Summary for Reading 4

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  • 8/18/2019 Summary for Reading 4


    summary for reading 4—Whither ecology? The triple bottom line (TBL), the global

    reporting initiative (GRI), and corporate sustainability reporting(CSR)


    There is a growing debate about what and how business leaders, managers and decision

    makers can contributed to a transition to ecologically sustainable society. Based on this

    debate, this paper firstly discuss the meaning of sustainability reporting and then explores

    the role of TBL and GRI in contributing to the sustaining of earth’ s ecology.

    Previous literature has done some researches about an ecologically sustainable society,

    and this paper will interpret the role of international business and how to promote

    sustainable development.

    Key point

    Facing the growing discourse of business and sustainability, the authors offer alternativeways how businesses may begin to get beyond their TBL in arguing for alternative

    processes grounded in organisational ecological literacy, which will mainly discuss

    following question:

    1. the understanding about sustainability

    Sustainability is still a abstract concept and posts some challenges for businesses and

    their decision makers, such as the question of wether business decision makers operating

    within the constraints of a capitalist system are capable of sacrificing profits to protect

    resources and ecosystems. business has made a sense of sustainability with the idea of TBL

    3. what the TBL need

    TBL refers to the economic, the social and the environmental, which differs from traditional

    reporting, since it includes the concept of ecological and social measurement. However it

    is hard to balance equal achievement in these three elements and provide information in

    the same extent.

    4. how business associations and institutions have encouraged and institutionalised a

    particular view of TBL

    Four fairly distinctive: multi-agency, consultancies, accounting professions and business


    5. about TBL report

    6. what an ecological literacy would demand

    Win-win and eco-efficiency. Ecological footprint is more practical, and that means reducingthe size of footprints may lead to improvements in environmental quality.

  • 8/18/2019 Summary for Reading 4


    Interesting findings and conclusions

    1. The notion of TBL still need to developed, when including the ecological.

    2. The concept of sustainability is at a system level rather than a organisational level, while

    the way that business is organised is inherently unsustainable, therefore, it may difficult to

    combining the corporate sustainable and the TBL. Moreover, because nature and ecology

    know nothing of our businesses and institution and they cannot adjust themselves to match

    modern institutional lines, the only approach is that we learn to reconfigure our way.

    Motivation and Contributions

    Besides introducing the understanding of sustainability, I think the authors’ motivation was

    to improve and promote the TBL reporting and examine the real demand for unsustainableinternational business, contributing to promote sustainable development. Also, this paper

    can be helpful for those businesses and decision makers.

    Question and challenge

    When authors divided discussion part into six sections and examined one question for

    each sections, but I fell quite confused about how they proved, because actually I did not

    understand the causality between what they wanted to examine and the process they

    examine(such as section2).