SUMMARY RECORDS OF THE ELEVENTH MEETING … EBAC-2nd...UNCC on 30 November and 1 December 2016. Mr. Ataur Rahman, Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce Bangladesh

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The eleventh meeting of the ESCAP Business Advisory Council (EBAC) and the second meeting

of the ESCAP Sustainable Business Network (ESBN) were held at the United Nations Conference Centre

(UNCC) in Bangkok, Thailand, on 1 November 2016. The meetings were attended by 45 EBAC/ESBN

members and advisors, and 38 observers. The following ESBN Task Forces held separate meetings at the

same venue on 31 October 2016: Banking and Finance; Disaster and Climate Risk Reduction; Innovation

and Competitiveness; MSMEs and Social Enterprises; Pacific Issues; and Trade and Transport

Facilitation, while the Task Force on Digital Economy and the Task Force on Green Business organized a

joint meeting. A group of business executives also gathered to discuss the proposed establishment of a

new Task Force on Agriculture and Food at UNCC on 31 October 2016. The official programme of the

meetings and list of participants are contained in annex 1 and annex 2, respectively.


Mr. Hongjoo Hahm, Deputy Executive Secretary for Programmes, delivered his opening remarks

on behalf of Dr. Shamshad Akhtar, Executive Secretary of ESCAP. First, he addressed the relevance of

the EBAC/ESBN meetings of 2016 in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, or the

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. He highlighted

proactive businesses’ involvement as the key to successful implementation of these two global initiatives.

He expressed his appreciation for EBAC/ESBN members’ enhanced role in integrating responsible

business conduct (RBC) into their daily operations. He encouraged the participants to further examine the

key issues at the meetings on: how to encourage Asia-Pacific businesses to contribute to SDGs

implementation; how businesses can exploit the potential of science, technology and innovation (STI) for

sustainable development; and how to upgrade the profile and visibility of the EBAC/ESBN initiatives to

advance RBC in the region.

Mr. Chote Sophonpanich, Vice Chairman of EBAC, on behalf of Datuk Seri Mohamed Iqbal

Rawther, Chairman of EBAC, acknowledged King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand’s long dedication to

unifying the country and his commitment to improving lives of people of Thailand. He welcomed all the

participants and wished fruitful discussions among the Task Forces and successful deliberations.

All the participants in the meetings observed a moment of silence for the late Thai King.


Ms. Susan F. Stone, Director of Trade, Investment and Innovation Division (TIID), ESCAP,

expressed her great appreciation on the member’s ongoing support to the next year’s Asia-Pacific

Business Forum in Dhaka, Bangladesh (7-9 February 2017), and various Task Forces’ outputs for the past

year. She noted that business serves a crucial role in supporting the SDGs and ESCAP could take stock of

inventory of businesses across the Asia-Pacific region to support the SDGs. Ms. Stone also stressed the

importance of innovations for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to be engaged in

international markets and encouraged the EBAC/ESBN members to participate in the “Workshop on

using technology in support of Trade for Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Using STI to

develop a new model of public-private partnership in capacity building,” which is planned to be held at

UNCC on 30 November and 1 December 2016.

Mr. Ataur Rahman, Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce Bangladesh

(ICCB), introduced the Asia-Pacific Business Forum (APBF) 2017, which would be jointly organized by

ICCB and ESCAP, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, from 7 to 9 February 2017 under the patronage of the Ministry

of Commerce of Bangladesh. The APBF 2017 will consist of a plenary session on supporting SDGs

through digital financial and inclusive business models and four business sessions with the topics of:


promoting the role of business in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation; incentivizing

R&D and technology advancement; fostering regional energy cooperation for alternative and renewable

sources; and supporting and empowering disadvantaged MSMEs to become more competitive and


Mr. Masato Abe, Economic Affairs Officer, Business and Development Section of TIID, ESCAP,

thanked the participants for their continued support for the APBF and indicated that the upcoming Forum

would focus more on the effective implementation of SDGs. He also announced that the next

EBAC/ESBN meetings and the Task Force meetings would be held back to back with the APBF in Dhaka.


In his introductory remarks, Mr. Marc Proksch, Chief of Business and Development Section,

TIID, ESCAP, highlighted that APBF is evolving as a summit of the ESBN where task forces can

showcase and further develop their projects, initiatives and future plans. He briefly provided an overview

about each Task Force including the newly proposed two Task Forces: Agriculture and Food; and Water

Access, before inviting Chairs of Task Forces to present achievements in 2016 and work plan and vision

for 2016-2017.

1. Task Force on Disaster and Climate Risk Reduction (DCRR)

The Chair of the Task Force, Mr. Asif Ibrahim, first announced the new name: Task Force on

Disaster and Climate Risk Reduction. He then highlighted the purpose of the Task Force which is to

promote the effective participation of business in disaster and climate risk reduction as guided by global

and regional frameworks on disaster, climate and sustainable development. He also briefed a number of

previous meetings, publications as well as capacity building activities, including a joint publication

“Resilient Business for Resilient Nations and Communities” among ESCAP, Asian Disaster Preparedness

Center (APDC) and READY Asia-Pacific; corporate level training in Indonesia in cooperation with the

Artha Graha Group; and regional training in cooperation with the Asia-Pacific Alliance for Disaster

Management. Mr. Asif also announced the upcoming workshop in Nepal on 17 November 2016, with the

support from the Ministry of Commerce of Nepal and ESCAP under the theme “Prospecting Business

Dialogue on Disaster Recovery and Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR)”. He also

presented the revised Terms of Reference of the Task Force, which indicates that the policy drivers of the

Task Force activity are: the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) 2015-2030; Paris

Agreement under the UNFCCC; 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; and ESCAP Resolution

71/12 on the Regional Mechanisms for SFDRR. Under these frameworks, future direction of the Task

Force is to reach out to chambers of commerce and other regional platforms to promote the strengthening

of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for disaster and climate resilience.

2. Task Forces on Green Business and Digital Economy

Mr. Carson Wen, the Chair of the Task Force on Green Business presented the activities of both

his Task Force and the Task Force on Digital Economy, chaired by Ms. Barbara Meynert, and the results

from the discussions of the joint meeting of two Task Forces. The Digital Economy Task Force gave an

update on the “Myanmar SME Link”, a business opportunity platform that connects SMEs in Myanmar

with global business, credit and services, and submitted a study on equity crowdfunding opportunities .

Also, an ESCAP publication, “Guidebook on Best Practices for Green Businesses”, supported by the Task

Force on Green Business substantively and, financially was introduced. The joint activities of the two

Task Forces include the mission to Kazakhstan (Almaty and Astana, 30 August – 4 September 2016) for

meetings with the Government and private sector and research on green finance. Future activities of two

Task Forces include: developing a food waste index; indices on green architecture and water resources;

and developing a health index for coastal studies.


3. Task Force on Innovation and Competitiveness

The Chair of the Task Force on Innovation and Competitiveness, Mr. Akash Bhavsar, introduced

the key contributions made over the past year: (a) signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with

the International Federation of Inventors' Associations (IFIA) on the creation of a platform for innovation

exchange and commercialization of five high impact innovations/ventures; (b) contributions at fora on

the regional road map for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; (c) engagement

of private sector stakeholders to encourage innovation and investments; and (d) creation of mechanisms

for high impact solutions that can radically transform today's businesses. The proposed and ongoing

activities of the Task Force include: a publication called “emPowered by Innovation”, which is expected

to be an inspirational hands-on guide showcasing Asia-Pacific innovation success stories that have

achieved significant impact on achieving the SDGs; and a mechanism called “SDG Accelerator”, high

impact innovations and ventures to address humanity’s grand challenges.

4. Task Force on Agriculture and Food

A new Task Force on Agriculture and Food was presented to members by Mr. Thirach

Rungruangkanokkul, Executive Director of the Agriculture and Food Marketing Association for Asia and

the Pacific (AFMA). He highlighted the importance of the agriculture and food sectors by citing some

relevant statistics. He stated that this new Task Force on Agriculture and Food would be a vibrant and

useful tool to help achieve the Goal No. 2 of the SDGs: end hunger, achieve food security and improved

nutrition, and to promote sustainable agriculture in the Asia-Pacific region. He also said that the future

action plans of the Task Force could be: (a) to develop, demonstrate and disseminate successful

agriculture and food sustainable models to agriculture cooperatives and public and private sectors; (b) to

promote food safety and most importantly food sovereignty; and (c) to empower smallholder farmers and

small and medium food companies for food safety management and market accessibility. In closing, Mr.

Thirach said that the farming industry not only needs to be self-sufficient but also creative in order to

attract interest from young people and gain access the markets with new technologies. As such, there is an

urgent need for policy makers and the business community to work on creating synergies for the

development of agriculture and improvement of food security in the Asia-Pacific region.

5. Task Force on Trade and Transport Facilitation

The Chair of the Task Force on Trade and Transport Facilitation, Mr. Tariq Rangoonwala,

highlighted the Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets

(TIR Convention)1 as a key trade facilitation measure. He referred to some tangible results such as

Pakistan’s accession in July 2015 and China’s accession in July 2016. In this context, the Task Force

expanded its agenda to take into account the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Trade Facilitation

Agreement (TFA) which was concluded in December 2013 at the Bali Ministerial Conference, as part of a

wider “Bali Package”. While many countries in the Asia-Pacific region have already ratified it, there are

still issues with the TFA such as the definition and scope of the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO).

Mr. Rangoonwala also introduced the Task Force’s initiatives including the “Workshop on International

Trade Finance, Logistics and Business Development”, organized by ESCAP in Yangon, Myanmar, in

November 2015. He also introduced the Istanbul Convention on ATA Carnets2 to the agenda. The Task

Force suggested that ESCAP could facilitate cooperation among customs authorities of the Asia-Pacific

region to work towards the accession and implementation of key multilateral trade facilitation measures

such as the Istanbul Convention and the TIR Convention.

1 TIR stands for “Transports Internationaux Routiers”.

2 ATF/ATA Carnet System is an important international passport for goods; it’s a very important marketing tool to extend to the

business community, especially SMEs to empower them to successfully build their export through passing free customs

clearance of commission, exhibition of products and items. Istanbul convention linked to the implementation of FTA.


Ms. Ju Song Lee from the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Asia expressed her views

on the importance of adopting International Conventions such as the Istanbul Convention on the operation

of the ATA Carnet System for the hassle-free Customs clearance of goods especially in the area of trade

facilitation. She also urged the EBAC/ESBN members to focus on international convention rather than

regional transit schemes. She requested that ESCAP urges the early ratification of this Convention

throughout the region as it is a multilateral trade facilitation Convention which will help speed up regional

integration and economic co-operation.

6. Task Force on Banking and Finance

The Chair of the Task Force on Banking and Finance, Mr. George Yuen, together with two of

Task Force members highlighted the recent accomplishments of the Task Force, especially in relation to

the Belt and Road Initiative and green finance. Over the year, the Task Force has focused on the

preparation of the publication called “Responsible Business 2.0” which requires the banking and financial

industries to encourage every business to operate in a responsible manner. Successful case studies on

“Responsible Business 2.0” were presented through key forums with institutes for directors, institutes for

bankers, chambers of commerce and working with leading organizations for expert reviews. The Task

Force would aim to present recommendations to overcome potential hindrances to economic, social and

environmental sustainability, which underpin the triple bottom line (TBL) of business and on how civil

society, governments and international organizations such as ESCAP could address market failure. Mr.

Yuen also announced the new Chair of the Task Force, Dr. George Lam, to the EBAC/ESBN members.

The Task Force also offered to host a regional event of the EBAC/ESBN at the Cyberport in Hong Kong,

China, in the middle of November 2017, in collaboration with the Task Force on Green Business and the

Task Force on Digital Economy.

7. Task Force on MSMEs and Social Enterprises

Dr. Sailendra Narain, Chair of the Task Force on MSMEs and Social Enterprises first briefed the

meeting on some key activities whose primary goal was not only to instill the idea of socially responsible

business in the mind of young entrepreneurs but also to work towards market development and provide

capacity building to chambers of commerce and business associations. One of the key activities of the

Task Force was: the organization of the programme “Young Business Leaders Programme on Socially

Responsible Business” in Chandigarh, India, in February 2016 with the aim of making a regional call for

equipping young business leaders and entrepreneurs with relevant education and capacity building for

socially responsible business (SRB). Dr. Narain also said that the Task Force plans to collaborate with the

Task Force on Banking and Finance as well as chambers of commerce in the Asia-Pacific region with the

aim of identifying barriers which hinder SMEs in having access to finance and meeting the WTO TFA.

8. Task Force on Pacific Issues

Mr. Nitij Pal, Co-Chair of the Task Force on Pacific Issues, stated that over the past year, he has

been discussing with the EBAC/ESBN secretariat and private sector institutions on mechanisms for

addressing current issues faced by Pacific Island states for fulfilling the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable

Development. While some countries such as Papua New Guinea have recently made significant economic

progress, many Pacific Island states are still experiencing capacity gaps and other barriers to achieve

economy growth. According to Mr. Pal, the crucial areas for business to focus include climate change,

technology transfer, agriculture development and food security. He noted that collaboration with other

Tasks Forces would be the key to success. In this connection, Mr. Pal plans to develop a new TORs for

the Task Force, a plan of activities and strategies for successful membership recruitment shortly.



Ms. Robyn Meredith, EBAC member and Executive Director, Private Wealth Management

Investment Management Division, Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., made a presentation on closing the

credit gender gap for female-owned SMEs. Based on the Goldman Sachs research report called “Giving

Credit Where It Is Due: Spotlight on the G20”, she explained that, while SMEs contribute to employment

productivity and development in innovation and technology, access to finance has been one of the biggest

constraints for their survival and growth. Female-owned SMEs, in particular, often face hurdles such as

legal and cultural barriers, access to education and infrastructure-related challenges. To close the credit

gap, the report recommended: (1) increasing training opportunities for female-owned SMEs to improve

their access to capital; (2) improving credit risk assessments and terms for female clients; (3) creating new

financial products targeting female-owned SMEs; (4) strengthen financial infrastructure for women, and;

(5) easing the process for female-owned SMEs to join the formal sector.

Mr. Rangoonwala raised concern on the ongoing discussion on the development of global rules

and regulations on cross-border financial transactions, which may impact negatively on trade and

transport operations in Asia-Pacific developing countries. He requested the EBAC/ESBN secretariat to

investigate the issue and share the results with the EBAC/ESBN members.

A new task force on young entrepreneurship was proposed and was accepted by EBAC and

ESBN members. It was agreed that Mr. Pedro Eloy, a current ESBN member, would become the Chair of

the proposed Task Force, which is tentatively to be called as “Young Entrepreneurs Task Force (YET)”. It

was also suggested that he would become an EBAC member in assuming his role as the Chair. These

proposals were adopted by the Meeting by consensus with immediate effect.

Mr. Mahbubur Rahman also proposed that Mr. Tissa Jayaweera, a former member of EBAC from

Sri Lanka, would have his EBAC membership restored, which was agreed by the Meeting.

Mr. Abe expressed his appreciation for the commitment and assistance from the members and

eager discussions at the Task Force meetings. He then made the following announcements: (1) the Astana

Financial Center had offered to host in 2017 a joint meeting of the Task Force on Digital Economy and

the Task Force on Green Business in Astana, Kazakhstan, with a possible participation of the Young

Entrepreneurs Task Force, and the Task Force on Banking and Finance ; (2) the Trade and Industrial

Association Singapore (TIAS) had also suggested to organize a future APBF in a major city of China

under the theme of the Belt and Road Initiative.


In concluding the meetings, Mr. Proksch encouraged members to participate in the APBF in

Dhaka and urged each Task Force to collaborate closer with each other for productive outcomes. In

closing, Mr. Chote expressed heartfelt thanks to the ESCAP Secretariat for arranging the meetings and to

members of EBAC/ESBN for their commitment in improving and changing life of the people within the

Asia-Pacific region.


ANNEX 1. Official Programme

Eleventh Meeting of the

ESCAP Business Advisory Council and

Second Meeting of the ESCAP Sustainable

Business Network Tentative Programme

United Nations Conference Centre Bangkok |Thailand

31 October and 1 November 2016 Monday, 31 October 2016

Venue: United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC)

08:30 – 10:00

Registration at the Lobby of the United Nations Conference Centre


Welcome coffee in front of Conference Room 4 (CR-4)

ESCAP Sustainable Business Network (ESBN) Task Force Meetings

09:00- 12 :30

Task Force on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Headed by: Mr. Asif Ibrahim

Meeting Room E

10 :00 – 17 :00

Task Force on Digital Economy & Task Force on Green Business Co-headed by: Prof. Barbara Meynert & Mr. Carson Wen

Meeting Room G

10:00 – 17 :00

Task Force on Banking and Finance Headed by: Mr. George Yuen

Meeting Room H

10 :00 – 17 :00

Task Force on Trade and Transport Facilitation Headed by: Mr. Tariq Rangoonwala

Meeting Room D

10 :00 – 17 :00

Task Force on Innovation and Competitiveness Headed by: Mr. Akash Bhavsar

Meeting Room C


10:00 – 17 :00

New Task Force on Agriculture and Food (a preparation meeting) Headed by: Mr. Thirach Rungruangkanokkul

Conference Room 4


Joint Lunch at the UNCC Public Foyer (ground floor)

14:00 – 17 :00

Task Force on MSMEs & Social Enterprises Headed by: Dr. Sailendra Narain

Meeting Room E

15 :00-15:30

Joint networking break in front of Conference Room 4

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Venue: Conference Room 4, UNCC



09:00 – 09:15

Eleventh meeting of the ESCAP Business Advisory Council (EBAC) & second meeting of the ESCAP Sustainable Business Network (ESBN)

Opening Statement: Mr. Hongjoo Hahm

Deputy Executive Secretary for Programmes, ESCAP

EBAC Opening Statement: Mr. Chote Sophonpanich

EBAC Vice Chairperson


Photo taking and networking break


Introduction and welcome remarks:

Ms. Susan F. Stone Director, Trade, Investment and Innovation Division, ESCAP

Preparations for the Asia-Pacific Business Forum 2017

Dhaka, Bangladesh, 7-9 February 2017

Presentation made by Mr. Ataur Rahman Secretary General, the International Chamber of Commerce Bangladesh

Discussions on agenda, speakers and logistical arrangement



Review on the status of the ESBN Task Forces and their vision for future activities

Introduction by Mr. Marc Proksch Chief, Business and Development Section

Trade, Investment and Innovation Division, ESCAP Presentations by each ESBN Task Force on:

• Briefing on current projects and status • Concrete work plan and vision for their 2016-2017 activities and outputs • New initiatives and plans • Presentation on new ESBN studies/books • Proposals on new task forces


Lunch at the UNCC Public Foyer (ground floor)


Presentation on the new Goldman Sachs research and recommendations on closing the credit gender gap and update members on the Goldman Sachs/IFC’s lending facility for women

Presentation made by Ms. Robyn Meredith

EBAC member and Executive Director, Private Wealth Management Investment Management Division, Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C.

14 :30-15:00

Cross-border banking services and their effects on trade and transportation in Asia and the Pacific

Discussion led by Mr. Tariq Rangoonwala ESBN Task Force Chair on Trade and Transport Facilitation

15 :00-15:30

Long-term goals and outcomes of EBAC/ESBN

Introduction by Mr. Masato Abe Economic Affairs Officer, Business and Development Section

Trade, Investment and Innovation Division, ESCAP Presentation by EBAC/ESBN Secretariat on:

• Discuss on the strategic objectives and expected outcomes • Financial sustainability

Date, venue and agenda of EBAC 12th session

Other matters

15 :30-16:00

Closing remarks by Co-Chairs


ANNEX 2. List of Participants


Meeting of the ESCAP Business Advisory Council and


Meeting of the ESCAP Sustainable Business Network:



Mr. Nitij Pal, Principal, ANDE + Co., Level 8, 65 York Street, Sydney 2000 NSW, Australia, Tel: +61 2 8076 6035, Email: [email protected] Mr. Ian Satchwell, Director, Perth US Asia Centre, WA Trustee Building | Level 2, 133 St Georges Terrace, Perth Western Australia 6000, Australia, Tel.: 61 8 9263 9815, Fax: 61 8 9263 9877 | Mobile: 61 404 822 492, Email: [email protected] Mr. Asif Ibrahim, Vice Chairman, Newage Group of Industries, 42/I Indira Road, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh, Tel: +880-2-815-3204; Mobile: +880-1713-438-990, Email: [email protected] Mr. Mahbubur Rahman, President, Chairman & CEO, ETBL Holdings Limited and President, ICC Bangladesh, Suvastu Tower (9th Floor), 69/1, Panthapath, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh, Tel: +8802-8621942, Fax: +8802-9676698, Ms. Rokia Afzal Rahman, Chairperson, Arlinks Group of Companies, Red Crescent Concord Tower, (11th Floor) Suite-B, 17, Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh, Tel: 8850254-57/8881575, Fax: 9888388, Email: [email protected] Mr. Shazali Sulaiman, Chairman, The Brunei Darussalam International Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Unit 401-403A, Wisma Jaya, Jalan Pemancha, Bandar Seri Begawan BS 8811, Brunei Darussalam, Tel: +673 2226888; Fax: +673 2228389, Email: [email protected] H.E. Dr. Sok Siphana, Managing Partner, Sok Siphana & Associates, Attorneys & Legal Consultants , No. 45 Street 355, First Flor, Sangkat Boeung Kak 1, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh 12151, Cambodia, Tel.: (855)12 666 499, 98 611 711, Fax: (855) 23 882 943, Email: [email protected] Mr. David Chan, General Manager, Grand Hyatt Guangzhou, 12 Zhujiang W. Rd., Pearl River New City, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510623, China, Tel: +86 139 2423 1234 , Email: [email protected] Mr. Chun Ting Lai, General Manager, Shenzhen HiGreen Environmental Co., LTD , 2A, Chun Hu An, Zhen Ye Cheng 1 Qi, Heng Gang, Long Gang, Shenzhen, Guang Dong 518000, China, Tel: 86-755-85221234; Fax: 86-755-89342770, Email: [email protected] Mr. David Morris, Trade Commissioner, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat/Pacific Islands Trade & Invest, 5-1-3-1- TaYuan Diplomatic Compound (DRC), 1 Xindong St, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100600, China, Email: [email protected] Ms. Haley Wang, Executive Director, Remark Media, China, Email: [email protected] Mr. Bao Yu, Founder, Green China Lab, SHIP Venture Capital Services Platform, C1 Room 307, Shenzhen High-Tech Park, Nanshan, Shenzhen, China, Tel: +86 18603005922; Fax: +86 755 89506416, Email: [email protected] Dr. William Yu, CEO World Green Organisation, Green House, 4th Floor, 483 D-E Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok, Tel: +852 2391 1693; Mobile: +852 9041 3527; Fax: +852 2317 4100, China, Email: [email protected]


Mr. Pedro Eloy, Director of New Media, Fung Group, Room 104, Cyberport 4, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong, China, Tel.: (852) 9011 6019, Fax: (852) 3014 4847, Email: [email protected] Mr. William Bruce Hicks, Chairman, Asia Clean Capital Ltd, Unit 4204-5, 42/F, 248 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, China, Tel.: 852-2805-7070, Fax: 852-2805-7373, Email: [email protected] Mr. Lee George Lam, Chairman-Indochina, Myanmar and Thailand; Senior Adviser-Asia, Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (Hong Kong) Ltd., Level 18, One International Finance Centre, 1 Harbour View Street, Central, Hong Kong, China, Email: [email protected] Mr. Raymond Lo, Founder and Principal, Cavendish Investment Corp. (CIC Group of Companies), Suite 14A Shun Ho Tower, 23-30 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong, China, Tel.: +852 2536 0658, Fax: +852 2536 0166, Email: [email protected] Mr. Benjamin McQuhae, Partner, Jones Day, 31/F, Edinburgh Tower, The Landmark, Central, Hong Kong, China, Tel: +852 3189 7242, Email: [email protected] Ms. Robyn Meredith, Executive Director, Investment Management Division Goldman Sachs, Suites 1102-1103, Far East Finance Centre, 16 Harcourt Road, Admiralty, Hong Kong, China Tel.: +852 9199 3240; Fax: +852 2845 9036, Email: [email protected] Mr. Albert Oung, Founder and President, World Green Organization, Green House, 4th Floor, 483 D-E, Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok, Hong Kong, China, Tel.: 852 2991 9105, Fax: 852 2371 4100, HK Mobile: 852 9716 9519, MM Mobile: 959 500 40 60, Email: [email protected] Mr. Carson Wen, Director, Pacific Basin Economic Council, L31st Floor, Edinburgh Tower, The Landmark, 15 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong, China, Tel.: (852) 3189 7328, Fax: (852) 2868 5871, Email: [email protected] Mr. Pat-Nie Woo, Partner, Strategic Development KPMG, 8'F Prince's Building, 10 Chater Road, Central, Hong Kong, China, Tel.: +852 3927 5674, Fax: +852 2845 2588, Email: [email protected] Ms. Jude Wu, Managing Director, Conservation International Hong Kong, Windsor House, Chubb Tower, 28/F, Suite 2807, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, China, Email: [email protected] Mr. George Yuen, Board Director, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia), 33/F., ICBC Tower, 3 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong, China, Tel.: (852) 2588 1188; Facsimile: (852) 2805 1166, Email: [email protected] Mr. Akash Bhavsar, Managing Director, Skyquest Technology Group, B-501, Krishna Complex, Nr. Rajpath Club, Off. S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad - 380 054, Gujarat, India, Tel.: +1 617 230 0741 (USA), +91 98980 90605 (India), Email: [email protected] Ms. Shriya Damani, Co-founder & CEO, SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd., B-50`, Krishna Complex, Off S. G. Highway, Nr. Rajpath Club, Ahmedabad - 380 054, Gurajat, India, Tel: +91 794005 4112; Fax:+91 79 4005 4113, Email: [email protected] Dr. Sailendra Narain, Chairman, Centre for SME Growth & Development Finance (CESMED), B-231, Vikasini CHS, sector-8B, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai-400614, India, Mobile: 91-98210 17776, Email: [email protected] Mr. Guruprakash Sastry, Regional Manager – Infrastructure, Infosys Limited, Infosys Limited, 44, Electronics city, Hosur road, Bangalore-560 100, India, Tel: +91 80 33317777, Fax: +91 80 28520816, Email: [email protected]


Mr. Baur Bektemirov, Managing Director, Astana International Financial Centre Authority, 55 Orynbor St., 6th floor, Astana, Kazakhstan, Tel: +7 7172 613 625, Email: [email protected] Capt. Aung Khin Myint, Chairman, Myanmar International Freight Forwarder's Association (MIFFA) and GMS Freight Transport Association (GMS-FRETA), 150, Dhamazedi Road, Bahan, Yangon, Myanmar, Tel.: +9512300236; Fax: +9512300236, Email: [email protected] Mr. Tariq M Rangoonwala, Chairman, Rangoonwala Group of Companies, V. M. House, West Whard Road, Karachi-74000, Pakistan, Tel.: +92 21 32311453, 32314056, Fax: +92 21 32311286, Cell: +92 300 8221162, Email: [email protected] Mr. Felix Richard A. Cordova, President & CEO, Edward Marcs Phils Inc., 2F Timog Bldg., 28 Eugenio Lopez Drive, South Triangle, Quezon City, 1103 Metro Manila, Philippines, Tel.: +632-922-1371, Mobile: +63917-6288839, Fax: +632-922-1658, Email: [email protected] Mr. Crisanto S. Frianeza, Secretary General, Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), 3rd Flr. Commerce and Industry Plaza 1030 Campus Ave. cor. Park Ave. McKinley Town Center Fort Bonifacio Taguig City, Philippines, Tel.: (02) 846-8196 loc. 121, Fax (02) 846-8619, Email: [email protected] Ms. Maggie Gorse, Managing Director, Verlion Pte Ltd., 57 Mohd Sultan Road, #03-05 Sultan Link, 238997 ,Singapore, Email: [email protected] Ms. Ju Song Lee, Executive Director, International Chamber of Commerce, Regional Office, Asia, 32 Maxwell Road #02-11, Maxwell Chambers, 069115, Singapore, Tel: 65 6814 0248, Fax: 65 6814 0242, Email: [email protected] Mr. Khang Lui, Executive Chairman, Water4all Asia Pacific Pte Ltd., 298 River Valley Rod, 238339, Singapore, Tel: +65 81380826, Email: [email protected] Mr. Michael Aumock, Director, Image Transforms/Millice (Thailand) Co ltd (New Company TBU), Millice (Thailand) Co. Ltd. 324/35 Sanpawud Road #209/ 2&3 Bangna, Bangkok, 10260 Thailand, Email: [email protected] Mr. Joe Horn, Founder and CEO, Strategy 613, 2101 CRC Tower, All Seasons Place, 87/2 Wireless Road, Bangkok, 10330, Thailand, Tel.: +66 81 567 2557, +86 135 5288 5315, Fax: +66 2 654 1415, +86 10 5221 4554, Email: [email protected] Mr. Eetu Kuneinen, Co-Founder and Director of Technology Strategy, 3D Printing Industry (Bank of Asia), Blocs 77 Condominium, 291/237 Sukhumvit 77 Rd., (Onnuch), Prakanong-nua, Wattana Bangkok 10100, Thailand, Tel.: +66 846713965, Email: [email protected] Prof. Barbara Meynert, Senior Advisor, Fung Group, Watermark 38B1 Tower A, 1559/202 Charoen Nakorn Road, Bangkok 10600, Thailand, Tel.: (66) 852552180, Fax: (852) 30101236, Mobile: 085-255-2180, Email: [email protected] Mr. Thirach Rungruangkanokkul, Executive Director, Agriculture and Food Marketing Association for Asia and the Pacific (AFMA), FAO Annex, 202/1 Larn Luang, Pomprabsattruphai, Bangkok 10100, Thailand, Email: [email protected] Mr. Chote Sophonpanich, Chairman, Krungdhep Sophon Public Company Ltd., Greenspot (Thailand) Ltd., 288 Srinakarintara Road, Hua Mark, Bangkapi, Bangkok, 10240, Thailand, Tel.: (66-2) 374-0823 x 2108; Fax: (66-2) 375-2766; Email: [email protected] Mr. Tak Sriratanobhas, Vice President - J/V Project & International Trade, Mitr Phol Sugar Corp. Ltd., 3rd Floor Ploenchit Center Building 2, Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110, Thailand, Tel.: +66 81-821-5847, Email: [email protected]


Ms. Akiko Otani, Managing Director, R3ADY Asia-Pacific, c/o FEMA, 800 K Street NW, Suite 5147, Washington D.C. 20001 USA. Email: [email protected] Ms. Emily Tong, President Asia, Global Investments & Resources Ltd. LLC, PO Box 26494, Scottsdale AZ 85255, USA, Email: [email protected] Mr. Xiaochen Zhang, Founding Partner, New Development Ventures, USA, Tel: +12025600066, Email: [email protected]


Mr. Ataur Rahman, Secretary-General of ICC Bangladesh, Tel: 880-2-865-2045, Mobile: 8801552203507, Email: [email protected] Ms. Deborah Biber, Chief Executive, Pacific Basin Economic Council, Hong Kong, China, Email: [email protected] Ms. Constance Lam, Student leader, Chinese International School, Hong Kong, China, Email: [email protected] Mr. Pok Wong, Senior Officer, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia), Hong Kong, China, Email: [email protected] Mr. Mansor Omar, Deputy Director General (Development), Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA) Malaysia, Malaysia, Email: [email protected] Mr. Mikhail Prokudin, Head International Relations Directorate, ACIG Group, Member of the Board German and Russian Economic Alliance German and Russian Economic Alliance, 36 Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Moscow, Russian Federation, Email: [email protected] Dr. Antonio Jr. Acedo, Postharvest Specialist, World Vegetable Center, Thailand, Email: [email protected] Ms. Sanhajutha Chirathivat, President, Earthsafe Foundation, Thailand, Email: [email protected] Mr. Paul Choong, Advisor to President & CEO, Thai Beverage Public Co., Ltd., Thailand, Email: [email protected] Dr. Pote Chumsri, Advisor, Farmers Federations Association for Development Thailand, Email: [email protected] Ms. Clelia Daniel, Programme Manager, CSR Asia/Sasin Center for Sustainability Management (SCSM), Thailand, Email: [email protected] Ms. Kansarat Hansiriyuenyong, Assistant Project Manager, SIMA ASEAN Thailand, IMPACT Exhibition Management, Thailand, Email: [email protected] Mr. Andrew Jacka, Director, Spa Origins Co. Ltd., Thailand, Email: [email protected] Ms. Manita Jirananthawat, Senior Strategy and Investor Relation Executive, Tipco Foods Public Company Ltd., Thailand, Email: [email protected] Mr. Pattarapol Kamolsilp, Loxley Public Co. Ltd., Thailand, Email: [email protected] Ms. Mio Kato, iPrepareBusiness Coordinator, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), SM Tower, 24th Floor, 979/69 Paholyothin Road, Samsen Nai Phayathai, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, Email: [email protected]


Mr. David Leng, Director, Cambodia Black Garlic, Thailand, Email: [email protected] Ms. Praivan Limpanboon, Stakeholder Engagement Specialist, Mekong River Commission, Thailand, Email: [email protected] Mr. Sirikorn Limsuwan, Earthsafe Foundation, Thailand, Email: [email protected] Mr. Pichet Nitipaisalkul, Director, Michel Angelo, Thailand Ms. Ploychompoo Nitipaisalkul, Michel Angelo, Thailand, Email: [email protected] Mr. Kompit Panasupon, Coffee Specialist, PANA Coffee Co., Ltd., Thailand, Email: [email protected] Mr. Peera Panasupon, President, PANA Coffee Co., Ltd., Thailand, Email: [email protected] Ms. Phattaraporn Phenpraphat, Executive Vice President Marketing & Public Relations, Central Food Retail Co. Ltd., Thailand, Email: [email protected] Ms. Chanida Phuensaen, General Manager Public Relations, Central Food Retail Co., Ltd, Thailand, Email: [email protected] Ms. Chamapan Rangaratna, Advisor to CEO - Corporate Affairs, Thai Beverage Public Co., Ltd., Thailand, Email: [email protected] Mr. Suthat Ronglong, Earthsafe Foundation, Thailand, Email: [email protected] Ms. Ajjima Roysri, Project Manager, SIMA ASEAN Thailand, IMPACT Exhibition Management, Thailand, Email: [email protected] Mr. Abdullah Sabri Tok, Executive Director, Thai-Turkish Chamber of Commerce, Thailand, Email: [email protected] Ms. Achiraya Srisuwanniwes, Chair of Executive Boar, ARSA (2016) Co., Ltd., Thailand, Email: [email protected] Mr. Aphiwat Sukphang, Earthsafe Foundation, Thailand, Email: [email protected] Mr. Suntod Suriyan, Senior Specialist, Electronic transactions development Agency (Public Organization), Thailand, Email: [email protected] Mr. Boonchai Thanasitichai, Executive board, ARSA (2016) Co., Ltd., Thailand, Email: [email protected] Ms. Chutamas Thongnopnua, Bumrung Yang Co., Ltd., Thailand, Email: [email protected] Ms. Pakamon Visupakarn, General Manager, ARSA (2016) Co., Ltd., Thailand, Email: [email protected] Mr. Antonio Hunter Chan, Vice Chairman, King Wai Group, Email: [email protected] Mr. Henry Chan, Vice Chairman, King Wai Group, Email: [email protected] Mr. Binu Cherian, Country Manager, HarvestPlus, Email: [email protected]