S U P E R H E R O E S ! remembering the saviours of our world - the editorial way! WHATS INSIDE- JUST SOME KICK- ASS ARTCLES ON THE MOST BA- DASS, THE MOST KICKASS AND THE MOST LOVED HEROES OF ALL TIME! For any feedback or enquiries contact us at editorial.rchrrotarctc;ubofhr.net


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The Editors of the Rotaract Club of H.R. College bring to you Superheroes - A tribute to the characters that inspire us.

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    remembering the saviours of our world - the editorial way!


    For any feedback or enquiries contact us at editorial.rchrrotarctc;ubofhr.net

  • M Y F A V O U R I T E V I L L I A NA person with a cheeky smile and a vague personality named The Joker always fascinated me as a villain. This character is really like no other in the world of comic book villains. He is one of the most interesting and complicated people to have appeared in fiction. Right from his first appearance in the world of comics, his character evolved making many contradictions. A person with such a brilliant mind committing over 2000 heinous crimes never relied on a single way of getting his job done. One thing that makes him my favourite Super Villain is his obsession with those little tools on him, like a flower that can shoot acid and venom and the other tools he had on himself. I actually started liking The Joker when he started interfering in Batmans business. The movie The Dark Knight depicted the Joker in the best manner possible. The only thing he cared the most was chaos. In the movie, more than the character an ideology was conveyed. The ideology was based on the dark side of us that we dont acknowledge. The reason why we all love him is because of his elaborate traps, slyness and his insidious smile. The thing that annoys me the most is his motives. He never had a clear motive. It was an unknown mystery. People call him a psychopath but that is so contradictory to his character simply because I saw some great emotions in him; his sick humour and anger evidently proved that theory wrong. According to me, describing the personality of The Joker would be the most difficult task one person could ever give me. Only the joker himself could describe himself. He caused batman more suffering than any other villain he has ever faced.

    You wont kill me out of some misplace sense of self-righteousness.And I wont kill you because youre just too much of fun. I think you

    And I are destined to do this forever - The Joker to Batman

    -Rtr. Vivek Sharoff

    MY Favourite superhero

    With great power comes great responsibility This is the tagline that defines my favourite superhero - Spiderman. He is the . one who was bitten by a genetically engineered spider and then got its pow-ers. He has the simple yet unique powers of shooting webs from his wrists and crawling on walls along with his 6th or Spidey Sense. I chose him as my favourite superhero because all through my childhood. I played Spiderman games, watched Spiderman movies and idolized him. Spiderman is an all time classic; starting from comic strips, this story has built its way to TV shows and the silver screen too. I think of Spiderman as the original Superhero who inspired me to be better and do more as a child.In fact,Spiderman till today inspires me to be better and to do better always. I consider him to be a 90s superhero and a huge symbol of my childhood.

    -Rtr. Aman Shah . . .

  • Since childhood all of us had at least one superhe-ro that we loved and worshipped with our room walls covered with his posters. We believed at the bottom of our heart Yes, that superhero isnt just fic-tional, he is alive in this real world, somewhere hid-den amongst us and he will surely be there when the need arises. This dream wouldnt be there in us if it wasnt for The Marvel Comics. They brought great superheroes like the Spiderman, Iron man, Captain America, The Wolverine in our lives. People like Stan Lee imagined these superheroes and gave them life through the comics we grew up reading. They inspired people and showed them hope that there is goodness there in the world to overcome the evil. It is their superheroes we cant imagine our childhood without, especially being envious of Tony Stark for being the Casanova and his technology. These superheroes were the ones that made us stretch the 2 fingers and the thumb hoping to throw Spidermans web, clench our fists tight hoping to have the adamantium blades like the Wolverines, get angry hoping to turn into a mus-cular giant like the Hulk, stretching our limbs hoping they would be elastic like Mr. Fantastic, opening our eyes wide open hoping to emit a hot laser beam like Scott. Thats what it gave us, hope and motivation in our tough times. We had hope so we tried to be like them, but didnt get upset when we failed each and every time, instead we loved and respected them even more.

    Samkit Jain

    Since the time Superheroes have become a part of us, I find very few of us who actually know what DC & Marvel is. People watch Spiderman, Avengers or Batman thinking that theyre just Superhero movies that have come into the theatre and yay, we are huge fans. Founded by Malcolm Wheeler-Nich-olson in 1934 as National Allied Publications, DC Comics has certainly become a vital part of our day to day lives. DC Comics is one of the largest and most successful compa-nies operating in American comic books, and produces material featuring many well-known characters, including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, the Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, Shazam (formerly Captain Marvel), and Green Ar-row. The fictional DC universe also features superhero teams such as the Justice League, Justice Society, Watchmen, and the Teen Titans, as well as antagonists such as the Joker, Lex Luthor, Catwoman, Darkseid, Black Manta, Deathstroke, Sinestro, and Professor Zoom/Reverse-Flash.If you ask me whether Id choose DC or Marvel, Id say DC over Marvel. I am going to be frank with you guys and tell you, I am not much of a comic book reader but I do love Super-heroes, so if all of you wonder, the concept of the project Superheroes was taken up when we saw the interest of the kids of our generation getting into this. If you ever really want to live your childhood, go to a store and pick out a few comic books, youll realize what theyve really got, I maybe 50 years of age but Comic books never get old. Comic-con is getting bigger and if you enthusi-asts truly realize how remarkable they are, Im sure you will feel for them just as much as I do!

    -Rtr.Nikunj Pherwani





  • While being one of the most famous avengers, Iron man is considered by some to not be a superhero. whether he can actually be called a superhero like hulk and captain ameri-ca who are genetically heroes, is a topic of debate till date. some of our members share their views on the topic. click on an opinion and know about their views.

  • VERY





  • 1.Batman fans are


  • 2. black widow fans wont

    rest till they get a movie.


  • We, The Eds, hope you had as much fun reading this as we had making this! Superheroes are something we all grow up hearing about. We all grow up hoping to be as amazing and incredible as them. We see them as the ray of sunshine in a dark,dark room. But one thing we forget,is that more often than not, superhe-roes are more human than us. They suffer the same pressures, the same anxieties, and most importantly the same fears. But this never stops them. They rise above the pain and suffering to help no themselves but others in pain. And this is what makes them who they are-The gaurdians of our galaxy, the dark knights we all de-serve, the heroes we all look up too. You dont need superhuman strenght, x-ray eyes, or a suit of armor to be a superhero. All you need is to be the best human you can. And thats whats great about them. anyone can be a superhero. You only have to put your mind to it.

    -The Eds,Rtr. Diksha Kataria,Rtr. Sanjana Gudka,

    Rtr. Abeer Lala,The Rotaract Club Of H.R.College.

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