Sullivan Heart Disease

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  • 8/2/2019 Sullivan Heart Disease


    Chapter 16 OSullivan (Heart Disease)

    Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) - Most prevalent type of heart disease

    Arrhythmia disturbance in electrical activity; could be BENIGN or MALIGNANT

    Benign arrhythmia ex. Atrial fibrillation

    Malignant arrhythmia ex. Ventricular Fibrillation, Ventricular Tachycardia

    Sinus of Valsalva where the coronary arteries originate; the coronary arteries receive most of its

    blood flow during diastole not systole

    Autoregulation greatest influence on coronary arteriolar tone; quick response in change of

    metabolism on local myocardial tissue; local effect not systemic

    Cardiac Cycle Systole and Diastole

    Atrial Kick last 1/3 of ventricular filling is by contraction of atrium. First 2/3 passive filling

    Normal Heart Sounds

    S1 Closure of Mitral and Tricuspid valve S2- closure of aortic and pulmonic valve

    Systole is between S1 and s2

    Diastole is between S2 and S1

    Abnormal Heart Sounds

    S3 also known as ventricular gallopheard in early diastole; assoc. with CHF (LVF)

    S4 also known as atrial gallop heard in late diastole; assoc. with MI or Hypertension

    Neurohormonal influences on heart

    Beta-adrenergic receptors Sympathetic receptor of Heart; located at the sinus node within


    What are the effects of sympathetic stimulation of the heart?

    - Increase Heart rate (chronotropy) and Force of contraction (Inotropy), Vasodilation of coronaryarteries

    What neurotransmitter? Norepinephrine (Noradrenaline)

    What are effects of sympathetic stimulation of alpha-adrenergic receptors on peripheral blood


    - Vasoconstriction and Increase in Peripheral Vascular Resistance (PVR)

  • 8/2/2019 Sullivan Heart Disease


    Sympathomimetics drugs that mimic sympathetic Nervous system stimulation ex. Dopamine,

    epinephrine (commonly used in critical care; both drugs increase CO), Atropine (increase HR in px.s with


    Sympatholytics suppress Sympathetic NS

    Parasymphathetic stimulation Via vagus nerve, direct impact on resting HR more than Sympathetic


    Effects of Parasympathetic stimulation: Heart rate depression, decrease force of atrial contraction and

    decrease speed of conduction through A-V node

    Systemic BP is product of CO and PVR

    Factors that affect CO Venous pressure, HR and LV contractility

    Factors that affect PVR arteriolar tone, vasoconstriction, blood viscosity

    Vasomotor center CNS regulatory site for BP control; located within the medulla

    Baroreceptor Reflex receptor: pressure/ stretch receptors at the internal carotid(carotid sinus) and

    aortic arch; key role: short term regulation of BP not long term

    Stimulus: Increase in arterial pressure Effect: Decrease sympha stimulation, Inc. parasympha

    Vice versa

    Mean Arterial Pressure Important in critical care (ICU); goal is keep MAP >60 mmHg; MAP is the

    arterial pressure within large arteries over time (cardiac cycle).

    MAP = (SBP + (2 x DBP)) / 3Example: 90/60 (90 + (2 x 60)) / 3

    = 70 mmHg

    What is Cardiac Output amount of blood that leaves ventricles in 1 min. Normal value 4-6 Liters/ min

    Influenced by Heart rate and Stroke volume

    What is Stroke Volume amount of blood that is ejected with each myocardial contraction

    Influenced by 3 factors

    a. Preload the amount of blood in ventricle at end of diastole, also known as left ventricle enddiastolic volume (LEVDV)

    b. Contractility of ventriclesc. Afterload the force the LV must generate to overcome the pressure in the aorta and open the

    aortic valve

    Increase in Preload and Contractility = Increase SV

    Increase in Afterload = Decrease SV

    55-75% - Normal percent of preload ejected as the stroke volume

  • 8/2/2019 Sullivan Heart Disease


    What is the most widely used index of contractility? Ejection Fraction

    What is Cardiac Index (CI)?

    In critical care settings, CI is more used than CO. CI is the relationship of CO to the body surface

    area expressed in meters.

    CI = CO/ Body Surface area

    Normal Value = 2.5 to 3.5 L/min/m 2

    MVO2/ Myocardial oxygen demand

    Also known as Rate Pressure Product (RPP) or Double product

    Heart rate x SBP

    Chronotropic Incompetence Insufficient HR response to increase VO2

    Abnormal Exercise Response: 1.) Failure of systolic pressure to rise, 2.) BP >200 mmhg for systolic and

    >110 mmhg for diastolic 3.) decrease in systolic bp of 10-15 mm Hg

    Paroxysmal Nocturnal dyspnea dyspnea that awakens pxs from sleep but relieved at upright position;

    this associated with left ventricular failure

    Dressler Syndrome Post MI pericarditis

    METs basic oxygen requirement at rest; 3.5 ml O2/kg/min

    Persantine Thallium Test when px cannot do exercise testing because of neuromuscular limitation,

    musculoskeletal problems

    Levine sign patient clench fist over sternum during angina

    Cardiogenic ShockAfter MI if there is not enough CO and Arterial pressure to supply organs;

    Treatment: Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP)

    Negative Treppe Effect In a failing heart, increase in HR may cause decrease in force

    Ectopic beatA beat that originates from a site other than the sinus node