NYSSCPA SUFFOLK SUFFOLK Chapter News Chapter News Vol. 42 No. 8 • May/June 2013 President’s Message S Springtime has finally arrived and I hope that you are all planning vacations and lots of fun for your leisure time. As my one year term as Suffolk Chapter President is now coming to a close, I would like to thank the entire Suffolk Chapter membership, as well as the Chapter Officers, Board, and Committee Chairs for all of their support and involvement throughout this past year in making it successful and productive. Our committees have been extremely active and have had many successful events. In addition, we increased active participation with our East End members by hosting an inaugural East End Membership Event in September. We also hosted a new format for a Managing Partners Meeting with State Society leadership this past Fall. We could not have had such success this year without the participation of so many talented and dedicated professionals. I would also like to wish the new slate of officers and directors and my successor as President, Larry Lucarelli, the best of luck in the next fiscal year! I hope to see you at our final event of this fiscal year – our Annual Membership Event! Farewell! Mark Cirelli Within this issue... 2 Special offers from the Suffolk Chapter 3 Farewell from the Newsletter Editor 4-5 IRA Issues and the IRS 6-7 Committee Reports 8 Calendar of Events 18 Contacting Us 19 Fun & Games 20 Time for YOU to Get Involved – Mark A. Cirelli

SUFFOLK Chapter News Vol. 42 No. 8 - NYSSCPA

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NYSSCPASUFFOLKSUFFOLK Chapter NewsChapter News Vol. 42 No. 8 • May/June 2013

President’s Message

SSpringtime has finally arrived and I hope that you are allplanning vacations and lots of fun for your leisure time.

As my one year term as Suffolk Chapter President is nowcoming to a close, I would like to thank the entire SuffolkChapter membership, as well as the Chapter Officers,Board, and Committee Chairs for all of their support andinvolvement throughout this past year in making itsuccessful and productive.

Our committees have been extremely active and have hadmany successful events. In addition, we increased activeparticipation with our East End members by hosting aninaugural East End Membership Event in September. Wealso hosted a new format for a Managing Partners Meetingwith State Society leadership this past Fall.

We could not have had such success this year without theparticipation of so many talented and dedicatedprofessionals.

I would also like to wish the new slate of officers anddirectors and my successor as President, Larry Lucarelli,the best of luck in the next fiscal year!

I hope to see you at our final event of this fiscal year – ourAnnual Membership Event!


Mark Cirelli

Within this issue...2 Special offers from the Suffolk


3 Farewell from the Newsletter Editor

4-5 IRA Issues and the IRS

6-7 Committee Reports

8 Calendar of Events

18 Contacting Us

19 Fun & Games

20 Time for YOU to Get Involved– Mark A. Cirelli

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PRESIDENTMark A. Cirelli, CPA/PFS, CFPPRESIDENT-ELECTLawrence Lucarelli, CPAVICE PRESIDENTElizabeth A. Vuozzo, CPATREASURERFelix Russo, CPASECRETARYBrian Michels, CPAIMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENTHarold Deiters, CPA/ABV, CFEEXECUTIVE BOARDJerome Hehir,CPAThomas S. Pirro, CPAMelissa Portelli, CPAPasquale Rafanelli, CPAJoel Schleifer, CPAAmanda Sexton, CPA, CFESTATE SOCIETY DIRECTORREPRESENTING SUFFOLKJohn Shillingsford, CPAGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS KEY PERSONSKenneth R. Cerini, CPAGeorge T. Foundotos, CPAJames F. Preston, CPAJoel Schleifer, CPA

COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONSAccounting & AuditingPaul Becht, CPAMichael T. Joy, CPA

Cooperation with AttorneysPasquale Rafanelli, CPA

Cooperation with Bankers & Other Credit GrantorsJames LaRocca, CPAPaul Bella, CPA

Cooperation with Educational InstitutionsMelissa Portelli, CPAVeronia Valdez, CPA

Construction Contractors &Real EstateKarl Janhsen, CPAIra Kantor, CPA

CPEPamela Hannwacker, CPA

Emerging TechnologiesMichael Muzzy, CPA

Employee BenefitsMara Citrin, CPATina Isbitsky, CPAFelicia Paura, CPA

Estate/Financial PlanningMark A. Cirelli, CPA/PFS, CFPSeymour Goldberg, CPA, MBA, JD

General TaxationKenneth B. Laks, CPAElizabeth A. Vuozzo, CPA

Golf OutingJohn C. DeFalco, CPARobert T. Quarté, CPA

Management of an Accounting PracticeJohn Shillingsford, CPABob Quarté, CPA

Members in IndustryColleen Cappelli, CPA

MembershipMark A. Cirelli, CPA/PFS, CFP

NominatingPaul Becht, CPA

Not-For-Profit & GovernmentAccounting & AuditingKenneth R. Cerini, CPAJoel Schleifer, CPA

Public RelationsMark A. Cirelli, CPA/PFS, CFP

Small BusinessLawrence Lucarelli, CPA

SponsorshipPaul Becht, CPAJohn Shillingsford, CPA

Young CPAsJohn Hermus, CPAAmanda Sexton, CPA, CFE

NYSSCPA Suffolk SponsorshipsSPONSORSHIP PROGRAMHere’s your chance to make the most of your membership! Sponsor one of ourevents and get in front of colleagues, referral sources, and potential clients.

Step One: Choose an event.• golf outings• networking events• technical workshops

Step Two: Become a sponsor. At a cost of $1,000 you receive:• recognition in the Suffolk Chapter newsletter• logo/recognition in all event flyers• opportunity to speak at the event• booth or table display space

To take advantage of this great offer, contact one of our Sponsorship Chairs:

Paul Becht: (631) 719-3224; [email protected] Shillingsford: (631) 434-9500; [email protected]

May/June 2013

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Farewell from the Newsletter EditorIt has been my pleasure to serve as the NYSSCPA Suffolk ChapterNewsletter Editor and Vice President for the 2013 fiscal year.

It has been quite a newsworthy year. We have had our share ofweather-related disasters including Superstorm Sandy and WinterStorm Nemo. The fiscal cliff brought us changing tax laws and thereare always ever-evolving auditing requirements. I hope that you havefound the newsletter content and articles informative.

I would like to thank the Board of Directors, the Executive Boardand the committee chairpersons for their assistance in providing me withtimely information for the newsletters.

I also would like to personally thank Flo Federman, the MarketingCommunications Director at Holtz Rubenstein Reminick (after June 1, to beknown as Baker Tilly) who professionally designs and edits each newsletter.I could not have done it without her. Her experience, creativity, and timeare most appreciated.

Our incoming Vice President, Felix Russo, will take the newsletter into thenext fiscal year and I am positive he will do a great job and continue tobring our chapter interesting articles and content regarding professionalcontinuing education.

I am looking forward to my new role as President-Elect for the upcomingyear and am much honored to have served as Newsletter Editor.

– Liz Vuozzo



May/June 2013

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The IRS is involved in a major auditinitiative regarding IRAs. This audit programwas triggered as a result of governmentreports that indicated that there is asignificant amount of noncompliance fromtaxpayers who make excess contributions toIRA accounts and from taxpayers who fail toreceive required minimum distributions fromIRA accounts.

On March 25, 2013 Long IslandCongressman Steve Israel held a pressconference calling for the IRS to reassess thesteep penalties that taxpayers face forinnocent mistakes involving their IRAaccounts.

The Congressman also asked the IRS toproperly educate senior citizens and theprofessionals who work with them so that IRAowners can avoid making costly mistakes inthe first place. In January 2013, he sent aletter to the IRS asking the IRS to bettereducate the public on the rules involvingIRAs.

Henry Montag, a Long Island certifiedfinancial planner who works with many seniorcitizens, brought the pending audit programinvolving IRA issues to the attention of theCongressman. It should be noted that Mr.Montag has participated in a number of CLEprograms at the Suffolk Academy of Law aswell as for other professional organizations.

Mr. Montag, Ron Fatoullah, an elder lawattorney, and this writer participated in thepress conference as well and echoed thesame sentiments as the Congressman.

Subsequent to the press conference, theIRS informed the Congressman that therewould be a significant education and outreachinitiative by the IRS to educate seniorsregarding the IRA rules and also what wouldhappen if the rules are not followed. TheCommissioner of the Wage and InvestmentDivision of the IRS is in charge of this auditinitiative.

I believe that the education of the public isimportant but that the rules are socomplicated that professionals who work withsenior citizens and their heirs should beaware of the many complex IRA rules. It is theprofessional advisor who should guide theIRA owners and their heirs through the mazeof rules. It would likely be too much for mostmembers of the public to handle these ruleswithout professional guidance.

The fact is that there is a paucity ofcontinuing education programs on the IRAissues by the state accounting societies andthe state legal associations. The IRS plans towork with the American Institute of CertifiedPublic Accountants and many otherorganizations to encourage both complianceand education on these rules.

Congressman Israel deserves a big thankyou for his position on this major IRS auditprogram confronting senior citizens. Mr.Montag also deserves a thank you for bringingthis vital issue to the attention ofCongressman Steve Israel.

From the auditor’s point of view, the IRSshould address such issues as:


IRA Issues and the IRSBy Seymour Goldberg, CPA, MBA, JDGoldberg & Goldberg, P.C.

(continued on next page)

May/June 2013

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1. The IRA distribution rules that apply to the beneficiaries or inherited IRA’s (Traditional and Roth).

2. The significant tax problems that may be triggered when an IRA owner selectsa noncompliant trust as the beneficiaryof an IRA.

3. The rules that apply when an IRA ownerdies in pay status and does not receivehis/her entire required minimum distribution for the year of death.

4. The tax preparer’s responsibility under Circular 230 when the IRA owner or heirs violate the IRA distribution rules orthe post-death IRA distribution rules, as the case may be.

5. The need for professionals such as certified public accountants, enrolled agents and attorneys to know the IRA distribution rules (both lifetime and post-death).

As a practical matter, if the public is in thedark about the rules, then the professionaladvisor to the client must step up to the plate.It is not the investment adviser who isresponsible for tax compliance, but it is in factthe client’s tax return preparer.

These issues and many other technicalrules will be discussed at the four-creditCLE/CPE program at the Suffolk Academy ofLaw on the morning of June 11, 2013.

For more information or to enroll, call theAcademy at (631) 234-5588 or see moreinformation on their Calendar:www.scba.org/eva/index.php?m=Home&e=showCalendar


IRA Issues and the IRS(continued from previous page)

May/June 2013

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Catching Up With...The Cooperation with Bankers and Other Credit Grantors committee held itsannual spring joint Nassau/Suffolk Chapter meeting at the Crest Hollow Country

Club on March 21, 2013. There was a great turnout for this annualevent. It seems that, with the March 15 deadline completed, a shortintermission was taken before the April 15 rush began.

State Senator Jack Martin spoke and addressed some of the issuescurrently facing Long Island. Respective chapter presidents Mark Cirelli andLisa Haynie announced the slate of officers for their chapters for the upcomingfiscal year and praised their boards’ of directors and executive committees.Thank you to those who attended.

CooperationCooperationwith Bankerswith Bankers

May/June 2013

Larry Lucarelli and Frank DeRuvo Mark Cirelli and Lisa HaynieState Senator Jack Martins John Knox and Michael Joy

The Cooperation with Bankers and Other Credit Grantors committee also heldtheir 42nd Annual golf outing on May 13 at the Southward Ho Country Club inBay Shore. Chilly temperatures and some gusty winds did not deter the golferson this bright sunny day. With approximately 110 golfers, the shotgun soundedand all went off without a hitch.

Cocktails, appetizers, and dinner followed, as well as the greatly-anticipatedraffles. Once again, the committee did not disappoint the participants, withprizes from iPads and Weber grills to a Las Vegas vacation and a 55” plasmaTV. A good time was had by all.

Ron EagerSuffolk Cup winner Kevin DolphBob Quarte and Ron Eager Raffle ticket anticipation

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Catching Up With...

On March 21 the Members In Industry Committee hosted a 2 CPE seminar atValley National Bank in Huntington Station regarding: Why PCI Compliance?

Speakers David Stein of Eisner Amper and Andy Rosenberg of First Datagave those in attendance an understanding of why PCI compliance isnecessary for all businesses process credit card transactions.

The speakers were well informed on the topic, providing examples of what todo as well as reminding us of blunders that have occurred in the past and howwe can avoid such mistakes, thereby protecting our clients and customers.

They also provided a handout which all in attendance will be able to use areference in the future. Thanks to all who attended.

Members inMembers inIndustryIndustry

May/June 2013

The Young CPA Committee will hold an organizational meeting on Thursday,June 27 at 8:00 a.m. at the Paradise Diner in Hauppauge. Please join us!

In the meantime, there are plenty of events scheduled:

June 21: LI Ducks outingAugust 8: Supersized Networking eventSeptember 26: YCPA Golf outingNovember 14: Joint technical event with Nassau YCPAs

Details about each of these events can be found in this newsletter. Inaddition, June 9 to 11 is the statewide YCPA conference. Please register atwww.nysscpa.org/ycpa.

Finally, some congratulations! The Suffolk Chapter YCPAs would like tocongratulate committee co-chair Dave Oksenhorn on passing his final part ofthe CPA Exam and Sylwia Wawro on receiving her CPA license. Great job!

Young CPAs Young CPAs

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Mark Your Calendar...MAY 21, 2013 Banker/CPA Panel Discussion:I Need a Loan. Now What? Detailson page 9.

MAY 23, 2013 Annual Membership Event. Detailson page 10.

JUNE 6, 2013 Employee Benefits Committeemeeting: Auditing 401(k) Plans –Basic. Details on page 11.

JUNE 17, 2013 Employee Benefits Committeemeeting: Auditing 401(k) & 403(b)Plans – Advanced. Details on page12.

JUNE 21, 2013 Long Island Ducks Outing & Picnic.Details on page 13.

AUGUST 6, 2013 Estate & Financial PlanningCommittee meeting: Elder Law and Estate Planning. Details on page14.

AUGUST 8, 2013 Joint Suffolk/Nassau NYSSCPAYoung CPA committee meeting:Super-Sized Networking Night.Details on page 15.

SEPTEMBER 26, 2013 Young Professionals Golf Classic.Details on page 16.

NOVEMBER 14, 2013 Technical Event with the YoungCPAs of the Suffolk and NassauChapters. Details on page 17.

For up-to-the-minute chapter activities, visit


Committee Chairs!Make sure to get allfuture meeting datesto Elizabeth A. Vuozzoat [email protected]

May/June 2013

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Calling All Bankers and CPAs...

Banker/CPA Panel Discussion:Banker/CPA Panel Discussion:

I Need a Loan. Now What?I Need a Loan. Now What?

Tuesday, May 21, 20136:00 – 9:00 p.m.

at the Smithtown Sheraton110 Motor Parkway, Hauppauge


James Johnis | First National Bank of Long IslandPhilip Ammirato | TD Bank

John Solensky | Empire National Bank

The Suffolk Chapter Young CPA and Cooperation with Bankers Committees invite you to a

2 CPE Credits

Members: $40 | Non-Members: $45 | Students: $10

Sponsored by

Please make checks payable to NYSSCPA Suffolk chapter and mail to:

Shawn TracyPerlman, Schleifer & Perrone, CPAs1398 Deer Park AvenueNorth Babylon, NY 11703(631) [email protected]

Name: __________________________________________

Firm: ___________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________

City, State, Zip: ___________________________________

Telephone: ______________________________________

E-mail: _______________________________________

May/June 2013

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Attention All Members!

You are cordially invited to the NYSSCPA Suffolk Chapter

Seventh AnnualSeventh Annual

Membership EventMembership Event

Thursday, May 23, 20136:30 to 9:30 p.m.

at the Island Hills Country Club Sayville, NY

All members are invited and encouraged to bring associates for an evening of:

• cocktails, • dinner, and• networking with peers

and chapter leadership.

And it’s free for NYSSCPA members and non-members who are CPAs!

RSVP to Lawrence C. Lucarelli, CPA, CFP:

[email protected](631) 434-9500

May/June 2013

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Employee Benefits Conference: Beginnner

You’re invited to the NYSSCPA Suffolk

Employee Benefits Conference:

Please register:

Online: www.nysscpa.orgOR by Phone: (212) 719-8383 or (800) 537-3635OR by Fax: (866) 495-1354OR Mail the registration form to:

Foundation for Accounting EducationP.O. Box 10490Uniondale, NY 11555-0490

Name: __________________________________________

Firm: ___________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________

City, State, Zip: ___________________________________

Telephone: ______________________________________

E-mail: _______________________________________

NYSSCPA Member? Y/N Member #_______________

Thursday, June 6, 20138:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (8:00 a.m. registration & breakfast)

at the Sheraton Long Island110 Motor Parkway, Hauppauge

Members: $200 | Non-Members: $300

Auditing 401(k) Plans:Auditing 401(k) Plans:Beginner & Intermediate Level Beginner & Intermediate Level

8 CPE credits (Course code: 28108429)

Who Should Attend?• Accountants in public practice who are new

to auditing 401(k) defined contribution plans.• Practitioners with experience in this audit

specialty who want a "refresher" course on audit technique.

• Plan sponsors/corporate accountants who want an understanding of the audit process and the types of questions and document requests to anticipate.

Course Objectives and Highlights:• Provide an understanding of the basic

features of 401(k) plans, including plan administration, operation and reporting requirements.

• Review the required audit procedures for DOL limited scope audits and full scope audits.

• Understand the risks associated with benefit plan audits.

• Avoid common audit mistakes and deficiencies.Author and Discussion Leader Kendra G. Melnyk, CPA

Course Description:This course has been prepared to assist in auditing and reporting on the financial statements of a401(k) defined contribution plan. It will help to identify and address the uniqueness of these types ofaudits. Audit requirements and techniques will be emphasized.

May/June 2013

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Employee Benefits Conference: Advanced

You’re invited to the NYSSCPA Suffolk

Employee Benefits Conference:

Please register:

Online: www.nysscpa.orgOR by Phone: (212) 719-8383 or (800) 537-3635OR by Fax: (866) 495-1354OR Mail the registration form to:

Foundation for Accounting EducationP.O. Box 10490Uniondale, NY 11555-0490

Name: __________________________________________

Firm: ___________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________

City, State, Zip: ___________________________________

Telephone: ______________________________________

E-mail: _______________________________________

NYSSCPA Member? Y/N Member #_______________

Monday, June 17, 20138:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (8:00 a.m. registration & breakfast)

at the Sheraton Long Island110 Motor Parkway, Hauppauge

Members: $200 | Non-Members: $300

Auditing 401(k) & 403(b)Auditing 401(k) & 403(b)Plans: Plans: Advanced Level Advanced Level

8 CPE credits

Who Should Attend?Experienced practitioners responsible for planning and performing employee benefit plan auditengagements or advise companies in this area.

Course Objectives and Highlights:• Issues associated with limited and full

scope audits• Common mistakes and errors related to

certifications, case study and interactive discussion

• Changes related to clarified auditing standards.

Author and Discussion Leader Melissa Critcher, CPA

Course Objective:To provide auditors with the tools necessary to efficiently and effectively complete 401(k) and 403(b)plan audits; to discuss common mistakes made by plan administrators and auditors as well as ways tocorrect the errors and mistakes; to review new standards effective for the current year.

May/June 2013

• Risk identification and fraud consideration.• Review components of internal control

procedures.• Sample errors, mistakes, pitfalls. • New procedures re: fee disclosure rules. • Modified procedures for an electronic

environment.• Top 10 errors for 401(k) plans

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Take Me Out to the Ball Game...

Please make checks payable to NYSSCPA Suffolk chapter and mail to:

Frank TuckerSheehan & Company, CPA, P.C.165 Orinoco DriveBrightwaters, NY 11718-1304(631) 665-7040fax: (631) 665-7014

Name: __________________________________________

Firm: ___________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________

City, State, Zip: ___________________________________

Telephone: ______________________________________

E-mail: _______________________________________

Suffolk Chapter’s 12Suffolk Chapter’s 12thth AnnualAnnualLong Island Ducks Outing & PicnicLong Island Ducks Outing & Picnic

Long Island Ducks vs. Sugar Land SkeetersFriday, June 21, 2013

Picnic + Ticket (10 years and older): $30 eachPicnic + Ticket (9 years and younger): $24 each

Ticket only: $10 each

____ attendee(s) at $30; ____ attendee(s) at $24; ____ attendee(s) at $10 = _______ enclosed. If more than one attendee, attach a list of names.

The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. with an “all you can eat” picnic buffet – hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken & ribs. The game will follow immediately, at 7:25 p.m. Come to the ballparkand support Suffolk County’s own minor league baseball team and have fun with your fellowSuffolk Chapter CPAs and their families.

THIS EVENT IS USUALLY A SELL-OUT! We need to provide a final head count byWednesday, May 8, 2013, so don’t delay.

E-mail your reservation now to Frank Tucker: [email protected], mail in your payment with the form below.

Tickets will be mailed to you the week of May 27. Please call if you’ve not received your tickets by June 14.

May/June 2013

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Preparing an Estate...

at Valley National Bank580 E. Jericho Turnpike, Huntington Station, NY

Free! (Enrollment limited to the first 30 registrants.)

Level: IntermediatePrerequisite: Basic knowledge of estate planningMethod of Presentation: Lecture, questions and answersSubject Area: Specialized knowledge and applications: TaxationLearning Objective: To acquire knowledge on elder law issuesand estate planning

The NYSSCPA Suffolk ChapterEstate & Financial Planning Committee presents

Elder Law and Elder Law and Estate PlanningEstate Planning

Please make checks payable to NYSSCPA Suffolk Chapter and mail to:

Seymour GoldbergGoldberg & Goldberg, P.C.20 Crossways Park North, Suite 412Woodbury, New York [email protected]

Name: __________________________________________

Firm: ___________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________

City, State, Zip: ___________________________________

Telephone: ______________________________________

E-mail: ________________________________________

2 CPE Credits (Course code: 29085401)(1 credit: Specialized Knowledge; 1 credit: Taxation)

Speakers:David R. Okrent, CPA, JD | The Law Offices of David R. OkrentSeymour Goldberg, CPA, MBA, JD | Goldberg & Goldberg, P.C.

May/June 2013

Tuesday, August 6, 20138:00 – 10:00 a.m.(7:30 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast)

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Super-Size It...

Thursday, August 8, 20136:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

The Deck at FourMelville, NY

Come to this strictly social event to mingle with your peers, including:

• Risk Management Associates, Young Professionals• New York State Bar, 10th Judicial District• Suffolk/Nassau Bar Association, Young Professionals

Passed hors d’oeuvres! Open bar!

The Young CPAs Committees of the Suffolk and Nassau Chaptersinvite you to a

Super-Sized Super-Sized Networking Event –Networking Event –REMIX!REMIX!

Please make checks payable to NYSSCPA Nassau Chapter and mail to:

Colleen ColumbiaHoltz Rubenstein Reminick LLP125 Baylis Road, Melville, NY 11747Phone: (631) 719-3352Fax: (631) [email protected]

Name: __________________________________________

Firm: ___________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________

City, State, Zip: ___________________________________

Telephone: ______________________________________

E-mail: ________________________________________

May/June 2013

Page 16: SUFFOLK Chapter News Vol. 42 No. 8 - NYSSCPA


Calling All Golfers...

The Young CPAs Committee of the Suffolk Chapter of the NYSSCPA is proud to host


Thursday, September 26, 2013Hamlet Willow Creek Golf & Country Club

7:30 a.m. Hot gourmet breakfast8:30 a.m. Shotgun start1:30 p.m. Cocktail hour, buffet, raffles

Fabulous raffle prizes! Beat-the-hack competition! Lunch at the turn!

GOLD SPONSORSHIP: $3,500Two foursomesBall Marker and two hole sponsorshipsBeverage cart and Lunch sponsorshipsTee sign at Beat-the-Hack holeName/logo in event programTwo pin flags48 raffle tickets

SILVER SPONSORSHIP: $2,000One foursomeBreakfast and two hole sponsorshipsName/banner at registration tableName/logo in event programPin flag24 raffle tickets

BRONZE SPONSORSHIP: $1,500One foursomeTwo hole sponsorships and pin flagName/logo in event program12 raffle tickets

HOLE SPONSORSHIP: $150Tee sign displaying company logo and name

INDIVIDUAL GOLFER: $25018 holes of golf, breakfast, lunch, cocktail hour, and dinner

Name: ________________________________

Firm: _________________________________

Address: ______________________________

City, State, Zip: _________________________

Telephone: ____________________________

E-mail: ______________________________

PLEASE REGISTER EARLY! 9/6/13 is the last day we can accept golfers!For information, contact Michael D'Onofrio at (516) 931-8400 Ext. 42

Please place me in a foursome


Preferred foursome listed below:

Golfer #2: __________________

Golfer #3: __________________

Golfer #4: __________________

Note: Golfers listed will play together unless otherwise instructed

Return this form by fax to (516) 670-5063; e-mail: [email protected]; or mail to:Michael D'Onofrio, Advantage Payroll, 215 North Main Street, Freeport, NY 11520


May/June 2013

Win an Acura TLwith a Hole-in-One!

Page 17: SUFFOLK Chapter News Vol. 42 No. 8 - NYSSCPA


Save the Date...


The Young CPAs Committees of the Suffolk and Nassau Chapters ask you to

Please stay tuned for more details to come!


Joint Technical Event with the Young CPAsof the Suffolk and Nassau Chapters

Thursday, November 14, 20136:00 to 9:00 p.m.

For information: Danielle [email protected] | (516) 296-5082

Sponsored by:

May/June 2013

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North Shore Wealth Mgmt. Advisors220 Lake Ave., Suite 6

St. James, NY 11780Tel: (631) 780-5556

[email protected]

PRESIDENT-ELECT Lawrence Lucarelli, CPA

Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck & Co.25 Suffolk Court

Hauppauge, NY 11788Tel: (631) 434-9500Fax: (631) 434-9518

[email protected]

VICE PRESIDENTElizabeth A. Vuozzo, CPA

Fuoco Group LLP200 Parkway Drive South

Suite 302Hauppauge, NY 11788

Tel: (631) 870-3906Fax: (631) [email protected]


Charles A. Barragato & Co., LLP9 Brooksite Drive

Smithtown, NY 11787Tel: (631) 724-7900Fax: (631) 724-7975

[email protected]


Sheehan & Company CPAs, PC165 Orinoco Drive

Brightwaters, NY 11718Tel: (631) 665-7040Fax: (631) 665-7014

[email protected]


Holtz Rubenstein Reminick LLP125 Baylis Road

Melville, NY 11747Tel: (631) 719-3456Fax: (631) [email protected]

EXECUTIVE BOARDJerome Hehir, CPA Jerome Hehir, CPA (631) 629-4344 [email protected] S. Pirro, CPA Thomas Pirro, CPA (631) 868-3212 [email protected] Portelli, CPA Holtz Rubenstein Reminick LLP (631) 719-3223 [email protected] Rafanelli, CPA, CFE Gettry Marcus Stern & Lehrer, CPA, P.C. (516) 364-3390 [email protected] Schleifer, CPA Perlman, Schleifer, Perrone, CPAs (631) 543-6660 [email protected] Sexton, CPA, CFE Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck & Co., PC (631) 434-9500 [email protected]

ACCOUNTING & AUDITINGPaul Becht, CPA Holtz Rubenstein Reminick LLP (631) 719-3380 [email protected] T. Joy, CPA Raich Ende Malter & Co., LLP (516) 228-9000 [email protected]

COOPERATION WITH ATTORNEYSPasquale Rafanelli, CPA, CFE Gettry Marcus Stern & Lehrer, CPA, P.C. (516) 364-3390 [email protected]

COOPERATION WITH BANKERS & OTHER CREDIT GRANTORSJames LaRocca, CPA Marcum LLP (631) 414-4238 [email protected] Bella, CPA Gettry Marcus Stern & Lehrer, CPA, PC (516) 364-3390 [email protected]

COOPERATION WITH EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONSMelissa Portelli, CPA Holtz Rubenstein Reminick LLP (631) 719-3223 [email protected] Valdez, CPA Holtz Rubenstein Reminick LLP (631) 719-3316 [email protected]

CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS & REAL ESTATEKarl Janhsen, CPA Covati & Janhsen, CPAs, PC (631) 246-6300 [email protected] Kantor, CPA Marcum LLP (631) 414-4726 [email protected]

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIESMichael Muzzy, CPA Equity Transfers, LLC (516) 220-6580 [email protected]

EMPLOYEE BENEFITSMara Citrin, CPA Mara Citrin, CPA (516) 984-4003 [email protected] Isbitsky, CPA Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck & Co., PC (631) 434-9500 [email protected] Paura, CPA Sheehan & Company CPAs, PC (631) 665-7040 [email protected]

ESTATE/FINANCIAL PLANNINGMark A. Cirelli, CPA/PFS, CFP North Shore Wealth Management Advisors (631) 780-5556 [email protected] Goldberg, CPA, MBA, JD Goldberg & Goldberg, P.C. (516) 222-0422 [email protected]

GENERAL TAXATIONKenneth Laks, CPA Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck & Co., PC (631) 434-9500 [email protected] A. Vuozzo, CPA Fuoco Group, LLP (631) 870-3906 [email protected]

GOLF OUTINGJohn C. DeFalco, CPA Sheehan & Company CPAs, PC (631) 665-7040 [email protected] T. Quarté, CPA Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck & Co., PC (631) 434-9500 [email protected]

GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS KEY PERSONSKenneth R. Cerini, CPA Cerini & Associates, LLP (631) 582-1600 [email protected] F. Preston, CPA James F. Preston, CPA, PC (631) 734-5330 [email protected] Schleifer, CPA Perlman, Schleifer, Perrone, CPAs (631) 543-6660 [email protected]

MANAGEMENT OF AN ACCOUNTING PRACTICERobert T. Quarté, CPA Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck & Co., PC (631) 434-9500 [email protected] Shillingsford, CPA Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck & Co., PC (631) 434-9500 [email protected]

MEMBERS IN INDUSTRYColleen Cappelli, CPA Advantage Group (631) 421-6100 [email protected]

MEMBERSHIPMark A. Cirelli, CPA/PFS, CFP North Shore Wealth Management Advisors (631) 780-5556 [email protected]

NOMINATINGPaul Becht, CPA Holtz Rubenstein Reminick LLP (631) 719-3380 [email protected]

NOT-FOR-PROFIT & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING & AUDITINGKenneth R. Cerini, CPA Cerini & Associates, LLP (631) 582-1600 [email protected] Schleifer, CPA Perlman, Schleifer, Perrone, CPAs (631) 543-6660 [email protected]

PUBLIC RELATIONSMark A. Cirelli, CPA/PFS, CFP North Shore Wealth Management Advisors (631) 780-5556 [email protected] Russo, CPA Charles Barragato & Co., LLP (631) 724-7900 [email protected]

SMALL BUSINESSLawrence Lucarelli, CPA Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck & Co., PC (631) 434-9500 [email protected]

SPONSORSHIPPaul Becht, CPA Holtz Rubenstein Reminick LLP (631) 719-3380 [email protected] Shillingsford, CPA Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck & Co., PC (631) 434-9500 [email protected]

YOUNG CPASJohn Hermus, CPA Sheehan & Company CPAs, PC (631) 665-7040 [email protected] Sexton, CPA, CFE Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck & Co., PC (631) 434-9500 [email protected]

May/June 2013

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Check your answers in the next issue...



May/June 2013

Fun and Games - Crossword Puzzle

ACROSS1) Wynonna or Naomi of

country music5) "Doctor Zhivago" heroine9) Files opened with Adobe,

for short13) Licked cookie14) Underage person15) La Scala showstopper16) *Comforter-and-sheets

set for a large mattress, say

19) Enter gingerly20) Bigfoot cousin21) "___ Miserables"22) *Gaga way to be in love25) Follow one's new job, in

Realtorese26) "Cheerio!"27) Sci-fi vehicle: Abbr.30) Attention from Dr. Mom32) Answers an invite, for

short 36) *Big tourist draw41) Movie trailer, e.g.42) Sun, in Spain43) Sea shocker44) Hieroglyphic snakes 47) Lovers' spat, say 50) *Industry-spanning work

stoppage55) Right-angle piece56) Pamplona runner57) Professor's security59) Simon Says relative, and

a hint to what happens after the starts of 16-, 22-,36- and 50- Across

62) Shade provider63) In ___: mad64) Not right in the head65) "Auld Lang ___"66) Nevada gambling city67) Auto repair figs.

DOWN1) Comic's delivery2) Dickens villain Heep3) Like a thicket4) Folded corner5) Tina's "30 Rock" role6) "... for ___, a tooth ..."7) Poet Frost8) Franklin of soul9) Hippie's digs10) Dentist's tool11) Traffic violation

consequences12) Slumps14) Camera maker that

merged with Konica17) Fries, for one18) Coke Zero competitor23) Battery unit24) Sunup point27) Baseball official28) Larson's "The ___ Side"29) Pedro's peeper

31) Dol. parts33) Compete34) "The Raven" poet35) NBC sketch show37) Yemen neighbor38) Met, as a difficult

challenge39) Decays40) Somewhat45) Like political hawks46) "Hell is other people"

French dramatist48) At no charge49) Big operatic ending50) Morning ___: flower51) DeGeneres's sitcom52) Actress Lindsay53) Praise54) Straight up55) Young newts58) Greek Cupid60) Golfer Trevino61) Self-importance


16 17

19 21


30 31 35





48 49



51 53





Source: L





32 3433




1 2 3 4 6 7 10 11 128 9






41 43







27 29


23 24





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Get Involved and Help Make a DifferenceCOMMITTEE SERVICE APPLICATION

Thank you in advance for getting involved and ensuring the success of thischapter. Please rank the top 3 committees in which you have an interest:

___ Accounting & Auditing___ Community Affairs___ Construction Contractors___ Cooperation with Attorneys___ Cooperation with Bankers and

Other Credit Grantors___ Cooperation with Educational

Institutions___ CPE/Professional Development___ Emerging Technologies___ Employee Benefits___ Estate/Financial Planning

___ General Taxation___ Golf Outing___ Management of an Accounting

Practice___ Members in Industry___ Membership Recruitment___ Not-for-Profit & Government___ Public Relations___ Real Estate & Construction___ Small Business___ Social___ Young CPAs

The Suffolk Chapternewsletter ispublished monthly(bi-monthly Januarythrough August) bythe Suffolk Chapterof the New YorkState Society ofCPAs.

All informationpertaining to futureissues should besent no later thanthe 15th of themonth prior topublication to:

Liz [email protected]

Newsletter Editor:Liz Vuozzo

Proof/Design:Flo Federman

Please forward your response to: Mark Cirelli, CPA • [email protected] Shore Wealth Mgmt. Advisors • 220 Lake Ave., Suite 6 • St. James, NY 11780

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Firm: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________________________________________

Telephone: _______________________________________________________________________________

E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________________


c/o Elizabeth A. Vuozzo, CPAFuoco Group200 Parkway Drive SouthSuite 302Hauppauge, NY 11788