Sunday Liberty Pole Vol.2. No.16; April 17, 2016 Publisher: San Fernando Valley Patriots http://thepatriotsalmanac.com Editor: Karen Kenney. Contributors: Duane “Bucky” Buckley (DB), Megan/Neuro7plastic (MN), Tom Adams (TA), Kyle Kyllan (KK), Carmen Otto (CO), Estherly Colton (ES) and Rohini De Silva (RDS). This “Liberty Pole” is one of hundreds erected in America as a symbol of the colonials’ resistance to British tyranny. The poles were often 100’ tall serving as places to meet or post political news. The Sons of Liberty erected the first one on May 21, 1766 in Boston. Historical records 1

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Sunday Liberty Pole

Vol.2. No.16; April 17, 2016

Publisher: San Fernando Valley Patriots http://thepatriotsalmanac.com

Editor: Karen Kenney. Contributors: Duane “Bucky” Buckley (DB), Megan/Neuro7plastic (MN), Tom Adams (TA), Kyle Kyllan (KK), Carmen Otto (CO), Estherly Colton (ES) and Rohini De Silva (RDS).

This “Liberty Pole” is one of hundreds erected in America as a symbol of the colonials’ resistance to British tyranny. The poles were often 100’ tall serving as places to meet or post political news. The Sons of Liberty erected the first one on May 21, 1766 in Boston. Historical records indicate

these poles existed across America, especially in MA, PA, NJ, NY and GA.

The Corruption Chronicles:

Editor’s Note: Welcome to our intermittent feature on the impact of government failures and ‘red tape.’

2016 "Pig Book" Roasts Pork-Barrel Spending: Citizens Against Government Waste annual expose highlights Big Government's big spenders. We suggest 2 cups of coffee, an aspirin and adding your Congressional Representative's phone contact to your speed dial. http://cagw.org/reporting/pig-book

International: Nile River turns Blood-red, just like in Exodus 7:17; 4/3/2016 by Abra Forman at Breaking Israel News: Hope Charleton Heston is watching from Heaven. http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/64877/nile-river-turns-blood-red-in-biblical-nature-phenomenon-middle-east/?


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Sunday Liberty Pole


International (Continued)

Muslims in Germany shout: "Adolph Hitler" and "Alahu Akbar" (VIDEO) 4/10/2016: The virus is spreading. Someone please tell Angela Merkel and the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, she got nominated (4/7/2016) by British academic Mike Hardy, a professor and executive director of Coventry University's Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations. Yep, that's a Progressive fantasy title for the state of political Earth; Yay. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isRnEx4HIzQ

Palestinians call for Abbas' Overthrow: He uttered blasphemy: "Peace with Israel." 4/10/2016 by Khaled Abu Toameh at Breaking Israel News: Hey, Palestinians, when did peace become a dirty word? http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/65302/why-the-palestinians-are-calling-to-overthrow-abbas-opinion/?utm_source=Breaking+Israel+News&utm_campaign=a15839c2c9-BIN_evening_4_16&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b6d3627f72-a15839c2c9-86799617

Pope Francis issues "The Joy of Love" regarding Gays; 4/10/2016 by Abra Forman at Breaking Israel

News: "Amoris Laetitia" statement is 256-page treatise on acceptance. http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/65386/pope-calls-for-greater-acceptance-of-gays-and-lesbians-jerusalem/

A state in Germany to remove pork in schools/day-care as bow to Muslim kids; 3/6/2016 by Elliot Friedland at The Clarion Project: If only pigs could vote. https://www.clarionproject.org/analysis/politics-pork-germany


'Lyin' Ted" Cruz' Bodyguards Describe His True Character; 4/13/2016 by Ted at Glenn Beck: Wonder what Trump's security detail would say about him. http://www.glennbeck.com/2016/04/13/ted-cruz-bodyguards-speak-out-reveal-cruzs-true-character/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20160413GlennBeckDailyV4_FINAL&utm_term=Smart%20List%20-%20Responsive%20Group%20Control

Puerto Rico Bill Draws Flack in the House; 4/13/2016 Lindsey McPherson in Roll Call: Can US bailout


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a sinking island? http://www.rollcall.com/news/policy/puerto-rico-bill-faces-tough-waters-house

Puerto Rico Fights for Chapter 9: Too big to fail? 3/22/2016 by Mary Williams Walsh in NY Times: Island bailout at US expense. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/23/business/dealbook/puerto-rico-fights-for-chapter-9-bankruptcy-in-supreme-court.html?_r=0

Puerto Rico on Brink of Default 2015; 6/29/2016 by Patrick Gillespie and Heather Long at CNN Money: Red tape v. red ink. http://money.cnn.com/2015/06/29/news/economy/puerto-rico-default-chapter-9-bankruptcy/index.html

National (continued):

Guilt by Association: Hillary Campaign Panel Hosts Hezbollah Supporter: 4/13/2016 by Tiffany Gabbay at Truth Revolt: Salam al-Marayati also blamed 9/11 on Israel. http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/clinton-campaign-panel-includes-muslim-leader-who-blamed-israel-911-attacks-supports-terrorist

Town Hall in IA shows Grassley gets raves for a nay vote on Scalia's SCOTUS seat; 4/10/2016 Leah Jessen at The Daily Signal (Heritage Foundation): Media smoke and mirror to hold GOP in contempt? http://dailysignal.com/2016/04/10/video-


ISIS Camp 8 miles outside of TX 4/10/2016 by Bethany Blankley at Constitution: Good fences make good neighbors? http://constitution.com/8-mile-takes-new-meaning-isis-8-miles-texas/

LGBT "National Day of Silence" designed to Silence other Voices? (Commentary): 4/13/2016 by Leigh Bravo at Canada Free Press: A mother's non-PC view of a 'gay day' at school. http://canadafreepress.com/article/lgbt-national-day-of-silence-shutting-down-all-other-voices

Meme Contrasts 40 Years of Real Math v Common Core (Photo) at Conservative Tribune: Progressive insanity on display. Great! http://conservativetribune.com/meme-compares-math-and-nails-it/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=CampaignMonitor&utm_campaign=ConservativeBrief&utm_content=2016-04-13

In Case You Missed It: CA Gov. Brown seeks $200B to transport Delta H20 to SoCal via "Twin Tunnels": 3/10/2016 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review: So, first high-speed rail costs, now high-speed water? http://www.capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/southern-california-water-district-is-new-owner-of-20000-acres-of-california-delta/


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SF Declares State of Emergency due to Homeless, not Refugees or Illegals:

3/10/2016 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review: OK. Keep 'Sanctuary Cities' and Illegals, but deport homeless? http://www.capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/san-fran-declares-state-of-emergency-due-to-homelessness-but-not-due-to-illegal-aliens/

California/Los Angeles:

Assisted Suicide in CA Starts June 1, 2016 with an Irony: June is “Rebuild Your Life Month”: 3/18/2016 by James Poulos at Cal Watchdog: Good thing it’s not “Use Your Thinking Cap” month. http://calwatchdog.com/2016/03/18/assisted-suicide-gets-ca-start-date/

California/Los Angeles (continued)

CA Congressman in Ethics Probe creates Legal Expense Fund; 4/9/2016 by Eric Kurhi at San Jose Mercury News: Skip 'slush fund', boys.


CA Lawmakers 'Double-dip': Take Public Pension plus Salary;

4/10/2016 by Patrick McGreevy for the Los Angeles Times: The ol' multi-pension trick at tax payers’ expense. http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-sac-pension-stacking-20160410-htmlstory.html

SCOTUS skips CA Asset-seizure case. 3/6/2016 by James Poulos at California Watch dog: Hang onto your bank account. Tag, you lose. http://calwatchdog.com/2016/03/06/ca-asset-seizure-survives-scotus/

Eagle Action Corner:

Armed Forces Day, May 21Grab your friends, a U.S. flag and a poster honoring our military services to join a statewide project by www.catpg.org to inspire patriots and CA primary voters to guard our Constitution and American values.


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Sunday Liberty Pole

Report Suspected Los Angeles-area Terrorist Activity: 1-877-A-THREAT or IWatchLA.org

Under the Wire:

GOP Super PAC Matches Clinton with Nixon (VIDEO); 4/14/2016 Paul Bois at Truth Revolt: Looks like "Tricky Dick" meets "Slimey Bi-ch." http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/gop-super-pac-ad-portrays-hillary-nixon

Are Millennials SINOs: Socialists in Name Only? (AUDIO/Print); 4/14/2016 by The Federalist Staff: Millennials prefer capitalism, Bernie.


The Highlight Reels:Marine Corps v Republic of Korea: Drum line Battle (VIDEO) http://biggeekdad.com/2014/10/marine-drum-battle/

 Mall Cop v Navy Seal on Talking Faith in the Mall: Cops called: Really. (TA) http://reagancoalition.com/articles/2016/mall-cop-tries-to-kick-navy-seal-out-of-store-for-talking-about-god-watch-what-happens-next.html?utm_source=fnot1&utm_medium=facebook

Fr. Emil Kapaun: Heroic Korean War Chaplain...Then (VIDEO): And the military in the 21st Century condemns Christ in the chaplain corps. See below. Thanks to (RDS) https://www.youtube.com/embed/AZuPrQBSDCs

Military Chaplain banned from saying "Jesus"...Now (Lawsuit): 11/12/2013 by Todd Starnes at Town Hall


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Cole Porter's Music: Astaire and Powell Tap Dancing in 1940 (VIDEO) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWW6QeeVzDc

"Ted Cruz"--Bad Lip Reading (VIDEO) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v75wCTMZoSY

Gene Kelly 'Skate Dancing' (VIDEO); A favorite of (CO). http://www.chonday.com/Videos/geskates2

Truth about the CA Drought: Farms or Famine (VIDEO) "Dead Harvest" chronicles the truth about dying farms and Sacramento water policies: The Golden State’s reality show on man-made disasters. Take 30 minutes. Outstanding! http://familiesprotectingthevalley.com/DeadHarvest-i-134-134.html

Editor’s Note: This is a primer will repeat until SFVP July meeting featured speaker: Kole Upton of FPV.

Andrea Tantaros tells Romney to 'Shove it!' (VIDEO); 3/3/2016: Andrea Tantaros unloads after Mitt Romney's "anti-Trump' speech in UT. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTSAH-pUo8s

Comedian Joe Piscopo tells GOP: "Trump train is coming!" (VIDEO); 3/5/2016: Joe Piscopo to GOP Establishment--"Get out of the way."


Police Chief Edward Flynn of Milwaukee Police goes Off after Child's Drive-by Death; 11/6/2014 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel online: Heartfelt truth steeped in reality, not political correctness, press conference moment. (EC) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7MAO7McNKE

At the Hearth: Our Editorial Page.

"Cultural Appropriation" is Latest Weapon by "Crybullies" v White Men (VIDEO): 4/11/2016 Bill Whittle in Firewall for Truth Revolt: Whiny isn't witty in nation founded by white males; a smart, short commentary for today's "Black Lives Matter" and "Occupy Wall Street" misdirected youth. http://www.truthrevolt.org/videos/firewall-appropriate-video


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Stanford U Class of 2020: Zero (Commentary-Spoof); 3/30/2016 Frank Bruni op-ed columnist at The New York Times: To be read tongue-in-cheek in a gender-neutral restroom. Absurdity aimed at Palo Alto by a known LGBT columnist. Fun. Kirsten Powers tweeted much about this. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/30/opinion/college-admissions-shocker.html?_r=0

Will Obama bow to 'Nuclear Contrition'? (Commentary); 4/12/2016 by Caroline Glick at Truth Revolt: Obama's ‘apology tour’ goes ballistic. Yeah. http://www.truthrevolt.org/commentary/glick-obamas-nuclear-contrition

Calls for American Unity: "Dishonest or Naive" (Commentary); 4/12/2016 by Dennis Prager: He puts a point on a mind-numbing GOP arrow. Wake up, boys. http://www.dennisprager.com/calls-for-american-unity-are-either-dishonest-or-naive/

Hey, Bernie: Socialism Feeds off Capitalism. Really. (Commentary); 3/15/2016 by Oleg Atbashian, first published in the American Thinker; reproduced at Red Square and "The Peoples Cube" blog: Free enterprise and consumer choice v lines and bureaucrats. (KK) http://thepeoplescube.com/peoples-blog/why-socialists-need-capitalism-best-explanation-so-far-t17696.html

George Soros: Republic Enemy #1(Commentary); 9/15/2009 by Jim ONeill at Canada Free Press: Internet myth

is CBS' 60 Minutes staffer Steve Kroft. Here's the original source. This is a must-read and stunning expose of a man possessed by absolute power. (EC) http://canadafreepress.com/article/soros-republic-enemy-1

Editor’s Note: The “Sunday Liberty Pole” is published in a weekly newspaper-style with a focus on contemporary civics and ‘town square’ themes. If you have an opinion, comment or contribution (i.e. personal commentary on the news, or a favorite web site, story link), send an email (limit 100 words) with subject line Editor: Sunday Liberty Pole to [email protected] for a future edition.

New! Sunday Liberty Pole archives. Readers’ choice: a DOCX or PDF version of previous editions at http://thenewpatriotguards.com/index2.htm