance Director to execute the steps for investment of

the CD’s. Mr. Strohecker stated that a separate resolution would also be needed to pay off the

$100,000.loan because township code specifically states that anytime the Supervisors act outside of

the budget, it needs to be done by resolution. After some discussion on which bank to use, Mr.

Kreider made a motion to accept Scenario B for the 6-month period and invest the money with

Fulton Bank. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bauder asked

Mr. Strohecker if he had compared the Fulton Bank interest rate to PLIGIT. Mr. Strohecker stated

yes. Mr. Breneman made a motion to adopt Resolution #23-2005 to designate the Manager and the

Finance Director to execute the steps for investment of funds at Fulton Bank for a 6-month

investment and a 1-year investment. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Mr. Aichele made a recommendation that a finance committee be created that would include some

citizens of Manor Township that could help discuss and make recommendations for the financial

needs of the Township. Mr. Kreider agreed with Mr. Aichele. Mr. Smith noted that he would check

with other organizations and municipalities to lay the foundation for a committee and decide what

the function would be for the committee.

Villas at Sutherland – Mr. Smith stated that Sutherland is part of the Woods Edge Development,

and he has a guarantee agreement plus two letters of credit that he has reviewed along with the

Township Solicitor and Engineer, and is recommending that they enter into the Improvement

Guarantee and accept the Letters of Credit from Fulton Bank and Susquehanna Bank. Mr. Smith

stated that the Letters of Credit are as follows, Susquehanna Bank - $118,694.78 and Fulton Bank -

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$118,694.27. Mr. Bauder made a motion to accept the Improvement Guarantee Agreement between

Manor Township and Murry Co., Sher-Wal Inc., and also accept the Letter of Credit #D003704, for

$118,694.27 with Fulton Bank and Letter of Credit #1000449726 for $118,694.78 with Susquehanna

Bank. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Manor Heights Improvement Guarantee Agreement and Construction Bond - Mr. Smith

explained that the Staff has reviewed the documents along with the township solicitor and engineers.

He recommended accepting the agreement and the sub-division bond from Travelers Casualty Surety

Company of America for $991,550.40. Mr. Bauder made a motion to accept the Improvement

Guarantee between Manor Township and Stony Creek Ridge Limited Partnership and also accept the

sub-division Bond #104462178 in the amount of $991,550.40. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion,

which carried unanimously.

Columbia Water Company Letter of Credit Reduction Request – Mr. Smith explained this request

to reduce the Letter of Credit, for the water storage tank project, from $45,316.62 to a balance of

$15,569.68. Mr. Smith stated the request is for a reduction of $29,746.94 and recommended

approval. The Board noted this is the same water tower where the residents are having problems

with the water pressure. Mr. Bauder noted that this Letter of Credit deals with the water tower, the

access roads and the improvements around it as the plans called for and not the water pressure. Mr.

Aichele expressed concerns and questioned if there was anything through the letter of credit that

could be done at this point, to help with the water pressure problems at the site. He noted that he is

concerned for the citizens in having that problem corrected. Mr. Smith noted there has already been

one meeting about the water pressure, another meeting is scheduled and they are trying to find a

solution for that problem. After some discussion, all agreed that the Letter of Credit deals with the

building of the tower and the plans that were submitted and completed, and legally has nothing to do

with the water pressure problem. Mr. Kreider made a motion to accept the reduction of $29,746.94

in the Letter of Credit for Columbia Water Company, leaving a balance of $15,569.68. Mr.

Breneman seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Village Center at Mountville – Mr. Smith explained that this request is for the release of the

Letter of Credit for Earl Hess, VCM Partners. Mr. Smith noted that the terms of the Improvement

Guarantee Agreement do not allow for that at this time. He noted that the project has been completed

but normal procedure is to hold 15% for 18 months. Mr. Smith recommended that the Letter of

Credit be reduced by $131,452.57, leaving a remaining balance of $74,747.43, being 15%. Mr.

Breneman made a motion to reduce the Letter of Credit to a balance of $74,747.43. Mr. Kreider

seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Leisure Living Request – Mr. Smith stated that this is a request to release their Letter of Credit.

Mr. Bauder made a motion to release the Letter of Credit for Leisure Living, in the amount of

$196,781.20. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Kirchner Family Limited Partnership – Mr. Smith stated this Letter of Credit has gone beyond the

expiration date and recommended the Supervisors release this Fulton Bank Letter of Credit in the

amount of $106,785.25. Mr. Breneman made a motion to release the Letter of Credit for A&A

Kirchner Family Limited Partnership in the amount of $106,785.25. Mr. Bauder seconded the

motion, which carried unanimously.

Washington Boro Park Paving Project - Mr. Smith stated that Mr. Dickert has acquired and

provided the three quotes, required by code, for the paving at the Washington Boro Park, including a

handicapped ramp. . They have been reviewed and Staff is recommending Charles Erisman Paving

for $3,800.00. Mr. Breneman made a motion to accept the bid from Erisman Paving for $3,800.00.

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for the parking area to include a handicapped ramp. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried


LCSWMA – Mr. Smith stated that he has received a request for extended hours for LCSWMA,

from June 13th

up to 48 days, due to the closing of RT 441 to replace a bridge. He noted that truck

traffic will be rerouted utilizing all state roads, which will be Central Manor Rd, Letort Rd, and RT

999. He stated their request is for the Township to grant an extended one half hour at the end of the

day for the period of time that the detour is in place. Current hours are 7 am to 4 pm and the request

would be Monday thru Friday for 7 am to 4:30 pm, with no change for Saturday hours. Mr. Bauder

made a motion to grant the one half hour extension, Monday thru Friday, for the duration of the

detour route. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Christine Sellers Act 14 Notification – Mr. Smith noted that this is a standard land development

notification with the notice of intent to acquire a General NPDES Permit for Storm water Discharges

associated with construction activities on the east side of Manor Boulevard for a five lot sub

division. Mr. Bauder asked if this has been before the MTPC. Mary Glazier, MTPC, stated it has not.

Mr. Smith noted this is just the beginning step for this project.

Stacy Morgan, Hartman Underhill & Brubaker, noted a correction and over site on the Manor

Heights Project. She stated that there is another improvement agreement and letter of credit that

needed to be acted on. Ms Morgan noted the project is divided into two parts, one being the

Townhouse Development and one being a Rental Community for workforce housing, which will

mean two separate owners/developers. Mr. Smith noted that there were two agreements signed., but

failed to note they were signing two instead of one. The first agreement was for Stony Creek Ridge

Limited Partnership with a Bond in the amount of $1,081,802.15. The second agreement was for

Manor Heights Apartments Limited Partnership with a Bond in the amount of $991,550.40. The

Supervisors acknowledged this correction and agreed to accept these bonds.


Street Lights – Mr. Smith stated that he has provided copies of a number of letters that have been

received about the reenacted street light tax. Mr. Bauder asked what type of appeal the resident has if

they do not agree that they should be taxed. Mr. Smith stated that the tax was placed on any property

within 250 feet of a light, as per the way that the resolution is written. He noted there is nothing that

they can appeal to at this time. Mr. Kreider stated in his opinion, Staff should have the ability to

make a case-by-case determination on any complaint. Mr. Breneman agreed. Mr. Aichele stated that

the street light tax was put into the general budget a few years back because there were a lot of

problems and they felt that streetlights were beneficial to everyone, and now, after reenacting the

ordinance, there are problems again. Mr. Kreider agreed but stated he feels there are other areas

where the budget can be cut. After some discussion, the Supervisors agreed that they are going to

reevaluate the street light tax for next years budget. Mr. Bauder stated he did not vote for the street

light tax willy-nilly, he did call some other townships that have streetlight tax and it sounded like a

good idea at the time.

Tom Jackson, 506 Garden Hill Lane, requested that the Staff look at his streetlight situation. He

feels he does not get any benefit from the light he is being billed for and he has neighbors that are

within the 250 feet and they have not gotten billed. Mr. Smith stated he will check into it.

Mike Bare, 107 Chestnut Grove Road, stated that he feels the streetlight tax is unfair and will be

very hard to handle on an individual basis. He feels this is a user tax and should be rescinded. Mr.

Bauder stated some surrounding townships do have this tax, and now he does feel it may be unfair,

but to rescind it in the middle of the year would be an even bigger problem trying to refund money.

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Donna Bare, 107 Chestnut Grove Road, stated she thought the intersection lights were not to be

billed. Mr. Smith stated it was indicated that some intersections were going to be exempt. Those

intersections being, major road intersections, not the intersections in developments.

Stephanie McCleary, 318 Banyan Circle Drive, stated she did not mind paying the street light tax,

but she felt this tax was not handled fairly. She noted that everyone benefits from streetlights. Mr.

Bauder stated that Manor Township did have a streetlight tax until 1998. Ms McCleary asked what

changed that the streetlight tax was put back to individual residents. Mr. Bauder stated the ordinance

was never rescinded, and since the electric bills for the Township kept going up, the Supervisors

decided to reenact the streetlight tax to off set the cost. He stated it seemed reasonable at the time

because of the rising cost of electric for the streetlights. Mr. Breneman stated the other side of the

story is that out of approximately 7,000 households, only 2,700.receive bills and the other

4,300.residents do not have streetlights.

Mr. Smith noted four training requests include two from Mike Dickert to attend the Sports Field

Managers Clinics, the Police Department requested attendance for the Basic Crime Scene

Investigation training and public works has requested attendance at the Road Construction and

Inspections seminar. Mr. Breneman made a motion to allow the designated people attend the listed

training with necessary expenses paid. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried


Police Department

Chief Reever stated Sgt. Charles Roberts has submitted his retirement letter to be effective June

30, 2005 after almost 33 years of service to Manor Township. He also stated he has a letter of

resignation from Officer Jason Scott who will be joining the East Lampeter Police Department,

effective May 30, 2005. Chief Reever requested permission to start the procedure to hire

replacements for the two officers, which takes approximately three to five months. Chief Reever also

requested permission to promote someone from within the department to the rank of patrol sergeant.

to replace Sgt. Roberts. After some discussion, Mr. Breneman made a motion to accept the letter

from Sgt. Charles Roberts for retirement and the resignation of Officer Jason Scott. Mr. Bauder

seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. Breneman made a motion to approve Chief

Reever to start the hiring process for two new officers. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which

carried unanimously. Mr. Aichele stated that he would like to have more information from Staff

before anyone would be promoted to the position of patrol sergeant. Chief Reever stated that he will

be coming back to the Board with any recommendations, after he conducts oral tests provided by the

PA Chiefs of Police Association. He explained that he would also like to have two oral review

boards, one consisting of Chiefs of Police from Lancaster County, not in the immediate area, and a

second interview that would be conducted by him and a citizen of the Township. From that they will

choose a candidate and present it to the Board. Mr. Aichele questioned some of the procedures

needed for hiring and felt that some areas should just be administrative decisions. Mr. Kreider made

a motion to give Chief Reever permission to start the procedure to promote someone to patrol

sergeant for Manor Township. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Traffic Commission Report

Chief Reever stated that the Traffic Commission met May 25, 2005. He noted that, “No Parking”

signs, have been erected on the west side of Oak Ridge Drive and the developer, Earl Hess has been

billed. Chief Reever also noted a traffic count was conducted by Mr. Harris for a “stop sign ahead”

on Rock Hill Road, and the Commission is recommending the warning sign be installed.

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Police Report

Chief Reever stated he has furnished a copy of the monthly report to the Board. He noted a Letter

of Appreciation to Officer Gary Gardner, Letters of Commendation for Det. James Alexander and

Det. Mike Phenneger for their case presentation in court, and two Letters of Appreciation from

citizens when they received assistance from officers.

Road Foremans Report

Mr. Harris stated they completed the storm water pipes and catch basin installation on Blue Rock

Road and they began an MS4 survey of Township storm water pipes and inlets where they need to

verify how many pipes the Township has in the ground. He also noted the South Centerville Road

project is scheduled to begin June 16, 2005. Mr. Aichele asked Mr. Harris about the street sweeping

that took place this past month. Mr. Harris stated it went well and he was pleased that they could

trade services. He explained that they traded the use of Lancaster Township’s street sweeper in turn

for Lancaster Township using our leaf screening trammel unit and he was pleased with the results.

Park & Grounds Maintenance Report

Mr. Dickert stated they have been very busy with mowing, equipment repairs and vandalism

repairs. He listed maintenance in the parks and plumbing repairs also.

Assistant Managers Report

Mr. Laudien stated the Summer Playground Program starts June 13th

running for 8 weeks. He

noted we have had calls about the detour from State Route 441 scheduled construction with concerns

of trucks on their roads and excessive noise, and stated that the Township will be mailing

information to the effected residents. Information will also be on the web site. Mr. Aichele asked Mr.

Laudien how much money was raised from the Turkey Hill Country Classic. Mr. Laudien estimated

that $7500.was raised and distributed to various charities, primarily the Boys and Girls Club, Penn

Manor Baseball, Penn Manor Lacrosse, Penn Manor Soccer and the Washington Boro Fire


Township Manager’s Report

Mr. Smith stated that the Township received notification from FEMA that the Flood Plain

Management Measures are satisfactory and meet the program requirements. He also distributed two

documents for review. They were an example of a developer’s agreement proposal and a storm water

management agreement for review, and decide if this would be something they would want drafted

for Manor Township. Mr. Smith also stated he has drafted Resolution #22-2005, authorizing the

Township the ability to participate in the PA Capital City Purchasing Program. He stated that at the

present time, the Township cannot legally participate in this purchasing program without a resolution

in place. Mr. Smith stated that this would give us another opportunity to take advantage of better

purchasing prices on large items. Mr. Bauder made a motion to adopt Resolution #22-2005. Mr.

Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. Smith stated that at the last Planning

Commission Meeting there was a discussion about density on the Eshelman tract located on

Donerville Road, because of development to take place on that tract of land. He noted because of

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that, the PC Board has asked him to bring it to the attention of the Supervisors, so they might

consider any zoning change to allow for higher density development before any plans or requests are

presented. Mary Glazier, MTPC, stated that when the plan was first presented to their Board, they

felt it is at a good location, within the Urban Growth Boundary and close to Columbia Avenue, to

utilize more density in the plan, but the zoning would have to be changed to do so. After some

discussion, Mr. Smith stated that the developer would be willing to wait several months for the

process steps to have the zoning changed, but it would be up to the Board of Supervisors if they were

willing to go through the process of review to change the zoning, at no cost to the developer. Mr.

Bauder stated, after looking at the plan, he would like to see something more creative for this site

than what was presented. Mr. Kreider agreed and would like to see a recreational area, but would

also like to see the homeowners group maintain these areas and not the Township. The Board of

Supervisors directed Mr. Smith to have the necessary documents prepared to start this process.

Building Permit

Mr. Kreider read the building permit report. He stated there have been 50 permits issued for the

month of May compared to 55 permits in 2004. He noted the total dollar value of permits for the

year to date is $12,761.431.

There being no further business, Mr. Breneman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at

10:45 pm. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barry Smith

Secretary – Treasurer

Recording secretary

Rita J. Young

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Manor Township Supervisors Meeting

July 5, 2005 7:30 pm

Chairman John May called the monthly meeting to order at 7:30 pm in the Manor Township

Municipal Building, 950 West Fairway Drive, Lancaster, PA. He led those in attendance in the

pledge to the flag. Roll call was taken noting all Supervisors present.

Members present: John May, Jay Breneman, Robert Aichele, Richard Bauder and L. Allen


Staff present: Barry Smith, Mark Harris, Ryan Strohecker, James Reever and Rita Young.

Visitors present: See attached.

Approval of the Minutes - Mr. Kreider made a motion to approve the minutes from the June

meeting. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion, which carried. Mr. May abstained because he was not

present at the June meeting. Mr. Smith noted that at the June meeting, Mr. Booz, 213 Eagle Path,

read and requested his entire statement about water pressure conditions at Eagle Heights be recorded

in the minutes. Mr. Smith stated we respectfully decline to do that, but the statement is available in

the office for anyone interested, and there are comments noted in the June minutes.

Mr. May stated that there was an executive session held before the beginning of this meeting, to

discuss a personnel matter.

Approval of the Bills – Mr. Aichele made a motion to approve the bills as listed. Mr. Breneman

seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Approval of the Financial Report - Mr. Kreider asked questions about the disbursements for the

electric bills. Mr. Strohecker stated that it is listed at the end of the report and noted payment is for

the streetlight fund. On motion by Mr. Kreider and seconded by Mr. Aichele, the Financial Report

was approved. The motion carried unanimously.

Solicitors Report

Mr. Smith stated there was no solicitors report.

Business from the Floor

Marian Myers, 3344 Hostetter Road, expressed concerns about a proposed burning ordinance.

She asked several questions about what the ordinance might prohibit being burned such as limbs and

yard material and stated she lives in the rural area and feels she and a lot of people burn responsibly.

Mr. May stated that the proposed ordinance is listed on the agenda for tonight and will be discussed.

Mr. Smith noted that the proposed ordinance does not prohibit burning in the rural area. It is directed

to the residential and commercial zones. Ms. Myers stated she was glad to hear that the privilege of

burning responsibly will not be taken away from them.

Old Business

Mark Korman, 130 Hampden Drive, stated he is Vice-Chairman of the Manor Township Park and

Recreation Board and discussed the possibility of proceeding with the Park and Recreation Open

Space Study. He noted it would be a study to access the recreational needs of the Township not just

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now but well into the future. He read several items from the current study that was completed in

1990 by Gehringer Roth, and added that there have been major changes in Manor Township since

this study was completed including needs and population. He noted that the Budget for 2005 did

provide for a $50,000.00 Capital allocation for the study of Township Recreational needs. Mr.

Korman stated that it is the request of the Park and Recreation Board that we begin the process to

commission the study. He noted that Mr. Laudien has been exploring the cost of the study and found

that it will be approximately $50,000., depending on the scope of the project, and added that he has

also found some State grant money in the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources that

may be available to help shoulder the expense, but added the application window for that grant

closes the end of September. Mr. Korman asked the Supervisors for their support to begin the

process for the study by preparing the grant application and also the process to solicit proposals from

engineering firms. Mr. May thanked Mr. Korman and noted that he does give his support for this.

Mr. Breneman noted that this is the reason the money was allocated in the budget and he supports

going ahead with the study. Mr. Bauder stated he thought when the money was allocated in the 2005

budget, it was not allocated for a study, it was put in for parks and recreation in general. Mr. Bauder

asked Mr. Korman if he had a general idea of what would be needed in the township. Mr. Korman

stated in his personal opinion and experience with the park program, the main problem is when

people request ball fields and the location of them. He also noted that we no longer run winter

programs as in the past, such as indoor floor hockey because there are no facilities available. He

stated he has heard a lot of talk about the need for a community center where kids can gather as well

as a place for seniors to meet. Mr. Bauder asked about the school facilities. Mr. Korman noted the

school facilities are now used in the evenings for school sports and we do not have the opportunity to

utilize that area any more. Mr. Korman added that it has been 15 years since the study has been done

and there are so many changes in the Township that it no longer reflects our community and its

needs. Mr. Bauder stated he feels we need more open space and parks but the Township has a large

agricultural area and he believes the rural people feel we do not need any more parks. He also noted

that he feels if a developer does not put a park in he needs to pay money to the township to support

the parks. After some discussion, Mr. Aichele made a motion to authorize the staff to seek proposals

for a park and recreation study as well as prepare and submit a grant application to DCNR. Mr.

Breneman seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

ACRE House Bill 1646 - The Supervisors noted that this bill has passed the House. Mr. Kreider

stated he feels that this bill had merit but could have divided the farmers from the community. If it

would have stayed as first presented it would have given the farmer many more rights over other

residents. He noted that PSATS was able to get some things changed and he feels legislation needs

to represent everyone not just one group. He added that before the bill was taking all controls away

from the local township, but now it is better and will help local government deal with large-scale

agricultural commercial farming operations.

Lancaster County Library Funding Request – Ms Debra Rosser-Hogben, Executive Director of

the Lancaster County Library, and Mr. Bill Wright, 125 North Duke Street, Lancaster, were present

to request that the Supervisors consider an increase in the annual appropriation that the township

donates for library support to the Lancaster County Library. Ms. Rosser-Hogben asked for an

increase to total $30,000. Mr. Wright noted cuts in funding and the defeat of the recent May 17th

referendum. He added that this loss of a countywide designated library support tax makes the

support from the townships even more important. He went over the cost to support the many branch

libraries that they run. Ms Rosser-Hogben noted that approximately 30 percent of Manor Township

residents are library cardholders. Mr. May stated he does know that the library support in our area is

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low when you compare it nation wide and thanked them for their presentation. Mr. Breneman stated

that the Supervisors did increase their support in the 2005 budget from $16,800. to $20,000. Mr.

Strohecker noted that the that donation is to be mailed in the last quarter of the year.

New Business

Ordinance #4-2005 Burning Ordinance – Mr. Smith stated that Ordinance #4-2005, which has

been prepared by the Township Solicitor and properly advertised, is being presented tonight. Mr.

Bauder stated that the main issue for this burning ordinance has been discarding of woody yard

material. He noted there were two options, the first being that residents of the Township could place

it free of charge, one day of the month at a private site, and pay if they did not choose the listed date,

at approximately $5.00 a load. The second option was to approach the Solid Waste Authority and

request that they would make provisions for Manor Township residents to dump their woody waste

free of charge at a designated location of the landfill. He noted that the decision for the second

option will be decided at the LCSWMA meeting on July 15th

. Mr. Bauder explained that Manheim

Township has a program where residents can take their yard waste. Mr. Ted Gingrich, 110 Bent Tree

Drive, asked Mr. Bauder to clarify the difference between yard waste and woody waste. Mr. Bauder

explained our program would be for woody waste only and no grass. Mr. Smith noted that the

proposed ordinance states Agricultural, Rural, Conservations and Excavation Zones are the areas

where restricted burning will be allowed. All other zones in Manor Township do not allow for open

burning. Mr. William Murry, 1899 Lititz Pike, asked if the proposed burning ordinance takes into

account the use of an air curtain in zoning districts as a legitimate method of burning to dispose of

trees and stumps when clearing for construction and development. Mr. Smith stated no they do not.

Mr. Murry asked if any consideration was given to the fact that air curtains are available to do large

scale burning and are environmentally friendly. Mr. Smith stated that he does not know if the Waste

and Recycling Committee had looked into it. Mr. Aichele asked Mr. Murry to explain what an air

curtain was. Mr. Murry explained the function of an air curtain and how it works, and it is usually

used commercially. Mr. Smith noted that in clearing an area with large trees, the Township has in

the past allowed the use of an air curtain, which is a quick efficient way to burn. He added it is

usually used on a large-scale clearing where a lot of the material being cleared is not useful for

lumber. Mr. May suggested it could be looked at on a case-by-case basis. Mr. Smith noted that this

ordinance does not provide for that use in any residential zones and added that he would want this

reflected in the ordinance and not have the staff granting any exceptions. Mr. Kreider noted that he

would be opposed to putting the use of the air curtain into the ordinance because in his opinion

mulching is a better way of getting rid of something verses burning it. Mr. May agreed. Mr. Bauder

again stated that Manheim Township would accept this material through the program that they have.

The Board discussed costs to get rid of the material and options that would be possible to dispose of

woody material. Mr. Bauder asked Mr. Murry if he has used the air curtain in other locations. Mr.

Murry stated yes, and it is always attended while in use. Mr. Smith noted that the ordinance does not

address the issue of allowing any type of burning in a residential zoning. It only refers to the

individual resident to dispose of his trimmings, not a commercial clearing of property for

development or a company such as a tree trimming service. Mr. Bauder stated that Manheim

Township takes anyone’s commercial stuff. After some discussion, Mr. Kreider stated he is in favor

of keeping the ordinance the way it is proposed. Mr. May agreed. Mr. Aichele stated that he feels we

should address the issue. Mary Glazier, 269 Chestnut Grove Rd, suggested that the Supervisors pass

this ordinance tonight and then have the committee look into the issue of an air curtain and

development clearing and then make recommendations to the Board. Mr. Kreider stated he would

not be in favor of making these changes because the ordinance was proposed because of problems

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with burning in neighborhoods and the quality of the air and being able to monitor the burning. Mr.

Gingrich asked if residents in the rural and agricultural zones are going to be monitored when they

burn. Mr. Kreider stated no they are not monitored but they will be allowed to burn. Mr. Gingrich

stated that you could be burning a quarter of a mile away from a neighbor in the rural area and still

has an affect on their air quality. Mr. Murry stated that if it is air quality that the Board is concerned

with, he will be putting a lot more fumes into the air to haul truck load after truck load out of a site,

than the amount of smoke created from an air curtain. Mr. May stated that he sees this as a

residential burn ordinance and not a commercial burn ordinance. After some discussion, Mr. Bauder

made a motion to adopt Ordinance #4-2005, seconded by Mr. Kreider. Mr. Smith noted that the draft

ordinance as written becomes effective in 5 days from this date. If the Supervisors are not sure which

location would be a drop off site, then the effective date needs to be changed since it would not list

any drop off location. After discussion, Mr. Bauder reconsidered his motion and made a motion to

adopt Ordinance #4-2005 and change the effective date to August 31, 2005. Mr. Breneman stated he

has concerns about the residents of the Washington Boro area, which are in the Village Zone, would

no longer be able to burn, and for that reason he will vote against it. Les Eckman, Washington Boro,

noted that if you choose the date of August 31, 2005, it only gives one meeting from today to collect

information and make your decision. Mr. Bauder stated that he feels the options are clear. Mr. Smith

stated that the only thing that may be a problem is that we do need time to get the program in place

and information to everyone so they will know rules have been changed. After further discussion,

Mr. Bauder amended the motion to adopt Ordinance #4-2005 and change the effective date to

September 30, 2005. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion. The motion carried four to one with Mr.

Breneman opposed. Mr. Bauder stated that he would like to have the Waste and Recycling

committee look into what other Townships do about commercial burning and the use of air curtains.

Declaration of Access Easement – Mr. Smith stated this is information that deals with an

easement going from Phase 1 to a second phase of the development of Manor Heights, lot 45. Mr.

Kreider asked if lot 45 was occupied. Mr. Smith stated no.

Grant of Greenway Easement Agreement – Manor Heights – Mr. Smith stated this has been

presented to the MTPC showing the developer in Manor Heights is granting a greenway easement to

the Township. Mr. Kreider questioned the verification of the Little Conestoga Creek. Mr. Smith

stated that the specific areas are on a recorded plan for Manor Heights. Mr. Aichele made a motion

to accept the Greenway Easement Agreement from Manor Heights. Mr. Bauder seconded the

motion, which carried unanimously.

Removal Bonds – Mr. Smith stated there are three removal bonds provided by Cingular Wireless.

The bond locations include Cingular Wireless for Safe Harbor Road, Cingular Wireless for

Susquehanna Avenue and Cingular Wireless for Indian Run Road. Mr. Smith noted that these sites

were permitted by the MT Zoning Hearing Board decision and one condition was that they provide a

removal bond for each location. They have been reviewed by staff and the township solicitor and

recommend accepting these bonds as submitted. After some discussion, Mr. Breneman made a

motion to accept the three removal bonds from Cingular Wireless for the Safe Harbor Road,

Susquehanna Avenue and Indian Run Road locations. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which

carried unanimously.

Community Development Block Grant Regional Advisory Council – Mr. Smith noted that each

year we need to appoint someone to represent the Township for this and he recommended we

reappoint Mr. Laudien. On motion by Mr. Kreider and seconded by Mr. Breneman, Mr. Laudien was

reappointed to the CDBG Regional Advisory Council. The motion carried unanimously.

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Segro Request for Letter of Credit Reduction – Mr. Smith noted a request from Jon Segro for

release of 85% of the money held in escrow for the storm basin located at 235 Ironstone Ridge Road.

He noted the work has been completed and recommended that we reduce the Letter of Credit to the

amount of $1,885.54, holding the required 15%. Mr. Bauder made a motion to reduce the letter of

credit as recommended, seconded by Mr. Aichele. The motion carried unanimously.

Manor Oaks Remaining Lands Section 2 Letter of Credit – Mr. Smith stated the request from

Cornerstone Development Group, Inc. is to reduce the letter of Credit No.617 from $184,039.95 to

$114,792.45, a reduction of $69,247.50. He recommended approval. Mr. Breneman made a motion

to approve the reduction in Letter of Credit No. 617 as requested. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion,

which carried unanimously.

Columbia Water Company Storage Tank Letter of Credit Reduction – Mr. Smith stated this

request is for the release of the Letter of Credit for the Water Storage Tank Project in the amount of

$15,569.68. He noted that the items listed have been completed. Mr. Kreider made a motion to

release the Letter of Credit for the Columbia Water Company as listed. Mr. Bauder seconded the

motion, which carried unanimously.

Crossgates Waiver Request for Reduction of Street Width – Linda Michaels, David Miller

Assoc., made a presentation to request a street width modification of the ordinance requirements,

which requires a 34-foot wide street for all public streets. She noted that the request is for the

reduction of the street widths to 28 feet in this new section of Crossgates, showing the map and

location. After explaining the plan she noted that parking would be limited to one side of the street.

After discussion of the plan, it was noted that the reduction request is for street A and street B, and

this would be the same as the rest of the development. Parking issues were discussed and it was

noted that there would be no problem with plowing snow or emergency vehicle access if the waiver

was granted. Mr. Smith clarified that the request is for the reduction of the street cartway and the

street right-of-way. After some discussion on parking issues, Mr. Aichele made a motion to approve

the waiver request for Crossgates that the reduction of street widths be reduced from the required 34-

feet to 28-feet and corresponding right-of-way for streets A and B as depicted on the sketch plan of

Crossgates Phase VII, dated June 30, 2005. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried



Mr. Smith noted that he listed two seminars if the Supervisors would choose to attend. They

would be the Comprehensive Planning and Sewage Facilities Planning seminar and also The

Roadmaster’s Round Table. Mr. May made a motion that the Supervisors attend these seminars if

they so choose. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Police Department- Mr. Smith noted a letter of resignation from Officer Ryan Gerlach. Mr.

Breneman made a motion to regretfully accept the resignation of Officer Ryan Gerlach as submitted.

Mr. Aichele seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Chief Reever asked the Supervisors

for permission to replace Officer Gerlach and noted that since he is the third officer to leave in the

past few weeks, and he is already in the process of hiring two officers, it would mean that instead of

looking to replace two officers at this time, he would be able to interview to replace three officers.

Mr. Aichele made a motion that Chief Reever be able to proceed with the process of seeking

applicants to replace all three persons during the hiring procedure. Mr. Breneman seconded the

motion. The motion carried with a four to one vote, with Mr. Bauder voting no.

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Traffic Commission

Chief Reever stated the Traffic Commission met on June 29, 2005. He noted a “Stop Sign

Ahead” was installed on Rock Hill Road, a request from Crossgates Golf Club for four signs in two

areas for golf cart crossings on Murrycross Way, and a complaint on bushes at Redwood Drive and

Stonemill Road creating a hazard. Chief Reever stated that they will be checking that area.

Police Report

Chief Reever stated the monthly report has been submitted and noted a letter of appreciation for

Officer Matt Wolf from the Office of Domestic Relations in West Chester, for going out of his was

to seek an individual and help with the arrest. Also a letter of appreciation from Officer Mark Heider

of the Worthington Borough Police Department for the assistance from Officer Ryan Gerlach who

assisted with locating a relative of an elderly resident.

Road Foreman’s Report

Mark Harris stated they have had a lot of activity for the month of June, listing oil and chipping

being completed for this year. He noted that the South Centerville Road project is moving along well

and the top macadam should be going on this week. Mr. Harris stated he needs direction from the

Board how they want to proceed to upgrade the backhoe and noted that the 2005 budget did include

$45,000.for that upgrade. He added that we are at the end of the buy back time frame and the cost to

replace the backhoe would be $81,800., but because the Supervisors have already given permission

to utilize the pack contract we would save $15,000., bringing the cost to $66,357. We are also

guaranteed 31,750. trade in, bringing the total for the new tractor to $34,000. Mr. Harris stated he

has been looking into putting the current tractor out for sealed bids and not exercising the buy back

program. He stated that he feels we could get $45 to 50 thousand dollars on the open market and

therefore would be a better deal. He asked the Supervisors if they would approve soliciting bids for

the tractor that the Township currently owns and come back next month with the price. Mr. Harris

noted that this would get us out of the buy back program, which is currently not as good a program

as it once was. After some discussion, Mr. Bauder made a motion to authorize the Staff to solicit

bids for the 310SG backhoe. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Bonnie Miller, 113 Bent Tree Drive, questioned the work being done on South Centerville Road.

Mr. Harris explained the work being done and the estimated completed time frame. Mr. Breneman

stated that he was pleased with the work that is being done there. He noted it was good quality work

and completed at a reasonable time frame.

Parks and Grounds Maintenance Report

Mr. Smith stated that a report has been provided and is in the Supervisors information packet.

Assistant Manager’s Report

Mr. Smith stated that Mr. Laudien has also provided a report and it is enclosed.

Township Manager’s Report

Mr. Smith stated he has submitted his report and added that on June 6th

the residents of the Oak

Ridge/Eagle Heights area did meet with the Columbia Water Company and the PUC. He felt the

meeting was very productive and he was pleased with the solution that was worked out.

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Building Permit Report

Mr. Kreider read the Building Permit Report noting that there were a total of 61 permits issued in

the month of June with a total dollar value of $4,003,153. He stated that brings the total number of

permits for the year to 247.

There being no further business, Mr. Aichele made a motion to adjourn the meeting at

9:15 pm. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barry Smith

Secretary – Treasurer

Recording secretary

Rita J. Young

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Supervisors Meeting

August 1, 2005 7:30 pm

Chairman John May called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm in the Manor Township Municipal

Building, 950 W. Fairway Drive, Lancaster, PA 17603. He led those in attendance in the pledge to

the flag. Roll call was taken.

Members present: John May, Jay Breneman, L. Allen Kredier and Richard Bauder.

Members absent: Robert Aichele.

Staff Present: Barry Smith, Bill Laudien, Mark Harris, James Reever, Ryan Strohecker, Mike

Dickert and Rita Young.

Visitors present: See attached.

Minutes- Mr. Kreider made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Mr. Breneman

seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Bills – Mr. Breneman made a motion to approve the bills as presented. Mr. Bauder seconded

the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Financial Report – Mr. Smith noted that there has been added activity in the Capital Fund for

the month and added that the Township has received the balloon payment from LCSWMA. Mr.

May noted that he is happy to report the mortgage on the maintenance building was paid off this

month and also that there was a public work session held here tonight at 6pm to work on the police

end of the budget. Mr. May thanked Mr. Strohecker for the format he is using to present the

financial report and stated he likes it very much. Mr. Kreider made a motion to approve the

Financial Report as presented. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion. The motion carried


Solicitors Report - Mr. Smith noted that there was no solicitors report.

Business From the Floor

James Huber, 113 Shannon Dr., asked what was the total amount of the bills that were paid for

the month of July. Mr. Strohecker stated the total was $44,873.69.

Old Business

Mr. Laudien reported that he met with LCSWMA to discuss the possibility of having a drop off

site for Manor Townships’ residents, woody waste materials, but they are not interested in

committing to anything at this time, but might reconsider for next year. Mr. Bauder stated in his

opinion we cannot wait any longer to make a decision. Mr. Laudien stated that the original

proposal was to contact Mr. Kreider on Rt.999, supply him with a chipper at a cost of $5,000. a

year to the Township, and have limited specified days that residents could drop the waste off at no

cost. Mr. Laudien asked the Supervisors if he should approach Mr. Krieder and see if he is

interested in a program on a temporary basis since they are still interested in an answer from

LCSWMA for nest year. Mr. Smith reminded the Supervisors that they have adopted the burning

ordinance to mandate no burning in the residential zoning areas and that will go into effect on

September 30, 2005 and something should be in place by then. Les Eckman, Manor Street,

Washington Boro, asked the Supervisors if they have defined the term “woody materials” yet.

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They stated no. Mr. Smith noted that they are planning to have that definition in the next Township

newsletter that is scheduled to go out in September, but the staff needs to talk to Mr. Kreider first

to find out what he will accept to be able to define “woody materials”. Mr. Eckman asked if he

could submit a letter to the Supervisors, stating the type of material and waste from his yard, that

he continues to burn, hoping it would help in defining “woody material”. They stated yes.

New Business

Ordinance #5-2005 Rezoning Eshelman Tract - Mr. May stated this request is for a change in

zoning from Medium Density Residential Flex Zone to RH1, High Density Residential Flex Zone.

Mr. Smith noted that it is the Staff recommendation to forward Ordinance #5-2005 to the Manor

Township Planning Commission and the Lancaster County Planning Commission for their review

and comments. After some discussion, Mr. Bauder made a motion to send Ordinance #5-2005 to

the MTPC and the LCPC for review and comments. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which

carried unanimously.

Manor Oaks Letter of Credit and Improvement Guarantee - Mr. Smith stated that no action will

be taken on the Manor Oaks request tonight because no final copies of their request was provided

in time for the Township meeting tonight.

West Branch Townhouses - Mr. May stated this is a request for a Letter of Credit Reduction.

Mr. Smith noted a list of completed items has been provided from the developer, it has been

reviewed and it was recommended by staff that the reduction be approved. He noted the current

Letter of Credit is in the amount of $114,238., the reduction request is for $77,899., leaving a

balance of $36,349. Mr. Kreider made a motion that the Letter of Credit for the West Branch

Townhouses be reduced by $77,899., leaving a balance of $36,349. Mr. Breneman seconded the

motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Woods Edge Phase II, Section 2B Letter of Credit Reduction – Mr. Smith stated this request is

in order and recommends approval. He explained it is slightly different because Woods Edge

always breaks their Letter of Credit into two separate, equal letters. They would be as follows.

Fulton Bank, Letter of Credit D003240, currently $206,342.18, requesting a reduction of

$165,959.50, this leaving a balance of $40,382.68. Farmers First Susquehanna Bank, Letter of

Credit 0130988987, currently $206,342.18, requesting a reduction of $165,959.50, also leaving a

balance of $40,382.68. Mr. Kreider made a motion to approve the reductions in the Letters of

Credit for Fulton Bank and Farmers First Susquehanna Bank for Woods Edge Phase II, Section 2B

as listed. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

LIMC Greenway Advisory Board Appointment – Mr. Smith stated the Board had

recommended the appointment of Brandon Danz to fill this position, however Mr. Danz has

declined because his full time job will not allow him to attend the meetings that are scheduled in

the afternoon. Mr. Smith noted that Christine Brubaker, 22 Leaf Park, has agreed to serve on the

Greenway Board. He noted she has a large background in this area and recommended that this

Board formally ask Ms Brubaker to serve and also make a request to the LIMC Board to extend a

formal invitation to appoint her to the Greenway Advisory Committee. Mr. Breneman made a

motion to appoint Christine Brubaker to the Greenway Advisory Board and forward that to the

LIMC Board recommending that they appoint her also. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which

carried unanimously.

Agricultural Security Area Additions - Mr. Smith noted there are two requests to be added to

the Agricultural Security Area. He stated the farm of Norman and Verna Shertzer, 530 Habecker

Church Road, with 66 acres to be added and Wayne and Maryanne Hershey, 1170 Breneman

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Road, with 44.811 acres. Mr. Smith stated that both farms comply with the requirements. After

some discussion it was noted that the request from the Shertzer farm was marked Standard

Procedure. Mr. Smith stated that if marked standard instead of utilizing the 180-day procedure,

there would be a cost of legal fees. After some discussion, Mr. May made a motion that the Board

recommend the approval of the addition of the land for the Shertzers under the Standard Procedure

if they are willing to pay the expenses of that, and if not it will be recommended under the 180 day

Procedure. Mr. May stated we will contact them and give them the option. Mr. Breneman

seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. Breneman made a motion to approve

adding the 44.811 acres to the Agricultural Security Area for Wayne and Maryanne Hershey using

the 180-day Procedure. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Bids for sale of 2002 Loader Backhoe – Mr. Smith stated it was advertised in the local paper

along with a legal notice of the sale. The bids were opened this afternoon as follows. JE Fritsch,

Walbank Road, for $33.00, Leon Koser, Manheim for $40,600., and the third bid was from

Warihay Enterprises, Manheim, for $45,000. Mr. Smith recommended the Supervisors award the

bid to Warihay Enterprises and that Staff be directed to proceed with the purchase the new

backhoe through the Capital Area Co-Op. Mr. May asked if Mr. Harris was in agreement with the

bid. Mr. Harris stated yes. Mr. Bauder asked Mr. Harris about the new backhoe he was proposing.

Mr. Harris noted the original model they would like to purchase is $81,818.00. To purchase this

through the P.A.C. contract, the price to us would be $66,357 to replace the model we now have.

Mr. Smith noted that the guarantee buy back for this backhoe was $31,750. and by not exercising

that option, we will lower the price of the new one. Mr. Bauder made a motion to accept the bid

from Warihay Enterprises for $45,000. for the 2002 Loader Backhoe. Mr. Kreider seconded the

motion. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Breneman made a motion to authorize Mr. Harris to

purchase the new Loader Backhoe through the P.A.C. Mr. May seconded the motion. The motion

carried unanimously.

William Scheetz Isolation Distance Waiver Sewage Permit Application - Mr. Smith noted this

is a request for the waiver of the isolation distances as allowed within the sewage regulations with

DEP. The request is from William Scheetz, 3421 Charlestown Road. Included is a letter from

David Lockard, the Sewage Enforcement Officer for Manor Township, stating the request is for 76

feet from the well instead of the required 100 feet. Mr. Lockard is recommending approval of the

waiver of the well isolation distance because this design will improve what exists now. After some

discussion, Mr. Breneman made a motion to approve the waiver request of 76 feet for Mr. William

Scheetz, 3421 Charlestown Road, to improve the situation. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion. The

motion carried unanimously.

Resolution #24-2005 Permit application to Install and Operate Flashing Warning Devices -

Mr. Smith noted that Penn Dot will not erect the Flashing Warning Device but they will allow us

to do it. The installation has been included in the budget because it was the result of a compromise

with the Penn Manor School District. He noted the police department has completed a traffic study

and Penn Dot does require this resolution to state the Township will abide by vehicle code rules

and regulations. Mr. Kreider made a motion to adopt Resolution #24-2005 directing the Township

Secretary to execute the application for the permit to install and operate flashing warning devices

to be located at the Central Manor Elementary School on Route 999.Mr. Breneman seconded the

motion, which carried unanimously.

Land Development Agreement – Stormwater Management Agreement Mr. May presented a

copy of a Land Development Agreement that would be signed between a developer and the

Township where the developer would be responsible for what ever was agreed upon in the

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agreement in terms of things being completed or it could provide for a donation of money in “lieu

of” no open space being provided. He noted it is an extensive agreement. He also noted the

Stormwater Management Agreement which spells out the maintenance of stormwater management

facilities, who is responsible for the area and who is going to maintain the stormwater management

plan. Mr. May felt these are both good development agreements but felt we must be very careful

that they conform in all ways with the PA MPC and the Lancaster County Land Development Sub-

Division Ordinance, because that is what we go by. Mr. Bauder stated that he would like to see the

Township do a whole package and develop our own sub division and land development ordinance.

He agreed that these agreements presented tonight are very good, and feels we should have had

something like this years ago, but asked that the Township begin the process to have our own land

and sub division ordinance. Mr. Smith stated that the process to complete a study for our own sub

division and land ordinance was started a few years ago, but the Township decided not to pursue it

any further. Mr. Bauder asked when that was. Mr. Smith stated it was several years ago. Mr.

Bauder stated that if we did have our own ordinance, we would be getting much more park land

from these developers such as in Manor Oaks and Woods Edge. Mr. Smith stated that we are

getting ample ground from the developers, such as in Woods Edge, that total is 30 acres. Mr.

Bauder stated he means park grounds, not duck ponds. Mr. May stated that in the past, the

Supervisors failed to pass some waiver requests on to the MTPC for their comments, before

making a decision and he feels that these agreements should be passed on to the MTPC for their

review and comments. Mr. Bauder felt that the agreements have been past due, he wanted to move

ahead with them now and did not want to get bogged down and waste time with other boards

reviewing them. Mr. Breneman felt that the agreements are very important and should be passed

on to the MTPC for their comments. Mr. Smith noted that we currently have Improvement

Guarantees and they are land development agreements, very similar documents to this, and stated

that it is not like we do not have any protection in place at this time. He added that what we

currently use does have a specific formula for land to be set aside as well as a formula for a fee in

lieu of that is used. Mr. Smith stated that the agreements presented tonight do have some additional

compliance issues that are reasonable but are still very similar to what we now use. Mr. Bauder

stated that he had concerns with the Manor Oaks Development because there are no parks in that

development and asked if we received anything in lieu of that. Mr. Smith stated that when Manor

Oaks was presented, the Township accepted extensive Greenways in lieu of a park, which

probably ads up to ten acres or more. He added that Springdale Farms was included in that as well

as there are some passive park areas located there also. He noted that it all met the County

ordinance requirements. Mr. Bauder stated he likes this ordinance better than the County ordinance

because it is very similar to West Hempfields and he knows that West Hempfield got large sums of

money from developers to develop parks. Mr. May suggested that this should be compared to the

County ordinance and noted that no developer will build without signing the land development

agreement and the stormwater management agreement. Mr. Smith stated that we do have to review

them to make certain that there is no conflicting language between this agreement and the existing

County land development ordinance. Mr. Smith suggested that we have Mr. Goodman review it

also. The Board agreed they should pass these on to commissions and hope to have comments for

next Supervisors meeting. Mr. Kreider stated he would like to see money in lieu of instead of all

the little tot lots and then they could focus on a larger park. Mr. Bauder agreed and stated if they

required the money in lieu of a park, then they could build the park wherever they wanted. Mr.

Bauder also stated that if we had our own sub division plan, we could make the developers pay for

repaving the roads when the development goes in, such as Woods Edge paying for South

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Centerville Road, or Eagle Heights paying to repave Hershey Mill Road, his point being that the

developers are responsible for what is happening to the road and they should pay to have it

repaved. Mr. Smith noted that what Mr. Bauder is talking about to create a sub division and land

ordinance is different from the agreements presented tonight. Mr. May stated yes, these are Land

Development and Stormwater Management Agreements, and he suggested that the agreements

should go to the solicitor for review and the MTPC for review. The Supervisors were in

agreement. Mr. Bauder stated he is still in favor of developing our own sub division, land

development ordinance instead of using the County ordinance. Mr. Smith stated that if that would

be the direction they would go, they would have other things to consider such as a staff engineer or

a firm to represent the Township. Mr. Smith suggested the Supervisors might consider having

Mark Lauriello review the Stormwater Management Agreement because he wrote the original

agreement and would be very familiar with this. Mr. May agreed.


Administrative – Mr. Smith noted a conference for the PA Public Finance Conference along

with a Finance Officers Association of PA seminar and requested Mr. Strohecker attend with the

necessary expenses paid. He noted on going training for Mr. Ott and Mr. Laudien to deal with

zoning issues, requesting they attend the Lancaster County Zoning & Building Permit Officials

Association seminar. Also a request for Rita Young to attend the 47th

Annual Convention of PA

State Tax Collectors’s Association to receive the required continuing education with the necessary

expenses paid. Mr. Kreider made a motion to approve the listed people attend the seminars and

conventions as noted and pay the necessary expenses. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion. The

motion passed with Mr. Kreider, Mr. Breneman and Mr. May in favor and Mr. Bauder opposed.

Traffic Commission

Chief Reever reported that the Traffic Commission met on July 27, 2005 at the Municipal

Building. He noted old business about a golf cart crossing sign for Crossgates Golf Club, a visual

hazard complaint about the intersection of Redwood Drive and Stonemill Road, and a complaint of

a hedge at the intersection of Wellington Road and PA Route 462. Under new business he listed a

request to have a “Crossing Wildlife” sign erected at the ponds on South Centerville Road. He

noted that it was determined that there were to many signs at that location already and the

Commission felt no need for the wildlife sign.

Police Report

Chief Reever noted he has submitted his monthly report and it is on file in the Manor Township

Office for review.

Road Foreman’s Report

Mr. Harris stated that the past month has been busy. The South Centerville Road project is

completed and they are prepping roads for the next paving projects that are on going. He noted

that they did begin the Rock Hill Road widening project and things are moving along well.

Parks and Maintenance Report

Mr. Dickert stated they have had a very busy month with mowing and standard equipment

repairs. He noted that vandalism repairs continue, along with trimming and pruning. Mr. Dickert

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wanted to note that the Washington Boro Fire Company did an excellent job cleaning up the

Washington Boro Park, after the Tomato Festival that was held July 9th

and the 16th


Assistant Manager’s Report

Mr. Laudien stated that he would like to discuss more about what decision to make concerning

the “Woody Material” issue. He asked the Supervisors if he should reconsider the option where we

would not provide a free drop off site for residents, but instead, provide residents with a vender

list. Venders could be listed in the newsletter, listing the materials they accept, the hours of

operation and costs for depositing material at their sites. Mr. May stated this would be good for

private enterprise. Mr. Kreider stated he still has a problem with the fact that we are making a

resolution that people can no longer burn, and now we are telling them they have to pay to take the

things away. After some discussion, Mr. Laudien asked if the Supervisors still want him to

approach Mr. Kreider for the one day a week and the cost of the tub grinder to the Township or

should he eliminate that option and cost the Township nothing. He noted the problem is for a

program to accept waste free one day a month where we have to supply the grinder, it will cost the

Township $5,000. Mr. Jim Stauffer stated that he would allow the tub grinder on his property for a

free day to the Township residents. Mr. Laudien stated this could lead to other such issues, noting

that Kreiders and LCSWMA already do this as a business for a fee. Mr. Eckman, Washington

Boro, stated that he feels the Supervisors are putting an unnecessary financial burden on residents

and he disagrees with the burning ban. Mr. Breneman noted that is the reason that he voted against

the ban. Mr. Bauder stated that he would still like to see a free site provided to the township

residents. Jim Stauffer, 365 Weaver Road, again stated that he would allow the wood chipper to be

placed on his property. After some discussion, Mr. May instructed Mr. Laudien to pursue creating

the vender list and supply a list for where residents can take their woody materials and not pursue

the free option with Mr. Kreider. The Supervisors were in agreement.

Mr. Laudien reported that the summer camp is scheduled to be over this week. He added that

the Park and Recreation Board is meeting with engineering firms to develop the Park and Open

Space Study along with starting the grant application process. Mr. Laudien also noted that the

newsletter should be out mid September.

Township Manager’s Report

Mr. Smith stated he has submitted his report but wanted to add a bit of information about the

Township Sanitary Sewer System. He noted that the system has been turned over to LASA, but

before it was turned over, we were in the process of possibly eliminating the pumping station on

Manor Ridge Drive. Since LASA took over, they decided to continue with that process and they

have awarded a contract to DH Funk to eliminate the Manor Ridge pumping station at a proposed

cost is to be $58, 072. Mr. Smith also stated he has received a letter from the Mountville Fire

Company requesting a donation from the Township to help fund a Squad truck they had purchased

in 2003. The request is for $35,000. Mr. Smith noted that if the Supervisors would want to do that,

they would have to pass a resolution to take $35,000. from the Capital Fund, which would be

available. Mr. Kreider was in favor of supporting the fire company. Mr. Breneman asked if the

surrounding areas are supporting the fire company also.

Mr. May stated he has been having on going correspondence with Ralph Baker and Janice

Hemminga, 407 Post Oak Road, about a large sinkhole in their area that they feel should not only

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be their responsibility. He noted they have an estimate to fix the sink whole and have stated they

will relieve Mr. Murry of any further responsibility if he agrees to pay one third of the cost to fix

it. Mr. May stated he has passed this information along to Mr. Murry.

Building Permit Report

Mr. Kreider read the Building Permit Report listing the number of permits for the month of July

was 33. He noted last year for the month of July there was 23 permits. He stated the total number

of permits for the year is over that of last year. Total dollar value for the year to date is


There being no further business, Mr. Breneman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr.

Bauder seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Barry Smith

Secretary – Treasurer

Recording secretary

Rita J. Young

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Supervisors Meeting

August 1, 2005 7:30 pm

Chairman John May called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm in the Manor Township Municipal

Building, 950 W. Fairway Drive, Lancaster, PA 17603. He led those in attendance in the pledge to

the flag. Roll call was taken.

Members present: John May, Jay Breneman, L. Allen Kredier and Richard Bauder.

Members absent: Robert Aichele.

Staff Present: Barry Smith, Bill Laudien, Mark Harris, James Reever, Ryan Strohecker, Mike

Dickert and Rita Young.

Visitors present: See attached.

Minutes- Mr. Kreider made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Mr. Breneman

seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Bills – Mr. Breneman made a motion to approve the bills as presented. Mr. Bauder seconded

the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Financial Report – Mr. Smith noted that there has been added activity in the Capital Fund for

the month and added that the Township has received the balloon payment from LCSWMA. Mr.

May noted that he is happy to report the mortgage on the maintenance building was paid off this

month and also that there was a public work session held here tonight at 6pm to work on the police

end of the budget. Mr. May thanked Mr. Strohecker for the format he is using to present the

financial report and stated he likes it very much. Mr. Kreider made a motion to approve the

Financial Report as presented. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion. The motion carried


Solicitors Report - Mr. Smith noted that there was no solicitors report.

Business From the Floor

James Huber, 113 Shannon Dr., asked what was the total amount of the bills that were paid for

the month of July. Mr. Strohecker stated the total was $44,873.69.

Old Business

Mr. Laudien reported that he met with LCSWMA to discuss the possibility of having a drop off

site for Manor Townships’ residents, woody waste materials, but they are not interested in

committing to anything at this time, but might reconsider for next year. Mr. Bauder stated in his

opinion we cannot wait any longer to make a decision. Mr. Laudien stated that the original

proposal was to contact Mr. Kreider on Rt.999, supply him with a chipper at a cost of $5,000. a

year to the Township, and have limited specified days that residents could drop the waste off at no

cost. Mr. Laudien asked the Supervisors if he should approach Mr. Krieder and see if he is

interested in a program on a temporary basis since they are still interested in an answer from

LCSWMA for nest year. Mr. Smith reminded the Supervisors that they have adopted the burning

ordinance to mandate no burning in the residential zoning areas and that will go into effect on

September 30, 2005 and something should be in place by then. Les Eckman, Manor Street,

Washington Boro, asked the Supervisors if they have defined the term “woody materials” yet.

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They stated no. Mr. Smith noted that they are planning to have that definition in the next Township

newsletter that is scheduled to go out in September, but the staff needs to talk to Mr. Kreider first

to find out what he will accept to be able to define “woody materials”. Mr. Eckman asked if he

could submit a letter to the Supervisors, stating the type of material and waste from his yard, that

he continues to burn, hoping it would help in defining “woody material”. They stated yes.

New Business

Ordinance #5-2005 Rezoning Eshelman Tract - Mr. May stated this request is for a change in

zoning from Medium Density Residential Flex Zone to RH1, High Density Residential Flex Zone.

Mr. Smith noted that it is the Staff recommendation to forward Ordinance #5-2005 to the Manor

Township Planning Commission and the Lancaster County Planning Commission for their review

and comments. After some discussion, Mr. Bauder made a motion to send Ordinance #5-2005 to

the MTPC and the LCPC for review and comments. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which

carried unanimously.

Manor Oaks Letter of Credit and Improvement Guarantee - Mr. Smith stated that no action will

be taken on the Manor Oaks request tonight because no final copies of their request was provided

in time for the Township meeting tonight.

West Branch Townhouses - Mr. May stated this is a request for a Letter of Credit Reduction.

Mr. Smith noted a list of completed items has been provided from the developer, it has been

reviewed and it was recommended by staff that the reduction be approved. He noted the current

Letter of Credit is in the amount of $114,238., the reduction request is for $77,899., leaving a

balance of $36,349. Mr. Kreider made a motion that the Letter of Credit for the West Branch

Townhouses be reduced by $77,899., leaving a balance of $36,349. Mr. Breneman seconded the

motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Woods Edge Phase II, Section 2B Letter of Credit Reduction – Mr. Smith stated this request is

in order and recommends approval. He explained it is slightly different because Woods Edge

always breaks their Letter of Credit into two separate, equal letters. They would be as follows.

Fulton Bank, Letter of Credit D003240, currently $206,342.18, requesting a reduction of

$165,959.50, this leaving a balance of $40,382.68. Farmers First Susquehanna Bank, Letter of

Credit 0130988987, currently $206,342.18, requesting a reduction of $165,959.50, also leaving a

balance of $40,382.68. Mr. Kreider made a motion to approve the reductions in the Letters of

Credit for Fulton Bank and Farmers First Susquehanna Bank for Woods Edge Phase II, Section 2B

as listed. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

LIMC Greenway Advisory Board Appointment – Mr. Smith stated the Board had

recommended the appointment of Brandon Danz to fill this position, however Mr. Danz has

declined because his full time job will not allow him to attend the meetings that are scheduled in

the afternoon. Mr. Smith noted that Christine Brubaker, 22 Leaf Park, has agreed to serve on the

Greenway Board. He noted she has a large background in this area and recommended that this

Board formally ask Ms Brubaker to serve and also make a request to the LIMC Board to extend a

formal invitation to appoint her to the Greenway Advisory Committee. Mr. Breneman made a

motion to appoint Christine Brubaker to the Greenway Advisory Board and forward that to the

LIMC Board recommending that they appoint her also. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which

carried unanimously.

Agricultural Security Area Additions - Mr. Smith noted there are two requests to be added to

the Agricultural Security Area. He stated the farm of Norman and Verna Shertzer, 530 Habecker

Church Road, with 66 acres to be added and Wayne and Maryanne Hershey, 1170 Breneman

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Road, with 44.811 acres. Mr. Smith stated that both farms comply with the requirements. After

some discussion it was noted that the request from the Shertzer farm was marked Standard

Procedure. Mr. Smith stated that if marked standard instead of utilizing the 180-day procedure,

there would be a cost of legal fees. After some discussion, Mr. May made a motion that the Board

recommend the approval of the addition of the land for the Shertzers under the Standard Procedure

if they are willing to pay the expenses of that, and if not it will be recommended under the 180 day

Procedure. Mr. May stated we will contact them and give them the option. Mr. Breneman

seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. Breneman made a motion to approve

adding the 44.811 acres to the Agricultural Security Area for Wayne and Maryanne Hershey using

the 180-day Procedure. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Bids for sale of 2002 Loader Backhoe – Mr. Smith stated it was advertised in the local paper

along with a legal notice of the sale. The bids were opened this afternoon as follows. JE Fritsch,

Walbank Road, for $33.00, Leon Koser, Manheim for $40,600., and the third bid was from

Warihay Enterprises, Manheim, for $45,000. Mr. Smith recommended the Supervisors award the

bid to Warihay Enterprises and that Staff be directed to proceed with the purchase the new

backhoe through the Capital Area Co-Op. Mr. May asked if Mr. Harris was in agreement with the

bid. Mr. Harris stated yes. Mr. Bauder asked Mr. Harris about the new backhoe he was proposing.

Mr. Harris noted the original model they would like to purchase is $81,818.00. To purchase this

through the P.A.C. contract, the price to us would be $66,357 to replace the model we now have.

Mr. Smith noted that the guarantee buy back for this backhoe was $31,750. and by not exercising

that option, we will lower the price of the new one. Mr. Bauder made a motion to accept the bid

from Warihay Enterprises for $45,000. for the 2002 Loader Backhoe. Mr. Kreider seconded the

motion. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Breneman made a motion to authorize Mr. Harris to

purchase the new Loader Backhoe through the P.A.C. Mr. May seconded the motion. The motion

carried unanimously.

William Scheetz Isolation Distance Waiver Sewage Permit Application - Mr. Smith noted this

is a request for the waiver of the isolation distances as allowed within the sewage regulations with

DEP. The request is from William Scheetz, 3421 Charlestown Road. Included is a letter from

David Lockard, the Sewage Enforcement Officer for Manor Township, stating the request is for 76

feet from the well instead of the required 100 feet. Mr. Lockard is recommending approval of the

waiver of the well isolation distance because this design will improve what exists now. After some

discussion, Mr. Breneman made a motion to approve the waiver request of 76 feet for Mr. William

Scheetz, 3421 Charlestown Road, to improve the situation. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion. The

motion carried unanimously.

Resolution #24-2005 Permit application to Install and Operate Flashing Warning Devices -

Mr. Smith noted that Penn Dot will not erect the Flashing Warning Device but they will allow us

to do it. The installation has been included in the budget because it was the result of a compromise

with the Penn Manor School District. He noted the police department has completed a traffic study

and Penn Dot does require this resolution to state the Township will abide by vehicle code rules

and regulations. Mr. Kreider made a motion to adopt Resolution #24-2005 directing the Township

Secretary to execute the application for the permit to install and operate flashing warning devices

to be located at the Central Manor Elementary School on Route 999.Mr. Breneman seconded the

motion, which carried unanimously.

Land Development Agreement – Stormwater Management Agreement Mr. May presented a

copy of a Land Development Agreement that would be signed between a developer and the

Township where the developer would be responsible for what ever was agreed upon in the

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agreement in terms of things being completed or it could provide for a donation of money in “lieu

of” no open space being provided. He noted it is an extensive agreement. He also noted the

Stormwater Management Agreement which spells out the maintenance of stormwater management

facilities, who is responsible for the area and who is going to maintain the stormwater management

plan. Mr. May felt these are both good development agreements but felt we must be very careful

that they conform in all ways with the PA MPC and the Lancaster County Land Development Sub-

Division Ordinance, because that is what we go by. Mr. Bauder stated that he would like to see the

Township do a whole package and develop our own sub division and land development ordinance.

He agreed that these agreements presented tonight are very good, and feels we should have had

something like this years ago, but asked that the Township begin the process to have our own land

and sub division ordinance. Mr. Smith stated that the process to complete a study for our own sub

division and land ordinance was started a few years ago, but the Township decided not to pursue it

any further. Mr. Bauder asked when that was. Mr. Smith stated it was several years ago. Mr.

Bauder stated that if we did have our own ordinance, we would be getting much more park land

from these developers such as in Manor Oaks and Woods Edge. Mr. Smith stated that we are

getting ample ground from the developers, such as in Woods Edge, that total is 30 acres. Mr.

Bauder stated he means park grounds, not duck ponds. Mr. May stated that in the past, the

Supervisors failed to pass some waiver requests on to the MTPC for their comments, before

making a decision and he feels that these agreements should be passed on to the MTPC for their

review and comments. Mr. Bauder felt that the agreements have been past due, he wanted to move

ahead with them now and did not want to get bogged down and waste time with other boards

reviewing them. Mr. Breneman felt that the agreements are very important and should be passed

on to the MTPC for their comments. Mr. Smith noted that we currently have Improvement

Guarantees and they are land development agreements, very similar documents to this, and stated

that it is not like we do not have any protection in place at this time. He added that what we

currently use does have a specific formula for land to be set aside as well as a formula for a fee in

lieu of that is used. Mr. Smith stated that the agreements presented tonight do have some additional

compliance issues that are reasonable but are still very similar to what we now use. Mr. Bauder

stated that he had concerns with the Manor Oaks Development because there are no parks in that

development and asked if we received anything in lieu of that. Mr. Smith stated that when Manor

Oaks was presented, the Township accepted extensive Greenways in lieu of a park, which

probably ads up to ten acres or more. He added that Springdale Farms was included in that as well

as there are some passive park areas located there also. He noted that it all met the County

ordinance requirements. Mr. Bauder stated he likes this ordinance better than the County ordinance

because it is very similar to West Hempfields and he knows that West Hempfield got large sums of

money from developers to develop parks. Mr. May suggested that this should be compared to the

County ordinance and noted that no developer will build without signing the land development

agreement and the stormwater management agreement. Mr. Smith stated that we do have to review

them to make certain that there is no conflicting language between this agreement and the existing

County land development ordinance. Mr. Smith suggested that we have Mr. Goodman review it

also. The Board agreed they should pass these on to commissions and hope to have comments for

next Supervisors meeting. Mr. Kreider stated he would like to see money in lieu of instead of all

the little tot lots and then they could focus on a larger park. Mr. Bauder agreed and stated if they

required the money in lieu of a park, then they could build the park wherever they wanted. Mr.

Bauder also stated that if we had our own sub division plan, we could make the developers pay for

repaving the roads when the development goes in, such as Woods Edge paying for South

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Centerville Road, or Eagle Heights paying to repave Hershey Mill Road, his point being that the

developers are responsible for what is happening to the road and they should pay to have it

repaved. Mr. Smith noted that what Mr. Bauder is talking about to create a sub division and land

ordinance is different from the agreements presented tonight. Mr. May stated yes, these are Land

Development and Stormwater Management Agreements, and he suggested that the agreements

should go to the solicitor for review and the MTPC for review. The Supervisors were in

agreement. Mr. Bauder stated he is still in favor of developing our own sub division, land

development ordinance instead of using the County ordinance. Mr. Smith stated that if that would

be the direction they would go, they would have other things to consider such as a staff engineer or

a firm to represent the Township. Mr. Smith suggested the Supervisors might consider having

Mark Lauriello review the Stormwater Management Agreement because he wrote the original

agreement and would be very familiar with this. Mr. May agreed.


Administrative – Mr. Smith noted a conference for the PA Public Finance Conference along

with a Finance Officers Association of PA seminar and requested Mr. Strohecker attend with the

necessary expenses paid. He noted on going training for Mr. Ott and Mr. Laudien to deal with

zoning issues, requesting they attend the Lancaster County Zoning & Building Permit Officials

Association seminar. Also a request for Rita Young to attend the 47th

Annual Convention of PA

State Tax Collectors’s Association to receive the required continuing education with the necessary

expenses paid. Mr. Kreider made a motion to approve the listed people attend the seminars and

conventions as noted and pay the necessary expenses. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion. The

motion passed with Mr. Kreider, Mr. Breneman and Mr. May in favor and Mr. Bauder opposed.

Traffic Commission

Chief Reever reported that the Traffic Commission met on July 27, 2005 at the Municipal

Building. He noted old business about a golf cart crossing sign for Crossgates Golf Club, a visual

hazard complaint about the intersection of Redwood Drive and Stonemill Road, and a complaint of

a hedge at the intersection of Wellington Road and PA Route 462. Under new business he listed a

request to have a “Crossing Wildlife” sign erected at the ponds on South Centerville Road. He

noted that it was determined that there were to many signs at that location already and the

Commission felt no need for the wildlife sign.

Police Report

Chief Reever noted he has submitted his monthly report and it is on file in the Manor Township

Office for review.

Road Foreman’s Report

Mr. Harris stated that the past month has been busy. The South Centerville Road project is

completed and they are prepping roads for the next paving projects that are on going. He noted

that they did begin the Rock Hill Road widening project and things are moving along well.

Parks and Maintenance Report

Mr. Dickert stated they have had a very busy month with mowing and standard equipment

repairs. He noted that vandalism repairs continue, along with trimming and pruning. Mr. Dickert

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wanted to note that the Washington Boro Fire Company did an excellent job cleaning up the

Washington Boro Park, after the Tomato Festival that was held July 9th

and the 16th


Assistant Manager’s Report

Mr. Laudien stated that he would like to discuss more about what decision to make concerning

the “Woody Material” issue. He asked the Supervisors if he should reconsider the option where we

would not provide a free drop off site for residents, but instead, provide residents with a vender

list. Venders could be listed in the newsletter, listing the materials they accept, the hours of

operation and costs for depositing material at their sites. Mr. May stated this would be good for

private enterprise. Mr. Kreider stated he still has a problem with the fact that we are making a

resolution that people can no longer burn, and now we are telling them they have to pay to take the

things away. After some discussion, Mr. Laudien asked if the Supervisors still want him to

approach Mr. Kreider for the one day a week and the cost of the tub grinder to the Township or

should he eliminate that option and cost the Township nothing. He noted the problem is for a

program to accept waste free one day a month where we have to supply the grinder, it will cost the

Township $5,000. Mr. Jim Stauffer stated that he would allow the tub grinder on his property for a

free day to the Township residents. Mr. Laudien stated this could lead to other such issues, noting

that Kreiders and LCSWMA already do this as a business for a fee. Mr. Eckman, Washington

Boro, stated that he feels the Supervisors are putting an unnecessary financial burden on residents

and he disagrees with the burning ban. Mr. Breneman noted that is the reason that he voted against

the ban. Mr. Bauder stated that he would still like to see a free site provided to the township

residents. Jim Stauffer, 365 Weaver Road, again stated that he would allow the wood chipper to be

placed on his property. After some discussion, Mr. May instructed Mr. Laudien to pursue creating

the vender list and supply a list for where residents can take their woody materials and not pursue

the free option with Mr. Kreider. The Supervisors were in agreement.

Mr. Laudien reported that the summer camp is scheduled to be over this week. He added that

the Park and Recreation Board is meeting with engineering firms to develop the Park and Open

Space Study along with starting the grant application process. Mr. Laudien also noted that the

newsletter should be out mid September.

Township Manager’s Report

Mr. Smith stated he has submitted his report but wanted to add a bit of information about the

Township Sanitary Sewer System. He noted that the system has been turned over to LASA, but

before it was turned over, we were in the process of possibly eliminating the pumping station on

Manor Ridge Drive. Since LASA took over, they decided to continue with that process and they

have awarded a contract to DH Funk to eliminate the Manor Ridge pumping station at a proposed

cost is to be $58, 072. Mr. Smith also stated he has received a letter from the Mountville Fire

Company requesting a donation from the Township to help fund a Squad truck they had purchased

in 2003. The request is for $35,000. Mr. Smith noted that if the Supervisors would want to do that,

they would have to pass a resolution to take $35,000. from the Capital Fund, which would be

available. Mr. Kreider was in favor of supporting the fire company. Mr. Breneman asked if the

surrounding areas are supporting the fire company also.

Mr. May stated he has been having on going correspondence with Ralph Baker and Janice

Hemminga, 407 Post Oak Road, about a large sinkhole in their area that they feel should not only

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be their responsibility. He noted they have an estimate to fix the sink whole and have stated they

will relieve Mr. Murry of any further responsibility if he agrees to pay one third of the cost to fix

it. Mr. May stated he has passed this information along to Mr. Murry.

Building Permit Report

Mr. Kreider read the Building Permit Report listing the number of permits for the month of July

was 33. He noted last year for the month of July there was 23 permits. He stated the total number

of permits for the year is over that of last year. Total dollar value for the year to date is


There being no further business, Mr. Breneman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr.

Bauder seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Barry Smith

Secretary – Treasurer

Recording secretary

Rita J. Young

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Supervisors Meeting

Tuesday, September 6, 2005 7:30 PM

Chairman John May called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm in the Manor Township Municipal

Building, 950 W. Fairway Drive, Lancaster, PA. He led those in attendance in the pledge to the

flag. Roll call was taken.

Members present: John May, Jay Breneman, L. Allen Kreider, Robert Aichele and Richard


Staff Present: Barry Smith, Bill Laudien, Mark Harris, James Reever, Ryan Strohecker, Mike

Dickert and Rita Young.

Visitors present: See attached.

Minutes – Mr. Breneman made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 1, 2005

meeting as circulated. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion. The motion carried four to one. Mr.

Aichele abstained.

Bills – Mr. Aichele made a motion to approve the bills as listed. Mr. Kreider seconded the

motion, which carried unanimously.

Financial Report – Mr. Kreider made a motion to approve the financial report as submitted. Mr.

Breneman seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Solicitors Report

Mr. Smith stated that due to the past Wal-Mart hearing, he and solicitor Jack Kenneff, are

requesting that the Supervisors hold an Executive Session in the October meeting so they could

present some of their procedural concerns and policy concerns. He stated this is a result of new

documentation that was presented at the last hearing which they feel could be a rolling application

or a new application and should be discussed for both legal and strategic reasons. Mr. May stated

he agreed. After some discussion, the Board decided to hold the Executive Session at 6:00 pm on

Oct. 3, 2005 before they begin the scheduled work session, followed by the Supervisors Meeting.

Mr. Smith stated he will check to make sure that date is available for all involved.

Business From the Floor

Stan Buch, 717 Fairway Drive, expressed concerns that residents, upon calling the Township

office, were told a lien would be placed against their property if they did not pay their street light

tax bill. He stated he did not feel they should be told that. Mr. May noted his concerns.

Richard Bell, 345 Hawthorne Drive, expressed concerns that traffic is speeding through his area

and ignoring the stop signs. He stated he would like to see more policemen to help with traffic

control and that he has concerns for the safety of the children in his neighborhood. Mr. May stated

they have also had the same type of complaint for Redwood Drive and they will discuss it in the

traffic commission meeting. Mr. Bell stated he feels the police department is understaffed and he

would like to see an increase in the number of officers. Mr. Bell asked about radar for the police

and Mr. May stated only the State is permitted to use radar. Mr. Bauder noted the use of speed

bumps. Mr. Smith stated speed bumps are not permitted by law. Mr. Bell asked how many police

are employed at the present time. Mr. Smith stated 21 but we are down three officers at this time.

Bonnie Miller, 113 Bent Tree Drive, asked if the Township has ordinances that apply to the

rental units at Conestoga West apartments. Mr. Smith stated yes, they would be subject to any

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Township ordinances. She stated that since the apartments have fallen under new management,

there are cars sitting around and other issues. Mr. Smith advised Ms. Miller to contact Mr. Ott at

the Township office. Ms. Miller also commented on a discussion from the August Supervisors

meeting in reference to placing money from developers into an escrow account to help with road

and highway maintenance.

Penn Glazier, 269 Chestnut Grove Road, stated he felt speed bumps would be good for the

speeding on Hawthorne Drive and Redwood Drive because they are effective and work 24 hours a

day along with the police control.

Donna Bare, 107 Chestnut Grove Road, asked what the speed limit is on roads that are not

posted. She was advised it is 55 mph. She requested that Chestnut Grove Road be posted at 35

mph. Mr. Smith stated they will forward that request to the Manor Township Traffic Commission

and they will take it into consideration and follow the proper procedure for determination.

Susan Culton, 801 Fairway Drive, asked if the street light tax bill must be paid. She noted that

she had heard the light tax was tabled. Mr. May stated yes the light tax must be paid for 2005. Mr.

Smith stated it was being considered but has not been rescinded or revoked for 2005. Ms Culton

also asked what the construction is on Nursery Lane. Mr. Smith stated the Township is eliminating

the pumping station that is located there. Mr. Kreider noted that he has been meeting with PPL to

evaluate the issue of street lighting. Mr. Buch also expressed his concern with people being

assessed for a street light tax when they live at an intersection. Donna Bare asked if the

Supervisors decide to rescind the street light tax, will the residents who have already paid be

reimbursed. Mr. May stated no, not for 2005.

Jim Huber, 113 Shannon Drive, asked if the Supervisors plan to do anything about the invasive

purple loosestrife plant that is taking over at Woods Edge wetlands area. He also expressed

concerns about the quality of the water that will be directed to the wetlands from the five proposed

subdivision lots where Wal-Mart is proposed to be located if approved. Mr. Smith stated that there

was a conceptual stormwater plan for the subdivision process of those five tracts that directed

runoff water to that location, but that is not an approval for anything at this point in time.

Chief James Reever, MTPD, stated that he has received communications from the PA Chiefs of

Police and Millersville University Police stating that they are collecting any used uniforms, used

equipment, and leather goods such as holsters, to be shipped to New Orleans and the Gulf area. He

noted we do have some used shirts, uniforms and holsters and asked the Supervisors for

permission to make a donation of these items to be sent to the Gulf region. Mr. Aichele made a

motion to donate the items and Mr. Bauder seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Old Business

Draft Land Development Agreement and Draft Stormwater Management Agreement - Mr.

Smith stated that the Supervisors have asked the MTPC to review the draft land development

agreement and give comments along with the Supervisors, the Township Solicitor and Engineer.

Mr. Smith recommended that this be forwarded to the Lancaster County Planning Commission for

input also. Mr. May agreed and suggested that the draft stormwater management agreement be

given to the MTPC for review also. Mr. Bauder stated in his opinion he would like to see Manor

Township draft a Comprehensive Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance of our own

noting that almost every other municipality has one. He felt this proposed one is good but felt we

can do better. Mr. Breneman stated there are a lot of municipalities that do not have their own. Mr.

May stated there are pros and cons to that. After some discussion, Mr. Kreider stated that in his

opinion it does not matter who has one and who does not, he is interested in what is the best thing

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for Manor Township. Mr. Bauder felt it was the best thing for Manor Township. Mr. Smith stated

a few years ago we updated the Manor Township Comprehensive Plan and we are currently in the

process of updating the Regional Comprehensive Plan and when that is adopted or rejected, each

Municipality will review their own zoning ordinance and sub division. Mr. Bauder argued that

Manor Township should have its own sub division and land development ordinance. Mr. May

stated that he has been in contact with Danny Whittle, our advisor from the Lancaster County

Planning Commission, noting that Mr. Whittle advised the Township not to move too fast on

adopting our own because right now the County can be a large help plus if we do adopt our own

we would need a full time employee to administer it. The Board agreed that they need more

information and facts for a future discussion. Mr. Smith suggested that the Staff provide data and

research of similar townships. The Board agreed. Mary Glazier suggested that they get information

to the MTPC ahead of time so they can review it. Mr. Smith noted that the Solicitor will be

reviewing the information also.

New Business

Ordinance #5-2005 Rezoning the Eshelman Tract – Mr. Smith reported that this has been

reviewed and recommended by both the MTPC and the LCPC, and has been properly advertised.

Mr. May stated that he has heard favorable comments that this is a responsible action for proper

density and saving more open space. Mr. May stated this request is to change zoning from (RM1)

Medium Density Flex to (RH1) High Density Residential Flex. Mr. Aichele made a motion to

adopt Ordinance #5-2005, seconded by Mr. Bauder. Mr. Bauder stated that in the ordinance there

are requirements to do traffic studies and depending on the outcome from the studies it would

require the developer to make improvements to the infrastructure of the roads within a mile,

depending on those results or provide money in lieu of improvements. He noted that he has a big

concern that since this proposed plan is a high-density development, he wants to make sure that the

Township would pursue money in lieu of improvements if needed. Being moved and seconded, the

motion carried unanimously. Mr. Aichele made several comments that he is pleased that the

Planning Commission has taken the steps that they have to help Manor Township develop


Manor Oaks - Improvement Guarantee and Bond Mr. Smith stated that the developer has had

several versions of improvement guarantees and bonds and now they have provided a new

Improvement Guarantee that would provide for a bank Letter of Credit. Mr. Smith stated that he

and the Township Solicitor have reviewed this document and they believe it is correct. Mr. Smith

stated that there is no Letter of Credit but made a recommendation to accept this Improvement

Guarantee, authorize signing it pending receipt of a Letter of Credit to be reviewed and approved

by him and the solicitor. Mr. May made a motion to approve and execute the Improvement

Guarantee Agreement delivered, conditioned upon a proper Letter of Credit having been received

by the Township, reviewed and approved by the Township Solicitor and Staff. Mr. Breneman

seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Hershey Mill Road “East and West” - Improvement Guarantee Agreement and Letter of Credit

Mr. Smith stated that Mr. Goodman has reviewed all the documents, as they have been provided to

him by fax, but he stated there was a slight discrepancy in the amounts. Mr. Smith noted that Mr.

Goodman has revised the documents and recommended conditional approval based on the Staff’s

review. Mr. May made a motion to approve the Hershey Mill Road “East and West” Improvement

Guarantee Agreement and Letter of Credit based on the corrections by Mr. Goodman. Mr. Bauder

seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

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Hershey Mill Road “East and West” Fee in Lieu of Parkland Dedication - Mr. Smith explained

that the developers for Hershey Mill East and West have offered Manor Township $8,332.97 a fee

in lieu of Parkland Dedication. They have submitted calculations outlining the formula whereby

they arrived at the offered price. Mr. Smith stated the calculated standard is in approval with both

he and Mr. Goodman for fee in lieu of and in addition Mr. Hess has set aside 1¼ acres for open

space. Mr. Bauder asked if this formula is from the County Ordinance. Mr. Smith stated yes. Mr.

Bauder asked what the public access provisions to the 1¼ acres of open space are. Mr. Hess, the

developer of the project, stated the open space is probably going to be for the residence of the two

projects and will be maintained by the homeowners association. He noted that it is proposed to be

a passive recreation area. Mr. Bauder stated he has a copy of an ordinance from another township

that has another formula, which would get the Township more money. Mrs. Miller stated there are

too many new homes on Hershey Mill Road and we should have had help with the recent

improvements on that road. Mr. Bauder stated he thinks we should have had the developers in that

area pay for the widening of Hershey Mill Road. Mr. Smith stated there was a contribution made

by those developers. Mrs. Bare asked if we could add a waiver in case the road breaks down in a

short amount of time because of all the added traffic from the developments. After some

discussion, the Board and Staff agreed that Hershey Mill Road has excellent construction and will

handle the proposed traffic. Mr. Bauder asked if there were any proposals for a traffic light at RT

462 and Hershey Mill Road. Mr. Smith stated that request could be proposed to the State. Penn

Glazier, 269 Chestnut Grove Road, expressed his concerns to the Supervisors to consider including

a bicycle lane in our roads for a quality of life issue. Mr. Aichele made a motion to accept the

proposed contribution of $8,332.97 and $17,423.45 for the Hershey Mill Road “East and West” fee

in lieu of Parkland Dedication. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Mary Glazier asked where the accepted money will be placed. Mr. Smith stated the money is

deposited into an escrow account.

Wenger Request to Release Storm Water Escrow Account – Mr. Smith stated that upon

inspections, he is recommending a reduction of $13, 437.49 from the current amount of

$14,637.49., retaining a balance of $1,200. He stated the requirements of the storm water

agreement have been met, but there are still some areas with silt fence and seeding. Mr. Kreider

made a motion to release the Storm Water Escrow money in the amount of $13,437.49. Mr.

Breneman seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Eagle Heights Request for Bond Security Reduction – Mr. Smith explained that through review

of this request, he has found several errors in their submission, however, after further review he

has calculated that the current amount of this subdivision bond should be $1,751,154. 41. Mr.

Smith is recommending a reduction of $618,342.51 leaving a balance of $1,132,811.90. After

some discussion, Mr. Bauder made a motion to approve the reduction of $618,342.51.for Eagle

Heights. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Lancaster County Library Board – Mr. May stated we still have a vacancy for our

representative for the Lancaster County Library Board and he is proposing that we recommend, to

the County Library Board, to appoint Jane Pinkerton. Mr. Aichele made a motion to recommend

Jane Pinkerton to the Lancaster County Library Board to fill the vacancy. Mr. Kreider seconded

the motion, which carried unanimously.

Ford Explorer Expedition – Mr. Smith stated that the 1999 Ford has been replaced and he listed

several options for this vehicle. He noted it could be advertised for sealed bids or he has received

two requests for the vehicle. He stated one from the Washington Boro and Highville Fire

Companies for shared use as an emergency response vehicle and also a request from Columbia

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Quick Response Service for the same use. The other option might be to retain the vehicle for use in

our public works department. The Board discussed the issues and asked Mr. Harris if he would be

interested in the vehicle. Mr. Harris stated the Ford is comparable to the vehicle he is using now

and there would be no upgrade. Mr. Breneman made a motion that the Ford Explorer Expedition

be donated to the Washington Boro and Highville Fire Companies for their joint use. Mr. Kreider

seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

LCSWMA Manns Run Bank Rehabilitation – Mr. Smith noted this is a required notification

and the Board may make comments to the Lancaster County Conservation if desired. Mr.

Breneman stated this rehabilitation is on the Dean Herr property located in Manor Township. Mr.

May noted the area to be repaired and stated that the Little Conestoga Watershed Alliance has been

rehabilitating stream banks and feels it is a very good project. Mr. Kreider stated the he has

attended Conestoga Consortiums and he was surprised that the project lists the use of riprap

because it is one of the items that they said is not the right thing to use due to the fact that it can

erode behind it. He stated that he does not have all the facts but felt we should take a look at it.

After some discussion, Mr. May suggested that we send some comments to LCSWMA. Mr. Smith

noted he will pass the concerns on to Mr. Norris at LCSWMA.

Uniform and Non Uniform Pension MMO – Mr. Smith stated that each year they are required to

provide the calculations of the Minimum Municipal Obligations. Principal has provided those

amounts to Ryan and he has provided them for review tonight. The Supervisors asked several

questions. Mr. Bauder asked why his calculations show a 7.4% increase from last year, when the

Board moved for a pay increase at 3.5% last year. Ryan explained that there is a combination of

reasons why. He stated that these figures reflect un-funded liability and a 2% change from last year

plus the sick pay benefit that was not included in the past. Mr. Bauder had concerns about the

difference in the total compensation. Ryan explained that there was a change in the formula that

was used for the 2004 calculation than what was used for the 2005 budget and Ryan noted that any

raises given in 2004 were in accordance with the 3.5% agreed upon. Mr. Aichele made a motion to

accept the 2006 Budgeting Manor Township Non-Uniform Employee Pension Plan. Mr. Breneman

seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. May stated the Uniform Pension Plan show

no un-funded liability. Mr. Aichele made a motion to accept the 2006 Budgeting Manor Township

Uniform Employee Pension Plan. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Resolution #25-2005– Mountville Fire Company Mr. Smith stated there was a request for

funding to help with a Crimson Squad Vehicle for the Mountville Fire Company. The request had

been presented to the Supervisors earlier and at that time the Board stated they would donate half

the amount in 2005 budget year and the remaining half in 2006. This resolution is a way of having

this donation on record because it was not included in the 2005 budget. Mr. May stated that means

we will donate $17,500. from the 2005 budget and a donation of $17,500. will be included in the

2006 budget. Mr. Kreider made a motion to approve Resolution #25-2005 authorizing funding for

Mountville Fire Company squad vehicle. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion, which carried

unanimously. Mr. Bauder asked if anyone knows what the other townships are doing. The Board

stated no.

Act 14 Notification LASA – Mr. Smith stated this notification is meeting the Act 67-68 and Act

14 Notification requirements stating that Lancaster Area Sewer Authority intends to submit an

application to DEP for a Water Quality Management Permit for modification to the Susquehanna

Water Pollution Control Facility located at 4160 Blue Rock Road.

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Mr. Smith listed the following seminars and request for attendance.

The Association for Municipal Management requesting he and any Supervisors that would

like, attend with the necessary expenses paid.

The LIMC is holding a work session for elected officials and any Planning Commission

members who wish to attend be able to do so, with necessary expenses paid.

A Recycling Utilizing Compost and Storm Water Control seminar requesting Bill and Mark

attend as well as any Supervisors, with the necessary expenses paid.

A Child Abuse and Neglect Seminar and Chief Reever is requesting Det. Mike Phenneger

attend and Cpl. Tom Zug attend with the necessary expenses paid.

Basic Crime Scene Investigation and a request to authorize Off Troy Rogers attend this two-

week seminar with the necessary expenses paid.

Mr. May added that PSATS is offering a seminar workshop for elected officials about

Volunteer Fire Companies and noted he feel it would be beneficial for any of the Board members

that would like to attend and include necessary expenses paid.

Mr. Aichele made a motion to approve the above listed seminars and requests for personnel to

attend with the necessary expenses paid. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion. The motion carried


Traffic Commission

Chief Reever stated the Traffic Commission met Wednesday, August 31, 2005. He noted that

Bruce and Robin Murray presented a petition expressing concerns with excessive speeds on

Redwood Drive, a request from Stephen McDaniels to restrict parking on Bucknell Avenue and a

request from Ernest Helmick, Woods Edge Dev., to establish a one-way street, which would be the

circular section of Sutherland Road.

Police Report

Chief Reever stated the monthly report has been submitted and is available in the Township

office. He noted a letter from First-Assistant District Attorney Heidi Eakin concerning OASIS, a

child’s resource concerning physically and sexually abused children, requesting that police

departments acknowledge the program. Chief Reever stated he has contacted Mr. May and he has

agreed that the department can participate in the program. Donna Bare asked Chief Reever if the

department is still sending information into the newspaper. She stated she does not see very many

things from Manor Township. Chief Reever stated that a news releases is faxed into the Lancaster

Newspaper Office daily during the week, but we have no control over what is placed in the paper.

Road Foreman’s Report

Mr. Harris stated that most of the contracted and paving overlay projects were completed in the

month of August. He also noted that line stripping has been completed along with the widening of

Rock Hill Road.

Park and Grounds Report

Mr. Dickert stated the renovations were completed for the basketball courts at the Washington

Boro Park along with the handicapped parking area. He also noted two Eagle Scout projects have

been started at the Springdale Natural Area and Greenway, planting trees and shrubs along with an

addition of bird boxes and a bridge constructed over the waterway.

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Assistant Manager’s Report

Mr. Laudien noted the Fall Newsletter is ready to mail and there will be a composting class held

at the Manor Township Office, September 24, and that information is available on the web site.

Township Manager’s Report

Mr. Smith noted the permitting process has been completed for the Central Manor Elementary

School warning signal along RT 999 and we can now proceed with getting quotes for installation.

He stated if the quotes are over $10,000. the job must go out for bids. Mr. Smith stated he has

received a request from LCSWMA for an extension of construction hours noting that the Gas to

Energy Project is moving forward. Mr. Smith stated the current agreement is that construction

activities can take place between 6 am and 8 pm. Due to the constant truck traffic, the contractor

has requested that he be able to start work at 4 pm and work until midnight because they will be

working on the access road from the scale house back to the landfill itself. Mr. Smith stated that

the only impact on the surrounding area will be lighting and he does not feel that will affect the

residents because it is back in on the site. The request is for a two-week period to start the third or

fourth week of September.

Pat Hill, 3106 River Road, stated she has concerns with dust and noise. Mr. Smith stated they

are scheduled to be doing trench work, where they are lifting macadam and that usually does not

create a lot of dust.

Donna Bare, 107 Chestnut Grove Road, felt the Township should notify the neighbors. Mr.

May stated yes, we will notify them.

After some discussion, Mr. Aichele made a motion to grant the extension of construction hours

be moved to 4 pm to midnight for a two week period and provide notification to the surrounding

neighbors. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Building Permit Report

Mr. Kreider read the building permit report noting a total of 42 permits issued for the month of

August. The total dollar value of the permits in August is $6,417,684. bringing the total for the

year to $25,799,720.

There being no further business, Mr. Aichele made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 pm.

Mr. Bauder seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barry Smith

Secretary – Treasurer

Recording secretary

Rita J. Young

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Supervisors Meeting

October 3, 2005 7:30 pm

Chairman John May called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm in the Manor Township Municipal

Building, 950 West Fairway Drive, Lancaster, PA. He led those in attendance in the pledge to the

flag. Roll call was taken.

Members present: John May, Robert Aichele, Jay Breneman and Allen Kreider.

Members absent: Richard Bauder.

Staff present: Barry Smith, Mark Harris, Bill Laudien, Chief Reever, Ryan Strohecker and Rita


Visitors present: See attached.

Minutes – Mr. Kreider made a motion to approve the minutes as circulated. Mr. Aichele seconded

the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. May noted that the minutes for September state that an

executive session had been scheduled for Oct. 3, 2005 but they did not hold that meeting because

Mr. Bauder was not present. They will reschedule that session.

Bills - Mr. Aichele made a motion to approve the bills as listed. Mr. Breneman seconded the

motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Financial Report – Mr. Kreider made a motion to approve the Financial Report. Mr. Aichele

seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Solicitors Report – Mr. Smith stated there is no Solicitors Report, however the noted Executive

Session that was scheduled for tonight had been at the request of the Solicitor to discuss the

proceedings of the Wal-Mart Zoning Application and should be rescheduled.

Business From the Floor

Mike Zuber, 124 Shannon Drive, asked each Supervisors what their address is, what they are

zoned and when their term is over. Mr. Kreider stated his term is over in 2006 and he is zoned

Agricultural. Mr. Breneman stated his term is over in 2008 and his zoning is Rural. Mr. May stated

he lives in a Rural area and his term is completed in two years. Mr. Aichele stated he is Residential

and he has three more meetings. Mr. Aichele asked Mr. Zuber why he asked those questions. Mr.

Zuber stated that the Supervisors have passed a burning ordinance in what he feels is a short amount

of time and he had asked them for consideration of a noise ordinance a year ago and they still have

not done anything about that.

Michael Long, 2192 West Ridge Drive, expressed concerns about the street light tax and stated

that in April he had given the Supervisors a letter explaining why he felt the street lights should be

paid from the Township budget. He stated at that time there were other residents that felt the same

way and the Supervisors said they would take the concerns of the people into consideration. Mr.

Long asked the Supervisors if they have any comments. Mr. May stated that they are currently in the

budget process and the street light issue was discussed at the work session that was held right before

this meeting. He stated that they have not come to a final decision on the street light issue yet and

noted there are three options. The first being to roll the tax back, the second is to spread the tax

equally to all Township residents or the third is to leave it the way it is now. Mr. Long expressed that

he does not think we need the amount of streetlights that we have and he does not consider them a

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benefit. He stated he did not have a say in the location of the streetlight at his property and now he

has to pay for something he does not want. Mr. Kreider stated that he has been in discussions with

PPL to have some of the streetlights removed, but they have not had any positive outcome from

those meetings. Mr. Long asked who makes the decision for the location of the streetlights. Mr.

Smith stated there are two methods. The first being the sub-division and land ordinance does require

streetlights to be put in developments. The second way is residents could request streetlights with a

petition. If they have signatures of 70% of the effected residents in favor of streetlights, then by law

they must go in. Mr. Long asked if they could petition to have streetlights removed. Mr. Aichele

stated that he did vote for the streetlight tax but after further consideration, he felt it was wrong,

noting that he has thought about recommending that they rescind the tax and put the cost into the

general tax. After some discussion, Mr. Smith stated that Municipal Code allows for several ways to

assess streetlight tax and the general fund is one of those ways. Mr. Kreider noted that the

Supervisors are not all in agreement on the streetlight tax. He stated that in his opinion it is very hard

to be fair with everyone and statistics show that, crime is deterred, by street lighting. Mr. Long did

not agree with that because he had been robbed and he did not feel that street lighting was a benefit.

Mr. Kreider felt that some of the intersection lights are not a benefit but PPL has already stated that

they will not disconnect the light nor will they remove them at no cost.

Ron Weimer, 915 Wheaton Drive, expressed concerns with the burning ordinance. He noted he is

located in a residential area where you can no longer burn, but he has five acres of ground. He noted

that he can comply with the rules for the rural zoning to burn, and he has a large amount of trees and

debris. He asked if he could get a permit or some type of exception to burn a few times a year, since

he can meet the requirements for the areas you may still burn in. He stated that he does not agree

with the new burning ordinance. Mr. May stated he does not believe they can grant exceptions and

there are no permits for burning. He stated it is a residential area and one of the reasons for the

ordinance was because of some neighborhoods where people would burn even when others would

ask them not to. A particular person who had asthma asked a neighbor not to burn or leave her know,

and the neighbor continued to burn. Mr. Weimer asked why this type of situation could not be dealt

with on a one to one basis instead of making rules that now affect a large amount of people. Mr.

Kreider stated there are environmental issues that were considered in that decision also, and

composting is a much better way. He noted that this creates an extra cost to him to keep his property

nice and does not feel that this is fair. Mr. Smith stated that the burning ordinance, as it is written,

does not have any provisions for any permits or exceptions. Mr. Weimer stated that he had heard

rumors of this in the beginning of 2005, he came to a Township meeting to inquire, and he was told

they are not going to restrict burning they will just make changes. Now he cannot burn.

Genevieve Weimer, 915 Wheaton Drive, stated that for every bad neighbor there are 500 good

ones and to penalize the good people for people that you do not control or address the situation, she

feels is a cowards way out. She stated she takes personal offense to the burning ordinance because

she works hard to keep her property clean, and your decision has hurt her and not the people that

won’t follow the rules. She suggested that there should have been a punishment to revoke a person’s

privilege to burn if they did not follow the rules.

Earl Newcomer, 276 Blue Rock Road, noted that he has three acres and is located next to a

commercial property that can burn. Mr. Breneman corrected him, stating that commercial zoning is

not allowed to burn, and stated for the record, that he did not vote for the burning ordinance. He

added that he felt they should have addressed the individual situations where they were having

problems instead of passing the ordinance.

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Bonnie Miller, 113 Bent Tree Drive, commended the Township for the roadways, parks and the

developments that have been built in Manor Township, making it a desirable place to live. She did

express concerns about the streetlight tax and noise in her neighborhood. Mr. May stated that noise

is a problem but a noise ordinance is very hard to enforce. Mr. Kreider stated that he is opposed to

more ordinances and rules, but some times we must learn to tolerate what is going on and just be a

good neighbor. Mr. Kreider stated that he is not if favor of more rules and ordinances because if we

continue to do this, we will soon be like Russia.

Bill Blechschmidt, 112 Millersville Road, noted he also has three acres in Millersville Boro

where he can burn on occasion, and suggested that the Supervisors make provisions for people to

burn on a limited time frame. He expressed concerns about the streetlights and was not happy with

paying that bill. He also added that the new change to leaf pickup affects him putting a second

expense on him to get rid of leaves. He stated that to put a burden of no burning on residents to deal

with a lady’s asthma problem is very unfair. He asked what the reasoning was for discontinuing leaf

pick up on Columbia Avenue and Millersville Road. Mr. Smith stated that the change to the leaf

collection schedule was a Staff decision. He noted that in the past several years, there have been

safety risks, to our employees that work on the leaf pick up crews, on those two roads because of

aggressive drivers and speed. Mr. Blechschmidt stated that PPL, Comcast or UGI comes in and

works in those areas and there does not seem to be a safety issue. Mr. Smith stated he felt there is a

big difference between the services. Mr. Blechschmidt stated if this is a safety issue then why does

the Township have a motorcycle for the Police Department when motorcycles are very dangerous.

Mr. May stated the policemen that ride the motorcycle are trained and licensed for riding. Mr.

Aichele stated that most all police departments have a motorcycle and our officers are well trained.

Mr. Blechschmidt asked what the record is for road crew employees being hurt through leaf pickup.

Mr. Smith stated that the truck has been hit one time on Letort Road, and they will no longer be

picking up leaves there either. Mr. May stated that this has been a Staff decision because of a safety

issue where they saw an obvious risk and the leaf compost site is available for residents to drop

leaves off.

Pat Conroy, 225 Millersville Road, expressed concerns that the leaf pickup has been discontinued

along Millersville Road. He noted this is an extra burden to him and he feels there should be other

ways to make the employees safe and able to continue picking up leaves. He said if the Township is

not going to pick up his leaves on Millersville road, then they should not pick up leaves anywhere

because roads are unsafe everywhere. He stated that it is going to be a large expense to him to get rid

of his leaves.

Jim Stauffer, 365 Weaver Road, asked if he is allowed to burn. Mr. Smith stated the zoning on his

property does not allow burning. Mr. Stauffer stated he is agricultural and this will put a big burden

on him because he has a lot of repairs to barns, which gives him a lot of waste to burn. The

Agricultural zoning allows burning and since he does agricultural work on his farm he should be

able to burn like them because he is agricultural use. Mr. May stated that the burning ordinance that

is in effect now does not allow you to burn because of your zoning. Mr. May stated he does not

know any fair way they could start granting exceptions. Mr. Stauffer asked about a solution. Mr.

Kreider suggested that Mr. Stauffer ask the farm across from his property, which is agricultural

zoning and can burn, if he could drag the things he had to burn across to his property.

Old Business

Draft Land Development Agreement and Draft Stormwater Management Agreement – Mr. May

stated he has provided a copy of a draft agreement to the MTPC and to the Supervisors for review,

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hoping it would be desirable to use when dealing with developers and construction. He stated it is

word for word from the Mount Joy Borough agreement and noted he has also given it to Mr. Whittle,

LCPC for review. Danny Whittle, LCPC, stated he has reviewed the draft document and it does have

merit, however this will be a big step for Manor Township if they choose to do it. He noted that

Manor Township is a very desirable place to live and it is growing with lots of developments, using

their Urban Growth Boundary. After some discussion, Mr. Whittle advised that the Supervisors

research all things, talk to their neighboring areas that already have their own land development

ordinance and take their time before making a decision, noting you could need to increase staff in the

office to do this. Mr. Whittle discussed which ordinances would prevail in certain situations and

where the Township would have control. Mr. Aichele asked Mr. Whittle how many staff people

would be needed to have our own land development. Mr. Whittle stated he knows of a few

surrounding Townships that have four people devoted to just doing the land development, in

addition to the zoning officer and the manager. He added that even if you would contract all your

review work outside the township, you would still need another person on staff to monitor those

reviews and apply the strict engineering review to plan for the entire township development. Mr.

Kreider made reference to the PA Municipal Planning Code Book stating this book tells us just what

we can and can’t do. Mr. Smith stated that in light of statements tonight, he recommended that we

not pursue a land development agreement until resolving whether we will have our own sub-division

land development ordinance. The Supervisors agreed. Mr. Smith added that the Staff is presently in

the process of reviewing this.

Draft Stormwater Management Agreement – Mr. Smith stated that this agreement is a similar

situation and they have received a letter from DEP that a new Act 167 for the Conestoga was

approved and this will change some things for our existing ordinance. He recommended that we

review more before an agreement is approved. The Supervisors agreed.

New Business

School Traffic Flashing Signal - Mr. May noted that two proposals were received for installing the

traffic signals at the Central Manor Elementary School on RT 999.Mr. Smith stated that if proposals

are less than $10,000., Municipal Code dictates that we need to have three quotes. He noted that he

went to five vendors, providing information and requesting quotes for the installation of the lights,

and only two provided quotations, creating a problem. Mr. Smith noted that the Supervisors could

accept the two quotes if they feel there was an effort made to acquire three quotes, however if they

choose to get another quote for the job, Mr. Smith suggested that they open it up for a formal

bidding process because Municipal Code would not require any more than one acceptable bid if

advertised. Mr. Kreider stated that he has looked over the bids and in his opinion they are incomplete

and the job will cost more than the bid. Mr. May stated that we should put the job out for bid. The

Supervisors agreed. Mr. Smith will do so.

Parkfield – Letter of Credit Mr. Smith stated that he is suggesting, for the Letter of Credit

Reduction request from Parkfield, that they not grant the request of $300,000.00. He noted that the

current balance is $388,143.20, and after review and site inspection, he recommends a reduction of

$153,059.22, leaving a balance of $235,083.98. Mr. Breneman made a motion to grant the suggested

$153,059.22 reduction for Letter of Credit with Fulton Bank #D003195 for Fieldcrest Associates.

Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Peace of Mind Self Storage – Mr. Smith stated the current amount of the Letter of Credit is

$261,286.39. He has reviewed this and recommended to reduce the Letter of Credit by $222,093.49

leaving a balance of $39,192.90. Mr. Kreider questioned that the Peace of Mind Self Storage has

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some items being stored on an open area. Mr. Smith stated he was granted that as part of his

agreement and the reason he was required to put the fencing at the back of the site. Mr. Kreider

made a motion to grant the reduction of the Letter of Credit by $222,093.49. Mr. Breneman

seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Approve 5G Investment Trust Tower Bond – Mr. Smith stated he has reviewed the 5G

Investment Trust removal bond for the tower at 2595 River Road and found it to be acceptable and

recommend it be approved. Mr. Aichele made a motion to approve the 5G Investment Trust Tower

Bond as presented, seconded by Mr. Kreider. The motion carried unanimously.

Release Minnesota Towers, Inc. Bond – Mr. Smith recommended that the release of the bond be

granted. Mr. May made a motion to approve the release of the bond for Minnesota Towers, Inc. in

the amount of $12,000. Mr. Breneman seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Penn Manor Improvement Guarantee and Letter of Credit – Mr. Smith noted that this is for the

new maintenance facility being constructed at the Penn Manor Middle School. Mr. Smith stated that

he and the Township Solicitor have reviewed the Improvement Guarantee Agreement and Letter of

Credit #D003842, Fulton Bank, in the amount of $205,500.79, and recommends approval. Mr.

Aichele made a motion to accept the Letter of Credit #D003842, in the amount of $205,500.79. Mr.

Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Act 14 Notification – Mr. Smith noted that the Township has received Municipal Notification for

Safe Harbor Water Power Corporation that they are renewing their NPDES Permit No PA 0032379,

for industrial waste discharge of multiple outfalls, into the Susquehanna River, which consists of

non-contact cooling water, sumps, and drains.

Resolution #26-2005 Comprehensive Park Recreation and Open Space Plan – Mr. Smith stated

that the Board had instructed the Staff to apply for a grant application to the Dept. of Conservation

for funds for the Comprehensive Park Recreation and Open Space Plan and Mr. Laudien has

completed that. He noted that we now need an official resolution, which he has included for review.

This resolution would allow Mr. Smith, as the Secretary, to execute this resolution. Mr. Breneman

made a motion to approve the Resolution #26-2005. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried



Mr. Smith requested the following staff and personnel attend conferences and training sessions.

A 2006 Joint Managers’ Conference with a request that he attend with the necessary expenses paid.

A 2005 National Playground Safety Inspector Certification with Mike Dickert attending for

certification with necessary expenses paid. Chief Reever requested that Officer Snyder and Cpl. Zug

attend the FBI Hostage Negotiations Seminar with the necessary expenses paid. Mr. Smith also

noted that Chief Reever has stated that Mary Frey, full time secretary for Manor Township Police

Department, will be retiring. Due to that he has requested that Donna Wertz, part time secretary, be

promoted to the position of full time secretary and hire a part time secretary to replace Ms Wertz.

Mr. Kreider stated that he would like to discuss the changes in the Police Department before his

decision. Mr. May noted he could do that in an executive session if they schedule it at the end of this

meeting. Mr. Kreider agreed. By consensus of the Supervisors, the above conferences and training,

with the necessary expenses paid, was approved with the exception of the promotion request.

Traffic Commission

Chief Reever stated that the Traffic Commission met Wednesday Sept. 28, 2005. He noted a

request for restricted parking on Bucknell Avenue, which was approved. A request to change the

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name for Sutherland Road – circular section, which due to an agreement with the Lancaster Co.

Wide Communication, that name must remain the same. He noted that Mary Glazier had requested a

speed limit be established on Chestnut Grove Road, noting that a traffic study was completed, with

results showing they normally would recommend that the road be posted at 35 MPH. However,

Chief Reever stated that the Commission is concerned that if they post this rural road, then others

could request roads be posted the same. Due to the cost, which could be approximately $15,000 -

$20,000 if they had to post most rural roads, Chief Reever stated that they are deferring the decision

for posting Chestnut Grove Road to the Supervisors. Mr. Kreider expressed concerns in reference to

that road being too narrow when meeting a school bus or some farm equipment. After some

discussion, Mr. Breneman stated he felt the signs should not be erected at this time. Road Foreman,

Mark Harris, stated that Chestnut Grove Road is on the 2006 schedule to be widened and usually

roads are posted after they are widened. Mr. May expressed concern that when widened, there will

probably be an increase in speeding. The Board was in agreement that they should wait to have any

signs erected. Chief Reever stated that there were also concerns from a resident about signs and

parking at the Village Center, next to Oak Ridge Drive. Mark Harris agreed to speak to the Village

Center owners.

Police Report

Chief Reever noted he has provided a copy of the police report. He stated that Mary Frey has

submitted her letter for retirement effective Dec. 27, 2005 and she has served the Township for 35

years. Chief Reever stated he has received a letter of resignation from Police Chaplain Rev. Richard

Cummings, effective Sept. 14, 2005 and he is in the process of contacting pastors of local churches

to see if they are interested in the position. He noted letters of commendation for both Ofc. Liddick

and Ofc. Rogers, and there were also letters of appreciation for both Cpl. Geyer and Ofc. Herman.

He also stated reports were submitted from Cpl. Strock for his Community Policing activities. Mr.

Breneman commended Chief Reever on the program Cpl. Strock had done with the Community


Robert Barber, 2749 Chapel Road, expressed concerns that if the Supervisors wait until Chestnut

Grove Road is widened to erect signs, why can’t they approve the erection of the signs and not go to

the expense of another study when the road is completed. Mr. Smith stated that once you change the

characteristics of the road, it could change the dynamics of the road, which could change the results

of the study. The Supervisors noted that the study is done in house and is not that costly and they

would want to have the correct information to post a road because of legal issues.

Road Foreman’s Report

Mr. Harris noted that the agility work has been completed on Gamber Road and Stehman Church

Road and there were improvements made on Stehman Church Road between Rock Hill and Walnut

Hill Road. Mr. Harris also noted that the bank was graded at the intersection of Central Manor Road

and Hershey Mill Road to improve site distance. He added that there was a lot of compost sold this

past month.

Park & Grounds Maintenance Report

Mr. Dickert stated they have been working on equipment repairs, trimming and a small amount of

mowing. He noted an Eagle Scout completed a project in the Springdale Farms greenway area that

included a pedestrian bridge across a small waterway area and this adds a lot to the park. Mr. Dickert

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stated that the old wooden playground at Charlestown Park and is now completely gone and the new

one is to be assembled soon.

Assistant Manager’s Report

Mr. Laudien stated that he has prepared and submitted the application for the recreational grant

and he has been updating the Township web site which will now include some ordinances, a number

of permits and hopefully we will get to the zoning ordinance. Mr. Kreider commended Mr. Laudien

for the Township web site.

Township Manager’s Report

Mr. Smith stated he has submitted his report and noted that the pumping station on Manor Ridge

Drive is no longer active. He is glad to say that the removal of that station has been completed. He

noted that they have received a draft agreement from the City of Lancaster and they will review this

in house and give it to Mike Schober for review and then they will get back to the City. Mr. Smith

stated they are exploring the possibility of purchasing an adjoining property to the Maintenance

Building owned by KL Smith. It is approximately two acres and is located to the rear of the

maintenance building. Mr. Smith also noted that he and Mr. May have met with the Penn Manor

School District to look at the future needs of Manor Township and the School District, with both

agreeing that they should stay in touch and keep communications open.

Building Permit Report

Mr. Kreider read the building permit report noting that there were 45 permits issued for the month

of September bringing the total number of permits for the year to 367, with a total dollar value of

$33,509,443. for the year.

Mr. May stated that the Supervisors shall entering into an Executive Session at this time about

some personnel matters.

The meeting reconvened at 9:39 pm.

Mr. May stated that they have ended their Executive Session and have made a decision. Mr.

Kreider made a motion to hire Donna Wertz full time and allow Chief Reever to hire a part time

secretary. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

There being no further business, Mr. Kreider made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 pm.

Mr. Aichele seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barry Smith

Secretary – Treasurer

Recording secretary

Rita J. Young

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Manor Township Supervisors Meeting

November 9, 2005 7:30 pm

Chairman John May called the monthly meeting to order at 7:30 pm. Mr. May noted that on

October 24, 2005 they conducted a Road Tour to survey the roads in Manor Township and on

October 25, 2005, at 9:30 am, an Executive Session was held regarding litigation. Roll call was

taken showing all Supervisors present.

Members present: John May, Robert Aichele, Richard Bauder, Allen Kreider and Jay Breneman.

Staff present: Barry Smith, Mark Harris, Bill Laudien, Chief Reever, Ryan Strohecker, Mike

Dickert and Rita Young.

Visitors present: See attached.

Mr. May stated they will resume a discussion that was taking place in the previous work

session that was held tonight from 6 pm to 7:30 pm, that being the police portion of the 2006

Budget and the hiring of personnel. Mr. May stated that it will be necessary to add an additional

$107,000. to the 2006 budget in order for the Chief to hire the three additional officers and bring

the force back to what it has been. Mr. Breneman stated that we should try to bring the force

back to the full compliment for safety reasons, and we will be hiring one officer tonight. He

would hope to hire the second officer soon and possibly the third officer. Mr. Breneman noted

that he felt the safety and hiring of officers should be first and wait for any promotions. Mr.

Bauder was in support of Mr. Breneman’s suggestion, hiring one officer tonight and consider

hiring one more officer in 2006. Mr. Kreider noted he was in favor of hiring one officer tonight,

add one officer to the 2006 budget, but not two. Mr. Bauder stated that the Township has been

managing with the amount of officers at this time and he commended the Chief for that, but

stated he would be acceptable to hiring the one officer tonight but he is not in favor of the

promotions at this time. Mr. Aichele stated he would like to hire the one officer tonight, and hire

one officer in 2006 with the option to hire a third one if needed. Mr. May asked Chief Reever

which was more important, the extra officer of the promotions. Chief Reever noted that the extra

officer would be his choice. Mr. Aichele made a motion to hire one officer for 2005, a second

officer in 2006 with the option to hire a third officer if needed. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion,

which carried unanimously. After some discussion, Mr. Smith stated that staff, will continue to

finalize the numbers for the 2006 budget, based on this motion. Mr. Smith noted that there must

be a decision made on the street light issue also. Mr. Bauder stated that he would also like to

discuss the $250,000 payment that is made to Principal Financial at some point. Mr. May stated

that the street light tax has been debated to some length, and in his opinion the street light tax

should be repealed and if needed, an increase in the millage rate, spreading the cost of the street

lights through out the entire township. Mr. May explained that the initial charge for the street

lights in 2005 was $33.00 for each homeowner within 250 feet of a street light, but due to cost

increases and a PPL increase, the charge will have to be raised to $39.00 per property owner for

2006. Mr. Aichele stated that he voted for the street light tax to be reinstated and he now feels it

was a mistake. He noted that he agrees with Mr. May and would like to see the tax repealed and

the cost placed back in the general expenses of the township. Mr. Kreider stated that in his

opinion the light tax should stay as an individual assessment because not everyone has a

streetlight. He noted that we just reinstated the light tax as it was in the past, and he feels that we

should approach PPL about the cost, but he would not be in favor of raising the millage rate for

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the township. Mr. Kreider stated that he is not in favor of raising the millage rate and that he

would continue the assessment for the street light tax at this time. He noted that he is in favor of

the township having their own ordinances where we could have the homeowners associations

make the choice if they have streetlights installed or not and they would also pay for them. Mr.

Breneman noted that he feels if the streetlight tax was spread throughout the township, it will

create an even bigger problem with residents that do not have lights and he is in favor of the tax

staying in place as it is. Mr. Bauder stated that most townships that have a demographic with a

residential and rural area also have this assessment. After some discussion, Mr. May made a

motion to repeal the street light tax, raising the millage rate for the township and the cost to be

distributed throughout the township resulting in possibly an $8.00 increase. Mr. Aichele

seconded the motion. The vote was two in favor and three against. Mr. May stated the motion

will not carry and the street light tax will stand as is. Mr. Smith stated that with this decision, the

staff is able to continue to prepare the 2006 budget with the street light tax included. There was a

question from the floor, to clarify who voted for and who voted against. Mr. May stated that he

and Mr. Aichele voted for the repeal of the street light tax and Mr. Breneman, Mr. Bauder and

Mr. Kreider voted to keep the street light tax.

Minutes – Mr. Kreider requested a correction be made to the October 3, 2005 minutes under a

portion where he is quoted as saying that PPL will not remove the streetlights. His correction

was that he stated PPL will not remove the streetlights without a fee and there would be a cost to

do so. Mr. Breneman made a motion to approve the October 3, 2005 minutes as corrected. Mr.

Bauder seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Bills – Mr. Aichele made a motion to approve the bills as listed. Mr. Kreider seconded the

motion, which carried unanimously.

Financial Report – Mr. Kreider made a motion to approve the Financial Report as submitted.

Mr. Breneman seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Solicitors Report

Mr. Smith stated that there is no Solicitors Report.

Business From the Floor

Mary Glazier, 269 Chestnut Grove Road, noted that she is disappointed with the outcome of

the vote to continue the streetlight tax and she is disappointed with the three Supervisors that

voted against repealing it. She feels the public benefits from the lights and they should share in

the cost and we need to view the Township residents as a whole and not be pitted against each

other, which she feels this does. She encouraged the Supervisors to look into the cost from PPL

if that is something that can be negotiated. Ms. Glazier noted that LCSWMA has scheduled a

Public Information Meeting to be held Nov. 21, at 7 pm at the Highville Fire Company. She

urged residents to attend and inquired who, from the Township, will attend that meeting. Mr.

Smith stated that he and Bill Laudien plan to attend and Mr. Breneman stated he also plans to

attend. Ms. Glazier stated she has talked to Mr. Warner about disposal of the woody waste

material, on accepting it from the Township and he informed her that he is waiting to hear from

the Township on that issue. Ms. Glazier asked if there is a plan to meet with them. Mr. Smith

stated that there must be a misunderstanding somewhere because they have already met with

LCSWMA. Mr. Bauder agreed and noted that he had submitted a letter to them and Mr. Warner

told him that he was waiting for a decision from his staff. Mr. Smith stated that he will contact

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Mr. Warner. Ms. Glazier also stated that due to the fact that LCSWMA continues to acquire land,

she feels there is a possibility for the Township and LCSWMA to form a partnership to

determine how the land from the landfill area is ultimately used. She noted there is a park there

now, but there will be much more area due to the expansion. Mr. Smith stated he thinks that

LCSWMA will present some type of an overview for 2005 and include what their future plans

will be at the public meeting they are planning to hold.

Pat Conroy, 225 Millersville Road, asked why the leaf pickup service was discontinued along

Millersville Road. Mr. May noted it was a safety issue. Mr. Smith stated that this was not a rash

decision but something that has been considered for two years because of safety issues. He, Mr.

Laudien and Mr. Harris had reviewed the process and he made the decision to stop the current

leaf pickup at the designated areas. He noted that they are still considering an alternative but it

will not be the same as the leaves were currently being picked up and it could be on a limited

basis to pickup with flagman helping or possibly bagging the leaves for pickup. He noted that

some townships will not pick up loose leaves on state roads but will provide bag service in those

areas. Mr. May stated he does not want to see the leaf service stopped, but does not want to see

the safety of the workers jeopardized. He asked how much time is involved in picking up leaves

on Millersville Road and Columbia Avenue. Mr. Harris stated it takes two hours to pick up in

those areas and explained how the trucks must turn around several times in the traffic to do these

areas. Mr. Aichele stated that he has checked with East and West Hempfield and they pick up

leaves on Columbia Avenue but they choose times when they feel the traffic is not as heavy. Mr.

Aichele would like the leaf pick up to continue. After much discussion, Mr. Smith asked the

Supervisors to give him time to review the process and come up with a decision that would allow

the leaves to be picked up but in a safer manner. Mr. Bauder stated that if Mr. Harris feels this is

a safety issue, he is certainly in the position to know. He also stated that in his opinion it is a

decision that should be made by Mr. Smith as the manager, along with his staff.

Scott Henry, 2418 Columbia Avenue, expressed concerns that he will not have leaf pickup

anymore and suggested that if there are certain areas that are unsafe to pick up leaves, would it

be possible for those sections to have bag collection. Mr. May stated that could be an option.

Stan Buch, 717 Fairway Drive, felt that this Township should not be divided by things like

leaf collection or streetlights. Mr. Buch stated that he refuses to pay the streetlight tax again.

Michael Long, 2192 West Ridge Drive, stated he is very upset that the Supervisors have not

rescinded the street light tax. He addressed Mr. Bauder stating that you continue to reference

other townships and he does not care what other townships do and we do not need to follow

them. He addressed Mr. Kreider stating that when Mr. Kreider lights his property up it is by his

choice, which is more than he is giving the residents. Mr. Long addressed Mr. Breneman stating

that he has made his decision on the opinion of one person at a polling booth. Mr. Long noted

that the ordinance states that any property within 250’ of a public streetlight shall pay the tax and

in his opinion the public is everyone, not just 2700 people. He stated that he paid the tax for 2005

but he will not pay it again.

Donald Siglin, 3140 Blue Rock Road, expressed concerns with the burning ordinance that has

been passed. He felt that if there was a problem with a few residents, then the Supervisors should

have approached them rather than take the easy way out and pass an ordinance. He noted that

some of those who voted for the ordinance are not affected because they are in the rural areas.

Mr. Siglin also explained that he holds a special event at his home one time a year, where he has

a fire burning throughout the event. He asked what the regulations of the ordinance are and if he

could continue to do so. Mr. May noted that when decisions are made they are not going to

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please everyone, but maybe they should send the ordinance back to the Waste and Recycling

Committee and see if they should have a part where someone might be able to obtain a permit for

burning. Mr. Laudien stated that he would be willing to call Mr. Siglin and explain the ordinance

and see if his request can be included in the provisions that the ordinance provides for campfires.

Glenn Aument, 2406 Columbia Avenue, noted that he did speak to Mr. Smith a few weeks

ago about the leaf collection but feels the decision to stop leaf collection along Columbia Avenue

and Millersville Road is a bad decision. He felt that the police escort would be a good idea, there

could also be signs warning about leaf pickup ahead and he did not feel that leaf pickup was a

high-risk problem. Mr. Aument expressed concerns that problems are being created through leaf

pickup and streetlight decisions, noting that in his opinion, these decisions are dividing the

township residents. He felt the entire township should share the expenses of the township


Eric Morgan, 3304 Columbia Avenue, noted that he wrote a letter to the Supervisors

expressing his concerns and asked the Supervisors to explain what the environment reasons were

that they based their decision on to pass the burning ordinance. Mr. Morgan asked if the primary

reason was concerns for the CO2. Mr. May stated that some residents were abusing the burning

rights, such as unattended fires, burning after dark or not respecting their neighbors when

burning. Mr. Morgan noted that he has invested significant funds into an environmentally safe pit

to burn in for his business and he would like answers at some point in time, to the questions that

he has proposed to the Supervisors in the letter he sent them. Mr. Kreider stated that Lancaster

County does not meet the EPA regulations when it comes to the air quality and noted that carbon

dioxide is one of the worst pollutants. Mr. Kreider stated he has had complaints that people are

burning when neighbors have their wash out. He noted that he burns because he is located in an

agricultural area, but his burning is limited. Mr. Kreider and Mr. May both agreed that the air

quality in Lancaster County is not good and we must start to correct things somewhere. Mr.

Morgan stated that if they are concerned with the issue of CO2, burning is a very, very small

portion of air contamination when you compare that to the amount of gasses that are released

when a farmer plows a field, and there is an enormous amount of farming in Manor Township

compared to burning. Mr. Morgan stated that a burning ordinance is not the way to address a

CO2 problem if that is the issue, and felt there should be other ways to look at the issue.

Det. Jim Alexander, 95 Penn Street, stated he attended the work session earlier tonight and

asked the Supervisors to clarify why they feel there would be a $107,000 increase in the 2006

budget to replace the three officers that were requested, noting that these were replacement

officers and no new positions were created. Mr. Alexander stated that the three positions were

included in the 2005 budget. Mr. Smith explained that the $107,000 is the amount that would be

needed in the 2006 budget if the Board chooses to hire the three replacement officers, not

actually an additional amount to the budget but the amount that would need to be included in the

2006 budget for their replacement. The Board explained that they had taken the $107,000 out of

the 2006 proposed budget as a means of cost cutting, because at the present time they do not

have those three officers. Mr. Alexander also expressed his concerns that the Supervisors have

not granted the promotions in the department yet. He noted that by not assigning those

promotions, it puts an added burden onto the Chief, noting that the position such as Sergeant

serves a multitude of purposes and by not assigning them puts more work on the rest of the

department, which is already short handed. Mr. Bauder stated that he respects the police

department and the job that Mr. Alexander does but that the Board bases their decisions on the

information that the Chief provides for them and that is the way they will continue to do it.

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Mr. May made a motion that the staff reconsider the leaf pickup and try to work something

out that can be done safely. After some discussion, Mr. Aichele seconded the motion, which

carried unanimously. Mr. Bauder stated that he would not be in favor of using police to help with

the leaf collection.

Mr. Aichele noted that he would like the burning issues to be reconsidered also, and look at a

few exceptions and give a few options. After some discussion, the Supervisors decided to have

the Waste and Recycling Committee and the Staff, review the burning ordinance. Mr. Bauder

stated that he feels it should be reconsidered because there are responsible residents that burn

such as Mr. Morgan.

Old Business

Sub-Division and Land Development – Mr. Smith stated that if the Board would like the Staff

to develop a Sub-Division and Land Ordinance, they would need the help of a professional

service because it would warrant a legal review. The Supervisors agreed. Mr. Bauder stated that

he was sorry if some statements he made about the Manor Township Planning Commission were

misinterpreted. He noted that he did not mean that he did not respected the Planning

Commission, and that his main goal is to get Manor Township to have their own sub-division

and land ordinance because of the advantages he feels it would give the Township. Mr. Bauder

read the following statements and requested that it be recorded in the minutes. “The county

Subdivision & Land Development Plan does not address the building development issue of

Manor Township. Manor is the only township in Lancaster County with a population over

10,000 not having our own municipal SALDO, and according to a Penn State study the only

populous municipality in the state without our own SALDO. This management fallacy has

already cost the township hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions in revenues for infrastructure

like parks and roads improvements. Following is an example of the revenue and/or park space

required by the subdivision and land plan ordinances of several other Lancaster County

townships, if applied to the Stonemill Development reviewed at the last Manor Township

Planning Commission meeting. The County ordinance is based on projected population and

required 2 acres of recreation space that the developer has shown as discontinuous “pocket

parks”. West Hempfield’s SALDO ordinance would require 0.04 acres per dwelling, or over 12

acres of contiguous parkland or funds in lieu of parkland, basing the funds on the average

purchase price of the land. This development would likely result in a 4-acre contiguous park and

over $500,000 in revenue to the township to be used by the township for park improvements and

open space purchase. East Lampeter’s ordinance would similarly require 0.027 acres per

dwelling, over 8.5 acres of open space of which 70% must be contiguous recreational park with a

maximum specified slope. These ordinances would also require funds for road and intersection

improvements. The Manor Township Board of Supervisors has no representative influence on

the most important issue facing the township, development. In townships having their SALDO’s

the approving body is the board of supervisors. In Manor it is the county planning commission.

Mr. Bauder made a motion to have the management develop our own subdivision and land

development ordinance. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion.

Steven Shu, 127 Stable Drive stated that he agrees with Mr. Bauder that Manor Township

needs to have a subdivision and land development ordinance. He expressed his concerns with the

formulas being used to determine parkland and gave examples of several areas and noted that to

have our own subdivision and land ordinance we would be able to get five times the amount

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from developers that we are getting now. Mr. May noted we had a motion and it was seconded.

The motion carried unanimously.

New Business

Award Bid for School Traffic Flashing Signal - Mr. Smith noted that the bid opening took

place Monday afternoon and there were three bids. Low bid was Traffic Pump Solutions for

$10,000, the second was CM High at $10,083 and the third was TELCO at $11,795. Mr. Smith

stated that the bid was properly advertised and included specifications that were developed by

the Township consultant. He stated he has reviewed the bids and Traffic Pump Solutions meets

the advertised specifications, and he recommended accepting their bid for $10,000. Mr. Bauder

made a motion to award the bid for the School Traffic-Flashing Signal to Traffic Pump

Solutions, in the amount of $10,000. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion, which carried


Award Bid for Police Vehicle – Mr. Smith stated that Chief Reever had advertised for the sale

of a used 2002 Chevy Impala police car. He opened the bids as follows. Bala Auto Sales, for

$2301, Government Cars Distribution Center, Inc. bid $2205 and a bid from Grace Quality Used

Cars, Inc. for $3,256. Mr. Bauder made a motion to accept the bid for the 2002 Chevy Impala

police car from Grace Quality Used Cars, Inc. for $3,256. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion. The

motion carried unanimously.

Approve Amendment to Collective Bargaining Agreement – Mr. Smith noted that this

amendment is a result of the negotiation session relative to sick leave verses extended illness and

would be for the contract years of 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008. He noted that the union has

authorized and officially signed their portion of the agreement and is presented tonight for the

Supervisors authorization. He noted this would be retroactive to the existing case as discussed in

the Executive Session that was held. Mr. Aichele made a motion to sign the amendment. Mr.

Breneman seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Police Department Copier – Mr. Smith noted that Chief Reever has provided information with

four quotes for the purchase of a new copier to be used by the police, as specified in the 2005

budget. He is recommending purchase of the Cannon product from Sheaffer Office Products for

a cost of $4,920. Mr. May made a motion to purchase the Cannon Copier from Shaeffer Office

Products for $4,920. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Hiring Police Officer – Mr. Smith stated that the Department has gone through the proper

review and testing procedure for hiring a police officer and Chief Reever is recommending that

we hire Charles G. Snyder, III who has successfully completed all the requirements. After some

discussion, Mr. Breneman made a motion to hire Charles G. Snyder, III as a patrolman to be

effective November 28, 2005. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Draft Resolution for Growing Together Regional Comprehensive Plan – Mr. Smith explained

that he and Mr. May are members of the Steering Committee, which has been working on this

draft resolution for Growing Together. He stated he is presenting this information and asked the

Supervisors if they would like the Township Solicitor to review it, at a cost. Mr. Smith noted that

this document has been reviewed by some of the other municipalities’ attorneys already, and Mr.

May is an attorney. He noted that we currently have three opinions for this review. Mr. May

stated he did not feel the need to have our Solicitor review the document. Mr. Smith stated this

resolution authorizes the appropriate officers of the municipality to participate in the joint

agreement and participating townships will be adopting the same agreement. After some

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discussion, the Board agreed that it would not be necessary for the Township Solicitor to review

the document.

Uniform Sign Regulations – Mr. Smith stated the sign committee for LIMC has been working

on this for quite some time. The key concern has been for election signs and issue signs. There

were some challenges for the legal issue of these signs and now the LIMC is asking if each

municipality would like to participate in the joint adoption of a new election sign regulation to

deal with these issues, where a person would be able to display a sign for this purpose, with no

time limits on private property, as long as it is not in the right of way. After some discussion,

Mr. Bauder stated that he feels the LIMC should leave signs alone. Mr. Kreider stated he has a

problem with passing more ordinances for reasons of enforcing all of them. Mr. Aichele made a

motion to adopt the uniform sign regulation. Mr. May seconded the motion, which carried with

four voting to participate and Mr. Bauder voted no.

Release Escrow Account-Wenger Construction - Mr. Smith noted this request from Wenger’s

Construction, Inc. is for the release of the remaining balance of $1,200. Mr. Smith noted he has

met all the requirements and recommended the release of the funds. Mr. Breneman made a

motion to release the $1,200 to Wenger’s Construction. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which

carried unanimously.

Ag Security Area – BC Brubaker – Mr. Smith stated this parcel of land is located in both

Manor Twp. and West Hempfield Twp., with the larger part of it in West Hempfield. He noted

that the owner has gone through the process to enter the property into the Ag Security Area with

West Hempfield and is requesting we add the portion that is located in Manor Township, into our

Ag Security Area. Mr. Kreider made a motion to enter the 15.7 acres of land for BC Brubaker,

into the Ag Security Area by standard process. Mr. Bauder seconded the motion, which carried


Lot Add On BC Brubaker – Mr. Smith noted a request for approval of a subdivision and lot

add on, for the parcel, which we just moved to put into Ag Security, having land in two

townships. He recommended that the Board take a position to defer this request to West

Hempfield Township where the larger portion of this property is located. Mr. Breneman made a

motion to defer this request for a Subdivision and Lot Add-on Plan on to West Hempfield for

approvals. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Manor Oaks – Mr. Smith stated Manor Oaks has requested a letter of credit reduction. He

stated he has reviewed this and they are not eligible for a reduction at this time because they have

asked for a reduction less than the 15% retainer that they are required to have and they have not

completed the final paving on the street. Mr. May made a motion to deny the request for a

reduction in Letter of Credit No.566, for Manor Oaks at this time. Mr. Kreider seconded the

motion, which carried unanimously.

Manor Oaks, Remaining Lands Section 2 - Mr. Smith stated Manor Oaks has requested a

reduction for Letter of Credit No. 617 in the amount of $37,354.65. He noted he has reviewed

the application and finding it in order, recommends approval, which would bring the balance to

$77,437.80. Mr. Bauder made a motion to reduce Letter of Credit No. 617 by $37,354,65. Mr.

Breneman seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Woods Edge request for reduction - Mr. Smith noted this is a request for reduction in the two

letters of credit that are held for the Woods Edge Villas at Sutherland. The request would be the

same for each letter of credit and after review the recommended reduction would be $46,425.91

per letter of credit, which would leave a balance in each letter of credit of $72,268.87. Mr.

Breneman made a motion to approve the reduction in the Letter of Credit, Fulton Bank

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#D003704 and Letter of Credit, Susquehanna Bank #1000449726, each by $46,425.91. Mr.

Aichele seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.


Mr. Smith stated the following requests for training.

LTAP – This is a Training Road Scholar Course, requesting Mark Harris attend and any on

the board that might request to go, with necessary expenses paid.

PRPS Fall Membership Meeting – a request for Mike Dickert to attend, with necessary

expenses paid.

Sports Turf Managers Conference – a request for Mike Dickert to attend and pay the

registration fee. Mr. Smith noted that the conference is in Florida and he is not asking for any

travel or lodging fees. Mr. Bauder asked Mr. Dickert why he wanted to attend this conference

and stated that he could learn most of the information from reading. Mr. Dickert stated he is on

the State Board for this organization and he feels he benefits greatly from attending and they

would be paying 2/3 of his travel expenses. Mr. Aichele stated he felt we should pay the other

1/3 of the travel expenses.

After some discussion, Mr. Aichele made a motion to approve the listed training and pay for

the necessary registrations and 1/3 of the travel expenses for Mr. Dickert. Mr. Breneman

seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Traffic Commission

Chief Reever stated the Traffic Commission met October 26, 2005. He noted the Village

Center of Mountville has requested a stop sign be posted and that they will reimburse the

Township for the expenses. He also noted a “no parking loading” sign on Bucknell Avenue has

been installed and a speed zone on Chestnut Grove Road will be reevaluated after widening is


Police Report

Chief Reever stated they received a letter from Mayor Richard Moriarty, of Millersville, in

appreciation for the Department’s cooperation on Thursday evening, 9/29/05, when they

participated in the serving of the numerous drug warrants to some Millersville University

students at various locations. There was also a letter of appreciation to the Department from The

Salvation Army and a report from Cpl Gary Strock on Community Policing for October.

Road Foreman’s Report

Mr. Harris reported that the Manor Ridge Pumping Station is now closed. He noted they have

done base repairs, crack sealing and various road jobs. Mr. Harris stated that the road tour went

well, and the rebuilding of South Front Street in Washington Boro also went well.

Parks and Grounds

Mr. Dickert reported that the restrooms have been closed at the parks for the season, the old

wooden playground has been disassembled at Charlestown Park and the new one has been

started. Also Cris Zeigler has been working on his Eagle Scout project of installing bird boxes at

the Springdale Greenway, where he had previously installed trees. He will be doing information

stations to complete the project.

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Assistant Managers Report

Mr. Laudien reported that he was able to scan the entire zoning ordinance into the computer

and it will be available on the web site. He noted that the grant application is completed and he

has submitted that to DCNR for the park and open space study and the RFP for that also has been

completed and distributed to a few consultants.

Township Managers Report

Mr. Smith stated he has submitted his report. He noted that a resident had asked Mr. Kreider,

if relative to the process of rezoning the Eshleman Tract, was the property posted before the

decision was made. Mr. Smith stated that after reviewing the record, there was an oversight on

that and the property did not get posted. Because the property did not get posted he now needs to

talk to the Township Solicitor to find out what the effect of that is. He noted that there was a

miscommunication between Staff, Solicitor and Zoning Officer and the posting was missed, and

now the necessary steps will be taken to rectify that.

Jim Huber, 113 Shannon Drive, asked if he understood that the property was not posted, does

that mean that the property was not rezoned legally. Mr. May stated that it was a mistake that the

property was not posted and they will be taking whatever steps are necessary to take care of the


Building Permit Report

Mr. Kreider read the building permit report noting that there was a total of 53 permits issued

in the month of October. He stated the total dollar value for October was $7,011,338, which

brings the total number of permits for the year to 420, with total dollar value for 2005 to


There being no further business, Mr. Aiclele made a motion to adjourn the meeting at

9:45 pm. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barry Smith

Secretary – Treasurer

Recording secretary

Rita J. Young

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Supervisors Meeting

December 19, 2005 9:00 am

Chairman John May called the Supervisors meeting to order at 9:00 am in the Manor

Township Municipal Building, 950 West Fairway Drive, Lancaster, PA. He led those in attendance

in the pledge to the flag. Roll call was taken.

Members present: John May, Robert Aichele, Jay Breneman, Allen Kreider and Richard


Staff present: Ryan Strohecker and Barry Smith.

Visitors present: David O’Conner.

2006 Budget. Mr. Smith provided a brief summary of the formal presentation of the

budget. He indicated that the 2006 Budget was properly advertised in the Lancaster Newspapers

and posted in the township office as required by code.

Mr. May expressed regret in dropping the township calendar from the budget. He stated

that a resident had a conversation with him and expressed her disappointment in the removal of the

calendar from the 2006 Budget. Mr. Breneman stated that he also heard comments of

disappointment regarding the removal of the calendar. Mr. Aichele also reported hearing

comments. Mr. Bauder said that he did an informal survey and found that many did not use the


Mr. Aichele made a motion to adopt the 2006 Budget as presented. Mr. Bauder seconded

the motion and it was approved by unanimous voice vote.

Resolution No. 29-2005. Mr., Smith read resolution No. 29-2005 titled Budget

Certification. Mr. Breneman made a motion to approve Resolution No. 29-2005. Mr. Kreider

seconded the motion and it was approved by unanimous voice vote.

There was no further business. Mr. May made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 am.

Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote.

Respectfully submitted,

Barry Smith,

Secretary – Treasurer

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Supervisors Meeting

December 5, 2005 7:30 pm

Chairman John May called the Supervisors meeting to order at 7:30 pm in the Manor Township

Municipal Building, 950 West Fairway Drive, Lancaster, PA. He led those in attendance in the

pledge to the flag. Roll call was taken.

Members present: Robert Aichele, John May, Jay Breneman, Allen Kreider and Richard Bauder.

Staff present: Bill Laudien, Mark Harris, Ryan Strohecker, Mike Dickert and Rita Young.

Visitors present: See attached.

Minutes – Mr. Kreider made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 2005 meeting

as drafted. Mr. Aichele seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Bills – Mr. Breneman made a motion to approve the bills as listed. Mr. Aichele seconded the

motion, which carried unanimously.

Financial Report - Mr. Aichele made a motion to accept the Financial Report as submitted. Mr.

Kreider seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Solicitors Report – Mr. Laudien stated there was no Solicitors Report.

Resolutions of Appreciation

Resolution No. 27-2005 - Mr. Aichele read Resolution #27-2005, a Resolution of the Board of

Supervisors of Manor Township congratulating and recognizing Mary E. Frey for her service to

the Manor Township Police Department since being hired December 20, 1970. Mr. Aichele

thanked Mrs. Frey for her dedication and service to Manor Township. Jim Huber, 113 Shannon

Drive, congratulated Mrs. Frey also and stated that he was a Supervisor for Manor Township when

Mary was hired and that she has done a great job over the years.

Resolution No. 28-2005 - Mr. May read Resolution #28-2005, a Resolution of the Board of

Supervisors of Manor Township, congratulating and recognizing Robert K. Aichele for his service

and dedication to Manor Township, serving as a Supervisor, continuously for twenty-five years

and four months. Mr. May thanked Mr. Aichele for his exceptional leadership and service for the

citizens of Manor Township.

Business From the Floor

Pat Lemay, 78 Sun Lane, thanked the Supervisors for the recent burning ordinance that was

passed. She stated in her opinion they did the responsible thing and will be helping the air quality.

Jeff Roth, 127 Creekgate Court, asked several questions about the sewer bill that he receives for

his residence in the Crossgate Community. He stated that Resolution #13 -2005 set the rate at

$152.75 quarterly and the break down of that amount reflects that Millersville Borough receives

$87.75, Murry Dev. receives $60.00, and a $5.00 administrative fee. He expressed concerns that

Manor Township has a 20-year agreement to collect $60.00 quarterly, included in his sewer

payment, and is passing that money on to Mr. Murry, the developer. He noted that he has met with

Mr. Strohecker and Mr. Smith to question this and learned that there is a legal agreement for this.

He stated that he had requested a copy of the legal agreement for the sewer billing, but has not

gotten it. Mr. May stated that a copy of the agreement will be made available to him. Mr. Roth

stated that the charges were never disclosed to him in the sewer payment. Mr. May explained that

when the infer-structure for the Crossgate Development was built, Mr. Murry did not include the

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cost of the construction of the sewer system into the cost of the lots. He stated that there was an

executed agreement between Millersville Boro, Manor Township and Mr. Murry about the

collection through the sewer bill. Mr. May stated that the lots would have been 4 or 5 thousand

dollars more if it would have been included at that time. Mr. Roth stated he does not feel the

Township should be collecting fees for a developer as is being done in this situation and he feels

this should have been in the development costs.

Bonnie Miller, 113 Bent Tree Drive stated that she is a realtor and she has never heard of any

type of agreement like this one for the Crossgate Development.

Brian Liddick, 1267 Manor Blvd., expressed concerns that the Supervisors have decreased the

number of police officers in Manor Township by not replacing all three officers that have recently

left, even though the Township is in good financial status. Mr. Liddick stated that he felt as a

resident of the Township and as a police officer, it is unacceptable to place the Township and

residents in an unsafe position along with the police officers as they work. He added that the

number of police calls have increased along with the increase in the number of new homes in

Manor Township. Mr. Liddick stated he is aware that the Supervisors have hired one officer now

and will hire one in the spring and at that point they will re-examine the hiring of the third officer

in June. Mr. May stated that is correct. Mr. Kreider stated that Mr. Liddick should express his

concerns to his chief and not scare the residents with statements. Mr. Liddick stated he has brought

these concerns here tonight as a resident of the Township. The Supervisors noted his concerns and

stated they will take them into consideration. After some discussion, Mr. Liddick stated that his

concern is that the Township would maintain the police department at the current level it had for

safety reasons. Mr. Bauder stated that he would appreciate it if Mr. Liddick did not make any

statements about safety without documented proof, stating that half the townships in PA do not

have a police department. Mr. Bauder stated there are a lot of variables in this situation and as

Supervisors they will consider all of them.

Old Business

2006 Budget – Mr. Strohecker gave a presentation of the proposed 2006 Budget. He went over

the changes and the increases. He stated that the balance in the General Fund at the end of 2005

will be just under one million dollars, and noted that it is the first time that the balance is close to

that in three or four years. He stated that there will be no increase in the Manor Township tax

rates, noting that the millage rate for real estate will remain at .78 for 2006, the transfer tax will

remain at ½ % and the earned income tax will stay at ½ % also. Salaries are budgeted for a 3½ %

increase across the board for uniformed and non-uniformed employees. He noted that the gasoline

category will be increased and the health insurance will show an increase of 7%. Mr. Strohecker

stated that the Capital Fund shows a loss of $120,000. due to the building being paid off this past

year leaving the Township debt free. He went over expenses projected for 2006 and discussed the

accounts for the sewer funds. He also stated that the billing, for the new account in 2005 for street

light tax, will need to be increased from $33.00 per resident to $39.00 per resident a year to keep

the fund from showing a loss. He added that the estimated projection, for the end of 2006, reflects

a balance of 3.5 million dollars in the Capital Reserve Fund.

Subdivision and Land Development – Mr. Laudien stated that the Staff has contacted several

firms to work on the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. He noted that after reviewing

information, the Staff is recommending that the Township select Rettew Associates. He noted that

they are willing to work with the Township on an hourly rate and that would allow the Township

to do a lot of the work internally. They would work with us as a consultant, and they would

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arrange the ordinance after we supply them with the paperwork. After some discussion, Mr.

Bauder made a motion that Rettew Associates be retained for professional services to work with

the Township to develop a Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. Mr. Breneman

seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Ted Gingrich asked if we would control

development by having our own subdivision and land ordinance. Mr. May stated yes, but the

County will still have input.

Bonnie Miller asked for an explanation of the Crossgates Sewer line in the budget. Mr. Laudien

explained that we contract with Millersville Boro and pay a bulk rate customer fee to them, for the

Crossgates Development, which we bill and the residents pay us.

Jim Huber, 113 Shannon Drive, asked what the estimated cost to the Township will be, to

administer the Township’s own subdivision and land development ordinance. Mr. May said he is

not sure of a cost but feels it will not be necessary to add personnel to handle it. Mr. Bauder stated

that West Hempfield has their own ordinance and they have five people in their office and he feels

it will not cost us anything to do this or if it does it will not be much.

Ordinance #6-2005 - Mr. May stated Ordinance No. 6-2005 is amending the Code of Ordinance

of Manor Township by Amending Chapter 27, Zoning, by revising the maximum permitted height

of a structure in the GC General Commercial Zone. He stated the height increase is from 40 feet to

70 feet with corresponding setbacks. Mr. May stated this has been advertised. Mrs. Miller

expressed concerns, if a commercial property would increase the height of their buildings, is there

anything to protect a residential property that is adjacent to it. Mr. May stated that the ordinance

does address this. Mr. Gingrich asked if the Supervisors have considered the risk to the fire

departments for the height of these structures, noting that he did not feel any fire department in this

Township would be able to handle that height. Mr. Breneman stated that they have discussed this

with the fire departments and they feel that they would have access to the type of equipment

needed in a short time span. Mr. Kreider stated that, with building codes, there would be sprinkler

systems in these buildings. After some discussion, Mr. May stated that the fire companies do feel

they can handle the situation. Mr. Aichele noted that we also have requirements for firewalls in

this Township, through our ordinances, and he stated that he hoped that would not change. Mr.

Kreider made a motion to adopt Ordinance #6-2005, amending the Code of Ordinances, by

revising the maximum permitted height of a structure in the General Commercial Zone. Mr.

Breneman seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Donna Bare, 107 Chestnut Grove Road, asked if they have an amount for the hourly rate for

Rettew Associates to work with the Township. Mr. Laudien stated not at this time but it will be

discussed and determined before any agreement is signed.

Murry Companies/Sher-Wal Inc. Rezoning Petition – Mr. May noted the Petition of The Murry

Companies/Sher-Wal Inc. is a request to rezone 2.4 acres located in Manor Township from (GC)

General Commercial to (RH1) High Density Residential Flex Zone. Mr. May suggested that the

request be referred to the Manor Township Planning Commission. The Board agreed.

Act 319 Roll-Back Taxes Request - Mr. May stated they have received a request that Manor

Township forgive their portion of the roll-back taxes otherwise due upon the change in use of

property that is being purchased by the Manor Brethren In Christ Church from adjoining property

owned by the Shertzer family. He added that the sale of the property would trigger the roll-back

taxes because it will change the use of the land and the portion being sold will no longer be

enrolled in the current Act 319 Clean and Green program. He noted that the property has been in

the program since 1996 and the amount of tax due to Manor Township would be $1,663.75. Mr.

Breneman stated that he will recuse himself from this request because he attends the Manor

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Brethren in Christ Church. Mr. Bauder felt the Board should not set a precedent and forgive the

taxes. After some discussion, Mr. Bauder made a motion to deny the request to forgive the roll-

back taxes. Mr. Kreider seconded the motion. The motion carried four in favor and Mr. Breneman



Mr. Laudien stated there are three requests for training seminars. He stated there is a request to

send Mark Harris and Barry Smith, along with any Supervisor that might want to attend, to the

PennDot presentation for “Superpave”, a request to send the new officer, Charles Snyder, to

VASCAR Training, and a request to have Matt Wolf attend the DUI Seminar. Mr. May made a

motion to approve all the requests for training with the necessary expenses paid. Mr. Bauder

seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Traffic Commission

Chief Reever stated the Traffic Commission met Wed. Nov. 30, 2005. He noted that there was a

request from Donna Taylor that a speed limit be established for Anchor Road and it was

determined that a traffic count and study will be done, along with a request for a speed limit and

stop signs for Millstone Village where a study will be done. Chief Reever stated that a question

was raised concerning no parking on the street in Millstone Village and he stated after asking the

Township Zoning Officer about that, he noted the Township will probably allow parking on both

sides of the street because of the cart way of the street.

Police Report

Chief Reever stated that the Police Report has been furnished and is available for the public to

see. He noted a letter from Gary Stauffer thanking the Police Department for the good working

relationship with the Township Police while serving with the Millersville Fire Police.

Road Foreman’s Report

Mr. Harris stated that most of the month was spent working with leaf collection but they did

work on a few maintenance issues. He noted that they completed some crack sealing and replaced

a pipe on Maverick Road.

Park & Grounds Maintenance Report

Mr. Dickert stated they did leaf collection within the parks, winterized the parks and began the

installation of the new playground at the Manor Township Community Park.

Assistant Manager’s Report

Mr. Laudien stated that he has been working with Mr. Strohecker and PPL to create an overlay

outlining the location of each street light in the GIS system, hoping this will help with both

maintenance and billing of the street lights. He stated that he has also been working with residents

that have been complaining about trees that were to be planted in the Eagle Heights Development

by the developer.

Township Manager’s Report

Mr. Laudien stated there was no report available for Mr. Smith.

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Building Permit Report

Mr. Kreider read the building permit report stating there were 43 permits issued in the month of

November bringing the total number of permits for the year to 463. The total dollar value for the

year is 46,904,583.

There being no further business, Mr. Aichele made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 pm.

Mr. Kreider seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barry Smith,

Secretary – Treasurer

Recording secretary,

Rita J. Young