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Super MNC Pro Guide - CG

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Super MNC Pro Guide

COMBAT GIRL Written by Kvålheim

Pro Overview

Combat Girl is the evolution of MNC’s Pit Girl, and joins Support and Leo in the Defender class. As

such, she is slow, and has moderate health, but the highest damage output of all the defenders. She

is more competent at holding her own in a fire-fight than the other defenders, with one of the most

powerful “nuke” abilities in the game, and an effective secondary weapon. Combat Girl is effective

at healing her team, pushing lanes and providing a secure hold on the annihilator if allowed to set up

early enough. Considered as one of the easier pros in the game, she is very suitable for a player who

wants to help their team with heals and setting up defensive positions with her turrets, but also

soften up targets with her offensive abilities.


Combat Healer: The Combat healer is a miniaturised version of Support’s Heal/hurt gun, with the

same primary heal and secondary hurt mechanic. Individually, amount healed per beam/damage per

beam is much lower, and lacks the slowing ability. The way it shines, however, is in the multiple

tendrils. Up to four targets can be healed/hurt at once, and she will be healing a larger amount than

Support if all four beams are connected to the team, making her very effective in the early

armouring up stage. Her hurt gun also drains health from targets, meaning that if the Combat Girl is

low on health, she can drain a group of slims/shady bots to quickly regenerate. Unlike Support, the

hurt beam will not designate targets for her turrets. Money can be gained from healing, and she will

gain more money by healing all four teammates at once than Support will get from pocketing one

team member. Remember that at every moment you should be checking up on your teams HP, if

anyone dips below 60-70%, start healing. While you are not a TF2 Medic and can’t keep someone

alive in a huge fight, you can help them regenerate their health faster, and add that little bit of extra

durability. Remember to over-armour your team at once at the start of the match, as while a team

with support will only be able to armour up one member before the fighting starts, you will be able

to get the whole team that extra health.

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Nailgun: The Nailgun is a very effective secondary weapon that deals out moderate DPS, and has a

grapple as secondary like all second weapons. It is extremely useful for wiping out bots and

harassing overextending enemies. While useful, it is important to remember that Combat Girl is not

a striker, and whilst the Nailgun should be used at every opportunity to wipe out bots and whittle

down Pros who are too close, it’s a very bad idea to chase down opponents with it and go “Nailgun

Rambo” like all too many new players do. When combined with her kitten turrets, opposing Pros in

close proximity can be very quickly brought down in a hail of nails. While juiced/crit’ing, the Nailgun

can very quickly whittle down turret health from a distance, providing a quick stream of nails at it.

Remember however that it is a pretty short ranged weapon; whilst infinitely more ranged that

supports shotgun, there is pretty severe falloff at mid-long range.

An interesting side note is that Combat Girl has a separate animation when grappling Assassin, a

reference to the animosity between CG and ‘Sin.


Skill 1 - Fortify: The only skill in the game that requires the use of another skill, Fortify increases

Combat Kittens DPS, Health, Range, and adds a slow effect to them. This is VITAL in the situation you

are ambushed by a Commando – Defenders (minus a Leo with Massive Air) are the slowest classes,

and have no mobility skills. You are always going to be outrun by a Tank charge or an Assassin rolling

at you. When such a situation arises, the slow on your nest – and you should always have a nest of

kittens – could be that one thing that helps you escape long enough to make it to a turret, or a

teammate to come to your aid, or Death Dodger to kick in if you happen to run it. It’s also useful to

use during an annihilator fight; a lot of fire goes down there, and especially on Bullet Gorge/Spunky’s

walls it can be a whole ton of extra damage that the opposing team is too busy to notice.

Skill 2 – Combat Kittens: By in far the best turret in the game, purely for the fact that they’re robot

kittens that meow and shoot bullets. But in all seriousness, Kittens are the perfect ambushing turret.

Whilst they individually are extremely weak and have a low DPS, they are set up instantly and can

be, nay must always be stuck on walls and ceiling, as 9 times out of 10 they’ll be destroyed as soon

as they’re noticed. It’s useful to have at LEAST two kittens by the time the first annihilator comes,

and to have a nest set up on it at the 4 minute mark. On Bullet Gorge, set them on the opposing

team’s wall; Spunky, on the ceiling between each pillar; Loco Moco is tricky as the annihilator

platform is tiny and a single AoE explosion will destroy them, but corners is always a safe bet; Gun

Mountain should be placed on the underside of the upper jungle, or the walls on the opposing side

of the room. GrenadeIII.XIV is fairly awkward, as there is no need to set up on the annihilator

platform itself, instead it’s effective to place them around an ejector button and lock that one down.

An important note is to ALWAYS have a nest set up wherever you’re pushing. Kittens are easily

spammable and can be replaced as you move forward/back, but they’re essential for keeping you

safe from pesky little commandos. They will keep them under fire long enough for the

striker/enforcer covering your ass to move in and take them down, and fortify will hinder their

escape. It’s also good to note any kitten bot kills will count to your own – use them in lanes to tag


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Skill 3 – Combat Laser: Unarguably, the best feeling in the entire of Super MNC is landing a Laser Kill.

This nuke ability fires an infinitely long laser beam in a straight line, dealing massive damage to

whatever touches it. There are three main uses for this: wiping out bot lanes, softening up

opponents for a teammate to finish off, and finishing them off yourself. It will instantly kill bots up to

about Fuji-level of health, making it useful on straight lanes for completely clearing the lane (the

laser’s width meaning that spread groups will still be hit). Against softer Pros early game, and even

higher hit point ones when upgraded, the laser will vaporise around half of their health pool – if

they’re fleeing, especially on the corridor on Loco’s left lane, a laser can destroy them. Against a full

health Pro, the laser can seriously soften them up, meaning that a striker/commando can jump in to

finish the job. While not bound by needing open air like Supports airstrike, and with unlimited range,

the drawback to her laser is that it takes a good two seconds to charge, during which you can’t

move, and an indicator beam shows everyone where your laser will land. Make sure you’re relatively

safe when charging, as a grapple or knockback effect will cancel the laser and reset its cool down,

which can be a huge problem. Fortunately, even with the indicator, opponents have a nice habit of

walking into them. Predict where they’re going to be, or aim at a cluster of them to guarantee at

least one hit.

Skills – Level up order

Disclaimer: This is personally my own way to upgrade her skills and other people will probably

disagree. It’s always good to experiment to see what benefits your playing the most, this is just what

works for me.

1. Combat Kittens (to have at least two by the first annih, and to set up for Bot tagging)

2. Combat Laser (Lowers the cooldown which can increase your damage output drastically)

3. Offense (for healing, and increase your Nailgun bot killing potential)

4. Combat Kittens

5. Combat Laser

6. Offense

7. Defence or Fortify (if the opposing team is dealing a lot of hurt, Defence can make you a bit

more formidable, otherwise I recommend Fortify)

8. Combat Kittens

9. Combat Laser

10. Offense

11. Defence

12. Fortify

13. Defence

14. Fortify

15. Defence/Fortify (whichever has one point left)

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Skill regeneration!

It’s very important to get this high, as it simply increases your ability to spam kittens and shoot off

lasers, which are two of her more important abilities. It’s also just a useful thing for any pro to use;

meaning cooldown on your abilities is made much shorter. Rate of fire and accuracy can really

increase your Nailgun power, putting it on par with the assault rifle, while fire rate will also increase

your healing ticks, upping your healing potential and money gained from it.


Again, just some advice based on what I use

Money Magnet: Since you’re rarely going to be right up in the thick of battle, it’s good to be able to

mop up coins quicker from bot kills, saving time spent in the danger zone and allowing you to get

back by a teammate.

Bot Buster: Your second most important role after healing is going to be downing bots with the

Nailgun. If this is allowed to build up enough, you’ll be downing bots in no time; helping your team

clear lanes and helping you level up quicker.

Death Dodger: Commandos are evil. That’s an absolute fact, and the quicker you get away from

them the better. If they’re hurting you a lot, fortifying a kitten nest to slow them long enough for

this to take effect will really save your bacon, and occasionally your remaining turrets may kill the

offending ninja. I’ve had so many lucky saves from this product it’s unbelievable.

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Overall Strengths and Weaknesses


Versatile – can provide a lot of instant damage, heal the team at once, and lay down a fairly

effective defence in no time.

Can heal everyone at once, giving them all armour quickly at game start, and extent multiple

Pros durability in a fight.

Has the best nuke in the game, and the most satisfying to use.

Can quickly heal herself with the drain function and a group of bots.

Nailgun is a far more useful weapon than the Shotgun.

Can lock down an area with hidden Kittens


One of the slowest Pros in the game

Very team dependant – without protection she’ll die, and lone wolves are hard to heal.

Healing will make you the target of enemy Pros, and the target of your own angry team. The

curse of videogame healing.

She has no mobility moves, very hard to escape a striker/commando jump.

Laser cooldown in early game is painfully long.


Should your pro go after the annihilator or push bots?

It’s very crucial to set up at the annihilator as early as you can, usually a minute before it’s active.

Keep a constant eye on it – when it’s around 2/3 to 3/4 full, set up a kitten nest. This early, the other

team are likely to not be there, but if there’s enemy presence then NEVER go for it alone.

Is your pro good at killing bots?

Lasers and Nailgun say yes. Clear a lane with a beam of destruction and pick them off with the

Nailgun. The hurt-beams are excellent at destroying groups of slims instantly.

Is your pro good at killing pros?

In a way, yes. Her Nailgun can provide very good DPS at close-mid range, and her laser can finish off

and weaken enemy Pros very effectively, but it shouldn’t be a priority. Most of your cash should

come from healing and bots – as good as her offensive abilities are, she is not a striker, and will not

last in a one-on-one with a skilled player who isn’t also a defender.

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When should you fight and when should you run?

Fight: When there’s a cluster of enemies far away, use the laser. When someone has an opponent

grappled, quickly set down kittens to add more DPS. If you’re outnumbering the enemy at a location,

help in the fight and whittle them down with nails. Always fight with your team, and don’t lone wolf.

Run: When you’re one on one with a full health enemy who isn’t also a defender, it’s good to

retreat. You should always be with an enforcer for protection, but if you find yourself alone, retreat

to your team. Naturally if you’re low health, either retreat if there is an enemy presence, or go find a

group of hostile slims and shady bots to drain some health back. Common sense naturally applies,

you’re weak, so don’t stay somewhere where there’s a lot of fire going on unless you have your

team to protect you.

Basic Tips

Always set up nests wherever you go, you need that extra protection.

Likewise, keep close to friendly enforcers at all times. An assassin will think twice about

stabbing your pretty little face if a big mean gunner is watching your back.

GrenadeIII.XIV – Keep on the upper level. There are lots of places to set up traps on those

walls, and you have no jetpack to save you if someone presses those ejectors.

Don’t Nailgun Rambo. It’s a good weapon, but other people have better.

It’s hard to be humble when you know how to rumble.

Put kittens where nobody can see them. They’re best placed where an opponent won’t

notice them until they are being shot at.

Use the hurt beams to wipe out slims and shadies instantly.

If you think you can get that laser, go for it. It can very often get cross-map kills, and any bots

between you and the point it hits a wall will be vaporised.

You’re a healer. Heal. But you can’t pocket very well, so instead try and keep more peoples

health up.

Above doesn’t mean you should ignore a low health ally. For god’s sake, get that boy back in

fightin’ shape!

Healing extinguishes fire, and destroys Artemis’ radiation.

Grapples can hold an attacker in your nest, doing damage to them and allowing aid to come

and finish them off