HEALTH&F~TNESS Supermodel’s philosophy for fitness in the ‘90s Alternative medicine gains greater acceptance As a sn~wrinixltlfe~rttrrt’ti ri flu’ Sports Illustrated swlnrsull issin’s ,uiil Iiiiire than 400 riiagazliie covers lii tIre lOHOs, Kim Alexis tiled yen’ lock lit (lie 1)00k to tir.itri~rlri a hi-peril!. Iiealiliv siR. did panir diets, quickly ln’ing itt lose wright and stay In slr;rpe lit’twet’rt shooth. I iliiitiglrl I riittltl rear’hi nis’ Illness goals ihrrriigh fad diels ~trui slionetil mdli- tids: says Alexis, relleeiirig on tire irttitlelimrg (lays. 1 was young awl rink my trr’aIlh for grartled. thinking, l)ori’t xorr-s’ it something tweaks lint Alexis says evi’irtually she did wiiri’y when she starlet! ut’eltnig erie tired all tIre tlme arid visited a ntmirtrinntst who immediately eh~trigeti her diii It has alien tier several years to rim that here are to short’ (‘ills tn staying fit arid healthy lint after terking into uetiimnt tter personal mieetls. arid es’alrmaunig lit’r’ seiirdnmle amid lifesryle, Alexis tIcks she has nrnw fnitatly tlevetolx’tl plan hat works hr her Arid it doesn’t irir-ltrde tire rigid rides of fail tIters or manic exercisIng prevalent lii lilt’ ‘SOs. loday. her philosrrphy is a balance nt healing, ritttrltiniri arid exercise thai Ills miii her husv schedule as a will’, miii icr, prridttrt spokesworrian ac tress and television show host. Arid she wants her own ttmmniarorrnd to show that with lmnle reflection, evalua’ tion r nd dedit-at ton. evervomme ran rte~i Se a perstnr to llzed filrtt’ss plan for leadingi healthy lie. 1l rink niaking sure I si-ant iii be healthy alt the ti nit Alexis says. intl slit t’ rid is her hosts rid ni three yea rs, fomnier Nation il I tnt’ key league player Ron t)trr~uay. with putting lret no the right road. ~My hinslianrit has always hicen into a healthy lIlt-style. so nttr rcglniert for the ‘fibs Is to do what’s gtirid for oim r bodies. - Ad;rriia nit that on tine tIter rim exercise plan works for everyone. ,\lexl s says- personalizirig a p1an s key to sireeesslul fitness. ‘We hail a nritnernl tnatystsdatie. where lie hair oil Ihe hark ot ‘err traits is analyzed. tritl It showed us we mien rrir,re protein. It’s—, earliolivdr,tres and tirnre veil etalrlr’s TIt’’ results prtttrpted Alexis and irrallv to ike mniiner.il stipplerttetits tint! drink 24 otmnres of vcgei~rttle ~iiiee every murirminnig. hint Alexis is quick to aekrtowledge t .trrnt . celery mod green-, leafy ecnijite nitrsh Isn’t I hi’ rt ad o sueeessfr 1 ii utill Inn for everyone. ‘Not everyone loses weight on a diet uI eli_irs and gr; i pt’s,’ she kes. 1 hail to learn that I I irtt a pred Is’ limo for swee I ea rh,ihvel ri t is. w tierca s tor tither at-tip]’ it nay lie coffer or alcohol. What’s ioipiiriirnit is vu i neil ti t,rilrnr ,r healthy ‘regintieti fur yourself anil tseriu Ic fit in fiirtn cit. Alexis says by fit -tnifnrttn’cl slit’ tttearis you wrist mitiel,’rst,itttt tvht;rt :ttritrv;rics viol to eat. lie eliritees vott riiakt- titil liii~s’ nut ti von ‘it. lrr’satn’s lust whit you I,’ tutitrittina. hurt ni’,, riie,,tis re,rlrstir at I’ ,issi’ssirtvi I tutU mlii it ,r,at wh.rt hurt of i—-serfs— \‘{iti itt rthttusiiu~4h,- ‘We I xc itt a yr-n,’ rtetmi,tiirlini-’ soctet vss’ltere penplr’ ~oir k hart 1. hiutyi !l lu-nitric- ,rtud ,rt brunt- With ~ little t,’iir’, ne h,trtl.s it~s~libtei it thus toy trri’l’iiit’t’tl lii hiiitttv ‘(ri tettlru- ii iijtritiut’. rIir’’t- rrisu— prnk rains ‘intl II s-tuiti•~t.N, trtmti~~~’,’, ;jttnl ,i lu’,y t,ititLl\• lit,- len nt ‘itt ryiut t-ntttrer xvliil ttt,itt,ui’r’tt su]Ie C lain ,-,tOttiitctttsittr~s’xt nine 21 Alexis ti,(su~t tint Li it nit., u’ r1s~, -s.l’ir ii .ntut rtltitits that nuts tie huts stir’ its titr,e_,t’: ttt,iy,’ the ‘tierl~V Nt tIn riOt’,. Rtitutitty ti, sub nih’ ml ttt’])hl SSluittS .iitu t Alexis ‘,.rx’, :tuurvt’.lueT iii, .rni,tlu(’rrtu.uflhthnnuvtu,~n ti. ,mruhut,’tte <. lit’s hctt ‘-n-uul-’s \ttl’ tb Crxis li.is :m’.r:,:i’it’i. ti-c: ti,iiiJts .iiinu: S ,y- ‘~lr•~5 . “let. u~t ‘tat—ti i.’:l’s N:~’~.i.kite’tny H:- .5 i-s_, ~.. I ter ns.-u jurirt.tt’,te ttritt ‘i’ xrrrtsa- t’i 1 uinrttu’nt ,uiivt .1 s’tgvictt’iu. .iited the Stunt SImile. .rtict us ttrri’ru’.is- tIn’ Sir—thu lHt tuirurti tn-c! u’telvistrry l’.utiu’i tevrittshtr’n-- \leliua sue tturnriehcntitl urtttit ututrirthiat inn ,rtuct itryise rsiltsttr guiirtetrttn-s toe I:’ ittC lii- [•i,itie! i’nitLinises lit r’xhin’rts Itt it ‘tltinunt- m-xl’rulse .rtut lsvu iuntiugv ,ttid .-\icx-~’,v.111’, mr-: nile’ ,it~’:l.sl[nb-,(lur’,(itli-sT5’z1llltr.:t. Il, 0.11 tti,i i.ii5~rlrtVn’1tilflu.;tr’ithtn St:n’ 5.15’, lii t:.\lt:i’ nor tluv.lin’s lIt li,rCl.lnr viul,’ trssts is it is. ~lIit ‘~i ~5i•i’Ol lr(rbr tilt- (leer tIn- stotflgeu-rsertlL. tithe’. Ne’, ,it ~thir4 bern B the stresses of modern Ilk arid haVe turned to age-old nterhods of trmedttatln,n to help Ihem rope With arLxiety and even sick a deeper understanding of life, says the Readers Dlgr’st ‘Family Ouide %Iedl I at ion has a wide range ol hen cUts . niieditat ion seems to relieve stress and ease tension. Aniong other rear’ Iinn observed are lowe reti r nxygemI elinsum It) Li- tton and beam rate flit] timer halaitual practice. a tlrtnp Iii liltanti pressure. Physicians treating people wllh rrilld hiyprrleosloti have reeotiitiit—ttcteet niedi— tatino combined with dietary arid other Iran ge51 before they prescribe d rtr gs , says Tanil It Gumitle. (Ito feedla ark Is ann ttier relaxur t I(in method, Basically, a patient is lunaR cit tin thermostats that nneasttre tintselr’ Ienislon, skIn tt’ tnperut I tire arid ot tier bodily processtts. The reatlirigs are then translated into signals the patIent hears. As volt enntlntie to experience litoleed- hack readings, you become at’t’ttstonietl to sensing your body’s processes. grotto- ally gaIning colarol titer thenm. ‘BIofeedback, in eileen. renmnives the blindfold and lets you inipmnye yritir per’ formanee by showing you I lie effect if each of ynttr movenienis or Ihottgh Is. - says ‘Family GuIde,’ l’he aim Is in pnti yniu In charge ni yotir own body: It’s mm sed especIally In t-omlilni at tin with other relaxation exercises by sth- letes and those seekIng to relieve tension headaeites or other stress- related dis- eases, incltidtng asthma anti tm leers. OTHER CHOICES I lerbal medicine is nitivimig increas- ingly nina the nmlnsrrea nr. liert must he stud led ra rein liv for proper IrcaI rue nI says Reader’s Digest. ‘While all herbs are safe when tised in reasonable atoot rn ts, they still lii .1st is’ approacii nd respori si hly Take tin rtsks. N etc r attenr p1 sell” med eatiou br sr’tionns allntn’nts or trijtnrtes: see 1 (brIne or go Ui a hospital rmergemiey rtxini. Arid we dnmi ‘I tired to rt’petit ‘s’titt I Wi’ are read log ira creasinglv in mint’s repori S today abocr1 ttie b,ent’fl is tif exercise anil prniper mitt rritlori Which her yntm emhrace I lie tnt’tt’rib prae tires of yoga a rid Ut I rhi or t ndas’ high -tech stair steppers and treatlmnills. the henefits of an active life are so ntmnterous that it is hard tia timmderslamitl why everyone doesn’l make physical fit’ ness a op priority, - says Reader’s Digest. ‘In fact, through pbyslt’aI lit ness many have kattnd the proverbial fountaIn of yottth Amid you aIre adv kmio w rho tin t lie potetit irti anit I -canter hen eilts of the anti- nxldatit ii ta nUns A, C arid E, Is well as crunciferoits yeget able s like broccoli anil cau llllower, Reports of the value of nutrition to Chiropractic theory holds that much pain is due to congestion caused by blockages in the spine. nor hnealili, inure r’iiastilrrenl thtt’ t’e,ttnn of ttne tmminirnbiotlox hippies iii tilt’ I Ilfitis. slmotmld mlltmstratt’ tmtitt,’ I heraptes trmitt’ t-nnstr]ert’d rlteu’tiumtl’,’t’ art’ imii-re,nsimrglv goIng ntaimistrearii We hr nvn a liii tn lii mit BODYWORK I)titl~’xs’orkrulers Iii rniamiv kiurds if rnt;tssageitke therapies. immt-Imudtnmg 1 ires- snnre-pttlnit tlrtnmples sitt’h ts shitistt rim reflexoini~’ atith tlet’p’tisstit’ mtnamuiptnluttltimi Mmcli as Rolling and I lellerwttrk, It has long been a staple iii’ hiothr Clii’ or se amid Indian aytt ned It’ rnedlt’Ini es. Massage eami soothe aching mnimsrles, case sIrt’ss arid gtve s’nitm a stnise ot well’ being. Rerlpietils often reporl sleeping bet - Icr. having greater energy, fewer aches md pat mis and ni trvera II se rise ot well. being, says t he Fa rally GurIti e. lncreaslngly. dtx’lors, chmrtipram’tmirs amid physical therapists are hiring mas- sage therapists In wnirk with patients reetwermmig frtnm a si-Ide range of condi’ 1. TAKE OTHIMAX Cita-iniax, a~ know!i as h\droxycawate keeps your body from storing fats when taken before a meal. F-fydroxolwate is an extract from a fn~tt and is extremely safe for use. 2. TAKE 0-IROMIUM PWUP4ATE. Chromrum Picohinate me a mineral whnch helps to balance blood sugar levels, reduce sugar Gratings and reduces fat storage. Uiromium ns extremely tmportant for enee~y output. 3 1W THERM~NICS. Thermogenics increases the metabolic rate and suppresses the appette, increases the bodls production at heat, therefore working as a fat burner. 4. T~X~ LcA~4mNE. LCam~ne shuwies fat to where it is burred for energy L-Carntne also reduces fatigue and tncreases levels of HOL {the good cholesterol). 5. TAKE ~INZt’MEQ’:(W’O1O) ml]-- Increases energy production at cellular levels and energy produ~an us necessary for burntng excess fats lltitts, innr’ltmtilrig jtilnt lmijtmrtt’s. u’hiriintr tack and neck pain. arthrItis. st’iailt’t nmmd mnmgr.tlrne lmi’nittmt-ht’s, rt’pnrrts liii’ 1”unrnillv (;nmlttt’: II witrks slmiiplv: by Imttprrisirntt ciri-tr thu trimmsa’lt-s. ‘ruts s;nge hn’lps spt’m’il t—limitln,tiitrnn it iinxllis .ini brings Imn-sli itxvgenn In ilsstnt’s, silmlt-It tat) emitt,tmit-t- inn’,tlltig. (‘hnirrnlirit’tnt’ intl nrsleirpai liv tn’ 011mm lnantls-turi tmntl mutt s tles’elntpt’d tnt ,i tnt’tln-l t nit bin’ tnimninamt hiurtis’ ri’qnmnmt’s nr’atlfrismmmretit tot nrmils’ ls’t’tnimsn’ iii nr,mrnmii,,s hint tlsnn tat’tutust’ ni but’ ft tn-ti runt ‘ncr ntsn’ittmt’nt t’es nt tss’ui hi—hunt-un tn’ lrnpnmitants lInt’ t’s’rilntlmnur iii nor spet’it’s imint, tipniglit , Inmllt’rtttl m’rt’,mr tires wlrnis.’ nirgttris utrt’ rt-~trranngeti hy grutstty, urnitl tbn’ mulc’utgt’s iii Imidtmstrial n-nvnlmz,rtiitti, svtmir’ht pItt’s hititlies tlt’slgurtnl rim ~‘ignnr nuns tsr’ tutu nlesk -tn~nirs, utnnti nmmrnntilln’s anict wtrrk u’tmmitliiiomms rt-qlulrimmg inmigt,tmig ilisitirlionis of lioslimrt’.’ says Jaruger ni ‘A Duiferemri Kinrtt tilt haIling.’ (_‘hlroprrtcttt’ tht’on’ hitiths lint pain is tltme ti t’tiOgeslttnn (‘ltiIst’tt by hahrx’k unge sin the spine- One physieiarm mntt’rvit’si’etl in’ .iaumlger nilst’tissetl tiniw tie bce_true cnn vi mteed of its eillcatin from pate mit s ti-hi told lirinir thiey fell belier: tie studied it and liegani using in to treat ‘ban’k palmr, nbvtaiisly, antI tlsur ftir 01 her prohitenis when u-~treItil ex,ttain~n ttori su~esletI It mit 1gbI be a grits! ati Jimrue t is-c treat linen t ,,- hnt-lttdtmtgj puinilnrl nuiemmslnratinn, By Nlkki B, Godfrey Copley News Servuce tYI’~!7j3ffljj This former super mode is now an outspoken filness advocate promoting lifelong health - ‘5 TIPS TO REDUCE BODY FAT” by KAREN CARRORn C,N,C. HEALTHY EXPOSURE COUPON 25% OFF ALL VITAMINS & FITNESS PRODUCTS si/rpucinr’ a: Ii wa~wmuwesumIte1rmui await - ‘am 4*.’Me1~ . 1~’T~ ~ov t frnv~~i’reZ~ JLfl ~~ 2 7~t6g& iDPENMON FRI 107 SAT 105 SUN 113 i-ninth ‘995’ ‘-0-Nun’ h-err’s’,. 9

Supermodel’s philosophy for fitness in the ‘90s ... · PDF fileHEALTH&F~TNESS Supermodel’s philosophy for fitness in the ‘90s Alternative medicine gains greater acceptance

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Page 1: Supermodel’s philosophy for fitness in the ‘90s ... · PDF fileHEALTH&F~TNESS Supermodel’s philosophy for fitness in the ‘90s Alternative medicine gains greater acceptance


Supermodel’s philosophy for fitness in the ‘90s Alternative medicine gains greater acceptance

As a sn~wrinixltlfe~rttrrt’ti ri flu’ Sports Illustratedswlnrsull issin’s ,uiil Iiiiire than 400 riiagazliie covers liitIre lOHOs, Kim Alexis tiled yen’ lock lit (lie 1)00k totir.itri~rlria hi-peril!. Iiealiliv siR.

did panir diets, quickly ln’ing itt lose wright andstay In slr;rpe lit’twet’rt shooth. I iliiitiglrl I riittltl rear’hinis’ Illness goals ihrrriigh fad diels ~trui slionetil mdli-tids: says Alexis, relleeiirig on tire irttitlelimrg (lays. 1was young awl rink my trr’aIlh for grartled. thinking,l)ori’t xorr-s’ it something tweaks

lint Alexis says evi’irtually she did wiiri’y when shestarlet! ut’eltnig erie tired all tIre tlme arid visited antmirtrinntst who immediately eh~trigetiher diii It hasalien tier several years to rim that here are to short’(‘ills tn staying fit arid healthy

lint after terking into uetiimnt tter personal mieetls.arid es’alrmaunig lit’r’ seiirdnmle amid lifesryle, Alexis tIcksshe has nrnw fnitatly tlevetolx’tl plan hat works hr herArid it doesn’t irir-ltrde tire rigid rides of fail tIters ormanic exercisIng prevalent lii lilt’ ‘SOs.

loday. her philosrrphy is a balance nt healing,ritttrltiniri arid exercise thai Ills miii her husv scheduleas a will’, miii icr, prridttrt spokesworrian ac tress andtelevision show host. Arid she wants her ownttmmniarorrnd to show that with lmnle reflection, evalua’tion r nd dedit-at ton. evervomme ran rte~iSe a perstnrto llzedfilrtt’ss plan for leadingi healthy lie.

1l rink niaking sure I si-ant iii be healthy alt theti nit Alexis says. intl slit t’rid is her hosts rid ni threeyea rs, fomnier Nation il I tnt’key league player Ront)trr~uay.with putting lret no the right road.

~My hinslianrit has always hicen into a healthylIlt-style. so nttr rcglniert for the ‘fibs Is to do what’sgtirid for oim r bodies. — -

Ad;rriianit that on tine tIter rim exercise plan worksfor everyone. ,\lexls says- personalizirig a p1an s key tosireeesslul fitness.

‘We hail a nritnernl tnatystsdatie. where lie hair oilIhe hark ot ‘err traits is analyzed. tritl It showed us wemien rrir,re protein. It’s—, earliolivdr,tres and tirnre veiletalrlr’s

TIt’’ results prtttrpted Alexis and irrallv to ikemniiner.il stipplerttetits tint! drink 24 otmnres of vcgei~rttle~iiiee every murirminnig. hint Alexis is quick to aekrtowledge

t .trrnt . celery mod green-, leafy ecnijite nitrsh Isn’tI hi’ rt ad o sueeessfr 1 ii utill Inn for everyone.

‘Not everyone loses weight on a diet uI eli_irs andgr; i pt’s,’ she 1°kes. 1 hail to learn that I I irtt a pred Is’

limo for sweeI ea rh,ihvelri t is. w tierca s tor titherat-tip]’ it nay lie coffer or alcohol. What’s ioipiiriirnit is

vu i neil ti t,rilrnr ,r healthy ‘regintieti fur yourself aniltseriu Ic fit in fiirtn cit. —

Alexis says by fit -tnifnrttn’cl slit’ tttearis you wristmitiel,’rst,itttt tvht;rt :ttritrv;rics viol to eat. lie eliritees vottriiakt- titil liii~s’ nut ti von ‘it. lrr’satn’s lust whit you

I,’ tutitrittina. hurt ni’,, riie,,tis re,rlrstir at

I’ ,issi’ssirtvi ItutU mlii it ,r,at wh.rt hurt of i—-serfs— \‘{itiitt rthttusiiu~4h,-

‘We Ixc itt a yr-n,’ rtetmi,tiirlini-’ soctet vss’ltere penplr’~oir k hart 1. hiutyi !l lu-nitric- ,rtud ,rt brunt- With ~ little

t,’iir’, ne h,trtl.s it~s~libtei itthus toy trri’l’iiit’t’tl liihiiitttv ‘(ri tettlru- ii iijtritiut’. rIir’’t- rrisu— prnkrains ‘intl

IIs-tuiti•~t.N, trtmti~~~’,’,;jttnl ,i lu’,y t,ititLl\• lit,-len nt ‘itt ryiut t-ntttrer xvliil ttt,itt,ui’r’tt

su]Ie C lain,-,tOttiitctttsittr~s’xt nine 21 Alexis ti,(su~ttint Li

itnit., u’ r1s~, -s.l’ir ii .ntut rtltitits that nuts tiehuts stir’ its titr,e_,t’: ttt,iy,’ the ‘tierl~V Nt tInriOt’,. Rtitutitty ti, sub nih’ ml ttt’])hl SSluittS .iitu t Alexis

‘,.rx’, :tuurvt’.lueT iii, .rni,tlu(’rrtu.uflhthnnuvtu,~nti.

,mruhut,’tte <. lit’s hctt ‘-n-uul-’s

\ttl’ tb Crxis li.is :m’.r:,:i’it’i. ti-c: ti,iiiJts .iiinu:

S ,y- ‘~lr•~5 ‘ . “let. u~t ‘tat—ti i.’:l’s


.5 i-s_, ~..

I ter ns.-u jurirt.tt’,te ttritt ‘i’ xrrrtsa- t’i1

uinrttu’nt ,uiivt .1

s’tgvictt’iu. .iited the Stunt SImile. .rtict us ttrri’ru’.is-tIn’ Sir—thu lHt tuirurti tn-c! u’telvistrry l’.utiu’i

tevrittshtr’n-- \leliuasue tturnriehcntitl urtttit

ututrirthiat inn ,rtuct itryise rsiltsttr guiirtetrttn-s toeI:’ ittC lii- [•i,itie! i’nitLinises lit r’xhin’rts Itt it‘tltinunt- m-xl’rulse .rtut lsvu iuntiugv ,ttid .-\icx-~’,v.111’, mr-:



Il, 0.11 tti,i


St:n’ 5.15’, lii t:.\lt:i’ nor tluv.lin’s lIt li,rCl.lnr viul,’ trssts is

it is.

~lIit ‘~i ~5i•i’Ol lr(rbr tilt-

(leer tIn- stotflgeu-rsertlL.tithe’. Ne’,


~thir4 bernB

the stresses of modern Ilk arid haVeturned to age-old nterhods of trmedttatln,nto help Ihem rope With arLxiety and evensick a deeper understanding of life, saysthe Readers Dlgr’st ‘Family Ouide

%Iedl Iat ion has a wide range ol hencUts . niieditat ion seems to relieve stressand ease tension. Aniong other rear’ Iinnobserved are lowereti r nxygem I elinsum It) Li-

tton and beam rate flit] timer halaitualpractice. a tlrtnp Iii liltanti pressure.Physicians treating people wllh rrilldhiyprrleosloti have reeotiitiit—ttcteet niedi—tatino combined with dietary arid otherIran ge51 before they prescribe d rtr gs , —

says Tanil It Gumitle.(Ito feedla ark Is ann ttier relaxurt I(in

method, Basically, a patient is lunaRcittin thermostats that nneasttre tintselr’

Ienislon, skIn tt’tnperut I tire arid ot tierbodily processtts. The reatlirigs are thentranslated into signals the patIent hears.As volt enntlntie to experience litoleed-hack readings, you become at’t’ttstonietlto sensing your body’s processes. grotto-ally gaIning colarol titer thenm.

‘BIofeedback, in eileen. renmnives theblindfold and lets you inipmnye yritir per’formanee by showing you I lie effect ifeach of ynttr movenienis or Ihottgh Is. -

says ‘Family GuIde,’ l’he aim Is in pntiyniu In charge ni yotir own body:

It’s mm sed especIally In t-omlilniat tinwith other relaxation exercises by sth-

letes and those seekIng to relieve tensionheadaeites or other stress- related dis-eases, incltidtng asthma anti tm leers.

OTHER CHOICESI lerbal medicine is nitivimig increas-

ingly nina the nmlnsrrea nr. liert must hestud led rarein liv for proper I rcaI rue nIsays Reader’s Digest.

‘While all herbs are safe when tisedin reasonable atoot rn ts, they still lii .1st

is’ approacii nd resporisi hly Take tinrtsks. N etc r attenr p1 sell” med eatiou brsr’tionns allntn’nts or trijtnrtes: see 1 (brIneor go Ui a hospital rmergemiey rtxini. —

Arid we dnmi ‘I tired to rt’petit ‘s’titt I Wi’

are read log ira creasinglv in mint’s repori S

today abocr1 ttie b,ent’flis tif exercise anilprniper mitt rritlori

Which her yntm emhrace I lie tnt’tt’ribprae tires of yoga a rid Ut I rhi or tndas’high -tech stair steppers and treatlmnills.the henefits of an active life are so

ntmnterous that it is hard tia timmderslamitlwhy everyone doesn’l make physical fit’ness a op priority, - says Reader’sDigest. ‘In fact, through pbyslt’aI lit nessmany have kattnd the proverbial fountaInof yottth

Amid you aIre adv kmio w rho tin tliepotetit irti anit I -canter hen eilts of the anti-nxldatit ii ta nUns A, C arid E, Is well ascrunciferoits yegetable s like broccoli anilcaullllower,

Reports of the value of nutrition to

Chiropractic theory holdsthat much pain is due tocongestion caused by

blockages in the spine.

nor hnealili, inure r’iiastilrrenl thtt’ t’e,ttnn ofttne tmminirnbiotlox hippies iii tilt’ I Ilfitis.slmotmld mlltmstratt’ tmtitt,’ I heraptes trmitt’t-nnstr]ert’d rlteu’tiumtl’,’t’ art’ imii-re,nsimrglvgoIng ntaimistrearii

We hr nvn a liii tn lii mit


I)titl~’xs’orkrulers Iii rniamiv kiurds ifrnt;tssageitke therapies. immt-Imudtnmg


snnre-pttlnit tlrtnmples sitt’h ts shitistt rimreflexoini~’atith tlet’p’tisstit’ mtnamuiptnluttltimiMmcli as Rolling and I lellerwttrk,

It has long been a staple iii’ hiothr Clii’or se amid Indian aytt nedIt’ rnedlt’Ini es.

Massage eami soothe aching mnimsrles,case sIrt’ss arid gtve s’nitm a stnise ot well’being.

Rerlpietils often reporl sleeping bet -

Icr. having greater energy, fewer achesmd pat mis and ni trvera II serise ot well.being, — says the Farally GurIti e.

lncreaslngly. dtx’lors, chmrtipram’tmirsamid physical therapists are hiring mas-sage therapists In wnirk with patientsreetwermmig frtnm a si-Ide range of condi’

1. TAKE OTHIMAX Cita-iniax, a~know!i ash\droxycawate keeps your body from storing fatswhen taken before a meal. F-fydroxolwate is anextract from a fn~ttand is extremely safe for use.2. TAKE 0-IROMIUM PWUP4ATE. ChromrumPicohinate me a mineral whnch helps to balance bloodsugar levels, reduce sugar Gratings and reduces fatstorage. Uiromium ns extremely tmportant forenee~youtput.3 1W THERM~NICS.Thermogenics increasesthe metabolic rate and suppresses the appette,increases the bodls production at heat, thereforeworking as a fat burner.4. T~X~LcA~4mNE.LCam~neshuwies fat towhere it is burred for energy L-Carntne alsoreduces fatigue and tncreases levels of HOL {thegood cholesterol).5. TAKE ~INZt’MEQ’:(W’O1O)ml]-- Increasesenergy production at cellular levels and energyprodu~anus necessary for burntng excess fats

lltitts, innr’ltmtilrig jtilnt lmijtmrtt’s. u’hiriintrtack and neck pain. arthrItis. st’iailt’tnmmd mnmgr.tlrne lmi’nittmt-ht’s, rt’pnrrts liii’1”unrnillv (;nmlttt’:

II witrks slmiiplv: by Imttprrisirntt ciri-trthu trimmsa’lt-s. ‘ruts

s;nge hn’lps spt’m’il t—limitln,tiitrnn it iinxllis.ini brings Imn-sli itxvgenn In ilsstnt’s,

silmlt-It tat) emitt,tmit-t- inn’,tlltig.(‘hnirrnlirit’tnt’ intl nrsleirpai liv tn’

011mm lnantls-turi tmntl mutt s tles’elntpt’dtnt ,i tnt’tln-l t nit bin’ tnimninamt hiurtis’

ri’qnmnmt’s nr’atlfrismmmretit tot nrmils’ ls’t’tnimsn’iii nr,mrnmii,,s hint tlsnn tat’tutust’ ni but’ft tn-ti runt ‘ncrntsn’ittmt’nt t’es nt tss’ui hi—hunt-un

tn’ lrnpnmitants lInt’ t’s’rilntlmnur iii norspet’it’s imint, tipniglit , Inmllt’rtttl m’rt’,mr tireswlrnis.’ nirgttris utrt’ rt-~trranngeti hy grutstty,urnitl tbn’ mulc’utgt’s iii Imidtmstrial n-nvnlmz,rtiitti,svtmir’ht pItt’s hititlies tlt’slgurtnl rim ~‘ignnrnuns tsr’ tutu nlesk -tn~nirs, utnnti nmmrnntilln’s

anict wtrrk u’tmmitliiiomms rt-qlulrimmg inmigt,tmigilisitirlionis of lioslimrt’.’ says Jaruger ni‘A Duiferemri Kinrtt tilt haIling.’

(_‘hlroprrtcttt’ tht’on’ hitiths lintpain is tltme ti t’tiOgeslttnn (‘ltiIst’tt byhahrx’k unges in t he spine-

One physieiarm mntt’rvit’si’etl in’.iaumlger nilst’tissetl tiniw tie bce_true cnnvi mteed of its eillcatin from patemit s ti-hitold lirinir thiey fell belier: tie studied itand liegani using in to treat ‘ban’k palmr,nbvtaiisly, antI tlsur ftir 01 her prohiteniswhen u-~treItilex,ttain~nttori su~esletI Itmit 1gbI be a grits! atiJimrue t is-c treat linen t , , -

hnt-lttdtmtgj puinilnrl nuiemmslnratinn,

By Nlkki B, GodfreyCopley News Servuce


This former super mode is now an outspoken filness advocate promoting lifelong health -



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