Sullivan Sophomore English F 13

Sullivan Sophomore English F 13. Defining the Dudette: Words on the Who If you think that I am ridiculously good looking, what until you hear about my

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Sullivan Sophomore English F 13

Defining the Dudette: Words on the Who

If you think that I am ridiculously good looking, what until you hear

about my equally ridiculously interesting “story”…

My grandparents were concentration camp survivors who made my mom stray away from religion because of their beliefs.

Barbara Ross, my mother, is a painter who lives in Barrington, Illinois and deserves credit for my love of reading because she read to me every night.

Defining the Dudette: Words on the Who

Hey girl, you know what school I’m from? That’s right, I grew up just down the road and a few headless

horse barns over…

I grew up in Barrington as the youngest of three siblings and graduated from Barrington High School in 2006.

My AP English and Interrelated Arts teacher said I was “fabulous..{she} put a lot in {my} college recommendation about {my} writing, how mature it was. It was like reading a colleagues.”

Defining the Dudette: Words on the Who

Man I love (my second) college.

I Attended Northwestern University after transferring from Calerton College.

I majored in creative writing and wrote Divergent as a senior in my jammies at my parents’ house…and I may or may not have googled how to get a book deal and publisher.

I quickly fell in love with the city of Chicago and my now husband, Nelson Fitch.

Defining the Details: What’s up with the Why?

OMG you’ll never believe what I just

saw on Twitter.. Veronica is like

totally trying to beat Suzanne

Collins..IT’S GOING DOWN!!!

Legend has it that I read

Hunger Games and said I could

do better than that…

But if you ask me on ask…I’ll

admit that I was inspired by a

Eutopian society centered

around personality types.



Defining Details: Wisdom on the When

You’re killing me Sullivan, you me there is s’more to this story?

Well, this one time, in Chicago, people tried to create a perfect society where five groups worked together…and save the city from what we know it as today.

Discussing divergent Wondering about the What?

This book has some serious action which may leave you putting down your COD game and turning on your brain to answer the following thematic


Identity—Who are you?Fear– What is the nature of bravery and fear?Society and class – What should define who we are and how we function in society?family– What role should family play in shaping your identity?friendship– How can friendships help support your identity and impact your choices?power– How does this change our behavior? What role should this play in society?choices– What is the lasting effect of our choices? Guilt and blame– How do these feelings impact us? What role should they play in our actions?competition– How does competition help or hinder society? Individuals?secrets– Are secrets a necessary evil?