Supernatural Season 9 Episode ---

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fan-made script~ I felt like writing a script and my followers suggested I write an episode for season 9.

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  • Season 9 Episode Blah


    Nour Saleh

    Supernatural season 9 events

    I dont own any characters inthis screenplay aside fromRaziel.




    ABADDON walks slowly, sound of her HEELS CLICKING.

    We see several corpses, scattered around the ground in theshape of a CIRCLE. Theyre BLEEDING, FRESH corpses.

    We CLOSE UP on Abaddons face, smiling and holding an objectin her hands (something like a music box?).

    Abaddon OPENS her mouth, releasing a cloud of BLACK SMOKE.The smoke enters the box. Her eyes turn BLACK.

    Then, she opens the box and begins to whispers incoherentwords. A RIRUAL. We see the BLACK SMOKE slowly BIND with theGRACE inside the box.

    She quickly SHUTS the lid of the box, before she FALLS toher knees in exhaustion.

    She catches her breath. The EVIL smirk comes next.

    Then, she DIGS a small hole in the ground, buries the boxinside it before she covers it up again.

    She pulls out a NAPKIN and wipes her hands, which are filledwith BLOOD and DIRT.

    Looking around her one last time, she DISAPPEARS from view.



    DEAN is sleeping on the table, his arms spread about as heSOFTLY SNORES. There are EMPTY bottles of BEER scattered allaround him.

    SAM walks in, looking at Dean before he SIGHS.

    SAMDean? Dean, you alright? Youvebeen sleeping on the table forhours.

    He SHAKES Dean lightly. Dean awakens ABRUPTLY, letting out aGASP of surprise.

    Sam is TAKEN ABACK when Dean immediately reaches for hisGUN.


  • CONTINUED: (2) 2.

    SAMDude, its just me! Calm down.

    Sam grabs a BEER from the fridge. He hands one to Dean.

    SAMSo, how are you feeling?

    DEANIm great, Sam. Im doing great. Idont need your pep talk, alright?Weve been through this.

    SAMLook, Dean, Im trying to helphere. Dont make this harder thanit has to be.


    Who said I need help? Who said itshard to begin with? Yeah, Ive gotthe mark. I can control it. Whatsthe problem?

    (Insert Sam Bitchface #237)

    SAMRight. Because when I had the demonblood addiction, that wascompletely normal and fine, right?

    DEANDont compare this to youraddiction. I said I can control it.I just need to kill Abaddon, thenIm done.

    SAMI needed the blood to help you.

    DEANCut it out, Sam!


    Dean, the mark is changing you.Its clear. You talk different, youact different..

    Dean stands up, SLAMMING his hand onto the TABLE.


  • CONTINUED: (3) 3.

    DEANWell maybe I need to become likethis to kill that bitch.

    SAMLook at you! Youre drinkingWhiskey like its water... All youtalk and think about is Abaddon.You care more about killing herthan saving people.

    DEANWe have bigger issues at hand thansaving lives, Sam! If I get rid ofthat bitch, no ones gonna die. Twobirds, one stone.

    SAMSo what, youre saying youre doingthis because you wanna save people?You killed the waiter the other daywithout a second thought, Dean.

    Dean opens FRIDGE, pulling out another bottle of BEER. Heopens it, takes several sips. He looks TROUBLED but ANGRY.


    We see some ANGELS gathered around, speaking amongstthemselves.

    Then we focus on CASTIEL, standing with another angel.

    CASTIELOur army isnt prepared to fight.Theyre hesitant.

    RAZIEL, an angel in a FEMALE vessel, stands next to Castiel.She has brown eyes, black hair, and looks to be in hermid-20s.

    RAZIELRest assured. When the time comes,they will all fight well.

    CASTIEL... We need to know how to reopenthe gates of Heaven. Only Metatronknows how. Im not sure how wecould extract the information fromhim.


  • CONTINUED: (2) 4.

    Raziel looks down, NODDING slightly. Here we REVEAL Castiellooking at her in an odd way, almost in mistrust.

    The angels continue to CHATTER. Castiel looks at them almostSYMPATHETICALLY.

    CASTIELI hear them chatting. Many of themare... missing Father. They believewe need him in such times.

    RAZIELWe must not question Father. I amsure what he is doing is for thebest.

    CASTIEL... Yes. Perhaps.

    A soft WHISPER sounds off camera, calling for Castiel.Castiel excuses himself and begins to walk AWAY from Razielto a more PRIVATE area..


    CROWLEY stands, a PLAYFUL SMIRK on his face.

    CROWLEYHello, Cas.


    CROWLEYYou still remember my name. Goodfor you.

    CASTIELWhat are you doing here? I am nolonger interested in your deals andgames.

    CROWLEYYou think Im here because I need afavour from you? Dont be likethat, Cas. You know I consider youa friend.

    Castiel begns to steps away from Crowley.


  • CONTINUED: (2) 5.

    CROWLEYHey, hey. Wait up. Youre notinterested at all? What if I tellyou it has something to do with acertain... Dean Winchester.

    IMMEDIATELY, Castiel STOPS in his tracks and TURNS to facehim.

    CASTIELWhat about him?

    CROWLEYNothing really. Its just that hemight be in trouble.

    CASTIELTrouble? What kind of trouble?

    CROWLEYIts possibly the stupidest ideahes gone with so far. Remarkablystupid, in fact.

    CASTIELIf Dean was in trouble, he wouldcall for me. Youre his enemy.

    CROWLEYHavent you heard? Were bestiesnow, me and Dean. We played pooltogether, we drank together... goodtimes.


    What happened?

    CROWLEYYou want me to tell you suchimportant news, but give me nothingin retrn? Ill tell you everything,but you have to promise mesomething.

    Castiel NARROWS his eyes but NODS nonetheless.

    CROWLEYNo matter what happens, you wontget involved with killing Abaddon.Thats all I ask. If Dean asks youfor help, you say no.


  • CONTINUED: (3) 6.

    CASTIELI dont understand.

    CROWLEYDean wants to kill Abaddon. Ihelped him find Cain, who heassumed had the First Blade. Caingave him the Mark. Now all Deanneeds is the blade and Abaddon.

    CASTIELDean would do no such thing.

    CROWLEYToo late, he already has. I wantyou to go to Dean, knock some senseinto him. Tell him to give the Markof Cain to someone else. Illhandle it from there.

    CASTIELAnd why do you care for this?

    CROWLEYI want Abaddon dead more thananyone else. If Dean kills her,hes gonna face some consequences.Im sure Abaddon has her own backupplans.

    With that, Crowley DISAPPEARS from view, leaving a BAFFlEDCastiel standing alone.


    Sam sitting at the table, flipping through some BOOKS. Wesee him picking up the "Wizard of Oz" novel and SMILINGslightly.

    He STOPS suddenly when he comes across a page.


    A line reading "A heart is not judged by how much you love;but by how much you are loved by others". The next linereads "Dorothy looked at Charlie, smiling softly. Charlietook her hand."

    SAMHuh... I guess Charlie alwaysdeserved to live in a fictionaluniverse. Hope youre enjoying your


  • CONTINUED: (2) 7.

    SAM (contd)time there, Charlie. I really missyou.


    The IMPALA parks in the lot in front of a bar.


    Dean leans his back against the SEAT. We hear a soft WOOSHsound before Dean turns to find Castiel sitting in thePASSENGER seat.


    Cas! Whatre you doing here?

    CASTIELI came here to talk. I have heardsome... news. I wish to hear thestory from you.

    DEANNews? News like what?

    CASTIELIs it true that you have obtainedthe Mark of Cain?


    Dean OPENS the door of the Impala, stepping OUT of the car.Castiel appears in FRONT of him.

    CASTIELWe need to talk about this.


    Listen. I came here to clear myhead out and to get away from Sambitching about the topic. Not tohave you come here and talk aboutit instead!

    Castiel steps into Deans PERSONAL SPACE, looking ANGRY.


  • CONTINUED: (2) 8.

    CASTIELDean! This is a serious issue. Themark is not something to be toyedwith. You have not yet found theblade, so it should be easier foryou to let it go.

    DEANI found the blade. Then I lost it.

    CASTIELYou held the blade?

    DEANYeah. And now I need it back tokill Abaddon. Stop making a bigdeal out of this, Cas. You shouldbe helping me get the blade so wecan end this for once and for all.

    CASTIELI will not assist you in thekilling of Abaddon.

    Dean looks at Castiel, tilting his head. Looking slightlyANGRY or BETRAYED.


    Then Ill do it alone.

    Castiel PUSHES Dean further into the Impala. Stands back,shoulders wide.

    CASTIELYou have to get rid of the Mark. Ifyou dont, you might faceconsquences you dont understand--

    DEANConsequences? Ive dealt with Hell,Cas. And even if it does kill me,hell, not like the world will stop.

    CASTIEL... Dean--

    DEANListen. All I gotta do is stabAbaddon, give the mark back toCain, and stab him as well...Youre not changing this plan, andneither is Sam. You gonna help meget the blade or what?


  • CONTINUED: (3) 9.

    Castiel shakes his head, opening his mouth to make a RETORT.

    DEANStop it, Cas. Just stop.

    Dean PUSHES past Castiel, walking towards the bar.


    Castiel is in the PARK. Most of the angels are sitting FARfrom him. He SIGHS, SITS down on a bench.

    Looking at the SKY, he looks WORRIED.

    A MALE, light hair, dark eyes, around his mid-late 30s,STEPS into the frame and STANDS by the bench.

    Castiel looks at him, FURROWING his eyebrows. He does NOTrecognize him.

    The guy takes a seat next to Cas and SMILES softly.

    MALEIm Abner. I came here to ask youfor a favour... and clarify severalthings.


    Abner.. Your name sounds familiar.

    ABNER...The Winchesters are after us.Not me, specifically, but after mypartner, Gadreel. Ive come here toask you if you could--

    CASTIELGadreel. He is an ally of Metatron.He possessed Sam, killed a prophetof the lord... You expect me tohelp him?


    Crowley is sitting on a COUCH, watching some TV. An EMPTYsyringe lies in his hand.

    He looks up slowly, RAISING his eyebrows. He smiles.


  • CONTINUED: (2) 10.

    CROWLEYNever thought youd be the one tocome for me. Ive missed you.

    Abaddon stands in front of him, her face expressionless.

    ABADDONI didnt come here out of love,Crowley. I came here to questionyour actions.

    Crowley sits up slowly.

    CROWLEYMy actions?

    ABADDONYes. Your actions. I found some ofyour men sneaking around myworkplace. Spying on me. Killing mymen.


    .. Oh, boy. I thought Id told themto lay off your property.

    ABADDONYou wanna play a game, youre gonnaplay fair. Your demons dont comenear my property. They dont touchmy army.

    CROWLEYSweetheart, were demons. Sincewhen do we play fair?

    ABADDONYoure not gonna stand a chanceagainst my men. Look at you.Pathetic. Living off human blood.You think you could rule Hell likethis?

    Crowley shrugs, looking THOUGHTFUL.

    CROWLEYI dont see a problem.

    ABADDONPathetic... I came here to warnyou. If I see your men aroundagain, youre gonna like what willhappen.


  • CONTINUED: (3) 11.

    CROWLEY... So we wont have angry sex?

    Abaddon doesnt answer, just narrows her eyes.ABADDON

    Do you understand?

    CROWLEYYou think youre in a position tothreaten me, Abby? Youre numberone on the Winchester list.Idworry about you, not me.

    ABADDONOh, Im not worried. Even if I die,you wont succeed. I have my backupplans. If I were you, Id want tokeep me alive. Unless you want meto become the next Lilith.

    She GRINS and disappears. Crowley stands up slowly, lookingANGRY.

    11 EXT. A LOCAL PARK - DAY (DAY 2) 11

    ABNERYou need to understand what hesdoing. Metatron was manipulatinghim. After all his years in prison,all Gadreel wanted was to beredeemed. To return to his homeagain. Metatron is using thisagainst him...

    CASTIELHe is the one that caused all ofthis war--

    Abner sits closer to Cas, a PLEADING look on his face.

    ABNERYes, he is. But dont you agreethat millions of years in prisonhave made him learn his lesson?Metatron told Gadreel that in orderto reopen the Gates, he had to killa list of people. I was on thatlist.


  • CONTINUED: (2) 12.

    CASTIELAnd he didnt kill you.

    ABNERNo, he didnt. He didnt want tokill anyone. He told me of whatMetatron said, what he promisedhim. You were a victim ofMetatrons too. Youd understand.

    CASTIEL... That was... different.

    ABNERNo, not really. Gadreel killed myvessel in order to convinceMetatron that I was killed. Iwasnt. We made a plan. We aretrying to work against Metatron,not with him.

    CASTIELAnd what part do I have in this?

    ABNERThe Winchesters are threatening tokill Gadreel. If they do,everything will be lost. He holdsall of Metatrons secrets, hisplans. He can help us defeatMetatron.

    Castiel LOOKS AWAY from Abner, looking UNCERTAIN.

    CASTIELHe killed Kevin. I dont know iftheyll be able to forgive that.

    ABNERKevins death should motivate themto kill Metatron. Not Gadreel.

    CASTIEL... So what was your plan?

    12 INT. THE BUNKER - DAY 12

    Dean steps into the room, fully clothed. He looks at Sam.

    DEANIm going out for a bit. You needanything?


  • CONTINUED: (2) 13.

    SAM.. No, thanks. Wherere you going?

    DEANWere running out of bread, eggsand beer. Im gonna go get us some.Anything else?

    SAMNo.. just, take care. I guess.

    DEANIm not gonna stab fifty people onmy trip, Sam. Dont worry.

    Dean gives a SARCASTIC smile before he leaves.


    Dean walks around the grocery store, checking out some cansand boxes of food.

    He carries a small wire shopping cart, which has some foodin it, including PIE.

    Dean continues to walk, picking up some things and placingthem in the cart.


    Dean hands the cashier some cash as he takes the bottles ofalcohol without so much a "Thank you".


    Castiel is still sitting on the bench with Abner. He NODS.

    CASTIELIll see what I can do. Im afraidI dont have as much influence onthe Winchesters anymore... But Illtry my best. Im sure theyllunderstand when I explain yourplan.

    Abner smiles GRATEFULLY.

    ABNERThank you. Thank you so much.

  • 14.


    Sam is watching Television, looking BORED. He flips throughthe channels.

    We see a close up of the TV as a scene from "Dr Sexy M.D"comes on. Maybe Dr Sexy kissing someone (a male?) orflirting.

    SAM(Shakes his head)

    ... How does Dean manage to watchthis show? Its not even abouthospitals, its just sex.

    Suddenly, Cas is standing near him.

    SAMWhoa! Cas!

    Sam stands up, looking at Cas carefully, a happy GRIN on hisface. He steps forward, shaking his head in DISBELEIF.

    SAMWhere have you been?

    CASTIELIve been... busy. The angels...were trying to work out a plan togetting our home back. Were unsureof what to do.

    SAMIs there a certain ritual you couldfollow, maybe? A process, a reversemethod... something?

    Castiel looks at Sam in DEFEAT. He SHRUGS.

    CASTIELNone that we know yet. Some angelshave theories, but none are provento work. It all relies on Metatron.

    SAMSo whats your plan? Talk to him?Fight him?... torture him maybe?

    CASTIELIm not sure...

    Castiel walks over and takes a seat on the couch, looking atthe TV. He stares at it for a while, watching Dr Sexy.


  • CONTINUED: (2) 15.

    Sam stands, looking at him with a RAISED eyebrow.

    Then, Sam clears his throat.

    SAMYou want something to eat? Drink?

    Castiel looks up at Sam, shaking his head "no" while smilingPOLITELY.

    CASTIELNo, thank you.

    Then he looks back to the TV, looking THOUGHTFUL andTROUBLED.

    SAM... So...

    Sam sits down again, feeling AWKWARD. Thinking "did Cas comehere just to sit down and watch TV?"Castiel EXHALES slowly and SHIFTS around. All the while,Sams eyes are on him.

    CASTIELI need to talk to you. Is Deanhere?

    SAMUh, yeah sure. And no, he left thismorning to go get some groceriesand beer. He hasnt come back yet.


    Is he alright?

    SAMYeah, Im sure he is. Hes beenspending more time at bars andclubs lately. Sometimes I dont seehim for days in a row.

    Castiel PURSES his lips into a thin line.

    CASTIELHis behaviour worries me.

    SAM... Youre telling me.


  • CONTINUED: (3) 16.

    CASTIELDo you remember Gadreel?

    SAMGadreel? The angel? Yeah, of courseI do. I cant get him out of mymind, actually. I wanna hunt himdown and make him pay for what hedid...

    CASTIELThats why Im here. Gadreel asksfor your forgiveness. His.. friendcame to me today, asking me to helphim and Gadreel.

    SAMForgiveness? After what he did?Cas, he killed Kevin. Using me. Youthink Im just gonna forget that?The image never leaves my head.

    Cas nods patiently.

    CASTIELYes. I know. But they wereMetatrons orders. He had nochoice.

    SAMHe had a choice! We all have achoice. He lied to Dean, callinghimself Ezekiel. He possessed me.

    CASTIELI am not expecting you to forgivehim, Sam. All I ask is that youstop trying to kill him. He is ourbiggest hope to defeat Metatron.

    SAMAnd you trust him? After what hedid?

    CASTIEL... I do. I have my doubts, but wehave no other choice. He knows allof Metatrons secrets, and he isworking with Abner to stop him. Ifhe is lying, I will be the first tokill him.


  • CONTINUED: (4) 17.


    And Kevin?

    CASTIELWe have... all... made mistakestrying to acheive our goals. All ofus. Me, you, Dean... Im willing togive him a chance. Only one chance.


    Dean leans against the Impala, taking a sip of his Alcohol.He sets it down, CLOSING his eyes.

    He has an internal monologue-- making faces of ANGER,HELPLESSNESS and SADNESS.

    Crowley APPEARS next to Dean, also leaning against theimpala. He does NOT have the usual calm look or cunningsmirk. Instead, he looks BITTER.


    Dean is NOT bothered by Crowleys sudden appearance.Implying he is used to it.


    CROWLEYIve changed my mind about somethings. I say we need to killAbaddon as soon as possible. Nomore games.

    Dean looks at him, CONFUSED and ACCUSING.

    DEAN... Why the sudden change?

    CROWLEYBecause I said so. I want her outof the picture.

    DEANWell, I cant exactly do anythingwith you hiding the First Blade.

    Crowley narrows his eyes, looking annoyed and doubtful.


  • CONTINUED: (2) 18.

    CROWLEYI know. But before I give you theblade, I have to make sure youwont kill me first thing.


    ... I wouldnt.

    CROWLEYYou would. I know you well enough,Winchester. Now, lets get to theimportant stuff, shall we? Andmaybe a little privacy would help.


    Crowley sits in the passenger seat, looking DETERMINED andCUNNING.

    Dean opens the door and sits down in the drivers seat.

    DEANImportant stuff?

    CROWLEYYes. Little birdie came around andtold me some news.

    DEANAbout Abaddon.

    CROWLEYYes, precisely. Now, thats not theonly problem at hand. Weve got Casto deal with.

    Dean straightens up in his seat, looking at Crowley with aHEATED look.


    Crowley RAISES his eyebrows.

    CROWLEYYes. Cas. You see, hes playing hislittle game on all of us. Me, you,Abaddon... Thought he could getaway with it.


  • CONTINUED: (2) 19.


    CROWLEYBetter believe it, Juliet. YourRomeo isnt what he seems.

    DEAN...What did he do...?

    Crowley SMIRKS.

    CROWLEYHe heard about the Mark of Cainfrom someone... so he came to me,thinking I could somehow reverse itor stop it. Talked about... theFirst Blade.

    Deans eyes NARROW at the mention of the blade.

    DEANWho told him about it?

    CROWLEYExactly. That was my question, too.He wouldnt tell me at first, butthen I told him that Id heard allabout his clever deal.

    Dean looks at Crowley, PUZZLED.

    CROWLEYOh, of course you dont know. Myspies told me they saw Castielmeeting up with Abaddon in herproperty.

    DEANCas? With Abaddon?

    CROWLEYYeah... I found it hard to believeat first. Then I thought hed maybetried to kill her. Turns out he wastrying to make a deal with her.

    Dean runs his hand through his hair, looking around,BEWILDERED.


    Why would Cas make a deal withAbaddon?


  • CONTINUED: (3) 20.

    CROWLEYIm not sure what he went there forinitially. All I know is that shetold him about the Mark and theBlade... then he told her that hewould do anything to protect herfrom you.

    DEANWhy would Cas be interested in themark? In Abaddon living?

    CROWLEYMaybe he wants the First Blade. Youknow, with all the power it cangive you...

    DEANCas... he--

    CROWLEYHe doesnt want you to becomepowerful. Youd stop his plans,kill his angels. Youd killAbaddon, who proposed to help himretreive Heaven if he kept her safefrom you.The Blade would make youone of the most powerful creaturesto walk this earth.

    Dean bites his lip, breathing SLOWLY.

    DEANFirst time he betrayed me with you.Now with Abaddon?


    First time you werent his enemy.This time you are.

    Dean looks at Crowley, PERPLEXED, ANGRY and BETRAYED.


    GADREEL is sitting down at a table, doing something likesharpening blades, filling guns, etc.

    METATRON walks into the room, standing BEHIND Gadreelschair.

    Gadreel looks up but not back at Metatron, an ANNOYED lookon his face.


  • CONTINUED: (2) 21.


    He turns his chair around, looking at Metatron.

    METATRONHow are those weapons coming along?Youve been working on them allday... I can see they look sharpand ready.

    GADREELYes. Im almost finished.

    Metatron looks at him with his annoying smile.

    METATRONGood. Because I have a new task foryou. Youre probably tired of doingall this indoor work lately.

    Gadreel does not answer.

    Metatron places his hand on the back of the chair thatGadreel sits on.

    METATRONIts a simple task. Shouldnt takeyou too long. Just plan it right.

    He places a yellow sticky note onto the table.


    It reads CASTIEL.

    Metatron CHUCKLES, patting Gadreels back.

    METATRONYou finish this one and Illforgive you. All the other angelswill. Youll finally be redeemed.

    He EXITS the room.

    We see Gadreel GULPING worriedly, taking in SHALLOW, WORRIEDbreaths.

  • 22.


    Castiel chews on another Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwich. Samis sitting on the chair across from him.

    CASTIELIt tastes better than the lasttime. Thank you.


    ... I thought you said it justtasted like molecules. Thanks forthe compliment, though.

    Castiel SMILES. His eyes still hold a WORRIED look.

    CASTIELWhat will we do about Dean?

    SAMI dont know... is there anything wecan do? I mean... Id be more thanwilling to help, if I could.

    CASTIELIm not sure. Maybe we can findCain once more and convince him toretrieve the Mark from Dean.


    Dean walks SLOWLY, beginning to hear Sam and CastielsVOICES.

    He STOPS near the door, not showing himself. Eavesdropping.

    SAM... and you think Cain would bewilling to take the Mark back?

    CASTIELI would hope so. We must tryeverything to get rid of the Mark.Its threatening Dean... We cantlet him get his hands on the FirstBlade again.

    Dean narrows his eyes, FROWNING harshly. With.... HATRED?

    Fade to...

  • 23.

    22 INT. THE IMPALA 22

    Crowley and Dean sit in SILENCE. Dean RUBS his temples,EXHALES slowly, LOOKS outside... is RESTLESS.

    CROWLEY... You okay?

    DEANOf course Im not okay. I hadAbaddon to worry about, and now Ihave Cas as well? Just what Ineeded.

    CROWLEYHes getting in the way... I mean,you could always talk to him aboutit..

    DEAN... I can try to talk him out ofit.

    Crowley nods slowly.

    CROWLEYI do have another solution... Ijust dont think youll like it.

    DEAN(Almost helplessly)

    What is it?

    Crowley pulls out the First Blade.

    Deans eyes widen, showing some sort of... HUNGER.

    CROWLEYThis... its the only solution Ihave.

    Dean feels his heart beating FAST, his breathing SPEEDS up.He lunges at Crowley, reaching for the BLADE.

    Crowley uses an invisible force to THROW dean back.

    CROWLEYOh no, Deano. Youre not getting ityet.

    DEANGive. It. To. Me. Ill killAbaddon, Ill finish this.


  • CONTINUED: (2) 24.

    CROWLEYYou dont understand, do you?Castiel needs her more than heneeds you. She came to me today,telling me she has a backup plan...

    DEANI dont care what she has. Illfinish that bitch.

    CROWLEYCas wont let you.

    Crowley moves his finger along the blade, TEASING Dean andcausing his HUNGER for the blade to reawaken.

    DEANGive me the blade.

    CROWLEYWhy would I give you the blade ifyou wont use it wisely? You mightget yourself killed... if you havean army of angels trying to stopyou.

    DEANAn army?

    Crowley nods.

    CROWLEY... If Cas made a deal withAbaddon, Im sure his army wouldhave been involved as well.

    He begins to put AWAY the blade.

    Dean looks at him, DETERMINED, CONFUSED and ANGRY all atonce. He feels the mark TINGLING, and it begins to GLOWsoftly.

    DEANGive me the blade. Now.

    CROWLEY... Let me think.

    DEANIll get Cas out of the way if Ihave to. I promise.

    Crowley smiles. Pulls the blade back out.


  • CONTINUED: (3) 25.

    CROWLEYEven if it means stabbing him withthis blade? The blade he fears willmake you more powerful than him?


    Yes, dammit! I will!

    Pursing his lips, Crowley opens the door of the impala. Heplaces the blade on the passgenger seat.

    CROWLEYVery well.

    Then, he disappears, leaving Dean alone with the blade. Deanlooks at the blade with LUST.

    A SMILE makes its way to his lips as we see him reach forthe blade--


    We can now a FULLBODY shot of Dean. He holds the blade inhis hand.

    The Mark of Cain glows an alarming RED.

    He QUIETLY steps into the room. His face is lowered, lookingupwards. He looks MENACING.

    At first, Sam and Cas continue to SPEAK. They do NOT noticeDean.

    SAMWhen he held the blade... for thefirst time... he was unable to letit go. It was pretty bad.

    CASTIELYes, I can imagine. The blade holdsincredible power... It--

    Then Sam looks up, notices Dean. His eyes WIDEN.

    Castiel, ALARMED, turns around. He, too, looks at Dean withWORRY. Then he stands up, and Sam follows suit.


    ... Dean.

    Dean ignores Sam, his eyes fixed on Cas.


  • CONTINUED: (2) 26.


    END EPISODE(To Be Continued?)