Issue 174 • Summer 2013 The Association of Ex-Round Tablers’ Clubs Great Britain and Ireland A member of the Round Table Family of Clubs THE MAGAZINE

Summer 2013

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The Summer 2013 edition of the magazine of the Association of Ex-Round Tablers Clubs

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Page 1: Summer 2013


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Page 2: Summer 2013


Page 3: Summer 2013

Life Is Full of Little Surprises

Club Awards

page 10

MG Motor Cars

3page 13

Helping you save


page 27

My Mate Diggers

page 19

Summer 2013


British sportsmen have produced a whole series of surprise victories this year in a wide variety of

sports, some of which we never believed could happen. It took 99 years for a Briton to win the

Tour de France, who would have though a second one would achieve it the following year. Who

would have predicted a British men’s singles winner at Wimbledon and it would have been a very

brave person who forecast that we would defeat the Australians at both rugby union and cricket

in the same year.

But surprises are not confined to the field of sport! You may be surprised to learn that we are still

chartering new 41 Clubs and that others are dramatically increasing their numbers. On page 6

you will see a list of new clubs with a total of nearly 50 members and another that trebled its

membership in one night. We have all heard the stories that many clubs are finding it difficult to

find new members, but with some lateral thinking and some positive action new members can

often be found. We are fully aware that some clubs will close with time but I ask you to

seriously consider if there is some way that your club could find members from the thousands of

ex-Tablers that never joined 41 Club in the past or could help promote new younger clubs for

those that have left Round Table in the last 15 years.

Four of our members also received surprises at the 2013 AGM in Llandudno, when it was

announced that two had been awarded Honorary Life Membership for their service to the club

and that two Association Awards had been awarded for long term attendance at conferences.

See the full details on page 10.

Last year’s presidential appeal raised over £50,000 for Prostate Cancer Research, a great result

due entirely to the generosity of many of our members. This year President Martin has nominat-

ed Macmillan Cancer Support as his charity. Please do your best to support this very worthwhile

organisation. You can start by organising a coffee morning on the 27th September as part of the

World’s Biggest Coffee Morning. See page 26 for details of how

you can help and surprise us all by the amount we can jointly raise.

2013 is full of surprises for us all.


[email protected]

The Association of

ex-Round Tablers’ Clubs

great Britain and Ireland

A member of the

Round Table Family of Clubs



41 Club, Marchesi House

4 Embassy Drive



B15 1TP

Tel: 0121 456 4402

email: [email protected]

Front Cover

Abingdon was famous as the home of

MG Cars. We now have a new MG from

Abingdon, Martin Green, who is featured here

in the MG sports car, which is used to

promote Macmillan Cancer Support,

his charity for the year.

Although 41 Club makes every effort to

ensure accuracy, we can accept no

responsibility for errors or omissions,

or guarantee an advertising insertion,

date, position, or special promotion.

© All information in this publication

is copyright of 41 Club.

Views expressed by advertisers are their own.



1st October 2013

The Purposes and Objects of the Association of Ex-Round Tablers’ Clubs (41 Club)

To promote amongst the constituent clubs and those eligible for membership, the following objects:

• To continue to promote opportunities for fellowship amongst former members of Round Table

• To encourage active involvement in the Community

• To use our experience in support of the Round Table Family

• To encourage international relationships

These objects to be promoted through regular meetings and other activities.


oTheR pAgeS - 4. The latest MG from Abingdon; 5. Tangent / Ladies Circle; 6. National News;

7. Scarborough 88 Round Table; 8. 41 Club Archive Room; 9. Memories of Llandudno;

11. Reflections on the Llandudno Conference / 2013 AGM Results; 12. International AGM / Transmanche Members meet again;

14. Calling All Petrol Heads / The Other Round Table 15. Showtime!; 20. Club News; 22. six days-420 miles;

23. Past Presidents in Spain / Thanks a Millennium; 24. Mens Health; 25. Noticeboard;

26. Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning; 28. Grumpy Ex-Tablers; 29. Obituaries; 30. Small Ads;


Page 4: Summer 2013

As one of my first visits as your National President, I attendedthe reunion of the Past President’s in the Andalusian district ofSpain. A very pleasant and sunny break with guys who havedone the ‘job’ before and appreciate and understand what itentails. In nearly all cases I received positive feedback fromeveryone there.

However one comment I received from one Past President (I amnot saying who it was from) was that in his opinion ‘the wholeRound Table Movement is terminally ill’!


Is that how it is?

It is true – our numbers at the moment are dwindling – andmany of you will know that the National Board are taking everyinitiative possible to address this.

Round Table numbers are growing – some very positive newsat their AGM in Harrogate that they have ‘turned the corner’ andtheir membership is growing.

Same story in Ladies Circle. Numbers are growing, clubs areopening…..

So what are we doing to stop us becoming ‘terminally ill’?

In my first six weeks in the job, I have seen nothing but positiveClubs. I took great pleasure in chartering Lichfield Spires 41Club – a second Club in Lichfield that the very active Tablershave set up to overcome the age gap between them retiring at45 and the existing 41Club. 22 new members!!!

I also attended the chartering of Grantham 40+ Club. This Clubhas been in existence for 53 years and never enjoyed the ben-efits of membership of the National Association. More newmembers!

And I hear of more things going on. A new Club in Coventry –very dear to my heart as I was born there – hopefully this will bechartered soon. I also discovered there is a non-affiliatedFARTS Club in Coventry – perhaps we can get them on boardas well?

We must be positive about this. The Membership Team – nowunder the stewardship of Duncan Kennedy – have a series ofinitiatives that they are acting on.

• Resolving why there are over 100 Round Tables without a 41 Club.

• Opening new Clubs where the age gap between Tableand the existing Club is too large.

• Finding the guys who left Table and never joined 41 Club and inviting them to a meeting and to join.

• Looking for the younger guys so they become Tablersand 41ers of the future.


However the Membership Team cannot do this alone! This ‘terminal ill-ness’ can be reversed by our members doing what they can to providea legacy for the future in 41 Club.

Terminally ill – no, under treatment – yes!

Sadly most of us know of friends and relatives who have been affectedby Cancer. I have spoken at the AGM, and at every function I haveattended, passionately about my charity – Macmillan Cancer Support. The statistics are frightening - 889 diagnoses a day – one in three of uswill get cancer – 2 million cases in the uK – it goes on. Macmillan lastyear spent £106million on services for people affected by cancer, theyhad 3.4million ‘hits’ on their website by people looking for informationand support.

Macmillan need our help! Please consider carrying out some form ofFund Raising event for them. The National Councillors all have fundraising kits, books of fund raising ideas and presentations they cancarry out at one of your Club meetings. Please remember that one dayyou may need Macmillan’s help…..

Congratulations to Maldon 41 Club who have agreed that they will havea Master at Arms at every meeting this year, who will fine anyone notwearing a 41Club badge – with the proceeds to Macmillan. Please wearour badge with pride. No badge – or even a badge from another serv-ice club - is really not on, and this is a great way of raising some funds,and getting everyone to wear our badge every meeting.

41 Club pin badges are really cheap and can be gotfrom our new sales website www.41clubsales.co.uk.Barry Durman – our Fellowship Officer – is doing greatthings at the moment with sales and members benefits. Wider Wallet – our new benefit schemeenables you to save loads of money at many highstreet names such as Sainsbury’s, Currys/PC Worldand the suchlike. Your annual savings atSainsbury’s alone are enough to pay your capi-tation 20 times over. So no more moaning aboutour capitation when you can make savings likethat by being a member!

Llandudno and the start of my year seems a longtime ago now – and Bournemouth Conference isa long way away in the future. My thanks go toeveryone who has so far made Maria and I sowelcome wherever we have been. It is an honourto be your National President and I am enjoyingevery moment of it!

Martin GreenNational President

[email protected]


Sponsored by 'Old Speckled Hen'The MG beer.

Page 5: Summer 2013



Hello Gentlemen,

For those that don’t know me, my name is Karen Durie and I amthe new President of Tangent. My first task is to congratulatePresident Martin and to wish him a fantastic year of fun and friendship.

I am really grateful to 41 Club because without them I would notbe where I am today. I was never in Ladies Circle as I only teamedup with my partner, Graham Smith, when he was already a 41Club member so I joined Wokingham Tangent as a result and therest is history!

My theme for the year is “Travelling with my shoes” and my intention is to choose a different pair of shoes each week which Iwill wear to all the TANGENT events that I attend in that week andthe shoes will then tell the story of my year. When I ran the ideapast Graham his comment was “But have you got 52 pairs ofshoes?” Silly question! Of course I have but if not I’ll just buy somemore!

You can read about my travels on the Tangent website andalready when I arrive at an event many people (even the men) askabout my shoes so it proves our members are looking at the website if nothing else.

I am supporting Look Good, Feel Better as my charity for the year.You may not have heard of this charity before but they are anational charity and they run free make up workshops for womenwith cancer so while I hope that none of your family have to usetheir services, for obvious reasons, if they do I am sure they willfind their support a great help in dealing with the visible effects ofcancer. I am hoping to raise their profile as well as funds this year.My charity was chosen independently but they do complementthe work of Macmillan Cancer Support, Martin’s chosen charity forthe year.

I’m off now to count my shoes and make sure I have enough pairsto cover the rest of the year. If not I hope to have lots more opportunities to buy some more on my travels and I hope to catchup with you all at some point during the year.

KaRen DuRieTangent National President 2013-14

I am thrilled to be able to have theopportunity to bring you an updateon Ladies Circle as the NationalPresident 2013/2014.

Firstly, congratulations to Martinand the new Board on your posts.We are looking forward to workingwith 41Club and the Round TableFamily throughout the year.

Circle membership has grown yetagain. We put this down to the hard work of the 2012/2013National Exec, our great new website and the brilliant Side bySide work between the Round Table Family and Ladies Circle.We have chartered 7 new Circles in the past 12 months with anumber in the pipeline for this coming year. All positive news!

The Ladies Circle National Charity for 2013/2014 is Whizz-Kidz.This charity provides disabled children and young people withvital mobility equipment, opportunities to meet and have fun,and training to help them gain skills and look forward to abright future and to give young disabled people the independ-ence to enjoy a more active childhood. There are an estimated 70,000 disabled children and young people in theuK waiting for a wheelchair that fits their young lives. Thewheelchair is just the start…

The Ladies Circle Charity Challenge is ‘2014 Pedal for Pounds’to be held over the Easter Holidays 2014. We will be cyclingfrom Southport to Skegness covering over 220 miles, climbing1,400 feet in less than 30 miles, covering some hills that arebetter described as walls. This challenge will be characterbuilding and a tough goal. Considering what the Whizz-Kidzhave to cope with each day this will be a walk in the park. If youdo fancy joining the girls we would love to have you by ourside, even a wave from the side of the road will be most welcome.

The Ladies Circle 2013 National Ball will be held on the 28September 2013 at Drayton Manor, Tamworth with the themeof ‘Out of Africa’. We really look forward to having you join us,why not even make a weekend of it and spend some time inthe Theme Park (there are a few good golf courses close bytoo).

Make it fun, make it happy, have a dream, have the confidenceyou can achieve your goals as EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE ifyou put your mind to it.

Yours in friendship

RutH CuRRyNational President 2013/2014Ladies Circle GB & I


Page 6: Summer 2013


The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning

Make a note in your diary for the 27th September, thedate of the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning. HelpMacmillan Cancer Support in this major fund raisingexercise and have fun at the same time. From just asmall gathering of a few friends to a major functionwith games and prizes it is up to you! Turn to page 26for details on how you can help.

A Letter to the President

Dear Martin

You may or may not have heard about the recent news that King’s Lynn &District 41 Club has had a fantastic revival at their AGM, which I attended asa guest.

They went from six mostly older generation ex Round Table members toalmost three times that in one night, the influx came from ex Round TableKing’s Lynn & District 54, with several new members taking up committeepositions immediately to help regenerate the group and create a fresh programme of events.

Although there was talk of possibly forming a new 41 Club for this group ofex Round Table King’s Lynn & District 54 members, I understood they cameto a decision before the AGM to join the existing 41 Club and inject new lifeinto it, which I hope you agree makes a great news story.

If there’s chance to include this in the news letter and/or the 41 Club websiteit would be appreciated, giving encouragement to other clubs and maybesomething that could be used in Table too, helping to suggest some of the‘hanger ons’ let the organisation get back to its roots of being a young mansalternative to Rotary!

Yours in Continued Friendship

Des FulcherNICE - FounderNorwich Fireworks - Founder41 Club - Deputy National Councillor (Region 17)Round Table 2012-2013 National President’s Plc - Sales Officer

Welcome to 41 Club

We are pleased to welcome the following clubs who have been approved for affiliation:

Lichfield Spires 41 Club Region 14 15 membersLymm & District 41 Club Region 11 19 membersDragons 41 Club Region 12 10 membersBideford 41 Club Region 22 5 members

Plus the re-affilation of;

Bootle, Crosby & District 41 Club Region 8 10 members

Welcome to you all.


New Honorary Webmaster Required

Our excellent and long serving webmaster, David Hewitt, has let usknow that he will be standing down from the post in April 2014.David has served the Association and the National Council well forthe past 10 years and we will undoubtedly miss his experience andthe humour and fellowship he brings.

We are aware that the web site needs some updating but we alsowant to link it more closely with social media sites such asFacebook, Twitter and LinkedIn which are used extensively by ourtarget market Round Tablers who have recently left or will leaveRound Table shortly. The National Council believe the web site andother related items such as Apps and use of social media will forma key role in the development of our Communications andMembership strategy.

The National Board are looking to appoint a new honorary webmaster and feel it would be beneficial to link the appointmentwith the development of the updated web site. We are therefore looking for a fully paid up member of 41 Club who could possiblyundertake both the role of developer and on-going webmaster.

If you are skilled in web site development, have a good knowledgeof the interface with social media and would be interested in the roleof honorary webmaster we would like to hear from you. The webmaster is an honorary member of the National Council andwhilst it is not compulsory it is expected that the person appointedwould attend most National Council meetings. This is a great opportunity for a member of 41 Club to get more involved with theAssociation, make a difference to our communications and membership strategy and extend their fellowship with other committed members of National Council.

The responsibility for the appointment will be led by the ForwardPlanning Committee so please contact Jim Smith, National Vice-President and chair of Forward Planning either on [email protected] or on 07958 610183 to register an interest by 30 September 2014.

Jim SmithNational Vice President

Page 7: Summer 2013


Scarborough 88 Round TableCelebrates 50 Years of Friendship and Twinning.

On the cold, dark evening of Saturday, 6 April 2013, in Doetinchem, The Netherlands, 160 people gathered to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of a Dutch Round Table,Aalten No 88. In amongst that group was a party of 42 guests from Scarborough. At a suitablejuncture in the evening, Mike Thorpe from the Scarborough guests, was invited to address theassembly.

Mick reminded the audience that 50 years earlier in 1963 he, as the then Secretary ofScarborough Round Table No 88, had received a letter, with a Dutch postmark, which carriedan invitation. The invitation was for Scarborough Table (No 88) to send a single delegate toattend the inauguration and presentation of the charter of incorporation to the 88th DutchRound Table, to be known as Aalten.

When the invitation was reported to the Scarborough Round Table members, such was theenthusiastic response that Mick was obliged to respond to the invitation by asking if sevenScarborough Tablers could attend the event. The Dutch were delighted to be able to meet sucha request so that the following members of Scarborough Round Table later made the crossingto the charter celebration at Montferland on 16 May 1963: Denis Chapman, John Ellender, TomPindar, Geoff Rhodes, Colin Sedgwick, Mick Thorpe (Secretary) and Arnold Wilson (Chairman).The 1963 evening was a splendid occasion with 287 people enjoying the birth of a new RoundTable. Mick explained to the audience the proceedings that took place in 1963 to create thenew Round Table. He was able to draw on a report in the official history of Scarborough RoundTable, published in 1968. Mick had even kept the menu for the evening as a souvenir, and heproduced it to show the 2013 Dutch that back in 1963 they enjoyed such delights as "Chipolatapudding".

Mick struck a poignant note when he reminded the 2013 gathering that, regrettably, of the 18members of the then new Dutch Round Table in 1963, only one, Wim Smees, still survives.Sadly Wim was too ill to attend the event. Of the intrepid 1963 Scarborough party only threewere still living. Two of these, Tom Pindar and Denis Chapman, were unfortunately unable toundertake the trip to Holland for health reasons. Both had sent their warmest personal greet-ings via Mick to Dutch friends old and new.

The visit to Holland in 1963 was marked by a particular kindness that has remained one of thekey features of all such visits since. All seven Scarborough Tablers were able to stay in thehomes of Aalten Tablers. Mick, speaking as he was in English, didn't need to point out to theaudience that all the Scarborough contingent still benefited from the impressive linguistic skillsof the Dutch and their impressive fluency in English, conversely matched by the poor efforts inDutch by various Scarborough speakers!

The original English party of 1963 spent a week in Holland and built up such a friendship that,before long, a return visit by the Dutch to Scarborough was planned. So it was that, in May1964, four Dutch Tablers from Aalten 88, with their wives, made the crossing to Scarborough.

The fellowship and friendship engendered from those early visits was so warm and mutual thatthey continue to this day. The two Clubs meet every two and a half years, alternating location.Now visits last over a long weekend, and Round Tablers past and present, with their partners,enjoy a weekend of events to help them to get to know their hosts' area better and to meetsocially. On the Saturday evening there is a formal dinner and dance, although formality soonwavers as liquid hospitality is shared and enjoyed. In another tradition of the Saturday evening,members of each club in turn perform a light-hearted (and often badly-rehearsed) sketch orsong. Most importantly, the tradition of staying in each other's homes has endured since 1963,cemented by many long-lasting friendships, which continue beyond the regular twinning visits.

Mick concluded his presentation by reminding everyone that the friendship that had been bornthat night had been infectious. Now, Round Table clubs with the number 8 or 88 in countriesaround Europe get together every year to meet and celebrate their unique fellowship at the"Eights Meeting". Furthermore, the twinning and friendship had been extended to each of ourlocal Rotary Clubs with the Rotary Club of Scarborough Cavaliers twinning with the Rotary Clubof Aalten Wisch. The Dutch Rotarians and partners made their visit to Scarborough in April2013. What was special from that first meeting 50 years ago in 1963 has remained special throughout the years:

• Long-lasting and close friendships between Dutch and English members of Round Table.

• An extension of that friendship to partners and families as we welcome each other into our respective homes.

• A deep respect for the shared culture and values that the Dutch and English have, and an enjoyment and appreciation of our differences.

Mick ended his presentation with a toast that all present shared: "May the con tinued and deepening friendship between the two 88 Round Table clubs of Scarborough and Aalten continue for a further 50 years and more."

Page 8: Summer 2013


The New 41 Club Archive Room

I am sure you were delighted as much as I was that David Addison, our formerHonorary Archivist, after seventeen years in the post, was awarded at the AGM,Honorary Life Membership, the highest award the Association can give.

Over the years David has collected a vast amount of material about the historyof the Association and 41 Clubs. The job of scanning all archive documents iscurrently drawing to a close, which will shortly enable members to search on-line for any document within the collection.

As well as collecting documents, David amassed a number of artefacts frompresentation tankards to gifts given to Past Presidents of 41 Club, along with arange of interesting and nostalgic photographs.

If you have been to Marchesi House recently you will have noted that RoundTable have decorated and refurbished a number of their rooms including theBoard Room, a specific committee room showing the life and times of LouisMarchesi and a corridor displaying the international side of Round Table.

41 Club rents a small room on the second floor alongside these refurbishedRound Table rooms, and I am pleased to report that our room has now beencleaned, decorated and fitted out with storage units, display cabinets and adesk to show off our Archive Material.

The accompanying photographs show the new 41 Club Archive Room withartefacts now displayed and photographs remounted for all to see. There isplenty of spare storage space available as there is still work to do in sourcingfuture archive items, labelling the artefacts and sorting out attractive scanneddocuments for display, but I am sure when you visit you will be as proud as I amof our new room and that it complements the refurbishment work that RoundTable have done.

PS. I am now a dab hand with a screwdriver and available for the assembly offlat pack furniture if required at a very competitive price!!

HuGH MilwaRDHonorary Archivist

Page 9: Summer 2013


The best Thursday night entertainment for 20 years

The Fancy Dress Ball exceeded our expectations, the

atmosphere and decorations as weentered the room were quite magical,

John Prescott was a fantastic choice and again the food and

entertainment were of the highest standard

Well done - all your hard work and commitment gave us all a very well organised and

enjoyable 4 days ............. thankyou

It has taken me more than 25 years to acknowledge the fact that

I have left Round Table and am therefore over 40 and attend our first

41 Club Conference. I dont think it will be our last!!

You all put in a great effortand it went very well. Very wellorganised with good arrange-

ments, good food and very good company

Many thanks to you and yourwonderful team for a truely

excellent conference. What alot of hard work, but what a

super result

‘Tom Jones’ made a greatConference truly exceptional

Page 10: Summer 2013

Two New Honorary Life MembersIn the history of 41 Club only five members have been award-

ed the ultimate award for services to the club, honorary life

membership, all of whom have now sadly passed away. The

National Council was therefore looking for a new potential life

member and identified two candidates who between them

have voluntarily devoted 26 years of service to the club.

David Addison for 17 years as Honorary Archivist and David

Hewitt 9 years as the Honorary Web Master. It was decided

that both would be awarded at the Llandudno Conference.

Here we can see the citation for David Hewitt and President

David Smith making the presentation, one of the last acts he

performed as National President. unfortunately David

Addison was unable to attend the AGM and so his presenta-

tion will feature in a later magazine.

Association Awards

For me, one of the many highlights of last April’s Conference in Llandudno was

presenting Association Awards to two of our more senior members in recognition of

their commitment to attendance at Conference. Graham Clamp of Swadlincote &

District 41 Club and Nora have attended thirty five conferences and Alan Culver of

Loughborough & District 41 Club and Rosemary have been to thirty three. And not

content with visiting our own conferences both couples have been to many 41

International AGMs over the years. I have known them for a long time as coinciden-

tally they both hail from my Region, number 10 East Midlands.

I think they were both stunned to receive their Awards when they were

presented at the Banquet and Ball but both had recovered their composure by the

next morning when they insisted on speaking at the AGM to thank the Association

for their Awards – Alan giving his customary ‘Mr Pastry’ impression and having the

meeting in stitches with Graham endorsing his comments but

in a more sober manner – as befits a former Chief Engineer

of a Brewery.

Both of them devote their energies to promoting the 41 Club

Ideal locally, nationally and internationally and both firmly

encapsulate that marvellous slogan of Old Tablers Sweden –

“Still Tabling”.

DaviD SMitHImmediate Past President


Page 11: Summer 2013

Reflections on theLlandudno Conferenece

It seems only yesterday the 41 / Tangent Conference finished in

Llandudno. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone on

the committee and feel I should mention them by name and their rolls

in organizing the conference:

Andrew Mackereth - Conference Chairman / Registration Finance Convener

Lawrence Bamber - Vice Chairman / Local man on the ground

Kevin Lovett - Treasurer / Catering Convener

Duncan Baldwin - Secretary / AGM Convener

Ray Hill - Registration Officer and general computer whiz kid

Sue Hill - Tangent Day Chairman

Pauline Ormerod - Design, Publicity and Room Decoration

David ‘Sharky’ Barker - Entertainment / Transport

Doreen Lovett - Deputy Registration Officer

Barry Durman - National Fellowship Officer

I would also like to thank Mildred Mackereth, John Ormerod, David

‘Barcardi’ Yardley , Ernie Husson to name but a few for all their help

and assistance Without this help Conference would have been very

difficult to run with such a small committee. The Committee and

helpers worked their socks off to produce the best Conference ever

and we now hand over the baton to Bournemouth 2014 Conference,

wishing them every success.

Finally I would like to thank all of our guests for all their compliments

during and after Conference, which really were appreciated by the

whole committee.


anDRew MaCKeRetHRetired Conference Committee Chairman 2013

2013 AGM ResultsFor those members who were not at the 2013 AGM in Llandudno ordid not watch the event on the website as it was video streamed live– I include the results of the resolutions and elections below.Should you wish to view the AGM again or for the first time there isa replay available on our website – please enjoy.


ReSoLUTIoN 1National Council proposed that Rule 4.8 was amended to read asfollows:

In exceptional cases where a past member of Round Table does notreside within the accepted catchment area of any suitable affiliated41 Club he may apply to the National Council for individual mem-bership. If so approved he will receive the rights and privileges ofmembership but shall not be eligible to vote at a General Meetingof the Association and shall pay a full capitation fee.

Result: CARRIeD

ReSoLUTIoN 2National Council proposed that Rule 17.3 was amended to read asfollows:

Every constituent club shall be entitled to send one delegate,appointed from its full members, who shall not be a current mem-ber of the National Board, to a General Meeting. Each constituentClub shall have one vote on any resolution at a General Meeting(subject to Rule 4.6). Such vote shall be given either by the votingdelegate appointed by the constituent Club from its own member-ship and attending the meeting or by a proxy voting delegate whoshall not be a member of the National Board. Any constituent Clubmay appoint a proxy voting delegate from another constituent Clubto attend the General Meeting and vote on its behalf providing thatthe name of the proxy delegate shall have been registered with theNational Secretary not less than 72 hours before the Meeting. Aproxy voter may also vote for his own club but may not be a proxyvoter for more than one club. Members of more than one club maycarry a single vote for each clubs of which they are members.

Result: CARRIeD

ReSoLUTIoN 3National Council proposed that Rule 18.3 (e) (i), (ii) and (iii) wereamalgamated into one line item (i) and amended to read as follows:Rule 18.3 (e) (i)Presentation and agreement of the capitation fee and budget for theensuring year, which will include honoraria for National Officers,mileage rates and weekend allowance for members of the NationalCouncil and any approved costs properly incurred on theAssociation’s business.

Result: CARRIeD


Jim Smith of Bishop’s Stortford was elected National Vice-President. Duncan Kennedy of Barry 41 Club was electedNational Membership and Round Table Liaison Officer.

If you require any further information please contact either myself orthe National Councillor covering your Region.See you at next Year’s AGM!

Manny MaRtinSNational Secretary


Page 12: Summer 2013


41 Club International AGMThe 37th Annual GeneralMeeting of 41 Internationalwas held in Interlaken,Switzerland on Saturday27th April 2013. Seventeen countries were representedat the meeting which waschaired by the outgoingPresident Krishna Kumarfrom India. Treasurer JohnLivingston gave a financereport during which heexplained that there were savings made due to their being nopaper copy of the “Hinge” magazine and also the sponsorshipof the International directory. However a loss of 3,055 Euros wasrecorded due to the French refusing to pay their fees, havingresigned from 41 International at the previous AGM. There werealso legal costs incurred to protect the organisation’s name androndel. Minor wording changes to the International rules were allcarried.The following 3 motions were also carried :-

Rule 3 (a) 2Existing Rule : Associations whose affiliated clubs have theoption to extend their membership to Ex-Tabler friends on thecondition that the rules of admission of such members are in linewith the standard practice of Round Table.

Proposed addition to rule : Such friends of Ex-Tablers can onlyenjoy our fellowship and will not have the right to participate asdelegates, nor will they have the right to vote or be nominated tovote.

Additional Rule 12 (c)Any resolution moved at a 41 International AGM (Whether adopted or rejected) may not be brought forward for considera-tion at the following AGM. In case such resolution is brought forward at a later AGM, it needs to be tabled again before beingvoted on.

Addition to Rule 3 (b)From the year 2013, it has been adopted that for the expansionand growth of the association, that countries having less than 3clubs will be eligible to join as full members. For matters relatingto voting, fees payable and hosting, they will be governed byRules 7 (a), 10 (d) and 10 (f) respectively.

election of officers

There being no other nomination Englebert Friedsam from

Germany was appointed as Vice-President for the year 2015-16

An election was held for the post of International Secretary, the

position was appointed to Dr V Siddharthan from India

other board positions are :

Past President – Krishna Kumar from India

International President – Christoph Haenssler from Switzerland

Vice President ( 2013-2014) – Carsten Flink from Denmark

Vice President (2014-2015) – Makarios Charalambides from Cyprus

Treasurer – John Livingston from GB & I


Honorary Archivist – Vaughan Harris from GB & I

Honorary Webmaster – Erik Liljencrantz from Sweden

Honorary Editor – Dr Dixon C Tembo from Zambia

ulver Oswald from Germany received a merit award in

appreciation for his services to the Young Ambassador

Programme for which he has been convenor for many years.

Next year’s International AGM will be held in Korsor, Denmark on

Saturday 3rd May 2014

Dave CaMpbell International Officer

Transmanche Members meet againAround 80 members from over twenty 41 clubs attended the 2013 Transmanche meeting which thisyear was held in Dover. The joint meeting which is between France Region 1 (Pas de Calais) and GB& I Region 25 (Kent) was the third to take place between the groups and has become established asan annual event.

The day started with a civic reception hosted by the Mayor of Dover, Anne Smith. She welcomed theparty and gave a short speech highlighting the amenities that the town could offer visiting groups. Afteran exchange of gifts, refreshments were available and the town regalia was put on display.

A lunch was held at the Dover Marina Hotel at which Banners were exchanged and speeches made.Our French friends were keen to stress that despite the withdrawal of their Association from 41 Clubinternational, they were delighted that such meetings would be unaffected by their board’s decision.

Then followed a visit to the Dover Museum, one of the oldest in Kent, founded over 175 years ago in 1836. The museum exhibits include aBronze Age boat, discovered in the area whist undertaking road improvements, plus a detailed history of the region dating back to the BronzeAge.

After a farewell drink in the Eight Bells the French members returned to the nearby ferry port for their return journey.

In 2014 it will be the turn of our French friends to host the Transmanche meeting. It has been suggested that we make the visit a weekendevent, thus enabling more people from both sides of the channel to participate – Watch this space !

Dave CaMpbellInternational Officer

More information on Dover Museum at www.dovermuseum.co.uk

Page 13: Summer 2013

My MGB is a 1981 limited edition ‘Last of the Line’. It has just done

28000 miles, still on the original tyres, which have passed the MOT!!

It is shown decorated up for our daughter’s wedding in Suffolk last

year when it transported the bride and groom from the church to the


Allan Richards

Rayleigh 41 Club

My MG TC race car I have had for ten years and race it on

a regular basis, having won a number of championships.

Peter House

Brighouse 41 Club

1972 MGB GT. I have owned this for 4 years. The car has

only done 22,000 miles since it was restored in 1999. I

show it at classic car shows in the North West and it can

often be seen on road runs with the Potteries and South

Cheshire MG Owners’ Club.

Stephen Dent

Middlewich and District 41 Club

My first car was a1932 J2 Type which I sold for £95 when

I was called up for National Service.

David Widdows

Belper & Disrict 41 Club

I have a brown 1979 MG Midget. All in good order, have

had it for around 15 years and we go on a number of

rallies, including Masonic ones.

David Crocker

Leicester de Montfort 41 Club

1964 Mk 2 Midget. One of the first with wind up side windows and other

comforts of the day. I have owned this since 1966 and rebuilt it with my

son 24 years ago.

Bob Smith

South Leicester 41 Club


The November Magazine ……

Will feature members’ Morgan cars, old or new. A photograph and a

brief description please to [email protected] by the 1st of October.

Page 14: Summer 2013


My interest in classic cars started about 30 years ago when I bought my

first one which was a 1936 Austin 10. I kept it for about 10 years , then

bought a 1972 MGB Roadster, and sold it after I bought the E Type. I have

restored it to its present condition, which is near perfect. My wife, Susan,

and I toured Kilarney in it last summer and it was a joy to drive, even

though it only does 15mpg.

I recently started a new business venture of hiring classic cars for

weddings called Occasions Classic Car Hire. The fleet consist of the E

Type, a 1930s style Beauford, a Mercedes saloon and a Robinson R44

helicopter. I invite you to view our web site on www.occasionscch.co.uk

I would be interested to hear from any other classic petrol heads with the

view of organising a classic car fun run which would include an organised

scenic drive, picnic, dinner or whatever. It would not be limited to classic

car owners. Anyone with interesting cars or bikes new or old and petrol in

their veins (leaded or unleaded) who are keen to meet like-minded club

members are welcome

If interested, email me on [email protected]

Ian McGaw

Banbridge 41 Club


Eddie Parlour, a member of Mendip 41 Club, has writtena book entitled "The "Other" Round Table" and the bookis now available for sale.

Eddie would not normally be promoting this but theimportant thing is that any royalties will be donated tohis chosen charity, CLIC Sargent and he would obviously like to generate as many sales as possible.

To quote from the wording on the back page of the book "To most people Round Table means only one thing –King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.However, for many other people it has a separate, moreimportant meaning - being part of what is in the opinionof the author the greatest club ever formed for youngmen, The National Association of Round Tables or asthe members know it, RTBI (Round Table Britain andIreland). For these people, “The Other Round Table” is

membership of RTBI. This book is a celebration of the author's 14 yearshe had as a member of Round Table and incorporates a potted history ofMendip Round Table, the club where he spent the majority of his Table lifeand which sadly folded in 2001. Thus it is also a historical document asto what life was like being a member of Mendip Table during its existencefrom 1959 to 2001".

The book is a paper-back with the ISBN number 978-1-909544-53-6. Itcan be obtained on line either by going to Amazon UK and searching under"Eddie Parlour" or by going directly to the publishers website www.mem-oirspublishing.com, click under "Our Books" and then scroll down to findEddie Parlour under the authors. We understand that the royalties will begreater (about twice as much) if it is bought from the publisher.

Andy Lewis, Mendip 41 Club

Classic Car Meeting and DriveSeveral owners of classic cars have enquired as to

the possibility of holding a meeting and possibly a

drive of 41 Club members’ cars. Can you

please contact me if you are interested at

[email protected].

I would suggest that the best venue would be in the

Midlands, possible around Coventry (the historic

home of the British motor industry) or at the

museum at Gaydon. Timing would probably be in

mid 2014. I would get involved with the

organisation, but I would need someone on the

ground near to the venue to make all the final

arrangements, so could you help organise this?

I await your replies.

Ray Hill

National Communications Officer

Page 15: Summer 2013



An Invitation to Celebrate Stage MusicalsThe Curtains will go up and the Spotlights will be switched on in

on Thursday, 24th April, 2014.

With great regret, the Spotlights will have to be switched off and the Curtains brought down

on27th April 2014

Page 16: Summer 2013

INVITATION FROM THE CREATIVE DIRECTORMG Productions extend this invitation to one and all to come to Bournemouth, the most famous and best lovedholiday resort on the sunny south coast of England, to attend and enjoy life like a Celebrity.Under my direction, the Production Team of have scripted a three day “Party” to recapture the spirit ofTabling days and have taken inspiration from stage-based Musicals to do so. The Royal Bath Hotel houses many of the Dressing Rooms where Celebrities will be able to luxuriate for three days(or longer, if preferred). Naturally, the Dressing Rooms are close to the Green Room where everyone will be able tomeet up with other Celebrities who will have travelled from far and wide. Conveniently, the Hotel is also the venuefor the Opening Night. The Royal Bath Hotel’s Dressing Rooms will be in high demand. Appreciating that fact, we are offering a furtherunique selection of quality Dressing Rooms in other hotels which will suit every taste. All are close to the main GreenRoom and also to The Pavilion, where our main Stage is situated. As Dorset offers so much variety, Celebrities may wish to extend their stay by coming earlier and / or staying after . We look forward to welcoming all Celebrities and will roll out the Red Carpet, of course!

David Brown Creative Director and Chairman of the Production Team

P.S. As Celebrities, I need hardly remind you to pack your sunglasses not only because of the Red Carpet and the Paparazzi but also because of the glorious sunshine here on the south coast!P.P.S. Total numbers will be limited by the size of the Pavilion. So, book early to secure your place.

ACT 1 THURSDAYOPENING NIGHTScene 1 14.00 Celebrities start to arrive and register at

The Royal Bath Hotel. Scene 2 18.45 The Exchange of International Banners takes

place. 19.30 The Opening Night begins.

ACT 2 FRIDAYGALA PERFORMANCE Scene 109.00 Follow the Golfers on to the Course at Canford

Magna. 10.00 Join the Half-Day Trippers and go either to the

- RNLI’s Training College or to the marvellous 13.00 gardens at Compton Acres and the surrounds of

beautiful Poole Harbour.Interval at leisureScene 2 18.30 Celebrities arrive at The Pavilion for a

“Red Carpet” Reception at the Gala Performance. Scene 3 19.00 Celebrities take their seats in readiness for

the Banquet and Ball with dancing until 00.30 Carriages.

ACT 3 SATURDAYGRAND FINALEPrior to the Grand Finale, Celebrities will be divided forseparate performances of Scene 1 during the day. Scene 1: Male Celebrities: 9.00 Curtains up at the Annual Business Meeting Scene 1: Female Celebrities: 10.00 Celebrities, and newly arriving Celebrities,

gather for Refreshments.11.45 Celebrities attend a Lunch. 13.45 Curtains up at the Annual Business Meeting.

GRAND FINALE (All Celebrities)Scene 2 19.00 Celebrities arrive at The Pavilion preferably in

Stage Musical costumes. 19.30 Celebrities take their seats in readiness for the

Dinner which will be followed by Dancing.00.30 Carriages.



PERSONAL INVITATION FROM THE LEADING MANI look forward to welcoming you to Bournemouth for the high spot of my year in the entertaining world of 41 Club. It is the ideal location for a great end of year party, as the curtain falls on my term of office. The Creative Director and his Production Team have designed a superb programme, with a variety of packages, and I am sure that the theme will stimulate the imagination of all you Celebrities so that our Grand Finale willbe of an award-winning standard. Book early to secure your place, because, as there is going to be a sell-out, the “Full House” signs will be going up well in advance! Break a leg.

Martin Green - Leading Man


Steve Grady

Page 17: Summer 2013

Q: What happens on Thursday? A: It is “Act 1: Opening Night”.Scene 1 sees the arrival of the Celebrities at the Green Room in The Royal Bath Hotel. The Green Room will be the venue for all Celebrities tomeet old friends and make new ones. In the evening, our Opening Night will include a buffet dinner and entertainment in The Royal BathHotel. “Smart casual” please. (OK. “Designer” if you must!).

Q: What happens on Friday? A: It is “Act 2: leading to the Gala Performance on Friday evening”. From a production point of view, the Day involves some interesting splits and will be the busiest for everyone involved.

Scene 1. Those sporty Celebrities amongst you will board transport to be whisked away to Canford Magna Golf Club where our Leading Manwill put in a special appearance at this picturesque and challenging venue.

For those Celebrities amongst you who would prefer a more leisurely yet organised morning diversion with transport arranged, returning toBournemouth by lunchtime, a choice of tours is available:

A fascinating guided tour of the RNLI’s Training College in Poole to learn more about their history, how they train recruits and teach “the rest of the world” how to do it all orA guided visit around the world-famous and historic gardens at Compton Acre followed by a tour of the beautiful Poole Harbour surrounds.

The Interval. The afternoon will be at your leisure before you ready yourselves for the Gala Performance.

Scene 2: When you will be putting on your costumes for Friday evening’s “Gala Performance”, it will still be early afternoon on Broadway (a reminder just in case you need to phone your Agents!) Having got ready, all you Celebrities will make your way to The Pavilion for a “Red Carpet Reception”

Scene 3: The Banquet will be attended by your Leading Man and Leading Lady and will be followed by first class live entertainment for whatwill be a fantastic occasion. Black Tie and Ball Gowns will add to the spectacle.

Q: What happens on Sunday? A: The flippant answer would be “not a lot”! But it is “Act 4: Encore” and, sadly, will be time to bring the curtain down, ensure that we’ve got autographs, photographs and contact details of all our new friends and say our farewells to everyone except for those who have decided to stay on for a while longer. Before youleave, don’t forget to book for Conference in 2015 in….. Truly the best form of “Encore”!

(NB David Brown has generously donated his fee for this interview to Macmillan Cancer, the Leading Man’s Charity for the Year.)

Q: What happens on Saturday? A: It is “Act 3: ending with a truly Grand Finale”. Scene 1: This is a busy day for all the Production Team and Celebrities. It starts with male Celebrities gathering at the Life Centre at 9.00 a.m. for the AGM. The lady Celebrities may have a lie-in before their Lunch (11.45) and AGM (1.45) at The Royal Bath Hotel.

Scene 2: This is the culmination of our performances with the Grand Finale to leave you breathless yet unwilling to give in. The fancy dresstheme is, quite naturally, which gives tremendous scope for all you artistic Celebrities to throw off any inhibitions and get the creative juices flowing. Remember this is competitive!



All bookings may be made on-line at www.41clubconference.co.uk. Because of the high cost of processing credit cardtransactions, this method of payment will not be available.

So, please either make a Bank Transfer payable to: “41 Club Bournemouth Conference 2014”at HSBC Bank. Sort Code: 40 41 01 A/C Number: 91301772 IBAN NO: GB32MIDL40410191301772

Or Send cheques payable to: “41 Club Bournemouth Conference 2014” to the Box Office Manager, John Kennedy, Hangersley House, St Aubyn’s Lane, Ringwood BH24 3JU.

Any queries about bookings and payments should be addressed to the Box Office Manager or emailed to [email protected]. Data Protection Notice: All information provided will be used solely for Association purposes.


(The rationale behind the pricing is that there are general production overheads for the Conference which need to be spread across all tickets for the events.)


(excluding accommodation) Price £165 per person.

An “Early Booking Discount” of £15per head is available on a Two Day

Package for the first 150 delegates tobook and providing each Delegatepays a deposit of £50 per head onbooking and also providing that theFinal Two Day Package Balance hasalso been paid by 30th June 2013.

THURSDAY “OPENING NIGHT”Price £30 per head

FRIDAY GOLF(including breakfast and lunch)

Price £50 per head

FRIDAY GALA PERFORMANCEA single ticket costs £85

HALF-DAY COACH TRIPSPrice £21 per head

There are two half-day coach tripsavailable. One is to the RNLI Training

College and the other is to the historic gardens of Compton Acres and the surrounds of the beautifulPoole Harbour. There will be just onecoach going to The Training College.

TANGENT’S LUNCHPrice £35 per head

SATURDAY GRAND FINALEA single ticket costs £80

Page 18: Summer 2013


Royal Bath Hotel ****www.britanniahotels.com/hotels/bournemouth-royal-bath

Days Hotel www.dayshotelbournemouth.co.uk

Positioned on the cliff top, a little over200 yards from The Royal Bath, the

family-owned, Three Star Marsham CourtHotel (which uses Days Hotel marketing)

has been re-furbished recently.

Premier Inn Centralwww.premierinn.com/en/hotel/BOUWES/bournemouth-central?PURL=weekendbookings.at/This art deco style hotel is 100 yards from the Pavilion and 75yards from the Royal Bath. This is one of only 5 de luxe hotels thatthe group operates. Providing all that you would expect of a Premier Inn yet offering much more, it is invariably full. Adjacent, covered, public parking is available at preferential rates.

Ramada Encorewww.ramadaencorebournemouth.co.ukPart of the “Ramada Encore” marketinggroup this modern, family-owned hotel

is only about 500 yards from The Royal Bath.

Menzies Carltonwww.menzieshotels.co.uk

/hotels/south-coast/bournemouth-carltonThis Four Star hotel, located in a wonderful

position on the cliff top of the East Cliff, is onlyabout 700 yards from The Royal Bath.

The following hotels are all centrally located; are within walking distance of the Venues and have agreed special Conferencerates. Celebrities should make direct contact with their preferred hotel to make their reservation. Please note that becauseBournemouth is such a popular holiday destination, early reservation is advisable to avoid disappointment and the likelihood ofhaving to stay much further away from the Venues / centre.

The Days Hotel, the Ramada Encore and Menzies Carlton hotels all have free, on-site parking for residents and free Wi-Fi.

Your Leading Man andLeading Lady are startingtheir preparations to cometo Bournemouth for theirstarring roles:

This beautiful Four Star Hotel, situated only 175yards from The Pavilion, is the Conference HQ andhosts Conference Registration.

It has many delightful “Dressing Rooms” for visitingCelebrities and an attractive “Green Room”, whereyou can relax with friends.


Page 19: Summer 2013

I was privileged to have Lord Jones of Birmingham----aka my mate Diggers-----as the guest speak-er at my President's Night at Whittington Heath Golf Club on March 13th.

He reminds me that we have known one another for 27 years. As he told the assembled audience“I first met him when I knew little and Mac knew it all. Now it’s the other way around”. Hardly trueI’m afraid but a compliment nonetheless!!

Digby spoke eloquently and passionately about what needs to be done to "fix Britain" - and receiveda standing ovation after an hour on his feet without notes. Then he took and gave “real” answersto questions from the floor. He really is a class act with an almost encyclopaedic knowledge of whatis going on and where!

Digby was born in Alvechuch. His family owned a corner shop within a spanners throw of the nowdefunct Austin works. After school he had three years in the Navy, qualified as a solicitor, rising tosenior partner in an influential law firm in Birmingham. He spent a spell in corporate finance withKPMG. During that time he had become involved in the CBI and was well known in Birmingham forfighting the City’s corner. Out of the blue he was invited to become Director General a job which hedid for more than 6 years.

Then came his knighthood in 2005 ...... Sir Digby Jones.

In early 2007 after a spell advising private sector firms like Deloitteand Barclays Capital together with his portfolio of non-executiveappointments he was appointed Minister of State for UK Trade &Investment and became a life peer taking the title Digby, Lord Jones ofBirmingham Kt . Although a Gordon Brown appointment he refused tojoin any political party. True to his beliefs he was going to work for UKPLC not for a political group. Fifteen months in the job saw him in 31countries flying the flag for British business.

Now he doesn’t do much! Just his role as an active crossbencher inthe House of Lords, his jobs as chairman of Triumph MotorcyclesLimited, chairman of Grove Industries, Corporate Ambassador forJaguar Cars and JCB. He is an advisor to Babcock International Groupplc and advises in a number of other paid and unpaid roles, fulfillinghis vision of promoting socially inclusive wealth creation. Digby travels regularly across the UK and overseas, runs his own businessand his fulfilment is complete when Leicester Tigers and Aston Villawin their matches. He has many plans for the decades to come but hehasn’t told us yet how he plans to rescue the Villa from potential relegation! (His wish was granted. Ed)

So perhaps you can judge my feelings of great pride and surprisewhen Digby found time in his diary to come to talk to us in Lichfieldand do me the honour of hosting him in my role as President 2012/13.Only the week before he had “been to Australia for a day” and the weekbefore that he was on The Irrawaddy.

But should it surprise me? Digby has always had a loyalty to thosewho he counts as his pals and he couples this with a work ethic whichinvolves a twenty-five hour day and an eight day week so it was easyfor him to fit us in.

Our sell-out audience of just 90 souls was riveted by his performance.His ideas for sorting our economy were shared by most of us. He usedan old fashioned commodity - common sense!

I strongly recommend that you buy, beg, borrow or steal his book“Fixing Britain”. It is a great read andevery penny from book sales go to charity.

Lord Jones finished the night with a booksigning. A queue of members waitedpatiently in line to buy their book and haveit signed. If only they realised that it is therare unsigned editions which are thevaluable ones............!

Mac cuMMinGSPresident 2012/13, Lichfield 41Club


Page 20: Summer 2013


Dorset Knobs at its Very BestA fun packed evening was held recently at Sandy Balls near

Ringwood to celebrate the 42nd anniversary of the Dorset

Knobs. From the moment the 120 guests arrived from across

the region there was something to grab their attention and to

keep them amused, not least of which was the opportunity to

acquire unique Dorset Knobs lapel badges and cuff links, a

must for every gentleman’s attire. Encouragement to part with

hard-earned cash was provided by 4 ladies brought in espe-

cially for the occasion from Spearmint Rhino in Bournemouth.

Proceedings were opened by the Mayor of Ringwood and the

speakers who entertained the guests with fascinating tales

were BBC personality Jon Cuthill and sports pundit Steve

Claridge, but the man who had them rolling in the aisles was

our own National President, David Smith.

A fine dinner was produced by Sandy Balls and, in keeping

with tradition, it was rounded off with Dorset Knobs, Blue

Vinny cheese and port. For those not acquainted with the

Dorset Knob delicacy it is akin to a very hard small bread roll.

In Round Table days when perhaps people were more

inclined to show their appreciation of a speaker by pelting him

with bread rolls it would have been advisable to avoid lobbing

a Dorset Knob for fear of a potential meeting with a


To round off the evening, Dorset ice cream cones were

offered to guests as they departed shortly after midnight!

Scoffing ice cream at that time of night was remarked by

many as being a new experience!

What should not be forgotten was the remarkable generosity

of the guests who, during the evening, raised a total of £1,235

for Prostate Cancer uK – thank you guys.

During the evening, as pictured, Ringwood Chairman,

Richard Dyson, presented the National President with a tin of

Dorset Knobs and perhaps what can best be described as an

alternative knob.

CHRiS KeanRingwood 41 Club

41 Clubbing in DubaiDubai has changed out of all recognition since Dubai 41 was

founded in 1980 but the club continues to thrive and has

recently moved to a new permanent location for meetings,

following several years “on the move”.

The first Round Table in the Gulf was formed in Dubai in 1976

by Tablers who were then approaching their retirement age,

so the need for 41 was quickly apparent and the club was

founded 5 years later.

For the next 26 years members met at the Dubai Country

Club, an expatriate watering hole and sports club in a desert

area on the edge of Dubai. But, in 2007, at the height of

Dubai’s booming expansion, the Country Club was forced to

close to make way for a development associated with the

building of Meydan, home to the Dubai World Cup, the

world’s richest horse race.

In the following years Dubai 41 met at various places but the

constantly changing face of the city made it difficult to find the

ideal venue that ticked the boxes regarding location and


As Dubai expanded at a frantic pace, the road infrastructure

struggled to cope and horrendous traffic queues became the

norm meaning getting to meetings could often be difficult.

There were plenty of 5 star hotels (and even more today!) but

members baulked at paying the glitzy prices.

The result was that, for a time, 41 membership dwindled but

over the past year there has been renewed enthusiasm with

some lapsed members being brought back to the fold and

some members from elsewhere who have recently moved to


Dubai Offshore Sailing Club is now regarded as the perma-

nent home for meetings on the 4th Monday of every month

and the annual meeting held in April saw a 20 strong turnout.

Chairman Graham Porter said: “Dubai has seen some manic

times over recent years which meant there were many

distractions, both socially and work-wise and 41 Club suffered

as a result. Things have now settled down and it is great to

see the old 41 spirit return.

“We will have a warm welcome for any visitors to Dubai and

are also keen to locate any 41 members who have moved

here from elsewhere.”

Geoff Malone

Dubai 41 Club

Page 21: Summer 2013


St David’s Day Celebrations in OswestryThey are a cheeky lot at borderland Oswestry 41 Club, particularly when they are celebrating Wales' patron saintDewi Sant.

National president David Smith had turned up in Mid Walesfor the March 6 celebrations. So did the Oswestrians all welcome him with a hearty handshake?

Not at all, they called HIM over ... to take a picture of THEM!And it left the lads with a bit of a problem as David's picturewas destined for the local press but he managed to cutPresident Dave Mathews' body off!

All was not lost however, as the celebration organiser PhilTrehearn from the Montgomery 41 Club, came to the rescueand managed to get them all of all of them in ... and the goodnews was, the picture appeared in both local rags with thisstory........

Men in The Marches should be marching straight to their doctors this week demanding a PSA blood test to detectprostrate problems, they were advised at a St David’s Daycelebration last Thursday. (March 6)

The advice came at a ‘41 Club’ cluster at Garthmyl, attendedby ex Round Tablers that included members from Oswestry,Welshpool, Montgomery, Newtown and Llanfyllin, meeting atthe Lakeside Golf Club, and was given by 41 Club’s NationalPresident David Smith.

‘I lost my father, who painfully died of prostrate cancer 40years ago. So when I was elected to national office I ensuredthe national charity during my year would be to raise fundsinto researching this debilitating disease,’ he revealed. Andwhile giving his ‘go to your doctor as soon as you can and gettested’ message, he reminded ageing 41ers that the incidences of prostrate cancer were rising alarmingly all overthe country.

‘I beg you to take a simple PSA blood test, which is not adefinitive test for prostate problems, but can the ball rollinginto stemming this huge problem in its early stages and canlead to full recovery’ he added.

The meeting was chaired by Montgomery Town Mayor and41er Mark Michaels, who introduced guest speaker TecwynRoberts who, in turn, was thanked by lifelong friend Gordon‘the timber’ Jones.

DaviD paRRy-JoneSOswestry 41 Club

Oswestry 41 Club members (from the left) treasurer DaveThomas, Chris Griffiths, President Dave Mathews, PresidentElect Alan Cockram, Steve Theobald and secretary DavidParry-Jones.

Brownhills 41 Club AGM Wednesday 1st May 2013We were pleased to hijack the National President whilst he was en route to another engagement in Lichfield.

Martin joined us prior to our AGM to say hello and enjoy fellowshipwith club members for half an hour. He is seen here with outgoingBrownhills 41 Chairman Peter Green. From collective recollection thisis the first time since 1990-91 that a National President has visited us.

RiCHaRD HintonBrownhills 41 Club

LDM at the Fire Station Leicester de Montfort 500, 41 Club visited the brand new Fire andRescue Station in Leicestershire recently as part of our monthly meetings. We were very fortunate as 41 Club is one of the first organisations to have been allowed a tour around the state of the artstation, which has only been operational since April 2013.

aSH SHeiKHChairman Leicester de Montfort 41 Club

Page 22: Summer 2013

Barry Durman...aka Barry Durman

As stag dos go - this is epic!No Tigers in bathrooms, no lampposts and chains and no high-speed trainjourneys in just my underpants!

Just a sedate, 400 plus mile bike ride with a lively crew from Moseley Round Table!

I don't think the bride-to-be is duly concerned, even though I am due to getmarried just days after completing the Birmingham to Paris jaunt.

I've run marathons and have cycled parts of Lands End to John O'Groats;coast to coast in winter and also the south coast.This just seemed too much fun to miss.

I am not a founder member of Round Table - despite the rumours!I am on the national board of 41 Club and should know better.

What? A cycle challenge with a twist through England and France

Where? Birmingham to Paris

When? August 2-7, 2013 Why? To raise as much as possible for Diabetes UK,

Macmillan Cancer Support and Round Table Children's Wish

Who? The Red Windmills Cycling Team!

Background What began as a discussion over a few pints between two 'adrenaline junkies' in the Hare and Hounds in KingsHeath in the summer of 2012 - is now reality! In true Round Table style we looked at the London to Paris rides - and thendecided to adopt, adapt and improve it! So a handful of us - all with Round Table links - will begin our quest from the homeof Round Table - Marchesi House in Birmingham ending at the ultimate Parisian party venue - the Moulin Rouge!

The ride will see us cover more than 400 miles as we ride through England to Folkestone, before heading down through theSomme and on to Paris. To liven up the journey, our route will be deliberately targeted to pass through as many places whereRound Table thrives - on both side of the Channel.

Why are we doing this? Aside from a love of lycra and something to tell the grandkids, we want to use our endeavours toraise some incredible amounts of cash for charity. Our chosen charities are listed above and you can read more about themelsewhere on the website. We are optimistic that we can raise at least £5,000 - with your help! Please support us and followour progress in training and during the ride via our blog on here and Twitter and Facebook.


the challenge


Page 23: Summer 2013


Past Presidents in SpainNational President Martin and his wife Maria joined six Past

Presidents along with their wives, and widows Eileen Sharp and

Joyce Woodworth for their biennial get together in mid-May. The

weekend, organised jointly by Geoff King (1996-97) and Alan

Reynolds (1994-95), was held at Finca Eslava, an excellent

privately run hotel on the outskirts of Antequera, a busy town

situated about 50 kilometres inland from Malaga.

The weather was kind for most of the time and apart from exploring

the town of Antequera with its many historical buildings and tapas

bars a day trip by bus through the rolling Andalucian countryside,

covered with olive groves as far as the eye could see, to walk along

the narrow streets of Cordoba Old Town and visit the colourful floral

displays in the patio gardens were highlights to remember. The

programme for the next day was a short journey into the mountains

to El Torcal Nature Reserve 1300 metres above sea level to see

some most unusual limestone rock formations of marine origin that

are said to have been raised to their present altitude some 200

million years ago. The party travelled by cars in convoy and

everyone was relieved when we arrived at the visitor centre having

negotiated many hairpin bends on the steep climb to the top!!

The fun and fellowship during the four days was very much enjoyed

by all but all too soon it was time to think about the journey home

with promises to meet up again somewhere in central England in


Thanks a Millennium

Recently my wife and I spent a delightful few days near Stratford upon Avon,

with the intention of exploring the countryside in Warwickshire, where I spent

my childhood. I had kept an article on the Millennium Way from a past copy

of Links Magazine and downloaded the walks from Kenilworth Castle and

Napton which provided excellent opportunities to immerse ourselves in the

lovely countryside of middle England. Thank you to all those 41ers, and

especially Peter Travis, who conceived the plan and put it into practice. We

felt a warm welcome at each 41 Club sign we came across, secure in the

knowledge that we were on the right track. 

What a brilliant idea: not only are you giving pleasure to the present

generation, but leaving a legacy for years to come. This, surely, is what we

were aiming for when we joined Round Table all those years ago.

Yours, with a light heart (and heavy boots)

aDRian wRiGHtHarlow 41 and Ex-Tablers Club

Page 24: Summer 2013

Men’s Health

Frozen shoulder is also known as adhesive capsulitis or shoulder contracture.

If you have frozen shoulder, the amount of movement in your shoulder joint will bereduced. In severe cases, you may not be able to move your shoulder at all.The most common symptoms are pain and stiffness in the shoulder.

What causes frozen shoulder?

Frozen shoulder is caused when the flexible tissue that surrounds the shoulder joint,known as the capsule, becomes inflamed and thickened.

It is not fully understood why this happens, although there are a number of thingsthat make developing a frozen shoulder more likely. These include having:

• a shoulder injury or shoulder surgery

• diabetes

• Dupuytren's contracture - a condition where small lumps of thickened

tissue form in the hands and fingers

• other health conditions, such as heart disease and stroke

When to see your gp

You should visit your GP if you have shoulder pain that limits your range of movement.A diagnosis of frozen shoulder needs to be made early so treatment for the condition can be started quickly to help prevent long-term pain and stiffness developing in your joint.

Treating frozen shoulder

Some people with frozen shoulder may get better over a period of 18-24 months. In other cases, symptoms can persist for several years.

Studies suggest that about 50% of people with frozen shoulder continue to experience symptoms up to seven years after the condition starts. However, withappropriate treatment it is possible to shorten the period of disability.

The aim of treatment is to keep your joint as mobile and pain free as possible whileyour shoulder heals. The type of treatment you receive will depend on how severeyour frozen shoulder is and how far it has progressed.

Painkillers, corticosteroid injections, shoulder exercises and physiotherapy are allpossible treatment options.

Surgery may be recommended if your symptoms have not improved after sixmonths.

Source: NHS Choices


Frozen shoulder is a painful condition that affects movement of the shoulder.

Page 25: Summer 2013



I am pleased to advise that at the International AGM,VAUGHAN HARRIS - PastNational President - wasappointed International


Congratulations to Vaughanfor this appointment and for

keeping GB&I represented onthe International Board.

Martin GreenNational President 2013-14

Submitting articles and photographs for the magazine and newsletter

Please note that if you are sending items for inclusion in either publication please do not

embed photographs in the document, but send them as separate high resolution

files, preferably at least 1 megabyte in size.

Small or low resolution photographs do notreproduce well when printed. If in doubt

please contact the editor on

[email protected]

Please Note -

That due to the volume

of input for this

magazine several usual

features are not included

in this edition. The final

part of the Brooklands

feature will appear in the

Autumn magazine.




1st OCTOBER 2013


Congratulations to Shahid Sheikh of Leicester de Montfort 41 Club

on being awarded an OBE in the Queen’sBirthday Honours list.

He is managing director of Clifton Packaging, in Leicester and former Leicestershire chairman of the Institute of Directors.

Page 26: Summer 2013


For full details and to register visit 

http://coffee.macmillan.org.uk, ring 0845 602 1246

or email coffee@ macmillan.org.uk

Please support President Martin's chosen charity and have fun at the same time.

Page 27: Summer 2013


Wider Wallet brings together a wide range of national and local offers. Whether you would like to save money at high-street stores, enjoy

discounts on your supermarket shopping or splash out on a treat, there's something for everyone. Simply visit 41club.widerwallet.com and

register using the access code S424698A. If you don’t have access to a computer you can still sign up by contacting the Wider Wallet

Team on 0800 612 7220 between 8am to 6pm weekdays.

I have been using Wider Wallet since March 2013 and, so far, in just three months I have saved £61.36. Most of this was through super-

market shopping at Asda and Sainsbury's. As described above, I visited the website and registered with Wider Wallet. The reloadable cards

are administered through an associated company called “SVM Europe” and to obtain these offers you will have to register with them too,

which although a little inconvenient, only has to be done once.

Once registered, it is best to choose as many of cards as you think you are likely to use as there is a modest postage charge (£1.59) each

time cards are posted to you. As the cards are the equivalent of cash, it is best to load only the minimum amount and then add funds once

they have arrived. Be careful though, as some cards are single use only. If you are ordering non-reloadable cards with larger cash values,

you can pay a little extra for secure postage.

Once you have received your card and loaded funds on to it, you use it in a similar way to a credit card at the checkout. If you find that

you don't have sufficient funds on the card, you are able to pay the balance by other means (e.g. cash or credit card).

Discounts are also available for online shopping. This does not use gift cards but operates on a cashback basis. This is explained on the

topcashback.co.uk website.

DaviD leaCH

National Councillor Region 24

Types of Offers Available

Reloadable gift cards

Save money on everyday shopping by purchasing discounted gift cards foryour favourite stores. The gift cards will be sent to you by post and you canthen top them up with a credit or debit card, by phone or online. The discount applies every time you top up, so for every £10 you top up you’llreceive more than £10 on your gift card.

Downloadable vouchers

Some of our suppliers provide downloadable vouchers, which you canprint from your account. Downloadable vouchers are most often used forleisure activities, such as theme parks and days out.

Online discounts

Discounts are available on a wide range of websites. In some cases youwill need to quote a discount code when you checkout, while in othercases you will be directed to a site which has already had a discountapplied. Instructions are shown each time you access an offer.


We’ve teamed up with TopCashback to provide you with access to somefantastic cashback offers. Simply register with TopCashback through WiderWallet, then search for your chosen retailer on the TopCashback websiteand shop online in your normal way. Your cashback will be credited to yourTopCashback account and you’ll also receive a £5 introductory bonus forregistering through Wider Wallet.

Downloadable vouchers

Some of our suppliers provide downloadable vouchers, which you canprint from your account. Downloadable vouchers are most often used forleisure activities, such as theme parks and days out.

Some of the offers available:

Arcadia Group Save 7%Argos / Homebase Save 6%Asda Save 4%B & Q Save 7%Bella Italia Save 12%BHS Save 8%Boots Save 6%Café Rouge Save 12%Caffe Nero Save 9%Cineworld Save 10%Currys / PC World Save 7%Debenhams Save 7%Ernest Jones Save 10%Goldsmiths Save 11%H Samuel Save 10%Halfords Save 7%Harrods Save 5%Hotel Voucher Save 10%House of Fraser Save 7%iTunes Save 5%Leslie Davis Save 10%

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National Book Tokens 7%New Look Save 7%

Pizza Express Save 8%Pizza Hut Save 9%

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Strada Save 12%Sunglass Hut Save 10%

The Rugby Store Save 12%Toni & Guy Save 8%

TopGolf Save 10%Toys R Us Save 8%

Travel Card Save 6%WH Smith Save 8%

Page 28: Summer 2013

hoe the Line... Continued

‘…everything, apart from the pears, went pear-shaped when she asked me to take her

to Chelsea. We were through the turnstiles at Stamford Bridge before the penny dropped

that we weren’t on a mission to acquire John Terry’s autograph.’

‘RHS could have stood for Right Hand Side – of the pitch that is.’

‘It was the different dress code that gave the game away, really.’

‘Wearing blue at the away end’s never a good idea.’

‘Nor is a floral print chenille two-piece suit, but it was more the headgear. Some were fascinating but there weren’t many other

actual fascinators.’

‘Oh oh, I sense difficulties looming.’

‘My ears bled for three days then came a silence you could have hacked chunks off to use as ballast on ocean-going liners.’

‘We’ve all been there at times.’

‘Then, when the over-the-marmalade mutterings did resume, the only topic on the agenda was downsizing to a third floor

apartment; bonsai on the mantelpiece and a window-box of sinuously raked gravel. Mind made up, heart set and ‘the girls’

thought it a good idea, too.’

‘Oh dear. Do you ever see the old fellow, now?’

‘No. I used to drop the price of an ounce of rough shag into his local now and again, for old time’s sake, but then I heard he’d

gone to hang his greasy titfer on that great pear tree in the sky (which’ll probably poison it like it did mine). Mind you, the

garden never looked right after the bloke next door stopped halfway along the hedge when he fell off his step-ladder and those

mutant slugs on an alcohol fuelled rampage did nearly as much damage as the lack of propagating insects did.’

‘Don’t tell me the sunbathing went awry too; I was thinking of calling in to see you!’

‘The more attractive local lasses stopped trailing in to see the grandson after that incident involving his chainsaw but the

others started bringing fellows who set up some sort of hippy commune that’s now got squatters’ rights so I can’t sell the place

and the bridging loan’s crippling me. I can only hope that the wasps which became immune to tobacco smoke are going to

build nests in all the rubbish accumulating down there and make their life as unbearable as they did ours.’

‘No more wandering, happy as Larry, midst the blooms and perfumes of one of Mother Nature’s bits of Paradise, then.’

‘Oh, I wouldn’t say that. It’s Hampton Court next weekend, then we’ve a few days away before Tatton Park. I shalln’t be able

to make the lads’ golfing trip to France but the dates clash with the village charabanc outing to Monet’s lily ponds and you

wouldn’t want to miss that one.’

‘Same again?’

‘Not for me. I want to get home to check that Monty Don’s recording all right. I left the TV tuned to ladies’ mud-wrestling from

Lithuania last week and I’ve got the scars to prove it.’



Page 29: Summer 2013


Page 30: Summer 2013

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From time to time articles are published that may include references to one or more professional or commercial organisations. Neither the Editor nor the Association in general accepts any responsibility forthe content of such articles and recommends that readers always seek advice or obtain alternative quotations for any goods or services that may be referred to.

Page 31: Summer 2013
Page 32: Summer 2013