What’s On, Features, Puzzles + Fireworks,Christmas Lights, Archive, Legal, Business Picture: Huntingdonshire Archives THE BI-MONTHLY St Ives NEWS MAGAZINE 8,000 copies delivered to homes and businesses in and around St Ives November/ December 2012 suggest ives St Ives Town Initiative news magazine FREE A group of children stand beside the frozen River Great Ouse, on the edge of Hemingford Meadow, with the St Ives river bridge and the town behind them see page 11 What’s On, Features, Puzzles + Fireworks,Christmas Lights, Archive, Legal, Business

SuggeStIves Nov/Dec 2012

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The November / December edition of the SuggeStIves magazine with details about local events and interests for St Ives in Cambridgeshire.

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What’s On, Features, Puzzles+

Fireworks, Christmas Lights,Archive, Legal, Business

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THE BI-MONTHLY St Ives NEWS MAGAZINE8,000 copies delivered to homes and businesses in and around St Ives

November/December 2012

suggest ivesSt Ives Town Initiative news magazine


A group of children stand beside the frozen RiverGreat Ouse, on the edge of Hemingford Meadow, with

the St Ives river bridge and the town behind them

see page 11

What’s On, Features, Puzzles+

Fireworks, Christmas Lights,Archive, Legal, Business

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contentsSt Ives Town Manager ___________ 03Mary Portas Survey/Fireworks _____ 05Christmas Lights and Market _____ 07Community: Remembrance Day ___ 08Feature: Opening Hunts’ Archive ___ 11Business: Cash Mobbing __________ 14Quick Crossword _____________ 15Gardening: Time to tidy _________15Community: Shape your Place _____ 16Legal Advice Column: Leeds Day ___ 18Recipe: Christmas Cake, fast! ______ 22Health: Putting feet first _________24Arts & Craft: Panto and Gift Fair ____26Kids’ page ___________________ 28History: New Faces ____________ 29Advertisers’ Index, Sudoku, solutions 30WHAT’S ON, Events in St Ives ____ 31

contact us …St Ives Town Initiative9,The Sheep MarketSt Ives PE27 5AHTel: 07513 971720e: [email protected]

Ican hardly believe that another yearhas flown past and this is the last

edition of the magazine for 2012!After such a fantastic year of celebrations highlightedby the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and Olympic torchrelay – both of which saw the townspeople turn outin such awful weather conditions, I really do hopethat we can celebrate the start of the festive seasonwith slightly better conditions; we certainly deserveto! I know that Father Christmas is looking forwardto seeing you all at the final outdoor event for 2012when on the 2nd December we switch on the St Ives Christmas Lights. Please do come alongand enjoy the festivities. I am pleased to report thatHDC have agreed “Free after 3” parking in all townsacross the district from 3rd to 24th December(Monday to Friday). This applies in all HDC car parksand is a great boost for the town.

Whatever conditions are thrown at us, we knowSt Ivians will always support a local communityevent. Our cover picture this issue, courtesy ofHuntingdonshire Archives, shows the river Gt Ouseiced over in the winter of 1890-91 – challengingweather is certainly not something new!

On the historical front, Bob Burn-Murdoch hasbeen a regular, and much valued contributor to ourmagazine and after many years as curator of theNorris Museum is retiring at the end of the year.I was amazed to read about his career which ismarked with an exhibition at the museum details ofwhich are covered in the article on page 29. Bob willbe sorely missed but we look forward to workingwith Helen Giles who replaces him in January.

Don’t forget; the St Ives Town Initiative [SITI] is notpart of St Ives Town Council – we were establishedas an independent not-for-profit company back in1999 to represent the people of St Ives and thisremains our aim. ‘suggest ives’ is a very valuablepart of our work as it allows us to reach [bi-monthly]all residents in their homes. Contact me if you haveany items of interest worthy of reporting, or if youwould like an entry in our events diary for next year.I will be pleased to hear from you. Wishing you aHappy Christmas and best wishes for 2013!

Jane Jane BowdTown Manager

All information believed to be correct at time of press. Reproduction of contentwithout express permission from suggest ives magazine is strictly prohibited.suggest ives magazine disclaims liability or responsibility to any party for intellectualproperty infringements, errors or omissions. © 2012. suggest ives magazine ispromoted and published by Symmetry for and on behalf of St Ives Town Initiative [SITI].Symmetry DPM Ltd,The Studio, Cowdell End, Elsworth, Cambridge CB23 4GB

Published bi-monthlyOnline at: www.stivestowninitiative.co.ukTo advertise or submit copy:T: 01954 267444 or e: [email protected] for January/February issue: 1st December

© martin phillips, st ives bridge image

suggest ives

… making St Ives a betterplace to live, work and visit

November/December 2012

A very special year to date

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TOWN news

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The Mary Portas way‘IT’S A SENSE of place and community that sets atown on the road to stability it’s about creating an

experience that is innovative and givespeople a reason to smile which will makea town resilient and sustainable’. So saysGilbert Rochescouste, founder andChairman of The Village Well.

Neil McInroy from CLES (Centre for LocalEconomic Strategies) says we need to aspire totowns; which can be agile and ready to takeopportunities, and that can take a punch but stillbounce back! CLES has eight principles for resilienttowns – getting the commercial sector moreinterested in social return, nurturing all forms ofgrowth and finding the unique DNA for the town –being just three.

A common theme that both these organisationspromote is that a sense of community is at the heartof a successful town. People need a reason to visitand then to linger. It should be about the experience.

Without going into too much depth we think thesetwo reports highlight what townspeople have always

known, that coming into town is a social event. It’s anopportunity to meet neighbours and visitors alikeand share conversation, perhaps over a cup of tea orwhile just taking a break from the shopping on one ofthe many benches around the town.

With these thoughts fresh in mind representativesof St Ives Town Initiative [SITI], St Ives Town Counciland the Town Plan Steering group have recently beenpart of a 1st Impressions exercise [a retail reviewinvolving the ideas of the self-styled ‘Queen ofShops’, Mary Portas] with the town of Newark.Therationale behind the exchange visits is to look at atown with an open mind to see what works and alsowhat can be improved.With a report on St Ives dueimminently from the Newark representatives it willbe interesting to see what feedback we are given.However, this is your town so if you have anythoughts that you would like to share please docontact us at SITI.email: [email protected] ’phone : 07513 971720 or the St Ives Town Council at the Town Hall.

YOU CAN’T BEAT the besttraditions can you? And with‘Bonfire night’ fast approaching, it’stime to get the hats and glovesout! The perfect bonfire orfireworks show is based aroundthe Three F’s – flame, food andfireworks. If you’re not hosting or attending aprivate fireworks party, there are two major eventswhere you can enjoy a great experience.

Hemingford Fireworks, Saturday 3rd November,off London Road, St Ives, starting 6.30pm.Refreshments, Bar, funfair and free car parking.Tickets: £5 adult, under 16s, £2. Family tickets £10.Tickets to support this local event can be obtainedfrom local retailers and are also sold on the gate.Profits go to local groups and charities.

In contrast, Cambridge City Council are putting ona free fireworks show on Monday 5th November,starting at 7.30pm on Midsummer Common. Afamily Fun fair will be open from 6-10pm.Thesuperb free public display is funded by generousdonations and support from the businesscommunity and public contributions.All thoseattending, giving generously, help keep this greatregional event alive.Wherever you go, have a safeand fantastic time.

Fireworks for all the family

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Coming soon … Christmas in St Ives!FOLLOWING A successfulChristmas Lights displayand switch on event in 2011the Christmas Lightscommittee is lookingforward to Christmas 2012.

In the last three yearsfocus was placed uponimproving and replacingsome of the existing lightsand upgrading the electricalwiring and infrastructurewithin the lamp columnsthat power the Christmaslights.This work needed tobe done to ensure thateverything was safe and

that once the lights go onthey stay on! Looking tothe future there is stillsome electrical work tocarry out and in additionto the annual costs ofproviding the display thecommittee has raisedenough funding to providea brand new lights displayin Bridge Street andMerryland this year!

The Christmas lightsswitch on event will onceagain be on the same dayas the Christmas marketon Sunday 2nd December.

Lighting up the Market : Sunday 2nd DecemberSUNDAY 2ND is the 10th anniversary of thevery popular St Ives Christmas Market andChristmas Lights Switch-on.

As in previous years volunteers, with thehelp of our sponsors Cambridge BuildingSociety, Luminus, Mick George, Male’s Budgensand Waitrose are working hard to make surethat this year the event will be even moresuccessful than it has been in previous years.The Market will be held on Sheep Market witha Continental Market in Crown Street – sothere should be something for everyone!

Father Christmas in his grotto from mid-day,kindly sponsored by D H Barfords, will also beopen for business on the Sheep Market andFairground rides will keep the children amusedin the town centre. Parents have not beenforgotten either, warming gluhwein and stollencake from our twinned town of Stadtallendorfwill be on sale.

There will be a variety of entertainment onthe stage throughout the day courtesy of theChristmas Lights committee culminating withthe ‘Switch-on’ by Father Christmas at 5.00pm.

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AS WE DRAW near to RemembranceSunday, the nation takes time to think aboutthe fallen. This day is ever more poignantas our troops face danger in other parts ofthe world, on a daily basis. The symbol ofthe day is, of course, the poppy. Everwondered why? Simple question, but dowe really know … we buy poppies each year; hearthe ‘Last Post’ sounded…

Scarlet poppies grow wild all over WesternEurope wherever the soil has been disturbed.Thebattles of the First World War churned up suchvast areas of earth that millions of poppiesgerminated and bloomed, often around the bodiesof the fallen soldiers.

A Canadian surgeon called John McRae wrotethe poem In Flanders Fields in which the poppiessymbolise the deaths of those who fought. It is ahaunting memorial to those soldiers who have diedin any war.

Why do we have a two minute silence?It was on the eleventh hour of theeleventh day of the eleventh month thatthe guns of World War I fell silent. Fouryears of fighting and devastation finallyended.The following year ceremoniesof remembrance took place on whatwas known as Armistice Day.

An Australian journalist, Edward George Honeyfirst proposed a respectful silence to remember thedead. He wrote a letter to the London Evening Newswhich was brought to the attention of King GeorgeV. The King then issued a proclamation whichcalled for a two minute silence.

Remembrance Sunday is a chance to honour thefallen soldiers of all conflicts.The Royal BritishLegion, civic dignitaries, community groups andmembers of the public will lay wreaths and crosseson Market Hill, at 11am on Sunday 11th November;the eleventh day of the eleventh month.

We will remember them

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SITI magazineboosts business!

HAVE YOU THOUGHT about promoting yourexisting or new business? Do you enjoy reading thismagazine? What are your requirements over thenext 12 months? We consistently publish morepages and assist more businesses in promoting awide range of products and services – boththrough the printed magazine and the online digitaledition.The mix of advertising, features and localinterest stories have made ‘suggest ives’ magazinethe firm favourite within the local community.Contact to advertise, 01954 267444 or email: [email protected]

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Huntingdonshire Archives – your gateway to history

HAVE YOU EVER wondered about the history of ahouse, school, pub, or other building? How long hasit been there? Who lived there? What were theirlives like? The answers to some of these questionscan be found atHuntingdonshire Archives,a CambridgeshireCounty Councilservice whichcollects, preservesand makes availablehistorical recordsofHuntingdonshire.

There is a wealthof records for St Ivesincluding manorialrecords from the 16thcentury, parish records(including baptisms, marriages and burials from1561), maps from the 18th century onwards, St Ivesworkhouse 1837-1930,Town ImprovementCommissioners minutes 1847, records of theBorough Council (responsible for towngovernment) 1874-1974, wills 1479-1858, electoralregisters from 1920, census schedules 1841-1901,photographs (such as the one shown on the frontcover and this page) and much more.

The archives record the lives of the well-knownsuch as Oliver Cromwell whose signature appearsin the Vestry minutes in 1634 but just as important,the lives of ordinary people.

The first step is to take a look at the website atwww.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/archives where you

can browse the A-Z Guide for an overview of whatwe have while our online catalogue lists most ofthe records we have. To see the actual records andfor further advice you will want to contact and visitthe Archives in person. We are continually addingto the Archives and receive about 70 newaccessions every year.

If you know of records at risk or would like todeposit or donate records, please contact us atHuntingdon Library and Archives, Princes Street,Huntingdon; opening hours are Monday-Wednesday and Friday 9.30am until 5pm, andthe second Saturday in the month, 10am - 4pm;telephone 01480 372738,

email: [email protected]

Cover picture: is described in our catalogue: the winter of 1890-1891 was very severe, as can be seen in this photograph. A group ofchildren stand beside the frozen River Great Ouse, on the edge ofHemingford Meadow, with the St Ives river bridge and the town behind them.

Above: is described as view of a horse and cart and a largecrowd of townspeople standing on the frozen River GreatOuse at St Ives.The winter of 1890-1891 was very severe,and as a result the river froze to such a thickness that even ahorse and cart could be driven on to the river.. The driver isreputed to be Alfred Worts, the proprietor of the DolphinHotel. The bridge with the three-storeyed chapel can be seenin the background.

Right: Townspeople walking and skating on thefrozen River Great Ouse at St Ives during the harshwinter of 1890-1891.

Pictures supplied by: Huntingdonshire Archives

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SITI Profile

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TOWN news

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THERE HAS BEEN much press lately regarding thedownturn in the economy and of course St Ives hasseen the effects of this just as much as any othertown.That said our town centre has stood upreasonably well in challenging timesand Cromwell Mews is certainlyseeing a turnaround in its fortunes. Itis a good news story we should beproud of!

The entrance to the Mews fromStation Road is now occupied on bothsides. Jibber Jabber have been tradingfor a few months and with the newindependent butchers, Stephens Butchers, havingopened on 6th October this makes for an

attractive and enticingentrance to the Mews.

Flowers by Penny took overUnit 14 in September andowner Penny Allen is pleasedwith the response she hasreceived from the people ofSt Ives. Penny prides herselfon offering a high quality ofservices and says ‘I am happy

to discuss individual requirements to meet all tastes andbudgets’.

Star IT have relocated to Unit 12 and Feetwise arejust waiting on a few formalities before opening inUnit 9.

With the established traders still occupying allbut two of the shops this mews is certainly takingon a new lease of life.

But it is not only Cromwell Mews that has seenrecent changes. Market Hill hashad a face lift with the openingof The Curiosity Gallery and CloudNine Gems next to Peacocks.With Nicholas Hythe KitchenDesign Studio opening on TheQuadrant and Thingy-ma-jigs at12 The Broadway, it really isencouraging that businesses

want to be located in the heart of our lovely town.Having opened their doors these businesses all

need your support. Might Cash Mobbing be asolution? 'A cash mob is where you andpeople nearby meet up and buy somethingat a local store helping you make friends,reconnect with people in your localcommunity and give local business thesupport they need'. Spreading the details of yourcash mob relies on social media but you canarrange your own cash mob in five easy steps byvisiting www.cashmobbers.net. So if you havevisited an independent trader in St Ives recentlywhich you think merits a visit by your friends whynot try a new approach and arrange a cash mob!

More new businesses openingTime for Cash Mobbing in our town?

ARE YOU A CARER?If you are caring for a relative or friend and

would like to find out more about local services,please join us at:-


Thursday 29th November 2012Doors open at 6:30pm for a 6:45pm start

You don’t need to be a patient at the surgery toattend. NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTSwww.theoldexchangesurgery.co.uk

Tel: 01480 497477

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Quick Crossword See solution on page 30

Clues Across

1 persecute (6)4 leader (5)8 afterward (5)9 clap (7)10 remove hair (7)11 glade (4)12 allow (3)14 monster (4)15 bee house (4)18 blob (3)21 mature (4)23 flight personnel (7)25 degree (7)26 world-class (5)27 claw (5)28 nap (6)

Clues Down1 protective head gear (6)2 decomposing (7)3 shrieked (8)4 imitate (4)5 angry (5)6 violin (6)7 bread ring (5)13 baker's dozen (8)16 dizziness (7)17 deferred payment (6)19 trivial (5)20 pluck (6)22 student (5)24 robe (4)

IFYOU THINK the next few months are about tidyingup the garden and planning future planting, then acompact plant with a neat growing habit could be thebest of both worlds. You don’t have to prune againstits natural growth habit, so making yourself less workin the garden. Evergreens are the perfect choice, asthey don’t shed leaves onto the lawn in autumn andare generally slow growing. Shrubs such as Aucubajaponica ‘Rozannie’ and Euphorbia ‘Blackbird’, or themore colourful herbaceous Rudbeckia ‘Goldsturn’which never needs staking, just ‘chopping’ once a year.

With this in mind, should you be cutting back andtidying up the garden this November? Or sweepingup leaves from the borders, denying hedgehogs theinsulation that crispy leaves provide? Is it fair to snipthe seed heads from the ornamental grasses; to binthe beautiful dried Allium skeletons, or slash theVerbena bonariansis to the ground, denying the birdsthe seed? That’s for you to decide, but perhaps thebest advice if the weather stays fine is to leave wellalone for a few weeks and enjoy the wonderful rangeof seasonal colours for just a little while longer.

TThhee HHaappppyy GGaarrddeenneerr

Time to tidy? …Jobs you can do

in November r Sow sweet peas in a greenhouse

r Lightly prune roses to prevent wind rock

r Plant tulip bulbs

r Resist pruning hydrangeas – the dead flowers will

protect bulbs from the frost

r Clean out bird nesting boxes

r Give the lawn a final mow if ground is not wet

r Leaves – if you decide to tidy and compost avoid

evergreen leaves such as holly, laurel and conifer

– place in black plastic bags to speed up the

transformation into leaf-mould

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November/December 2012COMMUNITY

A GROUND BREAKING website wherepeople in St Ives can talk and debate aboutwhat matters most to them has beenlaunched.

The award winning ShapeYourPlace.org putslocal people in the driving seat allowing themto hold local public services to account.Where local people raise issues, local councils,the police, the fire service and many otherorganisations will respond with how they canresolve them if possible.Visitors to St Ives ShapeYourPlace can:n Report issues, start campaigns and suggest

ideas to improve where they liven See what's been reported and join in

conversations with residentsn Receive updates about how issues have

been resolved if possiblen Promote local clubs, groups, events and

activities ShapeYourPlace - Huntingdonshireis divided up into seven areas - Huntingdon,St Ives, St Neots, Ramsey, Sawtry, NorthHuntingdonshire and WestHuntingdonshire allowing residents toreally find out and talk about what's local tothem.There are also sites in Fenland andEast Cambridgeshire.

The site has a proven track record where ithas been launched previously, from gettingroads improved to helping to increaseparticipation in local clubs and groups.

The project also trains volunteer communityreporters who can blog and video communityissues and events and give free publicity tocommunity groups.



Confidential tel no: 077656 33 208

[email protected]

New website ... for St Ives!

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November/December 2012 COMMUNITY

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DIVORCES ARE OFTEN heralded as being nasty,brutish and all too long; not to mention expensive.It doesn’t have to be that way.

Divorce and separation is sadly increasing, thecurrent financial squeeze on families often being thefinal blow. It might seem to make little sense tospend money on lawyers if you are going through adivorce, but getting it wrong and relying on themyriad of misinformation offered both on line andby well meaning friends can lead to considerablygreater costs.The Good NewsAt Leeds Day, we offer a variety of alternatives toreduce those costs.

If you remain on relatively good terms with yourspouse, family mediation may be a good option. Youand your spouse see our mediator trained in conflictresolution and family law to oversee discussions.Our mediator can advise you about potentialfinancial and childcare arrangements, helping to keepdiscussions on track if they become strained oncertain aspects. You and your spouse may still retainlawyers to guide you, review the final settlement andprepare the papers for Court but you would notneed to attend Court at all.

Collaborative family law is similar, and anincreasingly popular approach to divorce. Duringcollaborative negotiations, you and your spouseinstruct lawyers, but they will be committed toresolving your differences without resorting tolitigation through a series of meetings.

Even if neither of the above suit yourcircumstances, we are able to negotiate with yourspouse or his or her lawyer, with our aim remainingthe same; to reach a settlement that is best for youand avoid the costly and lengthy process of Courtproceedings.

Our team includes accredited members ofResolution and we can offer mediation orcollaborative family law as alternatives to moretraditional forms of negotiation. You will be inexpert hands.

How much will it cost?Whichever route you choose to take, we will adviseyou of the likely cost. We offer fixed fees for anumber of our services so that you know right fromthe outset which option works best for you, howmuch it will cost and how long the process will take.To find out more, contact us on 01480 464600 orsend us an email to [email protected] details of the services we provide canalso be found on our website,www.leedsday.co.uk If you make an appointment to see a member ofour team before the end of November 2012 andyou quote this article when making theappointment, then your first 30 minuteconsultation will be free

Getting Divorced? How to minimise the financial and emotional cost

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Offices To Letat reduced rental price

Available December1 x very large office, 1 x standard office

and 1 x store roomTown centre location – above the

Budgens store in St IvesCar parking spaces available

Separate entrance, all facilities (i.e. kitchen & toilets), air con

and central heatingLong term or short term

lease available£900 per quarter

excluding rates and utilities

Contact Steve on 01480 466632

July/August 2012

10 to advertise, call 01954 267444 or email: [email protected]

Do you want an agent that has …• 20+ years local letting experience • 24 hour call-out service• Real local knowledge and contacts • Online marketing via leading sites• A friendly, management approach • A fully reliable service• A town centre office • Complete independence

… we tick all the right boxes

Angela Parker and Mandie Bailey

p4 Professional

p4 Reputable

p4 Affordable

p4 Reliable

p4 Experienced

p4 Quality

V2 Jul_Aug12 Symsuggestives28pp 14/6/12 13:40 Page 10

HEALTHNovember/December 2012

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… Traditionally Christmas cakes are made well inadvance but if you haven’t had time, and festivitiesare getting near – try our last-minute version.Because it makes two, you can also give one away asa gift, and solve two problems with one recipe!

Makes 2 cakes, each serving 8 Preparation time: 30 minutes Cooking time: 1-13/4 hours depending on oven.Ingredients600g good-quality mixed dried fruits150ml whisky, warmed150g stem ginger, drained, plus8 tbsp ginger syrup from the jar200g butter, softened, plus extra for greasing300g plain flour2 tsp baking powder2 tsp mixed spice200g soft light brown sugar4 large free-range eggs2 tbsp milkFinely grated zest of 2 small oranges and 2 lemons50g ground almonds150g whole glacé cherries


Put the dried fruits in a bowl and pour over thewhisky. Set aside for 30 minutes to allow the fruitto plump up.

Briefly blend the ginger and its syrup in a mini foodprocessor until finely chopped. Preheat the ovento 160°C/fan, 140°C/gas 3.

Grease and line a 20cm square cake tin.

Sift the flour, baking powder and mixed spice into alarge bowl and add the rest of the ingredientsexcept the cherries. Beat with a hand-held electricwhisk for 2 minutes until pale and fluffy. Fold in thesoaked dried fruits and any whisky, the blitzedginger and the cherries.

Spoon into the baking tin and level off. Bake for 1-13/4 hours (this depends very much on your oven.A fan oven can be super-quick whereas an Aga isslower). If you’re unsure, check after an hour thenevery fifteen minutes after that, until the cake isfirm and golden brown.To check, insert a skewerinto the centre of the cake. If it comes out cleanthe cake is cooked.You can cover it loosely withfoil after 1 hour if the centre needs more time.This prevents the surface darkening too much.

Leave in the tin for 10 minutes, and then remove toa wire rack to cool.

Remove a thin slice from all sides of the cake anddiscard. Cut the cake in half to make 2 rectangles.

Top with marzipan and white fondant icing anddecorate with a sprig of holly.

Last-minute Christmas Gift Cake

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FOOTCARE SHOULD BE apriority in winter - the seasonfor hiding them away in bootsand sturdy weatherproof shoes.No sunny airing in sandals orbarefoot on beaches andpaddling in the sea to keep themhealthy.

We need to check our shoesare fit for purpose. Choosequality over quantity. Leather is

best, withflexible soles,good grippingsurfaces,cushionedinsoles, insulatedfor warmth and room to wrigglethose toes.

The average adult walks theequivalent of more than fivetimes round the world in a

lifetime... so there is everyexcuse to look after those feet.After a hard day, try thefollowing:n soak your weary feet in warm

water, with added sea salt orsoothing oils

n dry thoroughly with a softtowel, especially between thetoes.

n a spot of tea tree oil helps toprevent fungal problems, likeathlete’s foot.

n file hard skin gently, preferablyusing a pumice stone in orafter a bath.

n finish off with a foot file afterdrying, and apply a foot creamif heels are particularly dry.

Visit a podiatrist for advice if youhave any problems. Many foot-problems are self-inflicted.However attractive high heelsmay be, healthy feet are the realbeauty. Pam Ayres’ poem,‘I wishI’d looked after my teeth’, couldapply to feet, for those whoregret having bunions and corns.

Another aspect of foot care ismassage as this technique keepsfeet supple and healthy.Reflexology offers this andpotentially more. Using specificthumb and finger movements, areflexologist stimulates thepressure points on your feet orhands that they believe reflectvarious parts of the body, effectinga beneficial physical change. It isthought to have originated five

Get in step to health

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WHEN RUNNING, around ten times your body weightis put through your joints.At ‘St.Ives Chiropody andPodiatry’ lead Podiatrist Mr. Kaseem JavedBSc(Hons).SRCh.MChS. takes the business of foot carevery seriously. Podiatrists/Chiropodists are highly skilledprofessionals trained to prevent, diagnose, treat andrehabilitate abnormal and painful conditions of the feetand lower limbs.A wide variety of treatments areoffered to encompass every aspect of foot health. Fromgeneral care of corns, calluses and toe nail cutting to in-growing toenails, verrucae, and shin splints, you knowyou’re in safe hands.

We welcome all ages, children to pensioners.As aPodiatrist, Kaseem also deals with many sporty people,athletes and dancers. Good treatment and advice meansthey can continue with their passion without painful feetand legs.Always check that your podiatrist is HPC/StateRegistered. (Would you consult a GP who was notmedically qualified and registered?)

Appointments are structured to allow consultationand treatment time with each client, thus allowing thehighest quality of care.You can be sure your foot healthproblems will be treated sympathetically and inconfidence at ‘St.Ives Chiropody & Podiatry’.


thousand years ago in China and was also used bythe Ancient Egyptians. Reflexology was introduced inthe west by an American doctor,William Fitzgerald –an ear, nose and throat specialist. In 1917 hepublished his ideas about interconnecting zoneswithin the body, visualised by ten vertical stripswhich run the length of the body, with pressurepoints on the feet, hands, lips, nose and ears.

Studies have indicated that reflexology createsrelaxation, reduces pain, improves blood flow, aidspost-operative recovery, enhances medical care,benefits mental health by reducing depression,complements cancer care and eases pregnancy,delivery and post-partum effects, including post-partum depression. It can also reduce stress byinterrupting stress signals and restoring the body’sequilibrium.

So as we head towards the festive season, stepinto health.Treat yourself or a loved one to apodiatry or reflexology session to ease any stressand tension, and make sure your boots are madefor walking and your shoes are made for dancing.

Great treatmentis the key

St. Ives Chiropody & PodiatryFoot Care Clinic

Mr. F.K. Javed BSc(Hons) Podiatry. MChS. HPC/State Registered

01480 301337 or 07807 505534Underneath the archway, between Fat Face & Poundland

SaturdayAppointments& Home VisitsAvailable

• General chiropody – nails, hard skin & corns

• Diabetic foot care

• Children’s Feet – Growing pains, Verrucas, etc.

• Sporty Feet & associated injuries + pains

• Ingrowing toe nails – surgical option available

• Custom made Orthotics/insoles

• Dancing feet – we’ll keep you

on your toes

• Biomechanics & Gait Analysis

New Clients Always WelcomeScrivens Opticians, 1 Crown Place, St. Ives PE27 5PD


continued from page 24

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November/December 2012

26 to advertise, call 01954 267444 or email: [email protected]


IT HAS BEEN a highlysuccessful year for theBurgess Hall in St Ives.Many new events from sidesplitting comedy nights, toeyes down for bingo,explosive science showsand traditional tea dances.

A forthcoming event guaranteed to be anothersuccess is the first ever ‘Christmas Gift & Craft Fair’ onSunday 9th December from 10am to 4pm.

Burgess Hall have organised the event and handpickonly the very best exhibitors.

James Bland, Burgess Hall Manager said “From thestart, there was an emphasis of only attracting the verybest festive, handmade, traditional, quality and uniqueexhibitors offering unusual and affordable gifts. We havebeen overwhelmed by the response, especially from localbusinesses who have amazing products on our doorstep.”

With the fair being organised in association with theNews & Crier this is set to be the biggest and bestfestive gift and craft fair ever in St Ives. Over 100exhibitors will feature selling items ranging fromdecorations, cards, traditional crafts, jewellery, toys,health and beauty products, gifts for gardeners andcooks plus the very best seasonal produce and drink.

At the time of suggest ives going to press, many ofthe exhibitor sections are already fully booked ensuringa wide variety of different exhibitors and product choicefor visitors. Public admission for the event is only 50pper person and FREE for under 16’s. If you leave yourChristmas shopping until the last moment or are lookingfor that special present, this event is perfectly timed.Local businesses interested in booking a stand cancontact the Burgess Hall on 01480 388500 or [email protected]

Biggest everChristmas Fair

The Centre Theatre Players present PETERPAN in the Burgess Hall, One Leisure,St. Ives on January 8th-13th incl.Tickets for Peter Pan are obtainable from The Centre Reception, telephone 01480 388500.

Centre PlayersPanto

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THERE ARE CHANGES in store at the NorrisMuseum. I’m retiring at the end of the year andI’m delighted to say that St Ives Town Council hasadopted the radical new policy of employingsomeone competent instead.

Those of you who take an interest in theMuseum will have already noticed the effect thatour new Assistant Curator has had. Since GillyVose joined us in April 2011 she has donewonders in organising events and activities forfamilies and schools.

Re-enactors and craft activities have raised theMuseum’s profile and attracted large numbers ofvisitors. And Gilly has also found time to put in lotsof hard work on the behind-the-scenes cataloguing,conservation, research and outreach that are a vitalpart of our operations.

I think we can expect the same flair, dedicationand energy from our new Curator. Helen Giles hasalready had a distinguished career in Hertfordshiremuseums.This included project-managing a majorrefurbishment at Hertford Museum, with the helpof a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.Thatshould prove especially useful experience for theNorris, where we’re planning to carry out a bigexpansion project, also with HLF funding.

With Helen and Gilly in charge, I think the Norris isin for an exciting future. If you want one last wallow innostalgia, our Christmas exhibition will look back atwhat’s been going on at the Museum during my 30years here. Including the ducks,of course.

“Making an Exhibition of Myself ” runs fromDecember 1st to 31st.The Museum is openMonday to Friday 10.00-4.00 and Saturday 10.00-1.00 and admission is free. You can find details ofall our coming events and exhibitions by visitingour website at www.norrismuseum.org.ukBob Burn-Murdoch Norris Museum Curator

New Faces at The Norris

November/December 2012

To advertise in the next issue: T. 01954 267444 e. [email protected]: January/February 2013 issue: 1st December

Bi-monthly, in-print and on-line, into all PE27 St Ives

homes... informative news and effective advertising

Bob Burn-Murdoch, Helen Giles and the Town Council’s Personnel Committee Chairman Tim Drye

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November/December 2012

30 to advertise, call 01954 267444 or email: [email protected]

Advertisers’ index/Directory of services

AntiquesHyperion Home & Antiques Centre 29Beauty TreatmentFuschia Beauty 13Ultimate Beauty 6Building SocietiesThe Cambridge BS 12Car Servicing/RepairsAll-Makes Garage 27Chimney SweepsSweepover 4Cleaning ServicesBridge Cleaning 20Computer RepairsPC Home-call 2Counselling ServicesCaroline Armes 16DanceJill Bridger 22Electrical/ElectriciansQVS Discount Electrical 17Blue Homes Electric 16St Ives Electrical Contractors 6EngravingTerry’s Heel Bar 14Estate AgentsCheffins 32Events/VenuesWhat’s On 31Fine Art AuctionsCheffins 32Financial/Tax adviceAnglia Tax Help 21Fire & RescueCambs Fire & Rescue 9Footcare Nikki Thurston 25St Ives Chiropody & Podiatry 25

GP SurgeryOld Exchange Surgery 14Health TherapistsHarding Physiotherapy 8Heating EngineersRule & Parker 10St Ives Gas Services 24Key CuttingTerry’s Heel Bar 14Legal Services Leeds Day 18Leisure/Sport One Leisure,St Ives 26MobilityOrchard Mobility Centre4Office accommodationS & L Retail Ltd 19Onsite PC RepairPC Home-call 2PlumbingRule & Parker 10Residential LettingsParker Properties 19Shoe RepairsTerry’s Heel Bar 14Tree SurgeryJohn Talbot Tree Surgery 19SJ Trees 21Veterinary SurgeriesCromwell Veterinary 4Web hosting/DesignFast2Host Ltd 9Ouse Creative 20Wellbeing/SlimmingSlimming World 23What’s OnEvents Diary 31

November/December Puzzle Solutions

SUDOKUHow to play? Simple… No geniusrequired…just logic!Fill in the grid so that each row,column and 3x3 box, contains thenumbers 1 through to 9, with norepetition.

Sudoku Answer: see below

Quick Crossword [from page 15]Solution to ‘Mindbenders’, from page 61. Split second timing2. No two ways about it3. Up in arms

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MMoonnddaayyss • General Market 8am-4pm• Indoor Market & Coffee Shop 9am-3pm at Corn

Exchange• St Ives Short Mat Bowls at the Broadleas Centre,

Norris Road, 2pm-4pm £2.50 per session.Contact 01480 463117

• St Ives Community Choir 7.30pm-9.15pm CatholicChurch Hall, Needingworth Road. Contact 01480300726

TTuueessddaayyss • St Ives Choral Society. 7.30-9.30pm. Methodist Church,

St.Ives. Contact [email protected]

WWeeddnneessddaayyss • Tea & Coffee Shop 10am-2pm, The Corn Exchange• Over 60’s Club at Langley Court, Langley Close, 2pm-

4pm. Contact 01480 300726• Big Walkies 6.15 for 6.30pm, London Road, (outside

old Murketts garage) with dogs around River Meadow,finishing about 7.30pm. Contact Becca 07970 547650

TThhuurrssddaayyss • Live music at The Oliver Cromwell pub• COSI (Chamber Orchestra of St.Ives), Free Church.

7.30-9.30pm Contact [email protected]

FFrriiddaayyss• General Market 8am-4pm• Country Market Cakes and savouries, plants, fresh

produce, crafts 8am-11.45am at the Corn Exchange• Helpers Coffee Group 8.30am-12. Coffee and

homemade cakes. The Corn Exchange in aid of localcharities

SSaattuurrddaayyss • Farmers’ Market 8.30am-2pm 1st and 3rd of every


Regular Events Diary

November1 St Ives W.I. AGM Talk by Alan Davis 7.30pm Free

Church. [email protected] Boccia at One Leisure Huntingdon. 12-1pm (I Zone).

Boccia is a tactical game where two teams compete toget their coloured balls closest to the jack.The game isfully inclusive so family and friends are able to join in too!Session £3.00 per [email protected]

3 All Saints Autumn Fair St. Ives Corn Exchange free entryto the fair.Hot and cold lunches and snacks will be servedwith stalls including arts, crafts, homemade sweets andcakes, face-painting, a chance to meet the birds of preyfrom the Raptor Foundation and more.Tel: 07967 045984Elaine Midgley

3 Boogie Nite at Burgess Hall, St Ives. 8pm to 1am. 70’s and80’s disco with Starlite Roadshow.Tickets £8 in advancefrom One Leisure St Ives. 01480 388500 orwww.oneleisure

6 COSI (Chamber Orchestra of St.Ives Rehearsals aregenerally on the first Thursday of every month 7:30pmto 9:30pm in the Free Church. [email protected]

10 Music and comedy extravaganza Dolphin Hotel, StIves. 8.00pm. Ballads and Rock & Roll, Raffle.Tickets £10available from Just Sharing, Free Church

17 Boccia at One Leisure Huntingdon. 12-1pm (Sports Hall)[email protected]

17 Hemingford Art Club Exhibition Hemingford Abbotsvillage hall open from 10.30a.m till 4.00p.m on bothdays. Entrance is free & refreshments will be on sale.www.cambridgeshire.net

18 Autumn craft fair Hemingford Pavilion. (Upstairs anddownstairs). 11am to 4pm. Refreshments (sandwiches,cakes, teas and coffees, lounge bar). 25+ stalls FreeEntrance. 01480 464266

18 Indoor Car Boot 8am to 12pm. £6 for 6ft stall. 50padmission/Free for under 16’s and 60+ years.To book astall, contact One Leisure St Ives. 01480 388500

23 Civic Society Talk ‘Brian Kell & Whittlesey straw bear’.All monthly talks are held in the Free Church St Ives at7.30 pm. Non-members welcome and a donation of £2is requested to help cover costs. www.stivescivic.org.uk

26 Tea Dance 2pm to 4.30 pm £3.50 pay on door 01480388500. www.burgesshall.net

29 St Ives Darby & Joan Club Meeting starts 2.15pm-4.30pm.Telephone 01480 464918 for more information

December1 Boccia at One Leisure Huntingdon. 12-1pm (Sports Hall).

[email protected] Boogie Nite at Burgess Hall, St Ives. 8pm to 1am. 70’s and

80’s disco with Starlite Roadshow.Tickets £8 in advancefrom One Leisure St Ives. 01480 388500 orwww.oneleisure

2 Christmas Market and Lights switch on Annual Christmas market and Christmas lights switchon the mark the start of the Christmas season.Entertainment for all of the family. Father Christmas.Jane Bowd [email protected]

6 St Ives W.I. Christmas Party 7.30pm Free [email protected]

9 Christmas Gift & Craft Fair Burgess Hall. 10am to4pm. 50p admission/FREE under 16’s. Gifts for friendsand family.To book a stand: 01480 388500.

13 St Ives Darby & Joan Club Christmas Party Meetingstarts 2.15pm - 4.30pm.Telephone 01480 464918 formore information

14 Mayor’s Charity Christmas Concert 7.30 pm.The FreeChurch Starring RAF Wyton Area Voluntary BandEnquiries 01480 [email protected]

15 Boccia at One Leisure Huntingdon. 12-1pm (Sports Hall)[email protected]

16 Free Church Christingle 11am. Family Christingle Service18 Mayor’s Civic Christmas Carol Service All Saints

Church 7.30 pm Tuesday 18 December All SaintsChurch 7.30 pm Enquiries 01480 [email protected]

22 Santa’s Christmas Disco Burgess Hall. Kids Disco. 3pmto 6pm.Tickets £7 in advance from One Leisure StIves. 01480 388500. Free for adults.

22 Christmas Boogie Nite at Burgess Hall, St Ives. 8pm to1am. 70’s and 80’s disco with Starlite Roadshow. Tickets£10 in advance from One Leisure St Ives. 01480 388500

23 Free Church Carols & Readings 6pm.Carols andReadings by Candlelight

24 Free Church Holy Communion 11:30pm. WelcomeChristmas – Holy Communion by Candlelight

24 Free Church Family Service 6pm. Family service forChristmas Eve.

31 New Year’s Eve Party 8pm to 2am.Tickets £15 inadvance from One Leisure St Ives. 01480 388500

For a comprehensive list of events throughout the year please see www.stivestowninitiative.co.ukIf you would like to list your events here, please email the details to: [email protected]

November & December Events Diary

in St IvesWHAT’S ON

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