facebook.com/sjtbparish facebook.com/ ChurchSJStJoseph CHURCH OF SAINT JOSEPH Address: 12 W. Minnesota St. St. Joseph, MN 56374 P: 320.363.7505 W: churchstjoseph.org Email: [email protected] Mass Schedule Tuesday-Friday: 9 am Saturday: 5 pm Sunday: 10:30 am SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST Address: 14241 Fruit Farm Rd St. Joseph, MN 56374 P: 320.363.2569 W: stjohnthebaptistparish.org Mass Schedule Sunday: 8:30 am WHAT S INSIDE Weekly Schedules........................ 02 From the Pastors Desk ............ 03 Prayer ................................................... 04 Stewardship Updates ................ 05 Saint John the Baptist............... 06 Saint Joseph ................................... 07 SUNDAY, MAY 23 RD | PENTECOST SUNDAY Saint Joseph: We, the Church of Saint Joseph, are a Catholic, Benedictine faith community. Through our liturgy and faith formation, we build on a solid foundation as active witnesses of Christ, and we eagerly respond to the needs of the Parish and the global community. Saint John the Baptist: We are a progressive Catholic Benedictine Community encountering Christ through the celebration of Word and Sacrament, one another, nature, and our thirst to create a just world.

SUNDAY, MAY 23RD - St. John The Baptist Parish

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Page 1: SUNDAY, MAY 23RD - St. John The Baptist Parish

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CHURCH OF SAINT JOSEPH Address: 12 W. Minnesota St. St. Joseph, MN 56374 P: 320.363.7505 W: churchstjoseph.org Email: [email protected] Mass Schedule Tuesday-Friday: 9 am Saturday: 5 pm Sunday: 10:30 am

SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST Address: 14241 Fruit Farm Rd St. Joseph, MN 56374 P: 320.363.2569 W: stjohnthebaptistparish.org Mass Schedule Sunday: 8:30 am

WHAT’S INSIDE Weekly Schedules ........................ 02 From the Pastor’s Desk ............ 03 Prayer ................................................... 04 Stewardship Updates ................ 05 Saint John the Baptist ............... 06 Saint Joseph ................................... 07


Saint Joseph: We, the Church of Saint Joseph, are a Catholic, Benedictine faith community. Through our liturgy and faith formation, we build on a solid foundation as active witnesses of Christ, and we eagerly respond to the needs of the Parish and the global community.

Saint John the Baptist: We are a progressive Catholic Benedictine Community encountering Christ through the celebration of Word and Sacrament, one another, nature, and our thirst to create a just world.

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5:00 pm Mass †Virginia Pfannenstein Church of Saint Joseph


8:30 am Mass for Our Parishes Saint John the Baptist

10:30 am Mass for Our Parishes Church of Saint Joseph


No Mass Today


9:00 am Mass †Margie Dierkhising Church of Saint Joseph


8:30 am Mass for Our Parishes Saint John the Baptist

9:00 am Mass †Arlene Beniek Church of Saint Joseph


9:00 am Mass †Russell Heitzman Church of Saint Joseph


9:00 am Mass †Sue Karnik Church of Saint Joseph


5:00 pm Mass for Our Parishes Church of Saint Joseph


8:30 am Mass †Marlin Faber Saint John the Baptist

10:30 am Mass †Leander & Delores Meyer Church of Saint Joseph

MONDAY MAY 24 10:00 am | Managing Blood Pressure, Heritage Hall TUESDAY MAY 25 10:00 am | Enrichment Class, Heritage Hall WEDNESDAY MAY 26 10:00 am | Willing Hands, Heritage Hall 6:30 pm | Saint Joseph Finance Council Meeting, Heritage Hall FRIDAY MAY 28 8:30 am | Friday Social, Heritage Hall TUESDAY JUNE 1 10:00 am | Enrichment Class, Heritage Hall WEDNESDAY JUNE 2 10:00 am | Willing Hands, Heritage Hall FRIDAY JUNE 4 8:30 am | Friday Social, Heritage Hall SUNDAY JUNE 6 8:00 am | Knights of Columbus Breakfast, Heritage Hall, Open until NOON 9:30 am | Farewell Fr. Jerome Social, Saint John the Baptist Parish Center Parking Lot 10:30 am | Baccalaureate Mass, Saint Joseph Church MONDAY JUNE 7 10:00 am | Managing Blood Pressure, Heritage Hall 12:30 pm | Care Partners, Parish Meeting Room TUESDAY JUNE 8 10:00 am | Enrichment Class, Heritage Hall WEDNESDAY JUNE 9 10:00 am | Willing Hands, Heritage Hall 6:00 pm | Saint Joseph Cemetery Meeting, Heritage Hall FRIDAY JUNE 11 8:30 am | Friday Social, Heritage Hall


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Pastor: Fr. Jerome Tupa, OSB 320.363.7505 ext.122 [email protected]

Business Manager: Julie Ortloff, 320.492.2835 [email protected]

Faith Formation Coordinator: Tess Koltes

Trustees: Dean Merdan 320.356.7131 Heidi Peternell 320.761.9469

Parish Council Representatives: Brian Posch 320.333.2036 Joyce Abeln 320.761.2275 Greg Hansen 320.492.4844 Tess Koltes 320.250.6728

Committee Chairpersons: Social Justice & Min: Eileen Haeg

Parish Life: Heidi Peternell

Liturgy/Faith Form.: Tess Koltes

Finance Council: Sandy Eiynck

Parish Staff 363-7505

Pastor Fr. Jerome Tupa, OSB Office: ext. 122 Email: [email protected]

Pastoral help Fr. Nick Kleespie, OSB

Deacon Matthew Ludick Phone: 320-428-6139 Email: [email protected]

Business Administrator Amber Walling: ext. 120 Email: [email protected]

Administrative Assistant Mary Lohaus: ext. 100 Email: [email protected]

Faith Formation Director Marian Bach: ext. 152 Email: [email protected]

Health & Wellness Marjorie Henkemeyer Phone: 363-4588 Email: [email protected]

Liturgy & Music Director David Orzechowski: ext. 123 Email: [email protected]

Facility Manager/Cemetery Andy Loso: 320.293.1953 Email: [email protected]

Pastoral Ministry Betty Larson, OSB: ext. 130 Email: [email protected]

Mass Time Schedule 363-7505, ext. 200

St. Joseph Catholic School Phone: 363-7505 Principal Karl Terhaar: ext. 151 Email: [email protected] Administrative Assistant Linda Heinen: ext. 150 Email: [email protected]

Parish Council Representatives Carlos Garcia: 320-493-1782 Charlie Burg: 320-363-4114 Rich Gallus: 320-363-0565 Lori Stock: 320-241-4528

Youth Representatives Julia Reber

Finance Council Chair Gary Bechtold

Trustees DeAnne Budde 320-293-4648 Rick Baron 320-267-2370


FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK My Dear Friends In our Lord and the Holy Spirit: St. John the Baptist had a very successful coffee cake sale thanks to all who prepared the cakes and the sale. This past week in St. Joseph we had a successful “garage sale” and Joe Burger taster. Thanks to the leaders of these events Connie Horsch, Jane Shaw, Mary & Bob Klein, Dean Budde and Bruce Bechtold. They recruited hard working teams that made the whole event seem easy. Kudos to you all! As Covid vaccinations have been successfully administered in our area the bishop is allowing an opening of the churches without social distancing and the mask mandate. If however, you feel more comfortable wearing a mask that is your choice. The main thing is that we are able to reopen. Whew! This is a great relief. I am grateful to God that we can return to a more normal life of prayer and service. Being hunkered down for the last year and a half has left many marks on our psyche. I especially think of those who have lost loved ones without the support of our sacraments and supporting community. This alone has left a number of people still grieving and feeling alone. We are reaching out as best we can, offering “grieving sessions or groups” as noted in the bulletin insert this past weekend of the Ascension.

Fr. Jerome Tupa, OSB, Pastor

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“Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth!” Today we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost! The first reading is from the Acts of the Apostles and tells the story of the First Pentecost. The disciples were all together, probably because they were afraid of what might happen to them. Suddenly a loud noise was heard and tongues as of fire appeared over each of them. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages so that all the people gathered in Jerusalem were able to understand them. They spoke of the life and actions of Jesus. Remember your Confirmation, the day on which you received the Holy Spirit and the gifts needed to live out your life as a Christian. At each Mass, when you recite the creed, you profess your belief in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and in the Catholic Church. How is this lived out in your daily life? Through prayer and action! God has given each of us gifts to share with others: it may be a kind word, an act of charity, a financial gift to the Church or a visit or phone call to someone who has lost a loved one or an elderly person who may be alone. The Spirit may also lead you to pray for the world, and for the Church and your family. What is the Spirit asking of you this week?

S. Betty Larson, OSB, Director of Pastoral Ministry

SUNDAY: Acts 2:1-11/Ps 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34 [cf. 30]/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25/ Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 MONDAY: Gn 3:9-15, 20 or Acts 1:12-14/Ps 87:1-2, 3 and 5, 6-7/Jn 19:25-34 TUESDAY: Sir 35:1-12/Ps 50:5-6, 7-8, 14 and 23 [23b]/Mk 10:28-31 WEDNESDAY: Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17/Ps 79:8, 9, 11 and 13 [Sir 36:1b]/Mk 10:32-45

THURSDAY: Sir 42:15-25/Ps 33:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [6a]/ Mk 10:46-52 FRIDAY: Sir 44:1, 9-13/Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b [cf. 4a]/Mk 11:11-26

SATURDAY: Sir 51:12cd-20/Ps 19:8, 9, 19, 11 [9ab]/ Mk 11:27-33 NEXT SUNDAY: Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Ps 33:4-5, 6, 9, 18-19, 20, 22 [12b]/Rom 8:14-17/ Mt 28:16-20

PLEASE PRAY FOR... All who are lonely, grieving or estranged, military men and women and their families, all the ill or suffering, people of the Diocese of Vijayapuram, India, all farmers, all frontline healthcare workers and workers & volunteers in foreign lands. CHURCH OF SAINT JOSEPH Duffy Barton, Judy Bruemmer, Dorothy Court, Carol Fries, Jill (Hoffman) Fussy, Gabby, Caroline Glatzel, Theresa Glatzel, Mary & Doug Hanks, Larry & Anita Hering, Cliff Hilsgen, Jack Johnson, Amy Klaphake, Becky Klaphake, Ann Leedahl, Becky Maus-Nelson, Judy Meemken, Esther J. Merkling, Joe Miller, Alban Mohs, Jean Nierengarten, Miles Oliver, Nate Osbourn, Jennifer Oschwald, Marjorie Pfannenstein, Ann Scherer, Cindy Schmitz, a Special Intention, Anthony Scholz, Susan Sink, a Special Intention, John Steichen, Dennis Stueve, Oswald Thelen, Darlene Thielman, Jason Thompson, Bob Valek, Lisa Volkers, Eileen Walz, Bill Wasner and Sue Zimmer.

SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST Paul Dukowitz, Gloria Ebacher, Denis Hynes, Alvina Klocker, Gen Ludowese, Leo Heck, Larry Notch, Mildred Notsch, Jerry Rothstein, Anthony Scholz, and Charlie & Nancy Wenner To add or remove a name for the Prayer Corner, call the parish office.

IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE Please remember in your prayers those who have recently died:. Marlin Faber, Lester Roering, Emmy Torborg, Daniel Muske Peter Honer Marvin Butkowski, Laura Kutzera-Gaarder and Jack Kellner. “May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.”

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Donations Fiscal YTD $117,355.00

Budgeted Donations FYT $120,705.00

Plate $5.00

Audio Visual Donations $140.00

Green Space Needs Envelopes $25.00

Weekly Budget for 5/16/2021 $7,669.07

5/16 Youth Offering $13.00

5/16 Adult Offering $5,983.00

Weekly Difference -$1,673.07

Total Budgeted YTD $574,776.87

Total Received YTD $560,068.61

Difference YTD -$14,708.26

INTO THE WOODS AT ST. JOHN’S PREP Saint John's Prep Theatre is proud to present Into the Woods, as its annual Broadway musical out of doors on the lower campus of Saint John's Prep on June 3, 4, 6, or 10-12. . Into the Woods will be presented on an elevated stage with the woods of Saint John’s providing a stunning backdrop. As always, a full orchestra will accompany the cast with clever costuming, spectacular lighting and excellent sound. In Into the Woods, James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim take everyone's favorite storybook characters and bring them together for a timeless, yet relevant, piece ... and a rare modern classic. Reserve your tickets today at HTTPS://SJPS.BOOKTIX.COM FREE Tickets for Middle School Families! on June 11th at 7:30 p.m. Contact Laura Hartog at [email protected] for a promo code. Please note: Audience members are responsible for their own seating, so bring along your favorite chair or blanket. Handicapped accessible facilities are available. MEMORIAL DAY - 31 MAY 2021 Please join the members of the American Legion, the Legion Auxiliary, the Sons of the American Legion, and the Families and Friends of our departed veterans at Mass at 9:00 AM, Monday, May 31st. Come honor those departed service members who served with dignity and honor to help preserve the liberty and freedoms we all enjoy, especially the freedom of religion. Immediately after the Mass there will be a Memorial Service at the Old Saint Joseph Cemetery. And later in the morning the Legion Family will honor the veterans buried in the Saint John’s and Yankee Cemeteries. All are Welcome. Here on this peaceful hillside, the silent rows of headstones tell tales of service and sacrifice that are so much the story of our nation. Here lies the spirit that has guided our country for more than 200 years now. Nurses and

drummer boys, scouts and engineers, warriors and peacemakers – joined by a shared devotion to defend our nation, protect our freedom, keep America strong and proud. President Bill Clinton, 1996 MISSIONARY APPEAL SPEAKER On behalf of the Society of the Missionaries of St. Francis Xavier, Fr. Jose Baptista will be visiting our parishes for Mission Appeal on May 29th and 30th for all Masses.. The Society of the Missionaries of St. Francis Xavier, is the first indigenous society in India. It was founded in 1887, with a charisma to be pioneering missionaries. Today, there are about 350 priests and about 10 lay brothers. The main work of the Society is among the Non-Christian people in India and Nepal. The Society intends to make headways in the areas where Church has not yet been established. To plant the Church, it takes lot of resources and personnel, and to achieve this goal, the Society engages in providing to the poorest of the poor, schools, orphanages, hostels, medical clinics and other social work. Our Society has successfully transformed two missions into a diocese, with a strong Christian presence and vocations. This Society is a growing Society. We have more than 200 Seminarians in different stages of priestly formation. Young men full of enthusiasm look forward to carry the banner of the Risen Lord to bring joy and healing to the suffering humanity in the most remote areas of India and Nepal. The Society needs financial help to build churches, schools, hostels and medical clinics, to bring transformation in this most remote part of the world. Your assistance will go a long way to bring the good news of Jesus to these simple villagers. A special collection bin for missionary donations will be available. Please be generous in your commitment for the work of the missionaries.

Thank you to those who continue to mail contributions and contribute via Electronic Bank transfers, your gener-osity is greatly appreciated.

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Date: Lectors: Euch. Ministers: Sacristan: Sound:

May 30th Tess Koltes Dan Ortloff Dan Ortloff Brian Posch 8:30 AM Tess Koltes

SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH DEATH ANNIVERSARIES Please hold the families of the following parishioners whose death anniversaries take place during the coming week in your prayers: May 26, 1941: George Lepinski May 29, 1933: Peter Ternes May 31, 2005: James Brummer May the souls of the faithfully departed, rest in peace. FOLLOW US We encourage you to follow the parish on social media. Daily meditation or parish updates can be found on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/sjtbparish or subscribe to our Benedictine Catholic Community YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Sw98uxz5BJ7_Ders65WJw for notifications of Live Mass recordings. OUTDOOR SUMMER MASSES Weather permitting, our Sunday Masses will take place outdoors. Gathering outdoors for Mass helps to reinforce our theology by reminding us we’re not a place, we’re a people. So grab your sunscreen or your blanket. Bring your lawn chairs. Let’s cherish this time and enjoy the benefits of gathering outside to worship the risen Christ. *In case of rain, we would simply move Sunday Mass INSIDE the Parish Center. We will continue to livestream our Masses on social media, audio radio broadcast to vehicle radios in the parking lot, as well as over-flow seating with video in Mary Chapel. CHILDREN’S ENVELOPES/BULLETINS Children’s Activity Packets are available to be picked up at Mass (feel free to take a copy home, if you do not feel comfortable bringing your children into Mass yet). The Children’s Envelopes (Yellow) are also available to be picked up near the bulletins. Each week we ask children to submit a good deed they did during the week via their envelope. WEDNESDAY MASSES RESUME! Please join us for Mass every Wednesday morning at 8:30 a.m. in the Parish Center.

FAREWELL FR. JEROME Plan to join us as we wish Fr. Jerome farewell at our June 6 Mass, followed by a Reception. A card box is available in the parish center for your well wishes. MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE, MAY 31, 2021 In honor of our deceased military service men and women, we will be hosting a special ceremony on Memorial Day at the St. John’s Abbey and Parish Cemetery on Monday, May 31st at 11:15 a.m. This service will include: placement of flags on 141 veterans’ grave sites, prayer, roll call of deceased veterans, playing of “Taps” and a military gun salute. Please plan to join us. This service will be livestreamed on our Facebook page. MISSIONARY APPEAL SPEAKER On behalf of the Society of the Missionaries of St. Francis Xavier, Fr. Jose Baptista will be visiting our parish for Mission Appeal on May 30th at 8:30 am Mass. For more information about the Society of the Missionaries of St. Francis Xavier, see page 5. IN SEARCH OF VOLUNTEERS Please contact the parish office if you would like to volunteer as an USHER, SACRISTAN, LECTOR or COMMUNION MINISTER at our Masses. A new schedule will be published this week, please help out by adding your name to our schedule. Training is provided! Leave a message on the office phone voice mail or email Julie. FAITH FORMATION NEWS First Communion at St. John the Baptist is on June 6, 8:30AM at the outdoor Mass at the Parish Center First Communicants and Parents should arrive by 8:00AM to hang banners. Please complete your banner to use at Mass. Faith Formation Teachers: Thank you! All, but one, are returning in the Fall. We look forward to our first session starting at the end of September. Thank you to our retiring Confirmation Assistant, Shelly Acheson, for her many years of service to the Faith Formation program.

Tess Koltes, Director of Faith Formation

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SAINT JOSEPH RAFFLE 2021 All parish families are asked to sell one (or more) book(s) of 10 tickets at $10.00 per ticket this year. Tickets are available at the parish during office hours: Monday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Wednesday 9:00 am to 2:30 pm Thursday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm If you are not able to pick up tickets between those hours, please contact the parish office at 320.363.7505 and leave a message at x100 with your full name and phone number. We will, then, return your call and set a book of tickets in the parish office entry for you to pick up within 2 business days. FAITH FORMATION Vacation Bible School—Save the Date Vacation Bible School (VBS) is scheduled for Sunday, August 1-Thursday, August 5. This year’s theme is: Knights of North Castle. Watch for more details as the time draws near. Marian Bach Director of Faith Formation LEAD COOK POSITION AVAILABLE Saint Joseph Catholic School is looking for a Head Cook. Duties include: • Knowledge of cooking and baking techniques, food

storage, and preparation. • Basic knowledge of food nutrition for children. • Knowledge of sterilization requirements. • Requires purchasing food and supplies, managing

inventory, and maintaining a strong cost manage-ment environment.

• Preparing menus according to the Federal Child Nu-trition guidelines.

• Knowledgeable of County, State, Federal Regulations • Maintaining a clean, orderly, and safe environment. • Cleaning the kitchen area. • Working with and supervising volunteers, maintaining

records, and working with vendors. High school education or equivalent is required. Food Ser-vice Management is preferred. Must be able to lift 50 lbs. For more information, visit https://catholiccommunityschools.org/job/sjcs-head-cook/ BAPTISM CONGRATULATIONS Ezra Thomas, child of Jacob & Ashley Fink, was recently baptized in our church. Congratulations & Welcome, Ezra!

LITURGICAL MINISTER NEWS We ask everyone’s patience as we slowly return to normal procedures for our liturgies, as allowed by Bishop Kettler starting this weekend, May 22/23. Please bear in mind: just because we are now “allowed” to return to complete normal procedures, doesn’t mean we have the volunteers available to implement everything fully, yet. Last year, when we went down to having only two week-end Masses instead of three, my immediate plan was to contact all of our liturgical ministers to ask which Mass time they now preferred for being scheduled. It would be impossible to create a schedule going forward without knowing this. Then the pandemic hit. I purposely decided to put off contacting everyone until after the pandemic. There was no sense in gathering information we couldn’t use for what was going to be an extended, indefinite amount of time. People’s situations might change by the time the pandemic was over. There are still many people who have not yet returned to attending Mass in person. Therefore, our list of liturgical ministers we can call upon for help also continues to be less than normal. During the summer months, I will be contacting all liturgi-cal ministers personally to ask the following two ques-tions: “Have you returned to attending Mass at the Church of Saint Joseph…or do you have plans to do so in the near future?” and “If so, at which Mass time do you now wish to be scheduled?” Until I know these two things, I can’t make out a reliable schedule for the liturgical ministers. Meanwhile, we will need to continue with weekly calling of people to assist in the various liturgical roles. If you are a liturgical minister who has recently returned to attending Mass and wants to start being involved again, please let me know. I will put you on my calling list and you’ll begin to hear from me. Thanks for your patience and to all those who have stepped forward these many months to help us make it through. We are hopeful that things will be back to nor-mal as soon as possible. That is my full intent and goal. Sincerely, David Orzechowski, Director of Liturgy and Music LAURA KUTZERA-GAARDER FUNERAL The funeral for Laura Kutzera-Gaarder will be held on June 7th at 10:00 am. The funeral will take place at the Saint John’s Abbey Church. The funeral will be livestreamed at https://saintjohnsabbey.org/funerals/laura-gaarder