Sun Link Tucson Streetcar Project - RTA

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Page 1: Sun Link Tucson Streetcar Project - RTA

March 28, 2013Tucson, Arizona

FTA Quarterly Review

Sun Link Tucson Streetcar Project

Page 2: Sun Link Tucson Streetcar Project - RTA

1FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

T able of Contents

Meeting Agenda .....................................................................................2

Project Organization Update ....................................................................5

Operational Readiness .............................................................................6

Master Program Schedule Update ..............................................................8

Project Budget ...................................................................................... 11

Vehicle Production ................................................................................. 16

Safety and Security ................................................................................ 18

Line Segment Construction ..................................................................... 22

Maintenance and Storage Facility (MSF) Construction ................................. 25

Other Updates ...................................................................................... 27

Third Party Agreements .......................................................................... 28

Public Involvement ................................................................................ 29

Appendix ............................................................................................. 32

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2FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013


Grantee: City of Tucson

Project: Tucson Modern Streetcar Project

Subject: Quarterly Review Meeting No. 13

Date: March 28, 2013

Time: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm

Location: City Hall 1st floor conference room

Call in No: 1-866-994-6437 Passcode: 79113985

Participants: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Project Management Oversight Contractor (PMOC), Atkins City of Tucson (COT) Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) The University of Arizona (UA)


8:30 am Introductions

Opening Remarks

n FTA .............................................................................Leslie Rogers

n City of Tucson ................................................................Andrew Quigley

n RTA .............................................................................Jeremy Papuga


9:00 a.m. Project Status

n Project Organization Update • Updated Organizational Charts .....................................Mike Barton • Operational Readiness .................................................Steve Bethel


9:20 a.m. Project Master Schedule .....................................................Joann Williams

n Projected Revenue Service Date


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3FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

9:35 a.m. Project Budget ............................................................Mike Barton

n SCC Cost Expenditures

n Financial plan to issue COP’s


9:50 a.m. Vehicle Production .......................................................Kevin Faulkner


10:05 a.m. Safety and Security ......................................................Mary McLain/ ............................................................................Marwan Al-Mukhtar

n Status of Plans

n Status of Certification


10:15 a.m. Line Segment Construction ............................................Joe Chase

n Schedule and Budget

n Luis Gutierrez Bridge



10:30 a.m. MSF Construction........................................................Bruce Woodruff


10:45 a.m. Other Updates

n Procurement ..................................................................Victoria Cortinas

n Equivalent Facilitation .....................................................Mike Barton


10:55 a.m. Third Party Agreements ................................................Mike Barton


11:00 a.m. Public Involvement .......................................................Joan Beckim


11:15 a.m. Previous & New Action Items


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4FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

11:30 a.m. Lunch will be served


12:15 p.m. Tour of Construction Sites ..............................................Joe Chase/Mike Loo


1:30 p.m. Adjourn


Maintenance and Storage Facility (MSF) under construction.

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5FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Organization Update

➤ Updated organization charts are included in Appendices.

Project Organization Update

Paving of the “Fox block” on Congress Street.

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6FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Status Report ➤ Rail Activation and Operations Committee


n The RAOC meets monthly and addresses activation plans, startup schedule, systems integrated test plans and procedures.

➤ Rail Activation Documents

n The Rail Activation and Operations Committee (RAOC) continues to review and approve documents, responses to the PMOC, and schedule. Sun Link (The O&M contractor) has joined the RAOC, and has transitioned into the planning activities. Sun Link staff will now chair the RAOC meetings.

n Draft Vehicle Training and Trouble Shooting manuals prepared by USC were reviewed by the Sun Link Operations team. Sun Link will continue to review and comment on these documents through the end of March 2013.

➤ Systems Integrated Testing Plan

n Sun Link staff has received the current Operations and Maintenance Plan, Rail Activation Plan, Systems Integrated Test Plan and Systems Integrated Test procedures and completed the initial review of these documents on March 12, 2013. Sun Link staff has submitted questions and comments to the PMOC on testing requirements for

System Integrated Testing that includes sequencing of scheduled tests, duration of each test and tests that are missing and/or need to be modified.

➤ System Safety Program Plan and System Security and Emergency Preparedness Plan

n These documents are due to be submitted to the SSO program no later than 180 days prior to revenue service.

➤ Activation Activities

n Continued development was undertaken by the RAOC and ADOT for the IGA for State Safety Oversight. This IGA will be impacted by provisions of Map-21. Additional discussions are ongoing.

n The RAOC has provided a draft staffing plan, organization chart and a revised budget to the COT for review.

Next Steps ➤ Systems Integrated Testing Plan

n Sun Link has reviewed the Systems Integrated Testing Plan and is incorporating changes to the document. The changes have been discussed and are incorporated into the master schedule as necessary. Once the document revision is complete it will be forwarded to the PMOC for review.

Operational Readiness

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7FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

➤ Rail Activation Plan

n Sun Link has reviewed the Rail Activation Plan and is incorporating changes to the document. The changes have been discussed and are incorporated into the master schedule as necessary. Once the document revision is complete it will be forwarded to the PMOC for review.

n The Operations and Maintenance Plan is a living document. Revisions will be included and reflected should updates be necessary pursuant to PMOC review.

➤ Other Activation Activities

n The RAOC will continue its development of Activation documents for submission in accordance to the Activation Schedule.

n The RAOC will coordinate the Activation Schedule and SITS with the Project Scheduler so that all activation and testing activities can be included in the overall schedule.

n The RAOC will continue to respond to the PMOC comments and provide timely responses and revisions as appropriate.

n USC will continue to prepare manuals and documents for presentation to the technical team for review.

Crew embedding rail in concrete prior to paving.

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8FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Master Program Schedule Update

Status Report

➤ Master Program Schedule

n As of the December 2012 schedule update, the Master Program Schedule was refined to represent construction, testing, and additional tasks necessary for achieving revenue operations and project completion. Key activities were broke out into details as appropriate, particularly those activities that represent coordination between contractors. Review will take place each month to ensure activities are being tracked in sufficient detail.

Next Steps

➤ Monthly Updates

n Progress of contractors and vehicle manufacturer will continue to be monitored and revisions will be incorporated into the Master Program Schedule as appropriate. Monthly progress will be reported, anticipated schedule updates are as follows:

• March 2013 Schedule Update (submitted mid-April 2013)

• April 2013 Schedule Update (submitted mid-May 2013)

• May 2013 Schedule Update (submitted mid-June 2013)

Project Critical Path

n The critical path begins with assembly and delivery of vehicles #3-#8, followed by pre-revenue service simulation, then revenue operations. Vehicles #1 and #2, and system integration testing are not on the critical path, but rather a near-critical path. This is because system integration testing is scheduled to follow vehicles #1 and #2, and is currently projected to finish ahead of final vehicle deliveries needed for pre-revenue simulation.

Thermite welding of track.

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9FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Early Milestones

☑ USACE 404 Permit Received November 14, 2010

☑ Tiger Grant Awarded December 27, 2010

☑ FONSI Issued by FTA January 25, 2011

Contractor Notice to Proceed Dates

☑ OIW, Vehicle Manufacturer June 4, 2010

☑ Ashton, Cushing Street Bridge June 20, 2011

☑ Nortrak, Special Trackwork July 7, 2011

☑ BBRI, Traction Power Substations (TPSS) July 12, 2011

☑ OPTW, Civil and Line March 20, 2012

☑ DLW, Maintenance Storage Facility (MSF) April 30, 2012

Maintenance and Storage Facility (MSF) as seen from above.

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10FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Project Milestones

☑ Cushing Street Bridge Substantial Completion July 26, 2012

☑ MSF A3 Pad Complete August 14, 2012

☑ Special Trackwork Deliveries Complete November 15, 2012

☑ TPSS Deliveries Complete January 24, 2013

☐ Vehicle #1 Arrives in COT July 11, 2013

☐ Line Segment 3 Complete July 15, 2013

☐ Line Segment 4 Complete July 31, 2013

☐ Vehicle #2 Arrives in COT August 13, 2013

☐ Line Segment 2 Complete August 13, 2013

☐ Line Segment 1 Complete August 20, 2013

☐ Civil and Line, Substantial Completion September 18, 2013

☐ Vehicle #3 Arrives in COT October 21, 2013

☐ Vehicles #4-#8 Arrive in COT November 13, 2013 - March 26, 2014

☐ System Integration Testing September 12, 2013 - May 15, 2014

☐ System Integration Drills April 24, 2014 - May 2, 2014

☐ Pre - Revenue Simulation May 30, 2014 - June 30, 2014

☐ Projected Revenue Operations July 1, 2014

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11FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Project Budget

Status Report

➤ SCC Cost Expenditures and Forecasted Schedule

n The format of the Program Control Budget by SCC code was updated to reflect the reporting format requested by the FTA.

n Each line item was updated to reflect any corresponding change order, potential or executed, and cost pressures to the associated cost category by WBS and SCC code.

n Line items tracked for variance between the forecast values and COT Program Budget by SCC code and WBS.

➤ Financial Plan to Support COPs

n The cash flow projection, by contract and SCC code, was updated to forecast when alternative funding may be needed.

Next Steps

➤ Data will be analyzed and input into cost trend reporting.

Streetcar stop under construction.

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Quarterly R

eview • M

arch 2013

Rev. 3/18/13Version 1

Cost Per Major Contract PackageAll Budgeted Dollar Values Based on Month Ending February 28, 2013Work in Progress







$60,000,000= Expenditure to Date= Budget Remaining

Project Budget – $196,531,000


= Major Contract Package Completed

$25,460,732$38,221,032$57,979,002 $1,626,681 $10,723,133 $3,555,203 $850,000$12,599,110$11,895,108 $31,803,437$1,817,562



Line SegmentsConstructionand Design




















ial R





$689,673 $214,389








Communication Systems:







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13FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Rev. 3/19/13Version 1












$18,798,000 – Local$3,000,000Local TIP(Secured)

$8,379,000 – Tucson Water

$14,984,000 – Cushing Street Bridge

$5,980,000 – FTA NS

$63,000,000 – FTA TIGER Grant

$75,000,000 – RTA

$190,000Pima Sewer

$3,200,000 – Gadsden Contribution

$30,004,852 – RTA

$2,342,226 – Local TIP


Local (Secured)

COT Water

Pima Sewer

Gadsden Contribution

Cushing Street Bridge




Original Funding Amount Expenditures to Date

$61,286,866 – FTA TIGER

$2,215,548 – Local

$5,980,000 – FTA NS

$8,071,362 – Cushing

$7,037,613 – TW

$53,476 – Pima Sewer

$4,000,000 – FTA Other

Funding Sources vs. Expenditures to DateSource Document FTA-Approved Finance Plan as of Feb. 28, 2013Work in Progress

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Quarterly R

eview • M

arch 2013

Rev. 3/18/13Version 1

Cost Per Major SCC Contract PackageAll Budgeted Dollar Values Based on Month Ending February 28, 2013Work in Progress








SCC 20Stations, Stops &


SCC 10Guideway& Track


SCC 40Sitework& Special


SCC 30SupportFacilities

SCC 50Systems



W, L







SCC 70Vehicles

SCC 80Professional


SCC 90Contingency/


SCC 100FinanceCharges

Totals $42,867,720$34,455,464$17,570,260 $10,904,094 $35,361,919 $16,969,160 $27,560,438$511,200$2,974,745 $7,356,000












= Expenditure to Date= Budget Remaining

Project Budget – $196,531,000



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Quarterly R

eview • M

arch 2013

Cash Flow ProjectionAll Budgeted and Projected Dollar Values Based on Month Ending February 28, 2013Work in Progress

Rev. 3/19/13Version 2


$50 Mil

$100 Mil

$150 Mil

$200 Mil

$250 Mil

January 2013July 2012 April 2013April 2012 October 2013October 2012 July 2013 January 2014 April 2014 July 2014

= Local= RTA= ARRA/Federal

= Expenditure to Date= Funding Maxes out at this point

= Projected Cost to Complete









* Estimated Revenue Service July 2014

° Totals included costs incurred in advance of Preliminary Engineering

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16FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Vehicle Production

Status Report ➤ Vehicle

n Design Status

• Design is 98% complete.• Approximately 99% of all drawings have

been conditionally approved.• Critical drawing and design items

remaining to be complete are the final interior drawings.

• Production status of #101 has slowed significantly due to incomplete low voltage wiring harness drawings. Vehicle #102 is progressing well as the state of production has not reached the point to install the low voltage harness.

n Production Status

• Production is approximately 19% complete. This includes vehicle #101 car shell in stage three of production with most components in stock. Vehicle #102 is in stage 2 and #103 is in stage one of production. The remaining 5 of 8 car shells are in various stages of production.

• Operator’s Instruction Manual 99%.Draft and comments were delivered on January 7, 2013 from COT and reviewed on February 6, 2013. After review, it was determined to reduce the content of this manual so that it is more of a handbook. The manual was resubmitted on February 22, 2013.

• Operator Training Manual was submitted by OIW in January 2013 and is currently

under review by COT.• Floor fire test occurred on November

30, 2012 and results were reviewed in January 2013. It was determined in February that the test needed to be redone to include the bridge plate. The bridge plate was sent back from Tucson and the test is yet to be rescheduled.

• Roof equipment has been installed on #1.• All Tucson vehicles are in state of

production. Vehicles #101, #102 and #103 are in various states of production. Vehicle #104 is in final paint and will be in production in early March 2013. Vehicles #105 and #106 are in the paint and side skin process, and vehicle #107 and #108 are still in car shell production.

• OIW has completely assembled trucks for vehicles #101, #102, #103, #104, #105, and #106 at the final assembly site.

• Assembly of trucks for vehicles #107 and #108 are currently in production at Penn Machine.

n Risks

• OIW is currently producing five vehicles for the City of Portland. The production of these vehicles has been delayed, which has significantly impacted the “schedule float” that was previously defined in the time period between the two production schedules. OIW is currently allocating significant resources to try and mitigate this issue. Very little has been accomplished on vehicle #101 since the project team visit on February 6, 2013.

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17FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

• OIW has finished the electrical design and turned it over to Elin. Elin completed all of the drawings on February 18, 2013. This will continue to delay the production of vehicle #101, as the low voltage harnesses will not be produced until March 2013. OIW has informed us that there is a 15-day turn-around to produce the harnesses.

• Due to the delays in the schedule, COT has requested and received a letter of assurance from OIW. This letter was discussed in detail on March 6, 2013 with OIW and COT.

• OIW has discovered a paint issue that will require the C section of Vehicle #103 to be completely repainted. This will also affect the silver paint on vehicle #102. OIW has been very aggressive on this issue, and has moved the affected sections to the paint shop.

n Contract Activities

• There have been five no cost change orders processed. No change orders are pending.

• An amendment was completed in July 2012 to add an eighth car to the Tucson contract. Orders for propulsion and other major components have been placed with the suppliers for the eighth vehicle and it is expected to be produced in line with the current vehicle production.

• Payment milestones are expected to be submitted in the next period, including #8 – approval of first article to be submitted in the next period, and #9 – approval of all drawings.

Tucson streetcar vehicles in production.

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18FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Safety and Security

Status Report ➤ Arizona Department of Transportation

System Safety Program Standard Update

n At the FTA Quarterly Progress Meeting held on December 12, 2012 ADOT reported to the FTA and Sun Link that it was currently working on updating the Arizona Department of Transportation System Safety Program Standard. On February 11, 2013 ADOT submitted the draft to the FTA office of Safety and Security and Tucson Sun Link along with a comment form to respond to the standard. The City of Tucson reviewed the draft and comments were provided March 13, 2013.

➤ FTA Audit Matrix

n On Tuesday, December 11, 2012, ADOT completed the Arizona Department of Transportation SSO: FTA Audit Findings Matrix for 2012 and submitted it to the FTA. ADOT is requesting that Findings #1 be removed from the FTA Audit Matrix.

• Responses – • FTA Response to ADOT: FTA will

coordinate with the SSOs, including ADOT, to clarify the MAP – 21 funding requirements; however, the Map – 21 federal funding requires a 20% state match to be eligible. FTA requests that ADOT continue to research state funding opportunities and possibilities for the SSO program.

• ADOT Response to FTA: OnDecember 11, 2012, ADOT informed FTA that upon adoption of Map – 21, ADOT anticipates the receipt of federal assistance to independently fund the SSO program. Upon clarification of the specific federal funding requirements, ADOT intends to transition from the rail transit agency as the SSO funding source to the independent federal and state funded SSO program. The ADOT/SSO has informed the governor, state legislation and legal department of MAP – 21 to prepare the state for the funding requirements. ADOT looks forward to receiving the final rule and will continue to research state funding opportunities and possibilities for funding its portion of the SSO program.

➤ MAP-21 & Dear Colleague Letter:

n The New Federal Law, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) took effect on October 1, 2012. The FTA is reviewing and developing the new legislation to be released some time in 2013. On February 6, 2013, FTA administrator, Peter M. Rogoff, announced in a Dear Colleague Letter that the FTA would allocate these Federal funds to eligible States as soon as Congress passes a fiscal year 2013 appropriation act for the U.S. Department of Transportation. Until final rules are issued; however, no state or any other agency should deprive an SSOA of the funds it needs to ensure the safety of

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19FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

public transportation. Moreover, while they work to strengthen their programs, those SSOAs -in compliance with the State Safety Oversight regulation at 49 C.F.R., part 659- may use their current State Safety Oversight Plans (SSOPs) as a basis for seeking a FTA determination that their SSOPs are adequate, for purposes of the October 1, 2013, deadline for the certification process established by MAP-21 (now codified at 49 U.S.C § 5329 (e)(7)). The City of Tucson Sun Link project anticipates a delay in the revenue service date and ADOT is working with the city to identify when the program requirements will be initiated.


n On February 27, 2013 ADOT received comments regarding changes to the IGA from TDOT administrator Shellie Ginn. On March 1, 2013 Sally Palmer, Contract Administrator for ADOT sent comments to the Attorney General’s office for review and comment. The ADOT SSOA is awaiting comments from the Attorney General’s office and will forward to Tucson as soon as we receive.

➤ Meetings the ADOT SSO Attends:

n Monthly Safety Security Review Committee Meetings

n Quarterly FTA Review Meeting

n Regular Conference Calls with the PMOC

The ADOT SSO reviews and comments on the documents and questions that come from said meetings.

Documents Version / Submittal Date

Status Next Steps

Safety and Security Certifica-tion

Design – was submitted to the PMOC on February 28, 2013.

Overall design certification completion achievedthroughthisquarter:100%completion of the 1009 item list. An additional 13 items were added for communication elements, of which 3 are complete. Design certification was submitted to the PMOC.The construction certification checklist for the Cushing Street Bridge element is 100% complete with 139 items completed. The certification is in the review and signature stage.Certifiable Items List has been completed for the Alignment construction and the MSF construction. Certification documentation is currently underway.

Design certification of the 13 additional MSF items is expected during the next quarter.Construction certification continues on the Alignment and MSF projects.

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20FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Documents Version / Submittal Date

Status Next Steps

PHA Status

Updated PHA submitted to the PMOC on February 28, 2013.

The PHA was reviewed by the Sun Link safety and security manager and was re-submitted to the PMOC.Rev D of the Vehicle PHA was submitted by USC and is under review.Operational PHA was developed through a working session of the Fire, Life, and Safety subcommittee and is under review by the SSRC.

The PHA is a living document and continues to be reviewed, with mitigations being tracked and updates and additions to be undertaken as they develop.

Threat and Vulnerabil-ity Assess-ment

Rev 2 was submitted which addressed previous PMOC comments made in May 2012.

TVA, Rev 2 was accepted by the PMOC.TVA continually reviewed toward ensuring that all vehicle security elements are included.

The TVA is a living document and continues to be reviewed, with mitigations being tracked and updates and additions to be undertaken as they develop. There are plans to conduct a specific MSF TVA upon substantial completion of construction.

Construc-tion Safety Implemen-tation

The City of Tucson Construction Safety and Security Plan for the alignment and MSF construction was submitted in March 2012.

The revised Construction Safety and Security Plan was determined by the PMOC to be acceptable.Contractor Safety and Security Plans were accepted by the SSO.Construction safety audits were initiated.Construction certification for the alignment and MSF are underway.Construction safety and security reports are reviewed monthly.

Construction safety activities will continue until construction is complete for all elements. Construction certification will continue until complete. Ongoing participation in construction meetings, construction safety and security sessions, audits and inspections will continue.Inspections and audits will continue.

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21FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Documents Version / Submittal Date

Status Next Steps

Vehicle Safety Documents

First draft of Vehicle FMECA was submitted and reviewed for informational purposes in July 2012. Rev B, Vehicle Safety Plan, was received, reviewed and accepted by the vehicle technical consultant in June.

Rev B of the Vehicle FMECA was conditionally approved by the vehicle technical consultant in November 2012 and distributed to the SSRC.

The SSO, safety and security technical team and the vehicle technical consultant continue to work with OIW. Ongoing review of all RAMS will continue until complete.

System Safety Pro-gram Plan

Sun Link is preparing the document with planned submission prior to 180 days before revenue service is initiated.

Security and Emer-gency Pre-paredness Plan

Sun Link is preparing the document with planned submission prior to 180 days before revenue service is initiated.

Accident Prevention Plan

Sun Link is preparing the document with planned submission prior to 180 days before revenue service is initiated.

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22FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

L ine Segment Construction

Status Report ➤ Line Segment Progress

n Percent complete – 73% (estimated through February)

n Segment No. 1

• Underground utility work on Granada Avenue between Cushing and Congress Streets is approximately 99% complete.

• All traffic has been rerouted onto the northbound side as a temporary detour on Granada Avenue to allow construction of the southbound track. Track installation on the southbound side is approximately 65% complete.

• OCS foundations have been placed along Granada Avenue and Avenida del Convento.

• TPSS A1 and A2 installation is complete and under power. Installation of security fencing has been completed at both locations.

• Track installation is complete on Linda Avenue and Congress Street (with the exceptions of the curve at Avenida del Convento and Congress Street). Tangent section completed on Avenida del Convento through the curve section at Cushing Street.

• Track subgrade and AB are 75% complete on each side of Luis G. Gutierrez Bridge structure.

• Traffic signal work is on-going at the intersection of Avenida del Convento and Congress Street.

n Segment No. 2

• Underground utility work is complete between Stone and Church Avenues on Congress Street.

• Congress Street is open to traffic between 5th and Church Avenues.

• OCS foundation installation is complete on Congress Street between Toole Avenue and just east of Stone Avenue. Foundation work is progressing between Stone and Church Avenues.

• Traffic signal work has been completed at 6th Avenue and Congress Street and is on-going at the intersections of Stone Avenue and Congress Street, and Church Avenue and Congress Street.

• The intersection of 5th Avenue and Congress Street is under a full closure to allow for the construction of Special Track 632 EB and the pre-curved rail section on 5th Avenue. The subgrade is complete with base course work on-going.

• Traffic signal underground utility work is complete at the 5th Avenue and Congress Street intersection.

• Underground utility work is 85% complete between Granada and Church Avenues on Broadway. The installation of the 16” water main is complete with lateral connections on-going.

• Track work has been completed between Scott Avenue and the 6th Avenue intersection on Broadway.

• Track work is on-going between Stone and Scott Avenues and between 6th

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23FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Avenue and just east of 5th Avenue on Broadway.

• Special Track Unit 232 WB installation has been completed and is in-place at the 5th Avenue and Broadway intersections.

n Segment No. 3

• All track work has been completed and is in place, continuously, on 4th Avenue, University Boulevard and Park Avenue.

• Cross span and contact wire has been installed between 8th Street and University Boulevard on 4th Avenue, and between 4th and Tyndall Avenues on University Boulevard. Installation of the cross span on 8th Street to the MSF has been completed.

n Segment No. 4

• All track work has been completed and is in place, continuously, between Park and Warren Avenues on 2nd Street and on Warren Avenue to just south of 1st Street.

• In the Warren Avenue Underpass soil anchors are 75% complete and jet grouting is 99% complete.

• TPSS A5 installation is 100% complete and the security fence in place.

• Cross span work for OCS poles on 2nd Street between Cherry and Park Avenues has been completed.

➤ Luis G. Gutierrez “Cushing Street” Bridge Status

n Bridge Contractor directed to complete repairs to deck rail block outs. Work to be completed March 2013.

n Rail installation anticipated in mid April by OPTW.

➤ QA/QC Program Plan and Implementation

n QAPP Plan Review

• David Chase, QAM, continues to provide oversight of the QA program.

• Audits continue to be performed. Recent audits include BBRI, OIW and Nortrak.

• With the recent changes in Construction Manager, reviews will be conducted on the RE manual for org chart updates.

• Meeting to be scheduled with new Construction Manager, Joe Chase, and QAM to provide overview of QA process to date.

n Status of COT/PMC quality action schedule

• QAM distributes Corrective Action Request (CAR) with each audit.• QAM will continue to monitor QA

processes and schedule future audits.

n Status of Corrective Action Reports

• Audit reports and Corrective Action Reports for recent audits will follow CAR responses from those entities audited.

n Construction Implementation

• Training for CA members is an on-going process. As new employees are added to the team, QAM will facilitate training.Concrete pour on

Congress Street.

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24FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Next Steps

➤ Line Segment Progress

n Contractor and City continue to meet weekly with U of A representatives to discuss construction approach and schedule related to the U of A campus.

n Weekly Construction progress meetings to continue each Wednesday at 7am.

n Line Segment 1: Continue with track work on Luis G. Gutierrez Bridge structure and approaches on each side. Continue with track work at I-10 crossing and through the Granada Avenue section.

n Line Segment 2: Complete track and roadway section between Church and Granada Avenues on Congress Street.

n Line Segment 2: Complete underground work on Broadway between Church and Granada Avenues under full nighttime closure as quickly as possible. Continue to progress with track and roadway section between Stone Avenue and just east of 5th Avenue on Broadway.

n Line Segment No. 3: Complete OCS installation on 8th Street, 4th Avenue and University Boulevard to James E. Rogers Way.

n Line Segment No. 4: Complete OCS installation on Park Avenue, 2nd Street and Warren Avenue. Complete Warren Avenue Underpass work and track installation in the area. Proceed with OCS installation as allowable.

Above: Construction crew member preparing utility lines to be installed.

Left: Roadway being prepared for paving on Congress Street.

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25FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Status Report

89% Complete

➤ MSF Progress

n Current Activities• Building is expected to be substantially

complete by early April 2013.• Submittals are complete, with one

pending.• 231 RFI’s have been submitted with 99%

replied to.• Soffits and fascia are complete. • Standing seam roof installation is

complete. Wash bay roof is being held in abeyance due to OPTW concerns.

n Completed Activities• Glazing is 100% complete. • North exterior plaza curbs and sidewalks

are complete. • Floor polishing in bays complete. • 4-Fold Bay doors, hydraulics and actuators

are installed.• Emergency generator installed and tested. • DC cabling for disconnects at doors is

installed.• Air compressor, product tanks, process

piping and equipment are installed.• Polishing of floor slabs at mezzanine is


➤ Administrative Wing

n Current Activities • Punch lists being compiled.

n Completed Activities • Store front installation is complete.• Telecom and electrical outlets are installed

and tested.• Carpet installation is complete. • Walls have been painted.• Ceilings installed.• Concrete floors polished.• Bathrooms fully tiled and grouted.• Fixtures, toilet partitions, mill work and

locker installations are complete.

➤ MSF Yard

n Current Activities • Wash Bay equipment, security fencing

and masonry, storage building framing and masonry installations are set for April 15, 2013.

• Pending work by DLW is to infill wall sections of yard at wide flange columns after OPTW installs reinforcing and grounding infrastructure.

• OCS supports and conductor being installed.

• Track being installed.

n Completed Activities • Wash Bay steel framing is complete and all

OCS columns are installed.

➤ Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment

n Current Activities• Furnishings are installed and punch list

was created March 13, 2013.• Contractor Furnished and Contractor

Installed (CFCI) Equipment is delivered and partially installed.

Maintenance and Storage Facility (MSF) Construction

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26FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

• Phones are purchased.• Network switch and components have

been configured by the City’s Information Technology Department.

• Fiber optic cable is scheduled but will likely be delayed until OPTW sub-contractor completes work.

• Office equipment and supplies are being scoped by Sun Link and TDOT.

➤ Contract

n Project costs are stable.

n The contract total is $7,869,000.

n There is an approved change order for $28,971.

n Change Order No. 2, for $45,940, is processing through TRAC.

n 33 changes directed by Architect, 64 proposed by Contractor, 8 voided, 11 approved, 11 in approval process, 33 Field Authorizations issued.

n Anticipated proposed changes total $431,000 or 5.5% of contract.

➤ Issues

n All work in yard is on hold until April 15, 2013. This includes all subcontractors for plumbing, electrical, equipment, steel framing, masonry, and security fence.

Both: Rail and OCS installation at MSF yard.

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27FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Other Updates

Status Report ➤ Procurement

n The Management, Operations, and Maintenance Services for the Modern Streetcar contract was awarded on December 7, 2012.

n The initial term of the contract is December 7, 2012 through December 6, 2015.

n Notice to Proceed was issued to RATP DEV McDonald Transit, LLC (RDMT) by TDOT on December 14, 2012.

n RDMT staff began arriving in Tucson during the first week of January 2013 and have begun work under the contract.

➤ EF Update

n The TMS team submitted a progress update to the Equivalent Facilitation request to the FTA’s Office of Civil Rights. The team is planning to test the proposed treatment to the tactile warning area/bridgeplate interface with the Southern Arizona Association for the Visually Impaired (SAAVI) and the Pima County/City of Tucson Commission on Disability Issues (CODI) to determine if it will serve as an Equivalent Facilitation. Additionally, because our vehicles are equipped with bridge plates with side rails, testing of the side rails will be coordinated and completed with the arrival of Tucson Car #1, currently planned in the summer of 2013.

Next Steps

➤ EF Update

n Conduct testing of tactile warning area and bridge plate interface (late spring 2013)

n Conduct testing of bridge plate side rails (with arrival of first Vehicle)

Underground utility work on Congress Street.

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28FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

T hird Party Coordination/Agreements

University of Arizona

➤ UA Use Agreement

➤ UA Maintenance and Operation Agreement

n Substantially complete; approval process is planned to start in April 2013.

Arizona Department of Transportation

➤ ADOT SSOA Operations Agreement

n Substantially complete; approval process is planned to start in April 2013.

➤ Modifications to Existing ADOT/COT IGA for Maintenance and Operations

n Draft agreement in final stages, approval planned in Spring 2013.

Above: Warren Avenue Underpass below Speedway Blvd.

Right: Special track installed on 2nd Street.

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29FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Public Involvement

Status Report ➤ Prepared materials and PowerPoint

presentations for monthly Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) board meetings.

➤ Posted live social media updates from milestone events, such as reopening of roadways and completion of other key construction activities.

➤ Produced and distributed overall project schedule update to businesses along the corridor.

➤ Coordinated with corridor residences and businesses via one-on-one contact, informational materials, and e-blasts to prepare them for upcoming construction activities and construction-related traffic impacts.

➤ Photographed construction sites to document progress.

➤ Emailed weekly construction update e-blasts to approximately 2457 contacts including the Community Liaison Group, public officials and interested parties.

➤ Attended weekly construction meetings and weekly University of Arizona construction briefings to gather construction-related information.

➤ Launched stand-alone Sun Link YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/SunLinkStreetcar).

➤ Coordinated with International Railway Gazette to provide talking points, project information and images for upcoming article.

➤ Coordinated with Desert Leaf Magazine to provide talking points, project information and images for upcoming article featuring the Sun Link Tucson Streetcar.

➤ Coordinated with emergency first responders to provide information regarding traffic conditions, pedestrian circulation routes, and upcoming street closures.

➤ Produced two, 10- second “Total Traffic” radio Public Service Announcements (PSAs) for recent road closures.

➤ Coordinated with Centennial Hall, Tucson Convention Center, and Arizona State Museum to provide information regarding access to upcoming events.

➤ Produced materials, Sun Link displays and provided talking points and logistic support for February 1, 2013 Tucson Gem, Mineral &Fossil Show kick-off event.

➤ Produced materials and Sun Link displays for Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show event (February 2-17, 2013), attended by over 60,000 people.

➤ Attended Barrio Viejo Neighborhood Association meetings to provide informational materials for upcoming construction activities.

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30FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

➤ Participated in on-going Communications Subcommittee meetings to coordinate messaging with the RTA, the City of Tucson, Sun Tran, City of Tucson Business Outreach Coordinator and the RTA MainStreet program.

➤ Ongoing coordination with UA to develop outreach campaign for students, faculty, and associated entities – Arizona Health Sciences Center, Greek Life Organizations, and Research Facilities.

➤ Ongoing coordination with the Tucson Mayor and City Council members to provide project updates and information.

➤ Ongoing outreach to Downtown Partnership, Fourth Avenue Merchants Association, Main Gate Square, advocacy groups, key business leaders and decision makers supporting the modern streetcar project and its benefits.

➤ Coordinated with public safety officials and construction company representatives to develop a Transit Safety Management (TSM) Plan.

➤ Posted social media content to Twitter and Facebook Group page to provide project updates and construction alerts. Continued development of online ‘photo albums’ for the general public to view on Facebook Group page.

➤ Added 124 Facebook “fans” and 45 Twitter “followers” during the months of December, January and February.

➤ Coordinated team member participation, produced PowerPoint, and/or information booth for the following:

n Barrio Viejo Neighborhood Association Meeting, January 9, 2013

n Women in Transportation Society, State of the Streets Report, January 10, 2013

n Transportation Research Board, January 14, 2013

n Streetcar Design Charrette, January 14, 2013

n Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, January 28, 2013

➤ Schedule Status

n Public involvement activities remain on schedule in tandem with the project schedule.

n Upcoming activities include:

• Continued coordination with webmaster for project website redesign.

• Announcement of project milestones and completed sections.

• Outreach to businesses and resident affected by the construction-related activities.

• Preparation of construction information materials.

• Preparation of safety messaging materials.

• Presentations to interested parties and organizations.

Next Steps ➤ Construction Awareness Outreach

n Develop construction outreach materials: detour maps, posters, flyers, on-site signage, and online content. Hold open houses. Schedule tours, and one-on-one meetings with property owners, tenants, businesses, and residents to explain ‘what’s next’.

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31FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

n Continue collaboration with the RTA MainStreet Business Assistance Program and City of Tucson Business Outreach to provide support as needed, and to align tactics, materials and messaging for a complete construction awareness campaign.

n Deliver timely construction information and alerts via press releases, electronic e-blasts and social media.

➤ Public Education

n Develop traditional and ‘non-traditional’ collateral project materials to reach a diverse audience.

n Develop a visual campaign, customized to our community’s multi-cultural audiences: brochures, fact sheets, project updates, maps/displays, YouTube/streaming videos, Facebook Group page and Twitter posts, simulations, tours, and Public Service Announcements.

➤ Advocacy and Grassroots Outreach

n Continue to coordinate with project advocates and area stakeholders to build community “buzz” about the streetcar.

➤ Media Communications

n Media coordination to support milestone events, open houses, and construction groundbreakings.

➤ Safety Campaign

n Develop materials to address streetcar and ADA, pedestrian, motorist, and bicyclist concerns: such as vehicle boarding and exiting, track safety, overhead lines, etc.

Examples of public outreach tools.

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32FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013


Route Map

Organization Charts

Progress Map

Budget Charts

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33FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013




id A







l Ave



4th AvenueBusiness District

The University of Arizona

Arizona Health Sciences


Main GateSquare

Congress St.Congress St.

Broadway Blvd.






Linda Ave.

9th St.

7th St.

5th St.

2nd St.

University Blvd.

Helen St.


ch A



e Ave


h Av








Cushing St.



University Blvd.

6th St.

Speedway Blvd.






e Av



a Cr

uz R




8th St.

6th St.

4th St.

MAP LEGENDSun Link Streetcar Route


Maintenance & Storage Facility

Luis G. Gutierrez Bridge

Page 35: Sun Link Tucson Streetcar Project - RTA

34FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013


Tina GoodacreAdministration


Shellie GinnProgram Manager

Mike BartonPMC Project Manager

See Safetyand Security

Organization Chart

JoAnn WilliamsControls Manager

Nate MeddingsSchedule/Cost Control

Victoria CortinasMatt Hausman

Design &Construction

Marcheta GillespieDeputy Director

Maximiliano “Max”Torres

Business OutreachCoordinator

Britton DornquastRTA MainStreet

Media & Community


Safety and Security Procurement

Ricardo PargasDeputy Project


Matthew TauntonEnvironmental


Frank PiersonSystems

Laura JestingsVictoria Cortinas

Vehicle & Commodity

Program ControlsFTA Coordination& Environmental


Joan BeckimPublic Involvement

Joshua WeaverPublic Involvement

Joe ChaseConstruction


Bob BartonDavis BaconCompliance

Lianna PerezDirector

Rachel SchmidDocument Control

Glen CarterSchedule Control

Rich FoitikTDOT/Admin Support

Roy CuaronTDOT Finance



Blanca EspinoContract


Tim MurphyReal Estate Manager

Hector MartinezDirector

Real Estate

Jeanette FreyCost Control

Jim RossiReal Estate Manager

Paul LoomisRTA

Andrew McGovernEngineering Manager

Design Oversight

Rob GarciaUtilities

Terry NashEngineering


Paul LoomisRTA

Kevin FaulknerContract


Vehicle Oversight

Werner UttingerOversight

Sabro TakedaOversight

See ConstructionOrganization Chart

Construction Administration


URS (Civil/Track)AMEC (Cushing Street Bridge)

LTK (Systems)GLHN (MSF)

HDR Architecture (Stops)

Bobby LallQA Auditor

Mary McLainMarwan Al-Mukhtar

Safety & SecurityOffice

Daniel HinojosConstruction Safety


Office ofEqual Opportunity


Jonathan MabryHistorical

Preservation Officer

Mike GrahamPublic Information



COT StaffRTA StaffPMC StaffConsultant

Rail Activation CommitteeGeorge Caria – Deputy Director TDOT

Shellie Ginn – City of Tucson DOTCarlos de Leon – City of Tucson DOT

John Zukas – City of Tucson DOTKevin Faulkner – Sun Tran

Mike Barton – HDR/PMC

Rail Activation

Cleve ClevelandRail Activation

Committee Manager

Michele JosephSun Tran Marketing

Dave JosephRTA Marketing

Tiffany HochardARRA Reporting

Jorge SalgadoDBE Compliance

John ZukasTransit Services


Ricardo PargasDeputy Project Manager

Tucson Modern StreetcarExecutive Management Team

Daryl Cole – TDOT

Andrew Quigley – COTJeremy Papuga – PAG

Carlos de Leon – TDOT

TUCSON MODERN STREETCARProgram Project Organization Chart

March 2013Project Organization Update

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35FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013


COT StaffConsultant Staff

Michael GrahamKaneen

COT Public Relations

Shellie GinnProgram Manager

Mike Lessard (PSOMAS)

Dick Trombley (AECOM)Electrical

David Hokanson(Kleinfelder)

WeldingBhoopendra Dube

(WONG)Special Track


Daniel HinojosOffice Engineer


Manuel TapiaLuis G. Gutierrez

(Cushing St.) BridgeResident Engineer


Doaa Aboul-HosnLS 1-4

Resident Engineer(SGI)

Joe FosterEngineer Associate


Shawn DonahoAssistant Resident Engineer Systems


Brian Osmundson (AECOM)

Special Inspector Systems/Traction

Garrett LaneInspector


Joe ChaseConstruction Manager

Mike BartonPMC Project Manager


JoAnn WilliamsGlenn Carter

Nathaniel MeddingsJeanette Frey

Schedule Review/Cost Control


Rich FoitikTina Goodacre

Sally SalicaConstruction


Project Support

John RuggSurvey Monitor

Art VillegasMSF Construction


Bruce WoodruffMSF Resident


Maria RuedingerArchitecture

Construction Support(GLHN)

Javier Ibarra (AECOM)Jesse Espinosa

(SGI)Rob Garcia

(HDR)Jeff Lurkins(PSOMAS)

Civil InspectorsGreg Orsini (AECOM)

Traffic Control Inspector

Sam Graham (SGI)Manuel Tapia

(AECOM)Assistant Resident

EngineerRafael HernandezSpecial Inspector

Building (Horrocks Engineers)

Mike LooDeputy Construction Manager

(HDR);Daniel Hinojos

Project Coordinator

Mary McLainMarwan Al-Mukhtar

Safety and Security Office

Daniel HinojosConstruction Safety


Bobby LallQA Auditor

(Horrocks Engineers)

Design SupportLS 1-4URSLTKKHA

StantecHDR Architecture

Design SupportMSF


Design SupportLuis G. Gutierrez

(Cushing St.) BridgeAMEC

Structural GraceDavid ChaseQA/QC Manager


Donald Manspeaker(AECOM)

Garrett Lane(DEIH)

Materials Coordinator

Materials Lab

Project Support

Bhoopendra DubeSpecial Inspector Systems/Traction


Rich FoitikTina Goodacre

Sally SalicaConstruction


Michael GrahamKaneen

COT Public Relations

JoAnn WilliamsGlenn Carter

Nathaniel MeddingsJeanette Frey

Schedule Review/Cost Control


John RuggSurvey Monitor

Lorenzo Hernandez (PSOMAS)Lead Inspector

Armando Ortega (Horrocks Engineers)Special Inspector

Project Support

Rich FoitikTina Goodacre

Sally SalicaConstruction


Michael GrahamKaneen

COT Public Relations

Hollis Goldtooth(PSOMAS)

Tobin Bennett-Gold(SGI)

Admin Support

John RuggSurvey Monitor

Santiago LozanoCivil Inspector (COT)

Santiago LozanoCivil Inspector (COT)

Daryl Cole – TDOT

Ricardo PargasPMC Deputy Project Manager


JoAnn WilliamsGlenn Carter

Nathaniel MeddingsJeanette Frey

Schedule Review/Cost Control


Tucson Modern StreetcarExecutive Management Team

Daryl Cole – TDOT

Andrew Quigley – COTJeremy Papuga – PAG

Carlos de Leon – TDOT

TUCSON MODERN STREETCARLS 1-4 & Systems Organization Chart

March 2013

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36FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013


COT StaffPMC StaffADOT StaffSun Tran Staff

Gilbert GhernaDirector of

Risk Management

Mary McLainMarwan Al-Mukhtar

Safety & SecurityOfficer

Steve BobergQuality &

EnvironmentalSystems Manager

Dave KnackSafety Manager

Daniel HinojosConstruction

Safety Compliance

John ZukasTDOT Oversight

Joe ChaseConstruction Manager

Shellie GinnProgram Manager

Mike BartonPMC Project Manager

Herman BernalArizona State SafetyOversight Manager

Santiago LozanoSafety & Security


Tucson Modern StreetcarExecutive Management Team

Daryl Cole – TDOT

Andrew Quigley – COTJeremy Papuga – PAG

Carlos de Leon – TDOT

Project Safety and Security OfficerState Safety Oversight Program RepresentativeTucson DOT, Project ManagementTucson DOT, MISTucson DOT, Traffic EngineeringTucson DOT, Safety OversightTucson DOT, Construction Safety ComplianceTucson, Risk ManagementTucson, Police DepartmentTucson, Fire DepartmentRegional Transportation Authority, Transit Director

Safety & Security Review Committee

Regional Transportation Authority, Mainstreet ProgramProject Consultants, Public OutreachTransportation Security Administration, Surface Transportation InspectorProject Management ConsultantProject Consultants, EngineeringProject Management Oversight ConsultantsUniversity of Arizona, Parking and TransportationUniversity of Arizona, Risk ManagementSun Tran, Safety and SecuritySun Tran, Risk ManagementSun Tran, Quality and Project Management

TUCSON MODERN STREETCARTechnical/Safety/Security

Organization ChartMarch 2013

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37FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Maintenance Manager

John KortekaasManager

Safety & Security

Marwan Al-MukhtarManager


Cleve Cleveland

Customer ServiceRepresentative

Administration Accountant

General ManagerSun Link

Steve Bethel

Vehicle Maintenance Technicians

TPSS/OCS Technicians

ROW TechniciansCleaners

Parts Clerk




TUCSON MODERN STREETCARSun Link Operations Organization Chart

March 2013

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38FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013



University Blvd  HelenWarren2nd Park4th AveCongress Broadway 

Cushing & Granada 






Toole Av


Legend Demo & Utilities*



*Progress shown is approximate and in general terms. 

OCS Pole Foundations* 

OCS Poles* 

OCS Poles & Contact Wire* 





Tucson Modern Streetcar Project Progress Map February 2013  Stop Foundation Complete 

Stop Shelter Complete*  A‐? TPSS “Hot” TPSS*


Stop Foundation Started 

Stop Foundation Location 

Page 40: Sun Link Tucson Streetcar Project - RTA

39FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec2014

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec20132011 2012

Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan FebJan

Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec2014

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec20132011 2012

Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan FebJan

Abbreviations: BL: Baseline MS: Milestone NTP: Notice to Proceed SC: Substantial Completion March 2013 Quarterly Report

Status based on data through February 2013* Projected dates subject to change based on progress of work.

Critical interface points

Actual work later than baseline plan

Projected work later than baseline plan

Black text: Dates for NTP, SC

Brown text: Dates for BL

Delivery Dates or Milestones

Status through February 2013

Rev Sim: Pre-Revenue Simulation

Lines, periods of non-work

% Percent complete estimate based on assessment of schedules and progress observed in the field.

Final, Revision 0

Tucson Modern Streetcar Construction through Revenue Operations

9/13/2013BL Vehicle Delivery


3/26/2014*Vehicle Delivery


Oregon Iron Works (OIW) – Streetcar Manufacturer

2 31 4 5 6 7 8


BBRI – Traction Power Substations 1/24/2013Delivery Complete


D.L. Withers (DLW) – Maint. & Storage FacilityConstruction following substantial completion includes final wash bay, building, fencing, and landscaping.

2/1/2013Baseline SC


Percent Complete: 89%

5/15/2012Begin Work

Old Pueblo Trackworks (OPTW) – Civil & Systems 3/20/2012NTP

7/3/2013Baseline SC

RDMT – System Integration Testing(a) MSF yard tests (with 2 vehicles)(b) Full alignment tests (with 2 vehicles)(c) Track ride quality and pull down tests (with 3 vehicles)(d) Rail/earth/isolation/detection tests (with all vehicles)(e) Drills (with all vehicles) and preparation for revenue simulation

As-Built Schedule

Vehicle delivery is the critical driving element in this project.System integration testing can be phased with arrival of vehicles #1, #2, and #3. All vehicles are currently required for final tests, drills, pre-revenue simulation, and revenue operations.Based on status information provided by OIW regarding delayed production and vehicle deliveries, the City of Tucson worked with OPTW and DLW to re-sequence work schedules for the benefit of the program.

Planned Schedule

10/23/2013BL Revenue Ops

Nortrak – Special Trackwork

632WB: 4/12/12304EB: 6/6/12305EB(2): 8/24/12334EB: 10/19/12


Ashton – Cushing Street Bridge 6/20/2011NTPBridge deck modifications and punchlist work in progress.

Bridge Deck Modifications & Punchlist

6/20/2012Baseline SC




12/19/2012BL Delivery


MSF site preparation (MS1): 6/25/128th St open (MS2): 9/7/124th Ave open: 12/5/122nd St projected open 3/14/13Congress projected open 4/23/13Commissioning of Segment 3: 7/15/13





Revenue Operations

632WB 304EB 305EB305EB/MANG: 10/20/12433EB: 10/26/12111EB: 11/15/12232EB: 11/19/12

Track Delivery Dates (Complete):




11/15/2012BL & Actual

Delivery Complete

A1 S1A4

7/26/2012SC Awarded

MSF Switchgear: 9/12/12TPSS A3: 9/12/12TPSS A4: 10/17/12TPSS A1: 11/7/12

TPSS S1: 12/5/12TPSS A5: 12/19/12TPSS A2: 1/24/13

TPSS Delivery Dates (Complete):

MA3 A2A5

Percent Complete: 95% (TPSS deliveries complete, final on-site testing and closeout remains)

Percent Complete: 99% (final closeout remains)

Percent Complete: 98%

Overall Percent Complete: 74%

Percent Complete: 73%

Percent Complete: Design = 98%, Production = 19%



#1: 7/11/13#2: 8/13/13#3: 10/21/13#4: 11/13/13

#5: 12/12/13#6: 1/17/14#7: 2/20/14#8: 3/26/14

Vehicle Arrival Dates (Projected):






Revenue Operations

Seg 3



a b c de

Note: After vehicles are delivered, additional time is required for vehicle acceptance prior to beginning tests Revenue






3/11/2013BL #3


1/28/2013BL #2


10/22/2012BL #1

Page 41: Sun Link Tucson Streetcar Project - RTA

40FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Tucson StreetcarProgram Control Budget Status

by Standard Cost Category


Original FTA Budget

Current COT Budget

Committedas of 2/28/13 Period Cost Cost to Date

Cost to Complete

Cost at Completionas of 2/28/13

FTA Tiger Grant $63,000,000 $63,000,000 $63,000,000 $6,799,637 $61,286,866 $1,713,134 $63,000,000FTA Funding (New Starts) $5,980,000 $5,980,000 $5,980,000 $0 $5,980,000 $0 $5,980,000FTA Funding (Other) $0 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $0 $0 $4,000,000 $4,000,000Cushing Street Flex/STP Funds $14,155,000 $14,984,000 $12,900,000 $7,930 $8,071,362 $4,828,638 $12,900,000RTA $75,000,000 $75,000,000 $75,000,000 $677,915 $30,004,852 $44,995,148 $75,000,000Other Local Funds $11,769,000 $14,769,000 $14,691,790 $875,790 $9,433,315 $5,258,475 $14,691,790COT Funding (Other) $0 $2,215,548 $2,215,548 $0 $2,215,548 $0 $2,215,548*Additional COT Funding $26,627,000 $16,582,452 *$0 $0 $0 $0 $18,743,662Total Revenue $196,531,000 $196,531,000 $177,787,338 $8,361,271 $116,991,943 $60,795,395 $196,531,000


10.03 Guideway: At-grade in mixed traffic $1,848,555 $1,848,555 $383,545 $70,701 $252,280 $131,265 $383,54510.10 Track: Embedded $12,920,064 $12,920,064 $15,623,000 $2,391,253 $10,358,898 $5,264,102 $15,923,00010.12 Track: Special (switches, turnouts) $2,801,641 $2,801,641 $2,532,562 $157,703 $2,320,322 $212,240 $2,532,56210.13 Track: Vibration and Noise dampening $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

TOTAL 10 GUIDEWAY & TRACK ELEMENTS $17,570,260 $17,570,260 $18,539,107 $2,619,657 $12,931,501 $5,607,606 $18,839,107

20.01 At-grade station, stop, shelter, mall, terminal, platform $2,974,745 $2,974,745 $2,233,548 $202,003 $445,396 $1,788,152 $2,604,548TOTAL 20 STATIONS, STOPS, TERMINALS, INTERMODAL $2,974,745 $2,974,745 $2,233,548 $202,003 $445,396 $1,788,152 $2,604,548

30.02 Light Maintenance Facility $10,174,215 $10,174,215 $8,816,866 $961,458 $5,695,736 $3,121,130 $10,174,86630.05 Yard and Yard Track $729,879 $729,879 $369,995 $116,069 $234,707 $135,288 $1,061,995

TOTAL 30 SUPPORT FACILITIES: YARDS, SHOPS, ADMIN. BLDGS $10,904,094 $10,904,094 $9,186,861 $1,077,527 $5,930,443 $3,256,417 $11,236,861

40.01 Demolition, Clearing, Earthwork $2,615,414 $2,615,414 $2,153,808 $408,490 $1,882,126 $271,682 $2,165,80840.02 Site Utilities, Utility Relocation $7,994,428 $7,994,428 $8,716,012 $871,066 $7,783,557 $932,455 $9,823,01240.02 Site Utilities; TEP Power Feeds $500,000 $500,000 $527,102 $0 $0 $527,102 $527,10240.03 Haz. mat'l, contam'd soil removal/mitigation, ground water treatments $0 $0 $28,183 $3,183 $3,183 $25,000 $28,18340.04 Environmental mitigation, e.g. wetlands, historic/archeological, parks $71,200 $71,200 $80,000 $0 $0 $80,000 $148,00040.05 Site Structures including retaining walls, sounds walls $11,604,250 $11,604,250 $8,601,642 $100,544 $8,326,614 $326,156 $9,124,64240.06 Pedestrian / bike access and accommodation, landscaping, Public Art $2,389,017 $2,389,017 $989,099 $80,615 $328,847 $660,251 $989,09940.07 Automobile, bus, van access ways including roads, parking lots $2,868,223 $2,868,223 $2,822,109 $266,274 $1,365,277 $1,456,833 $2,882,10940.08 Temporary Facilities and other indirect costs during construction $7,319,388 $7,319,388 $13,156,239 $438,416 $10,546,341 $2,609,898 $17,635,239

TOTAL 40 SITEWORK & SPECIAL CONDITIONS $35,361,919 $35,361,919 $37,074,193 $2,168,586 $30,235,944 $6,889,377 $43,323,193

50.01 Train control and signals $1,890,437 $1,890,437 $72,800 $0 $20,109 $52,691 $82,80050.02 Traffic signals and crossing protection $3,742,038 $3,742,038 $3,246,184 $175,939 $1,815,139 $1,431,045 $3,258,18450.03 Traction power supply: substations $3,326,767 $3,326,767 $4,778,247 $592,159 $2,236,781 $2,541,466 $4,973,24750.04 Traction power distribution: catenary and third rail $7,244,519 $7,244,519 $7,548,845 $592,764 $4,474,603 $3,074,243 $7,651,84550.05 Communications $534,000 $534,000 $49,931 $23,396 $23,396 $26,535 $49,93150.06 Fare Collection system and equipment $231,400 $231,400 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

TOTAL 50 SYSTEMS $16,969,160 $16,969,160 $15,696,007 $1,384,258 $8,570,027 $7,125,980 $16,016,007

$83,780,178 $83,780,178 $82,729,716 $7,452,031 $58,113,311 $24,667,533 $92,019,716

60.01 Purchase or lease of real estate $511,200 $511,200 $511,200 $0 $150,200 $361,000 $511,200TOTAL 60 ROW, LAND, EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS $511,200 $511,200 $511,200 $0 $150,200 $361,000 $511,200

70.01 Light Rail $31,008,800 $31,008,800 $30,877,173 $520,003 $12,842,452 $18,034,721 $30,877,17370.05 Other: Vehicle manufacturing oversight $4,093,000 $4,093,000 $4,630,143 $0 $2,863,460 $1,766,683 $4,630,14370.06 Non-revenue vehicles $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $0 $0 $500,000 $500,00070.07 Spare Parts $2,503,664 $2,503,664 $2,503,664 $0 $0 $2,503,664 $2,503,664

TOTAL 70 VEHICLES $38,105,464 $38,105,464 $38,510,980 $520,003 $15,705,912 $22,805,068 $38,510,980

80.01 Preliminary Engineering $2,537,307 $2,537,307 $2,537,307 $0 $2,537,307 $0 $080.02 Final Design Consultant (URS & HDR & COT Vendors) $13,873,988 $13,873,988 $15,398,900 $0 $13,339,796 $2,156,537 $15,398,90080.03 Project Management for Design and Construction (HDR, COT, RTA) $15,096,052 $15,096,052 $16,615,455 $11,776 $12,337,122 $4,283,363 $18,365,45580.04 Construction Administration & Management $8,677,373 $8,677,373 $8,710,075 $377,461 $4,594,560 $4,115,515 $9,610,07580.05 Professional Liability and other Non-Construction Insurance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $080.06 Legal; Permits; Review Fees by other agencies, cities, etc. (HDR) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $080.07 Surveys, Testing, Investigation, Inspection $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $080.08 Start up $2,683,000 $2,683,000 $1,721,218 $0 $41,022 $2,641,978 $6,583,000

TOTAL 80 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $42,867,720 $42,867,720 $44,982,955 $389,237 $32,849,807 $13,197,392 $49,957,430

Subtotal (10 - 80) $165,264,562 $165,264,562 $166,734,851 $8,361,271 $116,991,943 $61,030,994 $180,999,326

90.00 90 Allocated Contingency $8,973,459 $5,323,459 ($404,813) ($6,337,945) $2,635,514 $090.00 90 UNALLOCATED CONTINGENCY/OWNER'S RESERVE $14,936,979 $7,970,268 $0 $0 $22,292,979 $15,531,675

Subtotal (10 - 90) $189,175,000 $178,558,289 $166,734,851 $8,361,271 $116,991,943 $61,030,994 $196,531,000

100.00 100 FINANCE CHARGES $7,356,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Total Project Cost (10 - 100) $196,531,000 $178,558,289 $166,734,851 $8,361,271 $116,991,943 $61,030,994 $196,531,000Note:1) Cost to Date includes costs incurred in advance of preliminary engineering.2) Allocated Contingency shown is the amount remaining. Negative values indicate the amount of drawdown.3) Owners Reserve includes potential finance costs










Construction Subtotal (10 - 50)

*Note: Additional COT Funding will be committed, as necessary

Page 42: Sun Link Tucson Streetcar Project - RTA

41FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Tucson StreetcarCash Flow Projection

Line Segment Construction MSF Construction

OIW (From Pay Schedule) BBRI Nortrack

Eng Services & Cushing Total Contingency

Cumulative Projections

February-12 89,058 463,549,7 $ 972,330,03 $ 314,042,84 $ 314,042,84 $ $March-12 - 001 $ 237,513,1 $ 238,513,1 $ 442,655,94 $ $

April-12 2,355,633 - $ 274,807 $ $ 3,064,105 943,026,25 $ $May-12 46,000$ 110,908 043,469 $ $ 1,121,249 895,147,35 $ $

June-12 5,922,867 745,962,2 $ 643,632 $ $ 4,408,220 189,638,21 $ 875,875,66 $ $July-12 516,272 - $ 523,511 $ 795,136 $ 571,012,76 $ $

August-12 5,799,905 720,326,1 $ - $ 008,71 $ $ 2,270,220 259,017,9 $ 721,129,67 $ $September-12 3,681,618 - $ 537,333 $ $ 1,352,534 888,763,5 $ 510,982,28 $ $

October-12 2,984,421 076,391 $ - $ 984,463 $ 007,451 $ $ 3,697,280 592,689,58 $ $November-12 4,028,680 358,806 $ $ 1,621,106 757,909 $ 997,911 $ $ 1,382,907 201,176,8 $ 793,756,49 $ $December-12 5,382,500 368,697 $ - $ $ 422,387 873,226 $ $ 1,525,320 844,947,8 $ 548,604,301 $ $

January-13 2,689,357 223,280,1 $ 233,684 $ - $ $ 965,815$ 5,223,826 076,036,801 $ $February-13 6,517,328 377,629 $ 300,025 $ - $ - $ $ 397,167$ 8,361,271 249,199,611 $ $

March-13 4,137,591 448,958 $ $ 3,161,155 204,273 $ 701,21 $ $ 1,618,473 175,161,01 $ 315,351,721 $ $April-13 4,319,139 341,948 $ $ 1,787,584 738,342 $ 374,816,1 $ 671,818,8 $ 986,179,531 $ $May-13 4,319,139 448,956 $ $ 1,337,412 738,342 $ 274,816,1 $ 407,871,8 $ 293,051,441 $ $

June-13 3,956,042 230,655 $ $ 2,111,805 00.797,403 $ 274,816,1 $ 841,745,8 $ 045,796,251 $ $July-13 2,180,950 050,045,1 $ 299,984 $ 274,816,1 $ 464,928,5 $ 400,725,851 $ $

August-13 742,388 050,045,1 $ $ 1,618,472 019,009,3 $ 419,724,261 $ $September-13 1,296,884$ 1,618,472 653,519,2 $ 000,005,2 $ $ 167,843,271$

October-13 972,663 959,06 $ 274,816,1 $ 490,256,2 $ 000,005,2 $ $ 172,995,365$November-13 1,573,721 914,061 $ 274,816,1 $ 216,253,3 $ 000,005,2 $ $ 178,847,977$December-13 1,157,221 357,112 $ 479,863,1 $ 000,005,2 $ $ 182,716,951$

January-14 862,304$ 862,304$ 2,500,000$ 186,079,255$February-14 688,970$ 688,970$ 2,500,000$ 189,268,225$

March-14 619,138$ 619,138$ 2,500,000$ 192,387,363$April-14 $346,669 346,669 609,944 $ $ 193,183,938$May-14 -$ - 839,381,391 $ $

June-14 -$ - 839,381,391 $ $July-14 1,673,531$ 1,673,531 135,376,1 $ $ 196,531,000$

- - $ $Total: 59,668,890 963,651,8 $ $ 33,511,607 041,024,3 $ $ 1,817,562$ 60,160,283$ 176,907,563 734,326,91 $ $

Total + Contingency: 196,531,000$ Notes: 1) Feb 2012 row includes cumulative costs through Feb 2012 and costs incurred in advance of preliminary engineering

2) Highlighted costs are actual expenditures as of February Financial Closing.3) Remaining costs shown are estimated projections for each contract. Page 1 of 3 Report Date: 2/2013

Page 43: Sun Link Tucson Streetcar Project - RTA

42FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Tucson StreetcarCash Flow Projection by Standard Cost Category


Current Actual $(CTD) (as of

1/31/13) February-2013 March-2013 April-2013 May-2013 June-2013 July-2013 August-2013 September-2013 October-2013

00.0$00.0$56.557,4$19.079,31$49.143,52$09.766,72$09.766,72$29.405,62$42.947,14$975,181$ciffart dexim ni edarg-tA :yawediuG30.0100.0$00.0$72.952,081$34.655,925$04.665,069$59.927,840,1$59.927,840,1$81.846,400,1$30.274,285,1$646,769,7$deddebmE :kcarT01.01

0$00.0$89.017,8$76.095,52$01.914,64$85.976,05$85.976,05$43.656,06$25.274,67$916,261,2$)stuonrut ,sehctiws( laicepS :kcarT21.01 .0000.0$00.0$00.0$00.0$00.0$00.0$00.0$00.0$00.0$0$gninepmad esioN dna noitarbiV :kcarT31.01

Subtotal: $10,311,844 $1,700,694 $1,091,809 $1,127,077 $1,127,077 $1,032,327 $569,118 $193,726 $0 $0

1$22.583,942$25.472,272$25.472,272$78.928,062$82.648,014$393,342$mroftalp ,lanimret ,llam ,retlehs ,pots ,noitats edarg-tA10.02 37,485.08 $46,799.47 $0.00 $0.00$243,393 $410,846 $260,830 $272,275 $272,275 $249,385 $137,485 $46,799 $0 $0

1.890,59$15.473,972$11.197,260,1$69.411,312,1$93.414,204,1$40.958,983,1$25.726,167,1$872,437,4$ ytilicaF ecnanetniaM thgiL20.03 6 $0.00 $0.0000.0$00.0$56.819,5$15.783,71$43.935,13$11.434,43$11.434,43$27.689,23$50.959,15$836,811$kcarT draY dna draY50.03

Subtotal: $4,852,916 $1,813,587 $1,422,846 $1,436,848 $1,247,549 $1,094,330 $296,762 $101,017 $0 $0

00.0$00.0$92.617,51$25.071,64$50.947,38$87.534,19$87.534,19$24.295,78$42.179,731$636,374,1$krowhtraE ,gniraelC ,noitilomeD10.040$74.697,53$30.161,501$83.257,091$81.062,802$81.062,802$82.605,991$04.252,413$294,219,6$noitacoleR ytilitU ,seitilitU etiS20.04 .00 $0.00

00.0$00.0$85.114,21$01.264,63$88.831,66$03.902,27$03.902,27$90.471,96$06.959,801$0$ sdeeF rewoP PET ;seitilitU etiS20.0440.04 Environmental mitigation, e.g. wetlands, historic/archeological, parks $0 $16,845.00 $10,694.22 $11,163.46 $11,163.46 $10,224.98 $5,636.99 $1,918.81 $0.00 $0.00

089,52$14.521,74$27.054,15$27.054,15$60.882,94$21.636,77$070,622,8$sllaw sdnuos ,sllaw gniniater gnidulcni serutcurtS etiS50.04 .05 $8,843.52 $0.00 $0.0040.06 Pedestrian / bike access and accommodation, landscaping, Public Art $248,232 $155,690.16 $98,841.46 $103,178.40 $103,178.40 $94,504.51 $52,099.96 $17,734.65 $0.00 $0.0040.07 Automobile, bus, van access ways including roads, parking lots $1,099,003 $355,792.31 $225,878.30 $235,789.35 $235,789.35 $215,967.26 $119,061.89 $40,528.27 $0.00 $0.0040.08 Temporary Facilities and other indirect costs during construction $10,107,925 $613,148.47 $389,263.44 $406,343.47 $406,343.47 $372,183.40 $205,183.23 $69,843.69 $0.00 $0.00

$28,067,358 $1,780,295 $1,130,238 $1,179,831 $1,179,831 $1,080,646 $595,756 $202,793 $0 $0

00.0$00.0$17.042,1$88.446,3$84.116,6$03.812,7$03.812,7$98.419,6$99.198,01$901,02$slangis dna lortnoc niarT10.05202,73$55.192,901$67.442,891$42.044,612$42.044,612$05.243,702$36.595,623$991,936,1$noitcetorp gnissorc dna slangis ciffarT20.05 .48 $0.00 $0.00

03.362,37$76.022,507$18.202,596$83.570,076$83.570,076$90.427,087$27.861,346$226,446,1$ snoitatsbus :ylppus rewop noitcarT30.05 $0.00 $60,959.00352$58.221,064$52.453,205$52.453,205$65.832,184$21.320,857$838,188,3$liar driht dna yranetac :noitubirtsid rewop noitcarT40.05 ,663.90 $86,346.35 $0.00 $0.00

50.05 Communications $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0000.0$00.0$00.0$00.0$00.0$00.0$00.0$00.0$00.0$0$tnempiuqe dna metsys noitcelloC eraF60.05

Subtotal: $7,185,769 $1,738,679 $1,476,220 $1,396,088 $1,396,088 $1,360,182 $1,071,821 $198,053 $0 $60,959Construction Subtotal (10 - 50): $50,661,280 $7,444,101 $5,381,943 $5,412,119 $5,222,820 $4,816,871 $2,670,942 $742,388 $0 $60,959

0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$002,051$ etatse laer fo esael ro esahcruP10.06$150,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

541,738$391,611,1$084,523,1$974,523,1$375,718,1$470,151,1$525,835,1$127,027,2$355,744$944,223,21$liaR thgiL10.07601,002$601,002$601,002$601,002$601,002$601,002$601,002$601,002$501,94$064,368,2$thgisrevo gnirutcafunam elciheV :rehtO50.07955,22$870,03$817,53$817,53$979,84$810,13$954,14$613,37$060,21$0$selcihev eunever-noN60.07

70.07 Spare Parts $0 $60,390 $367,118 $207,599 $155,319 $245,253 $178,852 $178,852 $150,612 $112,959$15,185,909 $569,108 $3,361,261 $1,987,690 $1,537,518 $2,311,911 $1,740,156 $1,740,156 $1,496,990 $1,172,769

0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$703,735,2$gnireenignE yranimilerP10.0822,332$722,332$722,332$722,332$722,332$822,332$822,332$332,75$697,933,31$)srodneV TOC & RDH & SRU( tnatlusnoC ngiseD laniF20.08 7 $233,227

80.03 Project Management for Design and Construction (HDR, COT, RTA) $12,325,346 $119,244 $485,926 $485,926 $485,925 $485,925 $485,925 $485,925 $485,925 $485,92509,805$409,805$409,805$409,805$409,805$409,805$409,805$409,805$388,421$990,712,4$ tnemeganaM & noitartsinimdA noitcurtsnoC40.08 4

0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$ecnarusnI noitcurtsnoC-noN rehto dna ytilibaiL lanoisseforP50.080$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$)RDH( .cte ,seitic ,seicnega rehto yb seeF weiveR ;stimreP ;lageL60.080$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$noitcepsnI ,noitagitsevnI ,gnitseT ,syevruS70.08

80.08 Start up $41,022 $46,701 $190,310 $190,310 $190,310 $190,310 $190,310 $190,310 $190,310 $190,310$32,460,570 $348,062 $1,418,367 $1,418,367 $1,418,366 $1,418,366 $1,418,366 $1,418,366 $1,418,366 $1,418,366

Subtotal (10 - 80): $98,457,959 $8,361,271 $10,161,571 $8,818,176 $8,178,704 $8,547,148 $5,829,464 $3,900,910 $2,915,356 $2,652,09490.00 Contingency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,500,000 $2,500,000

Total Cash Flow Projection: $108,630,671 $116,991,942 $127,153,513 $135,971,689 $144,150,393 $152,697,541 $158,527,004 $162,427,915 $167,843,271 $172,995,366


70 VEHICLES (number)







Page 2 of 3 Report Date: 2/2013

Page 44: Sun Link Tucson Streetcar Project - RTA

43FTA Quarterly Review • March 2013

Tucson StreetcarCash Flow Projection by Standard Cost Category


10.03 Guideway: At-grade in mixed traffic10.10 Track: Embedded10.12 Track: Special (switches, turnouts)10.13 Track: Vibration and Noise dampening


20.01 At-grade station, stop, shelter, mall, terminal, platform

30.02 Light Maintenance Facility 30.05 Yard and Yard Track


40.01 Demolition, Clearing, Earthwork40.02 Site Utilities, Utility Relocation40.02 Site Utilities; TEP Power Feeds 40.04 Environmental mitigation, e.g. wetlands, historic/archeological, parks40.05 Site Structures including retaining walls, sounds walls40.06 Pedestrian / bike access and accommodation, landscaping, Public Art40.07 Automobile, bus, van access ways including roads, parking lots40.08 Temporary Facilities and other indirect costs during construction

50.01 Train control and signals50.02 Traffic signals and crossing protection50.03 Traction power supply: substations 50.04 Traction power distribution: catenary and third rail50.05 Communications50.06 Fare Collection system and equipment

Subtotal:Construction Subtotal (10 - 50):

60.01 Purchase or lease of real estate

70.01 Light Rail70.05 Other: Vehicle manufacturing oversight70.06 Non-revenue vehicles70.07 Spare Parts

80.01 Preliminary Engineering80.02 Final Design Consultant (URS & HDR & COT Vendors)80.03 Project Management for Design and Construction (HDR, COT, RTA)80.04 Construction Administration & Management 80.05 Professional Liability and other Non-Construction Insurance80.06 Legal; Permits; Review Fees by other agencies, cities, etc. (HDR)80.07 Surveys, Testing, Investigation, Inspection80.08 Start up

Subtotal (10 - 80):90.00 Contingency

Total Cash Flow Projection:


70 VEHICLES (number)







November-2013 December-2013 January-2014 February-2014 March-2014 April-2014 May-2014 June-2014 July-2014Total Per SCC


$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $349,238$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14,322,608$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,481,828$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $17,153,673

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,893,288$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,893,288

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,938,558$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $327,297

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $12,265,855

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,027,707$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,174,481$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $437,565$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $67,647$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,537,845$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $873,460$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,527,810$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,570,234

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $35,216,747

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $63,850$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,950,757

$160,419.00 $211,753.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,315,484$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,925,942$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0

$160,419 $211,753 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $16,256,032$160,419 $211,753 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $82,785,596

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,200$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,200

$0$1,354,459 $995,989 $742,162 $592,978 $532,875 $298,369 $0 $0 $1,440,363 $30,559,387

$200,106 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,713,519$36,499 $26,839 $19,999 $15,979 $14,360 $8,040 $0 $0 $38,814 $491,437

$182,763 $134,393 $100,143 $80,013 $71,903 $40,260 $0 $0 $194,354 $2,460,784$1,773,827 $1,157,221 $862,304 $688,970 $619,138 $346,669 $0 $0 $1,673,531 $38,225,126

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,537,307$233,227 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,496,076$485,925 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $16,817,920$508,904 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,922,114

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

$190,310 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,800,512$1,418,366 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $45,573,930$3,352,612 $1,368,974 $862,304 $688,970 $619,138 $346,669 $0 $0 $1,673,531 $176,907,563$2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $449,906 $0 $0 $1,673,531 $19,623,437

$178,847,978 $182,716,951 $186,079,255 $189,268,225 $192,387,363 $193,183,938 $193,183,938 $193,183,938 $196,531,000 $196,531,000

Page 3 of 3 Report Date: 2/2013