Divina Misericordia 23 de Abril de 2017 Sunday of Divine Mercy April 23, 2017

Sunday of Divine Mercy Divina Misericordia April 23, 2017 ...stagathas.org/media/1/18/05-01014_2016_0423 PDF-.pdf · La hermana Edith se unirá con los feligreses Josie Bro- Sr. Edith

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Page 1: Sunday of Divine Mercy Divina Misericordia April 23, 2017 ...stagathas.org/media/1/18/05-01014_2016_0423 PDF-.pdf · La hermana Edith se unirá con los feligreses Josie Bro- Sr. Edith

Divina Misericordia 23 de Abril de 2017

Sunday of Divine Mercy April 23, 2017

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-Gloria Sanguillen -Guadalupe Mata

-Guadalupe Morales -Henre J. Dorsey III

-Irene Romo -Jack & Michael Stokes

-Joan McLaughlin -Joe Arellano -Juan Madariaga

-Juan Moreno -Juanita Orozco

-Juanita Rubalcava -Julia Ureña

-Julie Hernandez -Kimberly Terry

-Linda Guillian -Lisa Gallardo

-Lorraine Duperon -Lucy Rodriguez -Luna Jane Velez

-Manuela Montenegro -Margaret Alexander

-Maria Gallegos -Maria Jimenez

-Maria Luna -Mariana Reynoso

-Mario Guerra -Marlene Debora

-Mary Helen Urioste -Michael Lanham

-Michelle Porter

-Aaron Katz -Alfio Mazzei -Alfredo Cueva

-Alicia Jimenez Bravo -Andres Luna

-Antonio Prado -Arlasha Allen -Barbara Harvey

-Bobbi Rodgers -Bonita Sanderlin

-Brianna Katz -Camille Jones

-Carlos Antonio Vasquez -Carlota Zúñiga

-Christina Paul -Dee Carlson

-Dulce Maria E. Saviñon -Dustin, Gabriel,

Carmelo, and Jorge -Devina Molette-Ford

-Dominique Barksdale

-Edwin Raland -Edwin Rivas

-Elsa Perez -Elvia Herrera

-Erica Bravo -Ethel Lamirault

-Feliciana Escobedo -Gabriel y Miralda Tahan

-Giovanni Garcia -Gladys Green

-Miguel A. Piliado -Mikhail Thomas

-Nicole Michelle -Norma Barker

-Oscar Barbosa -Oscar Gonzalez

-Pam Terry -Peggy Anderson -Penelope Mendoza

-Peter Tshimanga -Rafael Segura

-Ramon Jimenez Andrade -Raymond Almeida

-Rene Jacques Hunton -Rev. Francis Cassidy

-Ricardo Morales -Rita N. Ashe

-Robert Johnson -Roberto Regalado Jr. -Rosa Diaz

-Sophie Demarcos -Sergio Villanueva

-Sevarina Legaspi -Silvia Esquivel

-Sylvia Smyles -Timothy Akens

-Teri Lanham -Terry Ally Sr.

-Vanessa Larios -Virginia Jordan

"Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them,

'Peace be with you.'" This greeting from the resurrected

Christ must have been a profound one for the disciples. They

were living behind locked doors "for fear of the Jews," which

really meant for fear of their own lives. They had seen what

happened to Jesus and didn't want to face the same fate.

Imagine the paralysis of this fear, keeping them locked inside

a prison of their own making.

But even the walls and the locks could not keep Jesus out!

He came "although the doors were locked" and brought them

a message of peace. And then their fear turned to gladness

for they "rejoiced when they saw the Lord."

This transformation from sadness to joy, from fear to

peace was not just a gift for these first disciples. It is a gift

for all of the followers of the Lord, ourselves included! When

we are afraid of what might happen in our lives, where we

are trapped or paralyzed by the burdens of our own habitual

sins, Jesus wants to step in and offer us peace. This is what

we celebrate today on this feast of the mercy of Christ. His

love and peace--the gift of his mercy--is meant for all of us,

weak, sinful, and scared though we may be.

And we who receive this great gift of mercy from the

Lord are also called to be merciful to others. We are called to

be peacemakers and to forgive others as we have been for-

given. Our celebration of Divine Mercy need not stop at the

doors of our own hearts. We can seek ways to be ministers of

God's mercy to others, reaching out with the love of God,

bringing comfort and consolation to those who need it most.

Durante este tiempo de Pascua, escucharemos en las lec-

turas lo que los primeros discípulos y seguidores de Jesús

vivieron en las primeras comunidades cristianas. Tiempos

muy importantes llenos de experiencias personales vividas

entre ellos. Pedro, hoy, nos recuerda la gran misericordia

de Dios al resucitar a Cristo Jesús, para que tengamos vida

y sea en abundancia. Como cristianos esa debe ser nuestra

esperanza la vida nueva que se nos ha dado en nuestro

bautismo y eso debe ser motivo de alegría en este Domin-

go de la Misericordia. San Pedro lo describe de la siguien-

te manera. "Por esta razón, alégrense, aun cuando ahora

tengan que sufrir un poco por adversidades de todas cla-

ses" (1 Pe 1, 6).

El Evangelio nos lo dice de otra manera, describe al

Resucitado animando a sus asustados discípulos que per-

manecían encerrados a causa del miedo que aún tenían

después del escándalo de la cruz y del abandono a su ma-

estro. ¿Qué hacer? ¿Hacia dónde ir ahora? Sin embargo,

Dios tenía otros planes para ellos. ¡El encuentro con Cristo

resucitado era inminente! Qué alegría tan grande verlo vi-

vo, pero distinto. Hasta Tomás, pasa de incrédulo a creer.

Y lo llama por primera vez, "Señor mío y Dios mío" (Jn

20, 29). Esta profunda convicción pasa cuando pasamos

por un verdadero encuentro personal con Jesús. ¿Cómo es

mi encuentro con el Señor resucitado, cuando aún no lo he

visto? Oremos para que estemos abiertos a la presencia del

Señor entre nosotros. ¡Vivamos el Misterio Pascual con un

corazón nuevo y con una esperanza resucitada!

“Today, as the Church seeks to experience a profound

missionary renewal, there is a kind of preaching which falls

to each of us as a daily responsibility... Being a disciple means

being constantly ready to bring the love of Jesus to others, and this can happen

unexpectedly and in any place: on the street, in a city square, during work, on a journey.”

- Pope Francis

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Page 3: Sunday of Divine Mercy Divina Misericordia April 23, 2017 ...stagathas.org/media/1/18/05-01014_2016_0423 PDF-.pdf · La hermana Edith se unirá con los feligreses Josie Bro- Sr. Edith

When you feel another person's breath you must be very close to them. Imagine how the Apostles felt that night when Jesus appeared and breathed on them. We have never seen Jesus in the flesh, but we experience his presence at times, and without seeing him we love him and believe. The breath that night still reaches out to touch each one of us. Take a deep breath and pray: Fill me with your breath, Lord. Exhale and give God whatever doubt, fear, or resistance lies within you. Breathe in the Spirit of God again. Give thanks to the Lord, who is good and who is as near as your very breath.

Have a peace filled week,

Sr. Karen Collier

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To build and foster a Christian Community that offers

the opportunity to experience God’s unconditional love

and acceptance to all who come into contact with it.

Construir y alimentar una Comunidad Cristiana que ofrece

la oportunidad de experimentar el amor incondicional de

Dios y la aceptación a todos con quienes nos encontremos.

“As each one has received a special gift,

employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the

manifold grace of God.” - 1 Peter 4:10

"Que todos, como buenos administradores de los

múltiples dones de Dios, pongan al servicio de los

demás el don que recibieron"

-1 Pedro 4:10

Sunday, April 16, 2017 $16,632.15

Online Giving $530.00

Sunday, April 9, 2017 $8,476.90

Online Giving $632.00

Cuando sentimos el aliento de otra persona es cuando estamos muy cerca de ellos. Imagínense cómo se sintieron los Apóstoles esa noche cuando Jesús apareció y respiró sobre ellos. Nunca hemos visto a Jesús en persona, pero a veces sentimos su presencia, y sin verlo lo

amamos y creemos en Él. El aliento de Jesús de esa noche es también un aliento para nosotros. Respiren profundo y recen: Lléname de aliento, Señor. Exhale y libere en Dios cualquier duda, temor o resistencia que tengan en su interior. Respiren el Espíritu de Dios de nuevo. Denle gracias al Señor, que es bueno y que está tan cerca como nuestro respirar.

Que tengan una semana llena de paz,

Hermana Karen Collier


Breathing is necessary for living. Without air and the ability to breathe, we would die. It is no wonder then that Jesus breathed on the disciples and gave them the Holy Spirit. As our physical breath is essential to physi-cally live, the Holy Spirit is essential to personally and socially live. Jesus shows his friends that God is within them, sustaining them with his gifts and providing them with the fullness of life and love. We take God's role in our lives for granted and we give ourselves more credit than we ought. Much of what we treasure and accomplish every day is due to God's inner presence mov-ing and acting within us calling us to new life.


El respirar es necesario para vivir. Sin el aire o la habili-dad de respirar, nos moriríamos. Con una respiración pro-funda, Jesús les sopló a sus discípulos y los dejó recibir el Espíritu Santo de esa forma. Así como respirar físicamen-te es esencial a la vida física, el Espíritu Santo es esencial para vivir personalmente y socialmente. Jesús les de-muestra a sus amigos que Dios está dentro de ellos y que

los sostiene con sus dones y les provee vida y amor. A veces, no apreciamos el papel de Dios en nuestras propias vidas. Mucho de lo que logramos día tras día es gracias a la pre-sencia interna de Dios que nos mueve y actúa dentro de nosotros para darnos nueva vida.

Page 4: Sunday of Divine Mercy Divina Misericordia April 23, 2017 ...stagathas.org/media/1/18/05-01014_2016_0423 PDF-.pdf · La hermana Edith se unirá con los feligreses Josie Bro- Sr. Edith

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St. Agatha Church Special Event:

Sunday April 23 from 2 to 4 PM An Afternoon of Prayer, Poetry and Conversation

With Sr. Edith Prendergast, RSC We are delighted to welcome Sr. Edith to our parish. She is the former executive director of the archdiocesan Reli-gious Education Congress. Sr. Edith will be joined by parishioners Josie Broehm, Shane Snoke, and Carrie Sibenius to engage in conversa-tion about the poets and poems they have found particu-larly inspiring in their prayer and personal life. Come with a mind and a heart open to broaden-ing your imagination and deepening your un-derstanding of faith and prayer. Participants are asked to bring appetizer-type refreshments and beverages to share. Please RSVP to the parish office at 323-935-8127.

Evento Especial en la Iglesia de Santa Agatha

Domingo 23 de abril de 2 a 4 PM

Una tarde de oración, poesía y conversación

Con la Hna. Edith Prendergast, RSC Estamos contentos de dar la bienvenida a la hermana Edith a nuestra parroquia. Ella era la directora ejecutiva del Congreso de Educación Religiosa de la Arquidiócesis. La hermana Edith se unirá con los feligreses Josie Bro-ehm, Shane Snoke y Carrie Sibenius para conversar sobre los poetas y poemas que han encontrado particularmente inspiradores en su oración y vida personal. Vengan con

una mente y un corazón abiertos para ampliar su imaginación y profundizar su comprensión de la fe y la oración. Se les pide a los participantes que traigan aperiti-vos y bebidas para compartir. Por favor de con-firmar que van a venir a la oficina parroquial al 323-935-8127.

□ $50.00 □ $75.00 □ $100.00 □ $150.00 □ $200.00 □ $300.00 □ Other______

NAME: ____________________________________ TELEPHONE: ___________________________

ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________□ Check □ Cash

St. Agatha’s International Festival

June 9, 10 and 11, 2017 Booth Sponsors Patrocinadores de Puesto

If you are a sponsor your name will be placed on a booth the day of the Festival

Bring your donation after mass

Mail or bring your donation to the office Checks: St Agatha Festival

Si usted es un patrocinador su nombre se pondrá en un puesto el día del Festival

Traiga su donación después de misa

Envíe por correo o traiga su donación Cheques: St Agatha Festival

Thank you Easter Decorations Many thanks for all the volunteers who helped out to decorate for our beautiful Easter Decorations. A special thanks to Joe Galvan who’s creative mind contin-ues to impress everyone and allow us to have the best worship space to celebrate Easter. The volunteers spent several days making sure the church looked at its best blossom glory representing new life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Decoraciones de la Pascua Muchas gracias a todos los voluntarios que ayudaron para las Decoraciones Pas-cuales. Unas gracias especiales para Joe Galvan cuya mente nos sigue impresio-nando y nos decora el mejor ambiente pa-ra celebrar la Resurrección. Los volunta-rios pasaron varios días para asegurarse que la iglesia se viera floreciente y gloriosa representando una nueva vida.¡Mil gracias!

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Thank you to the faithful

families that each month

donate non perishable gro-

ceries for our Saturday

guests every first Sunday

of each month. We are

grateful to you for remem-

bering that our guests are

not in need of groceries

just during food drives but

every week. Situations

are becoming increas-

ingly difficult for many

of our guests and the need

for blessings of groceries is

very important. GIVE



ARE ABLE. When God

blesses you and you give

praise and rejoice with

goodness and happiness

for the all these blessings

please show the gratitude

by passing a blessing on

to somebody who too is

standing in need of a bless-

ing. Amen

Sometimes we just need to

stop stand still and just

praise God for the gifts He

has blessed us with. Maybe

one Sunday you can reach

out in gratitude by taking

time to be a blessing for a

stranger who is at mass.

Greet them, make them

feel welcome, give them

your smile and invite them

to the Hall or Placita for

fellowship and coffee fol-

lowing mass. Do not be

afraid God is by your side

cheering you on and saying

"go ahead and go out

on the limb I am here

by your side you are doing

this in my name and I got

ya". AH the feeling that

will come over you cannot

be explained only felt

when you reach out to

truly from your heart and

soul bless someone with-

out hesitation and no strin

gs attached. Serve this up

on your plate this Sunday

to taste and see...

Be blessed and be a bless-

ing as you encourage eve-

ryone you meet to join

with you in storming

heaven each day with

prayers for unity and peace

everywhere on earth.


These kind actions are

what is meant when God

ask us to be doers of the



The S.H.A.R.E Ministry

April 29—Youth Group Contact: Gricelda May 6—S.H.A.R.E. Ministry

Christian Meditation Group

A Christian Meditation group will meet in the Pastoral Center from 7:00—8:00 PM on the following Mondays:

April 24 May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 June 5, 12, 19, 26

The teaching is based in that of the World Community for Christian Meditation. Website: wccm-usa.org

For questions, please contact: Gina Johnson at (818) 466-4048.

Festival 2017

St. Agatha’s International Festival Friday, Saturday, and Sunday June 9, 10 and 11, 2017.

Rides, Live Music, Food, and family fun!

Festival 2017

Festival Internacional de Santa Ágatha el viernes, sábado, domingo el 9, 10 y 11 de junio de 2017.

¡Juegos mecánicos, música en vivo, comida y diversión familiar!

Page 6: Sunday of Divine Mercy Divina Misericordia April 23, 2017 ...stagathas.org/media/1/18/05-01014_2016_0423 PDF-.pdf · La hermana Edith se unirá con los feligreses Josie Bro- Sr. Edith

6 Page | www.stagthas.org

Understanding the Symbols of the

Lion, Angel and Bull


On our pulpit there is an eagle, a lion, an angel, and a bull.

What do they represent?


Each symbol represents a Gospel. These symbols helped

people to differentiate the Gospels at a time when most peo-

ple could not read. The image of a man or angel represents

the Gospel of Matthew and signifies Christ's human nature.

The lion, a symbol of royalty and power, represents the Gos-

pel of Mark and denotes Christ the King. The ox or calf, the

sacrificial victim, represents the Gospel of St. Luke and

highlights the priestly character of Christ's mission. The ea-

gle stands for the Gospel of St. John because his theology is

much more developed than the three synoptic Gospels. Just

as an eagle soars above the earth, so John's theology soars

above the other Gospels. The symbols for the Synoptics

probably come from how each one begins. One of the initial

lines of the Gospel of Mark begins: "A voice of one crying

out in the desert." In the wilderness you can hear the roar of

the lion for miles around. Matthew's Gospel opens with the

genealogy of Jesus, and represents Jesus' human roots. The

Gospel of Luke opens with the story of Zechariah the high

priest who offered a sacrifice of a bull on behalf of the na-


Símbolos del León, Ángel y Toro


En nuestro púlpito hay un águila, un león, un ángel y un toro.

¿Qué representan?


Cada símbolo representa un Evangelio. Estos símbolos ayuda-

ron a las personas a diferenciar los Evangelios en un momento

en que la mayoría de la gente no podía leer. La imagen de un

hombre o un ángel representa el Evangelio de Mateo y signifi-

ca la naturaleza humana de Cristo. El león, símbolo de la rea-

leza y el poder, representa el Evangelio de Marcos y denota a

Cristo Rey. El buey o becerro, la víctima del sacrificio, repre-

senta el Evangelio de San Lucas y destaca el carácter sacerdo-

tal de la misión de Cristo. El águila representa el Evangelio de

San Juan porque su teología es mucho más desarrollada que

los tres Evangelios sinópticos. Así como un águila se eleva

sobre la tierra, así la teología de Juan se eleva por encima de

los otros Evangelios. Los símbolos para los sinópticos provie-

nen probablemente de cómo cada uno comienza. Una de las

líneas iniciales del Evangelio de Marcos comienza: "Una voz

de uno que clama en el desierto". En el desierto se puede escu-

char el rugido del león a kilómetros de distancia. El Evangelio

de Mateo se abre con la genealogía de Jesús, y representa las

raíces humanas de Jesús. El Evangelio de Lucas comienza con

la historia de Zacarías el sumo sacerdote que ofreció un sacri-

ficio de un toro en nombre de la nación.

New abuse prevention brochure April, National Child Abuse Prevention Month, is a time to

recognize that we all play an important role in protecting our children and young people. Each year, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles publishes the Working Together to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse brochure, which provides a listing of

policies, programs, resources and other information on how the Catholic Church is working to help prevent child sex-ual abuse. Copies of the 2017 brochure are available in

the parish vestibule or visit http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/protecting/safeguard/Pages/


Folleto sobre prevención de abuso

Abril, Mes Nacional de Prevención del Abuso Infantil, es un momento para reconocer que todos jugamos un papel impor-tante en la protección de nuestros niños y jóvenes. Cada año, la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles publica el folleto Trabajan-do juntos para prevenir el abuso sexual infantil, que propor-ciona una lista de políticas, programas, recursos y otra infor-mación sobre cómo la Iglesia Católica está trabajando para

ayudar a prevenir el abuso sexual infantil. Copias del folleto del 2017 están disponibles en el vestíbulo de la parroquia o visite http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/


Yoga (Bilingual)

Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Guadalupe Room

Tuesdays / Martes Thursdays / Jueves April 18 – Eddy April 20—Rika April 25 – Rika April 27—De Jur

Martes y Jueves a las 6:30 p.m.

Estás invitado.

Call to Discipleship Retreat

You are invited to the Courageous Faith—Call to Discipleship Retreat by Sr. Nancy Usselmann, FSP. Sister will speak about the disciples traveling to Emmaus who said, “Did not our hearts burn within us?” (Lk 23:23). Using popular film, conferences, and prayer, Sr. Nancy will lead the retreatants on a journey to discover that discipleship entails the courage to believe, courage in relationships and courage to see with the eyes of Christ. Retreat: April 29, 2017, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with Mass available at 4:00 p.m. at Pauline Books & Media, 3908 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City, CA 90230. Retreat donation is $30, lunch is included. RSVP at 310-397-8676 or [email protected].

Page 7: Sunday of Divine Mercy Divina Misericordia April 23, 2017 ...stagathas.org/media/1/18/05-01014_2016_0423 PDF-.pdf · La hermana Edith se unirá con los feligreses Josie Bro- Sr. Edith

7 Page | www.stagthas.org

Pastoral Staff Directory

Pastoral Office (323) 935-8127 Faith Formation Office (323) 935-0963

Hispanic Apostolate Office (323) 935-1308 St. Agatha's Web: www.stagathas.org

Pastoral Office Hours Monday - Friday • Lunes - Viernes

10:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm Saturday • Sábado

9:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm Sunday: OFFICE CLOSED

Mass Times / Tiempos de Misa

Mon: 6:30pm (En) Tues: 6:30pm (Sp)

Wed: 8:00am (En) Fri: 6:30pm (Bl) Sat: 5:30pm (En/Vigil) & 7:00pm (Sp)

Sun: 7:00am (Sp), 8:30am (En)

10:00am (En/Gospel) 12:15pm (Sp) 5:30pm (En)

Confession / Confesiones

Saturday/Sábado: 4:40pm

Submit a bulletin Announcement

[email protected]

[email protected]


Sr. Karen Collier Parish Life Director

Ext. 227 [email protected]

Fr. Marco Reyes Parish Priest

Ext. 223 [email protected]

Fr. Ernest Pathi Student Priest

[email protected]

Dn. Ricardo Recinos Parish Deacon

Ext. 230 [email protected]

Enrique Reyes Parish Business Manager

Ext. 224 [email protected]

Teresa Amezcua

Director of Faith Formation

Ext. 241

[email protected]

Gricelda de la Cerda Youth Ministry Ext 240 Faith Formation Assistant

Ext. 290

[email protected]

Emmanuel Montenegro


Ext. 221

[email protected]

Kiara Santacruz


Ext. 221

[email protected]

Flor Monterrosa


Ext. 221

[email protected]

Eddie Hilley

Music Ministry Director

(323) 935-2853

[email protected]

Text Message the Office (323) 743-8127

Saturday April 22 ╬ Sábado 22 de Abril 5:30 p.m. Our St. Agatha Parish Family - 7:00 p.m. Jacobo Ramírez † - A petición de Francisca Ramírez

Sunday April 23 ╬ Domingo 23 de Abril Acts 2: 42-47/ Ps 118: 2-4. 13-24/ 1 Pt 1: 3-9/ Jn 20: 19-31

7:00 a.m. Olivia † y Agustin Cervantes † - A petición de Eva Garcia

7:00 a.m. Francisco † y Socorro Madrigal † - A petición de Jesus Garcia

8:30 a.m. Our St. Agatha Parish Family -

10:00 a.m. Joyce Fitzgerald (Happy Birthday) -

12:15 p.m. Jessica Cristobal (Feliz Cumpleaños) - A petición de la familia Cristobal

5:30 p.m. Our St. Agatha Parish Family - Monday, April 24 ╬ Lunes 24 de Abril Acts 4: 23-31/ Ps 2: 1-3. 4-7a. 7b-9/ Jn 3: 1-8

6:30 p.m. Our St. Agatha Parish Family -

Tuesday, April 25 ╬ Martes 25 de Abril 1 Pt 5: 5b-14/ Ps 89: 2-3. 6-7. 16-17/ Mk 16: 15-20

6:30 p.m. Nuestra Familia Parroquial -

Wednesday, April 26 ╬ Miércoles 26 de Abril Acts 5: 17-26/ Ps 34: 2-3. 4-5. 6-7. 8-9/ Jn 3: 16-21

6:30 p.m. Our St. Agatha Parish Family -

Thursday, April 27 ╬ Jueves 27 de Abril Acts 3: 11-26/ Ps 8: 2ab and 5. 6-7. 8-9/ Lk 24: 35-48

6:30 p.m. Servicio de Comunión

Friday, April 28 ╬ Viernes 28 de Abril Acts 5: 34-42/ Ps 27: 1. 4. 13-14/ Jn 6: 1-15

6:30 p.m. Our St. Agatha Parish Family -

Check in at St. Agatha’s Facebook Page!

Next Sunday Readings Third Sunday of Easter

April 30, 2017 Acts 2: 14. 22-33/Ps 16/1 Pt 1: 17-21/Lk 24:13-35