Suffering From Pain Near The Anus? Are you suffering from pain near your anus? If so, you might be suffering from hemorrhoids, If you display these symptoms you too may be one of the 50% of Americans who may be suffering from the dreaded pains caused by hemorrhoids. These pains are caused by the growth of blood vessels either near the anus or inside the rectum, this is due to a variety of reasons, such as excess stress, pregnancy (this causes the anal cavity to be compressed due to the space taken by the baby during gestation ), Inactivity( sitting down for long periods of time would cause a buildup of blood pressure in your rectum and possibly develop blood clots inside, leading to the blood looking for another way to flow causing a new blood vessel to grow) or a poor diet. ( as hard stools passes through the rectum, it is possible for the rectum and anus to get hurt as the stools may cause bruises or scratches as it passes by) Common Home Remedies For hemorrhoids-What You Can Do To Reduce The Pain There are many home remedies that are able to reduce the pain caused by hemorrhoids by many means, some take a preventive approach by reducing, stopping or reversing the growth of the hemorrhoids. Other methods try to just reduce the pain and irritation caused by the hemorrhoids and provide some relief to the person affected by them. Preventive Measures If you wish to stop or reverse the growth of hemorrhoids, you may find these steps useful 1) Dietary changes Changing your diet to include more fruits and vegetables in it would allow your stools to get softer naturally and without significant effort on your part, plus, it has the very beneficial side effect of providing a very healthy diet without great effort alongside the pain relief received. Softer stools allow you to recover from the damage done earlier and may allow you to heal. If you are currently not suffering from hemorrhoids this step would allow you to get a lower probability of getting hemorrhoids over time. 2) Exercise Exercise, like changing your diet, is one of the few cures that also allow you to have a healthier life over time, exercise would allow you to develop a stronger rectum and colon, reducing the probability of you getting internal injuries resulting in hemorrhoids. Home Remedies

Suffering from pain near the anus

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Suffering From Pain Near The Anus?

Are you suffering from pain near your anus? If so, you might be suffering from hemorrhoids, If you display these symptoms you too may be one of the 50% of Americans who may be suffering from the dreaded pains caused by hemorrhoids.

These pains are caused by the growth of blood vessels either near the anus or inside the rectum, this is due to a variety of reasons, such as excess stress, pregnancy (this causes the anal cavity to be compressed due to the space taken by the baby during gestation ), Inactivity( sitting down for long periods of time would cause a buildup of blood pressure in your rectum and possibly develop blood clots inside, leading to the blood looking for another way to flow causing a new blood vessel to grow) or a poor diet. ( as hard stools passes through the rectum, it is possible for the rectum and anus to get hurt as the stools may cause bruises or scratches as it passes by)

Common Home Remedies For hemorrhoids-What You Can Do To Reduce The Pain

There are many home remedies that are able to reduce the pain caused by hemorrhoids by many means, some take a preventive approach by reducing, stopping or reversing the growth of the hemorrhoids. Other methods try to just reduce the pain and irritation caused by the hemorrhoids and provide some relief to the person affected by them.

Preventive Measures

If you wish to stop or reverse the growth of hemorrhoids, you may find these steps useful

1) Dietary changes

Changing your diet to include more fruits and vegetables in it would allow your stools to get softer naturally and without significant effort on your part, plus, it has the very beneficial side effect of providing a very healthy diet without great effort alongside the pain relief received. Softer stools allow you to recover from the damage done earlier and may allow you to heal. If you are currently not suffering from hemorrhoids this step would allow you to get a lower probability of getting hemorrhoids over time.

2) Exercise

Exercise, like changing your diet, is one of the few cures that also allow you to have a healthier life over time, exercise would allow you to develop a stronger rectum and colon, reducing the probability of you getting internal injuries resulting in hemorrhoids.

Home Remedies

1.)Witch hazel and garlic

Witch hazel and garlic has been proven to work well against hemorrhoids, many people on the internet swear by it. All you have to do is to chop garlic and place it in witch hazel for an hour to soak,after that you would just apply it on the affected area.

2.)Sitz Baths

Sitz baths are able to cure hemorrhoids over time by acting as an anti inflammatory agent and by keeping the affected area clean and as sterile as possible. This helps reduce the size of the hemorrhoids over time and would also relieve the pain

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If your hemorrhoids are causing serious pain, or it they are internal hemorrhoids, you might consider visiting a doctor before proceeding with any on these methods as the doctor would be able to recommend some surgeries that may allow you to experience greater pain relief in a shorter amount of time.

Want to know more about curing your hemorrhoids? Visit HemroidCreamReviews.com and discover some of the best solutions and hemorrhoid cream reviews available online!