Summer InStItute neGotiations & GovernMent · 2013. 2. 27. · sUMMer institUte in neGotiations & GovernMent tHe ProGraM Negotiators who project confidence are seen as more powerful

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Page 1: Summer InStItute neGotiations & GovernMent · 2013. 2. 27. · sUMMer institUte in neGotiations & GovernMent tHe ProGraM Negotiators who project confidence are seen as more powerful

neGotiations& GovernMent

Summer InStItute

aUGUst 4-9, 2013UC Berkeley CaMPUs

Page 2: Summer InStItute neGotiations & GovernMent · 2013. 2. 27. · sUMMer institUte in neGotiations & GovernMent tHe ProGraM Negotiators who project confidence are seen as more powerful

sUMMer institUte in neGotiations & GovernMenttHe ProGraMNegotiators who project confidence are seen as more powerful by the other party and are more likely to achieve better outcomes. Although negotiating is a requirement of many government roles, very few have received formal training in negotiation strategy. This course is designed to be relevant to the broad spectrum of negotiation problems that are faced by government professionals. A basic premise of this course is that while government professionals need analytical skills to discover optimal solutions to problems, a broad array of negotiation skills is also needed to get these solutions accepted and implemented. This course will allow participants the opportunity to develop these skills experientially and to understand negotiation in useful analytical frameworks. The negotiation training will help you become confident and adept in a variety of public policy negotiation situations and settings.

This comprehensive and intensive week-long workshop offered by The University of California, Berkeley’s Goldman School of Public Policy, the top rated public policy school in the United States1, will focus exclusively on public policy negotiations including the complex bargaining that occurs against, within and among government entities, including local, regional and state government, nations and international organizations.

MiCHael naCHtProfessor of Public Policy and former Aaron Wildavsky Dean at the Goldman School of Public Policy.

he is an expert in u.s. national security and foreign policy, management strategies for public organizations. nacht has had three tours of government service and stepped down in mid-2010 after serving as assistant secretary of defense for Global strategic affairs. From 1994-1997, nacht was assistant director for strategic and eurasian affairs at the arms control and disarmament agency, leading its work on nuclear arms reduction negotiations with russia and initiating nuclear arms control talks with china. he participated in five summit meetings with President clinton—four with russian President Boris yeltsin and one with chinese President Jiang zemin.

leaD instrUCtor

1According to the rankings published by U.S. News & World Report, 2012.

Page 3: Summer InStItute neGotiations & GovernMent · 2013. 2. 27. · sUMMer institUte in neGotiations & GovernMent tHe ProGraM Negotiators who project confidence are seen as more powerful

tHe CUrriCUlUMThe curriculum reflects the Goldman School’s multidisciplinary approach to negotia-tions, involving faculty trained in political science, law, engineering, psychology and economics with negotiating experience at the local, state, national, and international levels. The pedagogical philosophy includes lectures, extensive class discussions, and case study analyses. The School has pioneered the approach of ‘active learning” in which class participants play a major role—both individually and in small groups—to analyze complex negotiating situations and derive effective and realistic approaches that can produce positive outcomes.

tHe ProGraM foCUses on inDiviDUal anD institUtional aMeriCan style neGotiations: it offers PraCtiCal lessons froM DealinG WitH, anD WitHin, GovernMent institUtions as Well as froM an international PersPeCtive:

• Negotiation Styles: The American way in the private and public sector

• The impact of personality and default negotiating style in negotiations

• Craftsmanship in negotiations: Key strategies for planning and preparation

• Emotions in negotiation

• Dealing with a difficult negotiator

• Gender, bias and stereotype

• Cross cultural negotiation

• The question of “what kind of negotiations?”

• Public Policy negotiations: Negotiating legislation, regulations and issues between different governmental agencies and departments.

• Negotiating between agencies at the Federal level

• Preparing for and executing team and multiparty negotiations.

• Financial and budgetary negotiations

• Negotiations in bilateral and multilateral settings, including the UN Security Council

Page 4: Summer InStItute neGotiations & GovernMent · 2013. 2. 27. · sUMMer institUte in neGotiations & GovernMent tHe ProGraM Negotiators who project confidence are seen as more powerful

ProJeCteD sCHeDUle

Day 1 Welcome Reception and Orientation

Day 2

Introduction and fundamentals (negotiation focus is on self-discovery)

• Overview of negotiations + negotiation philosophy + case studies

• Introduction to negotiation fundamentals with practical exercises and debriefing

• Multi-issue scorable exercise + self-assessment

Day 3

Negotiations & Government (the context)

• Introduction by high profile government official

• Overview of typical government issues and negotiation challenges + exercise/case

• Worldview approach to negotiations + lessons + exercise

• Public policy constraints and negotiating around such constraints

• Campus tour

Day 4

Labor relations and dealing with difficult people (complex negotiations)

• Introduction to labor relations + exercise

• Negotiating with difficult people + exercise

• Keynote Speaker

• Bay tour

Day 5

Mediation and dispute resolution (helping others resolve disputes)

• Introduction to conflict mediation + case studies

• Dispute resolution cases

• Farewell event

Day 6


• Lessons from the international negotiations context

• Presentations

Page 5: Summer InStItute neGotiations & GovernMent · 2013. 2. 27. · sUMMer institUte in neGotiations & GovernMent tHe ProGraM Negotiators who project confidence are seen as more powerful

University of California, BerkeleyThe University of California, Berkeley is considered the

premier public university in the world. The national

and international awards held by faculty underscore

Berkeley’s preeminence. A total of 21 faculty have

been named Nobel Prize winners, including the eight

who are current faculty members, along with 32

MacArthur Fellows and 4 Pulitzer Prize winners.

Berkeley’s academic departments consistently rank

among the top five in the country. Berkeley ranks first

nationally in the number of graduate programs in the

top 10 in their fields. (97% of Berkeley’s programs

made the top 10 list.)

GolDMan sCHool of PUBliC PoliCyDuring the late 1960s, educators nationwide

recognized the need for a new kind of graduate

education, one that would foster the vision,

knowledge, and practical skills to empower a new

generation of policymakers. The Goldman School of

Public Policy (GSPP) was founded at the University of

California, Berkeley, in 1969, as one of the nation’s

first graduate programs of its kind. Today it is ranked

among the very top policy programs in the country and

is recognized nationally and internationally as a source

of incomparably qualified professionals in the field.

GSPP faculty are actively researching public

management, children’s and health policy, national

security, housing and land use, telecommunication and

the internet, environmental policy, and a myriad

of other current issues.

eXeCUtive anD international ProGraMsExecutive and international programs (EIP) offers

executive education programs for mid-career

government officials and public policy professionals.

EIP also coordinates a variety of international events

providing students and faculty with the opportunity to

interact directly with public policy practitioners from

the U.S. and around the world.

“ let Us never neGotiate oUt of fear, BUt let Us never fear to neGotiate”

—John F. Kennedy

Page 6: Summer InStItute neGotiations & GovernMent · 2013. 2. 27. · sUMMer institUte in neGotiations & GovernMent tHe ProGraM Negotiators who project confidence are seen as more powerful

online aPPliCationOnline applications are available at: http://gspp.berkeley.edu/global/executive-international-programs/negotiations-government or fill out the application below and send to the address on the top of this page by June 14, 2013.

reGistration reQUireMents1. Statement of Purpose

2. Current CV or résumé

3. For international applicants, proof of English proficiency (e.g., TOEFL 600 or higher).

tUitionTuition is $10,000.00 and includes instruction by senior faculty, experts and practitioners, materials, lodging, breakfast and lunch meals, as well as visits to law firms and relevant judicial and government institutions in the San Francisco Bay Area. Early bird registration discount of 20% available before April 19, 2013.

aCCoMMoDationsOn campus graduate student/visiting scholars housing or equivalent. Applications received after the deadline will be considered only on a space-available basis. UC Berkeley does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, age, religion, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, political belief, disability, or veteran status.

Executive and International ProgramsGoldman School of Public Policy

2607 Hearst Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94720-7320T 510.643.5170F 510.643.9657

“ Join U.C. Berkeley’s world-class interdisciplinary faculty to learn useful techniques while exploring the craftsmanship of american style negotiations from a private, public and international perspective.”

—Blas Pérez henríquez, eIP Faculty dIrector