Super-Resolution Based on Open Source Computer Vision Library EmguCV

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Super-Resolution implemented using EmguCV.

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  • Super-Resolution Based on Open Source Computer

    Vision Library EmguCV

    Lee Jee Shen

    Faculty of Engineering and Technology

    Multimedia University

    Malacca, Malaysia

    [email protected]

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    AbstractIn this paper, we present a simple implementation of

    Super-Resolution technique using EmguCV computer vision

    library. Instead of static images, we use real-time video inputs

    from web camera as the input. Each Super-Resolution image

    result are processed based on multiple frames of the video input.

    The Super-Resolution technique applied our application is

    implemented with the following sequence image acquisition,

    image registration, sub-pixel image shift calculation, image

    transformation and lastly image interpolation.

    Index TermsSuper-Resolution, EmguCV, real-time video

    input image processing


    Super-Resolution is an image processing technique that

    takes multiple shifted images of a same scene and generate a

    higher resolution image copy of the scene by considering lost

    image information that are captured at the other frames of the

    same scene due to vibration or image shift. The main concept

    behind Super-Resolution is that CCD camera sensors are finite

    and discrete while the light signal is continuous. In one image

    frame taken by CCD camera, there are many lost information

    of the scene that does not get picked up by the camera sensor

    grid because some continuous light signal will not hit the CCD

    sensor grid directly. Figure 1 illustrate the scenario when a full

    hit of light signal on CCD camera sensor grid while the second

    image (Fig.2) illustrate the scenario of none full hit

    (information lost) when the light hit in the might of the sensor


    EmguCV is an open source computer vision library written

    on .NET platform. Its a translated copy of OpenCV with some additional feature specifically written for .NET programmer.

    EmguCV act as a wrapper of OpenCV to access memory level

    data which was considered as (unsafe) programming in the

    .NET environment. The library is written using C#.NET

    programming languages and it can be compiled into Window,

    Linux, Max OS, Android compatible with the Mono compiler.

    Mono Mono is a compiler written to compile C# language

    standard into the target platform. On top of EmguCV, we are

    using another open source computer vision library AForge

    specifically to take web camera input.

    Fig. 1. CCD sensor are recording the intensity of the light based on the amount of intensity hit the sensor grid.

    Fig. 2. Extra information (the tip feature of the object) are better recorded.


    There are many Super-Resolution techniques proposed but

    generally it involves the following steps image acquisition, image registration, sub-pixel shift estimation, and interpolation.

    In our application, we started by first acquiring the first five

  • image frames from web camera and then feed them into the

    Super-Resolution image processing function that we

    implemented to get the first Super-Resolution of our video

    stream. From then onward, we repeatedly update the Super-

    Resolution frame based on the latest video frames acquired

    from the web camera.

    Fig. 3. Three image video frames (on the left) are taken in this example on the same scene. Based on the feature, sub-pixel shift of the scene are

    detected on Frame 2 and Frame 3.

    Fig. 4. Sub-pixel shift are estimated and corrected before merging into the final result to produce better estimation of the real scene (Super-



    Image acquisition from the web camera are done using the

    AForge library. VideoCaptureDeviceForm class are used to

    detect and selected the web camera. After the selection,

    IVideoSource passed and initialised. The NewFrame event of

    the IVideoSource are subscribed in the application to grab the

    latest video frame from web camera and further triggering the

    Super-Resolution processing. On top of this, we added a

    feature to define Region of Interest (ROI) to select specific

    region of an image input for processing. Region of Interested

    are registered using System.Windows.Rectangle class with the

    help of MouseDown and MouseUp event.


    Image registration is the most important part of Super-

    Resolution because its responsible for the feature detection and also the sub-pixel calculation that determine the quality for

    the output. To make out Super-Resolution implementation

    reusable in other application, we create a separate project and

    wrote our SuperResolutionFilter class. In the class, we defined

    the following object properties:


    Property Name Description

    ScaleFactor Storing the scaling factor of the target output.


    Minimum accuracy threshold that the shift result confidence must comply before

    considering as a valid estimation

    InputFrames List of input frames to store the latest frames from web camera.

    SuperResolutionFrame Storing the latest Super-Resolution image


    Roi Storing the Region of Interest of the image.

    ShiftResult Storing the X and Y shifted pixel in float data


    In order to find the sub-pixel of images with reference to

    the first image, we first find a feature on an image to track. We

    are using GoodFeaturesToTrack method of EmguCV to detect

    features on the video inputs. Before the images are pass to

    GoodFeaturesToTrack it was convert into the right image

    format required by EmguCV which is Image. To

    get better result, the resulted features detected are further

  • passed to FindCornerSubPix method of EmguCV to get sub-

    pixel accurate corner of the image.

    Based on the features found, a sub-pixel shift of important

    feature are calculated using OpticalFlow.PyrLK function.

    OpticalFlow.PyrLK calculates the optical flow for a sparse

    features set (detected in the earlier steps) using iterative Lucas-

    Kanade method in pyramids. To produce better result, we

    added some additional code to calculate the confidence level of

    each calculated shift. This confidence level value will be used

    later in the merging steps to filtered inaccurate sub-pixel shift


    Based on the calculated sub-pixel shift results and

    confidence level, the images are transforms using

    WarpPerspective to correct the sub-pixel shift based on the

    estimation. Lastly, the images list are merge using RunningAvg

    of EmguCV to produce the Super-Resolution image. The

    application then repeat the same process describe above on all

    the incoming video frames except this time using the latest

    Super-Resolution image calculated in the last iteration as

    reference to produce better result.


    To test the implemented Super-Resolution technique

    implemented using EmguCV, we run our application with

    many test conditions. Below are sample of the results recorded

    during the test.

    Fig. 5. The implemented Super-Resolution application using Visual Studio 2013 and EmguCV.

    Fig. 6. On the left is the video stream from web camera and on the right is the result stream generated live.

    Fig. 7. Improvement can be seen on the right-hand generated Super-Resolution image as compare to the original image taken from web

    camera (on the right) when both images are zoom in for inspection.

  • Fig. 8. Bicubic interpolation out of the same scene.

    Fig. 9. Super-Resolution image is clearer and with less noise as compare to bicubic interpolation (Figure 8) and Super-Resolution result can be

    further improve by increasing the number of frames taken into

    consideration. The top right edge of the paper are sharper compare to bicubic interpolation image.


    In this paper, a simple Super-Resolution algorithm is

    implemented and presented. We see improvement in terms of

    the quality of the Super-Resolution over the original images

    taken from video camera. The algorithm implemented is fairly

    simple but fast as its able to compute Super-Resolution video stream in real-time. With this technique, one can take higer

    resolution picture with low resolution CCD.


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    citation [6]. [1] G. Eason, B. Noble, and I. N. Sneddon, On certain integrals of

    Lipschitz-Hankel type involving products of Bessel functions, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247, pp. 529551, April 1955. (references)

    [2] J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.6873.

    [3] I. S. Jacobs and C. P. Bean, Fine particles, thin films and exchange anisotropy, in Magnetism, vol. III, G. T. Rado and H. Suhl, Eds. New York: Academic, 1963, pp. 271350.

    [4] K. Elissa, Title of paper if known, unpublished.

    [5] R. Nicole, Title of paper with only first word capitalized, J. Name Stand. Abbrev., in press.

    [6] Y. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, Electron spectroscopy studies on magneto-optical media and plastic

    substrate interface, IEEE Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740741, August 1987 [Digests 9th Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301, 1982].

    [7] M. Young, The Technical Writer's Handbook. Mill Valley, CA: University Science, 1989.