A welcoming Catholic community devoted to living out and celebrating God’s Word and Sacraments by connecting people to Christ through faith, love and ministry. October 4, 2015 ST. THOMAS MORE CATHOLIC CHURCH SARASOTA, FL I have called you by name and you are mine.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

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St. Thomas More, Sarasota Weekly Bulletin for Sunday, October 4, 2015

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A welcoming Catholic community devoted to living out and celebrating God’s Word and Sacraments

by connecting people to Christ through faith, love and ministry.

October 4, 2015

St. thomaS moreCatholiC ChurCh

SaraSota, Fl

I have called you by name and you are mine.


Parish Office(located in chelsea center)

hours (Mon.-Fri.)8:30am - 4:30pm


2506 GulF Gate dr.sarasota, Fl 34231


[email protected]


Confessions 3:00pm (Saturday, in the chapel)

Saturday 4:00pm

Sunday8:00am9:45am - Traditional choir11:30am - Contemporary choir

Weekdays & Sat. 8:00am


Holy Communion

in the HandsCommunion in the hands, the original way the early Church received for several centuries, is the preferred and most hygienic way to receive:

“Make a throne of your hands to receive your King.” (St. Cyril of Jerusalem 348 A.D.) Grabbing the host with 2 fingers or placing your hands side by side so the Host could fall through is not appropriate. One hand should be UNDER the other to take the Host and place it in your mouth. The correct response is, “Amen!” (Translation: So be it!) when the minister says, “The Body of Christ.”

Profound bows (from the waist) and genuflecting before communion are not designated in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM). Both can cause accidents. People have tripped over those genuflecting in the Communion line. Intinction (dipping the Sacred Host into the Precious Blood) is permitted ONLY by a priest or deacon.

Check Us Out: www.stthomasmoresrq.org

Fr. Michal szyszka Parochial Vicar


sr. Judy baldinoPastoral Associate

rev. Mr. bob GaitensDeacon

rev. Mr. kevin MonahanDeacon

alex dilanOrganist & Music Director

chuck lynchSacristan

leiland theriotInterim Dir. of Youth Ministry

MiMi FitzGeraldHealth Ministry Coordinator

carolann loveJoy-JessupExecutive Assistant

david FelicianoParish Accountant

Mary MaxWellParish Secretary

susan JacobsFront Office Coordinator

Joanne tararaChelsea Coordinator

paul urbanGrounds/Maintenance


raMon alveroMaintenance/Set up

John driscollMaintenance/Set up

Fr. Joe cliFFordPastorWelcoming

Our parishioners love meeting new people and sharing their lives with

others. You’ll also be greeted by some of the most welcoming people

you’ve ever met at a church - and we’re not just talking about the

Hospitality Team.

Family-FocusedIf you have children, they are ALWAYS welcome to celebrate Mass

with the community! In fact, our church was intentionally built without

a cry room because we want children at Mass. We also have a

special family bathroom with child-sized “facilities.”

dynamic WorshipThroughout the Mass, you’ll be encouraged and invigorated by the

community’s full, conscious, and active participation in the Liturgy.

Our community loves to SING! The Word of God is proclaimed in

a dynamic fashion. The homilies are geared towards loving people

where they are - and challenging them to become better Christians.

a church unlike any other!There’s so much more to talk about! Our parish is a wonderful,

dynamic community and we welcome you to celebrate Liturgy with

us this weekend. It doesn’t matter if this is your first time, 50th time, or

first time in 50 years - know that you always have a place to worship,

and a community to belong to, at St. Thomas More Catholic Church.

Join our Community: www.stthomasmoresrq.org/register


Secular Franciscan Order - at St. Thomas More Parish

October 4 - The feast day of St. Francis

If you look up “Secular Franciscan Order” (re-cently formally changed to Ordo Franciscansus Secularis) in Wikipedia, you will find a pretty ac-curate definition, although SFOs differ widely in the ways in which they live out their calling. But

this is what Wikipedia has to say: “The Secular Franciscan Order is a community of Roman Catholic men and women in the world who seek to pattern their lives after Christ in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi. . . The preaching of St. Francis, as well as his own living example and that of his first disciples, exercised such a powerful attraction on the people that many married men and women wanted to join them . . . Francis formed the Third Order (Secular Franciscans) because . . . as he preached penance in one place after another devout lay persons who were bound by family responsibilities begged to be taught a more perfect way of life. He showed them how they must lead the Gospel life at home and at their work, and spread the Gospel teaching by word and example among their neighbors, in imitation of the poor and suffering Christ.”

Come and see how 21st century Secular Franciscans strive to do this, 800 years after Fran-cis. Meetings are held every third Saturday of the month in the Chelsea Center at 8:30 am. For information, call Susan Jacobs 941-922-1060.

Scouting at St. Thomas MoreCub Scouts Pack 100: Mondays - 6:00 pm in the Spirit Center. Boys ages 7-11 welcome! Pack Leader: Michelle Dunn 941-806-8133 or [email protected]

Boy Scouts Troop 100: Mondays - 6:00 pm in the Spirit Center. Boys ages 11-18 welcome! Troop Leader: Javier Aristimuño 941-232-8073 or [email protected]

Girl Scouts Toop 780: Thursdays - 6:00 pm in the Chelsea Center.Girls ages 5-18 welcome! Troop Leader: Jill Crabill or Ginny Lawlor [email protected]

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A ministry and fellowship of men, unifed to better serve Christ, our church and community.

Dinner Meeting - Monday, October 5 @ 6:00 pm in the Chelsea Center

Guest Speakers: Larry Keefe, recent past-president of the St. Vincent de Paul conference at STM

Cheryl Stock, manager of the new St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store in Gulf Gate

Dinner prepared by Roger Grenier and will feature “Mom’s Meatloaf” with all the “fixins.” We ask all member to bring CHECK OR CASH. Dues: $40 Guests: $15 Dinner: $9 Fast Pass: dues & all dinners $110

Note: Registration, social hour with beverage service and munchies begins at 6:00 pm and dinner is served at 6:45 pm.

Reservations via: [email protected]

Why Join the Knights of Columbus?

Becoming a Knight will enhance your life with the joy of giving to others and the feeling that comes with making a difference. You will experience the camaraderie of being a part of the world’s largest Catholic men’s organization while supporting the Church and our parish. To learn how you can achieve this with a time commitment of as little as 24 hours in a year, contact Dan Bulinski, Grand Knight at 941-556-9673 or [email protected].

Youth Group 6:30-8pm Wednesdays in the Spirit Center

Youth Ministry leader: Leiland Theriot youth@ stthomasmoresrq.org

Mingle More SinglesWe meet on Monday, October 19 @ 6:00 pm in the Chelsea Center Chelsea Chancellor Room.

We begin with light snacks and drinks before the 6:30 pm meeting.

Call to be added to our roster of singles and be notified of upcoming events: Roseann Peppard at 941- 921-7982.

Men’s monthly luncheon The Casserole ClubAll men, widowers, married or single: we invite you to join us for lunch at a different restaurant on the last Monday of the month.

If you are a widower, whether you have lost your spouse this month or many years ago, we would especially love to have you join us for companionship, friendship, a light meal and old fashioned comradeship. Luncheons are under $10 and you will be informed by email 2 weeks ahead of time as to where we will meet.

For more information, call Jack Dyer 941-921-4901. We are the Casserole Club, we are men helping men, and we don't cook!

Catholic Professionals NetworkThe Catholic Professionals of STM are business leaders providing a support community to come together with a dedication to help each other grow and prosper.

Beginning October 13, we will meet the second Tuesday monthly, 7-9:00 am. We will provide food for the body from 7-7:30 am; and then food for the mind from 7:30-9:00 am. That’s not all - for our kick-off session we are proud to feature Bishop Frank Dewane as our keynote Mentor! Bishop Dewane will share his thoughts on what it means to be a Catholic business leader in today’s world.

Get involved! Contact: Jon Lemole at 941-445-3087 or follow @CPofSTM To attend the kick-off meeting: RSVP by Oct. 7 to [email protected].

Are You NEW to the Parish?Join us on Saturday, October 17 @ 9:00 am for our new member orientation. We begin in the church with a brief parish history, followed by a tour of the various buildings and the church grounds. Parishioners Cheryl Stock and Sue Stofko will be your hosts.

Our Hospitals and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

If you, a friend or family member are in Sara-sota Memorial or Doctors Hospitals and are looking for spiritual care, there is a procedure you must follow because of the new laws that are now in force.

If you are at Sarasota Memorial Hospi-tal and wish Holy Communion or a visit by the Catholic chaplain you must:

1. Dial 0, ask for the Chaplain’s Office and request Communion.This Chaplain is full-time at the hospital and lives at St. Martha’s Parish. We pay a portion of his salary to ensure our Catholics are seen.2. If you are going to be there a few days, call the Parish Office and let us know. We will then be able to send Father Michal or

Father Joe to visit you. Each priest visits the hospitals once a week. The Chaplain visits every day. It is important to take the above steps, as there no longer is a Catholic parish list available to the priest. 3. The same is required at Doctors Hospital and Hospice.

The laws, though they seem strict, are for the privacy and protection of the hospital patient.

Sunday Fr. Michal 8:00am +Dr. Wiliam Stryker Dianna Kosa - Happy Birthday!

Fr. Joe 9:45am +Greg Turnbull +Joan Yaprak +Connie Cook Fr. Joe 11:30am + Patricia Pethigal +Micheline Donelly Monday Fr. Michal 8:00am +Albert Holtz +Michael Menzella

Tuesday Fr. Michal 8:00am +Grace & Joseph Kaplan +Domenico Picone

Wednesday Fr. Michal 8:00am +Vera Tesla +Marion Cannelongo +Janet Cannelongo

Thursday Fr. Joe 8:00am +Souls in Purgatory +Irene Meyer

Friday Fr. Joe 8:00am +Jeffrey Ditmars +John Pelton & family

Saturday Fr. Dave 8:00am +Michael Banovich Fr. Joe 4:00pm +Jack Baker +John Matthews Sunday Fr. Joe 8:00am +Beatrice Keane +Marjory Ramsdell

Fr. Michal 9:45am +Paolo Dellarusso +Helen Gordon

Fr. Michal 11:30am + Rocco Longo +John Love Kelly & +Janet Kelly





Sanctuary Candle Remembering Anna & John Szyszka,

Given by Fr. Michal Szyszka.

this week’s CALENDAR

Sunday, October 48:00am, 9:45am, 11:30 am Masses - Church8:00pm N.A. Meeting - Spirit Center8:00pm Nar-Anon Meeting - Spirit Center

Monday, October 57:30am Pray the Rosary - Church8:00am Mass - Chapel10:00am Quilters of St. Thomas More - Spirit Charity Rm. Bonnie Lagner 941-921-12615:30pm AA - Chelsea Bavaria Room6:00pm The Men of St.Thomas More - Chelsea Center6:00pm Cub/Boy Scouts - Spirit Center Michelle Dunn 941-806-8133; Javier Aristimuño 941-232-80737:00pm Al-Anon - Chelsea Bavaria Room

Tuesday, October 67:30am Pray the Rosary - Church 8:00am Mass - Chapel3:00pm Advance Handbell Choir - Church Alex Dilan 941-923-16915:15pm Youth Choir - Church Alex Dilan 941-923-16916:00pm Faith Formation - Spirit Center Sr. Judy Baldino 941-923-1691; [email protected]

Wednesday, October 77:30am Pray the Rosary - Church8:00am Mass - Chapel9:30 am Mothers’ Circle - Spirit Center Natalie Lelyo 215-620-11841:30pm Prayer Shawl Ministry - Chelsea Garden Room Pat Lucke 941-927-3419; [email protected]; Marie Scott 941-927-53524:00pm Knights of Columbus - Chelsea Center Dan Bulinski 941-556-9673; [email protected]:30pm Youth Group - Spirit Center Leiland Theriot [email protected]:00pm AA - Chelsea Bavaria Room6:30pm Micah’s Men & Women at the Well7:00pm Traditional Choir Rehearsal - Church Alex Dilan 941-923-1691 7:00pm Just Faith - Chelsea Westminster Room

Thursday, October 87:30am Pray the Rosary - Church8:00am Mass - Chapel9:30am Crafty Ladies - Spirit Center Faith Room Mary Hautanen 941-922-889210:00am Quilters of St. Thomas More - Spirit Charity Rm. Bonnie Lagner 941-921-126110:30am Contemplative Prayer - Chelsea Bavaria Room Ed Savoy 941-923-5706 11:00am Wedding Rehearsal - Church 6:00pm Girl Scouts - Chelsea Center Jill Crabill [email protected]:00pm R.C.I.A. - Chelsea Center Sr. Judy Baldino 941-923-1691; [email protected]:00pm Contemporary Choir Rehearsal - Church Alex Dilan 941-923-16917:00pm Knights of Columbus Council - Spirit Center Dan Bulinski 941-556-9673; [email protected]

Friday, October 97:30am Pray the Rosary - Church8:00am Mass - Chapel1:00pm Cards & Mah Jongg - Chelsea Center1:00pm Wedding - Church 6:00pm AA Meeting - Chelsea Bavaria Room

Saturday, October 107:30am Pray the Rosary - Church 8:00am Mass - Chapel8:30 am Just Faith Retreat - Chelsea Garden Room4:00pm Mass - Church5:00pm Women’s Club Card Sales

Sunday, October 118:00am, 9:45am, 11:30 am Masses - Church8:00pm N.A. Meeting - Spirit Center8:00pm Nar-Anon Meeting - Spirit Center



Liturgical MinistriesIf you are an Altar Server, Lector, or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and will be away, contact Joanne Tarara: [email protected]; or if you are a Hospitality Minister, contact Charles Ballschmieder: [email protected] and let either person know your away dates. You do not want to be scheduled while you are gone!

Written notice of your changes is required the 1st of each month. If you are scheduled and cannot make it, you are asked to find a replacement from our list.

Our prayer book of the sick is located in the chapel. You may write your intention; be assured that

those entered are prayed for daily.

Centering Contemplative PrayerThursdays @ 10:30 am in the Spirit Center;

Ed Savoy 941-923-5706

Prayer Chain Dale Eppig 941-923-4961

Spirit of Love Prayer Group 2nd Monday @ 2:00 pm in the chapel; Alice Lavitt 941-927-2647

Rosary Weekdays @ 7:30 am in the Church

Women at the Well & Micah’s Men 1st & 3rd Wednesdays @ 6:30 pm in the Chelsea Center; Roger Grenier 941-993-2908

prayer & small groups

Adult Bible Study - Parables of the Kingdom We meet Fridays at 9:15 am in the Spirit Center (for seven weeks) and begin Friday, Oct.16 at 9:30 am (note different time), when we hand out study books. If you have questions, call Mary Jo Dranttel: 941-343-0522. To register: call the church office at 941-923-1691.

OFFERTORYSeptember 26/27 2015 $15,692.00(includes ParishPay weekly donations)St. Vincent DePaul Society $ 436.00


Pledged $274,384.40Received $246,210.52

Checks payable to: Catholic Faith Appeal Online gifts: stthomasmoresrq.org/cfa

Meetings are confidential and all are welcome.

Alcoholics Anonymous 5:30 pm Mondays, Bavaria Room.

Al-Anon (Family groups) 7:00 pm Mondays, Bavaria Room.

Alcoholics Anonymous 6:00 pm Wednesdays, Bavaria Room

Alcoholics Anonymous 6:00 pm Fridays, Bavaria Room

Narcotics Anonymous & Nar Anon 8:00 pm Sundays, Spirit Center, Gathering Room.


Happily Married Couples: Want to discover the secret to a marriage filled with love, hope, romance, and passion? You already found the way when you fell in love, were dating and were first married. Come on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend and Rediscover, Renew and Refresh your love. Your hopes and dreams for “happily ever after” don’t have to just be in a story book.

The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is Nov 13- 15 at the Franciscan Retreat Center in Tampa. Contact (813) 270-7832 to apply or for more information about the weekend (and don’t forget to ask about our reduced application rate!). You may apply on-line at www.wwmetampabay.org

Annual Veterans Day Mass Wednesday, November 11, 3:00 pm• Sarasota National Cemetery, 9810 Clark Road (St Rd 72), Sarasota.

• Opening ceremonies begin at 2:45 pm.

• The Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Frank J. Dewane.

• All the faithful are invited to attend and participate in honoring the men and women who have served our country and are serving us today.

• Active military personnel are encouraged to wear their uniform.

• There will be ample seating and parking.

Boy Scout Outback Restaurant Dinner Coupons are available in the Parish Office weekdays 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

St. Martha School Fresh Christmas Wreat hsPreorders will be after Masses on October 17 & 18

Thursday, October 22: Luncheon at the Palm Aire Country Club; 5601 Country Club Way, Sarasota. The luncheon will begin at 11:30 am. Options to choose:

• Salmon Nicoise Salad

• Rueben (fresh fruit, coleslaw or kettle chips).

• Broccoli & Cheddar Quiche

• $17.71(includes tax & gratuity & non-refundable)

• Reservation deadline is Monday, Oct. 12

• Checks payable to STM Women’s Club & sent to Sally Reed, 5044 Inverness Drive, Sarasota, FL 34243. Indicate food choice (with Reuben, indicate your side choice) on your check. Contact Sally Reed 941.780.5579 or Pat Bucci 908.392.0727 with questions.

Thursday, November 5: Annual Thanksgiving DinnerWe will begin at 6:30 pm in the Chelsea Center• Volunteers needed

•Admission will be non-perishable food for Resurrection House

•Deadline for reservations and/or to volunteer is Thursday, Oct. 22

•Contact contact Mary Overman at [email protected]; 941-349-8948 or Maryann Mayer at 941-923-6596

Friday, December 11: Christmas Canal Cruise & Dinner at Punta Gorda Fisherman’s Village Marina

The group will have a 3:00 departure from St. Thomas More Church.•$56.00 per person

•prime rib

• tilapia Florentine

•Grouper Filet

•Deadline is Monday, October 5

•Checks payable to STM Women’s Club & sent to Patricia Bucci, 5386 Christie Ann Place, Sarasota, FL 34233. Indicate food choice on your check. Contact Pat Bucci at 908-392-0727 with questions.

The Women’s Club at St. Thomas More