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8/14/2019 Super Quotes

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Sreeram Coaching Point, Chennai, Bangalore and Ernakulam

Visit www.sreeramcoachingpoint.com 

044-2489 38 30

Super Quotes


The strength of a man isn’t in how hard he hits

It is in how tender he touches

The strength of a man isn’t how many women he’s loved

It is in can he be true to one woman

The strength of a man isn’t in the weight he can lift

It is in the burdens he can understand and overcome

Beauty of a Woman

The beauty of a woman

Is not in the clothes she wears

Or the way she combs her hair

The beauty of a woman

is in her eyesThe place where love resides

The beauty of a woman

Is not in a facial mole

But true beauty in a woman

Is reflected in her soul

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Sreeram Coaching Point, Chennai, Bangalore and Ernakulam

Visit www.sreeramcoachingpoint.com 

044-2489 38 30


01.  Four things never come back: The triggered bullet,

the spoken word, the wasted time, the neglected


02.  A woman has the last word in any argument.Anything a man says after is the beginning of a new


03.  Listen and silent are two words with the same

alphabets and are very important for friendship

because only a close friend can listen to you when

you are silent.

04.  destiny is simply the strength of your desires, if you

cry at a trouble it grows double ; if you laugh at atrouble it disappears like a bubble

05.  You will find as u look back upon your life that the

moments when you have really lived are the

moments when you have done things in a spirit of 


06.  Don’t tell god how big your problems are, tell your

problems how big your god is

07.  I say and you list is a good friendship, u say and Ilisten is a better friendship. But I don’t say and you

understand is the best friendship.

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Sreeram Coaching Point, Chennai, Bangalore and Ernakulam

Visit www.sreeramcoachingpoint.com 

044-2489 38 30

08.  Every tear is a sign of broken heart, Every silence is

a sign of loneliness and every smile is a sign of 

happiness and every sms is a symbol of 


09.  When it rains all birds fly for shelter but eagle avoidsrain by flying above the clouds . problem is common

to all but ATTITUDE makes the difference

10.  Dreams are not the ones you see when you sleep butthose which never let you sleep till they are achieved

11.  A sincere devotee asked god I want Peace God

replied remove I that’s ego Remove want that’s

desire and PEACE will be with you automatically

12.  Telling a lie is a fault for a little boy, an art for a lover

boy and an accomplishment for a bachelor and for amarried man it is a matter of survival

13.  A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life tobecome well known and then wears dark glasses to

avoid being recognized

14.  Television is a new medium it is called a medium

because nothing is well done

15.  What is Globalisation:: a new good example

An English princess with an Egyption boy friend in a

german car driven by a Dutch Driver crashes in aFrench Tunnel while being chased by the ItalialPapparazzi on Japanese bikes treated by a Portugese

doctor with a Brazilian medicine. This SMS message

was written by an Indian on a Chinese Mobile phone

smuggled by a Pakistani via Bangladesh. Well this is


Hope u liked just as much we did !!!!!!!!!!!!



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Sreeram Coaching Point, Chennai, Bangalore and Ernakulam

Visit www.sreeramcoachingpoint.com 

044-2489 38 30

Sri. VS.

Thiagarajan MA