DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL JAMMU CLASS: VIII SESSION: 2017-18 Dear Children, The Long awaited Summer Break is here again, bringing with it loads of fun-filled moments, cheerful laughter and abounding joy! Give yourself more time to spend with your parents. Eat well, rest well, play with your friends, and visit your relatives. Punctuate your relaxed moments with constructive and creative work which your teachers have planned for you in the form of holiday homework. You may complete them at your ease, but ensure that they are completed timely. We do hope that you come back to school- enriched, physically fit and enthused to embark on a colorful journey through the rest of the session. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! Coordinator (Middle Wing) Headmistress Principal DPS, JAMMU DPS, JAMMU DPS, JAMMU SUMMER HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK

SUMMER HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK - Delhi Public School …dpsjammu.in/admin_panel/down.aspx?filepath=files/620176031542.pdf · Write your stories on A4 size sheet. ... You are Raghav / Riya

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Dear Children,

The Long awaited Summer Break is here again, bringing with it loads of fun-filled moments, cheerful laughter and abounding joy! Give yourself more time to spend with your parents. Eat well, rest well, play with your friends, and visit your relatives. Punctuate your relaxed moments with constructive and creative work which your teachers have planned for you in the form of holiday homework. You may complete them at your ease, but ensure that they are completed timely. We do hope that you come back to school-enriched, physically fit and enthused to embark on a colorful journey through the rest of the session. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

Coordinator (Middle Wing) Headmistress Principal DPS, JAMMU DPS, JAMMU DPS, JAMMU





Q1. Given below is the profile of Subhash Chandra Bose, the famous freedom fighter. Write his short bio-sketch in about 100 words with the help of the clues given below.

Birth: In Cuttack, January 23, 1897 Education: Graduated from Presidency College, Calcutta; went to England to do I.C.S. Struggle for freedom: Joined Non-cooperation Movement, had differences with Gandhiji; became the

President of the Congress in 1937, formed a new party called Forward Block Escape to Germany: Reached Germany after eluding the British police Indian National Army: Went to Japan, founded I.N.A. which fought against the British Death: Presumed to have died in an air crash in 1945

Q2. You are Purnima /Pavan, living at 3244, Sarita Colony, Mumbai-32. Your friend Sunitha / Sanjeev has gone to Chennai due to the transfer of her/ his father. Recollecting the sweet memories of old times, write a letter in about 100 words inviting her /him to stay with you during the vacation. Also mention the programme you have planned according to her/his liking.

Q3. The students of Kalyan Public School volunteered to clean the premises of the local government hospital. Write a report for your school magazine. You are Danish/Dhwani.


Q4. Rewrite the following sentences using the tense indicated in the brackets. 1. He will do his work with diligence. (Simple present) 2. I followed his instructions. (Simple future) 3. That will be interesting. (Present continuous) 4. I will not allow this to happen. (Simple past) 5. My trip to the USA was successful. (Simple present)

Q5. Choose the correct form of verb according to subject verb agreement concept

1. Sally (run, runs) to the park every day. 2. The dogs (bark, barks) at strangers. 3. Ted and Mary (is, are) going to the movies. 4. The game (was, were) exciting. 5. They ( worry, worries) too much.

Q6. Complete each sentence using the correct conjunction

1. I plan to take my vacation _________ in June _________ in July. (whether / or, either / or, as / if)

2. _________ I’m feeling happy _________ sad, I try to keep a positive attitude. (either / or, whether / or, when / I’m)

3. _________ had I taken my shoes off _________ I found out we had to leave again. (no sooner / than, rather / than, whether / or)

4. _________ only is dark chocolate delicious, _________ it can be healthy. (whether / or, not / but, just as / so)

5. _________ I have salad for dinner, _____________________I can have ice cream for dessert. (if /then, when / than, whether / or)


Q7. Answer the following questions:

a. What four things established beyond doubt in Armstrong’s mind that he was in a grave? b. What do you think happened to Armstrong after the students had left the cemetery? c. Which line suggests that the tiger is the apex predator? d. What vital lesson did these tribal people learn? e. How was the girl different from the other children in ‘Children of Rainbow’? f. What was the author worried about at the time of the ceremony in the Golden Moments’? g. Do you think the author was impressed by the greatness of the occasion in the ‘Golden Moments’?

Q8. Answer the following questions based on the novel ‘King Lear’

a. Lear is king of what country? b. Which one of Lear’s daughters is sent into exile? c. Write the character sketch of the King in the novel ‘King Lear’.

Q9. Remove or add suffixes to the words in brackets to form abstract nouns.

a. ___________(compassionate) must be a part of _______(forgiven). b. Nobody gave much ___________(important) to the episode and it did not get much __________(public).

NOTE: - For reading part practice the formative assessment sheet-2 reading part ‘A’ on Pg. 230 from your grammar book Cordova and also practice RTC.

Project Work

Q1. Given are three Canadian authors: Margaret Atwood, Alice Munro and Rohinton Mistry. Choose any one writer and write the summary of any one work of the author selected. Also try to arrange pictures of the author and present your work in the form of a book report.

Q2. Write three short stories creating your own characters highlighting the value based system of India. Write your stories on A4 size sheet. You can also illustrate your story. Q3. You are Raghav / Riya ,residing in the hostel of SPMR School at Shimla. Write a letter to your Mother addressing the concern of reading ,requesting her to subscribe a newspaper/ magazine to brush up your reading skills.

SUB.-S.st(GEOGRAPHY) SYLLABUS- L-1: RESOURCES L-2: LAND, SOIL AND WATER RESOURCES VERY SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS: Q1) Mention any two ways that make the usable land unfit for utilisation. Q2) Which area experienced heavy landslide in H.P due to human activities? Q3) Which irrigation methods facilitate water conservation? Q4) What is meant by economic value of resources? Q5) How can we classify the resources on the basis of distribution? Q6) Highlight any two principles of sustainable development. Q7) What is Humus? Q8) Which plant species should be grown to control chemical water pollution? SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS: Q9) Throw some light on functions of water. Q10) Humans are considered as an important resource on earth. Justify the statement. Q11) How does climate affect the process of soil formation? Q12) Describe the four methods of soil conservation. Q13) Give an account of rain water harvesting along with various methods. Q14) Growing legumes can enhance soil fertility. How? Q15) How can we deal with water pollution? LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS: Q16) What is the concept of value addition? Describe various values in detail. Q17) Which human activities led to the degradation of soil? Explain any three in detail. Q18) Which sustainable efforts should be adopted by humans to control global warming? Q19) How is water distributed on the earth? Q20) Growing population puts pressure on available water resources. Examine the statement. SUBJECT:-HIS/CIVICS SYLLABUS:

CH-1 MODERN INDIA (HIS) CH-2 COLONISATION OF INDIA (HIS) CH 3 THE COMPANY’S CIVIL ADMINISTRATION AND REVENUE POLICY( HIS) CH-1 THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION (CIV) CH-2 UNDERSTANDING SECULARISM (CIV) Very Short answer type questions Q1. When did the British complete their first census survey of India? Q2. Name a scholar who divided the Indian history into three broad periods on the basis of religion. Q3. What does religious history deal with? Q4. When did British annex Sind? Q5. When and where did the English East India Company establish its first trade settlement? Q6. What is a buffer state?

Q7. When was the Supreme court set up in Calcutta? Q8. Who introduced the permanent settlement in Bengal in 1793? Q9. In British India who was the most important civil servant in a district? Q10. Define the terms i) Sovereign ii) Republic Q11. Who defines the powers of the government? Q12. What is a Federal Government? Q13. Which rights of the Indian citizens can be enforced by the courts? Q14. What do you understand by the term Secularism? Q15. Which kind of State is called a Secular state? Short answer type questions Q1. What is the importance of dates in history? Q2. What led to the Battle of Plassey? What was the result? Q3. Write briefly about the Ryoti system of indigo cultivation. Q4. Justify the statement “There is a balance of power among the three organs of government”. Q5. Why do government institutions have holiday on all major festival days? Long answer type questions Q1. Why do you think colonization accompanied modernization? What was its impact on the colonies? Q2. What were the terms of Lord Wellesleys Subsidiary alliance? Q3. Briefly describe the indigo revolts and their outcome in Bengal. Q4. Why is it important to promote fraternity in India? Q5. Why is Secularism important for India’s unity?

Project Work Design a Newspaper (4 pages)

Theme: Love For Peace (5 marks)

Country: KENYA

Aspects: Historical Background, Culture, Demography, Current Government, Tourism, Religions followed etc

Find out the information about two important personalities each of KENYA and INDIA who have worked towards WORLD PEACE.

Create a 4 page newspaper to present your project. Use as many pictures and news- paper cutting along with written information. Also give an appropriate title to your self-designed newspaper.

Subject: Maths Syllabus:- Rational Numbers, Exponents And Powers, Square And Square Roots, Cube And Cube Roots

Q1. Find a rational number between ଵଷ and ଵ

ସ .

Q2. Find the product of additive inverse and multiplicative inverse of -5

Q3. Find the value of (3-1 + 4-1 + 5-1).

Q4. Find the value of {(-3)-2}-3

Q5. Find the value of x+x(x)x when x =2

Q6. Find the value of 13+23+33 .

Q7. Find the value of ଶଽସସ

Q8. If the value of 15625 =125 , then find the value of 156.25 + 1.5625

Q9. If a2 = b3 + c3 + d3, where a,b,c,d are four different natural numbers then find the least value of a Q10. If 3 -2744 ÷ 3 0.343 = x then find the value of x.

Q11. Divide the sum of 2 ଵସ and 5 ଵ

ହ by the product of 2 ଵ

ସ and

ଶଷ ?

Q12. If x = ଶଷ , y = ସ

ହ , z = ଷ

ସ Show that x (y + z) (x y) + (x z)

Q13. If 52x+1 25 = 125, find x?

Q14. Simplify ቀଶଷቁଶ൨ଷ

× ቀଵଷቁଶ

× 3-1 x ଵ


Q15. Find the least number which must be added to 306452 to make it a perfect square?

Q16. Find the least number which must be subtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square? Q17. Find the square root of the following:

i) 5776 ii) 7921 Q18. Find the cube roots of the following:

i) -226981 ii) -13824 Q19. Find the cube roots of the following:

i) ଽଶଵସଶହ

ii) ଷସଷ


Q20. What number should be added to

so as to get ହଽ ?

Q21. Simplify the following:

) ଶହ +

ଷ + ଵଵ

ଵହ + ସ

ହ + ଶ

) ଵ

ଵଶ + ହ

ଵ -


Q22. Divide the following: i)

ଶଷ by ସ

ii) -4 by ଷହ

Q23. Simplify:

i) ቀଷଶቁଶ

× ቀଷଶቁଷ

× ቀଷଶቁହ

ii) (2-1 5-1)2 x ቀହቁଵ

Q24. Find the reciprocal of the rational number ቀଵଶቁଶ


Q25. Find the least perfect square number which is exactly divisible by each of the numbers 8, 12, 15 and 20?

Q26. Find the square root of 17 upto three decimal places. Q27. Find the cube roots of the following negative numbers:

i) -125 ii) -216 iii) -5832 iv) -32768 Q28. Find the cube roots of the following:

i) 0.001728 ii 0 0.068921

Q29. Find a rational number between ସହ and


Q30. For x = ସ and y =


verify that (x X y)-1 = x-1 x y-1

Q31. The cost of 5 ଵ m of wire is Rs. 21ଷ

ସ . What is the cost of 1m of wire?

Q32. How many pieces of ribbon of length 6 ଶଷ cm can be cut off from a ribbon of length 1.20m?

Q33. Write the following in usual form:

i) 6.5 x 10-6 ii) 1.001 x 109 Q34. Write the following in standard form:

i) 4340000 ii) 124000 iii) 0.4579 iv) 0.00004 Q35. Find the squares of the following by using column and diagonal method:

i) 25 ii) 54 iii) 22 iv) 35 Q36. Find the square root of following by Prime factorisation method:

i) 400 ii) 100 Q37. Find the cubes of the following by column method:

i) 45 ii) 81 iii) 20 iv) 61 Q38. Find the greatest 5 digit number that is a perfect Square:

Q39. Find the least 6 digit number that is a perfect Square: Q40. Find the Square Root of the following by Long Division Method: a) 627264 b) 793881 c) 209764 d) 207936

Subject: Science Syllabus: 1. Crop Production & Management 2. Synthetic Fibres and Plastics 3. Metals & Non-Metals 4. Cell Structure and Functions 5. Human Intervention in Natural Phenomena

I. Short Answer Type Questions – I (Word Limit: 10-15)

1. It is necessary to loosen the soil by ploughing before sowing seeds. Why is it necessary to level the soil

after ploughing? 2. Under what conditions the preservation and storage of Harvest is done? 3. Comment on the following statement “Plastics do not corrode on exposure to air and water”. 4. Can rayon be considered a regenerated fibre? Why? 5. Which elements come under the category of Noble Gases? 6. Name the product formed when phosphorus burns in air and write its formula also. 7. Name the organelle which is known as the suicide bags of the cell. Why it is called so? 8. What features are possessed by both plants cells and animal cells? 9. What are the different methods used to prepare a slide for viewing? 10. What is biogas? What is it produced from? 11. What are the two ways by which we can reduce our carbon footprint? 12. Rahul was learning how to cook food. His mother strictly told him not to wear nylon clothes in the

kitchen. Why? 13. As a responsible citizen, what are the 4R’s principle one should remember? 14. Which property must a substance possess for it to be possible to make thin wires of the material? 15. What does LPG stands for? What is the composition of LPG?

II. Short Answers Type Questions – II (Word Limit: 30-40) 16. Give Scientific reasons for the following :-

a) Seeds should be sown at a proper depth in the soil b) Weeds should be removed from the crop

17. Why should we discourage the use of chemical fertilizers? 18. Why does a farmer rotate crops in the field? 19. Difference between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics and give two examples of each. 20. Draw the two different arrangements of monomers in plastics with their labelling. 21. Give the characteristic properties and important uses of the following:-

a) Polythene b) Polystyrene c) Poly vinyl chloride 22. How can you show experimentally that magnesium is more reactive than copper? 23. “The eating away of metals due to the action of moisture and atmospheric gases is termed as Corrosion”.

Justify the statement with the help of two suitable examples. 24. With the help of suitable chemical reactions show that how metals & non-metals react with oxygen (2

examples each) 25. Describe the structure of nucleus with a well labelled diagram. 26. Why is cell division useful to an organism? 27. On what basis Golgi bodies are considered as shipping centres of the cell? 28. “Trees are Carbon Sink”. Do you agree with the given statement? 29. The average temperature of the Earth is increasing day by day. Why is it so? What are the ill effects if it

happens? 30. How should we work to make sure our fuel sources last?

III. Long Answers Type Questions (Word Limit: 40-50)

31. Define Harvesting. Explain the various methods involved to harvest crops. 32. What is reactivity series of metals? On the basis of reactivity series, “Iron can displace copper from its salt

solution, but copper cannot displace it from its salt solution”. Justify the statement with the help of chemical reactions.

33. Explain the following organelles with their diagrams: a) Mitochondria b) Vacuoles c) Ribosomes

34. Both Coal and petroleum are fossil fuels. What is the difference and how they are formed? 35. What are man-made fibres called? Discuss their structure with a suitable diagram. What are their

Advantages? 36. Discuss in detail the techniques used for increasing crop yield. 37. Explain the common properties of different types of plastics. 38. What are the two broad categories of cells? Explain them with suitable examples. 39. “Forests are a Valuable Resource for us”. Should we conserve them? If yes, what are the ways to conserve

them? Explain in detail.