Successful Grant Writing: Outline and Objectives Presentation Outline: Overview Grant sections descriptions Tips for successful grant writing

Successful Grant Presentation Outline: Overview Writing ...€¦ · Read and edit your proposal in its entirety . Always…. Read the proposal instructions first Include everything

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Page 1: Successful Grant Presentation Outline: Overview Writing ...€¦ · Read and edit your proposal in its entirety . Always…. Read the proposal instructions first Include everything

Successful Grant Writing: Outline and Objectives

Presentation Outline:


Grant sections descriptions

Tips for successful grant


Page 2: Successful Grant Presentation Outline: Overview Writing ...€¦ · Read and edit your proposal in its entirety . Always…. Read the proposal instructions first Include everything

How is grant writing the same / different? … as other medical writing

Same Different

Scientific, technical writing Persuasive versus technical reporting

Hypothesis testing Application versus Proposal

Clear and specific communication

about design, methods, sample

Inclusion of resources and budgeting

with justification

Literature and evidence based Project timeline and implementation


Page 3: Successful Grant Presentation Outline: Overview Writing ...€¦ · Read and edit your proposal in its entirety . Always…. Read the proposal instructions first Include everything

TEN Reasons Grant Applications Get Rejected

1) Program activities are not based on best practices

2) Proposals are unclear or missing required information

3) Program need has not been adequately identified in the proposal

4) Programs are not well thought out (portions are inconsistent with

one another

5) Proposals are too ambitious for the amount of time and/or money

requested or proposals are not ambitious enough for the amount of

time and/or money requested

6) Budget is vague, inconsistent, or unrealistic

7) Staff expertise is not conducive to program activities

8) Program has a bad track record for completing activities

9) Proposals are submitted after the due date (a deadline is a


10) Proposal submitter has good ideas but the proposal is written poorly

Page 4: Successful Grant Presentation Outline: Overview Writing ...€¦ · Read and edit your proposal in its entirety . Always…. Read the proposal instructions first Include everything

Tips for Grant Titles

Proposal titles should be

Concise, easy to understand, easy to remember

Focused on a clearly identifiable programmatic area

• (e.g., Devices for MR-Guided Therapy vs. MR-

Guided Therapy of Brain Cancer)

Proposal titles should not be

Lengthy (longer than about 60 characters)

A statement, a result, or a conclusion

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Tips for Titles: Consider using the PICO format…

Patient/Population – Who or What?

Intervention – How?

Control – What is the main alternative? (If Appropriate)

Outcome – What are you trying to accomplish, measure,

improve, effect?

Avoid using generic words, such as project or proposal

Do not include names of foundations or companies

Get rid of unneeded words

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Tips for Titles: Examples

The title is the total summary of the proposal and should

open a drawer in the reader’s mind… into which you drop

your hypotheses and ideas.

Consider words like: Examine(ing).. Evaluate(ing)..


Strong Title choice:

Assessing the effect of E2F1 on p53 in the ischemic myocardium

Evaluating the Efficacy of an Adjunctive Yoga Based Therapy in the

Treatment and Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Poor Title choice:

Adjunctive Yoga Based Therapy Can Manage Irritable Bowel


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Research Question & Hypothesis and Specific Aims

Write your study purpose, rationale, or hypotheses.

What do you believe to be the answer to the complication?

Strategies that work

Important and reasonable overall goals

Clear deliverables (the short-term goals)

Indication that methodological approach is feasible

Strategies that don't work

Overly ambitious goals

Aims that cannot be achieved given the timeline, budget,

experimental design

Lack of evidence of need

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Objective & Hypothesis: Example Our long-term goal is to elucidate the molecular basis for

suppression of innate immunity by type III effectors. The

objective of this application is to identify targets of the P.

syringae type III effector HopU1, a mono-ADP

ribosyltransferases (ADP-RTs), and to determine its roles in

bacterial pathogenesis. The central hypothesis of the

proposed experiments is that the targets of the HopU1 ADP-

RT type III effector will be components of innate immunity.

… then List Specific Aim(s)

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Specific Aims: Example The Specific Aims of this application are as follows:

1. Determine the molecular consequence of ADP-ribosylation

on the function of AtGRP7 and elucidate the role this protein

plays in innate immunity.

2. Identify additional substrates of HopU1 and verify their

involvement in innate immunity.

3. Analyze the affect that HopU1 has on host-microbe


Outcomes will ideally be:

Determining process with just ONE protein

Finding OTHER proteins that are similar

Finding the extent of the effect

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Background & Significance

Use the literature to establish any previous work related to

your research question.

Describe the gaping hole in the literature and how your

specific aims will attempt to address it.

Remember to cite your references throughout your


Pick a style from your favorite journal.

Most people use numbered superscripts.

The main thing is to be consistent.

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Background and Significance cont’d.

Main objective

Define and distinguish the need (background)

vs. impact (significance) of the proposed work

Structure by paragraph

Explain the need

Present related work (of others)

Define the significance (impact of the proposed


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Methods DESIGN: used to address specific aims (i.e., retrospective cohort, cross-

sectional, prospective cohort, randomized controlled trial)

Example: This will be a prospective observational study, with the treatment group

consisting of patients with a malignant diagnosis, and the control group consisting of

women undergoing a biopsy with a completely benign diagnosis using a 1:2

randomization ratio.

SUBJECTS: where will obtain, time period, specific inclusion and exclusion


Example: The study population will consist of women age 40 and above, undergoing

either an excisional breast biopsy, or a needle core biopsy of the breast for abnormal

mammogram or ultrasound, or for a palpable mass in the Caldwell Breast Center,

Park Ridge, Illinois between 2012-2013. Women under age forty will be excluded

because of the lower risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer. Other exclusion

criteria include pregnancy at the time of biopsy, and previous treatment for breast

cancer. Also, males will be not considered in the current study. No exclusions will be

made based on participant’s race and ethnicity.

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Methods cont’d.

PROCEDURES: experimental treatments/interventions (if

any), methods of obtaining data, description of variables.

Information about chart review as well as primary outcome

variable and all secondary outcome variables

Information about how randomization will happen (If Appropriate)

Include a Data Form and Timeline

Surveys or Questionnaires taken from previously published literature

with validation methods cited

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Methods cont’d. SAMPLE SIZE CALCULATION/POWER ANALYSIS: write up of how many

subjects you will need in your study group(s) to achieve an 80% power of

detecting a difference based on the magnitude of the difference given from

published literature, pilot data or expert clinical opinion.

Example: Sample size estimates call for a minimum of 160 participants in the

experimental and control arms and were based on a standardized effect size of 0.33

(expected effect size of interest being an absolute difference of 0.5 mg/dl in serum

creatinine at 48 h by an expected SD of 1.5 based on previous literature), B = .20,

power = 80%, and alpha = 0.05 (Tepel et al. NEJM 2000;343:180-4).

DATA ANALYSES: provide a thorough description of the statistical tests planned,

and your criterion for significance (e.g., p < 0.05)

Example: Descriptive statistics (means, SDs) will be reported for all continuous

variables and frequencies (%) for all categorical variables. HLM and LLM will be

compared between groups using Independent T-test; dichotomous variables will be

analyzed by Fishers Exact Test. A P value of .05 will be considered statistically

significant in all analyses. All analyses will be performed with SPSS software (v.10.0,

SPSS, Chicago).

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Make your budget is realistic

Include only those items that are allowed

Make your budget specific and appropriate

Include enough information so the reviewer knows

who is being budgeted, for how much, and the % of

FTE of each person budgeted.

Include all required costs, i.e., mandated meetings,


Don’t make assumptions - always include a

justification for every line in the budget

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Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB)

An independent group of experts that provide

expertise and recommendations to the study


Primary responsibilities of DSMB:

periodically review and evaluate the accumulated study

data for participant safety, study conduct and progress,

and, when appropriate, efficacy

make recommendations regarding the continuation,

modification, or termination of the trial. The DSMB

considers study-specific data as well as relevant

background knowledge about the disease, test agent,

or patient population under study.

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Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) cont’d.

Particularly necessary for studies

involving interventions that entail

potential risk to the participants (e.g.,

treating patients with breast cancer

with a drug indicated for diabetes)

Level of monitoring should be

commensurate with the risks and the

size and complexity of the study.

If applicable, provide action plan for

the DSMB

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Site Data Monitoring Plan (SDMP) In-person evaluation carried out by an independent representative(s) at

the site(s) at which the clinical investigation is being conducted.

SDMP can:

identify data entry errors (e.g., discrepancies between source records and

Data Forms/Case Report Forms (CRFs) and missing data in source records

or CRFs)

provide assurance that study documentation exists

assess the familiarity of the site’s study staff with the protocol and required

procedures and compliance with the protocol

provide a sense of the quality of the overall conduct of the study (e.g.,

attention to detail, thoroughness of study documentation, appropriate

delegation of study tasks, and appropriate investigator supervision of site

staff performing critical study functions)

include information about how regular monitoring and reporting of Adverse

Events and Annual Renewals will take place

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Site Data Monitoring Plan (SDMP) cont’d.

SDMPs are necessary for all studies involving

interventions that entail potential risk (physical,

financial to the participants).

SDMP can be devoted to assessing the critical

study data and processes and evaluating significant

risks and potential site non-compliance.

Particularly critical early in a study, especially if the

protocol is complex, and includes novel procedures

with which investigators may be unfamiliar.

If applicable, provide action plan for the site

monitoring plan.

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Formulas for Success Strive for perfection, linearity, and clarity

Read and edit your proposal in its entirety

Garner support from peers; incorporate their


Have someone not familiar with your

topic/program to read the proposal for clarity

Ensure that administrative information is

accurate and up to date

Add up and justify budgets meticulously

Use diagrams, tables, figures to make things

more understandable

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For the Reviewers

Organize to make them “happy”

Make it easy for them to understand

Make it easy for them to find things

Make it easy for them to be your advocate

Don’t make them “work hard”

Also, keep the following in mind:

Readers are “raiders” for information; want only

“need to know” information; prefer concise texts;

prefer well-designed documents with graphics.

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How can you make reviewers happy?

Follow the instructions carefully

Use buzzwords, headings and transitions, explain


Make your proposals upbeat, positive, and


Use bullet points

Include white space; be concise in your writing

Complete and include all forms

Read and edit your proposal in its entirety

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Always…. Read the proposal instructions first

Include everything you are asked to include

Say it succinctly but don’t make assumptions

Commit only to activities you can fulfill

Build evaluation criteria into your proposal (process measures and

outcome measures)

Write as if you have already been funded for the grant and are

explaining what you will be doing (We will implement…)

Outline your proposal before you begin writing it, use key headings and

subheadings from the guidance

Write clearly, concisely, and professionally (don’t use acronyms or other

jargon without first providing an explanation of its meaning)

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Purdue University Online Writing Lab


University of North Carolina Writing Center






Center for Injury Prevention Policy and Practice


Previous internal Advocate research department


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Presentation Feedback

Thank you for your review.

If you would like to provide feedback on the content of the

presentation, please complete the short survey which can be

found at this link: Presentation Evaluation Survey

Please note the survey should not take more than 5 minutes to complete.

Thank you in advance for completing the survey!

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