Sunday Bulletin February 15, 2015 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 13555 Hillcrest Road, Dallas, Texas 75240 Office 972-991-1166 Fax 972-661-1717 www.holytrinity.info Reverend Father Christopher Constantinides Reverend Father Peter Kostakis Reverend Father John Essa Reverend Deacon Mark Pakes Reverend Deacon Athanasios ClintSharpley

Sunday Bulletin€¦ · Peter Costas, Major USAF Michael Gomez, USN PRAYERS FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN . 3 Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance Resurrection Hymn

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Page 1: Sunday Bulletin€¦ · Peter Costas, Major USAF Michael Gomez, USN PRAYERS FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN . 3 Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance Resurrection Hymn

Sunday Bulletin

February 15, 2015

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

13555 Hillcrest Road, Dallas, Texas 75240

Office 972-991-1166 Fax 972-661-1717 www.holytrinity.info

Reverend Father Christopher Constantinides Reverend Father Peter Kostakis

Reverend Father John Essa Reverend Deacon Mark Pakes

Reverend Deacon Athanasios “Clint” Sharpley

Page 2: Sunday Bulletin€¦ · Peter Costas, Major USAF Michael Gomez, USN PRAYERS FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN . 3 Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance Resurrection Hymn



If you are either baptized and or confirmed as an Orthodox Christian and

have spiritually prepared to receive Holy Communion, please come up from

the middle aisle of the Church with reverence and humility, row by row, in a

QUIET and ORDERLY fashion, and depart as directed. Please remain

seated in your pews until a council member indicates your row should go

forward. If you are standing in the back of the nave, please wait until all

seated parishioners have gone forward and a council member indicates you

should go ahead.

In receiving Communion, you should place the cloth under your chin, recite your CHRISTIAN NAME, and wipe your mouth after receiving. Women, please remove your lipstick prior to receiving Communion.


Fr. John Kalantzis, Commander, USN

Konstantinos Kostibas, 2nd Lt. USAF

Chris Krucke, USN

Jeff Lohmann, Lance Corporal, USMC

Ryan Lontos, USNJ

Nicholas D. Patitsas, USN

John Politz, SSgt. US Army

Stephen Serniak, Major, USAF

David Thomas, Staff Sgt. US Army

Dr. Jim Thornton, Commander, USN

Raymond Walser, LTC, US Army

Ben Winfrey, US Army

Corey Zarras, ET3 USN

Robert Adler, Commander, USN

Dale Alexander

Michael Artemis, Marines

Dana Ray Austin, USN

Arthur John Athens, Commandant, USMC

Chris Ballas, USN Reserves

Brandon Bell, USAF

Joseph Biasatti, US Army

Michael Bocan-Collins, USN

Joseph Bowley, US Army

Stephen Cariotis, SSgt. USMC

Angelo Carter, 1st Lt., US Army Reserves

Peter Costas, Major USAF

Michael Gomez, USN


Page 3: Sunday Bulletin€¦ · Peter Costas, Major USAF Michael Gomez, USN PRAYERS FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN . 3 Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance Resurrection Hymn


Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance

Resurrection Hymn at the Entrance, 3rd Mode

Green Book Page 83 - Let the heavens rejoice…

Priest Entrance Hymn, 2nd Mode

Come let us worship and bow down before Christ. Save us, O Son

of God, who did arise from the dead, as we chant to you


Resurrection Hymn, 3rd Mode

Let the heavens rejoice…

Hymn of the Church, Plagal 4th Mode

Green Book Page 115 - O Blessed are you…

Kontakion of Triodion, 1st Mode

O God, when You come upon the earth in glory, the whole world

will tremble. A river of fire will bring all before Your Judgment

Seat and the books will be opened, and everything in secret will

become public. At that time, deliver me from the fire which never

dies, and enable me to stand by Your right hand, O Judge most


Page 4: Sunday Bulletin€¦ · Peter Costas, Major USAF Michael Gomez, USN PRAYERS FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN . 3 Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance Resurrection Hymn


Epistle Reading

St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians 8:8-13; 9:1-2

Brethren, food will not commend us to God. We are no worse off if

we do not eat, and no better off if we do. Only take care lest this

liberty of yours somehow become a stumbling block to the weak.

For if any one sees you, a man of knowledge, at table in an idol's

temple, might he not be encouraged, if his conscience is weak, to

eat food offered to idols? And so by your knowledge this weak

man is destroyed, the brother for whom Christ died. Thus, sinning

against your brethren and wounding their conscience when it is

weak, you sin against Christ. Therefore, if food is a cause of my

brother's falling, I will never eat meat, lest I cause my brother to


Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our

Lord? Are not you my workmanship in the Lord? If to others I am

not an apostle, at least I am to you; for you are the seal of my

apostleship in the Lord.

English Reader: Aiden Voicu

Gospel Reading

Matthew 25:31-46

The Lord said, "When the Son of man comes in his glory and all the

holy angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before

him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one

from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he

will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left. Then the

king will say to those at his right hand, 'Come, O blessed of my Father,

inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the

world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you

gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked

and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and

you came to me.' Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did

we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And

when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe

you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?' And

Page 5: Sunday Bulletin€¦ · Peter Costas, Major USAF Michael Gomez, USN PRAYERS FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN . 3 Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance Resurrection Hymn


the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of

the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.' Then he will say to

those at his left hand, 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire

prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you gave

me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was a stranger

and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick

and in prison and you did not visit me.' Then they also will answer,

'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or

sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?' Then he will answer

them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of the least of these,

you did it not to me.' And they will go away into eternal punishment,

but the righteous into eternal life."

Feb. 15 Onesimus the Apostle of the 70; Eusebius the Righteous of

Syria; Our Righteous Father Anthimus the Elder of Chios

Feb. 16 Pamphilus the Martyr & his Companions; Flavianos, Patriarch

of Constantinople; Romanos the Younger

Feb. 17 Theodore the Tyro, Great Martyr; Mariamne, sister of Apostle

Philip; Righteous Auxentius, Pious Kings Marclanus and

Pulcherias; Theodore the New Martyr of Byzantium;

Hermogenes (Germogen), Patriarch of Moscow

Feb. 18 Leo the Great, Pope of Rome; Agapetus the Confessor, Bishop

of Sinai; Flavian the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople

Feb. 19 The Holy Apostles of the Seventy Philemon, Apphia,

Archippus, and Onesimus; Philothei the Righteous Martyr of

Athens; Niketas the Younger

Feb. 20 Leo, Bishop of Catania; Agathus, Pope of Rome; Bessarion the


Feb. 21 Timothy the Righteous; John III, Patriarch of Constantinople;

Eustathius, Bishop of Antioch; Zachariah, Patriarch of


Daily Commemoration of Saints

Page 6: Sunday Bulletin€¦ · Peter Costas, Major USAF Michael Gomez, USN PRAYERS FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN . 3 Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance Resurrection Hymn


Sunday, February 15 Godparent Godchild Sunday

8:15 a.m. Orthros

9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy (S)

11:30 a.m. DOP Scholarship Mtg. (BR)

12:30 - 1:30 p.m. HTHD Practice (A)

NO Catechetica l Schoo l and NO Adult Catechetica l Schoo l (C)

after Holy Communion. Godparent Godchild Luncheon

immediately following Divine Liturgy (Community Center)

40 Day Blessing for Andrew George Chiagouris (Mother Amanda)

40 Day Blessing for Julia Papacostas (Mother Bethany)

40 Day Blessing for Zoe Sophia Vassilakos (Mother Elissa)

40 Day Blessing for Anna Elizabeth Aurentz (Mother Keisha)

Monday, February 16 President’s Day


Tuesday, February 17

9 a.m. Sr. Fellowship Trip to Perot Museum

1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Pickleball (Gym)

5 - 8:30 p.m. HT Greek School (GS Rooms)

6:30 p.m. Parish Council mtg. (A)

Wednesday, February 18

5 - 8:30 p.m. HT Greek School (GS Rooms)


7 p.m. Faith Enrichment (BR)

7 p.m. Philoptochos General Mtg. (A)

Thursday, February 19

10:45 a.m. Adult Bible Study (BR)

5 - 6:30 p.m. HT Greek School (GS Rooms)

7 p.m. Illumine Our Hearts Bible Study (BR)

7 - 9 p.m. Pickleball (Gym)

Calendar of Events

Page 7: Sunday Bulletin€¦ · Peter Costas, Major USAF Michael Gomez, USN PRAYERS FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN . 3 Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance Resurrection Hymn


Friday, February 20

No Activities

Saturday, February 21 2nd Saturday of the Souls

8:30 a.m. Orthros

9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy (S)

5 p.m. Great Vespers (C)

7 p.m. - 12 a.m. Centennial Event - Nafpaktian Dance

(Community Center)

Sunday, February 22 Sunday of Cheesefare

8:15 a.m. Orthros

9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy (S)

12:30 - 1:30 p.m. HTHD Practice (Gym)

5 p.m. Forgiveness Vespers (S)

Catechetical School and Adult Catechetical School (C) after Holy

Communion. Coffee hosted by NTOM for OCMC immediately following

Divine Liturgy (Community Center)

10 Year Memorial for Sophia Chotas

40 Day Blessing for James Ulysses Patts (mother Angela)


(Children or Adult)!

Classes will resume at the regular time

next Sunday, February 22nd.

Parish Council Schedule

February 15

Jim Dolmas, Dimitri Tsevoukas,

Kerry Tassopoulos, Jimmy Horiates, Tina Yampanis

February 22

Ari Rigopoulos, Christina Hochleutner, Jim Chappel,

Sam Torolopoulos, Peter Hronas, Mary LeBrecht

Page 8: Sunday Bulletin€¦ · Peter Costas, Major USAF Michael Gomez, USN PRAYERS FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN . 3 Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance Resurrection Hymn


“Therefore go and

make disciples of all

nations, baptizing them

in the name of the

Father and of the Son

and of the Holy Spirit,

and teaching them to

obey everything I have

commanded you. And

surely I am with you

always, to the very end

of the age.”

Please Join Us For The Annual

Godparent/Godchild Luncheon!

Following the Divine Liturgy on

February 15, 2015

Godchildren ask your Godparent to

Attend the Divine Liturgy with you to

reaffirm your baptism.

Godparents ask your Godchild to

attend the Divine Liturgy with you

to reaffirm their baptism.

Adults: $7.00

Children: $5.00

5 years – 12 years old

(Children under 4 years old are free)

A photographer will be available

for photos

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Page 10: Sunday Bulletin€¦ · Peter Costas, Major USAF Michael Gomez, USN PRAYERS FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN . 3 Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance Resurrection Hymn


St. Barbara Ladies Philoptochos Society




Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

13555 Hillcrest Rd.

Dallas, Texas


Transforming Wounds into Wisdom

Cynthia Kostas Masters of Theological Studies, Holy Cross School of Theology.

Lecturer in Orthodox and denominational Churches throughout the

United States. Leads the non-profit Photophoros, a Ministry of the

Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver.

Page 11: Sunday Bulletin€¦ · Peter Costas, Major USAF Michael Gomez, USN PRAYERS FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN . 3 Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance Resurrection Hymn



Philoptochos Lenten Retreat


8:30 A.M. Registration & Coffee

9:00 A.M. - Matins

9:30 A.M. - Welcome

Presentations Lunch Presentations

3:00 P.M. Closing Prayers


Includes Lunch



or mail form to: Marilyn Martin

7531 Greenbrier Dr.

Dallas, TX 75225






Make check payable to: Philoptochos

Questions - Call Marilyn at 972-974-5560

Page 12: Sunday Bulletin€¦ · Peter Costas, Major USAF Michael Gomez, USN PRAYERS FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN . 3 Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance Resurrection Hymn


The Centennial


in honor of The Feast of the Annunciation &

Greek Independence Day

Sunday, March 29, 2015 – Luncheon & Program begin

immediately following Divine Liturgy

Adults $12 Children $6

Reservations for tables of 8 or 10 and ticket sales begin March 1.

George Nikolopoulos Endowment Scholarship

Applications are now available for the 2014-15 Academic school

year. Deadline for submission is April 30th. Information for

applicants and applications are available on the Greek School

website. For questions, contact Billy Karant at

[email protected] or Presvytera Alexandra Poulos at

[email protected].

Holy Trinity Greek School of Dallas IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!

Certificate of Attainment in Modern Greek

Levels A1, A2, & B1 are scheduled at our school on May 19th,

2014. Anyone interested in higher levels may be accommodated

on May 20 or 21. Candidates must express their interest to take a

test to our school no later than March 1, 2015. Registration must

be completed by March 20th.

Page 13: Sunday Bulletin€¦ · Peter Costas, Major USAF Michael Gomez, USN PRAYERS FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN . 3 Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance Resurrection Hymn


Please join HTA & HTGOC Centennial Committee

For our 15th Annual Spiro Augustus Memorial Golf Outing

Monday, May 11th, 2015

1:30 p.m. Shotgun Start

$150 per player

(rain or shine)

Brookhaven Country Club A premier Dallas golf destination

When it comes to world-class Dallas golf courses, it simply gets no better than

Brookhaven Country Club! With 54 incredible holes of golf on three unique

courses, Brookhaven offers spectacular golf for every level of player. The

world-class driving range, reported to be the largest in Texas, and the five

acres of practice bunkers and greens, provide the ideal place to play! We will

be playing on the Championship Course!

Includes: Greens fee, golf cart, range balls, lunch and BBQ dinner,

non-alcoholic beverages and snacks.

Call HTA to reserve your spot at 972-490-7060

Page 14: Sunday Bulletin€¦ · Peter Costas, Major USAF Michael Gomez, USN PRAYERS FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN . 3 Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance Resurrection Hymn


Perot Museum of Nature & Science

Join the Senior Fellowship on:

Date: Tuesday – February 17, 2015

Bus Departs: 9:45 a.m. Bus Returns: 1:30 p.m.

Cost: $10.00 per person

Includes: Entrance to Museum* & Transportation

Note: *Additional fee for special exhibits.

Lunch: On own - either at Perot Museum’s Café or

spend more time looking at the exhibits and have lunch after returning to the church.

Reserve your seat by February 12. Please call:

Helen Zournas at 214-363-7490 or

Annette Dempsey at 214-366-4226

Page 15: Sunday Bulletin€¦ · Peter Costas, Major USAF Michael Gomez, USN PRAYERS FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN . 3 Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance Resurrection Hymn



Once again, thank you so much to everyone who

contributed to the supply of blankets and shipping funds that went

to Lesichovo Village Orphanage in Bulgaria. See the photo of Directress, Mrs.

Borisova, opening the boxes. They arrived just in time for Christmas and each

child received a blanket.

Our last shipment just went out on February 6th to the resident

children of St. Basil's Academy in New York. We now want to send five more

blankets to their college age students. The blankets will be sent as soon as they

are ready.

For our 8th mission, a few suggestions have been made and we are

open to more ideas for children's homes, especially in poor countries. Your

recommendations are welcomed.

Come visit us on Ministry Sunday, March 22.

Ways you can give:

Ready- made twin blankets

Handmade twin blankets

Gently-used blankets, twin

Checks made out to HTGOC (for shipping) with "Mission Blankets" in

memo line

Contact one of us for questions, suggestions and donations:

Nancy Hebert 972-679-6956

Kristie Cimino 214-334-6485

Karen Antos 214-763-4867

Page 16: Sunday Bulletin€¦ · Peter Costas, Major USAF Michael Gomez, USN PRAYERS FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN . 3 Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance Resurrection Hymn


Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

Reverend Protopresbyter Christopher Constantinides, Presiding Priest

Reverend Deacon Peter Kostakis, Assistant

Reverend Deacon Mark Pakes Reverend Deacon Clint Sharpley

2015 Parish Council


1. Jim Chappel

2. Jim Dolmas (President)

3. Christina Hochleutner

4. Jimmy Horiates (Recording Secretary)

5. Peter Hronas

6. Tasos Kaiafas (Vice President)

7. Mary LeBrecht

8. Matt Naftis (Corresponding Secretary)

9. Fotis Papanicolaou

10. Ari Rigopoulos

11. Wade Stephens

12. Kerry Tassopoulos

13. Sam Torolopoulos (Treasurer)

14. Mary Ann Trapalis

15. Dimitri Tsevoukas

16. Alin Voicu

17. Tina Yampanis

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Jim Dolmas Harry Yianitsas

2015 Parish Council President 2015 Stewardship Chairman


The Holy Trinity Bookstore/Library and Gift Shop is

quaint, peaceful and a must visit after the Divine Liturgy.

We are featuring the books titled “Rejoice Panagia,” the

“Akathist Hymn collection” of books and “Christ’s Comfort for

Those Who Sorrow” by Anthony M. Coniaris. You may also wish

to consider a popular book titled “Heavenly Banquet” that explains our Divine

Liturgy. Many prayer books and “The Orthodox Study Bible” are important to

have at home for every Orthodox Christian. New books are arriving in


The hand-made byzantine jewelry from Gallery Byzantium in sterling

silver and gold is exquisite, and would make excellent gifts for any

occasion. We also have the Bob Munro porcelain collection of our Church that

would make lovely gifts for your home.

Other items include wedding crown holders, beautiful icons from the

Monastery that have been blessed by the Priests and Monks, greeting cards,

children’s books, CD’s, and ribbon crosses.

We thank our many parishioners who have donated books to the

Bookstore Library. Come in and browse around for a while!

Your Bookstore Team: Mary Zotos, Betty Boyd, Alin Voicu, and Mary & John Benson

Open Sundays after Divine Liturgy until 12:30 p.m

and Wednesdays from 1:00 – 3:00

Weekly Bulletin 2015 Stewardship Report as of 2/11/15

2015 Stewardship Pledges

Number of Pledges

$ 2015 Pledges

$ Contributed to 2015 Stewardship

% of 2015 Pledge Contributed

No Change to Pledge 387 $455,354

Decreased Pledge 108 $94,876

Increased Pledge 177 $302,451

New Pledges 22 $35,840

TOTAL # of Pledges 694 $888,520 $158,952 17.89%

Contributions received 1/1/15 - 2/11/15 for 2014 Stewardship Campaign

Page 20: Sunday Bulletin€¦ · Peter Costas, Major USAF Michael Gomez, USN PRAYERS FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN . 3 Sunday, February 5,, 015, Hymns at the Small Entrance Resurrection Hymn

I’ve spent the last many months

coaxing, cajoling and hopefully

entertaining us with random stories

that somehow get bent and twisted

into a stewardship lesson. But when

it comes down to it, we must all ask

ourselves how, and how much to

give of our time, talent and treasure.

On the other hand, some do not

respond to the call to give. Some

want or need more reasons to give.

Instead of answering why we should

give of our time, talent, and treasure,

let’s ask the opposite uncomfortable

question. At great personal risk and

perhaps risking what great things

we have achieved together these last

few years, here they are.

The top 10 reasons NOT to give to

your church:

10. You are depending on your own

ability - We can achieve salvation on

our own, right?

9. You think you are being coerced

to give – We don’t want our arm to

be twisted, do we?

8. You don’t belong to God yet -

How do you give up yourself to

Him then? He’s been there since

your baptism.

7. You don’t understand what

Christ did for you - Weak faith and

weak convictions make a weak


6. You have to give grudgingly -

Nobody wants to hold a grudge

against His Church, hmmm?

5. You don’t believe we give most

what we love most - Ask a parent

how much of their life they give to

their children.

4. You don’t believe in the principle

of sowing and reaping - Basic

farming and investment sense just

works here.

3. You don’t know why God blesses

you financially. What good is the

tool of treasure, when it sits around

un-utilized? Doesn’t it rust and

crumble away?

2. You don’t understand what

generosity does - How good does it

really feel to give?

1. You don’t understand that the

why is greater than the what - Do

you understand why we need to

give, or are you still stuck with what

the giving is for?

As we continue to submit our 2015

pledge cards, please prayerfully

consider that the why is truly greater

than the what. Consider your

blessings of time, talent and treasure

and how you can give them back to

His church.

10 Reasons By Harry Yianitsas, Stewardship Chairman