1999 Johnson Museum Accreditation Report 1999 Director Philip Johnson Museum Accreditation Report In 1983 the Visiting Committee noted four areas requiring attention: conservation; improvements needed in the storage areas; upgrading of the registrar's files; and the need for additional fundraising to insure the budgets for care of the collections and programs. These areas have been vigorously addressed and largely corrected in the interim. Other committee concerns involved the "hectic pace" at which the Museum operates, the need for reinstalling some of the exhibition areas, inadequate space in storage and other support areas, limited physical facilities for programs, and the possibility of intruders hiding within the complex at closing time. These areas, too, have been addressed and corrected with two exceptions. The continuing pace of exhibitions remains fairly hectic although there seems to be adequate staff to cover all of these activities. Storage and support facilities (work spaces, offices, etc.) remain in short supply but, as stated earlier, are part of the active consideration in the new long range plans and capital fund financing.

Summary of 1999 Museum Accreditation Report

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