Successful Beekeeping Manual

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Successful Beekeeping Manual

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Please Start By Reading This - Then Pass It On

- "The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win." Roger Bannister

- "The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much important than the events that occur." Vince Lombardi

- "Success in our calling is the result of a person's love of and belief in the work he has undertaken. Earnest and conscientious labor often accomplishes more in the end than the brilliant genius." Anonymous

- "Food offered without affection is like food offered to the dead." Hindu Proverb

- "What you have to do and the way have to do it incredibly simple. Whether you are willing to do it, that's another matter." Peter F. Drucker

- The best motivation is self motivation. The guy says, "I wish someone would come by and turn me on." What if they don't show up? You've got to have a better plan for your life. Jim Rohn

- "How does one measure time? No, not in days, months, or years. It is measured by the most precious of all things: Love. Without which all beings and things whether brave and/or beautiful would perish." Irish Blesshin

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Table of Contents:

- Training To Be A Beekeeper.........................................................................................5

- The Biology of Bees.....................................................................................................6

- The Science and Technology of Beekeeping................................................................7

- The Life Cycle of the Honey Bee.................................................................................8

- A Look Into Raising Queen Bees..................................................................................9

- Beekeeping In Different Areas of the World...............................................................10

- The Beekeeping Equipment Used................................................................................11

- How to Acquire the Bees..............................................................................................13

- How to Harvest the Honey...........................................................................................14

- How to Make Money Producing Honey.......................................................................15

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Training To Be A BeekeeperBeekeeping is a very interesting hobby and one nice thing about raising honey bees is that they can be raised anywhere. Flowers don't always need to be close by but that does not mean you should keep them far away from flowers. They will travel to get to flowers. Choose a site for bee hives that is quiet, sheltered and shaded. You should not put them in cold spots, damp air accumulates in wintertime.

Be considerate of your neighborsMake sure you are considerate of your neighbors because your bees can get them complaining. The bee hives should not be on play grounds, cross sidewalks, or basic public areas. In dry weather, bees may collect water at neighbors' swimming pools or other water outlets. Avoid this by making sure your bees have a water source in your yard such as a container with floating wood or Styrofoam chips. The floating objects prevent the bees from drowning in the water.

City Slicker beesMany beekeepers keep bee hives in their own back yards. With other people using city roof tops. Honey bees can go a long way when collecting nector and pollen, so close by flowers are not needed although it is better. Most suburban areas have plenty of flowers, which allows bees to make good honey.City beekeepers must take special care so their bees do not become a nuisance to neighbors, or a problem for that matter. Good neighborly relations is what we all want!Bee stings are always your neighbors' biggest concern. So it is very important that beekeepers take care for their beehives to make sure neighbors to feel safe and comfortable in their own backyards.

You should use protective fencesA fence provides protection for both bees and people. A Fence is very important for most backyard beekeepers. A 6 ft. high fence or shrubs can serve several purposes.This height for fences forces the bees to fly above the heads of people. Bees normally travel in a straight path to their hive, so their flight path is raised by the fence. A fence reduces the chance of a bee colliding with someone.

Privacy is also needed by beesIf you Create an "out of sight - out of mind" situation, you will benefit from it and so will your bees. It's a fact that there will be neighboring people who will be concerned about your bees. A high fence will hide most evidence that you are raising bees. The high fence will also help your hives against high winds.

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The Biology of Bees

It is believed that there's approximately 20,000 species of bees worldwide making them the interest of beekeepers who rely on them to cross pollinate, because by bees doing that it not only changes the flowers pollen is collected from creating new species of flowers, but it also changes the consistency of the honey they produce.Bees are also tracked by beekeepers when other species of bees cross breed of bees and allows them to keep track of their habits from mating to origin of where they come from. Honey production is also tracked by beekeepers since different species of bees will also produce different consistencies of honey.The origination of bees is mostly from places in Europe, Africa and some parts of Asia, but most from immigrants to the U.S over the past centuries. Antarctica is the only place where bees were not found. The evolutions of bees are derived from wasps since they're cousins with the exception that wasps aren't pollinating insects and their ability to be organized rivals wasps, beetles, flies, and butterflies. Bees are also categorized in two social classes that are ideal for beekeepers to know in managing bees and bee hives.Most bees born are usually female, you have few males, and females will fight each other for control of the hive and colony. Now most people when they hear about the African bee they think killer bees when in fact the Africanized honeybee is in fact not dangerous. It is a type of bee that is the most popular with beekeepers and the industry of beekeeping.

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The African honeybee are the most readily used when they produce clover honey which is the most used and produced honey.Other reason that African bees are popular is because they're not an aggressive species that will readily attack someone, but they will attack when they're defending the hive.Bees are generally docile, but during picnics they can get annoying just because their sense of smell will direct them since their eye sight is bad. Their sense of smell is what helps them find flowers they pollinate and sometimes with the food people eat in this world the smell can mimic flowers which can result in them getting their scents mixed up.This is why you'll likely find bees swarming around trash because debris on food wrappers can attract them because sweet scents resemble flowers and plants.Beekeepers should be careful about dispensing their trash just because honeybees smell sweet scents form distance and what can be harmless such as disposing trash can become a big problem when they start gathering in places that isn't their usual habitat.

The Science and Technology of BeekeepingOur modern science has made it possible for us to cultivate food that works much better than sugar and is readily available, but the issue is that the production element is seasonal unfortunately.That's because bees are less active during the cold months and that can slow production down until around late March early April when the flowers officially bloom which makes pollen the plentiful for bees to feed on. Science is a mystery for bees because in some ways they resemble humans by how they sense changes in weather, environment and the organization of how they live resembles a lot like humans.

If bees were able to live like humans then we would definitely be compatible yet what separates us from bees is that the females are not permanently grounded and pregnant. Humans only have a gestational period of 9 months and can choose the number of children they want where bees are constantly reproducing with no break in between. The reason being that since the Queen will mate with 2-3 drones by the temperature of the weather and then she's inseminated for a good 2 or 3 years and she'll keep making babies until the sperm runs out or stops producing eggs.The average queen once she's mated can turn out 2000 eggs a day during the spring run and essentially live for another two years and then a new Queen is reared to take over the colony.

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Basically Queen bees have the monumental task of keeping the population fresh. All colonies are not the same since different species of bees will live identical to each other, but they may have a different mating pattern and schedule. Humans are about right there, but we have a different way of mating which is done when we feel like it not when the season or weather changes.You can identify bees by their buzzing sound, which is distinct to the sound that drones and the working bees make the sound when they are talking to one another. The Queen's buzz is more high pitched and always surrounded with drones and the workers that sacrifice their life’s protecting the queen bee.That's how close knit a colony of bees are and that's the mystery many beekeepers are trying to learn and match with the nature of humans and their interaction with each other. Bees are like one giant family since the majority of a hive is female, but only one will make it as the Queen who rules over the colony to carry on the next spawn of offspring to carry on the lineage of the colony.This is what makes science and technology interesting for bees and the keepers who maintain their homes to bring forth protecting and nurturing an interesting creature that people are blatantly misunderstanding a lot. It is no doubt that bees are some how like humans except they fly and reproduce enough offspring to keep going non-stop for 2-3 years.

The Life Cycle of the Honey BeeBeing a beekeeper, even as a hobby or a large commercial producer, you can not be successful if you don't understand the honey bee life cycle.Honey bees live in a unique way.It all starts with the egg. The hives queen bee lays an egg in one of the cells constructed for the soul purpose of laying eggs. Once queen has laid the egg and moved on to lay another (during the spring months the queen can lay an average of 1900 eggs daily) the egg is attached to the cell with a mucus strand.A larvae emerges when the egg hatches. Nurse bees are in charge of caring for the young larvae. They feed the eggs bee bread. The bee bread is mixture of honey plus gland secretions. The larvae will go through five distinct growth stages. After each of these stages the larvae sheds its outer skin. When the larvae is six days old, the larvae is then capped by a worker bee, cocooning the larvae in its cell. The larvae remains in the cocoon for less then 10 days when it emerges from the cocoon it is a fully formed young bee.

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The average length of life average honey bee depends on what purpose the bee fulfills in the hive. A queen bee can live for two years providing that she was able to get herself inseminated with enough sperm during her nuptial flight. A good strong queen bee can lay as many as 2000 eggs a day. She is in charge of killing her sisters and mothers. The queen bee doesn't have to worry about taking care of herself, she is always surrounded by an entourage of worker bees who feed her and remove her waste. It is not uncommon for the elderly queen bee to leave the nest in the springtime when the rest of the hive is getting ready to swarm. Experts believe that the queen produces some sort of pheromone that prevents the hives workers bees from becoming interested in sex. A queen bee who has not made her nuptial flight is called a virgin queen. Drone bees are male bees that live only to impregnate queen bees during the queens nuptial flight.The drone dies immediately after mating with the queen bee. In the winter time, worker bees are able to live up to a 100 and forty days old. During the summer months the worker bee is lucky to live for forty days, the short summer life span is because the worker bees are literally worked to death. The worker bee's duties are wide and varied. Worker bees called nurse bees are in charge of caring for the young larvae, other workers are sent out to gather pollen to be made into honey. The other workers cap off the combs, the queen bee is taken care by the rest of the workers. Worker bees are in charge of starving the unwanted drone bees plus to clean the hive. There can be any were from twenty thousand to two hundred thousand worker bees in a single hive. Worker bees are always sterile. If a worker bee lays an egg the bee then becomes a drone bee. Workers bees are the bees that people see defending the hive.For the hive to survive depends on the hive having a healthy queen that is laying eggs. The queen bee dies when something happens.

A Look Into Raising Queen BeesTo raise queen bees can be very profitable, but requires you to be fully dedicated because bees are delicate.You can buy your bees in different forms depending on your budget, the experience you have, and how much time you are able to dedicate to your project.If you are one of those who are eager to get results at a faster rate, then you need to get a complete colony to start with. The complete colony contains one queen bee, thousands of worker bees, and some male bees for reproduction.

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If you want to see your colony grow in front of you, then you need to get a smaller colony that contains only few thousands of worker bees. Time is needed for a young colony to expand.It is more difficult raising queen bees then colonies. More attention is required for queen bees and experience as you must separate any queen that appears from the colony to start forming a new colony.Keeping two queens in one colony is not possible. Therefore, if a new queen appears then you need to start a new colony for it and it will start laying new eggs that will hatch new worker bees.The new worker bees can become guard bees that will revolve around the hive to alarm the other bees when there is any thing endangering the colony. Worker bees also work as nurse bees that will nourish the eggs and take care of them until they hatch.Worker bees have other categories, like the wax producing bees and bees that produce honey. All of these workers are dominated by only one queen.Once another bee appears in one colony, then it should be removed or the bees will feel disoriented.

Beekeeping In Different Areas of the WorldA lot of areas of the world are great producers of honey and beeswax for medicinal and food purposes. A lot of beekeeping can be found in the United States, Asia, Africa, and a few in Europe.Since beekeeping had originated in Europe and had been modernized in the United States, the way it's done is different and the way it's taught is different as well. Yet this is a very interesting way to see how different cultures train someone to do beekeeping as a way of life and part of the culture. The cool thing is that honey is used for mostly food in so many cultures that use it in religious and celebratory occasions when preparing certain concoctions or meals and honey is used to sweeten it.Americans are usually in the business of beekeeping to produce honey for the supermarket and for shipment overseas to markets and countries that don't have beekeeping businesses that is advanced enough to mass produce the necessary amount to ship overseas to stores owned and operated in the United States like Whole Foods Market when they carry specific brands.

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Most countries overseas don't have the United States system to make mass productions of a product like honey since we managed to harvest effectively so to produce enough for market needs till the spring season starts again to produce since in the winter months bees are not active and start again in late March early April when the mating season for bees is fresh and the flowers are ready for pollination. The U.S. alone turns out the majority of the honey that's used when they provide to supermarkets owned by American based companies to their stores and restaurants overseas.Beekeepers could be observing hives every 7 to 8 days generally making it the ideal time on the weekend to pass time. Hives don't need a lot of maintaining just an hour a day between the peak season around May to September. A good season can produce for a keeper 60-100 pounds of honey and depending on how much the buyer charges by the pound that's what you go by to what you'll make for every harvest you get.The most common annoyance to beekeepers by the time of harvesting the honey and maintaining of the hives are bumblebees these bees are black and yellow not forgetting ugly that are seen going through the flowers honey bees have already visited and these bees live underground so they can be an annoyance to beekeepers when they swarm from the ground up. A lot of beekeepers move their hives which is called migratory and is one secret of producing lots of honey and giving bees a fresh supply of flowers to pollinate and feed from so they can produce a wide range of batches of honey.Each batch produced can differ with each pollination or when hives are rotated and bees go to different flowers, so that's why sometimes honey may have distinct taste since it's the different flowers which were available to them at that given time.

The Beekeeping Equipment UsedJust as every other hobby, raising honey bees needs some equipment just before you setup your bee hive.The bees equipment must be brought just before you get a call from the post office telling you to get your bees.The first important equipment is the bee hive.There must be five supers in the beehive. The supers are a very important part of the beehive because they are where the bees will be storing their honey. The five supers should be between the bottom of the hive and the hive cover.

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Supers are very important because they are where the bees will be storing their honey and raising their offspring. The moment the bee hive is active each of these supers will contain nine to ten frames.You can choose if you want a hive with shallow supers or deep supers. One advantage of these deep supers is that they enable beekeepers to buy only one size foundation. Disadvantage is that, when full, a deep super can weigh over a hundred pounds. The moment your hive has bees make sure you place is somewhere that has a flat surface so that the hive will not fall over when winds blow. Also make sure that you place it somewhere that humans and pets won't move it.A spacer is a piece of equipment beekeepers use to keep an equal amount of space between the frames while they are in the super.The next piece of equipment you will need is a smoker. The usage of the smoker is to encourage the bees to leave the hive when you are getting ready to harvest the honey. The smoker is surprisingly simple in its design. The smoker consists of a funnel, a combustion chamber, and bellows.Many beekeepers claim that old, clean burlap is the best material to use in the smoker just because the burlap ignites easily and smolders and smokes. Other beekeepers prefer to use dried corn cobs. Once the fire has been lit in the combustion chamber the bellows will keep it going. The funnel directs the smoke into the hive, encouraging the bees to leave.Another tool you will need is a metal hive tool. The metal hive tool is used to pry open the hive, separate the hive bodies, and to scrape the frames clean. Think of it as the all purpose tool of beekeeping.There is no beekeeper that is ready to receive their shipment of bees until they have a bee brush. A bee brush is used to gently brush bees out of the way so that the beekeeper can examine the frames.When it is time to harvest your honey, you will need a fumer board. A fumer board is a board that is covered in bee removing chemicals and is then used to encourage the bees to leave a super and let you take their honeycombs.If used bee equipment is alright with you, you can find some great prices on beekeeping equipment on EBay. There are several catalogs and websites that offer beekeeping equipment, and many of those offer beginners packages.

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How to Acquire the BeesThe initiate expense of the normal hive is approximately $300 per hive (you only need one to get start with). Once you have obtained a hive it may be retained at a distant corner of your back garden, it is not uncommon to see some suburban homes with a bee hive.If you are thinking about getting a beehive, the initial thing you ought to do is call your local Cooperative Extension office. They will be able to inform you if you live in an area that restricts keeping bees. They will also be able to give you the contact details of your states beekeeping establishment where you are able to become a registered beekeeper.The next thing you should do is select a site for your potential honey bee hive.Once you have picked a site for your beehive you will need to go about acquiring the tools required to successfully maintain a beehive. Some of the tools you will need can be purchased used for EBay. If you aren't able to find the tools you need on EBay there are lots of on-line sites where you can purchase equipment. If you require further assistance finding and buying a beehive and various beekeeping equipment, call your local Cooperative Extension office or the Federation of American Beekeepers.Before acquiring bees for your hive it is essential to ensure that you are properly protected, this means you have to purchase beekeepers gear.Once your hive is in place and you are confident that everything is in working order it's time to order your honey bees. The easiest way is to order Honey Bees from a founded Apiary. You ought to plan on placing you bee order early in the winter. The normal beekeeper orders their bees in January and February. The order is normally shipped in March and April.Most Apiary's ship their bees through the U.S. postal service. When the bees reach the post office your mail carrier will call and ask that you collect the bees. Very few mail carriers are happy driving all around the county with a car filled with young angry bees in their car and most bees are healthier if they do not have to spend several hours in a hot car.When you collect your bees they ought to have been packaged in a special carrying case that is designed just for bees. This package will be a wooden framed "house" that has a screen covering the outer. This packaging allows air to circulate to the traveling bees and keeps handlers, such as post office staff members, from getting stung.

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When you get your bees, do not be surprised if you see some dead bees laying in the bottom of the package. Traveling is hard on bees and they can't all be expected to get through the trip. The remainder of the bees ought to be clutching the sides of the container.You will observe that one bee in the container has been separated from the remainder of the hive. This is your queen bee. The remainder of the bees in the container will make up the remainder of your bee hives hierarchy. Some Apiaries ship the queen with a number of nurse bees. The surface of the queen's container will be covered with piece of sugar candy.You should also see a container that is jam-packed with a sugar solution. This sugar solution is what the bees feed upon while they're traveling. As soon as you get your bees home offer them something to drink. You do this by taking a spray bottle and covering the container with an extra fine covering of water.

How to Harvest the HoneyThe obvious reason to setup, maintain, and stock a beehive is so you can harvest great honey. The right time to harvest the honey will be known when taking a look at one super hives and find that the frames are full of honey combs that your bees have covered with wax caps.Now all you have to do is remove the honey combs.Harvesting your honey won't be a problem as long as you are wearing your beekeeping designed gear, like very light colored bee clothes (beekeepers swear that lighter colored clothes have a soothing affect on bees) and make sure you are calm.

When the super is full of capped honey combs you are going to have to remove the bees from that super. There are chemicals available on the market that will make this easier. One of these chemicals that beekeepers use to remove bees from the super is Bee-Go. All beekeepers have to do is apply Bee-Go to a fumer board. When the bees smell the Bee-Go they head to the bottom of the hive, leaving the honey in the super for you to harvest Another product beekeepers use to clear out supers is one called Fishers Bee Quick. Neither of these products harm the bees, the bees simply find the scent offensive and move away from it.Once you have the honey comb you need to prepare it to be extracted. The first thing to do is removing the wax caps the bees have used to seal the honey into the honey comb. A majori ty of beekeepers like or prefer using nine frames not ten for their supers. By using nine frames they give the bees enough room to draw the comb out, placing the cap right on the very edge of the comb.

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This makes it easier to remove the wax caps. A metal knife is used to remove the caps, the knife works best if the knife blade is warmed, after all its easier to cut warm wax then it is to cut cold wax. You can keep the knife blade warm with frequent dunking in a basin that is full of hot water. A lot of beekeepers like to use their bread knife to remove the wax caps from the honey comb while other beekeepers use specially designed beekeeping knifes. What do you think bee's wax candles are made out of. Removing the caps from the dripping honey is easy, a cheese cloth is used for this process, the cheesecloth drains the honey and the top collects the bee wax.Once the caps are removed from the honey comb the honey is ready to be extracted.When removing the caps, let them fall into a pot, do not just through them away. One thing to note is that lots of honey will stick on these caps, honey that can be processed and used. There is a large market for wax caps. Once the caps have been removed from the honeycombs the honey combs are ready to have the honey extracted.

How to Make Money Producing HoneyThere are quite a number of beekeepers who raise honey bees just as a hobby with no intended profit. Some of them are interested in these tiny creatures who are able to build a productive kingdom just based on their instinct.Some others are fascinated with the raw honey that extracted from the hive. They say that it is totally different from those canned honey brands you buy from your supermarket.Meanwhile, other beekeepers turned to realize that beekeeping is very profitable as well as interesting so they decided to turn their hobby into an investment and enjoy the hobby while generating money.For both type of bee farms there are some principles that apply, either for fun or for business. The production of honey consists of several hives. The bee keeper acts as a maestro to conduct the operation from the beginning to the end.When deciding to became a professional who takes the honey bee keeping as a job, the number and size of the hives has to be taken into consideration.Since monitoring one bee hive would not take longer than half an hour per day then you can look after a dozen or two with less trouble, especially if you started out as a hobby.Should you increase the hive size or number of bee hives?

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This question could be answered only by you, since it depends on your physical strength. Buying a bigger sized hive means less cost but it is not simple to remove the super frames full of more than hundred pound of honey. So its better to buy more hives. However, it's more expensive and needs more space.All of these are considerations as you move to become a professional beekeeper. So, what should you do to take a step closer in becoming a successful beekeeper?

“You Too Can Start Successful Beekeeping With This Step By Step eBook That Will

Guide You From Starting On Beekeeping All The Way To Harvesting And Packaging Your



Beekeeping for BeginnersHow to Keep Bees Successfully

Here is what you will learn inside this ebook...

How to get Started in Beekeeping - You Will Know All the Right Steps to Take

The Right time of Year to Start Beekeeping

How to Make Sure your Bees Don't Harm Your Neighbors or Passer Bys

Raising Bees in Different Kinds of Areas

Page 17: SuccessfulBeekeepingManual_rltvln5phs (1)

What are the Challenges of Beekeeping

What needs to be Considered when Picking the Location for Your Bees

The Right Number of Hives to Start With

Which Kind of Bees to Start With

How to Acquire Your Bees

Clothes and Equipment Needed

Using Pollen Substitutes

Using Nectar Substitutes

The Required Flowers and Plants for Bees to Produce Quality Honey

How to Easily Drive Away Ants and other Enemies from Your Hives

Queen Bee Management

Raising Queen Bees - You need to get this right

How to Get Your Queen Bee to Live the Longest Lifespan Possible

Choosing the Best Hive for Your Bees

How to Make Sure that you are always Safe from Bee Stings

How to Setup a Colony of Bees

How to safely Handle Bees

Page 18: SuccessfulBeekeepingManual_rltvln5phs (1)

How to know for Certain when your Honey is Being Ripened

The Right Way to Extract Honey from a Bee Hive

A Major Tool you have to Own for Beekeeping

The Easy Way to Calm Your Bees.

The Right Conditions Needed for Storing your Harvested Honey

Getting the Right see through "observation" hive for Maximum Honey Production

Want to Start a Beekeeping Business? This Guide will give You Direction

You also get a List of Top Affordable Beekeeping Equipment Suppliers and Resources

To The Wonderful Hobby Of Beekeeping!Best Regards,

Paul Reyes!