Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec

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  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    Successful Task Sequencing andSuccessful Task Sequencing and

    Challenges With Multiple Projects withChallenges With Multiple Projects withemphasis on Project Network & Triageemphasis on Project Network & Triage

    Presentation made on the 16Presentation made on the 16thth & 23& 23rdrd of July 2008of July 2008


    Lagos State Development & Property CorporationLagos State Development & Property Corporation

    2/4 Town Planning Road,2/4 Town Planning Road,

    Illupeju, Lagos State, Nigeria.Illupeju, Lagos State, Nigeria.

    Engr. Kelly Akpokene Sikpa, MNSE, PMPEngr. Kelly Akpokene Sikpa, MNSE, PMP

    On behalf of theOn behalf of the

    Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE)Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE)

    Lagos Branch.Lagos Branch.


  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    Presentation contentPresentation content


    Common challenges encountered in managing multipleCommon challenges encountered in managing multipleprojects.projects.

    Techniques for managing multiple projects.Techniques for managing multiple projects.

    Sequencing your work tasks.Sequencing your work tasks.

    Project network diagrams.Project network diagrams. Precedence diagramming method.Precedence diagramming method.

    Arrow diagramming method.Arrow diagramming method.

    Types of Dependencies that determine the sequencing ofTypes of Dependencies that determine the sequencing oftasks.tasks.

    Benefits of project network diagrams in multiple projectBenefits of project network diagrams in multiple

    How to identify problem areas & handle challenges that areHow to identify problem areas & handle challenges that areassociated with management of multiple projects.associated with management of multiple projects.

  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    Presentation content (continued)Presentation content (continued)

    Project triage.Project triage.

    Processes that are carried out in a triage effort.Processes that are carried out in a triage effort. Summary of the processes & their associated deliverables.Summary of the processes & their associated deliverables.

    Summary on how to determine the success levels for theSummary on how to determine the success levels for thevarious processes.various processes.

    Gathering of Data.Gathering of Data.

    Review & Analyze Data.Review & Analyze Data. Prepare or Document Findings & Develop a CorrectivePrepare or Document Findings & Develop a Corrective

    Action Plan.Action Plan.

    Present Report.Present Report.

    Revise or Update Project/Program/Portfolio Plan.Revise or Update Project/Program/Portfolio Plan.



  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec



    A Portfolio is a group of multiple projectsA Portfolio is a group of multiple projects

    that are managed together in order to attainthat are managed together in order to attain

    An organizations strategic businessAn organizations strategic business


    A Program is a group of multiple projectsA Program is a group of multiple projects

    That are similar and are managed togetherThat are similar and are managed together

    To obtain the benefits & control that couldTo obtain the benefits & control that couldNot be attained from managing themNot be attained from managing them


  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    Introduction (continued)Introduction (continued)

    Managing multiple projects meansManaging multiple projects means

    managing a Portfolio or Program as themanaging a Portfolio or Program as the

    case may may be.

    It is expected for a Project/Program/It is expected for a Project/Program/

    Portfolio Manager to focus on managingPortfolio Manager to focus on managing

    time effectively, leverage on group skills andtime effectively, leverage on group skills and

    Apply project management skills in order toApply project management skills in order toDeliver multiple projects on time, withinDeliver multiple projects on time, within

    scope, Quality set standards and on budget.scope, Quality set standards and on budget.

  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    Common Challenges Encountered in ManagingCommon Challenges Encountered in Managing

    Multiple ProjectsMultiple Projects Lack of clear scope of work to be performed by theLack of clear scope of work to be performed by the

    various project teams.various project teams. Managing of multiple risks & resolving multipleManaging of multiple risks & resolving multiple

    issues across the portfolio.issues across the portfolio.

    Limited resources within available resource pool.Limited resources within available resource pool.

    Conflicting priorities.Conflicting priorities. Managing & integrating of multiple projects &Managing & integrating of multiple projects &

    their delivery dates.their delivery dates.

    Problems of holding status meeting, while stillProblems of holding status meeting, while still

    tracking tasks & milestones due to tight deadlines.tracking tasks & milestones due to tight deadlines.e.t.c.e.t.c.

    Managing the hexagonal constraints (scope,Managing the hexagonal constraints (scope,schedule, cost, quality, risks & costumerschedule, cost, quality, risks & costumersatisfaction).satisfaction).

  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    Techniques For Managing Multiple ProjectsTechniques For Managing Multiple Projects

    Effective Time Management.Effective Time Management.

    Develop a Checklist for Managing MultipleDevelop a Checklist for Managing MultipleProjects.Projects.

    Prioritization of Projects.Prioritization of Projects.

    Categorize Your Work.Categorize Your Work.

    Create a single dashboard for tracking &Create a single dashboard for tracking &

    coco--ordination of all the projects.ordination of all the projects.

    Sequence Your Work Tasks.Sequence Your Work Tasks.

  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    Sequencing Your Work Tasks.Sequencing Your Work Tasks. Sequencing implies identifying and documentingSequencing implies identifying and documenting

    Logical, proper precedence relationships betweenLogical, proper precedence relationships between

    all the tasks as well as applying leads & lagsall the tasks as well as applying leads & lagsnecessary to bring all the projects been managed tonecessary to bring all the projects been managed toa successful completion.a successful completion.

    It is usually done after the portfolios/ programsIt is usually done after the portfolios/ programs/projects work breakdown structure has been/projects work breakdown structure has beencreated using the scope statement & all activitiescreated using the scope statement & all activitieshave been defined.have been defined.

    Sequencing can either be done using manuallySequencing can either be done using manuallytechniques or automated techniques.techniques or automated techniques.

    The act produces a Project Network Diagram.The act produces a Project Network Diagram.

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    Project Network DiagramsProject Network Diagrams

    A Project Network Diagram is schematic thatA Project Network Diagram is schematic thatshows all the activities in a project or program orshows all the activities in a project or program or

    portfolio arranged in their order of occurrence orportfolio arranged in their order of occurrence or

    performance by applying their logicalperformance by applying their logical

    relationships or dependencies.relationships or dependencies. It is represented in basically 2 ways:It is represented in basically 2 ways:

    Precedence Diagramming Method or Activity onPrecedence Diagramming Method or Activity on

    Node (AON)Node (AON)

    Arrow Diagramming Method or Activity onArrow Diagramming Method or Activity onArrow (AOA)Arrow (AOA)

  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    Precedence Diagramming Method orPrecedence Diagramming Method orActivity on Node (AON)Activity on Node (AON)

    Activities are represented by nodes, while theActivities are represented by nodes, while thedependence relationships is shown by arrows.dependence relationships is shown by arrows.

    Duration of the activities are place on top theDuration of the activities are place on top thenodes and the nodes are rectangular in shape.nodes and the nodes are rectangular in shape.

    There are four types of dependencies obtainableThere are four types of dependencies obtainableand they are:and they are:

    1.1. Finish to Start.Finish to Start.

    2.2. Start to Start.Start to Start.

    3.3. Finish to Finish.Finish to Finish.4.4. Start to Finish.Start to Finish.

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    Arrow Diagramming Method or Activity onArrow Diagramming Method or Activity onArrow (AOA)Arrow (AOA)

    Activities are represented on arrows while theActivities are represented on arrows while thedependencies between the activities is shown ondependencies between the activities is shown onthe nodes.the nodes.

    The duration of the activities are shown inside theThe duration of the activities are shown inside the

    nodes and the nodes are circular in shape.nodes and the nodes are circular in shape. Only one dependencies can be applied here andOnly one dependencies can be applied here and

    its Finish to Start.its Finish to Start.

    It can be used to dummy activities, which are justIt can be used to dummy activities, which are justa depiction of the dependency between twoa depiction of the dependency between twoactivities, with zero duration.activities, with zero duration.

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    Sample of a PDM DiagramSample of a PDM Diagram

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    Sample of an ADM DiagramSample of an ADM Diagram

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    Types of Dependencies That Determine TheTypes of Dependencies That Determine TheSequencing of Tasks.Sequencing of Tasks.

    Mandatory Dependencies.Mandatory Dependencies.

    Discretionary Dependencies.Discretionary Dependencies.

    External DependenciesExternal Dependencies MilestonesMilestones

    Leads & LagsLeads & Lags

    Requested ChangesRequested ChangesAvailable Schedule Network Templates.Available Schedule Network Templates.

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    How Project Network Diagrams can Assist in theHow Project Network Diagrams can Assist in theManagement of Multiple Projects.Management of Multiple Projects.

    Shows the inter dependencies of all tasks that areShows the inter dependencies of all tasks that arenecessary to bring projects to a successfulnecessary to bring projects to a successfulcompletion.completion.

    Shows work flow diagram and specific order orShows work flow diagram and specific order orsequence for all of a projects task.sequence for all of a projects task.

    Aids in the effective planning, organizing &Aids in the effective planning, organizing &control of portfolio/programs/projects.control of portfolio/programs/projects.

    It aids in providing basis for justification ofIt aids in providing basis for justification ofestimated duration, resource requirements &estimated duration, resource requirements &

    schedule.schedule. It also helps in tracking portfolio/ programIt also helps in tracking portfolio/ program

    /projects progress, since it is used as an input for/projects progress, since it is used as an input forschedule development & control.schedule development & control.

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    How To Identify Problems Areas & HandleHow To Identify Problems Areas & Handle

    Challenges That are Associated with ManagementChallenges That are Associated with Management

    of Multiple Projects.of Multiple Projects.Due to the nature, size & complexity ofDue to the nature, size & complexity of

    projects in a portfolio/program problems areprojects in a portfolio/program problems are

    Bound to occur and one way of discoveringBound to occur and one way of discovering

    & solving the problem is by performing a& solving the problem is by performing a

    Process known as Triage or Project Triage.Process known as Triage or Project Triage.

  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    Project TriageProject Triage

    Project Triage outlines processes that can beProject Triage outlines processes that can be

    employed to quickly identify aemployed to quickly identify a

    project/program/portfolio problems so as toproject/program/portfolio problems so as to

    define appropriate corrective actions.define appropriate corrective actions. Or it could a process that is used to perform aOr it could a process that is used to perform a

    quick evaluation of a project /program/portfolioquick evaluation of a project /program/portfolio

    and to prioritized corrective recommendations orand to prioritized corrective recommendations or

    actions that is based on current project /programactions that is based on current project /program/portfolio status./portfolio status.

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    Project Triage (continued)Project Triage (continued)

    It is usually performed when aIt is usually performed when aproject/program/portfolio manager is given aproject/program/portfolio manager is given aproject/program/portfolio in progress or whenproject/program/portfolio in progress or when

    there are symptoms of trouble.there are symptoms of trouble. A project/program/portfolio manager, sponsor orA project/program/portfolio manager, sponsor or

    their representative and the project team should betheir representative and the project team should beamong the ones to engage in a triage effort.among the ones to engage in a triage effort.

    Emphasis of triage is on quick evaluation butEmphasis of triage is on quick evaluation butspeed is relative to the size/scope & complexity ofspeed is relative to the size/scope & complexity ofa project/program/portfolio.a project/program/portfolio.

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    Project Triage ( continued)Project Triage ( continued)

    It could be done by an individual or by an assignedIt could be done by an individual or by an assigned

    Enough time should be spent to gather theEnough time should be spent to gather the

    information that would be needed to analyzeinformation that would be needed to analyzeproblems & define necessary actions to bring aproblems & define necessary actions to bring a

    project / program /portfolio back on track.project / program /portfolio back on track.

    Its usually better done by the project /Its usually better done by the project /

    program/portfolio manager or by a consultant thatprogram/portfolio manager or by a consultant that

    would not be biased by an organizations politics.would not be biased by an organizations politics.

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    Processes That Are Carried Out In A TriageProcesses That Are Carried Out In A TriageEffortEffort

    In order to have a successful triage effort,In order to have a successful triage effort,

    The following processes are necessary:The following processes are necessary:

    Gathering of Data.Gathering of Data.

    Review & Analyze Data.Review & Analyze Data.

    Prepare or Document Findings & Develop aPrepare or Document Findings & Develop a

    Corrective Action Plan.Corrective Action Plan.

    Present Report.Present Report. Revise or Update Project/Program/Portfolio Plan.Revise or Update Project/Program/Portfolio Plan.

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    Summary On The Processes & Their AssociatedSummary On The Processes & Their AssociatedDeliverables.Deliverables.

    ProcessProcess DeliverableDeliverable

    Gathering of DataGathering of Data Collection of Existing InformationCollection of Existing Information

    from Projectfrom Project

    /Program/Portfolio Files/Program/Portfolio Files

    Review & Analyze DataReview & Analyze Data List of Preliminary ProblemsList of Preliminary Problems

    Prepare or Document Findings &Prepare or Document Findings &

    Develop a Corrective Action Plan.Develop a Corrective Action Plan.

    Documented Findings & CorrectiveDocumented Findings & Corrective


    Present ReportPresent Report Management PresentationManagement Presentation

    Revise the Project/ ProgramRevise the Project/ Program

    /Portfolio Plan/Portfolio Plan

    An Updated Plan that includesAn Updated Plan that includes

    Remediation Activities RequiredRemediation Activities Required

  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    ummary on ow to eterm ne t e success eve summary on ow to eterm ne t e success eve sfor the various processesfor the various processes

    ProcessProcess Metric for successMetric for success AcceptedAccepted RejectedRejected

    Gathering ofGathering of


    Was informationWas information

    shared voluntary &shared voluntary &

    is it enough tois it enough to



    Review &Review &

    Analyze Data.Analyze Data.

    Is the data given inIs the data given in

    line with theline with the

    problems onproblems on


    Prepare orPrepare or


    Findings &Findings &

    Develop aDevelop a

    CorrectiveCorrectiveAction Plan.Action Plan.

    is there a collectiveis there a collective

    agreement of theagreement of the

    findings & are thefindings & are the

    corrective actionscorrective actions


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    Summary on how to determine the success levels for the variousSummary on how to determine the success levels for the variousprocesses (continued)processes (continued)

    Present Report.Present Report. Is there a clearIs there a clear


    of the report byof the report bythe receivers.the receivers.

    Revise theRevise theProject/Project/


    Portfolio Plan.Portfolio Plan.

    Is there anIs there anapplication ofapplication of



    corrective actioncorrective action

    plan, throughplan, through

    allocation ofallocation of


    resources & isresources & is

    there supportthere support

    from the rest offrom the rest of

    the team.the team.

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    Gathering of DataGathering of Data

    The first step in performing a project /The first step in performing a project /

    program/portfolio triage is to gatherprogram/portfolio triage is to gather

    data from a project/ program/portfoliodata from a project/ program/portfoliorepository. Some of the relevant areasrepository. Some of the relevant areas

    to look include:to look include:

    The Schedule.The Schedule.

    The Work Breakdown Structure.The Work Breakdown Structure.

    The Tasks ListThe Tasks List

  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    Gathering of Data (Continued)Gathering of Data (Continued)

    List of Team Members & Their Roles Description.List of Team Members & Their Roles Description.

    End of Phase Check ListEnd of Phase Check List

    Documented Standards & Regulations PertainingDocumented Standards & Regulations Pertaining

    To The Project/Program/Portfolio, as well as anyTo The Project/Program/Portfolio, as well as anyForms or Templates Used.Forms or Templates Used.

    Any Documented Conducted Interviews with allAny Documented Conducted Interviews with allStakeholders & Application Area Experts.Stakeholders & Application Area Experts.

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    Review & Analyze DataReview & Analyze Data

    This process involves:This process involves:

    Identifying The Project/Program/Portfolio PhaseIdentifying The Project/Program/Portfolio Phase

    Reached & the Process Level Reached.Reached & the Process Level Reached.

    Examining All Documentation For Accuracy.Examining All Documentation For Accuracy.

    Cross Checking Any Available Reports on Cost,Cross Checking Any Available Reports on Cost,

    Scope, Schedule & Quality Baselines.Scope, Schedule & Quality Baselines.

    Examining The Issues Log.Examining The Issues Log.

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    Review & Analyze Data (continued)Review & Analyze Data (continued)

    Checking The Communication MethodsChecking The Communication Methods


    Identification of Problems, Their CausativeIdentification of Problems, Their Causative

    Factors, Symptoms and Appropriate CorrectiveFactors, Symptoms and Appropriate Corrective


  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    Prepare Findings & Develop Corrective ActionPrepare Findings & Develop Corrective Action


    This is the process that provides a documentationThis is the process that provides a documentation

    that describes the triage findings, such asthat describes the triage findings, such as

    Identified Problems (symptoms/indicators), theirIdentified Problems (symptoms/indicators), their

    Root Causes and the Specific PrioritizedRoot Causes and the Specific PrioritizedRecommended Corrective Action.Recommended Corrective Action.

    A typical one is depicted in the next two slides thatA typical one is depicted in the next two slides that

    shows a table, A List of Prioritized Recommendedshows a table, A List of Prioritized Recommended

    Corrective Actions.Corrective Actions.

  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    PriorityPriority ActionAction AssignedAssignedResourcesResources OwnerOwner

    11 Halt work,Halt work,

    until theuntil the

    scope isscope is



    NoneNone Project SponsorProject Sponsor

    22 DocumentDocument



    Sponsor &Sponsor &

    ApplicationApplicationArea ExpertsArea Experts

    Application AreaApplication Area


    Prepare Findings & Develop Corrective Action PlanPrepare Findings & Develop Corrective Action Plan(continued)(continued)

  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    33 Create a ChangeCreate a ChangeControl ProcessControl Process

    Application AreaApplication Area






    44 Clarify ProjectClarify ProjectPrioritiesPriorities TopTopManagementManagement SponsorSponsor



    Acquired goodAcquired good





    Prepare Findings & DevelopPrepare Findings & DevelopCorrective Action PlanCorrective Action Plan


  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    Problems, potential causes & RecommendedProblems, potential causes & Recommended

    Corrective Actions Table.Corrective Actions Table.

    ProblemsProblems Potential CausesPotential Causes CorrectiveCorrective


    Behind ScheduleBehind Schedule Scope CreepScope Creep 1.1. Create &Create &

    ensure a scopeensure a scope


    2.2. Implement aImplement a

    change controlchange controlsystemsystem

  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    1.1. BehindBehind



    team memberteam member

    does not havedoes not have

    the requiredthe requiredskills thatskills that


    the durationthe duration


    1.1. Assign anotherAssign another

    with thewith the



    2.2. Adjust theAdjust theschedule toschedule to

    allow forallow for

    3.3. Add more teamAdd more teammembers tomembers to


    Problems, potential causes andProblems, potential causes andRecommended Corrective Actions Table (cont.)Recommended Corrective Actions Table (cont.)

  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    1.1. BehindBehind


    Lack of review onLack of review on

    initially initiationinitially initiation

    phase developedphase developed

    duration estimates.duration estimates.

    1.1. Update byUpdate by

    using theusing the


    gained duringgained during


    1.1. BehindBehind


    Use of wrongUse of wrong

    software forsoftware for


    1.1. ReplaceReplace

    2.2. AdjustAdjustschedule toschedule to




    Problems, potential causesProblems, potential causesand Recommendedand Recommended

    Corrective Actions TableCorrective Actions Table


  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    2. Over2. OverBudgetBudget

    Poor initial costPoor initial costestimates.estimates.

    1.1. Redo costRedo costestimates.estimates.

    2.2. Update theUpdate the

    baseline andbaseline and

    obtain theobtain thenecessarynecessary

    approval forapproval for

    updated plan.updated plan.

    2. Over2. Over


    Budget is affectedBudget is affected

    by unforeseenby unforeseenexpenses.expenses.

    1.1. Document &Document &

    report higherreport higherexecutives orexecutives or


    Problems, potential causesProblems, potential causes& Recommended Corrective& Recommended CorrectiveActions Table (continued)Actions Table (continued)

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    2. Over2. Over


    Applied technologyApplied technologycost risescost rises

    1.1. Explore otherExplore otheralternativealternative


    2.2. ProvideProvide

    justification forjustification forincreased costincreased cost

    for technologyfor technology


    Problems, potential causesProblems, potential causes& Recommended Corrective& Recommended Corrective

    Actions Table (cont.)Actions Table (cont.)

  • 8/6/2019 Successful Task Sequencing & Challenges With Multiple Projec


    Present ReportPresent Report

    The Project/Program/Portfolio ManagerThe Project/Program/Portfolio Managershould prepare & present the report.should prepare & present the report.

    The report should provide an accurateThe report should provide an accurate

    assessment of the current state things, asassessment of the current state things, aswell as all identified problems andwell as all identified problems andrecommended corrective actions.recommended corrective actions.

    Make presentations of report to all theMake presentations of report to all the

    relevant stakeholders.relevant stakeholders. Ensure that the report is understood.Ensure that the report is understood.

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    Revise Project/Program/Portfolio Plan.Revise Project/Program/Portfolio Plan.

    Update the original plan to include the activitiesUpdate the original plan to include the activities

    resulting from the recommendations contained inresulting from the recommendations contained in

    your report.your report.

    Corrective action plan should be integrated intoCorrective action plan should be integrated intothe project/Program /portfolio plan.the project/Program /portfolio plan.

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    Using available time, sponsors business needs &Using available time, sponsors business needs &

    strategies prioritize the projects in yourstrategies prioritize the projects in yourprogram/portfolio.program/portfolio.

    Sequence the various projects tasks & ensure thatSequence the various projects tasks & ensure that

    each has accurate duration estimates.each has accurate duration estimates.

    Create a master project calendar & schedule for allCreate a master project calendar & schedule for all

    the projects in your program/portfolio, as itthe projects in your program/portfolio, as it

    enables you to identify major milestones & aids inenables you to identify major milestones & aids in

    delivering the various projects on time and withindelivering the various projects on time and withinscope & budgetscope & budget

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    Capture all issues & risks into a common databaseCapture all issues & risks into a common database& use a single reporting format.& use a single reporting format.

    For a successful triage process to be carried out &For a successful triage process to be carried out &subsequent remediation efforts, the followingsubsequent remediation efforts, the followingfactors are necessary; diligence, continuedfactors are necessary; diligence, continuedcommunication, tracking, reporting andcommunication, tracking, reporting andcommitment of all team members.commitment of all team members.

    Its the project/program/portfolio managersIts the project/program/portfolio managers

    responsibility to coresponsibility to co--ordinate all the processesordinate all the processesenumerated in this presentation.enumerated in this presentation.

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    Thank YouThank You