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Improvement Is A Proof!

Copyrighted by Studev MSS FEUI 2013


Communication : the transfer and understanding of meaning

Functions of Communication

Communications serves four major functions within a group or organization :

Control, Motivation, Emotional Expression, and Information

1.  Control : Communication acts to control member behaviour,

Usually organization have authority hierarchies and formal

guidelines that have to be followed by the employee

2.  Motivation : Communication fosters motivation by clarifying to

employees what is to be done, how well they are doing,

and how to improve their performance

3.  Emotional Expression : Communication provides for the emotional expression

of feelings and fulfillment of social needs

4.  Information : Communication provides information needed to make


The Communication Process

Communication Process = the steps between a source and a receiver that result in the

transference and understanding of meaning

Elements of the Communication Process :

1.  The sender

2.  Encoding

3.  The message

4.  The channel – the medium selected by the sender through which the message travels to

the receiver

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Copyrighted by Studev MSS FEUI 2013

Types :

a.  Formal Channel  –  are established by the organization and transmit messages

that are related to the professional activities of members.

b.  Informal Channel - used to transmit personal or social messages in the

organization. These informal channels are spontaneous and emerge as a

response to individual choices5.  Decoding

6.  The receiver  – the person(s) to whom the message is directed, who must translate the

symbols into understandable form

7.  Noise  –  communication barriers that distort the clarity of the message, such as

perceptual problems, information overload, etc

8.  Feedback  –  is the check on how seccesful we have been in transferring our messages

originally intended.

Direction of Communication

1.  Communication that flows from one level of a group or organization to a

lower level

2.  Used by group leaders with employees to assign goals, provide job

instructions, explain policies and procedures, etc

3.  Doesn’t have to be oral or face to face 

Problems : Managers have to fully explained the problem, just one-way

communication ( from manager to the employees)

1.  Communication that flows to higher level in the group or organization


Used to provide feedback to higher-ups, inform them of progresstoward goals, and relay current problems

Problems : increasingly difficult because managers are overwhelmed

and easily distracted

1.  Communication takes place among members of the same work group,

same level, or any horizontally equivalent workers

Advantages : saves time and facilitates coordination

Interpersonal Communication

  Oral Communication

Such as speeches, formal one-on-one and group discussion

-  Advantages : Speed and feedback

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-  Disadvantages: Distortion of message “the more people, the greater the

potential distortion” 

  Written Communication

using memos, letters, fax transmissions, email, IM, and any other device that transmits

via written words or symbols. Written communications are more likely to be well

thought out, logical, and clear-  Advantages : Tangible and verifiable

-  Disadvantage : Time consuming and lacks feedback

  Non-verbal Communication

Such as body movement, facial expressions, intonations, physical distance

-  Advantages : Supports other communications and provides observable

expression of emotions and feelings

-  Disadvantage : Misperception of body language or gestures can influence

receiver’s interpretation of message 

Organizational Communication 

  Formal Small-Group Networks

3 common small groups :

In Chain model, we can see that there are three-level organization.

In Wheel, the communication relies on a central figure to act as a conduit for all the

group’s commuication 

In All Channel network,it permits all group members to actively communicate with each

other  self-managed teams, where all members are free to contribute and none take

on a leadership role.

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  The Grapevine

 the informal communication network in a group or organization

Grapevine characteristics :

 –   Informal, not controlled by management.


Perceived by most employees as being more believable and reliable than formal


 –   Largely used to serve the self-interests of those who use it.

 –   Results from:

•  Desire for information about important situations

•  Ambiguous conditions

•  Conditions that cause anxiety

Suggestions for reducing the negative sequences or Rumors:


Provide information

2.  Explain actions and decisions that may appear inconsistent, unfair, or secretive

3.  Refrain  from shooting the messenger  –  respond to them calmly, rationally and


4.  Maintain open communication channels

  Electronic Communications

o  Email


Advantages : quickly written, sent, and stored; low cost for distribution

  Disadvantages: information overload, lack of emotional content, cold and


o  Instant Messaging and Text Messaging

  Advantage : “real time” e-mail transmitted straight to the receiver’s


  Disadvantage : can be intrusive and distracting.

o  Networking Software

  Linked systems organically spread throughout the nation and world that

can be accessed by a PC


  Social networks like MySpace® and Facebook


  Professional networks like Zoominfo® and Ziggs


  Corporate networks such as IBM’s BluePages® 

  Key Points:

  These are public spaces – anyone can see what you post

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  Can be used for job application screening

  Avoid “over stimulating” your contacts 

o  Blogs

  websites about a single person (or entity) that are typically updated daily

Video Conferencing  –  uses live audio and video Internet streaming to createvirtual meetings

  Managing information 

1.  Dealing with information overload – a condition in which information

2.  Always on Call

3.  Information security

Choice of Communication Channel


The model of “media richness” helps explain an individual’s choice of communication

channel - channels vary in their capacity to convey information

•  Characteristics of Rich Channels, such as face-to-face conversation:

  Handle multiple cues simultaneously


Facilitate rapid feedback

  Are very personal in context

•  High performing managers are tend to be very media-sensitive

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Improvement Is A Proof!

Copyrighted by Studev MSS FEUI 2013

Barriers to Effective Communication

1.  Filtering

A sender’s manipulation of information so that it will be seen  more favorably by the



Selective Perception

People selectively interpret what they see on the basis of their interests, background,

experience, and attitudes.

3.  Information Overload

A condition in which information inflow exceeds an individual’s processing capacity.

4.  Emotions

How a receiver feels at the time a message is received will influence how the message is




Words have different meanings to different people. 

6.  Silence

-  Defined by the absence of information

-  Silence is less likely where minority opinions are treated with respect, work

group identification is high, and high procedural justice prevails.

7.  Communication Apprehension

Undue tension and anxiety about oral communication, written communication, or both 

8.  Gender Differences


“Politically Correct” Communication 

-  Communication so concerned with being inoffensive that meaning and simplicity

are lost or free expression is hampered

-  Certain words stereotype, intimidate, and insult individuals. 

-  In an increasingly diverse workforce, we must be sensitive to how words might

offend others. 

o  Removed: handicapped , blind , and elderly  

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o  Replaced with: physically challenged , visually impaired , and senior .

-  Removing certain words from the vocabulary makes it harder to communicate


o  Removed: garbage, quotas, and women.

Replaced with terms:  postconsumer waste materials, educational equity ,and people of gender .

Global Implications

A.  Cultural Barriers

Caused by :

1.  Semantics: some words aren’t translatable between cultures

2.  Word Connotations: some words imply multiple meanings beyond their definitions

in different languages


Tone Differences: the acceptable level of formality of language. In some cultures,language is formal, in others, it’s informal. 

4.  Differences in tolerance for conflict and methods for resolving conflicts: the

differences between people who tend to be individualist and collectivist in solving

the conflicts

B.  Cultural Context

-  The importance of social context to meaning

C.  A Cultural Guide

To reduce your chance of making a  faux pas in another culture, err on the side of

caution by:

a.  Assuming differences until similarity is proven

b.  Emphasizing description rather than interpretation or evaluation

c.  Practicing empathy in communication

d.  Treating your interpretations as working hypotheses