THE SUN SUNDAY FEBRUARY 231891 7 tl jusrJ17R CJTAHOH- if DXMTHt- Dflv It for OCofinfll to Prove that tko poIIeemfl Treated Him Brutally Tonne Charles D OConntll who WM ar nitctl by illctmnn Wllllixm Wlilnpoll of the Bnlbsrrr street squad while vAwlnR tho Bnr ram funeral pnrads at Broadway Howar trMt I II t Thursday wfis Arraigned TOUt Pollen Court yesterday ohnra d with UtultlnK the rotlei man He was rtprserud by W brithor A88let8nt Uiiltcd States District Attorney OConnall United States Oomrolfiloncr shields was present ffblBPoH called two witnesses The frt was Ed war I Keelojr ol 6 Second avenue said when Whlnnell attempted to push the taI back on thn sidewalk OConnell Braspedi- Nofflcerii shrove and pulled him forward so lif tbe nearly fell dowu Then Whlspoll struck Ofloanell with the fat of his hand and said Doat be so fresh OConnell came through the crowd cursed and demanded his number As he 1pell struck Whlsll In the face Then rfciipell arsRtd On the way to the itttloa OCoonel struck at Whlspelt- Mj sttemoted Iet away from him On OMMxamlnatlon Heater admitted baring bMi arrested several years ago oharndwlth Unit He was discharged In the Jefferson Xirkst Polios Court Jeremiah Harrington who lives at 42 East Fourteenth street also uwtheirreit He corroborated Keoley He went to the station house and did not see- oCoaneii mlsniuil In aiy way H had been arrested1h said for playing policy hlBpell said he bad two more nee but they wore tot preect then yoHnaT OConnell told his story Ha be acted ouiirtaouflly throimhiut and Sill lad please when he asked for y hIs pelts number did not strike tho police- man ¬ ant WhlltI1 nttuok wits unprovoked All the OConnell awoia to the tame set of incIiIontH Non saw I the nrrost of OConnell or the illtg 4 osfiialt on Wbiloci which preceded It All nlv WhlspAll OloQnl a never with his gloved and left bAn bow left elila of the head This blow forthorllsf Khnmol irom women In the baoonlos of tho btilldlnnn They all saw- Whiwell strike u fecond blow at Orand street sod Broadwny nod USD OConnell as a hatter ln mra t force his war thrutiith the crowd at Grand street Lnnh witness hall come to court voluntarily he snld nnd only OO School Comnilf loner Joseph S Mosher had had any nrafiiiusniitmintauce with either the police- man ¬ or OCoottull I hurlos lie It Townteml- MSurroirnto o Queens county John W torIDIllllt inrvnyor of the port Thomas rf lUG Ucntre street John Crilir n sitlpsninn at 21 Mercer treat I WIlllHin n Garrison an Importer of 431 Hromlnnv llllim C Kerr and Oliver P JelTioy fwesnitn of 451 Broadway Aliino Unsn Importer of 151 Broadway nnd jennu Hshur n vlnik of 191 Hester street testlllNlforoViiiuittllh- lHpell II tiotetd Justice Hogan that he was not Hlilo to rope with the etAjaletant I Dis- trict ¬ Attormy He rrceodod to crossexamlnoU- TinnollV wltnesfloa I on tho tnme plan on which hlq OWI hnl hion pxnmlned by HBklnc them tf If l l d ever been arrestod but had not the pam stucco Policeman Heck of the Mulberry street squad stationed liotuoen Howard and Canal tretl 6 nn ThnrMlny nowool lie testified kit Ills tot t u minutes nod wnlluKOliiBUii t3adaat saw Whlspell arrest OConnell HP iilo nv OVonnoll resist Beck 101011111 nenaw that Yiilsroll needed no < n ho rolurnpd to his post Tuttle IfriKnn iUniln ed the case Mr udntpll watuvd to tile a complaint against Whlspell but J untlce Hogan would nut receive I on Sunday A DJtVO CLKIIKS DOMESTIC OB Bin Wife Bewarded ni Attempt t Ea Tate Her bJ Trying to Take Hr Lr John 0 Michaels la a drug clerk with a flow o language and aTolce that can b bear for bloke even when he is in orlnar ¬ lion His wire Bessie II and well formed and has a pretty lae She charged- him with assault In the Jeflerson Market Po- lice ¬ Court yesterday About two years ago she met Michaels She got Into such a state of moral depravity that the Sisters of the Oood Shepherd took care ot- her for II months Then she throw herself line North River and was rescued and married Michael She got to drinking and when she bad drunk too much she did al- ltortsot things that she doesnt look capa- ble ¬ of doing They IHo at 29 Charles street Mr Michaels has to work from 7 In the morning until Ill at night Last irlduy- BUht Mrs Michaels came home about 1 clock She had been drinking a good and was in a peculiar mood She woke her hatband up and Wi rewarded by a stream of hUhpltehed Then she ixiilt a large tire in the stove got out the fled them with water and walhlUhsj lamUYahlnl These on struck Michaels dumb lor a moment Hu began to remonstrate and- to complit n 01 hIt long hours and the impossi ¬ bility of alloping there a roaring fire and a here washing were tilling the apartment MrsMlcliaela felt that her unwonted energy srenthouKh mUdlinced deserved better re- ward ¬ Mho Riabbod the kerosene can and raised It to throw it her husband He saw 8 that the top wan 01 the can that the oil would Rplll and as the can had to pass acrcsp the stoe on its way t his held thero was danger 01 an oxplsIOD He for tns bed Mild wr from his wife TbeollwnH sullied 11 over her In this strug- gle ¬ hhvsnvsthHt husband threatened to Set her on II 10 At nuy rate the quarrel which lollnnojBo omhltiorvil Airs Michaela that site buil Mr 31 ehaoli In court H Ithniilci never linte married her Michael Mm hlii IB it drum art She lost ma my situation I am iiintlicr Itobnrt lay Hamilton Diviuilffliul ofT I on mo 1 have donut m Romrooll elevate her and yet slit g55 OtT and tries to commit suicide > oi know why that was John Michaels said tim who 1 Ulu It to save myself from tttntn Uen did you try to kill yourself asked JustlteFoni J ichtioii inoniha nno How louu inure too been married A teat b rD dlIY d Jt Hlvl In peace with your hus x in I ui itt hic said I dont drink Pt when i ho drhes me to It He abuses Ir Mlchaois dolled her to show any soars FOrluIs Mtri ho Biild hIs uody was covered with nuaiK and itt lowed Ieyernl marks He koit liiloriuitliB tIp wife in a harsh rasping lice iiiitl the Justltf mild he didnt wonder nil S the It case lm d to lira wIth him Md UB mar runac iiKrr nr KTXCIIED- Arremt or the Negro Who Caused the Death or Ilnuli Hammock rrTrrsnuiio Vn Feb 228cott Bishop tho negro who made murderous assault on Hugh Hammock wellknown clllrxsn of Nottoway county a few days 10 and then robbed him of his money was arrested at IHdgway N 0 station on the Italelch und Gaston Bollroad lest night by Officer Muxey the Town Sergeant of llckhtoneln this Slate Bishop was found In aileep nnd woe much burptlsed whou he illKcoveied tbut he won in tho clutches 01 the I law Tho Mayor of Blnckstone near which place the assault was committed offered a lewnrd of 2O for the nriest of assaIlant and Boeral POIBOS have leap scouring the- e country anl ioitions or North Carolina for 1W111 DBlo was securely handcuffed mornlul was drought to Black 510Db the assault was committed th uetllg rgainst BIshop has been cry bitter an4 since his ut nture It Is sllll more so by ° I the fact that Mr Hnminopk died from his injuries on Friday and was burled l Ptr ay lJlstio1u tucknowledgon his guilt and Iropll tRu vvMte lAtin nameil Velli who dinlvs Iiul lIe had any part In the assadlt Bishop the other hiinU tars that ho and Wells dl fcV led ii e mom7 U 811 and that he Ulshopl n Weijas l orifon at agiime of cards lllshop hiss been oni raltted to the Nottoway county lrJnB Pjot1 threats have been mail of uInculu him a strong guard has been placed run i1 tht blIWIui IVrfons who arrived Lees today fr im Ulnckstoue say impression tliit BII H1l mpt will tie made to lynch Bishop some time after inldiilgbt lonlubu fklnmrn Dying Itupldly on tbe Tebunate pee lithmuB Hue ANTONIO Feb 82Franclsco Llllaga on of the ccntraotors on tbe Tehuontepeo Isthmus liatlroad In Mexico arrived here to day lie say that the overal hundred 1m POrted Chinese Abrts on the new road have KllraLwllhBl00f1ithe change of climate of thorn have already died ier ncr Loud Trump IIcr Baby Died Deputy Coronor Convay wns Informed yes tertia that Cluri Klein IU days old hud boin lound dead In ocil in tho Childs Ilos ntiil ilt 575 1 olnxlou tuiiiue The Coroner went to the Institution and saw the Other Clara Klein Mrs Klein said the child waa born In the house of Emma Bcbrtober on iroom street near the East Him ten days Xo OB Saturday Mrs SoJutebM gav op her I apartments la Broome street sad moved up town Mill Klein was then left without a home and she wandered about the streets nntll dark when some one Informed her that lilrc Hchrlebor had moved up to Kant Sixty llrst street Hho walked UP town intending peek M rs HchrKbei and beg for shelter The baby began to cry and she crept Into an empty wagon to nurse It The policeman on post liearii the crying took mother and child to tho Flltn lit street station house and the BorgAnnt sept them to the bn ° nltal A bed was provided for mother and child The ex ¬ hausted woman slept soundly nil night When she awoke the baby was dead It died of natural causes frtrrt J8 wfl- L A BOARD AKD ROOM DIRKCTORTHa fur nlshed rooms wIth and without board every where all prices Information ant rsguterlns I free BITfcS A LAKJQoBjjJuuiiiav- flEARANT A llntle end double toomi goed board bUbi flret moderate terma gentlemen m WayarIyilac A DESIRABLB LIST or SELIIOT ITWILL ItOARDINO rLAORS WITH RIclta Ia Tilts IITY CAN BR DE 8NT OBTAINED WITIIOUT CItARI- lBPROIIIT TO APLftANT itt ADDI3ESRINU RELIASLN box ici su up- owts UFIICII isun BROADWAY DLItARANT comrortsbl rooms with bead astral 5 yateS turn TIasonabla ant West eotb S- tflDReeIAT batwanIsIanl ntavaNIealy far nlII room na rntlenuan rood Usrman cookIng Il Q- 4T AV 102 32 years e tablUhed Mechanicbosrd- Ini hous for qnlst respctabl working ladlMand tents 310 to H I- y9Ttl8TM EARTHell room also recptlon ud superior board I tabl boarder accent uodatt- di AfH ST am WRSTNstlr furnished bolt pRier A ample l closet hot and cold wstsr excellent ta ble and attendanc 1 Atlflft 219 wmLarge back parlor noe of 1 tronlsnitabletorphyilttan ordnhIsIt TABIK HO A K- CTlTlT 1 148 BARKNIC furnished rooms for jren JHf tleman or married couple with good board 5eo a week and upward OTII BT 327 KARTrarge room rallahl for two trntIemnor l man and wltai table boarders ao contmodated- Qs D ST 470 AND 481 WISLtrgs and small rooms AA ainglv orn suite all convenience terms mod eralei board If desired nu May moving on RT 48 RABTSeconditorr front room dreastng AA room atlotnlng t hot sat cold water t table boarders ceonmodato- d22D 8T ItO WFHTDeslrabl handsomely fnr rooms n suit or Ingiyi eicellent board a table board OQD iii 218 WBOTLarg ant small room ntely OlurnlhdlritclasiboaidjTAlH >BOARD > l reference T> UD RT naownsTwleauyrurntihd front kali room AO and rood hoard M weekly TA UIF HOARD ftRtU hT lot KAST Second hell tan and doubts JtU rooms with or without board bath and sac orrTII ST 2SO EART Room stud board bath gsa A I and all convenience table boarders accommo- dated 3QTI ST i2A WEST Boarera wanted moderate < rmi alio furnished rooms to let siDTlT hTTiniAiTi nndomely fnrnlihed rooms eJO single nnd double with or without board ATII ST 101 VB8TElegant rooms with board OIL rear L station and surface roads rsfareneee tic KEAG IflTH RT 224 EAST Nicely rornlshed rooms with 4S excellint board snltaUa for gnlemeni table boarders wanted 41 ST sE 241 Baat Furnished room and board gentlemen or married couple piano hath gas weekly AOL RT > 26U WEST nandaoma room with board i every Improvement convenient I to all aurfac- rallwara private 4D RT 21H WESTHandsome rooms with board 4O convenient location i referenoeaexcnauged table board French family f4TII RT 234 WEST near BrodwayTarg sea tt ond floor room newly furnished superIor board and attendance A QTII RT 233 WBRT Rnnnr square and halt rooms ftO with excellent hoard erery convenience 8 up ward 59f- i7Tli ITU RT SO Eaat Ilandaomely furnished rooms large orsmeIlwlthboard bath gee KT too KARTNlcely furnished room for U f gentlemen only In private family convenient to L station with or without board references required tire RANDALL 2d flat IStAtn ST 242 WKST Conifortablfurnished A At rooms with board every convenience dealra ble location table board moderate 124TII BT 129 EAST Larga front parlor heated location convenient nation 1 TIIRT its VRRT = Handsomely furnished A S rooms with hoard excellent location gentle- men ¬ preferred American family JOKTII ST WERTNlcelr furnlsiitd rooms l a t with hoard modern conveniences Dar loll Ion private house mill ST 3OT WEST Handtomaly furnished with board alao hall room iTaiad station convenient private tttt airaroo1t1tt BOARD and superior fnrnlihed I room A good cookS I improvemenia O33 Cnmlierland at near alien st Brooklyn convenient cars and I station oat4 U1anted TIT ANTED Board and lodging fora yonng gentlemen vf In New Ynrk Brooklyn Jeraey cliy stats terma AddressUS South 23 it Philadelphia la- tun21ttd oont1 purtmeni o t- A SINGLE and housakeeptng working people I clean and aulett5l7j up ocfrto place CLINTONPLACB 39 near Broadway Nlefly fur anti double all conveniences gentlemen or light housekeeping jJOTOV A DESIRABLE LIST OP FURNISHED HEEK ROOM ADDRESSES WITH 1RICFR IN FUR TIIIH CITY CAN HhOBTAlNED WITH I OUT CHARGE TO APPLICANT BY AD NIH1IKD UHKRHINO RELIABLE BOX 101 KOOK SUN UPTOWN OFF1CB > B1 > WAY Last Hide ARNO 2Rth st and Broadway Select family hotel cad snail room Innly or en anile i rstolaaa- attsndance C4 to lu wekly board optional alao desirable office for dentist t lil riFD LAROB FRONT ROOM line NICE one top floor front two or three wing rooms first floor roar HP Ell ht near 4th av ST MARKS PLACE 42 8th at and 2d av Single and room nicely furnished cheap 4THAV34S ofrhroLm Mcely third I floor furnished two gentle- men room ¬ 1 OTII ST JIll BAST Two connecting rooms suits 1 tie fnr light housekeeping alao halt room anti square room 1 Tir RT 202 EABTfilngle rooms for respectable I men alto l trout parlor suitablecoupte tp 18 hT JIIH KABT tquare newly furnished room alia large front luaU room 1QTII ST ail BA8TA wellIurnlihea room to lit JO private house iftTII BT 2tO KAST Two desirable connecting Air room first floor handsomely rnrnlshed also square front room second floor bath and gas 1 iQTi BT7243 K ART llail and double rooms nicely I7 fur Dished haiti and gas also room light boats keeping 1 QTII ST 41 HAST near Broadwaynandsemabsek la parlor suitable for dolor furnished or unfur- nished nmn ST 40 EASTFront and beck parlor dressing iiJ roon ant extension bachelors or phi slolan de- sirable ¬ nIbbarhOfd- 20TII ST 22 EASTApartment parlor floor for or doctor furnlshsd or outurnlshsdt May I or soone- rkTirST42FARTNieely furnished double rooms I LU private fnmlly desirable neighborhood HOD PTj 282 EAbT Larg and no are nloely fur <fcO hitched room hot and cold water bath gal ret fcrencea nOD bT 839 EAITFarlor floor nicely furnIshed AOronm Urge window fJ nooblecllonto an invalI- dOATURTit4EASthlandsOmetyturnisbelbsek At parlor hot slid cold water closets heeled Ill ref creates O4TII hT 1S4 RART Handsomely tarnished i- prlorllolnd At cold waier belted t ST2o HAS Whlt B bsllLarie n1 if 27Th e front room gentlemen or Uttlit housekeep log tJW- 52D STS4tt HAST Large hack room aol connect bedroom I very light boussktepliigor gentle- men ¬ 54 tn Tiii EABTUoIxinahlls bells nicely tar wished hall room bath gasjJJ weekly RI7TII ST 409 BASTLarge front roomfrnnnlne- O t water twogsnilemen V back parlor 3- Q1 ST ST X3J KAtT1legnntly I furnished rooms all Ol sunshine bachelors apailmrni with running I water bat and gas rooms sultabl for light house- keeping clisap QlHTfiT ajriSA I TAn elegantly tarnished room Ol house with 4 years lease for etiet splendid oppor- tunity tor a lady must be sold on account of death in the family 0 AT HAflTFront sod bark parlor tn let lilT a doctor elite lion other In the neighbor- hood 82DIIT7 fn2 HAST Handsomely furnished room of parlor In new Dnl11 improvements first floor east convenient 10 L suilou plaianllot- atlon Q4TII ST l4i KAST Nirelr furnished rooms for ol gsjtternenjl oelngle routes ebtt apr4 OiirilliTTrSSBARiFurnished roomier gentlemen ODln private houses tear 1i station pleasaui neighborhood ijaui weekly tO Tlf STTco EAST 2d floorLady wald like mar OI rled couple or gentlemen having three Iron rooms 1 10TII SV FA8TT small connecting I I o 0JIn pleasant cottage FJ weekly I couplet I leussVeepInt coal ree Wrt Hide tTlEtItt AND LADIKK vlsltlni the cltr deilrI- nir G i let prIvate I room aildresa CAltLr LK l box II I I ulIlIlO oince IM hreaUway FROXT FURNIRIIED ROOM toIling ted LARGE hot end IMIOJe two laJge clouds private heals quiet peopi Weil28th S hALL AND LAjfE fornlahd rooms with boarder wUhoatjHalaigrooat Cr 111 htoaekecpU In wMttotbat rllnli Wutt Jfetmjj A prtweutu So et- ITeat t BUe AlIt BT IS4 WBKT LlUllooVOtolM lIandmd i1 faraiiha rcomu lacis ant small sit eonr n lenellllllnUmnllrmmodrlle- 22D RTM 14ft WEBTtari w llfnnlili 4 rooms n conveniences ana bt or aitinil nc i terms rtasonabU to permanaat party non BT 54tWPaTNioslytwiiahdhatdroame- 4soltabts A for two gntlemn 5a each and upward HOD IIT27 WKRTtarg and hall rooin well heat AA 41 quiet houisi private famlly i reference O4TII RT jnow WEStLarge handsomely fur At nlshed hall room olossts hot end cold tratsrt privilege light honsskeeplngi also front hall room gen- tleman 9 < T1I FT 442 WERTLarr nicety fnrnltlisA stair ft and hill room an StillS or ilnvti privilege light lioDi ka unti fa1O weklyi i rival house- OATIIST7J53 WKTNlo ly furnished seoondstory 4 tall rooml private family terms mo l < rat 2 TI1ST i 22f1 WJISTltleely furnished o 1- u tntlimtni central loeiilon ex A1O IJ end Pd weekly QnDBTM > WKfTDailraWa rooms on third end u fourth floors board optionaL OOD RT 217 JTBSTLarge sunny front room gas OO sad 01051 tWO night OPI Hi mug bell three tlma- sotTII ST KU WEST Xleely l furnished room en spt blat for light hooMkeepIng every eonviulenoe terms moderate Atl BT 2M WRSTnandw mely fnmtohM roorait H V all oonTanleaeasi board optlanatt location very de- sirable ¬ lemma moderate A IBJ 8T 2 WEBTVery alI fnrntehet rooms a A Bret floor i gsa bath < ai I ring lint bail 43DfJIIt sear Brnalwayrnrnlehed In private freoch lamllyi I board ortlona relevance 4 3D ST 4S3 WESTHandsome poems suitable for phruclani Yrlconveutsnce rlncbuue bell liTII BT hOC WUSTLam sunny room lisa ttf rnnnlrt water moderate pries I to gentleman prirala family AftTH BT 337 WK8TCemrortblT furnished hall dLI rooms all conrenlencesi de lrabt locatIon also table board I moderate yifSTtl v4Tl4 WRSTBieiraMrnralitied roomwith sty private bath also other room avery Improve meat board optional fTlt PT2tT WEBTllandsomely furnished me iP dlnm end large sloe room U and S3 arary toe Tenlenc- eAQn XT 248 WKBT Riesnt soil soluble for 1O phTslclao or dentlttt other rooms board optional rLterncs 48TIWaI m WERTEtegent rooms singly or en other rooms S3 gentlemen preferred prlrllefoa- jQTIt ST 102 WRSTLnria hail room In excellent 1O housand location for gentleman only U- 48Tit ATh 82 WEST Thre or leer large light nenly painted rant Pa to II 1 IQTII RT IM HBRT rlandiome hack parlor snl- tsiablcforphyilclan or two ceotlema every eon venlence reference 4 9Tgrs lIP WEST Handeome parlorai I suitable physician oc dentist I also an alcove roomi other rooms 1QTH XT 232 WKBTIn private honso lares front 4i7 room also hall room nicely furnished for gentle- men ftKTn BT 878 WEST Lam chetrful alcove fOIl tfO IraproTcmenta near elevated and aurface rail- ways private QTTII ST IDS WEST Handsome parlor occupied O I for years by a pliyilclan every conTenlenoa private family 156 WAVPRLCT PLACKL handsomely toe nlihed rooms nre gas bath and ample cloe e15 f3 an- dtnt f and pnrntnt5 Co Ztt OPEN FOR INSPECTION APARTMENTS TO LET QI 8l7TnEKXAND W 708 HADISOM AV CORNER S3D BT LARGE BOiiMV CORNKR AND INHIDR APART a MKMr ELEVATOR STEAM UEAT HALL BOYH r 10 RENTS J7J TO C12- 3PEABODT W M 103 AND 104 WAVERLET FLACK BTBAX HEATSD ELEVATOR HALL BOYSirTRBT fo CLASS KVBHT BB8PECT RENTS 70 TO ISJ III 401 403 AND 1WEST UD ST COR 9TII AV f E CHOICE APARTMKNTa IN PERFECT ORDER RENTS C40 TO HU- imVINOTON AND ROCKIAND III 1 38 1SS I4A AND 142 WEST IDT II RT- BTKAM g HEATED ShALL BOTH NICELY PA- PERED AND DECORATED RKMS SAO TO MX fo4 THE LANSING 109 TO 110 BAST 7DTU BT = VERY DESIRABLE HANDSOMELY PAPERED AND DECORATED RENTS 131 TO I3 p 8 T WEST 1SCTH ST 11 HAHDSOMR SINGLE APARTMENTS IN PBRFBCT- OBUER La REAR L STATION BBBTi 140 TO leo rOB INFORMATION APPLY ON PREMISES OR e GERALD R- BnlldlBK BROWN Zelttalll 1SX Broadway A CHANCE FOR RESPECTABLE FAMILIES The Places ApartMCBti In Hand v No 299 WEST 1S7TH ST No JM WhaT 188TI1 BT AND 1100 2 fit TO 3SH2 HTII AV Recently erected beitarranicd with Improvements and best attendance Rents SI 7 to 526 Apply to GERALD R BROWN e38 eth aw cor 18Sth I t or Equitable Building lItO Broadway YOU OAN SELEOT PAPERf- or those attractive fiats of 5 and 6 rooms and bath FREE TO APRIL I I- soo to 314 West 145th at corner 8th ar and adjoining elevated elation S17 InpUt UOLL1N HWOODWARDa7l 8thaTonpremlses ATTENTIONOne Months Rent Free I To and three nice light rooms 9750 TO ria Pleura rboa t3 tofis new hoosealn respeota- Me qnlet neighborhood I Offlce IOoB uth av near 67th st WESTTIBTST cornerColumbnsar onablock A from Central Park entrance 7 extra large rooms and haIti aleant heat possession any time rents 100 to C7X Apply janitor or 0ISON A MACDONALD 89 West Slut t- A 1 Improved dwelliog East nJnthle rl 72dt and four rooms light with bath iaunclry hot and cold waler cud halts beat edt rent L2b aol lid POLSON BROTHERS 824 Broadway nr 13Iht AT TilE WIRHHADEN 110 Wit 10th it may be found charming apartments well arransvii M room and haIti In central nelahborlibod house I Is carefully mananea strlcten references required reniTa to Ito AJ8TH sfri MreST iabl bachelor apart to lot moderate rent FOLiiOM BKOTIIERH 834 Broadway ALAROB 2Vfoot alnile tat u rooms all Improve on widest street up town 30 has bUlb at near MadUon t1 841tIa A 330 EAST 74TI1 STNew large apartment of 8 and 4 rooms all Uf hit decoratea rants from 110 tells Janitor AT 170S 8D AV above oath el ataUoflested- A halls 4 rooms each PlO SIn Inquire at 171 bar ¬ ber shop AH ELEOANT TOP FLOOR In single house s rooms all light 818 tbd West littlest Dp ifa4BL FLATS ffri7KTln etir ward SOW and rtt Jane LSII lire rooms all light all Improve- ments t rents Irom 824 to 931 a mouth I must ha seen to be apprecIated Apply 10 owner on premises ELFGAKT Improved apartments three anti four Hou to ill 2qbTOdav near s- tpiATS IN THE NEW BVILDiJWaof 4 a ft ant a rooms Mh ward ei m us and in OHO VM NT and 71 74 end 1U ClIRIHTOPHEK MT all the latest Improvements hells steam healed rent tn to also oMIrm and 4 rooms J4JNKH MT JrI from SIC to tw also- apariments itrorei anti lofts anti nousss In other parts ot ills oIly FlEEts M Rots E a43 Ust4tt betwrsn Charles and lOlh sis omce open 8 A M to t I 21 FLATB VHTH OR WITHOUT STEAM HEAT Light wall ventilated apartmanla at reasonable rents Apply oa prsnmesjjWesitMthst or to alit Boulevard between Wssnad anti West 74th eta LItEE TO Aritll Well kept flveronra partmanta In complet order welljblanned with tubs renee bells Ao i ratio low 817 monthly 24U6 en av Janitor seen auy time or at MCADB Sa5 Sib af 1REE TO APRIL At flH and liT monhly fur nice I apartments of lIve aufld sIred room ural I entrance bails carpeted dii orateU rooms perieci odor ransci lOla Ac V4JH Mh ur Janitor tetn any urn or at MhADK I SiN v < 95 Silt av fREETlAlRlie Nice I ITrronm lists lath aniTlm- pruvcment A rums in wool urderi on Me Mreti- rrnt l low tl l and Jr monililr tIlt end ui2 l West lnih Pt i Janitor seen any tins or atUbADS 2itf av- FUOORK of ant n rooms from lIt to S18 in 33 30 West Wtli it th cv u statIon on corner also In 1714 bd ar and 1401 Lenlnrtou av iMth su- aparlmenu 3 and4 room 31SiWi title av I4uth it- FilirR Ia lId l TO APRIUKeat kept apartments A tern tlu ant ill immlblyi rod enlranca balls cirinrled decorated wash tub range Ac- Jsnhior 3M hav or UBADtf tEeSth a- VLAT1IANDAPARTDENTS unfornlibd aol fur I oluhed In all parts of the cloy FOL8UM BH01IIK8B tdi Broadway near SUI st FLATi UEVKNROOKS to let In the splendid house 30th 111 l all the modern Improvements RAND ST M8New buIldIng Zd floor Improve G meals carpeted halls stair electrlo bells door oPlrtllW l ltffGINAN I CO lt21 Broadway VDtNAItDV 10III ti 3lndbr i ii H lgaoi uew nata- CTKAM IIPATFl PLAyS ft rnomi end bittu ma- onl tat with ball drrnratrd flu l lot anti cell un tIlde US herrhoO lisle lit sit 117 etLllh UttOliUHARD 1710 till cv iturHltlnL 8TORK Jl 04 business localIty 12750 SINOLE free to harsh lOt 1441 bib av Janitor seen tap tints or MEAl A SOX 2493 DM av APABTMBNT IS let U conw hoaaei nails JLtakaalrM I iM td Aw JsLto iN 1Rt tl Jut4 utrtmtnt t O Cn Tim NORMA FInest aparttcenti I In the cltr corner l2d st and Park avi heated by mtamt coal and wood tree doorattend- anra AOl one apartment newly carpeted lOoI three vaeanalee rent will MI ictvtn tree till Slap yearly lease Appy l on pramlsos llhhJ foGOO rIlED tab Pr av Tn LET Four room in to sis first months rent free to new tenants elegant new apartment house The 254 antI m Nanaau st Urootlyni near IrJI Improvements all light rooms sanl levy plumblnrt nails carpeted small select famlllee- onlv Apply to lanlinr on bremlies or OEO K LOVBTT A c r > t Brockirn TO LET BSth etIiOEastTwn lion 4 rooms and bathroom SIC an41111 adults only QiJD BT ANDISTAtLight sad airy threeronm OJ apaitmenu with Improvements unto Ap- ply HOUShKlLrER5C01 l av 39Ti JM WGRTKteatnheatad flats 4 rooms iL7 bathroom U7 and 28 t 4 rooms basement 51 8T FT 3ii RAST Second fist and bath ort private balls alao improvemenis 41 KOD 8T 410 EASTTlll March free iii 15 t seven and sight rooms bath Improvements Inquire Janitor 7TiiST am RART Elegant nat 4 ro ii iiii I In Oralclass order Pi7 up 6 O TII lT tote WEST Flats to let lit and upward Apply janitor on premises 90TIIIiT2 2Ii RAAT = Five large rooms and llnprotmenu handsomely ceo stated l SlOandSdttApply to janitor 100 TII 8Tn tea RART Half month freel flats Iv rooms Improvsmenia 117 ant 11- 1105Tl H iT ii EASTFloor live rooms prlvat Plc to small I American famll- r1O9TiiBT i ITRiiia lists of rive room bath all handsomely decorated suitable for small families Immediate postssslon Apply to owner on premIses 121I1TfiT7J FAST half block from Mount Morrlf newly renovated 1 Hat ot 7 rooms and bath all Improvometita t 42 125 Til BT storsalofiats three aol four roomst all lUht cheap rent 248 East IJAlh at 305 WEST 120TII 8T nearPth av fiats Moalm all Impravsmenlai new and be sun to be appreciated I ijnqnlre on premIses <t1Q THRRR ROOMS and balhroomt pwnrr cup V9JO piles hot water all Improvements stsam heat IJI Rill 77th a Wttultg ID jctlt C tt A GREAT BARGAIN Elegant 8story and basement houses B rooms I 4 story and basement houses 12 rooms tixio and 11000 per annum S7lh st near 24 av rath st and Lexington avt fine neighborhood all modern Improvements handsomely decorated Rhinelander lease Apply at IC9O ad at1 or Of William room 1- 3AT2t082ltAND EAST 77TH ET are charming ft houses to I let lrr end for a term of years If de sired at 8ano each decnrale ready on or heIrs Nayl rmlllo occnprlng I Muhprlced apartments are particularly Invited to examine the advantage of these unities na permanent homesr engagement buy now be mad OWNER TO Cedar St until a room AO IlOUsna unfurnished anti furnished AF In all part of the city FOLbOM iiROTIIhRH odd Broadway near 11th st N KW UOtR Improvcraenti sAle lllPth III i f22 to zo BAltNUN owner Botton av above ItiPth at 1 LEXINGTON AVnear 89th etCharrolng C OOO hljou hens with plenty or room for gen- teel living beautifully decorated ready at once can ba had for a term ot years rent 12011 permits not re- quired oWNiK79Cedarst 2 until a = 0 tt for tith2r UP tll A FEW HVITES O- FOJUMJMUlilSI TO Xa1P I- NTEMPLE COURT APPLY TO RVLAZVD WHITIP- aTOg g ST LAROY LIOIIT OFFICES TO LEt A MANHATTAN BANK UUII DINO 644 and 8411 Broadway N K Cor Uleeekerst- Abolnlely Flrepruof Elevator ateamheat electric light and all latest t im provamnts rents loin to SleEt per annum Apply to FOINOM ROM UTH IUU BROADWAY NEAR SETH BT A a LARGE STORE AND BASEMEN TO LBA8- BTe148 AND 7SO BROADWAY Corner Astor Place Apply to- FOIHOM HKOTIIEHrt 8S BROAD AT NEAR 1rHST TWO SMALL STOItKH en south side of 34th st A east of broadway rants moderate aliootberatu good buslne locations tl HOMAINF BROWN < < CON kit WcatlUld at n nrllroi dv T ASTORE AND BASBHFNT Ml Kact lath st near Broadway Double elate front moderate rent roLSoM BROM 8J1 Broadway near 181b at BROADWAY near 14th et Deilrabe pTot 7olt- U4O A alto plot ttux04u will be Improved to suit tenant long I leaie- KOLSOM BROTHERS 634 Broadway A DE8inA BIE STORE 11 West ZVth Flatsglaas front rent rtssunableK- OLbOM BKOTUERS 834 Broadway A 42DRT near 3th ar very deilrabla light 4- BROADWAY Ing to leas ruLnOU BI1UKB34 Broadway northeaittnrner lath IIFr It loftsT and rear building together or Mparate- roISOM HROTIIEII8 891 Broadway near lath St CLINTON PLACE 37 near BroadwayRaaament for btulness purposes terms mod- erate Immediate possession EAST 23D RT near 3d av Store and basement SOx rent tca onabla- yuLaOM nnOTHER8 831 BrosdwayA- HDSOMK H STOREAny builnenralsolmiallstore7 suitable barbers shop both In Id av between 23- 4endtttb ita Apply offlce 23u Isat 24th st Lone 12Axru feet with steam power hoe and ele ¬ light on nil eiilei In new and modern build log 617 to S27 West ItCh st STORE LOFTS AND OFFICES TO LEASE CLINTON STALL BUILDING Astor Place and Pub St near jlroadway All latest Improvements absolutely fireproof rents 5100 per annum upward Including steam heat electrIc light and 1Inboce- FOIHOH Apply to BROtHERS AGENTS BJ4 Broadway between Uth and istli ate STORES IN TilE LOllING AMSTERDAM AV- E J WniTAKKR STS HOULrVARD BETWEEN WEST 73D AND WEST 74TII ST8- STORK AND RAKRMENT to lease 4d at bear tb reasonable rentF- OLhOM BROTHERS R34 Broadway S ItCOND LOFT to let Mnil light from three aides with power elevator anti oWe room on ant floor Nos 62J and 524 WI fd it TO LET Nsxt Delmonlcoa on Broadway 1182 tor handsomely derorited or whole building flneal nosltloc In New York for broker onleo ciino or any high claaa business reasonable rent to responsible tenant J REUFBKN A liON 3lo am ar TO LBT Together or p rIlvj floors corner bnlldlnit on Fulton at Mix5 mid 2xbt foil for light manufacturing best light nnd location Apply to IKOIIIIK 51 UN HO an atldewaterst T IO LET Firstclass offices cheap rent elevator steam heat Apply route 10 ss Centre it 23 HT IH3IU3 WliKTRuperlor lofts to t lease tattOO best and passenger elevator 834 BROADWAY NEAR ISTII STOITtces 10 let levatort steam r heal UU toflHO par ann- umPXSVIIER ialt f rtt rv r PIANOS Largsst anortmsnt Upright Urand anti Square Pi- anos at moderate prices cash Instalinents antI ex- i hanged Also Iiuiin tn rent everal Iurcalus in aeo- oud band PIanos different maker at low iirice- FlBCIIrlt PIANU MARKItOllM- Xlio 6lhavcor lulhit Now York SPf riAI OFFiBRTlTha I temoue new alyle io A Witters Iprigbt Including stool anti Covert only U 0 cash i rt7 paynhle kill down anti aa monthly toni second hand planim only TfA monil- iiyIIUKAUI WtIEIIPt ss CO lIlt flFTii AV NIJARtTIl I ST- AN ASSORTMFNTof eecnndhiandJrand I Uprliht J and Hqnare Planm ot our lucks I In prrfecct coalItIon and full warraultil Alto u number of secondhand Pianos vf ulIertmintuiiflker5at very low prices s 14H ftTIl AV NEAR itlTII hT MW OIlir = FEW noon nARfJAlNR In second hand upright A arId square plait taken in excises tIes pianos arlu excellent order nnil will be cud at low prices FiduiLu HAM WAKIKUD- MJjo Mh av corner loth a- tnARINET GRAND VIItlOHT PIANo 5140 III monthly Melnwnr NO lent an honett bargain Audei uiiiVCnIIU Sultan allll > i ELEoTNTurRKlllT 1IANO Sllil ill monthly feln I Y11 20U suit eJJ ruunu it Brooklyn open evenings F CONNlK 4 rusit 4Cd HI Upright and square piane for sale and rent on easy termicf payment aecond hud t > u f a yum upward CTKRLfNOolToANR with book nod stool O monthly O till paid WIBaMBB 288 scud llu3 Fulton st Brooklyn WALTERS PIANOS ABB TUB BERT NUT terms lent and exchanged AT and SB University place and 34 ElllIb it furniture onljS lair mat AB80LUrrLYstrongfuldlntbels ttllo20 I W idst- I HP11 furniture Ithonl rriulilrg tail i Jspttlt glue louvet I reilt luuet trlcei- MAMrAbTlRfK3 AuKr l lot l Vesi Vtflh st Vlttht t rwtIrj t t t- GOLD WATOBBF leO Waltbam warraold Piper I ell 0IL1ln1 peJlI- ltIJtua WAYIIII go ovalYI7 Itt4lrat w ATTENTION t DR ORIND1B has Aavotad Ms time for many years to the exelnilve treitmsnt ot disssiea of men Item whatever cans arising moou and SKIN duesses tad spots painta bones sore throat and mouth 00ones and eruptions on ties skin bicUaJainlUi awelllnga Ac KlUNbV and URINARY complaints irrltatlonsotil ing Intlammatlon frequent Inclination to urinate in fectious discharges gieu stnctura and kindred afteo ORUAN1C WEAKNESs nervous debility Impaired memory mental anxiety absents of win power lost vitality melancholy Involuntary vital I losses weak tack and other diseases resulting from excesies Indis- cretion or overwork recnt oroldspeedluytberosgli ly and permanently cured Where sail 1 gu to get cured I Is the question many a snfTerr asks hlmislf not knowing whom to trust O where thousands of others hsve gone to Dr IIRIN lilEn old established ottlce anti have been reitored to perfect health Alt lingering I ohronla oases that ban bOla neglected erhatufsled to vleld to the treatment of less skilful lends soon gel well under Dr OIllNDLBH superior treatment Patients wishing speedy relief and ears care should consult UK aRINOLK thesacestnl specUUst I whose long extensive expOnents enables tUtu to apply the proper treatment atone without I useless experIments titus saving the patient much tins and xpn- OFF1UJ OVER TIN TEARS at No 171 Wait 12th at between 8th and7th aul lowest charges advice free Hours Dion Sunday i 010710 MANHOOD RltTORID SANATIVO tile r- M wonderful SpSBlo- hIlemedy ls sold with WritUinGusuiuit- cto to cure all Nervous Dis ease SuCh su Week Memory Lot of Drain Power neadaoheW- aketulncss Lost Mas hood Kcrvonsne Las sltude all drsius and After Uasj lou of power of the Photographed from life Generative Organs u either MX caused by overexertion youthful IndcKrctlona or the excessive use of tobacco opium or itlmnUnts which ultimately lead to InfirmIty Consumption and Insanity Put up In convenient form to carry In the vest pocket Price Il a package ore for P With every Sorter we fir a written guarantee to cur or refund noney Sent by mall to any address Circular tree Mention this piper Address MADRID CHEMICALCOI Branch Offlc for U S A- il Dearborn Street CHICAGO ILL Volt SAW nr NEW YORK CITY AT Itndnnte Pharmacy ale Broadway Lawrence A Walloon 1440 Broadway Adrian Paradls lui Fulton St Brooklyn Diseases of Men Only ULCERS DINCIIARRES OTEET STRICTURES BLOOD POISON SORE THROAT or MOUTH skin eruptions blotches colored pnte painful swellings KIDNEY and HIAnnKIt JIISEAMES Irritations scalding Itammatlona frequent desire lo urinate WEAKNKMH NERVOUS DEBILITYe- rrors nf youth SlASh DREAMS reitleu nIghts Impaired memory weakness wilt power lost vitality weak back nail other dlieaies resulting from excesses Indiscretion overwork recent or all speedIly liter oughlv and permanently cured All lingering ohrnnlo disease after all I otters silt l snecesifully treated I hare roads the above diseases a lIre which stables me to warrant my remedies 10nJlolndj I worst cases For quick relIef end sure cur consult DR GREY the well known specialist Ko 120 East 17th stnssr 4th AT Lowest terms advice tree Hours OtoO inndav- to 2 and 6 to 9for0t A 8ILITYDr SMITH IO4 East laith at near ad- v station i oldest rrllible specIalist n- elLy Mtv York LOb sexes blood poIson skin eruptions blotches red spot ulcers scrofula stIrs mouth throat heart lungs catarrh consumption bladder kliluey Hrlghf disease si ailing paint in urination gleet stricture In tidbits discharges My treatmmt UnIT one Voown that cures nervous dliabillty weakness Irom errors ot- yotitn indiscretions exceuei Impaired memory raelanobuly Iniuluntarr loesea shyness Item blind Impotence varlcocele Imperfectly devel- oped organs These dlieaiea must be treated by an expert nn msrnaie ant its requirements I have everythIng known science and a thorough knowledge 17 tine specIal practice enables me to guarantee quicken permanent recovery Many conic to me for an honest thorough examination of their case and my superior treatment after being deceived by horns proroisora airenclas cnmpftntea Tinn a cures Lowest charges for mdlcln Iiiscliargesstopped Immediately Vtrlteorcall advice free ann disease Hours U to 8 Secret and Private Diseases fl IF MEN cured In a few dare by a new mode of treat UT ment Noohargeunlesiciired Allanrthroat and tongoe pimples ulcer dlieased bones vise itrlo lure blood pinioning stun d aeaiea kidney and bladder also youthful errors nervous debility weak hack had dreams iowneesofsprtls waktieestbody and mind loit > tgorand manhood restored suffer no longer cur li certain I guarantee a quito and sure cure Bur In mIni practice I makes perfect I0c o cured yearly Minereri from bad advice should consult one illrtnt tiles cured In four days I ulster tSS mercury thou- sands have been ruined by It Do not be Influenced Go to lbs fountain head Dr hALLEY Medical Institute HO Nut lath at near 84 aT Lowest charges for medicine best advice free Hours tot pft IpIjvuffesirgrio- mIu WEAK th erects oft youthful error early decay wasting weaknrm lost manhood etc I will snub a valuable treatise tealedj containing tail particulars for homo cure FILER charge lf A splendid medical work should be by every moo who is Tvniii anti dehllllatfu Address Frof F POWIEO 2tZodua Coma CAPSULES the best nnnilTl are I II I II III and only capeoles prescribed by regular UUUUItl physIcian for the lire of gonorrhea and discharges from the trIos i organ whether Inherited or acqutretS IOV per boxAll drugglits AFTFR ATr7oTHEH8 tlhoVIt U R 453 Vct leading specialist for dlseasca of men blood poIsons ulcers swellings discharges gleet strictures nervoui dAhlllty lost vigor kidney bladder end skin diseases Science antI skill only > no patent compoundsdangerous and long atsmllng mice solicited recent talc 4 to li days amlslunts I Hours DIP 3 u too bunders 1 LL IIISIAHES OF SEEN Includes every die A order or weaknesa of the genltourlnary urgaua of- a private nature vltliout mentioning every ens In de- tail I have hat 21 years aipertence and guarantee a perfect cure or noIse 1 nCIILEY II 1 67 E UlhitR- ANDALWOOD A SIRS SCHACB German graduate midwife con fldentlal treatment In female complaints norea ant hoards ladles I before anti during I confinement pri- vate boos 2ol East oath si near ad av MRS KOFIIInR Germanlearned midwife A 0 bo rite ladleNheforeanildurtnKConnnement nine days board and confinement lIP private house in- tents adopted 247 last Stlht ADr CONRAII ladies nhyilclan treats con A o fldentlatly alt oases of a private or delicate nature private pantiftrlum send stump for book hours U to u 1101 fIt Wet uith e- tADll GRIST midwife boards ladles before and tt durlnit confinement In her private house for lit confidential medical treatment Inhale adopted Ill- EsotSIat 51 A DR IRAY BLINN specialist female I complilnta prIvate fanltarlnm Irreiularltles slicessfully treated without lots of time 2VO Lexington av 34th at A Dr7w lllTCIIEADIraalefemaiin perfect safsty guaranteed 21H East bib St IHHEAKES OP 3IKN15NIT For speedy relief and sure cure consult old Dr GaIN DIN II yeats specialIst 171 West 12th st between nth and 7th ays Lowest chargea Advice free A West lOUt itOldest lesdinTepe claim ulckei cures orno chsrge alter all other fell newest remrdiei medicine II adyloeftsoe to II GBS1TO URINARY DISEASES a specialty by expert p1tsician lUll West 42aL Hours e to 2 8 to u Sundays toil oily Charge medicine only UIOC CURES Experienced physician Ore stove Q cor Mulberry tnt rack stab low charges rrjal ftotittt CITY COURT OF NEW YORKOeorge HlUabrand Andrew F Dykes plslntlfir against Ludwig Piper Edward Isarr and Angel Campo difsndants- humtnoni To th above named defendants You era berets- ummoned to answer the complaint In ibis action 1 and to erve copy ot your answer on the nlalntifle attor ney within ten daIs after the service of this summons eicluilveol the day of service and In case ot your failure I lo appear or answer judgment will be taken aiaiiisi you by default for lbs relief demanded In the complaint I Dated November Atb I OO- H 1 I1EVUKCRBR Plaintiffs Attorney Post omce address anti omce No iO Nassau street Raw York city To the abovenamed defendante and sash of them The foregoing summon li served upon you by publica- tion pursuant tn an order of I lion Jamee M Fltulm- noni one of the Justices of tie city Court of New York made December H I inwi and tiled with the com pIstol I i in the afire nf the Clerk uf stUd Court Now York December IHIII EDWARD L IIKYDBCICKR Attorney for Plalntin 20 Nataaii atreet New 1 Irk city TO rJttfo pIRfRnorlc I SEAMAN S CO mat by lien Joeph P haIr Chief lodge of lbs Court or Common flees for- tIes City anti Couotf New York on the IlIIb dy of ltttety loll titles I Is hereby eneo to all erdllon ant persons Paving cialmi against John II Seaman end John II Miller lately doing business In the city of New iork its cnjmrtiier under the firm name of John II Pests > Co that they are required to preient- Ihetr ilalin with thus vouchers therefor duly vertlied- to tie subscriber the assignee of Pail John II Seaman slId tohii II Miller as copartners as aforesaid forth tf ntlt of their creditors at his once 2VU Broadway In tlieriir of > ew York ou or before the bib day of IteaSjw I York Jan 20 tM I IIIRAX SNYDFR Aislrnee- SKIFdX SMITH Attorney for AssIgnee 7 Murray St Sew York lUCltte HENlEY F PARKKII e t rpt rut Uetapstent that will fully Inter eats Adrlcerree ShILLS I ftoIrJ Patente for Inventors procured promptly low rites AJrlssenW > a1sftU5liYtetabiI5be4Ii5If- TIiOMAS l DREW STETSON patent solicitor and cx > I pert the but work 111 lair price 23 Murray st USttltaurcm IDWIFBRY AND NIRSINO RUIIOOL 242 West ill biJstl terms rsasonabl circulate Call I to 2 coiiflneinsiit free OKAIVMUJK SHOW IJAHIIH window tickets nil Jt clith ilgtie new desIres for clothiers anti furnlsu ers large iclt to elect in m MiLABhN A CII 1iCafOi it New Vort r tltlt 1rlJ R WhITE DENTIST removed Io2l8atk av above D fitbug Sit las wstgaWA isnsv DLriiwiXTU Tills wtthettpsa oojj ie TestiS p OsSal S Uf dl- Nm YORK CENTRAL M8c Hudson River Railroad All trains arrive at and depart troln GRAND CENTRAL STATION Fourth Xtv nnd 49d St lieu York TIlE ONLY RAILROAD STATION IX TUB OITf Train leave nn followt SitS A MfAST MAIL for Albany Utica Pyre misc Itotbestsr Batavia sod tiohysie 10100 A M4iiIlCAtlO tMlTIOULIt LIMITEDPu- staly 1 hloo y A K nu 1 EXPRB8gDay n- 1rM c drWESTJoRN oonPOUTHWKSTERNVR8TlBULE LIH- iTUUDue Cincinnati louo Indianapolis 11110 A M- 4BoMNoRTII ilL LouIs tOO I Ph SHORE VFSTIBULB LIMITED line at Detroit at thIS A MM Chicago 460 PM next day 1500 r MFAST WESTERN BXPRRSIDu CIII cagoPua Cincinnati 8M P M Mt Louis 7I5 A M 01211 P AU1KUKDAUK AND MONTREAL B- 1L X P II KItS cf1LIIIaUFALO AND NIAGARA FALLS etll P MFAST ST LOUIS AND CHICAGO EX hlKBSuue Indianapolis 1120 I U nut day ItI- 8H KIUIMIS few RU ROI1 FODOIIKBBF81R RIIINB CLIFF KINGSTON AND IIUUKUN tl4A flout 411 US A M1SI3H 833 Wi2S F M1 also for rough keeDelxtiOOiiaonft8af4oA 790 Bill M Tor uarrleane Weil Feint tTiio milD A K rlis- ot3i908MBl fOilS r U ALBANrflMS eilO IDKXX tlOitO fllllS AMI200 noon t1 ISO StZb 4I0 804 1829 TiSO Hlo > tt tl2oo nIght TROY Ma lOtOO 4IO80 + llll A It 1100- no n n sa 4181 eiou 780 oils P If U iOu night VTIVA AND TAOU5Ef743 Dill lOGO tiOrto A 1- 3120noon 4i0 eOO Tao flitsrH tOO night BOCHBnTRR till 0ia tlOlMI Al1 1 OOnooll8O em 71Wui Sit r Ii fItito i night a BUFFAtXltllO lOflO flOJUA M lltoo noon ado Situl 73A ellS P 51 WIAOA11A PALLSOI0 1000 IOl0 A MM MflO nOO 4d 0COlitoi5IP II ADIRONDACKMOUNTAINS AND MONTMBAL f7 000 11140 A P1 7tct 0l5 F It IdiOOmIdrIeht- BERKItlIlKIt hILLS VIA flAtLEM Dlv leloNfliltO- AM182OPX or tinheets asS epace iii Sleeping Care aupiy at Grand Central Station or at 413 7S 042 and I Sroadway 2 ark place It West l2tth at and 1uth St Station NewYorkr 1132 WaahinitOa it 728 Yniion 51 and flies Bedford aviTEl 6 Brooklynl 109 HudSon st Jersey westcotts Express tails for and checks bRiars from hotels ant resIdences through lo destination tUailr iospt Sunday IDally except Saturday Other TAtllt eTOn dMlT Abov train except those leaving at etlo toipo A M fJ00 noonTlSH 8 130 198 40 483 829 P M anti 11 midnight stop at Itsth st station JOhN M7 TOUCHY OFORUB H DANISLg General Manager General Passsnger Ag- entRAILWAY RIE olcturiqne Routs ot Amsrlea U Through trains eats hew Yolk faot at Chambers st dally aa follows and five minutes earlier Stem West U9d SL I e uo A 51tie Niagara Fells and Chantauqna Lake Parlor car New York to UuHala dlaepera Hornellsvlll to Detroit ant rinclnnatLt- itiO P Vaitlbnled Untied Fetid trains for Chi- cago via chantaugna Lake with dining ear to Chinas Sleepers to Chicago Cleveland and tit Louis vie Cin- cinnati Na extra charge for quick time and an parlor iJiSp M Solid train to Chicago via Niagara Fatle Neuter to Buffalo Rochester Toronto and rklcago- HiAiK NVia Chautauaua Lake and Niagara Kails Solid train U Chicago Sleepers to huStle Chicago and Cincinnati Tf C KINBARBON General FaseogerAgsui LEBHIOII VALLEY RAILROAD I1iul1fi1 Leave foot of Cortlandt or Des brossss at7 StIlt 920 antI II AM- I S4i 4ssa MO and 7P M ot The plctttraaqoa route between New I York and Easton Bethlehem Allen- town Pottavllla Manch Chunk WIlkes barr Flttston Scranton Ithaca Geneva Waverly Watkins blen Elmira Rochester Buffalo Niagara Falls Toronto Detroit CUICAOO ST LOUIS and ALL FOINT8 WEPT TIckets and sleeping car berths eta be Secured at the General Eastern Office 288 Broadway or 180 Rut 123th street New York and Boston All Rail Leave By way ot One KM A M Fprlngflsld and Worcester 8au F H 1000 M New London itO frovldenO 480 H M- II Mi A MH Sprlngneld anti Worcester aasP H 1200 M Hartford and N Y sad N B 6 8O P K I no p K Saw London and Providence 730 p u 3 oci P M WHltmantlc and N Y and N B POO p H- 4iOO r M Uprlngflld and Wurcesier IttOJ F K sty P M NW London and Providence 1100 P M- II OP M Hprtngneld and Woretier 61 a A M 1201 P M New London and Providence 700 A It- eRnne dally Inclndlug Sundays Return eervlc cams hours and by same routeS Through parlor or pletping earl by each train a T HEMPSTEAD Oan I Paaa Age t 1ttambo2zt5 NQRWICH LINE ALL PoINTS NEW LONDON SI I NORWICH 5125- WORCEMTIR 52 BOSTON 513 STRAIt ERlI save PIKIf4U ioRyu ElVES next PIER ABUtS UBiBKOnSES ST ThRIll DAILY Sunday ex- cepted at 5Ot P M Tickets and ataterooma aecured at principal ofdcea In Pew York Brooklyn and Jersey City TO BOSTON tot first clap limited tickets OoUlf Fares reduced via PALL RIVKR LINE Bteamara P1LURIM and PROVIDENCE In commlsMon Leave New York from Pier 21 N B toot or Murray at tally Snndava oicepted at ft P M Sunday trips will be resumed commencing March 29 Connection by Annex boat from Brooklyn at 4 80 Jersey City C P 11 AU ORCHESTRA on each steamer Passangsra will find BOSTON ThE INSIDE ROUTE the most comfortable In winter Fare C300 via 8TONINGTOV LINE Providence S2J Worcester 245 htamr leave new Pier 3d N R one block above Canal at 5P It daily except Sunday ub1tc otttt POST OFFICE NOTICELettersforforegnoountrU not be ipeclally addressed for despatch by any particular iteamrr except when It Is desired to send duplIcates of banking and commercial documents let tore not specially addressed being sent by the fastest vesaela available lorelvn malls for the week ending Feb 2R will clues promptly in all cues at this office at follows MONUAY At 3 W for 11511cc Purto Cortex and ilnateuiala per steamShIp Breakwater trout New Orleans WEDNhbDAT SIB XXI for Knrope per aleam hip Stale via Southmoioi anti bremni tethers roust be directed tier Stole at l3i A il for Europe per steamship iajesile via Queenstown at 4io 4L M for Belgium direct per sleamshin Noordland via Antwerp letters must he directed per Noordiand at 1 P M for Cubs per steamship Saratoga via Havana tellers must be directed erSaratoga at I P U supplementary Iso P MI for Jamaica per ateainahlp Dorian at 3P M- fo Bocae del Toro par steamshIp llugln from New Orleans at 3l P M for Truxlllo per steamshIp J- OterU Jr from hw Orleans TIlLllMUAYAt it A XI supplementary 12 LI for Venernela Cnraroa and Uavanllla via Curacoa per steamship Philadelphia letiara for other Colombian ports must be directed per Iblladlphla at I 1 supplementary I ItdoP M for Bermuda per steam alilp Orinoco at I P M supplementary iJOP 131 for Susan N P tail Santiago Cuba per steam- ShIp Clsnfuego- sSATUKUAYAtl A M for Rraill and the La Plata Countries via Brazil for Et Thomas and St Croix via St Thomas for Barbadoee and Trinidad and Demerara via tlarbadoea per sicanuhip Vlgllancla front Newport News tletiera for other Windward Islands mutt bdh acted per Ylgilanole 3 at tUtu A M for France 6vrltirlnU Italy Spat Portu- gal aad Turkey per steamship Ie Hrettgn via llavrat at 480 A M for Ireland per steamship Auranla via Queetown hatters fey Uraat Britain andothar European countneamuatb tiradeS per AuranlaT at ft A H tot Europe per steamship werre via Southampton and Brsmsn letters for Ireland Franc swfuerlend Italy Spain Fortugal and Turkey must bs directed per Werra at s A M for Jiorway direct pir ateamihip leland letters must bs directed per Isl- and it at e80 A M for the Bather lands direct pr steamship Tendm via Rotter ¬ dam lelter must be directed per Vendam at 10 A oi tier Santlkgo Caba nor steamship Ban Augustln letterS for veneiula sad Savanllla Aa- tnu > tb directed per Ban Augnstln at 10 A M- inppismsmary lob u A Mor 8t CroIx and 8t Thomas vl < 8t Crolx also Klndwsrd Islands direct per ileamshlp Carlbbees at II A N supplementary Iib i AHror Fortune Island and Jamaica also Jacmel ant Aux Cares llayll psr steamship Adi- rondack at I P M for Iampselie Ohlapaa Ta basin and Yucatan per steamship Orlaaba lettera- Jor Cuba Tamplco and Tuxpam direct and other Slat via Vera Crur must be directed per Orlabi at I I M lot Favanllla Ac per steam- shIp Coledad at PISH I f M for tit flerraUlquelou per steamer from Halifax Walls for the Bncletv sisal per ship from San Francisco elose nere PeJZ atx 31 P M Plaits for Australia New Zealand Hawaiian rill sad Ha moan Islands per steamship Alamsda from San FranclKu closeher rei 4R at oBlip M oron arrival at New York of ileimsnlp Umbrla with Hrlllih matte for Australia Malls for ChIna and Japan per steamship Bslglo train San Francisco clots hers March 4 at H m P M Malls for Nwf- oundtand by tall to nallfax and thence bv steamer rlo at this office dally at 8to p if Vail for Illqtielon hr rail I n Boston and thence bv steamer close at this nftlre dally at Mitt I p u Plaits for Ciun oy rail to Tampa Pie aol theixr hr steiner sailing Mon days Ihursdaya and satiruHvs clue at this omce daily at il A M Plaits for Maxim overland uu Iris specially undressed for dispatch by iieamer close at this olHro icily at t > M Tram Pacltlc malls are forwarded tn San Francisco dally sal the srhluli of rloslnir i Is nrranird on the pro suraptlim of their tinlnif rmp ed nvrrlnnit transit to ban 1rinriecrs Mulls from tie East arriving m time at San Francisco on til ilav of salting of steamers ar iptenet thence the same day Registered mall chops alit P H preylous day IIttC Eliaurr- swKm blurb Cf floe stares tfeet deeh V plate glass fronts fu a month twu alr tly rented tot vrorery and haerry wrest chute fi r nrustrlst- hutcner liarber dine s 11 iintlou Apply tn O KAY hEN Hadtord buliillu belly square lonkers BUSINESS CAHIll Hixt fl for 1000 good stock sad lOc lor raroplssl- iUHTON BS Wsrrnst NY- BAStE CHANCEOpposite Froctors how window lire work rooms use ef receptionrooois suit- able for ladles taller dresimaker or toilet eilabilsh mnt FlU West 3234 st Pfvsoual JlotiftsP- tnAnT7TrVlThK t7xhTIlic l hl NEiviTs7tl parasols ad l crfiie repaired leer ICII ot n 4 OUhl- aL Blue suackese iewelrr Ia 0th cv alrrat4 roz PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF AMERICA I DOUBLE TRACKT STEEL RAILS I I STONE BALLAST and ta BRIDGES PROTECTED BT TUB INTERLOCkING SWITCHA- ND BLOCK SIGNAL SYSTEM The Scenio Line to the West AND TUB ROUTE OF TUB CELEBRATED PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED TIlE II > KAI < RAILWAY TRAIN OF TIlE NINETEENTH CENTURY TRAINS LEAVE STATIONS foot of DesbrossM and Cortlnndt sts affording passengers a grand View of the Harbor the Shipping the Brooklyn Bridge Gov- ernors ¬ Island and the Statue of Liberty follows On and after JANUARY I l8gl < 4 TIlE FAST LINE tOOA MPillman Vettltmle Bleeping and Far lor rare Arrives Ilavrlaud Am A M Columbus 011 A H rhlr ioMiu I r M and M LouIs 7m I r Maext day Connrcis alio for Toledo except fcatorday THE PKNNHIVANIA LIMITED lOiOO A 1Composed xclu > lvrly ot Pullman Yes tlliule Drawing antI Male Boom Sleeping Dining loathing and observation Care preisntlnx flnanola- lrrport fUnosraiihrra and typewriters hath rooms for 10th sexes ladies malt barter ship library and all the convenIences nf home or otnon Healed by ateam and lvtted tiy stationary and movable ale ctrlo I lIable Arrival Cincinnati 710 A M and Vhlcajo BH4A Mnextdar- ST LOUIS niCAOOrAND CINCIN UtOO P M Fnllman Vtitlbnla Sleeping ran from KewYirkand Minor Cars Irom New fork to Ml LouIs i bleats aol l cinclntuti raneiiaer coach hew York tn i oliiiiibos Arrives rinclnnaii 10ou A M Chicago a ruor tt ant Kt LouIs lto P H next day TIlE WESTERN EXPRESS SiflO P MFor all pnlnti In tha Wait Northwest and I Southwest Iullman Vestibule Sleeping Car haw York la rutsborah M toils Ihlcaio < Tmrlnnatlan4- tieinplila fennyhanln Railroad nlnlnv Car sew Yuik lolhlladeiphlaand Iullraan DInIng liar Pttts burgh ta Iticlimonit anti cnicauo Arrives at Clneln- iiailu 80 P ii Uhioaiolfiu I M next lay and St Louis 701 A Mi period mating Connects for Cleve- land ¬ and Toledo daily except naturdny PACIFIC EXPREsS SiOO P M Pallman DnlTet Sleeping Car Kaw York to ChIcago New tort to Memphis via the Bhenan doll vale arrIves week date at Columbus 715 I M Cleveland i35 F M next day and dilly at Chlcati 7 04 A M second mornlur Connects tur To- ledo ¬ dally anti for Cleveland and Columbus except Saturday Fur Atlantic City with through Buffet Parlor Car lUte r M week days 0 For time sables of traIns to Fhlladetphla PattI more ttastilntton and the South Atlantic City Cape Play Long Iirancn and other poInts on the Fannfyl- vaula luilroad system apply at lbs following ticket nmeeitNoi 1 4iA ua and Ml Hroadwayi I Astor Iloute antI foot of Pesiirooee and ortlandt atai 4 Court St Srto Fulton st and HrooViyn Annex Station toot of Fnlion ik Brooklyn 73 Hudson at Uobokani StatIon Jersey city Ihe New York Transfer Company will cull for and check > a nia front hotels and reildenos through te- dfilnatloa J R wool CIIAKLES B PUnT Ueneral Fasar Agent ieneral Manager BALTOOHIOHSR Fast Express TraIns via PIIILADELPIIIA to- I lrJt1 BALTIMORE UASHINGTOIV CHICAGO CINCINNATI bT LOUIS And All Points West sEnncE ox ALL TRAILS I ave New York foot of Liberty at aa follows ForOHIOAOO 2tOt ir M Uit A hI- For CINCINNATI ST lOUIS 0 A H B P M ForWAHlllNUTUV BAM IMOBB 1500 AM It ISO A M dtIet 120 POt P M l2l5 A M All traIn dally except 1 Cl A M Sunday For NORFOLK via Hy line 2 tOO p H week days BTIckrt offices lid VHI lIt and 1140 BroadwaY New York aol Da Uroadway Rrooklya STATION FOOT or LIBERTY HT Central R II ol > New York Transfer Company will call brand cheek baggage from hotel or residence to destination J T OllPLU CI1AS a SCULL General manager General Passenger Agent ROYAL BLUE LINE FINEST AND SAFEST TKAINB IM TIlE WOlXat- BKTWKUN New York Pbilsdlphlss Baltimore sd WaakIiSSU CENTRAL RJHLROAUAOP NEW JERSEIr- OILADELFHIA ASD READING R L BALTIMORE AID OHIO R R All trains vetlbnled from end to end heated by stasis and lighted by rMntaoh gas TIME TABLE PlOY lU IBHO leave New lark front foot of Liberty St H B For Philadelphia at 4bU 7 MS PIlE i 1180 A It tile Jia ami 4 ova MX fltOl 751 F MM Uilo night SUNDAYS CIA lllOOA JC 300 321 Saw SJOrM 12lh Itight 0 For Baltimore antS Washington dally at eon Cil except Sunday A M 21x1 a 10 Ott r- Fariorcara 51 13th night on day trains Sleepera on right trains Tickets and parlor car seats can be secured at 7I1TJ- Zfll 411 1344 I mi inxa KroaUwav7S7nthava 4Wrt 135th st 131 Fat IVMh St New York > Court it SOI Sutton it us llroadway llrooklvn New York Transfer Cominy will call for anti check baggage from hotel ol- resldLce to destination T KLAWAIIE LACKAWANNA AND WE8TKR U KAlLKUAl Shortest Una Veitlbtiled Pullman coaches 4 9AM Buffalo and Owego Exprees via Paleness for Water lisp Rtrnudsburir Hcranton Klnihamton- Dweiio Itbara Weicrij lImitS Curnlng StIlt Can vllle bhrrburnr Itietervllle lilchileld sprIngs title Mt Morris Ureene Oxford Norwich Cortland Myra- rouse Fulton ami Intermediate stations Connecta at Scranton with trains for ritlston Wllkebarre Pans vile and Northuinliecand and at BniTalo with trains fer the H ac- t7tI A it Ulnghamton Mall via Boonlon 1 P Blnghnmton and Elmira txprea for Water Gap Stroudburv rcrrtntoii Dwee Uavrly Ao Con nuts at Deranttn with trains fur Iltiston Kingston and rilke > tiarr- i4l I P1Screnlon Wllkesbarr and Plymouth Ex- press 71JIP M dally Buffalo Limited Express via Pat eron for Mrouatmrir Mranton limichaiiitun lswaee Wavrly Elmira Coming Oath inland Uansvllla Mt Morris Ac arriving hulfalo711 A M- IP M Idallir Huffalo Utica and Ostrego Express fet Htroudburg Scranton Btniihamton Coriland Hym- ens Pollen irenie oxford Norwich Mierburna- fatervllle Hlchfleld Spring ArM and all point on the Bnflalo division Connects with trains for thus West I1dJ lOMPANIA TRANHATLANTICA RflPANOLA 4 Rj BTEANhlllP HAN AOUSTIN Capt K Cardona Will aall front Peoples line lien 41 N R en Satan day Kh 4a at lt noon ukinc freight and pM nKrt direct for havana tt JIsgo dt Cuba ruarra POlIO tab Ilo C rtanv i H ore Port Limos 4 Colon havanllli iotA battle Mart with transshipment at Havana for fadiz Barcelona and oilier Madllerre rican port For iurtti r partIculate apply to J M CKUALLOaA CO AgtnW HO WalUt H AMBUItOAMFIUCAN PACKET COWeekly ex press service between New York Southampton and Hamburg by the magnlncent new twin screw steamers of niooo ions and I2UO to IMKFJ horse power will be¬ gin In April Thli Hue holds the record tor the fastest C trips to and from Southampton sod tIle Continent For paasage sailIng delis Ac apply to- iisoihurgAnetlcan oeneral raasenger Agent Packet Co it liroadway u B RICHAKDAiii hew York 01 liroadway New York N NW YORK AtOll CUBA MAll STKAWRIIIP CO from Pier IU anti 17 liaot Hirer at 3 P M 04 hot havens I rogresio Oampeche Frontera Tamplca- Tuxpsm aol Vera Crui Matsnu Car lenis hague Calbarlen Nissan Fanilacn de Cuba ijuaiiianamo and IlentuevosB- ARAIUUA Havana and Carlens tIed Hb 23- URIZAIIA Havana and Mexican phi Pat Felt M CITY If ALKXANllKIA Havana and Ms- vtansa Wed March 4 CIEKKUIOOa Nassau hantlago Cube antI tlenfuegix Thnra Fh24 For full particulars passage appy to 4 JAM1 B K WARli A CO lj Wallst 1 N O8DflhtUTCllEIt lLOYt H S CO 8 j SHORT KOI flTO IOXDON AND CONTINENT Steamers salt Iron pier fool uf2d it lloboken- FAnI KPRhH sTFFMKlt Pails Wed FeD itt 7 A M tAller Nat Mch7 I PM tI erraK leh HH3U A MLabn Wed Jlarlt 1 7AM- b rer Wed March 4 noon I mi Fat Men lOOA M- Kirit csllii situ upoaril n Perth according to location second cat In 011 a Urili iteerane at low rates lilLllICIIJ A t it 2 Uiiwllng Oresn K ST FRRIRIIT AM PAR8KNOER SAVANNAH ne mers weekly from New Pier 34- N R font of ltrig i st- HhCIUTTAII I I- N IIVlMotley Feb 28 3P M- KnACiJIICIIKh nllenlar rib 2V 3 PM H K CITY OF RINCtIbUhIAM friday lab 273Pil C Cut lIE AllUNTA Satunlav Feb 2H 3 I P M- Coiineclltitf with Oeniril siiroad of Jeorgla and tavaiiiiatv Mriitauni I t 33 titern beltway for all point In IIKOI1I1IA MIIdUA MlLTII CAROLINA ALA- BAMA and LOUISIANA Cnsurpauid accommoda lIves First class lalilsdboie lot freight sod paese PPrjt ° 1 I1ASHAQEN 1W II RHFTT flea AgeM- E Art H f anti W Ryl hannnali fast lAna Wl Broadway I I JI7 Broadway iN K L WALKUR Agent Ocean eaunblpCo New Pier Kn Berth biter IIP OIYDK RTPAVSIIIP CIIMlASY T Fir Cii A1UESTllN h U ant JtKINYILLE TIe und all l olnl m KIOIIIDA lh iilli antI Southwest I mm Ileru K I Stindat e0 etc aii rrlJavs i p 01 l nirr arcDiuinnddtloni ant insnn uiisnrpisfi- v 5i f 01111 A iii liui AH iiiiolincCreen N T- T I Ihlt i ii AXII I S rrt I Ilel47i1 av h Y- Urillli sTAll LINK I K AM I< IIIAL MAIL New lurk U ir nitown anti Liverpool WAJKMIi WcdnesJay rib 21 7A I- IADItIAUllhufsday March A I PM Very inpertor second cabin acoommadailoas en Add ¬ tic ant Maleetto Uleerage to and from tke old soantry esVe41 LerJherdzs

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1891-02-23/ed...THE SUN SUNDAY FEBRUARY 231891 7 tl jusrJ17R CJTAHOH-if DXMTHt-Dflv It for OCofinfll to Prove that

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Dflv It for OCofinfll to Prove that tkopoIIeemfl Treated Him Brutally

Tonne Charles D OConntll who WM arnitctl by illctmnn Wllllixm Wlilnpoll of theBnlbsrrr street squad while vAwlnR tho Bnrram funeral pnrads at Broadway HowartrMt III t Thursday wfis ArraignedTOUt Pollen Court yesterday ohnra d withUtultlnK the rotlei man He was rtprserud

by W brithor A88let8nt Uiiltcd StatesDistrict Attorney OConnall United StatesOomrolfiloncr shields was present

ffblBPoH called two witnesses The frt wasEd war I Keelojr ol 6 Second avenue said

when Whlnnell attempted to push thetaI back on thn sidewalk OConnell Braspedi-

Nofflcerii shrove and pulled him forward soliftbe nearly fell dowu Then Whlspoll struckOfloanell with the fat of his hand and saidDoat be so freshOConnell came through the crowd cursed

and demanded his number As he1pell struck Whlsll In the face Thenrfciipell arsRtd On the way to the

itttloa OCoonel struck at Whlspelt-Mj sttemoted Iet away from him OnOMMxamlnatlon Heater admitted baringbMi arrested several years ago oharndwlthUnit He was discharged In the JeffersonXirkst Polios Court Jeremiah Harringtonwho lives at 42 East Fourteenth street alsouwtheirreit He corroborated Keoley Hewent to the station house and did not see-oCoaneii mlsniuil In aiy way H had beenarrested1h said for playing policy hlBpellsaid he bad two more nee but they woretot preect

then yoHnaT OConnell told his story Habe acted ouiirtaouflly throimhiut and

Sill lad please when he asked for y hIspelts number did not strike tho police-man


ant WhlltI1 nttuok wits unprovokedAll the OConnell awoia to thetame set of incIiIontH

Non saw Ithe nrrost of OConnell or theilltg 4 osfiialt on Wbiloci which preceded ItAll nlv WhlspAll OloQnl a never

with his gloved and left bAnbow left elila of the head This blowforthorllsf Khnmol irom women In thebaoonlos of tho btilldlnnn They all saw-Whiwell strike u fecond blow at Orand streetsod Broadwny nod USD OConnell as a hatterln mra t force his war thrutiith the crowd atGrand street Lnnh witness hall come to courtvoluntarily he snld nnd only OO SchoolComnilf loner Joseph S Mosher had had anynrafiiiusniitmintauce with either the police-man


or OCoottull I hurlos lie It Townteml-MSurroirnto o Queens county John W

torIDIllllt inrvnyor of the port Thomasrf lUG Ucntre street

John Crilir n sitlpsninn at 21 Mercertreat IWIlllHin n Garrison an Importerof 431 Hromlnnv llllim C Kerr andOliver P JelTioy fwesnitn of 451 BroadwayAliino Unsn Importer of 151 Broadway nndjennu Hshur n vlnik of 191 Hester streettestlllNlforoViiiuittllh-

lHpellII tiotetd Justice Hogan that hewas not Hlilo to rope with the etAjaletantI Dis-trict


Attormy He rrceodod to crossexamlnoU-TinnollV wltnesfloaI on tho tnme plan onwhich hlq OWI hnl hion pxnmlned by HBklncthemtfIf l l d ever been arrestod but hadnot the pam stucco

Policeman Heck of the Mulberry street squadstationed liotuoen Howard and Canal

tretl6 nn ThnrMlny nowool lie testifiedkit Ills tott u minutes nod

wnlluKOliiBUii t3adaat saw Whlspell arrestOConnell HP iilo nv OVonnoll resist Beck101011111 nenaw that Yiilsroll needed no

< n ho rolurnpd to his postTuttle IfriKnn iUniln ed the caseMr udntpll watuvd to tile a complaint

against Whlspell but J untlce Hogan would nutreceive Ion Sunday

A DJtVO CLKIIKS DOMESTIC OBBin Wife Bewarded ni Attempt tEaTate Her bJTrying to Take Hr Lr

John 0 Michaels la a drug clerk with a flow

olanguage and aTolce that can bbear forbloke even when he is in orlnar ¬

lion His wire Bessie II and wellformed and has a pretty lae She charged-him with assault In the Jeflerson Market Po-lice


Court yesterdayAbout two years ago she met Michaels She

got Into such a state of moral depravity thatthe Sisters of the Oood Shepherd took care ot-her for II months Then she throw herselfline North River and was rescued andmarried Michael She got to drinking andwhen she bad drunk too much she did al-ltortsot things that she doesnt look capa-ble


of doing They IHo at 29 Charlesstreet Mr Michaels has to work from 7 Inthe morning until Ill at night Last irlduy-BUht Mrs Michaels came home about 1clock She had been drinking a goodand was in a peculiar mood She woke herhatband up and Wi rewarded by a stream ofhUhpltehed Then she ixiilt a largetire in the stove got out the fledthem with water and walhlUhsjlamUYahlnl These on

struck Michaels dumblor a moment Hu began to remonstrate and-to complit n 01 hIt long hours and the impossi ¬bility of alloping there a roaring fire and ahere washing were tilling the apartment

MrsMlcliaela felt that her unwonted energysrenthouKh mUdlinced deserved better re-ward


Mho Riabbod the kerosene can andraised It to throw it her husband He saw8that the top wan 01 the can that the oilwould Rplll and as the can had to passacrcsp the stoe on its way t his held therowas danger 01 an oxplsIOD He fortns bed Mild wr from his wifeTbeollwnH sullied 11 over her In this strug-gle


hhvsnvsthHt husband threatened toSet her on II 10 At nuy rate the quarrel whichlollnnojBo omhltiorvil Airs Michaela that sitebuil Mr 31 ehaoli In courtH Ithniilci never linte married her MichaelMm hlii IB it drum art She lost ma mysituation I am iiintlicr Itobnrt lay HamiltonDiviuilffliul ofT I on mo1 have donut m Romrooll elevate her and yetslit g55 OtT and tries to commit suicide

> oi know why that was John Michaelssaid tim who 1 Ulu It to save myself fromtttntn

Uen did you try to kill yourself askedJustlteFoni

J ichtioii inoniha nnoHow louu inure too been marriedA teat

brDdlIY d Jt Hlvl In peace with your hus

x in I ui itt hic said I dont drinkPt wheni ho drhes me to It He abuses

Ir Mlchaois dolled her to show any soarsFOrluIs Mtri ho Biild hIs uody was coveredwith nuaiK and itt lowed Ieyernl marks Hekoit liiloriuitliB tIp wife in a harsh raspinglice iiiitl the Justltf mild he didnt wondernil S the

Itcaselm d to lira wIth him Md UB

mar runac iiKrr nrKTXCIIED-

Arremt or the Negro Who Caused the Deathor Ilnuli HammockrrTrrsnuiio Vn Feb 228cott Bishop tho

negro who made murderous assault on HughHammock wellknown clllrxsn of Nottowaycounty a few days 10 and then robbed himof his money was arrested at IHdgway N 0station on the Italelch und Gaston Bollroadlest night by Officer Muxey the Town Sergeantof llckhtoneln this Slate Bishop was foundIn aileep nnd woe much burptlsedwhou he illKcoveied tbut he won in tho clutches01 the Ilaw Tho Mayor of Blnckstone nearwhich place the assault was committed offereda lewnrd of 2O for the nriest of assaIlantand Boeral POIBOS have leap scouring the-

ecountry anl ioitions or North Carolina for1W111 DBlo was securely handcuffed

mornlul was drought to Black510Db the assault was committedth uetllg rgainst BIshop has been cry bitteran4 since his ut nture It Is sllll more so by° I the fact that Mr Hnminopk diedfrom his injuries on Friday and was burledlPtr aylJlstio1u tucknowledgon his guilt and Iropll

tRu vvMte lAtin nameil Velli who dinlvsIiul lIe had any part In the assadlt Bishopthe other hiinU tars that ho and Wells dlfcV

led ii e mom7 U 811 and that he Ulshopln Weijas lorifon at agiime of cards lllshophiss been oni raltted to the Nottoway county

lrJnB Pjot1 threats have been mail ofuInculu him a strong guard has been placedrun i1tht blIWIui IVrfons who arrivedLees today fr im Ulnckstoue say impressiontliit BII H1l mpt will tie made to lynchBishop some time after inldiilgbt lonlubufklnmrn Dying Itupldly on tbe Tebunate

pee lithmuBHue ANTONIO Feb 82Franclsco Llllaga

on of the ccntraotors on tbe TehuontepeoIsthmus liatlroad In Mexico arrived here today lie say that the overal hundred 1mPOrted Chinese Abrts on the new road haveKllraLwllhBl00f1ithe change of climate

of thorn have already died

ier ncr Loud Trump IIcr Baby DiedDeputy Coronor Convay wns Informed yes

tertia that Cluri Klein IU days old hud boinlound dead In ocil in tho Childs Ilosntiil ilt 575 1 olnxlou tuiiiue TheCoroner went to the Institution and saw theOther Clara Klein Mrs Klein said the childwaa born In the house of Emma Bcbrtober oniroom street near the East Him ten daysXo OB Saturday Mrs SoJutebM gav op her


apartments la Broome street sad moved uptown Mill Klein was then left without ahome and she wandered about the streetsnntll dark when some one Informed her thatlilrc Hchrlebor had moved up to Kant Sixtyllrst street Hho walked UP town intendingpeek M rs HchrKbei and beg for shelter Thebaby began to cry and she crept Into an emptywagon to nurse It The policeman on postliearii the crying took mother and child totho Flltn lit street station house and theBorgAnnt sept them to the bn ° nltal A bedwas provided for mother and child The ex ¬hausted woman slept soundly nil night Whenshe awoke the baby was dead It died ofnatural causes

frtrrt J8wfl-

LA BOARD AKD ROOM DIRKCTORTHa furnlshed rooms wIth and without board every

where all prices Information ant rsguterlnsI freeBITfcS A LAKJQoBjjJuuiiiav-

flEARANTA llntle end double toomi goed boardbUbi flret moderate terma gentlemen mWayarIyilacA DESIRABLB LIST or SELIIOTITWILL ItOARDINO rLAORS WITHRIclta Ia Tilts IITY CAN BRDE 8NT OBTAINED WITIIOUT CItARI-


RELIASLN box ici su up-owts UFIICII isun BROADWAY

DLItARANT comrortsbl rooms with bead astral5 yateS turn TIasonabla ant West eotb S-

tflDReeIAT batwanIsIanl ntavaNIealy farnlII room na rntlenuan rood Usrman cookIng


4T AV 102 32 years e tablUhed Mechanicbosrd-Ini hous for qnlst respctabl working ladlMand

tents 310 to H I-y9Ttl8TM EARTHell room also recptlon udsuperior board I tabl boarder accentuodatt-di AfH ST am WRSTNstlr furnished bolt pRierA amplel closet hot and cold wstsr excellent table and attendanc1 Atlflft 219wmLarge back parlor noe of1 tronlsnitabletorphyilttan ordnhIsIt TABIKHOA K-

CTlTlT1 148 BARKNIC furnished rooms for jrenJHf tleman or married couple with good board 5eoa week and upward

OTII BT 327 KARTrarge room rallahl for twotrntIemnorl man and wltai table boarders ao


Qs D ST 470 AND 481 WISLtrgs and small roomsAA ainglv orn suite all convenience terms moderalei board If desired nu May moving

on RT 48 RABTSeconditorr front room dreastngAA room atlotnlng t hot sat cold water t tableboarders ceonmodato-

d22D 8T ItO WFHTDeslrabl handsomely fnrrooms n suit or Ingiyi eicellent board a

table boardOQDiii 218 WBOTLarg ant small room ntelyOlurnlhdlritclasiboaidjTAlH >BOARD> lreferenceT > UD RT naownsTwleauyrurntihd front kali roomAO and rood hoard M weekly TA UIF HOARDftRtU hT lot KAST Second hell tan and doubtsJtU rooms with or without board bath and sacorrTII ST 2SO EART Room stud board bath gsaA I and all convenience table boarders accommo-dated

3QTI ST i2A WEST Boarera wanted moderate< rmi alio furnished rooms to let

siDTlT hTTiniAiTi nndomely fnrnlihed roomseJO single nnd double with or without boardATII ST 101 VB8TElegant rooms with boardOIL rear L station and surface roads rsfareneee

tic KEAG

IflTH RT 224 EAST Nicely rornlshed rooms with4S excellint board snltaUa for gnlemeni tableboarders wanted

41 ST sE 241 Baat Furnished room and boardgentlemen or married couple piano hath gas

weeklyAOL RT > 26U WEST nandaoma room with boardi every Improvement convenientI to all aurfac-rallwara private

4D RT 21H WESTHandsome rooms with board4O convenient location i referenoeaexcnauged tableboard French family

f4TII RT 234 WEST near BrodwayTarg seatt ond floor room newly furnished superIor boardand attendance

A QTII RT 233 WBRT Rnnnr square and halt roomsftO with excellent hoard erery convenience 8 upward59f-

i7TliITU RT SO Eaat Ilandaomely furnished rooms

large orsmeIlwlthboard bath geeKT too KARTNlcely furnished room forU f gentlemen only In private family convenient to

L station with or without board references requiredtire RANDALL 2d flat

IStAtn ST 242 WKST ConifortablfurnishedA At rooms with board every convenience dealra

ble location table board moderate

124TII BT 129 EAST Larga front parlor heatedlocation convenient nation

1 TIIRT its VRRT =Handsomely furnishedA S rooms with hoard excellent location gentle-men


preferred American familyJOKTII ST WERTNlcelr furnlsiitd roomsl a t with hoard modern conveniences Dar lollIon private house

millST 3OT WEST Handtomaly furnishedwith board alao hall room iTaiadstation convenient private

tttt airaroo1t1ttBOARD and superior fnrnlihedI room A good cookS

I improvemenia O33 Cnmlierland at nearalien st Brooklyn convenient cars and I station

oat4 U1antedTIT ANTED Board and lodging fora yonng gentlemenvf In New Ynrk Brooklyn Jeraey cliy stats terma

AddressUS South 23 it Philadelphia la-

tun21ttd oont1 purtmeni o t-A SINGLE and housakeeptng working

peopleI clean and aulett5l7j up ocfrto placeCLINTONPLACB 39 near Broadway Nlefly fur

anti double all conveniencesgentlemen or light housekeepingjJOTOV A DESIRABLE LIST OP FURNISHED




Last Hide

ARNO 2Rth st and Broadway Select family hotelcad snail room Innly or en anile i rstolaaa-

attsndance C4 to lu wekly board optional alaodesirable office for dentisttlilriFD LAROB FRONT ROOM lineNICE one top floor front two or three wing roomsfirst floor roar HP Ell ht near 4th av

ST MARKS PLACE 42 8th at and 2d av Single androom nicely furnished cheap

4THAV34S ofrhroLm McelythirdI floor

furnishedtwo gentle-



1 OTII ST JIll BAST Two connecting rooms suits1 tie fnr light housekeeping alao halt room antisquare room1 Tir RT 202 EABTfilngle rooms for respectable

I men altol trout parlor suitablecoupte tp

18 hT JIIH KABT tquare newly furnished roomalia large front luaU room

1QTII ST ail BA8TA wellIurnlihea room to litJO private house

iftTII BT 2tO KAST Two desirable connectingAir room first floor handsomely rnrnlshed alsosquare front room second floor bath and gas

1 iQTi BT7243 K ART llail and double rooms nicelyI 7 fur Dished haiti and gas also room light boatskeeping1 QTII ST 41 HAST near Broadwaynandsemabsekla parlor suitable for dolor furnished or unfur-


nmn ST 40 EASTFront and beck parlor dressingiiJ roon ant extension bachelors or phi slolan de-sirable


nIbbarhOfd-20TII ST 22 EASTApartment parlor floor for

or doctor furnlshsd or outurnlshsdt MayI or soone-

rkTirST42FARTNieely furnished double rooms I

LU private fnmlly desirable neighborhood

HOD PTj 282 EAbT Larg and no are nloely fur<fcO hitched room hot and cold water bath gal retfcrenceanOD bT 839 EAITFarlor floor nicely furnIshedAOronm Urge window fJ nooblecllonto an invalI-dOATURTit4EASthlandsOmetyturnisbelbsekAt parlor hot slid cold water closets heeled Illref createsO4TII hT 1S4 RART Handsomely tarnished i-

prlorllolndAt cold waier belted tST2o HAS Whlt B bsllLarie n1if27Th e front room gentlemen or Uttlit housekeep

log tJW-

52D STS4tt HAST Large hack room aol connectbedroom I very light boussktepliigor gentle-


54 tnTiiiEABTUoIxinahlls bells nicely tarwished hall room bath gasjJJ weekly

RI7TII ST 409 BASTLarge front roomfrnnnlne-O t water twogsnilemen V back parlor 3-

Q1 ST ST X3J KAtT1legnntlyI furnished rooms allOl sunshine bachelors apailmrni with runningI

water bat and gas rooms sultabl for light house-keeping clisapQlHTfiT ajriSAI TAn elegantly tarnished roomOl house with 4 years lease for etiet splendid oppor-tunity tor a lady must be sold on account of death inthe family

0 AT HAflTFront sod bark parlor tn letlilT a doctor elite lion other In the neighbor-hood

82DIIT7 fn2 HAST Handsomely furnished roomof parlor In new Dnl11 improvements

first floor east convenient 10 L suilou plaianllot-atlonQ4TII ST l4i KAST Nirelr furnished rooms forol gsjtternenjl oelngle routes ebtt apr4OiirilliTTrSSBARiFurnished roomier gentlemenODln private houses tear 1i station pleasauineighborhood ijaui weekly

tO Tlf STTco EAST 2d floorLady wald like marOI rled couple or gentlemen having three Ironrooms

1 10TII SV FA8TT small connectingI I o 0JIn pleasant cottage FJ weeklyI couplet

IleussVeepInt coal ree

Wrt Hide

tTlEtItt AND LADIKK vlsltlni the cltr deilrI-nirG i let prIvateI room aildresa CAltLr LKl box III

IulIlIlO oince IM hreaUway

FROXT FURNIRIIED ROOM toIling tedLARGE hot end IMIOJe two laJge clouds privateheals quiet peopi Weil28thShALL AND LAjfE fornlahd rooms with boarder

wUhoatjHalaigrooat Cr 111 htoaekecpUIn wMttotbat

rllnliWutt Jfetmjj A prtweutu So et-



AlIt BT IS4 WBKT LlUllooVOtolM lIandmdi1 faraiiha rcomu lacis ant small sit eonr nlenellllllnUmnllrmmodrlle-22D RTM 14ft WEBTtari w llfnnlili 4 roomsn conveniences ana bt or aitinil nc i termsrtasonabU to permanaat partynon BT 54tWPaTNioslytwiiahdhatdroame-

4soltabtsA for two gntlemn 5a each and upwardHOD IIT27 WKRTtarg and hall rooin well heatAA 41 quiet houisi private famlly i referenceO4TII RT jnow WEStLarge handsomely furAt nlshed hall room olossts hot end cold tratsrtprivilege light honsskeeplngi also front hall room gen-tleman

9 < T1I FT 442 WERTLarr nicety fnrnltlisA stairft and hill room an StillS or ilnvti privilege lightlioDi ka unti fa1O weklyi i rival house-

OATIIST7J53 WKTNloly furnished seoondstory4 tall rooml private family terms mo l < rat

2 TI1STi 22f1 WJISTltleely furnished o1-u tntlimtni central loeiilon ex A1O IJ end Pdweekly

QnDBTM > WKfTDailraWa rooms on third endu fourth floors board optionaL

OOD RT 217 JTBSTLarge sunny front room gasOO sad 01051 tWO night OPI Hi mug bell three tlma-sotTII ST KU WEST Xleelyl furnished room enspt blat for light hooMkeepIng every eonviulenoeterms moderate

Atl BT 2M WRSTnandw mely fnmtohM rooraitH V all oonTanleaeasi board optlanatt location very de-sirable


lemma moderateA IBJ 8T2WEBTVery alI fnrntehet roomsa A Bret floor i gsa bath <aiI ring lint bail

43DfJIIt sear BrnalwayrnrnlehedIn private freoch lamllyiI

board ortlona relevance

43D ST 4S3 WESTHandsome poems suitable forphruclani Yrlconveutsnce rlncbuue bell

liTII BT hOC WUSTLam sunny room lisattf rnnnlrt water moderate priesI to gentlemanprirala family

AftTH BT 337 WK8TCemrortblT furnished halldLI rooms all conrenlencesi de lrabt locatIon also

table board I moderateyifSTtl v4Tl4 WRSTBieiraMrnralitied roomwithsty private bath also other room avery Improvemeat board optional

fTltPT2tT WEBTllandsomely furnished meiP dlnm end large sloe room U and S3 arary toeTenlenc-eAQn XT 248 WKBT Riesnt soil soluble for1O phTslclao or dentlttt other rooms board optionalrLterncs48TIWaIm WERTEtegent rooms singly or en

other rooms S3 gentlemen preferredprlrllefoa-

jQTIt ST 102 WRSTLnria hail room In excellent1O housand location for gentleman only U-

48Tit ATh 82 WEST Thre or leer large lightnenly painted rant Pa to II 1

IQTII RT IM HBRT rlandiome hack parlor snl-tsiablcforphyilclan or two ceotlema every eonvenlence reference

49Tgrs lIP WEST Handeome parloraiI suitablephysician oc dentistI also an alcove roomiother rooms1QTH XT 232 WKBTIn private honso lares front4i7 room also hall room nicely furnished for gentle-

menftKTn BT 878 WEST Lam chetrful alcove fOIltfO IraproTcmenta near elevated and aurface rail-ways privateQTTII ST IDS WEST Handsome parlor occupiedO I for years by a pliyilclan every conTenlenoaprivate family

156 WAVPRLCT PLACKL handsomely toenlihed rooms nre gas bath and ample cloe

e15 f3 an-


and pnrntnt5 Co ZttOPEN FOR INSPECTION














BROWNZelttalll 1SX Broadway


No JM WhaT 188TI1 BT AND1100 2 fit TO 3SH2 HTII AV

Recently erected beitarranicd with Improvementsand best attendance

Rents SI 7 to 526Apply to GERALD R BROWN

e38 eth aw cor 18Sth It orEquitable Building lItO Broadway

YOU OAN SELEOT PAPERf-or those attractive fiats of 5 and 6 rooms and bath

FREE TO APRIL II-soo to 314 West 145th at corner 8th ar and adjoining

elevated elation S17 InpUtUOLL1N HWOODWARDa7l 8thaTonpremlses

ATTENTIONOne Months Rent Free I

To and three nice light rooms

9750 TO riaPleura rboa t3 tofis new hoosealn respeota-Me qnlet neighborhoodI

Offlce IOoB uth av near 67th stWESTTIBTST cornerColumbnsar onablockA from Central Park entrance 7 extra large rooms

and haIti aleant heat possession any time rents 100 toC7X Apply janitor or

0ISON A MACDONALD 89 West Slut t-

A 1Improved dwelliog EastnJnthle rl72dt and four rooms lightwith bath iaunclry hot and cold waler cud halts beatedt rent L2b aol lid

POLSON BROTHERS 824 Broadway nr 13IhtAT TilE WIRHHADEN 110 Wit 10th it may be

found charming apartments well arransvii M roomand haIti In central nelahborlibod house IIs carefullymananea strlcten references required reniTa to ItoAJ8TH sfri MreST iabl bachelor apart

to lot moderate rentFOLiiOM BKOTIIERH 834 Broadway

ALAROB 2Vfoot alnile tat u rooms all Improveon widest street up town 30 has bUlb atnear MadUon t1 841tIa

A 330 EAST 74TI1 STNew large apartment of 8and 4 rooms all Uf hit decoratea rants from 110

tells JanitorAT 170S 8D AV above oath el ataUoflested-

A halls 4 rooms each PlO SIn Inquire at 171 bar¬

ber shop

AH ELEOANT TOP FLOOR In single house s roomsall light 818 tbd West littlest

Dp ifa4BL FLATS ffri7KTln etir ward SOW andrtt Jane LSII lire rooms all light all Improve-

ments t rents Irom 824 to 931 a mouth I must ha seen tobe apprecIated Apply 10 owner on premises

ELFGAKT Improved apartments three anti fourHou to ill 2qbTOdav near s-

tpiATS IN THE NEW BVILDiJWaof 4a ft ant a rooms Mh ward ei m us and in OHO VMNT and 71 74 end 1 U ClIRIHTOPHEK MTall the latest Improvements hells steam healed renttn to also oMIrm and 4 rooms J4JNKHMT JrI from SIC to tw also-apariments itrorei anti lofts anti nousss In other partsot ills oIly FlEEts M Rots E a43 Ust4ttbetwrsn Charles and lOlh sis omce open 8 A M to tI 21

FLATB VHTH OR WITHOUT STEAM HEATLight wall ventilated apartmanla

at reasonable rentsApply oa prsnmesjjWesitMthst or to

alit Boulevard between Wssnad anti West 74th eta

LItEE TO Aritll Well kept flveronra partmantaIn complet order welljblanned with tubs renee

bells Ao i ratio low 817 monthly 24U6 en avJanitor seen auy time or at

MCADB Sa5 Sib af1REE TO APRIL At flH and liT monhly fur niceI apartments of lIve aufld sIred room uralI entrancebails carpeted dii orateU rooms perieci odor ranscilOla Ac V4JH Mh ur Janitor tetn any urn or atMhADK I SiN v < 95 Silt avfREETlAlRlie NiceI ITrronm lists lath aniTlm-

pruvcmentA rums in wool urderi on Me Mreti-rrnt llow tll and Jr monililr tIlt end ui2l Westlnih Pti Janitor seen any tins or atUbADS 2itf


FUOORK of ant n rooms from lIt to S18 in 33 30West Wtli it th cv u statIon on corner

also In 1714 bd ar and 1401 Lenlnrtou av iMth su-aparlmenu 3 and4 room 31SiWi title av I4uth it-

FilirRIa lId

l TO APRIUKeat kept apartments A

tern tlu ant ill immlblyi rod enlrancaballs cirinrled decorated wash tub range Ac-

Jsnhior 3M hav or UBADtf tEeSth a-

VLAT1IANDAPARTDENTS unfornlibd aol furI oluhed In all parts of the cloyFOL8UM BH01IIK8B tdi Broadway near SUI st

FLATi UEVKNROOKS to let In the splendid house30th 111l all the modern Improvements

RAND ST M8New buIldIng Zd floor ImproveG meals carpeted halls stair electrlo bells door

oPlrtllW lltffGINAN I CO lt21 Broadway

VDtNAItDV 10III ti3lndbri iiH lgaoi uew nata-

CTKAM IIPATFl PLAyS ft rnomi end bittu ma-onl tat with ball drrnratrd flul lot anti cell

un tIlde US herrhoO lisle lit sit 117etLllh UttOliUHARD 1710 till cv iturHltlnL8TORK Jl 04business localIty 12750SINOLE free to harsh lOt 1441 bib av Janitor

seen tap tints or MEAl A SOX 2493 DM av

APABTMBNT IS let U conw hoaaei nailsJLtakaalrM I iM td Aw JsLto iN

1Rttl Jut4 utrtmtnt tO CnTim NORMA

FInest aparttcenti IIn the cltr corner l2d st and Parkavi heated by mtamt coal and wood tree doorattend-anra AOl one apartment newly carpeted lOoI threevaeanalee rent will MI ictvtn tree till Slap yearlylease Appyl on pramlsos

llhhJ foGOO rIlED tab Pr av

Tn LET Four room in to sis first months rentfree to new tenants elegant new apartment house

The 254 antI m Nanaau st Urootlyninear IrJIImprovements all light rooms sanllevy plumblnrt nails carpeted small select famlllee-onlv Apply to lanlinr on bremlies or OEO K LOVBTTA c r > t Brockirn

TO LET BSth etIiOEastTwn lion 4 rooms andbathroom SIC an41111 adults only

QiJD BT ANDISTAtLight sad airy threeronmOJ apaitmenu with Improvements unto Ap-ply HOUShKlLrER5C01 l av

39Ti JM WGRTKteatnheatad flats 4 roomsiL7 bathroom U7 and 28 t 4 rooms basement

51 8T FT 3ii RAST Second fist and bathortprivate balls alao improvemenis 41

KOD 8T 410 EASTTlll March free iii15 t seven and sight rooms bath ImprovementsInquire Janitor

7TiiST am RART Elegant nat 4 ro iiiiiiI In Oralclass order Pi7 up

6OTIIlT tote WEST Flats to let lit and upwardApply janitor on premises

90TIIIiT2 2Ii RAAT =Five large rooms andllnprotmenu handsomely ceo

stated l SlOandSdttApply to janitor

100TII 8Tn tea RART Half month freel flats Ivrooms Improvsmenia 117 ant 11-

1105TlHiTii EASTFloor live rooms prlvatPlc to small I American famll-

r1O9TiiBTiITRiiia lists of rive roombath all handsomely decorated suitable

for small families Immediate postssslon Apply toowner on premIses

121I1TfiT7J FAST half block from Mount Morrlfnewly renovated 1 Hat ot 7 rooms

and bath all Improvometita t42

125Til BT storsalofiats three aol four roomstall lUht cheap rent 248 East IJAlh at

305 WEST 120TII 8T nearPth av fiatsMoalmall Impravsmenlai new and besun to be appreciated Iijnqnlre on premIses

<t1Q THRRR ROOMS and balhroomt pwnrr cupV9JO piles hot water all Improvements stsamheat IJI Rill 77th a

Wttultg IDjctlt C ttA GREAT BARGAIN

Elegant 8story and basement houses B rooms I 4story and basement houses 12 rooms tixio and 11000per annum S7lh st near 24 av rath st and Lexingtonavt fine neighborhood all modern Improvementshandsomely decorated Rhinelander lease

Apply at IC9O ad at1 or Of William room 1-

3AT2t082ltAND EAST 77TH ET are charmingft houses to Ilet lrrend for a term of years If desired at 8ano each decnrale ready on or heIrsNayl rmlllo occnprlngI Muhprlced apartments areparticularly Invited to examine the advantage of theseunities na permanent homesr engagement buy nowbe mad

OWNER TO Cedar St until a room AO

IlOUsna unfurnished anti furnishedAF In all part of the city

FOLbOM iiROTIIhRH odd Broadway near 11th st

N KW UOtR Improvcraenti sAle lllPth IIIi f22 tozo BAltNUN owner Botton av above ItiPth at

1 LEXINGTON AVnear 89th etCharrolngC OOO hljou hens with plenty or room for gen-

teel living beautifully decorated ready at once canba had for a term ot years rent 12011 permits not re-quired oWNiK79Cedarst 2 until a =0 tt for tith2r UP tll






Abolnlely FlrepruofElevator ateamheat electric light and all latest tim

provamnts rents loin to SleEt per annum Apply toFOINOM ROM UTHIUU BROADWAY NEAR SETH BT


BTe148 AND 7SO BROADWAYCorner Astor Place Apply to-

FOIHOM HKOTIIEHrt8S BROAD AT NEAR 1rHSTTWO SMALL STOItKH en south side of 34th stA east of broadway rants moderate aliootberatu

good buslne locationstl HOMAINF BROWN < < CONkit WcatlUld at n nrllroi dv T

ASTORE AND BASBHFNTMl Kact lath st near Broadway

Double elate front moderate rentroLSoM BROM 8J1 Broadway near 181b at

BROADWAY near 14th et Deilrabe pTot 7olt-U4OA alto plot ttux04u will be Improved to suit

tenant long Ileaie-KOLSOM BROTHERS 634 Broadway

A DE8inA BIE STORE 11 West ZVth Flatsglaasfront rent rtssunableK-

OLbOM BKOTUERS 834 Broadway

A 42DRT near 3th ar very deilrabla light 4-


Ing to leas ruLnOU BI1UKB34 Broadwaynortheaittnrner lath IIFr It loftsT

and rear building together or Mparate-roISOM HROTIIEII8

891 Broadway near lath St

CLINTON PLACE 37 near BroadwayRaaamentfor btulness purposes terms mod-

erate Immediate possession

EAST 23D RT near 3d av Store and basement SOxrent tca onabla-

yuLaOM nnOTHER8 831 BrosdwayA-

HDSOMKH STOREAny builnenralsolmiallstore7suitable barbers shop both In Id av between 23-

4endtttb ita Apply offlce 23u Isat 24th st

Lone 12Axru feet with steam power hoe and ele ¬

light on nil eiilei In new and modern buildlog 617 to S27 West ItCh stSTORE LOFTS AND OFFICES TO LEASE


near jlroadwayAll latest Improvements absolutely fireproof rents

5100 per annum upward Including steam heat electrIclight and 1Inboce-

FOIHOHApply to

BROtHERS AGENTSBJ4 Broadway between Uth and istli ate



STORK AND RAKRMENT to lease 4d at bear tbreasonable rentF-


S ItCOND LOFT to let Mnil light from three aideswith power elevator anti oWe room on ant floor

Nos 62J and 524 WI fd itTO LET Nsxt Delmonlcoa on Broadway 1182

tor handsomely derorited or whole buildingflneal nosltloc In New York for broker onleo ciino orany high claaa business reasonable rent to responsibletenant J REUFBKN A liON 3lo am arTO LBT Together or p rIlvj floors corner

bnlldlnit on Fulton at Mix5 mid 2xbt foil forlight manufacturing best light nnd location Apply to

IKOIIIIK 51 UN HO an atldewaterst

TIO LET Firstclass offices cheap rent elevatorsteam heat Apply route 10 ss Centre it

23 HT IH3IU3 WliKTRuperlor lofts to tleasetattOO best and passenger elevator

834 BROADWAY NEAR ISTII STOITtces 10 letlevatort steamr heal UU toflHO par ann-


ialt f rtt rv r

PIANOSLargsst anortmsnt Upright Urand anti Square Pi-

anos at moderate prices cash Instalinents antI ex-

i hanged Also Iiuiin tn rent everal Iurcalus in aeo-oud band PIanos different maker at low iirice-

FlBCIIrlt PIANU MARKItOllM-Xlio 6lhavcor lulhit Now York

SPf riAI OFFiBRTlThaI temoue new alyle ioA Witters Iprigbt Including stool anti Covert onlyU 0 cash i rt7 paynhle kill down anti aa monthlytoni second hand planim only TfA monil-iiyIIUKAUI WtIEIIPt ss CO


AN ASSORTMFNTof eecnndhiandJrandI UprlihtJ and Hqnare Planm ot our lucks IIn prrfecct coalItIonand full warraultil Alto u number of secondhandPianos vf ulIertmintuiiflker5at very low prices


14H ftTIl AVNEAR itlTII hT MW OIlir=FEW noon nARfJAlNR In second hand uprightA arId square plait taken in excises tIes pianos

arlu excellent order nnil will be cud at low pricesFiduiLu HAM WAKIKUD-

MJjo Mh av corner loth a-

tnARINET GRAND VIItlOHT PIANo5140 III monthly Melnwnr NO lent an honettbargain Audei uiiiVCnIIU Sultan allll > i

ELEoTNTurRKlllT 1IANO Sllil ill monthly felnI Y11 20U suit eJJ ruunu it

Brooklyn open evenings

F CONNlK 4 rusit 4Cd HIUpright and square piane for sale and rent on easy

termicf payment aecond hud t> u f a yum upwardCTKRLfNOolToANR with book nod stool O monthlyO till paid WIBaMBB 288 scud llu3 Fulton st Brooklyn

WALTERS PIANOSABB TUB BERT NUT terms lent and exchanged

AT and SB University place and 34 ElllIb itfurniture

onljS lair matAB80LUrrLYstrongfuldlntbels ttllo20I W idst-

I HP11 furniture Ithonl rriulilrg taili Jspttltglue louvet I reilt luuet trlcei-

MAMrAbTlRfK3 AuKr llotl Vesi Vtflh st

Vlttht trwtIrjt tt-GOLD WATOBBF leO Waltbam warraold Piper

I ell 0IL1ln1 peJlI-ltIJtua WAYIIII go ovalYI7


has Aavotad Ms time for many years to the exelnilvetreitmsnt ot disssiea of men Item whatever cansarising moou and SKIN duesses tad spots paintabones sore throat and mouth 00ones and eruptionson ties skin bicUaJainlUi awelllnga AcKlUNbV and URINARY complaints irrltatlonsotiling Intlammatlon frequent Inclination to urinate infectious discharges gieu stnctura and kindred afteo

ORUAN1C WEAKNESs nervous debility Impairedmemory mental anxiety absents of win power lostvitality melancholy Involuntary vital Ilosses weaktack and other diseases resulting from excesies Indis-cretion or overwork recnt oroldspeedluytberosglily and permanently cured

Where sail 1 gu to get cured I Is the question many asnfTerr asks hlmislf not knowing whom to trust Owhere thousands of others hsve gone to Dr IIRINlilEn old established ottlce anti have been reitored toperfect health

Alt lingeringI ohronla oases that ban bOla neglectederhatufsled to vleld to the treatment of less skilfullends soon gel well under Dr OIllNDLBH superiortreatment

Patients wishing speedy relief and ears care shouldconsult UK aRINOLK thesacestnl specUUstI whoselong extensive expOnents enables tUtu to apply theproper treatment atone withoutI useless experImentstitus saving the patient much tins and xpn-


No 171 Wait 12th at between 8th and7th aul lowestcharges advice free Hours Dion Sundayi 010710



Mwonderful SpSBlo-hIlemedy ls sold withWritUinGusuiuit-


to cure all Nervous Disease SuCh su WeekMemory Lot of DrainPower neadaoheW-aketulncss Lost Mashood Kcrvonsne Lassltude all drsius andAfter Uasj lou of power of the

Photographed from life Generative Organs ueither MX caused by

overexertion youthful IndcKrctlona or the excessiveuse of tobacco opium or itlmnUnts which ultimatelylead to InfirmIty Consumption and Insanity Put upIn convenient form to carry In the vest pocket PriceIl a package ore for P With every Sorter we fira written guarantee to cur or refundnoney Sent by mall to any address Circular treeMention this piper Address


il Dearborn Street CHICAGO ILLVolt SAW nr NEW YORK CITY AT

Itndnnte Pharmacy ale BroadwayLawrence A Walloon 1440 BroadwayAdrian Paradls lui Fulton St Brooklyn


STRICTURES BLOOD POISON SORETHROAT or MOUTH skin eruptions blotchescolored pnte painful swellings KIDNEY andHIAnnKIt JIISEAMES Irritations scaldingItammatlona frequent desire lo urinate

WEAKNKMH NERVOUS DEBILITYe-rrors nf youth SlASh DREAMS reitleu nIghtsImpaired memory weakness wilt power lost vitalityweak back nail other dlieaies resulting from excessesIndiscretion overwork recent or all speedIly literoughlv and permanently cured All lingering ohrnnlodisease after allI otters siltl snecesifully treated Ihare roads the above diseases a lIre whichstables me to warrant my remedies10nJlolndj

I worstcases For quick relIef end sure cur consultDR GREY

the well known specialistKo 120 East 17th stnssr 4th AT

Lowest terms advice tree Hours OtoO inndav-to 2 and 6 to


A 8ILITYDr SMITH IO4 East laith at near ad-v stationi oldest rrllible specIalist n-

elLyMtv York

LOb sexes blood poIson skin eruptions blotchesred spot ulcers scrofula stIrs mouth throat heartlungs catarrh consumption bladder kliluey Hrlghfdisease si ailing paint in urination gleet stricture Intidbits discharges My treatmmt UnIT one Voownthat cures nervous dliabillty weakness Irom errors ot-yotitn indiscretions exceuei Impaired memoryraelanobuly Iniuluntarr loesea shyness Itemblind Impotence varlcocele Imperfectly devel-oped organs These dlieaiea must be treated byan expert nn msrnaie ant its requirements I haveeverythIng known science and a thorough knowledge17 tine specIal practice enables me to guaranteequicken permanent recovery Many conic to me foran honest thorough examination of their case and mysuperior treatment after being deceived by hornsproroisora airenclas cnmpftntea Tinn a cures Lowestcharges for mdlcln Iiiscliargesstopped ImmediatelyVtrlteorcall advice free ann disease Hours U to 8

Secret and Private DiseasesflIF MEN cured In a few dare by a new mode of treatUT ment Noohargeunlesiciired Allanrthroatand tongoe pimples ulcer dlieased bones vise itrlolure blood pinioning stun d aeaiea kidney and bladderalso youthful errors nervous debility weak hack haddreams iowneesofsprtls waktieestbody and mindloit > tgorand manhood restored suffer no longer curli certain I guarantee a quito and sure cure Bur InmIni practiceI makes perfect I0c o cured yearlyMinereri from bad advice should consult one illrtnttiles cured In four days I ulster tSS mercury thou-sands have been ruined by It Do not be InfluencedGo to lbs fountain head

Dr hALLEY Medical InstituteHO Nut lath at near 84 aT

Lowest charges for medicine best advice freeHours tot

pft IpIjvuffesirgrio-mIu WEAK th erects oftyouthful errorearly decay wasting weaknrm lost manhood etc

I will snub a valuable treatise tealedj containingtail particulars for homo cure FILER chargelfA splendid medical work should be by everymoo who is Tvniii anti dehllllatfu AddressFrof F POWIEO 2tZodua Coma

CAPSULES the bestnnnilTl areI II III I I I and only capeoles prescribed by regularUUUUItl physIcian for the lire of gonorrhea anddischarges from the trIos iorgan whether Inheritedor acqutretS IOV per boxAll drugglits

AFTFR ATr7oTHEH8 tlhoVItU R 453 Vctleading specialist for dlseasca of men blood poIsonsulcers swellings discharges gleet strictures nervouidAhlllty lost vigor kidney bladder end skin diseasesScience antI skill only > no patent compoundsdangerousand long atsmllng mice solicited recent talc 4 to lidays amlsluntsI Hours DIP 3 u too bunders 1

LL IIISIAHES OF SEEN Includes every dieA order or weaknesa of the genltourlnary urgaua of-a private nature vltliout mentioning every ens In de-tail I have hat 21 years aipertence and guarantee aperfect cure or noIse 1 nCIILEY II 1 67 E UlhitR-


A SIRS SCHACB German graduate midwife confldentlal treatment In female complaints norea

ant hoards ladlesI before anti duringI confinement pri-vate boos 2ol East oath si near ad av

MRS KOFIIInR Germanlearned midwifeA 0 bo rite ladleNheforeanildurtnKConnnement ninedays board and confinement lIP private house in-

tents adopted 247 last StlhtADr CONRAII ladies nhyilclan treats conA o fldentlatly alt oases of a private or delicate nature

private pantiftrlum send stump for book hours U to u1101 fIt Wet uith e-

tADll GRIST midwife boards ladles before andtt durlnit confinement In her private house for litconfidential medical treatment Inhale adopted Ill-

EsotSIat 51

A DR IRAY BLINN specialist femaleI complilntaprIvate fanltarlnm Irreiularltles slicessfully

treated without lots of time 2VO Lexington av 34th atA Dr7w lllTCIIEADIraalefemaiin perfect safsty

guaranteed 21H East bib St

IHHEAKES OP 3IKN15NITFor speedy relief and sure cure consult old Dr GaIN

DIN II yeats specialIst 171 West 12th st betweennth and 7th ays Lowest chargea Advice free

A West lOUt itOldest lesdinTepeclaim ulckei cures orno chsrge alter all other

fell newest remrdiei medicine II adyloeftsoe to II

GBS1TO URINARY DISEASES a specialty by expertp1tsician lUll West 42aL Hours e to 2

8 to u Sundays toil oily Charge medicine only

UIOC CURES Experienced physician Ore stoveQ cor Mulberry tnt rack stab low charges

rrjal ftotitttCITY COURT OF NEW YORKOeorge HlUabrand

Andrew F Dykes plslntlfir against LudwigPiper Edward Isarr and Angel Campo difsndants-humtnoni

To th above named defendants You era berets-ummoned to answer the complaint In ibis action1 andto erve copy ot your answer on the nlalntifle attorney within ten daIs after the service of this summonseicluilveol the day of service and In case ot yourfailureI lo appear or answer judgment will be takenaiaiiisi you by default for lbs relief demanded In thecomplaintI

Dated November Atb I OO-

H 1 I1EVUKCRBR Plaintiffs AttorneyPost omce address anti omce No iO Nassau street

Raw York cityTo the abovenamed defendante and sash of them

The foregoing summon li served upon you by publica-tion pursuant tn an order of Ilion Jamee M Fltulm-noni one of the Justices of tie city Court of New

York made December H Iinwi and tiled with the compIstolI i in the afire nf the Clerk uf stUd CourtNow York December IHIIIEDWARD L IIKYDBCICKR Attorney for Plalntin

20 Nataaii atreet New 1 Irk city

TO rJttfo pIRfRnorlc I SEAMAN S COmat by lien Joeph P

haIr Chief lodge of lbs Court or Common flees for-tIes City anti Couotf New York on the IlIIb dy ofltttety loll titles IIs hereby eneo to all erdllonant persons Paving cialmi against John II Seamanend John II Miller lately doing business In the city ofNew iork its cnjmrtiier under the firm name of JohnII Pests > Co that they are required to preient-Ihetr ilalin with thus vouchers therefor duly vertlied-to tie subscriber the assignee of Pail John II SeamanslId tohii II Miller as copartners as aforesaid forthtf ntlt of their creditors at his once 2VU Broadway Intlieriir of > ew York ou or before the bib day of

IteaSjwI York Jan 20 tMIIIIRAX SNYDFR Aislrnee-

SKIFdX SMITH Attorney for AssIgnee 7 MurraySt Sew York


HENlEY F PARKKII et rptrut Uetapstent that will fully Intereats Adrlcerree ShILLS I ftoIrJPatente for Inventors procured promptly low rites

AJrlssenW > a1sftU5liYtetabiI5be4Ii5If-TIiOMAS


DREW STETSON patent solicitor and cx>I pert the but work 111 lair price 23 Murray st

USttltaurcmIDWIFBRY AND NIRSINO RUIIOOL 242 Westill biJstl terms rsasonabl circulate Call I to 2coiiflneinsiit freeOKAIVMUJK SHOW IJAHIIH window tickets nilJt clith ilgtie new desIres for clothiers anti furnlsuers large iclt to elect in m

MiLABhN A CII 1iCafOi it New Vortrtltlt1rlJ

R WhITE DENTIST removed Io2l8atk av aboveD fitbug Sitlas wstgaWA isnsvDLriiwiXTU Tills wtthettpsa oojj

ie TestiS p OsSal S


M8cHudson River Railroad

All trains arrive at and depart trolnGRAND CENTRAL STATION

Fourth Xtv nnd 49d St lieu YorkTIlE ONLY RAILROAD STATION IX TUB OITf

Train leave nn followtSitS A MfAST MAIL for Albany Utica Pyremisc Itotbestsr Batavia sod tiohysie

10100 A M4iiIlCAtlO tMlTIOULIt LIMITEDPu-staly1 hloo y A K nu1 EXPRB8gDay n-


oonPOUTHWKSTERNVR8TlBULE LIH-iTUUDue Cincinnati louo Indianapolis 11110 A M-

4BoMNoRTIIilL LouIs tOO I Ph

SHORE VFSTIBULB LIMITEDline at Detroit at thIS A MM Chicago 460 PM nextday

1500 r MFAST WESTERN BXPRRSIDu CIIIcagoPua Cincinnati 8M P M Mt Louis 7I5 A M





etll P MFAST ST LOUIS AND CHICAGO EXhlKBSuue Indianapolis 1120 I U nut day ItI-

8H KIUIMIS few RU ROI1 FODOIIKBBF81R RIIINBCLIFF KINGSTON AND IIUUKUN tl4A flout411 US A M1SI3H 833 Wi2S F M1 also for roughkeeDelxtiOOiiaonft8af4oA 790 Bill MTor uarrleane Weil Feint tTiio milD A K rlis-ot3i908MBl fOilS r U

ALBANrflMS eilO IDKXX tlOitO fllllS AMI200noon t1 ISO StZb 4I0 804 1829 TiSO Hlo > tttl2oo nIght

TROY Ma lOtOO 4IO80 +llll A It 1100-no n n sa 4181 eiou 780 oils P If U iOu night

VTIVA AND TAOU5Ef743 Dill lOGO tiOrto A 1-3120noon 4i0 eOO Tao flitsrH tOO night

BOCHBnTRR till 0ia tlOlMI Al1 1OOnooll8Oem 71W ui Sit r Ii fItito i night aBUFFAtXltllO lOflO flOJUA M lltoo noon ado

Situl 73A ellS P 51WIAOA11A PALLSOI0 1000 IOl0 A MM MflO nOO


00011140 A P1 7tct 0l5 F It IdiOOmIdrIeht-

BERKItlIlKIt hILLS VIA flAtLEM Dlv leloNfliltO-AM182OPX

or tinheets asS epace iii Sleeping Care aupiy at GrandCentral Station or at 413 7S 042 and I Sroadway

2 ark place It West l2tth at and 1uth St StationNewYorkr 1132 WaahinitOa it 728 Yniion 51 and fliesBedford aviTEl 6 Brooklynl 109 HudSon st Jersey

westcotts Express tails for and checks bRiars fromhotels ant resIdences through lo destination

tUailr iospt Sunday IDally except Saturday OtherTAtllt eTOn dMlTAbov train except those leaving at etlo toipo A

M fJ00 noonTlSH 8 130 198 40 483 829 P Manti 11 midnight stop at Itsth st stationJOhN M7 TOUCHY OFORUB H DANISLg

General Manager General Passsnger Ag-

entRAILWAYRIEolcturiqne Routs ot Amsrlea U

Through trains eats hew Yolk faot at Chambers stdally aa follows and five minutes earlier Stem WestU9d SL I

e uo A 51tie Niagara Fells and Chantauqna LakeParlor car New York to UuHala dlaepera Hornellsvlllto Detroit ant rinclnnatLt-

itiO P Vaitlbnled Untied Fetid trains for Chi-cago via chantaugna Lake with dining ear to ChinasSleepers to Chicago Cleveland and tit Louis vie Cin-cinnati Na extra charge for quick time and an parlor

iJiSp M Solid train to Chicago via Niagara FatleNeuter to Buffalo Rochester Toronto and rklcago-

HiAiK NVia Chautauaua Lake and Niagara KailsSolid train U Chicago Sleepers to huStle Chicagoand Cincinnati

Tf C KINBARBON General FaseogerAgsui

LEBHIOII VALLEY RAILROADI1iul1fi1 Leave foot of Cortlandt or Des

brossss at7 StIlt 920 antI II AM-I S4i 4ssa MO and 7 P M

ot The plctttraaqoa route between NewI York and Easton Bethlehem Allen-

town Pottavllla Manch Chunk WIlkes

barr Flttston Scranton Ithaca Geneva Waverly

Watkins blen Elmira Rochester Buffalo NiagaraFalls Toronto Detroit

CUICAOO ST LOUIS and ALL FOINT8 WEPTTIckets and sleeping car berths eta be Secured at the

General Eastern Office 288 Broadway or 180 Rut 123thstreet

New York and Boston All RailLeave By way ot One

KM A M Fprlngflsld and Worcester 8au F H

1000 M New London itO frovldenO 480 H M-

II Mi A MH Sprlngneld anti Worcester aasP H1200 M Hartford and N Y sad N B 6 8O P K

I no p K Saw London and Providence 730 p u3 oci P M WHltmantlc and N Y and N B POO p H-

4iOO r M Uprlngflld and Wurcesier IttOJ F Ksty P M NW London and Providence 1100 P M-

II OP M Hprtngneld and Woretier 61 a A M

1201 P M New London and Providence 700 A It-eRnne dally Inclndlug SundaysReturn eervlc cams hours and by same routeSThrough parlor or pletping earl by each traina T HEMPSTEAD Oan I Paaa Age t




STRAIt ERlI save PIKIf4U ioRyu ElVES next PIERABUtS UBiBKOnSES ST ThRIll DAILY Sunday ex-cepted at 5Ot P M Tickets and ataterooma aecured atprincipal ofdcea In Pew York Brooklyn and Jersey City

TO BOSTON tot first clap limited ticketsOoUlf Fares reduced via PALL RIVKR LINEBteamara P1LURIM and PROVIDENCE In commlsMonLeave New York from Pier 21 N B toot or Murrayat tally Snndava oicepted at ft P M Sunday tripswill be resumed commencing March 29 Connectionby Annex boat from Brooklyn at 4 80 Jersey City C P11 AU ORCHESTRA on each steamer

Passangsra will findBOSTON ThE INSIDE ROUTEthe most comfortable In winter Fare C300 via

8TONINGTOV LINEProvidence S2J Worcester 245 htamr leave

new Pier 3d N R one block above Canal at 5 P Itdaily except Sunday

ub1tc otttt

POST OFFICE NOTICELettersforforegnoountrUnot be ipeclally addressed for despatch by any

particular iteamrr except when It Is desired to sendduplIcates of banking and commercial documents lettore not specially addressed being sent by the fastestvesaela available

lorelvn malls for the week ending Feb 2R will cluespromptly in all cues at this office at follows

MONUAY At 3 W for 11511cc Purto Cortex andilnateuiala per steamShIp Breakwater trout NewOrleans

WEDNhbDAT SIB XXI for Knrope per aleamhip Stale via Southmoioi anti bremni tethers

roust be directed tier Stole at l3i A il forEurope per steamship iajesile via Queenstownat 4io 4L M for Belgium direct per sleamshinNoordland via Antwerp letters must he directedper Noordiand at 1 P M for Cubs per steamshipSaratoga via Havana tellers must be directederSaratoga at I P U supplementary IsoP MI for Jamaica per ateainahlp Dorian at 3 P M-

fo Bocae del Toro par steamshIp llugln from NewOrleans at 3 lP M for Truxlllo per steamshIp J-OterU Jr from hw Orleans

TIlLllMUAYAt it A XI supplementary 12 LI forVenernela Cnraroa and Uavanllla via Curacoa persteamship Philadelphia letiara for other Colombianports must be directed per Iblladlphla at I 1

supplementary IItdoP M for Bermuda per steamalilp Orinoco at I P M supplementary iJOP 131for Susan N P tail Santiago Cuba per steam-ShIp Clsnfuego-

sSATUKUAYAtl A M for Rraill and the La PlataCountries via Brazil for Et Thomas and St Croixvia St Thomas for Barbadoee and Trinidad andDemerara via tlarbadoea per sicanuhip Vlgllanclafront Newport News tletiera for other WindwardIslands mutt bdh acted per Ylgilanole 3 at tUtuA M for France 6vrltirlnU Italy Spat Portu-gal aad Turkey per steamship Ie Hrettgn viallavrat at 480 A M for Ireland per steamshipAuranla via Queetown hatters fey Uraat Britainandothar European countneamuatb tiradeS perAuranlaT at ft A H tot Europe per steamshipwerre via Southampton and Brsmsn letters forIreland Franc swfuerlend Italy Spain Fortugaland Turkey must bs directed per Werra ats A M for Jiorway direct pir ateamihipleland letters must bs directed per Isl-and it at e80 A M for the Batherlands direct pr steamship Tendm via Rotter ¬

dam lelter must be directed per Vendam at10 A o i tier Santlkgo Caba nor steamship BanAugustln letterS for veneiula sad Savanllla Aa-tnu > t b directed per Ban Augnstln at 10 A M-

inppismsmary lob u A Mor 8t CroIx and 8tThomas vl < 8t Crolx also Klndwsrd Islands directper ileamshlp Carlbbees at II A N supplementaryIib i AHror Fortune Island and Jamaica alsoJacmel ant Aux Cares llayll psr steamship Adi-rondack at I P M for Iampselie Ohlapaa Tabasin and Yucatan per steamship Orlaaba lettera-Jor Cuba Tamplco and Tuxpam direct and other

Slat via Vera Crur must be directed perOrlabi at I I M lot Favanllla Ac per steam-shIp Coledad at PISH If M for tit flerraUlquelouper steamer from Halifax

Walls for the Bncletv sisal per ship from SanFrancisco elose nere PeJZ atx 31 P M Plaitsfor Australia New Zealand Hawaiian rill sad Hamoan Islands per steamship Alamsda from SanFranclKu closeher rei 4R at oBlip M oronarrival at New York of ileimsnlp Umbrla withHrlllih matte for Australia Malls for ChIna andJapan per steamship Bslglo train San Franciscoclots hers March 4 at H m P M Malls for Nwf-oundtand by tall to nallfax and thence bvsteamer rlo at this office dally at 8to p ifVail for Illqtielon hr rail I n Boston andthence bv steamer close at this nftlre dallyat Mitt Ip u Plaits for Ciun oy rail toTampa Pie aol theixr hr steiner sailing Mondays Ihursdaya and satiruHvs clue at this omcedaily at il A M Plaits for Maxim overland uuIris specially undressed for dispatch by iieamerclose at this olHro icily at t > M

Tram Pacltlc malls are forwarded tn San Franciscodally sal the srhluli of rloslnir iIs nrranird on the prosuraptlim of their tinlnif rmp ed nvrrlnnit transit toban 1rinriecrs Mulls from tie East arriving m timeat San Francisco on til ilav of salting of steamers ariptenet thence the same day Registered mallchops alit P H preylous day

IIttC Eliaurr-

swKm blurb Cf floe stares tfeet deehV plate glass fronts fu a month twu alr tly rented

tot vrorery and haerry wrest chute fi r nrustrlst-hutcner liarber dine s 11 iintlou Apply tn O KAYhEN Hadtord buliillu belly square lonkers

BUSINESS CAHIll Hixt fl for 1000 good stock sadlOc lor raroplssl-

iUHTON BS Wsrrnst NY-

BAStE CHANCEOpposite Froctors howwindow lire work rooms use ef receptionrooois suit-able for ladles taller dresimaker or toilet eilabilshmnt FlU West 3234 st

Pfvsoual JlotiftsP-

tnAnT7TrVlThK t7xhTIlic l hl NEiviTs7tlparasols adl crfiie repaired

leer ICII

ot n 4 OUhl-

aL Blue suackese iewelrr Ia 0th cv alrrat4









The Scenio Line to the WestAND TUB ROUTE OF TUB



TRAINS LEAVE STATIONS foot ofDesbrossM and Cortlnndt sts affordingpassengers a grand View of the Harborthe Shipping the Brooklyn Bridge Gov-ernors


Island and the Statue of Libertyfollows

On and after JANUARY I l8gl < 4TIlE FAST LINE

tOOA MPillman Vettltmle Bleeping and Far lorrare Arrives Ilavrlaud Am A M Columbus 011A H rhlr ioMiu Ir M and M LouIs 7m Ir Maextday Connrcis alio for Toledo except fcatorday

THE PKNNHIVANIA LIMITEDlOiOO A 1Composed xclu > lvrly ot Pullman Yes

tlliule Drawing antI Male Boom Sleeping Diningloathing and observation Care preisntlnx flnanola-lrrport fUnosraiihrra and typewriters hath roomsfor 10th sexes ladies malt barter ship library andall the convenIences nf home or otnon Healed byateam and lvtted tiy stationary and movable ale ctrlo

I lIable Arrival Cincinnati 710 A M and VhlcajoBH4A Mnextdar-

ST LOUIS niCAOOrAND CINCINUtOO P M Fnllman Vtitlbnla Sleeping ran from

KewYirkand Minor Cars Irom New fork to MlLouIs i bleats aoll cinclntuti raneiiaer coachhew York tn i oliiiiibos Arrives rinclnnaii 10ou AM Chicago a ruor tt ant Kt LouIs lto P H nextday

TIlE WESTERN EXPRESSSiflO P MFor all pnlnti In tha Wait Northwest

andI Southwest Iullman Vestibule Sleeping Car hawYork la rutsborah M toils Ihlcaio <Tmrlnnatlan4-tieinplila fennyhanln Railroad nlnlnv Car sewYuik lolhlladeiphlaand Iullraan DInIng liar Ptttsburgh ta Iticlimonit anti cnicauo Arrives at Clneln-iiailu 80 P ii Uhioaiolfiu I M next lay and StLouis 701 A Mi period mating Connects for Cleve-land


and Toledo daily except naturdnyPACIFIC EXPREsS

SiOO P M Pallman DnlTet Sleeping Car Kaw Yorkto ChIcago New tort to Memphis via the Bhenandoll vale arrIves week date at Columbus 715I M Cleveland i35 F M next day and dilly atChlcati 7 04 A M second mornlur Connects tur To-ledo


dally anti for Cleveland and Columbus exceptSaturday

Fur Atlantic City with through Buffet Parlor Car lUter M week days 0

For time sables of traIns to Fhlladetphla PattImore ttastilntton and the South Atlantic City CapePlay Long Iirancn and other poInts on the Fannfyl-vaula luilroad system apply at lbs following ticketnmeeitNoi 1 4iA ua and Ml Hroadwayi I AstorIloute antI foot of Pesiirooee and ortlandt atai 4Court St Srto Fulton st and HrooViyn Annex Stationtoot of Fnlion ik Brooklyn 73 Hudson at UobokaniStatIon Jersey city

Ihe New York Transfer Company will cull for andcheck > a nia front hotels and reildenos through te-

dfilnatloa J R woolCIIAKLES B PUnT Ueneral Fasar Agent

ieneral Manager




And All Points WestsEnncE ox ALL TRAILS

I ave New York foot of Liberty at aa followsForOHIOAOO 2tOtir M Uit A hI-


M dtIet 120 POt P M l2l5 A M All traIn dallyexcept 1 Cl A M Sunday

For NORFOLK via Hy line 2 tOO p H week daysBTIckrt offices lid VHI lIt and 1140 BroadwaY NewYork aol Da Uroadway Rrooklya STATION FOOT orLIBERTY HT Central R II ol >

New York Transfer Company will call brand cheekbaggage from hotel or residence to destination

J T OllPLU CI1AS a SCULLGeneral manager General Passenger Agent


BKTWKUNNew York Pbilsdlphlss



All trains vetlbnled from end to end heated by stasisand lighted by rMntaoh gas


leave New lark front foot of Liberty St H BFor Philadelphia at 4bU 7 MS PIlEi 1180 A It tileJia ami 4 ova MX fltOl 751 F MM Uilo night

SUNDAYS CIA lllOOA JC 300 321 Saw SJOrM12lh Itight 0

For Baltimore antS Washington dally at eon Cilexcept Sunday A M 21x1 a 10 Ott r-


51 13thnight

on day trains Sleepera on right trainsTickets and parlor car seats can be secured at 7I1TJ-

Zfll 411 1344 I mi inxa KroaUwav7S7nthava 4Wrt135th st 131 Fat IVMh St New York > Court it SOISutton it us llroadway llrooklvn New York TransferCominy will call for anti check baggage from hotel ol-resldLce to destination


Shortest Una Veitlbtiled Pullman coaches

49AM Buffalo and Owego Exprees via Palenessfor Water lisp Rtrnudsburir Hcranton Klnihamton-Dweiio Itbara Weicrij lImitS Curnlng StIlt Canvllle bhrrburnr Itietervllle lilchileld sprIngs titleMt Morris Ureene Oxford Norwich Cortland Myra-rouse Fulton ami Intermediate stations Connecta atScranton with trains for ritlston Wllkebarre Pansvile and Northuinliecand and at BniTalo with trainsfer the H ac-

t7tI A itUlnghamton Mall via Boonlon1 P Blnghnmton and Elmira txprea for Water

Gap Stroudburv rcrrtntoii Dwee Uavrly Ao Connuts at Deranttn with trains fur Iltiston Kingstonand rilke > tiarr-

i4l I P1Screnlon Wllkesbarr and Plymouth Ex-press

71JIP M dally Buffalo Limited Express via Pateron for Mrouatmrir Mranton limichaiiitun lswaeeWavrly Elmira Coming Oath inland UansvlllaMt Morris Ac arriving hulfalo711 A M-

IP M Idallir Huffalo Utica and Ostrego Expressfet Htroudburg Scranton Btniihamton Coriland Hym-ens Pollen irenie oxford Norwich Mierburna-fatervllle Hlchfleld Spring ArM and all point on the

Bnflalo division Connects with trains for thus West


Capt K CardonaWill aall front Peoples line lien 41 N R en Satanday Kh 4a at lt noon ukinc freight and pM nKrtdirect for havana tt JIsgo dt Cuba ruarraPOlIO tab Ilo C rtanv i H ore Port Limos 4Colon havanllli iotA battle Mart with transshipmentat Havana for fadiz Barcelona and oilier Madllerrerican port For iurtti r partIculate apply to


HAMBUItOAMFIUCAN PACKET COWeekly express service between New York Southampton and

Hamburg by the magnlncent new twin screw steamersof niooo ions and I2UO to IMKFJ horse power will be¬

gin In April Thli Hue holds the record tor the fastest C

trips to and from Southampton sod tIle Continent Forpaasage sailIng delis Ac apply to-

iisoihurgAnetlcan oeneral raasenger AgentPacket Co it liroadway u B RICHAKDAiii

hew York 01 liroadway New York

N NW YORK AtOll CUBA MAll STKAWRIIIP COfrom Pier IU anti 17 liaot Hirer at 3 P M 04

hot havens I rogresio Oampeche Frontera Tamplca-Tuxpsm aol Vera Crui

Matsnu Car lenis hague Calbarlen NissanFanilacn de Cuba ijuaiiianamo and IlentuevosB-

ARAIUUA Havana and Carlens tIed Hb 23-

URIZAIIA Havana and Mexican phi Pat Felt MCITY If ALKXANllKIA Havana and Ms-

vtansa Wed March 4CIEKKUIOOa Nassau hantlago Cube

antI tlenfuegix Thnra Fh24For full particulars passage appy to 4

JAM1 B K WARli A CO lj Wallst 1

NO8DflhtUTCllEIt lLOYt H S CO 8 jSHORT KOI flTO IOXDON AND CONTINENTSteamers salt Iron pier fool uf2d it lloboken-

FAnI KPRhH sTFFMKltPails Wed FeD itt 7 A M tAller Nat Mch7 I PMtI erraK leh HH3U A MLabn Wed Jlarlt 1 7AM-b rer Wed March 4 noon I mi Fat Men lOOA M-

Kirit csllii situ upoaril n Perth according tolocation second cat In 011 a Urili iteerane at lowrates lilLllICIIJ A t it 2 Uiiwllng Oresn

K ST FRRIRIIT AM PAR8KNOERSAVANNAH ne mers weekly from New Pier 34-N R font of ltrigi st-


IIVlMotley Feb 28 3 P M-

KnACiJIICIIKh nllenlar rib 2V 3 PMH K CITY OF RINCtIbUhIAM friday lab 273Pil

C Cut lIE AllUNTA Satunlav Feb 2H 3 IP M-

Coiineclltitf with Oeniril siiroad of Jeorgla andtavaiiiiatv MriitauniI t 33 titern beltway for all pointIn IIKOI1I1IA MIIdUA MlLTII CAROLINA ALA-BAMA and LOUISIANA Cnsurpauid accommodalIves First class lalilsdboie lot freight sod paese

PPrjt °1 I1ASHAQEN 1W II RHFTT flea AgeM-

E Art H f anti W Ryl hannnali fast lAnaWl Broadway II JI7 Broadway iN

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