SOLIDARITE CTMS Forclum Val de Loire devel- oped and integrated ver- sion 2.50 of the Panorama SCADA solution. The fun- damental principle of the CTMS application, called “SOLIDARITE”, is for one centralized workstation (CW) to take over if anoth- er fails. The solution su- pervises both automated (unstaffed) and semi-auto- mated (staffed during the daytime only) tollbooths. It currently manages 30 tollbooths, bearing in mind that a tollbooth can be op- erated at a rate of 70 ve- hicles per hour. Panorama manages tollbooth equip- ment, and is responsible for electrical installations such as EDF lowvoltage panels, diesel genera- tor sets, UPSs, fog lights, public lighting, etc. “The SOLIDARITE CTMS can be used to receive or moni- tor alarms from the diesel generator fuel levels. “If a power outage occurs, it is possible to calculate the generator’s loading,” said Thibault Le Bec, Project Manager for Forclum Val de Loire. Panorama : an application on the move at Cofiroute PROFILE • Subject : SCADA • Process : CTMS • Client : Cofiroute • Integrator : ForclumVal de Loire • Date : 2007 • Installed base : - Panorama E 2 - WAGO 841 Ethernet controller - RDP protocol - MODBUS TCP protocol - WAGO 841 PLCs - LDAP server - SQL2005 Express database AIMS Installation of a new CTMS called SOLIDARITE. Management of thirty automated tollbooth stations. Neuillé Pont Pierre tollbooth on the A28 motorway Cofiroute, the motorway network operator for central and western France, decided to install a new centralized technical management system (CTMS) called SOLIDARITE in 2005. This CTMS uses Panorama software to manage thirty automated tollbooth stations. The management application has greatly improved tollbooth safety, responsiveness and flexibility at Cofiroute operations centers. The success of the project is due to the seamless coordination between Cofiroute IT departments, teams from the Forclum Val de Loire integration company, and Codra development teams. SUCESS STORY BENEFITS Improvement of safety at tollbooths and more responsive staff. Service management and administration solution via third-party reporting tools.

sucess story Panorama : an application - uk.codra.net · PDF fileSOLIDARITE CTMS Forclum Val de Loire devel- ... sucess story benefits ... Data is stored in an Oracle database. The

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SOLIDARITE CTMSForclum Val de Loire devel-oped and integrated ver-sion 2.50 of the Panorama SCADA solution. The fun-damental principle of the CTMS application, called “SOLIDARITE”, is for one centralized workstation (CW) to take over if anoth-er fails. The solution su-pervises both automated (unstaffed) and semi-auto-

mated (staffed during the daytime only) tollbooths. It currently manages 30 tollbooths, bearing in mind that a tollbooth can be op-erated at a rate of 70 ve-hicles per hour. Panorama manages tollbooth equip-ment, and is responsible for electrical installations such as EDF lowvoltage panels, diesel genera-tor sets, UPSs, fog lights,

public lighting, etc. “The SOLIDARITE CTMS can be used to receive or moni-tor alarms from the diesel generator fuel levels. “If a power outage occurs, it is possible to calculate the generator’s loading,” said Thibault Le Bec, Project Manager for Forclum Val de Loire.

Panorama : an application on the move at Cofiroute


• subject : scADA

• Process : ctMs

• client : cofiroute

• Integrator : ForclumVal de Loire

• Date : 2007

• Installed base : - Panorama e2

- WAGo 841 ethernet controller - rDP protocol - MoDBus tcP protocol - WAGo 841 PLcs - LDAP server - sQL2005 express database


Installation of a new ctMs called soLIDArIte.

Management of thirtyautomated tollbooth stations.

Neuillé Pont Pierre tollbooth on the A28 motorway

Cofiroute, the motorway network operator for central and western France, decided to install a new centralized technical management system (CTMS) called SOLIDARITE in 2005. This CTMS uses Panorama software to manage thirty automated tollbooth stations. The management application has greatly improved tollbooth safety, responsiveness and flexibility at Cofiroute operations centers. The success of the project is due to the seamless coordination between Cofiroute IT departments, teams from the Forclum Val de Loire integration company, and Codra development teams.

sucess story


Improvement of safety at tollbooths and more responsive staff.

service management andadministration solution via third-party reporting tools.

DS3i required that vari-ous SCADA solutions were analyzed and pro-totypes developed. The Panorama E2 solution complied with DS3i IT specifications model. The pilot project began in 2005 on the A28 motor-way with two tollbooths, and the SOLIDARITE CTMS was then deployed.

Functional architectureData is collected at the tollbooths using a WAGO 841 Ethernet controller that timestamps the data at source (Boolean and analog data from the fuel tank levels in order to continuously monitor the status of the diesel gen-erator set’s fuel tanks). Information is forwarded to both CTMS servers with the load balanced between the servers. The servers are shared with the video surveillance application, which makes it impossi-

ble to restart the work-station without impacting the system. Operators access the CTMS server via a standard Windows TSE (Terminal Services Edition) workstation us-ing RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), thereby making it possible to take remote control from any desktop.Information is sent over the Cofiroute WAN, made available by DS3I (the Cofiroute IT department). “Access to the corporate network proves that col-laboration is possible be-tween the automation and IT worlds,” said Mr. Philippe Godefroy, Project Manager at Cofiroute. Data is stored in an Oracle database. The system in-cludes an SNTP server to synchronize the servers and the WAGO 841 PLCs, an LDAP server for au-thentication using a login in the Panorama E2 ap-plication, and a develop-

ment workstation, located in Sèvres (near Paris), which updates the appli-cation and enables remote control.

Local active equipmentThe system retrieves in-formation via a WAGO Ethernet controller using a MODBUS TCP protocol. This PLC is programmed to record field data times-tamped at source. It re-trieves the date, the time, and the type of event sub-mitted to the CMTS (e.g. EDF fault, UPS fault, etc.). “All data is saved and stored locally until it has been processed by the SCADA system to ensure event traceability. In the other direction, we can also process commands sent from the CTMS to the PLC, which then checks equipment availability, for example a request to turn on lights at the tollbooth,” said Thibaut Le Bec.

• Local unit for timestamp recording of “Failure” or “Acquisition” events

• CTMS command processing

• SNTP synchronization on the network

• Built-inWeb server for administration

There is one CTMS server for each of the five operat-ing sectors:

• Anjou

• Sologne

• Touraine

• Maine-et-Loire

• Ile-de-France (at Sèvres, the administration cent-er for all servers)

Each server manages its own center grouping sev-eral tollbooths or CWs. For load balancing, three servers work together based on the SOLIDARITE principle, thereby ensur-ing that CTMS access is always available. One Panorama application is dedicated to those three servers, and another to the two remaining servers.

Custom developmentIn order to comply with Cofiroute specifications, Forclum Val de Loire de-veloped an authentica-tion/authorization class for the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) directory of network users. An ActiveX component was jointly developed by the Codra teams to short-circuit the Panorama DLL (Panorama login authen-tication on the CTMS). This corporate directory manages data access con-

From industrial SCADA to a global information system

sucess story

Cofiroute server redundancy

trol for several applica-tions besides Panorama. It is however possible to log on in “downgraded” mode if the remote di-rectory is unavailable, so users can log in to the management system and perform required tasks. Another Cofiroute specifi-cation con-cerns hot redundancy if the main server fails, with an au-t o m a t i c switchover from the “ b a c k u p ” server to the “main” server with-out human intervention. There is no need to switch between the two serv-ers. CTMS services sim-ply need to be restarted. The technical specifica-tions also require server load balancing for opti-mal high application avail-ability. “For example, when you reload an application from Sèvres, the services for one server are stopped and the backup server takes over. The user ses-sion is stopped, but users can nevertheless connect to the backup server for supervisory purposes,” said Philippe Godefroy. Another Cofiroute specifi-cation concerns the con-solidation of operations data and an audit trail on a remote Oracle V9 data-base. There is an SQL2005 Express Database in local backup mode in case the

connection to the remote database is lost. All the events occurring in a giv-en tollbooth, such as the turning on of a light or the starting of a diesel gen-erator, are recorded in the audit trail. These are nomi-native operations: the sys-tem can determine who

issued the o r d e r s and at what time. W h e n acknowl-edging an alarm or initiating m a i n t e -nance, us-

ers can enter comments regarding the reason for the operation. The au-dit trail also includes the alarm history, data, graphs, etc. The servers share a persistent database for the “hot recovery” of op-erations data in the event of a switch between the backup mode and nor-mal mode, or vice versa. These procedures neces-sitated the development

of a generic profile for a TSE session in order to use the CTMS as a thin cli-ent in an RDP session with limited rights. “Panorama was chosen over the com-petition notably because it offers a service manage-ment and administration solution via third-party re-porting tools. Panorama E2 is extremely service ori-ented. Panorama E2 ser-vices start other services on legacy Cofiroute tools, which is an important ad-vantage,” said Mr. Didier Chazelas, Manager of the Industrial Computing Department at Forclum Val de Loire.

Panorama mimic diagram view for “Montabon” tollbooth station

key figures

• 5 licenses for 500 variables, one for each operations sector

• 5 redundant servers

• 40 TSE accesses, 8 per sector (4 in normal mode and 4 in backup mode)

• 30 data points per tollbooth

• 30 tollbooths supervised

Why choose Panorama E2 ? Service management and

administration solution via third-party reporting tools. Service oriented system.

Panorama’s keyadvantagesThe golden rule for mo-torways is asset and personnel safety above all. Setting up a CTMS improves safety at toll-booths. “Warning - there’s nobody there, what’s the problem? A storm, a pow-er outage… what should be done? Thanks to the CTMS, someone can be there within 30 minutes to

solve the problem,” said Mr. Philippe Godefroy. Furthermore, this maxi-mum safety approach tends to make the staff

more responsive. All the automated tollbooths can be supervised, which means greater flexibility; round-the-clock shifts are no longer necessary, es-pecially at night when the number of vehicles per hour drops. “This means that staff can return to a normal family life,” said Philippe Godefroy. There is still someone working 24 hours a day at the opera-tions center, however, to answer drivers using the intercom, to handle power outages caused by storms, or to turn on fog lights.

Panorama supervision at the Monnaie Operations Center–A10 motorway

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From industrial SCADA to a global information system

sucess story

Cofiroute network

• Cofiroute (1,874 employees) operates a network of 1,020 km of motorways cove-ring central and wes-tern France: the A10, A11, A28, A71, A81, and A85. Founded in 1970, this privately held company ma-nages two motorway concession contracts in France: the urban highway network and the conclusion of the A86 motorway to the west of Paris.

• The network : 1,020 km of motorways in western France, 66 tollbooths, 70 rest areas and 43 service areas, 81 km under construction between Angers, Tours, and Vierzon.

• Expanding the urban highway network, 81 km under construc-tion in the urban highway network, the northern bypass of Angers on the A11.