SUMMER 2009 the magazine of bethany lutheran college 4 High School Memorial created on campus 6 Greener initiatives help campus 8 Christ In Media Institute formed Bethany report

Summer 2009 Bethany Report

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High School Memorial created on campus, Greener initiatives help campus, Christ In Media Institute formed

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Page 1: Summer 2009 Bethany Report

SUMMER 2009 the magazine of bethany lutheran college

4High School Memorial created on campus

6Greener initiatives help campus

8Christ In Media Institute formed


Page 2: Summer 2009 Bethany Report

2 report | summer 2009

Contributions are vital to Bethany Lutheran College. The back pages of this issue list the hundreds of alumni who made monetary contri-

butions to Bethany during the 2008-09 fiscal year. We are humbled by the support we receive from so many alumni and friends. Many thanks for your support and prayers for Bethany.

As you read the pages of this magazine, you’ll notice more about contri-butions. And they are not just monetary, but also contributions of time and talents. During the Fall Festival weekend the Bethany High School class of 1959 presented the College with a memorial garden built to remember Bethany Lutheran High School. The High School was a part of the campus from 1927 until 1969. We thank the members of the class

of ’59 for their contribution toward the preservation of the many years of memories produced by the high school.

You’ll also read about the Bethany Auxiliary’s recent meeting on the campus. Through the years, Auxiliary members from all over the country have been providing support for Bethany students and the College. The Auxil-iary’s time on the campus each fall is something that is looked forward to by the faculty, staff, and students.

Alumni and friends contribute to a variety of events throughout the year. Several of those events are high-lighted in the magazine also. Many of you have been participants in the Joel Laube Memorial Golf Tourna-ment, the Women’s Retreat, or any number of events that

further the mission of the College and for that, we sincerely thank you. Another upcoming event that we are looking forward to hosting is the

first Christ in Media Institute. The Institute, being formed by faculty members from our communication department, will bring together many Christians who work in the film and television industry. The Institute’s purpose is to discuss new ways to incorporate the Gospel message in today’s filmmaking. The list of contributors to the institute is impres-sive. The discussion and research this Institute produces will certainly be of tremendous benefit to our communication students as well as other Christians working in the film and television industry. We invite you to visit the campus for the event.

Contributions make Bethany Lutheran College a special place—people collectively using their talents and treasures for a common good. We truly appreciate the support we receive from so many friends and alumni. Through your efforts and God’s blessing Bethany thrives and flourishes.

editor, writer | Lance Schwartz design, photography | David Norris proofreader, writer | Emma Bauer

Please direct all correspondence, letters, news, corrections, and comments to: Bethany Lutheran College Bethany report 700 Luther Drive Mankato, MN 56001-6163Email: [email protected] | www.blc.edu507.344.7000 | 800.944.3066FAX: 507.344.7417


The Report is published quarterly by the Bethany Lutheran College public relations office and distributed free of charge to the college’s students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends.

All contents © COPYRIGHT 2009 Bethany Lutheran College. Articles, images or photographs may not be reproduced without written permission.

Mission: Bethany Lutheran College, owned and operated by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, is a private, residential, liberal arts college committed to the teachings of the Bible as set forth in the Lutheran Confessions. Bethany provides studies culminating in a Bachelor of Arts degree. The college serves Lutherans and others by offering a challenging, student-centered approach to education that fosters spiritual development, intellectual and creative growth, self-understanding, and responsible citizenship. In keeping with its heritage, Bethany aspires to produce students with a clear understanding of Christian vocation, which encourages students to make the most of their God-given talents.

On the cover: Borrowing some rakes from the BLC maintenance department, freshmen (from left) Jessica Werre, Michele Fennern, and Tarja Maunula decided to rake some leaves for a jumping pile on September 28.

Above from left: Jessica Werre, Michele Fennern, and Tarja Maunula reward their labor with a leaf pile plunge.

President Dan Bruss

A special place to beBethanyreport

from the president

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education that lasts beyond a lifetime 3

September 23, 2009

How do you like the food service? No, not that one [across campus], the one here in this

room. Today’s message, according to the worship folder, is “God feeds us.” Focus your attention please, for a few minutes on how God feeds us here, and over there, and in fact everywhere. The words “God feeds us” represent God’s total care for us.

As you hear the words of Jesus in Matthew 6 (24-33), feel how our Lord, as he talks about God’s total care, is nudging us, nudging…nudging…toward what?

“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteous-ness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

The main message is clear, of course—God the Father is caring for us, so don’t worry about food or clothing. Well, I don’t think many of us do that. I look out at you now and I don’t see any starving people. Nobody is wearing rags—at least not out of necessity. Does that mean Jesus’ words don’t apply much to us? Of course not.

There are several kinds of sinful worry. All of them emerge from lack of faith (Jesus says, “You of little faith.”). One kind of worry is lack of faith plus desperation. While we may fall into that once in a while, that’s not our usual kind. For us, our daily kind of sinful worry is lack of faith plus selfish desires. Our “worry” is more of the selfish kind—“Can I get what pleases me?” We complain about food, not because we’re starving but because it’s not what pleases us most. We’re concerned about cloth-ing not because we don’t have any but because what we have is not the latest or coolest. Go down the list of things in your life that occupy your mind, your energy, your attention. Isn’t the focus too often on “what pleases me?”

In these verses Jesus is nudging us toward matu-rity—Christian maturity. He is saying grow up! Don’t hear that as a scolding, but as encouragement from someone who sincerely wants you and me to be happy. “Grow up in your Christian maturity,” he’s telling us. That’s not spoken as an older person to younger ones, but to everybody. There are people your age who are exceptionally mature Christians, and some my age who are not. And we all can grow.

Jesus gets straight to the central question of Christian maturity: what are we seeking first? His answer: it should be the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. Christian maturity starts with God’s righteousness. That’s the sinless condition earned by Jesus as he lived his life in perfect obedience to God, and then placed that sinless condition, that “righ-teousness of God” upon us like a clean robe. At the same time he removed our sin by paying the penalty we owed for our unrighteousness, when he suffered death, the wages of our sin, on the cross.

This righteousness of God, ours through Christ’s work, has placed us in his Kingdom. We are in the Kingdom of God.

Then Jesus says, now seek that Kingdom, do that first. That is, pay attention to your place in the King-dom. What is that place? What is your role in the Kingdom of God? Ask yourself: what am I here for?

Why did God redeem us and put us here? Was it so we could get the best food that pleases us? If the answer is no, then why do we pay so much atten-tion to that? Why did God redeem us and put us

Dr. Thomas Kuster

from the chapeL

Chapel continued on page 5

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By Lance SchwartzDirector of Marketing and Public Relations

When Bethany alumni Phil Helland, Bob Smith, and Phil Teigen

visited the campus last spring, the idea was still in its infancy stage.

The idea—a memorial to commemo-rate the sometimes-forgotten institution called Bethany Lutheran High School. That’s right, a high school operated on the Bethany campus between 1927 and 1969. The high school served a group of students from not only the Mankato area, but also from across the upper Midwest. Some of the high school students lived in the dorms on campus while others were students from “town.” The situation (a college and high school on the same campus) was unique but not unheard of. By all accounts it was a special time on the campus when classes began for a student body that included high school, college, and seminary students. In fact, there are a handful of alumni who actually attended Bethany for nine years as students of each of these programs. But as times changed the viability of a “boarding school” on the Bethany campus became an issue of financial concern and the decision was made to close the high school program after the 1968-69 academic year. It was a difficult decision to close the high school. Among those most disappointed were the graduates.

For years, high school alumni had talked about ways to remember the high school, but it really wasn’t until Helland, Smith, and Teigen met with Chief Advancement Officer Art Westphal that some concrete plans began to take shape. The four of them worked together to lay down a plan to gather funds for the project and it didn’t take long for a collec-tion of Bethany Lutheran High School graduates to raise enough money to begin construction. The group decided an outdoor garden that memorialized Beth-any Lutheran High School would be the

way to go. Helland, a landscape designer by trade, worked to develop the plan and the site took shape in August. The Bethany Lutheran High School memo-rial now has a permanent home near the Campus Green closest to Old Main.

While there wasn’t an official

dedication of the high school memorial, many graduates of not only Bethany Lutheran High School but also the College and Seminary were able to enjoy the memorial area during Reunion Week-end/Fall Festival held on September 18-20, 2009.

campus news

Class of ‘59 creates high school memorial

Above: The high school memorial is located just outside the south entrance of Old Main. The plaque that was mounted on the sitting stone is inset above. (Photo by David Norris)

Left: Some of the class of 1959 celebrating their 50th anniversary this year on campus were (from left) Robert Smith, Karolyn (Klammer) Hanna, Marie (Ristow) Schuster, Philip Helland, Philip Teigen. (Photo courtesy of Robert Smith)

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here? Was it so we could wear the latest fashions? If no, then why do we put so much effort into that? Why did God redeem us and put us here? So we could play with the latest gadgets, or party hard? Go down the checklist of where you put your attention, effort, money, and consider: is that why God put you here? If for a lot of those things the answer is no, then listen to Jesus urging: seek first the Kingdom of God! Put your attention and effort into why God redeemed you and put you here.

And then all those other things, the things we really need? Notice that Jesus doesn’t say “They’ll take care of themselves”—that’s too accidental. He says, “God will take care of them.” God himself! “All these things will be given to you as well.”

Realize that! Let your faith grow to encompass not only your trust in Jesus for our salvation, but also the realiza-tion that when you devote yourself to why God wants you here, God will feed you with all good things. Live that realization actively the rest of this morning, and the rest of today, and all your life. Then you have moved closer to the Christian maturity that Jesus wants for us, that will bring us real happiness.

We pray: Heavenly Father, we do worry, even though we are mature Christians—about a friend in Iraq or Afghanistan, a family member who is ill, how we will make it in school, or after school. For these failures of faith we ask forgiveness. Look on us as having the faith of Jesus, whose trust in you never wavered though he faced trouble and death for us on the cross. And then help us to work hard in contentment, seeking first your kingdom, certain that you love us, will surely feed us, and care for us in all things. We pray it in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.

Chapel continued from page 3

By Lance SchwartzDirector of Marketing and Public Relations

A tradition that began just a few years after Bethany was founded remains

a popular fall event on the BLC campus. Nearly seventy-five friends of the College visited the campus on Monday, Septem-ber 28, 2009, for National Auxiliary Day. The Auxiliary is a group of supporters from across the country who raise funds through their local congregations in support of the College.

The group enjoyed a chapel service featuring the Concert Choir, presenta-tions by President Bruss, Mrs. Rachel Anthony (chairperson of the building committee for Honsey Hall), President Moldstad of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, President Schmeling of the Bethany seminary, a musical program by students and faculty from the fine arts department, and Dr. Thomas Kuster who spoke about the Christ in Media Institute (related story on page 8).

campus news

Auxiliary Day a campus highlight

Photo by David Norris

From left: Ruth Smith, immediate past president; Joy Struck, vice-president; Evelyn Daley, secretary; Diane Gullixson, president; Becky DeGarmeaux, treasurer.

Attention Alumni of Bethany Lutheran CollegeFrom: Office of Alumni RelationsRe: Alumni Directory Project

Bethany Lutheran College has partnered with an outside firm, PCI, to assemble a new printed directory of alumni. We undergo this project to update our records and offer you an updated listing of your classmates. You are not obligated to purchase the directory. You will be asked to verify or update your name, address, family, and career information. You may also choose how much or little of your information is printed in the directory. This book is only for sale to fellow alumni of Bethany Lutheran College and the information won’t be used or sold to anyone else. We hope you will participate in this directory so that we can list your name with all of the other alumni of Bethany. Watch your mailbox for more information.

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6 report | summer 2009

Some people, events, and places are so wholesomely enjoyable you wonder

what you did without them. Speak with any attendee from last year’s Women’s

Retreat and you quickly learn that Beth-any Lutheran College has established such an event. Here are a few comments from last year’s attendees:

• “What an inspiration.”• “I can’t believe you were able to put

together such a great program/accom-modations for such a reasonable cost.”

• “Reserve me a ticket for next year.”So the question became how could we

have another wonderful retreat, make it better than the first, and keep it afford-able? The question has been answered

and we are looking forward to the next Women’s Retreat.

The 2010 Women’s Retreat hosted by Bethany Lutheran College will take place at the City Center Hotel (formerly Holi-day Inn) in downtown Mankato. Join us in Mankato this April 9 and 10, 2010. This weekend provides a perfect oppor-tunity for friends, mothers and daugh-ters, old roommates, and sisters to gather, relax, laugh, talk, learn and be re-jueve-nated in the Lord. Watch your mailboxes for more information.

By Lance SchwartzDirector of Marketing and Public Relations

If you haven’t caught the buzz words “going green” in the news or in your

neighborhood lately, you’ve probably been living under a rock. Being environ-mentally conscious is something most everyone has taken to heart, and for good reason. Taking care of the earth and the environment has both immediate and long-term implications.

Bethany Lutheran College, too, partici-pates in a number of “green” activities and practices.

Out with the oldThis past July, Bethany’s information

technology department sponsored an all campus computer and electronic recy-cling event. Many can relate to the sight of that old PC or the big tube TV that they’re no longer using taking up space in the storeroom or garage. For one week, Bethany employees brought their old electronic “junk” to Meyer Hall for the recycling event, sponsored by Apple, Inc.

The response was nearly overwhelming. Ten large pallets of TVs and comput-ers were shrink wrapped and loaded on a semi trailer for a trip to the recycling center.

Bethany’s director of information technology, John Sehloff, said of the program, “We’re happy to participate in this recycling program that Apple spon-sors because it not only clears the old items off the shelves, it keeps this stuff from ending up in a spot where it can do damage to our environment.”

Dining with a new lookYou’ve been there—a cafeteria or buffet

full of delicious food. All you can eat, so

why not indulge and get that third plate? Well, there are plenty of reasons not to, yet the inevitable happens to most every-one. And then you get back to your seat and the nutritious food just seems to perhaps be “too much.”

The scenario plays itself out on college campuses too. Bethany Lutheran College took note and recently initiated the “trayless cafeteria.” Those eating in the College Dining Center now get their food one plate at a time. And the results seem favorable—fewer dishes (and trays) to clean and less food being wasted.

Gary Schwichtenberg of Pioneer College Caterers is the director of Beth-any’s food service; he noted, “We’ve been pleased with the trayless initiative at Bethany as we’ve been able to reduce food waste by twenty-five percent. This leads to much less water being used to wash trays and glasses, nearly 16,000 fewer gallons of water are used each year and that’s heated, softened water.” Addi-tionally, at the suggestion of Bethany students, the campus dining services also uses 100% recycled napkins.

The only drawback of the initiative—no more sledding down the steps of Old Main with cafeteria trays.

campus news

A greener campus on the inside

Photo by David Norris

Mark Meyer (Manager of Academic Computing) worked with Jonathan Moehler (IT Services) to wrap ten palettes worth of electronic equipment for recycling.

Next Women’s Retreat planned for 2010

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campus news

athletic news

They run in packs, over the hills and through the woods. After a brief

hiatus from sanctioned competition, they are back again on the Bethany campus. Yes, the cross country program at Beth-any is off and running once again.

Cross country has been a part of the Bethany athletic scene for a number of years; from it’s beginnings as an official junior college sport during the 2000-01 school year to it’s existence as a club sport in recent years and now an official varsity sport in the Upper Midwest Athletic Conference.

Bethany cross country athletes will be competing in seven races during the fall 2009 season. Coaching both the

men’s and women’s teams is first year head coach Mike Willitz.

Willitz is a 2008 graduate of Bethany. He was instrumental in keeping Bethany on the cross country map during its absence from formal team competition as he started the Norsemen Running Club (Bethany’s cross country club) and provided leadership for the club over a two-year period as an undergraduate.

Willitz has been a runner ever since joining the cross country team in

the ninth grade. His team’s successes culminated in a fifth place finish in the 2004 Florida Class 3A state finals. Willitz served as co-captain on the team.

Willitz returned to the Mankato area after serving a year in Wenling, China, as an English teacher during 2008. In addi-tion to his coaching, Willitz is currently a student at Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary.

Willitz is assisted by Thomas Datwy-ler. Datwyler is a 2009 Bethany graduate who has been running since his sopho-more year in high school and continued to run through college with the Norse-men Running Club at Bethany.

By Lance SchwartzDirector of Marketing and Public Relations

His college friends will tell you that while Joel Laube came to Bethany

Lutheran College to play soccer, it wasn’t his athletic prowess that attracted people to him. More so, it was Joel’s love for others that earned him the reputation as one of the “nice guys” on the Bethany campus. Shortly after graduating from Bethany, Joel was called Home as the result of a diving accident.

Years had passed since Joel’s death and it was one of his soccer teammates that had an idea—a way to remember Joel. The idea came to Jeff Rohrman in the spring of 2003. So Rohrman contacted Chief Advancement Officer Art West-phal and the two of them, together with a host of Joel’s college and high school friends, established the Joel Laube Memo-rial Golf Tournament. The tournament is held in June in the Twin Cities and since its inception, the event has raised over $90,000 for the Joel Laube Memorial

Scholarship Fund. Westphal says the event is, “A wonder-

ful example of lots of people coming together for a special cause.” The money raised at the tournament has been placed in an endowed scholarship fund where a portion of the fund’s proceeds are given

to Bethany students who embody some of the same leadership qualities that Joel possessed. Many of the recipients have been able to be present at the tournament and the accompanying dinner. The meet-ings have been special and emotional for both the students and the Laube family.

Willitz hired to lead varsity cross country team

Mike Willitz

Photo by Sarah Harstad

From left: Jim Laube, Emily (Tews) Anderson, Kyle Damiano, Judy Laube. Emily and Kyle have both received the Joel Laube Memorial scholarship.

Joel Laube golf event benefits students


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8 report | summer 2009

By Lance SchwartzDirector of Marketing and Public Relations

Does is sometimes feel like main-stream television shows, movies,

and music are in direct opposition to the values you hold as a Christian? Certainly, for many, this is a sentiment that occurs quite often when you sit down to enjoy a bucket of popcorn and a new release at your neighborhood theatre. What if there was a way that Christian values and messages could be part of today’s media experience? This concept is the basis for an exciting new venture at Bethany Lutheran College. The venture—The Christ in Media Institute seeks to answer the questions that Christians have about the compatibility of today’s media and Christianity. Some of the questions that the Institute seeks to answer include:

•HowcanmediabeusedtobringtheGospel message to vast audiences in the U.S. and around the world?

•WhatisaChristianmovie?Howcanwe make one?

•Howdoyouwriteascreenplaycarry-ing a Gospel message?

•Is there a Hollywood bias againstChristian films? If so, can we get around it?

•DoesmassdistributionofaChristianfilm mean that the message must be watered down?

•Can a Christian writer, composer,or actor work in Hollywood or New York?

The Institute began officially this past June when a panel of faculty members

from Bethany presented papers about how each discipline shares in the abil-ity to positively affect media with a Christian message. The papers can be found on the College web site at blc.edu/cmi.

The Christ in Media Institute is funded through a generous grant from the Antioch Foundation of La Crosse, Wisconsin. The institute’s stated mission is: The Christ in Media Institute, empowered by the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, promotes research and education focused on employing God’s gift of mass media to bring the pure Gospel message to vast audiences both in the U.S. and abroad. It does not engage in media production, but rather aims to develop and gather the expertise required for the effective production and distribution of Christian media in a vari-ety of cultures.

By Lance SchwartzDirector of Marketing and Public Relations

Rudoph E. Honsey Hall, the new academic building at the intersec-

tion of Division and Marsh Streets on the southern edge of the Bethany campus, is beginning to look like the architect’s rendition of the beautiful facility. Grad-ing and leveling is under way and the construction fences have come down. In just a few months, the building will be ready to be outfitted with the latest tech-nology as it is prepared for the first classes taught in the state of the art facility in the fall of 2010.

It was a special day when the name-sake of the new facility, Professor Rudy Honsey (and his wife Betty), was able to visit the campus and see the new facility firsthand. President Bruss took Professor

Honsey inside the building and explained the new learning spaces.

Honsey Hall will be dedicated on June 20, 2010. Information about the

dedication will published in this maga-zine and on the Bethany website. You may view the progress of Honsey Hall at blc.edu/facilities/honseyhall.

Christ in Media Institute establishedcampus news

Building’s namesake visits contruction site

Photo by David Norris

Professer emeritus Rudolph Honsey (left) was given a tour of the new building by President Dan Bruss.

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education that lasts beyond a lifetime 9

By Lance SchwartzDirector of Marketing and Public Relations

Picture this. You’re on the set of a major motion picture and you’re tell-

ing an academy award winning actress how to speak her lines.

Steve Corona, a 2004 Bethany Lutheran College graduate, now living with his wife, Bridgette (a 2006 gradu-ate), and their young daughter, Ava, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is an aspiring actor and a professional dialect coach. It was on the set with actor Helen Mirren where Corona was in the midst of teach-ing a “Queen’s” English speaking Briton how to speak “American” English.

Since his Bethany days, Corona has been working towards his master’s degree at Minnesota State University, Mankato, and has in his words “had a lot of random jobs” but none more satisfying than those

where he’s appeared on film or as a dialect coach on the set with Hollywood elite.

Corona says he’s always been interested in theatre having been cast in a variety of productions as an undergraduate at Bethany and in productions at Minne-sota State. But it wasn’t until he and his wife decided to head to Albuquerque, New Mexico, that getting in front of the camera became part of his career ambi-tions. There he took just about any “extra” role he could land including some work on the blockbuster film “Transformers.” Yet it was just “extra” work and Corona yearned for more meaningful roles, and it wasn’t until he decided to hire a “good” agent that he was able to land some.

The acting jobs have been more numer-ous since he signed on with the agent who is also based in New Mexico. She has helped him earn acting jobs in both

movies and TV. One of the most recent is a role in the made-for-TV movie “Georgia O’Keefe.”

While he’d like to think that more roles would be coming his way, Corona is realistic in his expectations for future acting roles and he’s very happy to have the option of more dialect coaching. In addition to working with Mirren, he also worked with Scottish actor Gerard Bulter as a dialect coach. That job came about so quickly that Corona had to quit his full time job to guarantee his work on the set of Butler’s movie—something that wasn’t easy to do, but necessary to further his career ambitions.

With a few more “breaks” you just might be hearing more about Corona in film, TV, or dialect coaching. To see Corona’s latest projects, visit his page on the Internet Movie Datebase (imdb.com).

Photo by David Norris

Steve Corona (’04) shared his experience of becoming a working actor and dialect coach with Professor Matthew Caron’s acting class during a visit to campus on September 21. He related classes taken at Bethany to real-world scenarios and spoke about auditions and lessons learned during his acting career.

alumnus profile: Steve Corona, ’04

Roles increasing for Corona

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alumni news

1940Pastor Emeritus Juul Madson, who

passed away in April 2008, and his wife,

Clarice (Huso ’46), had nine children who all attended Bethany: Linda Brown-ing (’68), Mark (’69), Paul (’70), David (’72), Jonathan (’76), Timothy (’78), Matthew (’82), Jennifer Peder-son (’86), and Joseph (’86).

1949Ruth Krueger announces that her

granddaughter Emily Schrupp of Norwood Young America, Minnesota, is a freshman at Bethany this year.

1950Marilyn (Hanson) Olmanson and

her husband, Duane, live in Norseland, Minnesota. They have been married 60 years in October. They have 16 grand-children and 17 great-grandchildren, with one on the way. Marilyn still corresponds with three high school roommates—“Corky” (Gentz) Eggers, Dawn (Flit-ter) Scheffel, and Darlene (Mrotz) Lund.

1952This July, Rev. Lyle Rasch (Sem.)

celebrated his 57th anniversary of gradu-ation and ordination into the Lutheran ministry. He continues to serve a Cincin-nati area congregation and says, “I learned real love for God’s people from Dean Norman Madson at Bethany Seminary.”

1954Gerald and Gloria (Hoffmann ’55)

Milbrath celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary recently with their children and grandchildren in Wisconsin.

1970Seven alumnae from the class of 1970

gathered at the home of Linda (Nelson)

Squires on July 3. Pictured are: Linda (Nelson) Squires, Kay (Johnson) Wegner, Sue (Oftedahl) Nance, Jeanne (Bakken) Runeberg, Jeri (Thomas) Privet, Mary (Dorr) McAlpine, and Alice (Valen) Olson.

1971The Jaeger family took a hiking vaca-

tion in Glacier National Park this

summer. Decked out in Bethany apparel for their traditional “BLC” photo are Lois (Olson) and Steve (’72); daughter Anika (Jaeger) Rychner (’98) and her husband, Bryan; and son Jacob (’06) and his wife, Jamie (Hagel), whom he met while both were attending BLC. The first of these family/BLC photos was taken back in 1989 (slightly different group back then)!

Bethany alumnae Terri (Severson) Westphal, Linda (Narges) Krebsbach,

Katherine (Schlomer) Wixom, and Linda (Zawacki) Loge have an annual get-together to catch up and reminisce about their time at Bethany. This year, the four friends met in Cornelius, North Carolina, at the home of Katherine Wixom.

1976Pastor Carl Busse serves as circuit

pastor northwest of Wausau. He serves God’s people in two little country churches. He now has four grandchildren to love.

1978Glenn and Rebecca (Madson ’80)

Lussky have lived in La Crescent,

Minnesota, for the past 14 years. Glenn is the meteorologist-in-charge for the La Crosse National Weather Service office and Becky teaches Spanish at Luther High School in Onalaska, Wisconsin. Their daughter, Kristin (’07) is married to Peter Faugstad (’05, Sem. ’09) and they have been blessed with a daughter, Marit Elisabeth. Pete and Kristin live in Tacoma, Washington, where Pete serves as associate pastor of Parkland Lutheran Church (ELS). Daughter Karyn (’09)

alumni news

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alumni news

married Mike Lukasek (’09), on June 19, 2009 and they live in Northfield, Minnesota, where Mike is employed by Kwik Trip, Inc. Son Ryan is a sophomore at Bethany this year.

1984Jane Nelson has moved to Wisconsin

and now gets to look at Lake Superior every day. Her daughter, Cori, is 15 years old and plays volleyball and softball.

1985Keith Bollinger’s daughter, Audrey,

won the 10-year-old Level 4 Greater Illi-nois Junior Olympics gymnastics state championship on May 31 in St. Charles, Illinois. Audrey scored 37.85 out of a possible 40 points. She is a member of the Gymquest Comets competitive team in Plainfield, Illinois.

Matt and Amy (Bergemann ’86) Weseloh survived the year of all teen boys. The family is still living in Water-town, South Dakota. Matt continues with HP and is fully focused on IT. Amy enjoys teaching piano, voice, and brass to 25-28 students. They are also working on updating their music web site.

1986DeDee (Lien) and Corey (’87)

Marzolf’s oldest daughter, Kelsey, is attending Bethany this fall. They also have a 16-year-old daughter who attends Kingsland High School in Spring Valley, Minnesota. Corey continues to work at his dealership, Marzolf Implement, and DeDee owns and operates Quilter’s Quarters in Spring Valley.


Jennifer (Leininger) Hancock is married and has three children: Nicole, Taylor, and Rachel. Jennifer is a home-maker and student. Her husband is a power plant operator.

1992Chris Fowler would love to hear

from his former classmates. He can be contacted at [email protected].

Eric and Denice (Fetzer ’97) Woller welcomed Bridger Anthony on October 20, 2008. Bridger looks forward to someday playing in the Bridger moun-tains of Montana where his parents used to live. He was affectionately welcomed by big sisters: Rylee (6), Olivia (4) and Claire (2).

1993Jode and Amy (Rank) Edwards

welcomed their first child, a son, Ethan Joseph, on April 20, 2008. The Edwards’ reside in Ames, Iowa. Jode is employed by USDA/ARS as a research geneticist and holds an adjunct faculty posi-tion at Iowa State in the Department of Agronomy. Amy was working as an event coordinator at Ballard Creek and now she enjoys being home with Ethan.

1995Lisa (Gordon) Landherr and her

husband Dan have four children: Nate (10), Ty (8), Mary (5), and Karl (3). Lisa likes to keep busy with the kids and their school activities. She would love to hear from friends.

1996Peter Anthony and Katey Walter were

married on June 20, 2009, at Norseland

Lutheran Church in Norseland, Minne-sota. Bethany alumnus, Eric Harstad (’95), participated in the wedding. The couple will make their home in Fair-banks, Alaska, for two years while Katey is a research professor at the University of Alaska. They then plan to return to Norseland, Minnesota, where Peter is a partner in Anthony Farms, Inc.

Rev. Paul Meit-ner and his wife Michelle announce the birth of their second child, Made-line Kristine, on August 3, 2009. She is proudly welcomed by her big sister Olivia Anne (2).

1997Jonathan and

Kelsi Turner Tjer-nagel welcomed their first child, daughter Nora Scout, in January 2009. They reside in Tucson, Arizona.

2001As of August 2009, Mark Davidson is

continuing his education at Upper Iowa University in pursuit of a bachelor of science in accounting degree. In addition to his full-time work as an accountant

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for the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) and church organ-ist for various WELS churches in the Milwaukee area, he has also been appointed principal organist/accompanist for the Bach Chamber Choir of Milwau-kee, Wisconsin. Mark looks forward to hearing from any BLC alumni from the class of 1999 or 2001. He can be reached at [email protected].

2003Ben and Ambria (Paulson) Hutton

are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Victoria Rose on June 8, 2009. She was born at Ridgeview Medi-cal Center in Waco-nia, Minnesota. Victoria is welcomed home by her big brother Joseph (2).

Dusty and Amanda (Rank ’05) Reese welcomed a baby boy on August 27, 2009. Asher Dustin weighed 7 lbs, 13 oz. and was 21-3/4 inches long. Dusty is a school psycholo-gist with Grant Wood Area Education Agency in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Amanda recently completed her master of arts in English from the University of Northern Iowa. The family resides in Cedar Rapids.

Jonathan and Rachel (Wilke ’04) Schmidt are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, Joel Robert, born June 13, 2009. Rachel works as an insur-ance products representative for Michi-gan Association of Insurance Agents. Jonathan is a health policy analyst with the Michigan Senate Majority Policy Office.

2004Steve and Bridgett (Lacher ’06)

Corona were blessed with a baby girl, Ava Giana, on July 29, 2009.

2005Joanna (Kopperud) King was married

to Lynn King on June 6, 2009, at the Kopperud farm in rural Westbrook,

Minnesota. Alumnae participating in the wedding were Joanna’s sister, Rebekah Saffert, who was the matron of honor, and Ingrid (Nielsen) Warmka, who was a bridesmaid. The couple now lives in Tigard, Oregon, and they both work for Skedco, Inc. located in Tualatin, Oregon. Joanna is the communications coordina-tor and Lynn is the medical products specialist.

Trevor and Karla (Kromschroeder) Ryan were married on May 19, 2007. They were recently blessed with their first child, Wesley Lloyd, on July 3, 2009. The Ryan family currently farms in rural Goodhue, Minnesota.

2007Brian Bartelt and his wife Josie had a

baby boy in August. Joseph William was born on August 23, 2009. He was 7 lb., 6.6 oz. and 22” long. Mommy and baby are doing fine and their daughter Emily is enjoying getting to be a big sister.

2009Bethany Lau and Seth Ferkenstad

were married on May 23, 2009, at

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Onalaska, Wisconsin. Alumni participating in the wedding were Emilie Menges (’09), Maggie Riesop (’09), Jason Costello (’08), Andy Wendorf (’09), Ben Prekop (’08), Alex Johnson (’08), Nick Ollrich (’08), and Aaron Ferkenstad (’02). Seth’s parents are Craig (’74, Sem ’80) and Teresa (Kletscher) Ferkenstad (’78); and his sister is Elsa Ferkenstad (’04). Seth and Bethany make their home in North Mankato, Minnesota.

Karyn Lussky, daughter of Glenn (’78) and Rebecca (Madson) Lussky (’80), and Michael Lukasek were united

in marriage on June 19, 2009, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Onalaska, Wiscon-sin. Members of the wedding party included Peter Faugstad (’05, Sem. ’09), Joanna Lukasek (’05), Ryan Lussky (’12), Christina Harman (’10), Matthew Lukasek (’99), Kristin (Lussky) Faugstad (’07), Carolyn (Lukasek) Szwaja (’00), and John Szwaja (’00). The couple are very happy to be living in Northfield, Minnesota, where Michael works in management with Kwik Trip and Karyn is a self-employed artist.

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alumni news

We need your personal and professional updates to include in our alumni news. You may also submit alumni news and photos by emailing them to [email protected], or through our Web site at www.blc.edu/submitnews.

Name __________________________________________________________________________ Class year _________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

City ___________________________________________ State __________________________ Zip _______________________

Phone ( _________ ) ___________________________ Email _____________________________________________________

Spouse’s name _________________________________________________________________ Class year ________________ (first name/maiden or birth/current last name)

news (attach additional information and photos as necessary)





birth/adoption announcement

Parents’ names ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Name __________________________________________________________________________ Class year _________________ (first name/maiden or birth/current last name)

Spouse’s name _________________________________________________________________ Class year ________________ (first name/maiden or birth/current last name)

[ ] Daughter’s name [ ] Son’s name ___________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last

Date of Birth/Adoption __________________________ Place of Birth ______________________________________________

marriage announcement

Name __________________________________________________________________________ Class year _________________ (first name/maiden or birth/current last name)

Spouse’s name _________________________________________________________________ Class year ________________ (first name/maiden or birth/current last name)

Date of Marriage _______________________________ Current Residence _________________________________________

Cut out (or photocopy) and send to: Alumni News, Bethany Lutheran College, 700 Luther Drive, Mankato, MN 56001

We want to hear from you

alumni news


Rose Krueger was married to Kurt Shrader on August 15, 2009, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in North Mankato, Minnesota. They are now living in Mankato while Kurt finishes school at Bethany. He will graduate in May 2010.

In Memoriam

1938 Dr. John Ylvisaker passed away on

August 1, 2009. Dr. Ylvisaker was 90 years old at the time of his death. He supported the work of the College by establishing scholarships to support students. He was a friend to many Beth-any alumni, students, and friends.


Rev. Daniel M. Hennig was called to glory on May 17, 2009, after a ten-month struggle with lung cancer.

1983David (Dusty) Hohenstein was taken

from this earth on June 1, 2009. Dave was a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Lake Benton, Minnesota, where he taught Sunday school, sang in the church choir, served as an usher and on the church council, and was in the St. John’s Men’s Club. Dave owned and operated Hohenstein Lawn Service and worked for the United States Postal Service as a rural route carrier. David’s survivors include his wife Joan (Seidel) Hohenstein (’83), whom he met while attending Bethany Lutheran College. The union was blessed with two sons.


1981In the Spring 2009 issue, a word was

left out of the title of Eric and Debbie (Lillegard) Blumer’s book, which is enti-tled “Called According to His Purpose: Missionary Letters From China.” The book appears on www.amazon.com, where you can look inside the book for a preview.

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education that lasts beyond a lifetime 15

Alumni Gifts By Graduation YearThe faculty, staff, and students of Bethany Lutheran College appreciate the support and prayers for the institution given by many alumni. The monetary gifts given to Bethany during the 2008-09 fiscal year are vitally important to the College. Please accept our sincere “thanks” to the individuals listed in this annual report of alumni donors.

1929Class Participation = 50%

John, Eda (Swenson)

1932Class Participation = 50%

Wunderlich, Esther (Thoen)

1933Class Participation = 50%

Sack, Gudrun (Teigen)

1938Class Participation = 50%

Becker, Helen (Bertram)Dashcund, Vivian (Madson)Tjernagel, Bertha

1939Class Participation = 25%

Flinn, Norma (Fuller)Tweit, Arvid

1940Class Participation = 44%

Ask, Ellinore (Busness)Fischer, Jane (Schalk) Honsey, RudolphJeppesen, Ada (Stokes)Runquist, Marjorie (Busness)Steffen, Florence (Kropp)Winsor, Renata (Rolf)

1941Class Participation = 25%

Annexstad, Margaret (Tjernagel)Doepke, Katherine (Guldberg)Knack, Esther (Luebke)Lau, Donald

1942Class Participation = 40%

Hecht, Virginia (Aamodt)Holte, NormanHolte, Violet (Fevig)Kuse, Howard

1943Class Participation = 48%

Annexstad, CarlFoelber, RobertGulbrandson, Jeanette (Hovland)Guldberg, HaroldGuldberg, Magdalyn (Kaepernick)Hagen, LevineHonsey, Elizabeth (Lillegard)

Kragh, Esther (Paysen)Rickels, RobertRietz, Dorothy (Gronna)

1944Class Participation = 25%

Anderson, BenjaminFaugstad, ConradHandberg, Harriet (Nitschke)Lemke, Ruth (Mueller)Merseth, Leona (Hultberg)Robbins, Myrtle (Lomen)

1945Class Participation = 45%

Berg, Ruth (Zitzmann)Daniels, AllenHuffman, Eva (Schweim)Kasten, Shirley (Larsen)Krause, Olga (Luebke)Moldstad, JohnMueller, Viola (Milbrath)Schrader, FredericWrucke, Mildred (Ulbricht)

1946Class Participation = 37%

Burgdorf, TheodoreDevitt, Edith (Diesing)Eckhardt, HowardFaye, ChristopherGrimsbo, Lorraine (Stalheim)Hjelle, RogerKnupke, Ruth (Pomerenke)Madson, Clarice (Huso)Paris, Elaine (Andrus)Rhode, Isabelle (Rentschler)Wold, James

1947Class Participation = 50%

Aaberg, Melvina (Olson)Annexstad, Lois (Anthony)Burgdorf, HowardBurgdorf, Lois (Gosewisch)Hagen, Grace (Natzke)Hayakawa, Florence (Schedler)Bashour, Val (Imm)Jennings, Verna (Wilke)Johnson, K. WalterLaase Davis, DonnaMadson, PaulMintz, Ruth (Anderson)Petersen, Orla (Anderson)Tschirhart, Arlene (Ewert)

1948Class Participation = 33%

Anderson, CharlesButler, Victoria (Fiess)Faye, Ruth (Molnau) Gartland, Esther (Busch)Goetzke, Virginia (Loberg)Lillegard, LauraMeier, Patricia (Thalacker)Mintz, DwainOdean, WalterOrvick, GeorgeOrvick, Ruth (Hoel)Overn, RobertShepherd, JamesSwenson, M. HowardWerner, Norman

1949Class Participation = 28%

Anderson, Eileen (Trygstad)Asmus, Esther (Overn)Hauser, Betty (Stoll)Heckman, Lois (Grupe)Kietzer, Betty (Mau)Krueger, Ruth (Harms)Larson, Marilyn (Lee)Lee, SigurdMelcher, Eleanor (Kressman)Tagatz, WallyVierck, Carl

1950Class Participation = 33%

Annexstad, GlennBurgdorf, LawrenceCyriacks, Stella (Kothe)Handberg, ChanningHanson, HowardHanson, T. Lorraine (Solberg)Holm, June (Weise)Humburg, WilfredKenyon, DavidKenyon, Gudrun (Annexstad)Loeschen, Moselle (Brewer)Meyer, Ruth (Eggebraaten)Overn, Lois (Gallman) Panning, Dorothy (Wohlrabe)Peterson, Grace (Seebach)Post, Arlene (Wolfe)Schilling, Constance (Theiste)Werner, Paul

1951Class Participation = 50%

Anderson, Eunice (Johnson)Baarts, Dolores (Bremer)Behne, CharleneBreck, Ila (Priem)Burmeister, Mildred (Burgdorf)Carlson, Signe (Larsen)Closs, Joan (Teuchert)Covell, Adis (Johnson)Faugstad, Esther (Petersen)Grummer, HaroldGutknecht, Mary (Finegan)Haapala, Ina (Hartfield)Holstad, Lois (Sveen)Homan, Ruth (Langenhahn) Kostick, Marilyn (Kurzweg)Larson, HerbertLemke, Ruth (Brammier)Mahnke, DonaldMcLean, Irma (Paap)Meyers, Janet (Mueller)Morgan, JoAnn (Munson)Perlwitz, Anita (Weissgerber)Peterson, Eloise (Redmann)Rettmer, Georgia (Stoll)Rients, June (Anderson)Rients, MerleSchmitt, Valeria (Buehner)Schoer, LowellSchol, HerbertSchweiger, Hazel (Knutson)Seibel, RaymondWermedahl, Boyd

1952Class Participation = 46%

Baumann, MartinBerg, Hope (Williams)Brillinger, Mildred (Evenson)Burfeind, MurrayBurgdorf, HaroldDullum, Joyce (Winans)Geistfeld, RonaldGrelling, Audrey (Gahl)Hoelter, Martha (Knutson)Koschmann, Dorothy (Heintz)Koschmann, MarkKrenzke, MartinMadson, NormanMahnke, Jean (Kangas)Martin, Loretta (Zahorka)Meyer, ArthurMeyer, Eunice (Huseby)

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Newgard, Hazel (Johnson)Radke, KennethRasch, LyleSchoer, Corinne (Hoefker)Urban, QuintinWilkens, Lois (Tolzmann)

1953Class Participation = 40%

Blackwood, Marilyn (Redeker)Bremer, PaulHaugen, Aletha (Kratzke)Henke, Betty (Mumme)Keating, Shirley (Ziemann)Koenen, Marjory (Pralle)Krenz, Ardelle (Fischer)Macdonald, Karen (Wolff)Meyer, LonNordlie, Lila Mae (Mickelson)Roemhildt, Bonnie (Bartelt)Schol, Jeannine (Mattison)Schroeder, Elaine (Krukenberg)Theiste, NormanUrban, Audrey (Weismantel)Vosbeck, ClaudiaWhite, Alice (Burzlaff)Ylvisaker, Paul

1954Class Participation = 26%

Kain, DaleKrause, Marilyn (Reaf)Krieg, OscarLeckband, Dolores (Milbrath)Leiding, Geneva (Houg)Matzke, Margaret (Harstad)Meyer, LeroyMeyer, Miriam (Jungemann)Milbrath, GeraldNibbe, Janice (Roschen)Taber, Goldie (Erickson)Theiste, Arlene (Eichhorst)Veer, Doris (Johnson)Werner, Elizabeth (Preus)

1955Class Participation = 46%

Anunciacion, Pauline (Richter)Bostelmann, SarahFuhrmann, VerlynGeisler, DavidGillette, RogerGogolin, LaVerneGogolin, Shirley (Davis)Harstad, PeterLillegard, DavidMadson, AndrewMatthews, Miriam (Gutekunst)Milbrath, Gloria (Hoffmann)Neidhold, Eunice (Rolf)Nelson, Charlotte (Loberg)Pogatchnik, Carol (Lieske)Theiste, HaroldTiegs, Lloyd

1956Class Participation = 35%

Abel, KaylanAnderson, DuaneBostelmann, AllanBrassow, EarlCassadore, Delores (Rambler)Geistfeld, ErnestHarstad, Carolyn (Schneider)Johnson, CalvinLehman, Dorothy (Smith)Lehman, DouglasLetts, Marlys (Albus)Madson, Amanda (Tjernagel)Myers, Janelle (Jungemann)Nelson, Inez (Schmidt)Ortiz, Shirley (Schultz)Otten, Grace (Anderson)Prost, Elaine (Peters)Schroeder, Howard

1957Class Participation = 24%

Dickinson, Mildred (Christen-son—Sickmann)Edeker, LaVonne (Johnson)Faugstad, A. NormanKoester, A.K.Levorson, IrwinLillegard, Ione (Sundbom)Macaulay, Alayne (Stevens)Odegaard, Karen (Johnson)Olson, Marilyn (Okland)Schultz, Ernette (Kretzmann)Steinke, Gloria (Meyer)Thomforde, Phyllis (Buchholtz)

1958Class Participation = 26%

Anthony, WillisClouse, Sonja (Peterson)Edin, Rebecca (Nelson)Helland, PaulHoepner, DarrellJungemann, NeilMehrkens, GlenNatvig, DennisNatvig, Naomi (Tweit)Peterson, Norma (Levorson)Swenumson, PaulUnseth, Allan

1959Class Participation = 37%

Balcer, Dorcas (Pederson)Bentz, RonaldFaugstad, Adela (Halverson)Fittshur, Marlene (Corbisier)Furholmen, DavidGeistfeld, Ione (Sorenson)Hanna, Karolyn (Klammer)Horn, Norma (Dodge)Krause, Carol (Smith)

Levorson, Helen (Kuehl)Meyer, MarvinMeyer, Patricia (Salomon)Roberson, DaleSmith, RobertTeigen, DavidTweit, DavidWebb, Barbara (Beer Monson)Wilking, Ingeborg (Johnson)Younge, Gary

1960Class Participation = 31%

Beck, DarwinBusse, FrankFauk, Ruth (Hamann)Fowler, Donna (Fredrickson)Helland, Judy (Anderson)Hoepner, Karen (Iverson)Jungemann, RogerKain, Elaine (Dunteman)Kison, AlanKruger, Phyllis (Halverson)Kruger, RobertLevorson, PaulLoe, Ellen (Weseloh)Maxfeldt, Eunice (Peterson)Nelson, Leslie (Anderson)Okland, RonaldTeigen, ErlingTjernagel, AllanUrban, Richard

1961Class Participation = 25%

Cutsforth, Jean (Roberson)Dale, RodgerDiersen, Mary (Ingebretson)Halvorson, WayneHelland, PhilipHoyord, ThomasJohnson, Carol (Frank)Lillo, ErnestMintz, VerlinPeterson, JohnRing, KennethSponberg, MichaelTeigen, PhilipVan Mersbergen, Lawrence

1962Class Participation = 47%

Benz, LarryBly, FrankieBurns, Naomi (Geistfeld)Daley, EvelynDobbins, JanDulgar, Claire (Lieske)Harstad, Joan (Schneider)Heidenreich, RobertHoyord, Ann (Sorenson)Maske, JoAnn (Malenke)Mathison, Ronald

Menke, JamesNatvig, AllanSchwertfeger, JohnSmith, JohnSoule, DennisTeigen, NormanTennison, Jolene (Cuklanz)Tweit, Mary Jane (Anderson)Widvey, JohnYounge, Robert

1963Class Participation = 33%

Anderson, Patricia (Busacker)Edwards, JamesGartner, DanielGreen, AllenGreen, Vivian (Helland)Harmann, Beverly (Krueger)Jimenez, Kay (Tyler)Leyhe, MarkLillo, Margaret (Otto)Luecke, Karen (Unseth)Matthees, Marcia (Diercks)Mintz, Marabeth (Volkmann)Nelson, LarrySchlomer, JohnSchmidt, AliceSkaaland, Diane (Natvig)Smith, Ruth (Tweit)Smith, Sandra (Erickson)Spaude, Nancy (Bunting)Swenson, DouglasTweit, PaulYounge, Ronald

1964Class Participation = 41%

Anderson, DaleAnton, Rebecca (Kimble)Diersen, WilliamDorr Binder, SonjaHarstad, HermanHeidenreich, Ruth (Oesleby)Hermanson, RossHinrichs, Joyce (Rohda)Johnson, GaryKuster, Judith (Maginnis)Mickelson, Ruthann (Kuster)Reinholtz, GarySolheim, Dianne (Tasa)Stoltenow, Sandra (Aronson)Strom, Joyce (Minor)Strom, LelandStrusz, Marie (Matthees)Theiste, FrederickWeimer, RobertYounge, Mary (Smith)

1965Class Participation = 20%

Davis, Pamela (Scheitel)Ellison, Nancy (Nodland)

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Fadness, MelvinHackbarth, RichardKlein, CarlKroon, MichaelMeyer, Gayle (Anderson)Neyhart, DaleSelvey, Genevieve (Iverson)Steffen, Elaine (Voth)Unseth, Linda (Maxwell)

1966Class Participation = 28%

Anderson, Carol (Solli)Birkholz, MarcusBlacik, Sharon (Von Haden)Butterfield, MichaelHackbarth, Joanne (Ausen)Harmon, CarolHermanson, Elizabeth (Otto)Johnson, Laura (Teigen)Klindworth, Martha (Paasch)Knickelbein, TimothyKuster, ThomasOtto, Ellen (Schlomer)Peterson, BruceSilverstein, Elizabeth (Tweit)Strand, RonaldTeigen, Judy (Tostenson)Teigen, MartinTurpen, DanielTweit, Dawn (Tonak)Tweit, JonathanWeimer, Hope

1967Class Participation = 22%

Bleick, AllenButterfield, Victoria (Hougan)Ebert, KennethFenger, MichaelFinseth, Mavis (Myhre)Gullixson, TheodoreHansen, JonHarstad, CraigKeat, KennethLemke, Lorna (Schlomer)Lillo, Gail (Anderson)Lillo, GaryLinn, DavidLuckstein, DonaldMalenke, Sandra (Narges)Miller, Mary (Riebe)Olm, JamesO’Neill, RonaldPeterson, WarrenRing, Robert

1968Class Participation = 28%

Anderson, DonaldBranstad, JohnDashcund, CamillaEilertson, Cary

Eilertson, Sharon (Tabbert)Fredrickson, SusanGrosnick, RogerHammer, Suzanne (Smith)Harstad, Cheryl (Paakkonen)Hartigan, Cheryl (McCafferty)Hartigan, NormanHorrisberger, PaulJaeger, DonaldKeat, Kathleen (Skaaland)Klockziem, Gloria (Rupprecht)Luedeke, ArthurMalenke, DennisNack, DavidO’Neill, Marlene (Morrow)Pemble, JohnPetersen, Kathleen (Solli)Schumacher, Linda (Remmele)Stadler, Janice (Ausen)Stueck, ThomasSwenson, Anne (Kroll)Tyler, LawrenceWezler, DorothyWieland, RobertZiegler, Thomas

1969Class Participation = 24%

Abel, MaryBahn, LaelBoche, Ruth (Guldberg)Brekken, Marcia (Schleusener)Burmeister, Fay (Grossman)Gullixson, NormanHeiliger, Cheryl (Edwards)Hildebrandt, Ruth (Otto)Hilgert, DavidHlady, MichaelHlady, Sandra (Lindquist)Klinkel, Marlene (Hass)Kunkel, DennisLevorson, Gail (O’Brien)Luckstein, Rebecca (Faugstad)Mack, DavidMerseth, JuelMuehring, GeraldMuehring, Pamela (Anderson)Narges, CharlesNatvig, OakleighNeipert, KennethNelson, HarlandRemmele, PaulRuneberg, LloydSchmidt, DennisVoth, Althea (Matthees)Walker, Sharon (Dendtler)Weseloh, Patty

1970Class Participation = 20%

Birkholz, Sherilyn (Nelson)Branstad, Wendy (Bogeskov)Christenson, Eric

Dumke, PamelaJohnson, AllanKannenberg, DelmerLevorson, RonaldMaas, DanielMerseth, Lynn (Schurke)Merseth, NileNatvig, RolandOtto, Carolyn (Anderson)Otto, PaulPetersen, StevenRemmele, GaryReul, TimothyRuneberg, Jeanne (Bakken)Schmidt, MichaelSchulz, DaleSchulz, Kirsten (Johnson)Westphal, Arthur

1971Class Participation = 24%

Anderson, Nancy Flantz, Kathryn (Holte)Henderson, Mary (Hovel)Hopp, Lynette (Farnum)Huehn, BurgessJaeger, Lois (Olson)Johnson, Gayl (Edwards)Koestler, Judith (Anderson)Krebsbach, Linda (Narges)Lehtola, Carol (Gilbertson)Lindwurm, Susan (Bly)Loge, Linda (Zawacki)Otto, LoisPeterson, Carolyn (Anderson)Reitan, Cheryl (Hempel)Schaefer, DanielSeverson, ThomasSkaaland, TostenWestphal, Terri (Severson)Williams, Richard

1972Class Participation = 19%

Bartsh, RichardBenzer, Bernis (Johnson)Bezanson, Char (Bloedel)Bickley, Gwendolyn (Heldt)Burden, VerjeanFalconer, Carole (Honsey)Gullixson, MargaretHarstad, Peggy (Sorenson)Iverson, RamondJaeger, StevenKlute, SusanKoestler, PhilipMiller, DallasMorales, Elizabeth (Petersen)Nickerson, ArleneTyler, Aline (Schey)Van Norstrand, Michael

1973Class Participation = 19%

Anderson, Karen (Ellingson)Anderson, MichaelAufderheide, StanBernau, Julie (Bjelland)Blum, MarkBro, RandalBruss, DanCrabb, AllenKrause, Judith (Guldberg)Mickelson, ThomasMorales, ChristianNolte, JohnPaterson, Kristi (Hougan)Paterson, RichardPeterson, Lois (Narges)Trammell, Julie (Woehle)Wiederhoeft, Keith

1974Class Participation = 15%

Bartel, Barbara (Stuebs)Ertl, Sheryl (Kauffeld)Griffith, HelenHarstad, MarkJordahl, DavidKasten, JamesLam, LouisMoldstad, JohnNolte, Cheryl (Sachs)Olsen, DennisRuzek, Teresa (Soule)Stresman, Kathy (Baerman)Walker, Mark

1975Class Participation = 23%

Abrahamson, LarryAnnexstad, ElaineBloedel, KarlBorslien, PaulFeld, Rebecca (Newgard)Feld, TimothyGunn, DeanHagen, Carol (Kjenslee Metcalfe)Hanson, PaulHaugen, Elyse (Olson)Haugen, JeffreyHoman, BradleyJohnson, Joyce (Lillegard Rude)Kracht, JamesKrentz, WallaceKruse, RonaldLam, Roxanne (Bremseth)Nass, ThomasOlsen, MarkRay, RobertRemus, TedSchularick, Rhoda (Bohnsack)Shoop, DeanShoop, LuAnn (Larson)Starn, Jeffrey

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1976Class Participation = 16%

Casai, StephenCostello, GregoryFaugstad, Emily (Trier)Faugstad, JamesLima, CelsoMadson, JonathanMetzger, JudithMeyer, JoeNass, Janice (Dale)Noerenberg, DianeOvern Taylor, KathleenPaggi, Mary (Stuebs)Ryan, Dorothy (Von Haden)Ryan, RobertStavig, Jennifer (Tobias)Stresman, GaryVan Norstrand, Jane (Overn)

1977Class Participation = 21%

Anderson, StuartBartsch, MarkCooke, Karen (Nelson)Costello, Cynthia (Hall)Costello, JohnHoman, Julie (Koenen)Jahn, CurtisLee, CarinMagnan, HaroldMeyer, Connie (Kjenslee)Mielke, Mary (Laue)Morrison, Donna (Rixe)Orvick, MarkPetersen, JohnPriem, Joyce (Kroll)Reagles, StevenSchey, BernardSchmidt, KennethSkoog, Karen (Asmus)Slaker, Margaret (Tonn)Trebelhorn, OttoWoidke, ElaineZastrow, Michelle (Moeller)

1978Class Participation = 20%

Anderson, KeithAusen, OrrinBelding, Elizabeth (Hollander)Carruthers, Cheryl (Roberson)Davis, Elizabeth (Theiste)Hansen, Anita (Hill)Hybl, Virginia (Hagel)Kelton, Susan (Mauland)Kessel, WilliamKock, Elizabeth (Dale)Kopperud, Sheryl (Cohrs)Lussky, GlennMain, Cheryl (Koskiniemi)Main, Donald

Mellon, KennethMeythaler, DeAnn (Gannon)Moldstad, DonaldOlson, Ruth (Norell)Schultz, NathanSchultz, Shelly (Hein)Slaker, RalphSnyder, ScottSorenson, PaulVan Dyke, Elaine (Buhr)Werner, AnnWiederhoeft, Joni (Baarts)

1979Class Participation = 11%

Aastrup, JayBarkeim, Deborah (Knickelbein)Bruss, Kathryn (Moldstad)Darge, JoelEckstrom, BradleyKent, Christine (Eggert)Lee, Tammy (Warrant)Olson, Jean (Wall)Petermann, StephenRabe, Kathryn (Buer)Theiste, Beth (Jokela)Theiste, David

1980Class Participation = 13%

Behringer, MiltonBoyd, Cynthia (Budach)Deckard, RonnieFernholz, Lynda (Hill)Hicke, RobertHill, Carmen (Handel)Huseby, JeffreyIhns, DelbertJensen-Bohn, GeorgiannJones, LyleLussky, Rebecca (Madson)Meyer, StevenMoldstad, Virginia (Hassler)Redders, Terese (Wright)Schauff, Nancy (Werner)

1981Class Participation = 14%

Costello, Janet (Nelson)Gehl, RobinHansen Rickertsen, ChristineHaram, GlennHeine, Eileen (Prieve)Hicke, Valerie (Marquardt)Hoeting, Penny (Johnson)Johnson, Lois (Gullixson)Lee, MichaelLee, Susan (Swenson)Noben-Trauth, NancySchmidt, Krissann (Graven)Schoeneck, MarkScislow, JamesScislow, Karen (Harstad)

Sprengeler, Karen (Ude)Theiste, StevenVinz, JamesWiltzius, Christine (Leverenz)

1982Class Participation = 12%

Browne, PollyDietsche, JeffreyDworak, Jennifer (Hoepner)Haugly, Sheri (Hewitt)Helgemoe, JeffreyHelgemoe, Lori (Lillo)Helland, ThomasHopkins, Andrea (Fast)Knutson, Laurie (Engelkens)Langr, AndrewMeyer, JoelPalmer, Deanna (Lillegard)Sampson, PeterSchulz, Debra (Kopischke)Starry, Carrie (Lee)

1983Class Participation = 13%

Block, Joyce (Dreher)Cepek, GaryDoepel, MartinEversman, Debra (Bents)Faugstad, AndrewFick, Lois (Moldstad)Gullixson, EstherKarpan, Daon (Hartmann)Madson, DouglasMaxfield, JohnMcBryde, Mary (Schultz)Petermann, Ruth (Chang)Renne, Janet (Otto)Trueblood, Lisa (Golisch)Wold, John

1984Class Participation = 9%

Briard, JeffreyBrowne-Krosch, Crista (Meyer Browne)Christiansen, CraigFarley, Marie (Eppeland Farley D’Alessio)Hallauer, Beth (Gillespie)Johnson, PeterKrszjzaniek, Diane (Meder)Natvig, JonRohrman, JeffreySchmidt, Jodi (Sorenson)Tweed, ArlenWold, Paul

1985Class Participation = 10%

Anderson, WayneDallenbach, WilliamFoss, KevinHelland, JoAnn (Goetzke)

Jevens, CurtisLaue, BrendaNatvig, Cynthia (Griffin)Oare, Laurie (Lee)O’Neill, ThomasRadatz, AndrewSpraungel, Anna

1986Class Participation = 14%

Barrott, Naomi (Faugstad)Bovee, JeffreyBrudwick, JeffreyCrippen, Marisa (Christenson)Fearing, Renee (Fast)Halvorson, LorenJackson, Renee (Wiechmann)Krause, ElizabethMarzinske, MichaelMeunier, Myrna (Reed)Meyer, ThomasPederson, Jennifer (Madson)Schneider, ScottSchwartz, LanceSjoberg, JohnSweere, Penny (Bertram)Winter, Roxann (Terhell)

1987Class Participation = 16%

Alfred, Carolee (Schwartz)Aurand, EricBarrott, BradBauer, KurtBoecker, MarkBruss, Kristine (Schweim)Cook, Rebecca (Schmidt)Decker, RobertFyffe, RichardHoem, SteveLangr, JohnLehne, DonaldMarzinske, Naomi (Lillegard)Meyer, PeterNeath, RobertOelhafen, Christine (Heidenreich)Olsen, ToddRadloff, TimothyVikla, MarkWerner, MarnieWestphal, DonaldWoller, Lynn (Ranta)

1988Class Participation = 10%

Decker, Melissa (Statlander)Duesterhoeft, Jane (Zimmerman)Halvorson, Susan (Heidenreich)Kuball, Jodi (Johnson)Langr, Solveig (Olsen) Lyman, Heidi (Sip)Mathis-Gleason, Lois (Weigand)Olsen, Ruth (Moldstad)

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education that lasts beyond a lifetime 19

Olson, Clarice (Brudvig)Pollert, Anna (Schumpe)Possin, Jodi (Purdy Ferris)Studanski, Kimberly (Patterson)Suhr, Kristin

1989Class Participation = 10%

Bollinger, PaulEvans, Julie (Eichhorst)Gengenbach, MarkGernander, ErikGrasch, Sarah (Simminger)Horner, Sandra (Long)Johnson, TylerKlaeui, Rebecca (Langr)Merchlewitz, Shelly (Sornberger)Richert, TimothyVikla, Carol (Fuller)Younge, Joseph

1990Class Participation = 8%

Beyer, MichaelDale, Chandra (Schnell)Dale, MichaelDoerhoefer, Amy (Marzinske)Gilbertson, JonGriffin, DavidHeling, Rhonda (Steffel)Krengel, PaulMarzinske, ToddOuren, Robin (Larson)Thorson, Kip

1991Class Participation = 12%

Antonio, Domineque (Prinzig)Charlson, Lisa (Faugstad)Doerhoefer, JeremyElert, Colleen (Klima)Kind, ChristopherKuster, MatthewRahm, KeithRearden, Julaine (Kuchenbecker)Rodgers, ChristopherRohrer, Christine (Jensen)Wall, JosephWall, Tasha (Malenke)Youngberg, Katherine (Bendix)Younge, Angela (Paulson)

1992Class Participation = 11%

Brase, Heidi (Richert)Casteel, EricHazelberg, Faye (Cascione)Helland, ErikIrvin-Richtarich, KellyRiesinger, Elizabeth (Griffin)Schmidt, Gregory

Schwartz, Jennifer (Brassow)Skoog, Catherine (Cutler)Tweit, BerntWoller, EricYounge, Jeffrey

1993Class Participation = 9%

Birkholz, NathanielCharlson, CharlesEricksen, ShawnKetel, BrianKortuem, Marnie (Jacobson)Kreie, KristyMelvin, MichaelMumm, Tania (Malenke)Rabe, Holly (Schneider)Rich, Elizabeth (Staab)

1994Class Participation = 10%

Birkholz, JoshuaBirkholz, Sara (Goehring)Davis, Courtney (Sieber)Griffin, Nedra (Tweit)Holmen, JeremyJanzen, ChadMadson, PeterMagambo, RobertPaul, Kari (Steffen)Schaefer, ScottSchoer, GregorySoost, MichaelStafford, ShawnTweit, Katie (Longendyke)Young Klockziem, Tiffany

1995Class Participation = 9%

Barnack, Rebecca (Walther)Baumler, RogerBirkholz, Tracy (Gray)Cascione, JeromeFreeberg, Juli (Westphal)Gernander, Emily (Cadwell)Harstad, EricHurley, Kari (Nickel)Jeddeloh, Kirsten (Merritt)Johnson, ChristopherPfarr Walker, AmyRoeber, Kathryn (Browning)Stafford, Amy (Rasmussen)Younge, Paul

1996Class Participation = 7%

Anthony, PeterCaron, MatthewFreeberg, RyanGieseke, Angela (Harbarth)Gresens, Catherine (Haeuser)

Hartzell, TadHood, Lorelee (Loge)Marozick, JonathanMeitner, PaulOlson, BenjaminSchmidt, Julia (Tweit)Zajicek, Holly (Schultz)

1997Class Participation = 6%

Dale, ChristopherEkhoff, Kari (Frederikson)Ekhoff, PaulGarding, Victoria (Hayes)Masurka, SarahMoeller, PeterOlson, Sara (Knudson)Severson, TristanWentzlaff, LawrenceWinkel, Bethany (Nelson)Woller, Denice (Fetzer)

1998Class Participation = 3%

Bruns, Elizabeth (Reagles)Erickson, Dawn (Werling)Erickson, MichaelRutschow, Annette

1999Class Participation = 5%

Dale, Sarah (Harstad)Lukasek, MatthewMarzinske, Darci (Faith)Meyer, MarianRichert, DavidSchmidt, DanielShattuck, Rebecca (Merseth)

2000Class Participation = 4%

Dahle, Sarah Harstad, Laura (Faugstad)Harstad, LauraLukasek, Kristen (Tyrrell)Mellon, Patricia (Larabell)

2001Class Participation = 7%

Basel, DustinCoulsey, MatthewDittmer, Miranda (Umphrey)Kovaciny, JonathanKovaciny, Raelene (Miller)Loging, JonathanMellon, PaulTweit, SethVaubel, Rachael

2002Class Participation = 4%

Anderson, MatthewBasel, Roberta (Schmidt)Caron, Briana (Orvick)Ferkenstad, AaronPetzel, Krista (Merseth)Soule, Aaron

2003Class Participation = 5%

Costello, PeterMarozick, Abigail (Proeber)Mears, Laura (Hougan)Palmquist, AndrewRichert, CarlinWood, Eric

2004Class Participation = 5%

Fehr, NathanHarstad, Sarah (Madsen)Lin, Aleta (Mueller)Muehlenhardt, MichaelVlieger, Estelle (Tesch)

2005Class Participation = 10%

Harstad, DerekMears, JoshuaPaulsen, KurtPike, IvyRussell, Aleaha (Cummings)

2006Class Participation = 5%

Anderson, Emily (Tews)Bartelt, BrianFehr, Elisabeth (Bruss)Inniger, Alyssa (Schrader)Inniger, BenjaminKim, Jong-InMetzger, Thomas

2007Class Participation = 2%

Bauer, Emma (Baumann)Faugstad, JacobHendricks, Regina (Langhorst)Schroeder, John

2008Class Participation = 4%

Breitbarth, RebekahHendricks, LucasHoman, JonathanHoman, Tanya (Niemuth)Lange, Angela (Moldstad)Lange, DustinNelson, Jason

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Calendar of Events


6 Men’s/Women’s Cross Country Collegeville, Minn., 4:30 p.m.6, 7 Fall Play - “Tartuffe” by Moliere YFAC Theater, 7:30 p.m.8 Fall Play - “Tartuffe” by Moliere YFAC Theater, 2:30 p.m.13, 14 Fall Play - “Tartuffe” by Moliere YFAC Theater, 7:30 p.m.14 Men’s/Women’s Cross Country NCAA Regionals, Grinnell, Iowa, 10 a.m.16 Women’s Basketball @ Wisconsin-Superior Superior, Wisc., 7 p.m.16 Men’s Basketball @ St. Olaf Northfield, Minn., 7 p.m.17 Men’s Basketball @ Central Pella, Iowa, 7 p.m.20, 21 Men’s Basketball @ Wartburg Tournament Waverly, Iowa, 4 p.m.20, 21 Women’s Basketball @ Silver Lake Tourn. Manitowoc, Wisc., 4 p.m.24 Speech Tournament, PLUM #3, 1:30 p.m.24 Women’s Basketball vs. Waldorf HOME, 5 p.m.24 Fall Semester Honors Recital Trinity Chapel, 7 p.m.24 Men’s Basketball vs. Bethel HOME, 7 p.m.

december1 Men’s Basketball @ Minnesota State, Mankato, Mankato, Minn., 7 p.m.2 Christmas at Bethany Open Rehearsal Trinity Chapel, 4 p.m. 3-6 Christmas at Bethany Concert Trinity Chapel, 4 p.m. each day 3 Fall Semester Student Art Reception YFAC, 7 p.m. 4 Women’s/Men’s Basketball @ Minnesota-Morris Morris, Minn., 5:30 p.m/7:30 p.m.

For more calendar events, visit: www.blc.edu

Job OpeningMathematics

Bethany Lutheran College invites applications for a full-time, nine-month faculty position in mathematics beginning August 1, 2010. The Mathematics and Science Division seeks a candidate who will:

• teach lower- and upper-division mathematics courses for majors and non-majors

• direct undergraduate research projects

• oversee internships and independent studies

• advise mathematics majors

• work with mathematics faculty to continue to enhance the mathematics major, including the development of a secondary education mathematics major, and with faculty from other disciplines to develop interdisciplinary curricula and/or programs

• maintain and active program of scholarly activity

Candidates with a Ph.D. in mathematics preferred; ABD will be considered. Teaching experience in mathematics is preferred.

Applicants for this position must be a church member of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) or Wisconsin Evangelical Synod (WELS).

More information and how to apply is available at www.blc.edu/jobs.