Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18 Page 1 Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate Success Rate Goal Success Rate Diff Retention Count Retention Rate Retention Rate Goal Retention Rate Diff 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 4,245 2,488 58.6% 70% -11.4% 3,285 77.4% 84% -6.6% 4,175 2,588 62.0% 70% -8.0% 3,308 79.2% 84% -4.8% 4,070 2,564 63.0% 70% -7.0% 3,223 79.2% 84% -4.8% 4,021 2,708 67.3% 70% -2.7% 3,344 83.2% 84% -0.8% 3,543 2,357 66.5% 70% -3.5% 2,928 82.6% 84% -1.4% Course Success and Retention by Semester Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention Rate Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Spring 2014 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Spring 2018 1,894 1,101 58.1% 1,500 79.2% 1,938 1,225 63.2% 1,552 80.1% 1,850 1,153 62.3% 1,469 79.4% 1,878 1,262 67.2% 1,584 84.3% 1,691 1,109 65.6% 1,406 83.1% 1,716 1,035 60.3% 1,321 77.0% 1,661 989 59.5% 1,311 78.9% 1,694 1,071 63.2% 1,339 79.0% 1,672 1,121 67.0% 1,380 82.5% 1,432 952 66.5% 1,172 81.8%

Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

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Page 1: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 1Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18Mathematics (MATH)

Course Success and Retention Annually

Enrollments Success Count Success RateSuccess Rate

GoalSuccess Rate

Diff Retention Count Retention RateRetention Rate

GoalRetention Rate






4,245 2,488 58.6% 70% -11.4% 3,285 77.4% 84% -6.6%

4,175 2,588 62.0% 70% -8.0% 3,308 79.2% 84% -4.8%

4,070 2,564 63.0% 70% -7.0% 3,223 79.2% 84% -4.8%

4,021 2,708 67.3% 70% -2.7% 3,344 83.2% 84% -0.8%

3,543 2,357 66.5% 70% -3.5% 2,928 82.6% 84% -1.4%

Course Success and Retention by SemesterHeadcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention Rate

Fall 2013

Fall 2014

Fall 2015

Fall 2016

Fall 2017

Spring 2014

Spring 2015

Spring 2016

Spring 2017

Spring 2018

1,894 1,101 58.1% 1,500 79.2%

1,938 1,225 63.2% 1,552 80.1%

1,850 1,153 62.3% 1,469 79.4%

1,878 1,262 67.2% 1,584 84.3%

1,691 1,109 65.6% 1,406 83.1%

1,716 1,035 60.3% 1,321 77.0%

1,661 989 59.5% 1,311 78.9%

1,694 1,071 63.2% 1,339 79.0%

1,672 1,121 67.0% 1,380 82.5%

1,432 952 66.5% 1,172 81.8%

Page 2: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 2Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by Ethnicity

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention Rate2013/2014 American Indian/Alaskan Native

AsianBlack - Non-HispanicFilipinoHispanicMulti RacesPacific IslanderWhite Non-HispanicUnknownTotals and Averages

2014/2015 American Indian/Alaskan NativeAsianBlack - Non-HispanicFilipinoHispanicMulti RacesPacific IslanderWhite Non-HispanicUnknownTotals and Averages

2015/2016 American Indian/Alaskan NativeAsian

13 6 46.2% 8 61.5%331 254 76.7% 289 87.3%173 74 42.8% 109 63.0%131 80 61.1% 101 77.1%

1,453 739 50.9% 1,067 73.4%690 357 51.7% 512 74.2%74 35 47.3% 57 77.0%

1,229 842 68.5% 1,025 83.4%151 101 66.9% 117 77.5%

4,245 2,488 58.6% 3,285 77.4%14 9 64.3% 11 78.6%

428 347 81.1% 382 89.3%141 56 39.7% 93 66.0%144 85 59.0% 107 74.3%

1,428 752 52.7% 1,062 74.4%711 434 61.0% 564 79.3%70 34 48.6% 55 78.6%

1,104 782 70.8% 921 83.4%135 89 65.9% 113 83.7%

4,175 2,588 62.0% 3,308 79.2%6 2 33.3% 3 50.0%

450 357 79.3% 411 91.3%

Course Success and Retention by SemesterHeadcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention Rate

Summer 2013

Summer 2014Summer 2015Summer 2016Summer 2017

635 352 55.4% 464 73.1%576 374 64.9% 445 77.3%526 340 64.6% 415 78.9%471 325 69.0% 380 80.7%420 296 70.5% 350 83.3%

Page 3: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 3Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by Ethnicity

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention RateBlack - Non-HispanicFilipinoHispanicMulti RacesPacific IslanderWhite Non-HispanicUnknownTotals and Averages

2016/2017 American Indian/Alaskan NativeAsianBlack - Non-HispanicFilipinoHispanicMulti RacesPacific IslanderWhite Non-HispanicUnknownTotals and Averages

2017/2018 American Indian/Alaskan NativeAsianBlack - Non-HispanicFilipinoHispanicMulti RacesPacific IslanderWhite Non-HispanicUnknownTotals and Averages

119 62 52.1% 86 72.3%151 95 62.9% 117 77.5%

1,343 706 52.6% 976 72.7%682 414 60.7% 524 76.8%69 38 55.1% 51 73.9%

1,136 807 71.0% 962 84.7%114 83 72.8% 93 81.6%

4,070 2,564 63.0% 3,223 79.2%5 4 80.0% 5 100.0%

501 419 83.6% 458 91.4%126 73 57.9% 103 81.7%141 98 69.5% 120 85.1%

1,348 753 55.9% 1,058 78.5%698 449 64.3% 556 79.7%51 25 49.0% 35 68.6%

1,027 790 76.9% 901 87.7%124 97 78.2% 108 87.1%

4,021 2,708 67.3% 3,344 83.2%4 2 50.0%

472 417 88.3% 444 94.1%111 63 56.8% 93 83.8%112 76 67.9% 89 79.5%

1,171 647 55.3% 914 78.1%654 438 67.0% 541 82.7%46 19 41.3% 35 76.1%

804 562 69.9% 657 81.7%169 135 79.9% 153 90.5%

3,543 2,357 66.5% 2,928 82.6%

Page 4: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 4Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by Gender

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention Rate2013/2014 Female



Totals & Averages

2014/2015 Female



Totals & Averages

2015/2016 Female



Totals & Averages

2016/2017 Female



Totals & Averages

2017/2018 Female



Totals & Averages

2,234 1,315 58.9% 1,736 77.7%

1,936 1,125 58.1% 1,494 77.2%75 48 64.0% 55 73.3%

4,245 2,488 58.6% 3,285 77.4%

2,186 1,358 62.1% 1,709 78.2%

1,891 1,163 61.5% 1,521 80.4%98 67 68.4% 78 79.6%

4,175 2,588 62.0% 3,308 79.2%

2,142 1,361 63.5% 1,708 79.7%

1,836 1,153 62.8% 1,447 78.8%92 50 54.3% 68 73.9%

4,070 2,564 63.0% 3,223 79.2%

2,077 1,442 69.4% 1,726 83.1%

1,845 1,201 65.1% 1,536 83.3%99 65 65.7% 82 82.8%

4,021 2,708 67.3% 3,344 83.2%

1,812 1,239 68.4% 1,487 82.1%

1,659 1,074 64.7% 1,381 83.2%72 44 61.1% 60 83.3%

3,543 2,357 66.5% 2,928 82.6%

Course Success and Retention by Age

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention Rate2013/2014 Under 18

Age 18-22Age 23-28

427 356 83.4% 394 92.3%2,232 1,171 52.5% 1,696 76.0%780 437 56.0% 574 73.6%

Page 5: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 5Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by Age

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention RateAge 29-39Age 40-49Age 50-59Age 60+

Totals & Averages2014/2015 Under 18

Age 18-22Age 23-28Age 29-39Age 40-49Age 50-59Age 60+

Totals & Averages2015/2016 Under 18

Age 18-22Age 23-28Age 29-39Age 40-49Age 50-59Age 60+

Totals & Averages2016/2017 Under 18

Age 18-22Age 23-28Age 29-39Age 40-49Age 50-59Age 60+

Totals & Averages2017/2018 Under 18

Age 18-22

469 296 63.1% 354 75.5%201 139 69.2% 160 79.6%106 69 65.1% 85 80.2%30 20 66.7% 22 73.3%

4,245 2,488 58.6% 3,285 77.4%499 429 86.0% 471 94.4%

2,121 1,194 56.3% 1,657 78.1%842 502 59.6% 643 76.4%441 286 64.9% 333 75.5%169 109 64.5% 131 77.5%81 52 64.2% 57 70.4%22 16 72.7% 16 72.7%

4,175 2,588 62.0% 3,308 79.2%521 445 85.4% 486 93.3%

2,181 1,253 57.5% 1,681 77.1%763 457 59.9% 579 75.9%396 277 69.9% 324 81.8%129 83 64.3% 97 75.2%67 39 58.2% 46 68.7%13 10 76.9% 10 76.9%

4,070 2,564 63.0% 3,223 79.2%571 515 90.2% 545 95.4%

2,098 1,278 60.9% 1,710 81.5%737 490 66.5% 587 79.6%412 297 72.1% 347 84.2%132 80 60.6% 97 73.5%57 38 66.7% 46 80.7%14 10 71.4% 12 85.7%

4,021 2,708 67.3% 3,344 83.2%527 480 91.1% 505 95.8%

1,884 1,121 59.5% 1,503 79.8%

Page 6: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 6Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by Enrollment Status

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention Rate2013/2014 Continuing Student

Currently K-12Middle College

First-Time StudentFirst-Time Transfer StudentReturning StudentReturning Transfer Student

Totals & Averages2014/2015 Continuing Student

Currently K-12Middle College

First-Time StudentMiddle College

First-Time Transfer StudentReturning StudentReturning Transfer Student

Totals & Averages2015/2016 Continuing Student

Currently K-12Middle College

First-Time Student

2,660 1,476 55.5% 1,984 74.6%378 340 89.9% 356 94.2%108 63 58.3% 94 87.0%464 252 54.3% 367 79.1%193 122 63.2% 157 81.3%267 132 49.4% 196 73.4%175 103 58.9% 131 74.9%

4,245 2,488 58.6% 3,285 77.4%2,585 1,477 57.1% 1,953 75.6%430 392 91.2% 406 94.4%136 98 72.1% 126 92.6%473 286 60.5% 388 82.0%

2 1 50.0%204 137 67.2% 172 84.3%178 93 52.2% 126 70.8%167 105 62.9% 136 81.4%

4,175 2,588 62.0% 3,308 79.2%2,468 1,462 59.2% 1,889 76.5%442 394 89.1% 417 94.3%138 108 78.3% 129 93.5%528 307 58.1% 408 77.3%

Course Success and Retention by Age

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention RateAge 23-28Age 29-39Age 40-49Age 50-59Age 60+

Totals & Averages

606 395 65.2% 491 81.0%356 252 70.8% 299 84.0%107 66 61.7% 81 75.7%44 34 77.3% 38 86.4%19 9 47.4% 11 57.9%

3,543 2,357 66.5% 2,928 82.6%

Page 7: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 7Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by Enrollment Status

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention RateFirst-Time Transfer StudentReturning StudentReturning Transfer Student

Totals & Averages2016/2017 Continuing Student

Currently K-12Middle College

First-Time StudentFirst-Time Transfer StudentReturning StudentReturning Transfer Student

Totals & Averages2017/2018 Continuing Student

Currently K-12Middle College

First-Time StudentMiddle College

First-Time Transfer StudentReturning StudentReturning Transfer StudentSVIEP Student

Totals & Averages

170 110 64.7% 137 80.6%159 88 55.3% 119 74.8%165 95 57.6% 124 75.2%

4,070 2,564 63.0% 3,223 79.2%2,491 1,576 63.3% 2,006 80.5%476 440 92.4% 457 96.0%130 107 82.3% 123 94.6%452 269 59.5% 375 83.0%190 139 73.2% 161 84.7%151 92 60.9% 118 78.1%131 85 64.9% 104 79.4%

4,021 2,708 67.3% 3,344 83.2%2,163 1,355 62.6% 1,740 80.4%459 433 94.3% 445 96.9%123 97 78.9% 112 91.1%381 213 55.9% 307 80.6%

3 1 33.3% 2 66.7%162 116 71.6% 131 80.9%134 75 56.0% 102 76.1%115 64 55.7% 86 74.8%3 3 100.0% 3 100.0%

3,543 2,357 66.5% 2,928 82.6%

Course Success and Retention by CTE vs Non CTE

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention Rate2013/2014 Not CTE African American


173 74 42.8% 109 63.0%405 289 71.4% 346 85.4%131 80 61.1% 101 77.1%

1,453 739 50.9% 1,067 73.4%

Page 8: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 8Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CTE vs Non CTE

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention RateNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Totals & Averages2014/2015 Not CTE African American

AsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Totals & Averages2015/2016 Not CTE African American

AsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Totals & Averages2016/2017 Not CTE African American

AsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Totals & Averages2017/2018 Not CTE African American


13 6 46.2% 8 61.5%841 458 54.5% 629 74.8%

1,229 842 68.5% 1,025 83.4%4,245 2,488 58.6% 3,285 77.4%141 56 39.7% 93 66.0%498 381 76.5% 437 87.8%144 85 59.0% 107 74.3%

1,428 752 52.7% 1,062 74.4%14 9 64.3% 11 78.6%

846 523 61.8% 677 80.0%1,104 782 70.8% 921 83.4%4,175 2,588 62.0% 3,308 79.2%119 62 52.1% 86 72.3%519 395 76.1% 462 89.0%151 95 62.9% 117 77.5%

1,343 706 52.6% 976 72.7%6 2 33.3% 3 50.0%

796 497 62.4% 617 77.5%1,136 807 71.0% 962 84.7%4,070 2,564 63.0% 3,223 79.2%126 73 57.9% 103 81.7%552 444 80.4% 493 89.3%141 98 69.5% 120 85.1%

1,348 753 55.9% 1,058 78.5%5 4 80.0% 5 100.0%

822 546 66.4% 664 80.8%1,027 790 76.9% 901 87.7%4,021 2,708 67.3% 3,344 83.2%111 63 56.8% 93 83.8%518 436 84.2% 479 92.5%112 76 67.9% 89 79.5%

1,171 647 55.3% 914 78.1%

Page 9: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 9Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CTE vs Non CTE

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention RateNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Totals & Averages

4 2 50.0%823 573 69.6% 694 84.3%804 562 69.9% 657 81.7%

3,543 2,357 66.5% 2,928 82.6%

Page 10: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 10Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by Transfer vs Non Transfer

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention Rate2013/2014 Not Transferable African American

AsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

122 44 36.1% 67 54.9%125 72 57.6% 98 78.4%69 42 60.9% 56 81.2%

929 450 48.4% 669 72.0%10 6 60.0% 7 70.0%

432 203 47.0% 310 71.8%539 326 60.5% 420 77.9%

Course Success and Retention by Basic Skills vs Non Basic Skills

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention Rate2013/2014 Basic Skills

Non Basic Skills

Totals & Averages

2014/2015 Basic SkillsNon Basic Skills

Totals & Averages

2015/2016 Basic SkillsNon Basic Skills

Totals & Averages

2016/2017 Basic SkillsNon Basic Skills

Totals & Averages

2017/2018 Basic SkillsNon Basic Skills

Totals & Averages

1,222 611 50.0% 898 73.5%

3,023 1,877 62.1% 2,387 79.0%

4,245 2,488 58.6% 3,285 77.4%

1,021 523 51.2% 750 73.5%

3,154 2,065 65.5% 2,558 81.1%

4,175 2,588 62.0% 3,308 79.2%

726 393 54.1% 537 74.0%

3,344 2,171 64.9% 2,686 80.3%

4,070 2,564 63.0% 3,223 79.2%

578 318 55.0% 423 73.2%

3,443 2,390 69.4% 2,921 84.8%

4,021 2,708 67.3% 3,344 83.2%

448 245 54.7% 329 73.4%

3,095 2,112 68.2% 2,599 84.0%

3,543 2,357 66.5% 2,928 82.6%

Page 11: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 11Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by Transfer vs Non Transfer

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention RateTransferable African American

AsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Totals & Averages2014/2015 Not Transferable African American

AsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Transferable African AmericanAsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Totals & Averages2015/2016 Not Transferable African American

AsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Transferable African AmericanAsian

51 30 58.8% 42 82.4%280 217 77.5% 248 88.6%62 38 61.3% 45 72.6%

524 289 55.2% 398 76.0%3 1 33.3%

409 255 62.3% 319 78.0%690 516 74.8% 605 87.7%

4,245 2,488 58.6% 3,285 77.4%107 43 40.2% 68 63.6%132 85 64.4% 107 81.1%72 47 65.3% 57 79.2%

859 413 48.1% 610 71.0%2 1 50.0% 1 50.0%

406 226 55.7% 313 77.1%419 263 62.8% 321 76.6%34 13 38.2% 25 73.5%

366 296 80.9% 330 90.2%72 38 52.8% 50 69.4%

569 339 59.6% 452 79.4%12 8 66.7% 10 83.3%

440 297 67.5% 364 82.7%685 519 75.8% 600 87.6%

4,175 2,588 62.0% 3,308 79.2%79 40 50.6% 60 75.9%111 64 57.7% 89 80.2%73 43 58.9% 53 72.6%

718 369 51.4% 525 73.1%2 1 50.0% 1 50.0%

377 218 57.8% 282 74.8%383 237 61.9% 307 80.2%40 22 55.0% 26 65.0%

408 331 81.1% 373 91.4%

Page 12: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 12Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by Transfer vs Non Transfer

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention RateFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Totals & Averages2016/2017 Not Transferable African American

AsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Transferable African AmericanAsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Totals & Averages2017/2018 Not Transferable African American

AsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Transferable African AmericanAsianFilipinoHispanic

78 52 66.7% 64 82.1%625 337 53.9% 451 72.2%

4 1 25.0% 2 50.0%419 279 66.6% 335 80.0%753 570 75.7% 655 87.0%

4,070 2,564 63.0% 3,223 79.2%66 37 56.1% 52 78.8%110 71 64.5% 85 77.3%54 35 64.8% 46 85.2%

661 358 54.2% 495 74.9%3 2 66.7% 3 100.0%

314 182 58.0% 240 76.4%271 175 64.6% 221 81.5%60 36 60.0% 51 85.0%

442 373 84.4% 408 92.3%87 63 72.4% 74 85.1%

687 395 57.5% 563 82.0%2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%

508 364 71.7% 424 83.5%756 615 81.3% 680 89.9%

4,021 2,708 67.3% 3,344 83.2%49 31 63.3% 41 83.7%66 49 74.2% 57 86.4%39 22 56.4% 27 69.2%

512 264 51.6% 392 76.6%2 1 50.0%

279 168 60.2% 217 77.8%219 130 59.4% 167 76.3%62 32 51.6% 52 83.9%

452 387 85.6% 422 93.4%73 54 74.0% 62 84.9%

659 383 58.1% 522 79.2%

Page 13: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 13Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by Transfer vs Non Transfer

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention RateNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Totals & Averages

2 1 50.0%544 405 74.4% 477 87.7%585 432 73.8% 490 83.8%

3,543 2,357 66.5% 2,928 82.6%

Course Success and Retention by Prior to College Level

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention Rate2013/2014 1 level below transferable lv

2 level below transferable lv3 level below transferable lv4 level below transferable lvNot applicable

2014/2015 1 level below transferable lv2 level below transferable lv3 level below transferable lv4 level below transferable lvNot applicable

2015/2016 1 level below transferable lv2 level below transferable lv3 level below transferable lv4 level below transferable lvNot applicable

2016/2017 1 level below transferable lv2 level below transferable lv4 level below transferable lvNot applicable

2017/2018 1 level below transferable lv

1,004 532 53.0% 729 72.6%729 348 47.7% 535 73.4%99 45 45.5% 60 60.6%353 182 51.6% 264 74.8%

2,060 1,381 67.0% 1,697 82.4%976 555 56.9% 727 74.5%592 265 44.8% 424 71.6%73 40 54.8% 47 64.4%307 177 57.7% 234 76.2%

2,227 1,551 69.6% 1,876 84.2%1,017 579 56.9% 780 76.7%383 182 47.5% 275 71.8%

6 1 16.7% 5 83.3%305 186 61.0% 229 75.1%

2,359 1,616 68.5% 1,934 82.0%901 542 60.2% 719 79.8%323 159 49.2% 232 71.8%255 159 62.4% 191 74.9%

2,542 1,848 72.7% 2,202 86.6%718 419 58.4% 573 79.8%

Page 14: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 14Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by Prior to College Level

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention Rate2 level below transferable lv4 level below transferable lvNot applicable

306 160 52.3% 226 73.9%142 85 59.9% 103 72.5%

2,377 1,693 71.2% 2,026 85.2%

Grade Distribution

A B C D F Other W

Fall 2013Fall 2014Fall 2015Fall 2016Fall 2017Spring 2014Spring 2015Spring 2016Spring 2017Spring 2018Summer 2013Summer 2014Summer 2015Summer 2016Summer 2017

436 375 290 126 272 1 3941 504 392 329 123 202 1 386

440 402 311 113 203 381534 416 312 130 192 294453 334 321 122 166 10 285400 336 299 110 176 2 393383 332 271 115 205 5 350420 320 331 106 162 355491 343 286 99 160 1 292411 283 256 86 131 5 260138 116 97 35 76 3 170163 115 96 31 40 131152 97 91 36 39 111144 98 83 20 35 91141 91 64 18 34 2 70

Page 15: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 15Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by DE vs Non DE

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention Rate2013/2014 Hybrid African American


Not Online African AmericanAsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Online African AmericanAsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Web Assisted African AmericanAsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Totals & Averages2014/2015 Hybrid African American


4 2 50.0%1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%36 15 41.7% 21 58.3%11 6 54.5% 7 63.6%18 6 33.3% 12 66.7%

121 59 48.8% 80 66.1%298 218 73.2% 260 87.2%59 40 67.8% 47 79.7%

1,108 577 52.1% 835 75.4%7 3 42.9% 5 71.4%

598 351 58.7% 475 79.4%843 612 72.6% 738 87.5%42 13 31.0% 23 54.8%95 61 64.2% 75 78.9%64 36 56.3% 50 78.1%

260 127 48.8% 179 68.8%5 2 40.0% 2 40.0%

207 93 44.9% 135 65.2%319 190 59.6% 234 73.4%

6 2 33.3% 4 66.7%12 10 83.3% 11 91.7%7 3 42.9% 3 42.9%49 20 40.8% 32 65.3%1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%25 8 32.0% 12 48.0%49 34 69.4% 41 83.7%

4,245 2,488 58.6% 3,285 77.4%2 1 50.0% 1 50.0%2 1 50.0% 2 100.0%3 2 66.7% 2 66.7%36 13 36.1% 22 61.1%

Page 16: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 16Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by DE vs Non DE

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention RateUnknownWhite

Not Online African AmericanAsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Online African AmericanAsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Web Assisted African AmericanAsianFilipinoHispanicUnknownWhite

Totals & Averages2015/2016 Hybrid Asian


Not Online African AmericanAsianFilipino

14 4 28.6% 7 50.0%9 5 55.6% 6 66.7%83 34 41.0% 61 73.5%

385 311 80.8% 347 90.1%67 37 55.2% 48 71.6%

1,070 597 55.8% 830 77.6%11 8 72.7% 9 81.8%

592 379 64.0% 492 83.1%812 599 73.8% 705 86.8%49 20 40.8% 28 57.1%94 59 62.8% 72 76.6%69 44 63.8% 54 78.3%

251 112 44.6% 159 63.3%3 1 33.3% 2 66.7%

196 115 58.7% 147 75.0%238 154 64.7% 180 75.6%

7 1 14.3% 3 42.9%17 10 58.8% 16 94.1%5 2 40.0% 3 60.0%71 30 42.3% 51 71.8%44 25 56.8% 31 70.5%45 24 53.3% 30 66.7%

4,175 2,588 62.0% 3,308 79.2%3 3 100.0% 3 100.0%3 2 66.7% 2 66.7%12 10 83.3% 12 100.0%10 9 90.0% 10 100.0%6 6 100.0% 6 100.0%84 50 59.5% 63 75.0%

445 348 78.2% 405 91.0%79 55 69.6% 65 82.3%

Page 17: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 17Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by DE vs Non DE

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention RateHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Online African AmericanAsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Web Assisted African AmericanAsianFilipinoHispanicUnknownWhite

Totals & Averages2016/2017 Hybrid African American


Not Online African AmericanAsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

1,106 595 53.8% 817 73.9%2

611 392 64.2% 487 79.7%925 687 74.3% 799 86.4%27 10 37.0% 17 63.0%62 39 62.9% 48 77.4%64 35 54.7% 47 73.4%

179 88 49.2% 120 67.0%4 2 50.0% 3 75.0%

157 85 54.1% 107 68.2%171 91 53.2% 127 74.3%

8 2 25.0% 6 75.0%9 5 55.6% 6 66.7%5 3 60.0% 3 60.0%46 13 28.3% 27 58.7%18 11 61.1% 13 72.2%34 23 67.6% 30 88.2%

4,070 2,564 63.0% 3,223 79.2%2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%7 6 85.7% 6 85.7%3 1 33.3% 2 66.7%23 16 69.6% 21 91.3%13 11 84.6% 12 92.3%15 9 60.0% 12 80.0%

102 61 59.8% 84 82.4%450 378 84.0% 416 92.4%84 60 71.4% 75 89.3%

1,116 639 57.3% 888 79.6%4 4 100.0% 4 100.0%

633 428 67.6% 527 83.3%826 663 80.3% 744 90.1%

Page 18: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 18Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by DE vs Non DE

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention RateOnline African American

AsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Web Assisted African AmericanAsianFilipinoHispanicUnknownWhite

Totals & Averages2017/2018 Hybrid African American


Not Online African AmericanAsianFilipinoHispanicNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Online African AmericanAsianFilipinoHispanic

17 7 41.2% 12 70.6%85 50 58.8% 61 71.8%52 35 67.3% 41 78.8%

173 74 42.8% 114 65.9%1 1 100.0%

157 90 57.3% 108 68.8%170 107 62.9% 132 77.6%

5 3 60.0% 5 100.0%10 10 100.0% 10 100.0%2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%36 24 66.7% 35 97.2%19 17 89.5% 17 89.5%16 11 68.8% 13 81.3%

4,021 2,708 67.3% 3,344 83.2%4 3 75.0% 4 100.0%14 10 71.4% 11 78.6%3 2 66.7% 2 66.7%20 14 70.0% 19 95.0%16 10 62.5% 14 87.5%16 14 87.5% 15 93.8%85 45 52.9% 71 83.5%

435 373 85.7% 409 94.0%67 53 79.1% 60 89.6%

957 535 55.9% 750 78.4%2 1 50.0%

657 472 71.8% 562 85.5%617 449 72.8% 515 83.5%22 15 68.2% 18 81.8%69 53 76.8% 59 85.5%42 21 50.0% 27 64.3%

194 98 50.5% 145 74.7%

Page 19: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 19Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by DE vs Non DE

Headcount Success Count Success Rate Retention Count Retention RateNative AmericanUnknownWhite

Totals & Averages

2 1 50.0%150 91 60.7% 118 78.7%171 99 57.9% 127 74.3%

3,543 2,357 66.5% 2,928 82.6%

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

Fall 2013 MATH 110 Elementary Algebra 8134881349813518671192152927619303693105

111 Elementary Algebra I 8135788410

112 Elementary Algebra II 89961120 Intermediate Algebra 88827


122 Intermediate Algebra I 88419

35 14 40.0% 30 85.7%36 26 72.2% 34 94.4%38 16 42.1% 29 76.3%51 19 37.3% 36 70.6%43 26 60.5% 36 83.7%

5 2 40.0% 5 100.0%44 30 68.2% 43 97.7%25 6 24.0% 13 52.0%31 19 61.3% 20 64.5%24 11 45.8% 14 58.3%32 17 53.1% 22 68.8%53 24 45.3% 44 83.0%70 35 50.0% 47 67.1%37 19 51.4% 30 81.1%39 16 41.0% 32 82.1%49 25 51.0% 40 81.6%

2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%18 7 38.9% 12 66.7%41 21 51.2% 34 82.9%30 13 43.3% 20 66.7%35 18 51.4% 21 60.0%

Page 20: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 20Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

123 Intermediate Algebra II 88420125 Elementary Finite Math 81368130 Analytical Trigonometry 81370

92711140 Math For Gen Education 81372190 Path to Statistics 93659200 Elem Probability & Statistics 81374


Elem Probability Stats- Honors 81373222 Pre-Calculus Col Algebra/Trig 92732241 Applied Calculus I 81376

93638251 Analytical Geometry/Calculus I 81377


Calculus/Analytic Geometry I 9332793639

252 Analytical Geometry/Calc II 81379Cal/Analy Geometry II-Honors 93640Cal/Analytic GeometryII-Honors 93640Calcu/Analytic Geometry II 93640

253 Calc./Analytic Geom III-Honors 93604Calc/Anal. Geometry III-Honors 90238

270 Linear Algebra 89573Linear Algebra - Honors 92583

275 Ordinary Diff. Equation-Honors 92584695 Independent Study 92702

31 22 71.0% 28 90.3%18 11 61.1% 11 61.1%35 8 22.9% 16 45.7%42 25 59.5% 34 81.0%23 15 65.2% 19 82.6%14 12 85.7% 13 92.9%45 29 64.4% 35 77.8%42 32 76.2% 37 88.1%55 28 50.9% 35 63.6%62 25 40.3% 49 79.0%46 28 60.9% 38 82.6%41 33 80.5% 37 90.2%29 24 82.8% 26 89.7%36 26 72.2% 31 86.1%33 8 24.2% 13 39.4%26 19 73.1% 20 76.9%30 18 60.0% 23 76.7%37 36 97.3% 37 100.0%33 32 97.0% 33 100.0%30 30 100.0% 30 100.0%32 10 31.3% 25 78.1%39 23 59.0% 33 84.6%26 11 42.3% 19 73.1%

1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

38 34 89.5% 36 94.7%5 4 80.0% 4 80.0%

19 17 89.5% 18 94.7%3 3 100.0% 3 100.0%

32 22 68.8% 26 81.3%24 19 79.2% 19 79.2%

3 3 100.0% 3 100.0%

Page 21: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 21Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

94375Independent Study-Honors 94375

811 Pre-Algebra 92127Pre-algebra 81383


818 Basic Math. for Health Science 9304193494

Fall 2014 MATH 110 Elementary Algebra 81348813498135186711927619310594423

111 Elementary Algebra I 88410112 Elementary Algebra II 89961120 Intermediate Algebra 88827


122 Intermediate Algebra I 88419123 Intermediate Algebra II 88420125 Elementary Finite Math 81368130 Analytical Trigonometry 81370


4 4 100.0% 4 100.0%6 6 100.0% 6 100.0%

38 15 39.5% 34 89.5%35 10 28.6% 21 60.0%32 9 28.1% 18 56.3%39 27 69.2% 36 92.3%37 24 64.9% 31 83.8%29 28 96.6% 29 100.0%

5 3 60.0% 4 80.0%36 25 69.4% 27 75.0%36 19 52.8% 30 83.3%47 14 29.8% 36 76.6%48 19 39.6% 39 81.3%

8 6 75.0% 8 100.0%33 10 30.3% 19 57.6%36 17 47.2% 26 72.2%21 10 47.6% 13 61.9%18 8 44.4% 10 55.6%47 30 63.8% 42 89.4%67 41 61.2% 49 73.1%35 10 28.6% 17 48.6%43 33 76.7% 41 95.3%40 24 60.0% 30 75.0%

3 3 100.0% 3 100.0%32 11 34.4% 15 46.9%36 13 36.1% 22 61.1%30 13 43.3% 15 50.0%19 6 31.6% 11 57.9%21 16 76.2% 18 85.7%15 9 60.0% 15 100.0%46 26 56.5% 38 82.6%37 25 67.6% 31 83.8%

Page 22: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 22Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

94435140 Math For Gen Education 81372190 Path to Statistics 93659

94436200 Elem Probability & Statistics 81374


Elem Probability Stats- Honors 81373222 Pre-Calculus Col Algebra/Trig 92732

Precalculus 94439241 Applied Calculus I 81376

93638251 Analytical Geometry/Calculus I 94333

Calculus/Analytic Geometry I 9332793639947379473894739

252 Analytical Geometry/Calc II 81379Calcu/Analytic Geometry II 93640

253 Calc./Analytic Geom III 93604Calc/Anal. Geometry III-Honors 90238Calculus/Analytic Geometry III 94440

270 Linear Algebra - Honors 92583275 Ordinary Diff. Equations 92584

Ordinary Differential Equation 89573811 Pre-Algebra 92127

14 8 57.1% 13 92.9%27 20 74.1% 22 81.5%24 15 62.5% 20 83.3%25 20 80.0% 23 92.0%32 18 56.3% 24 75.0%35 24 68.6% 24 68.6%59 27 45.8% 36 61.0%45 29 64.4% 39 86.7%51 32 62.7% 40 78.4%35 29 82.9% 32 91.4%22 10 45.5% 17 77.3%29 19 65.5% 25 86.2%28 20 71.4% 27 96.4%32 16 50.0% 24 75.0%10 8 80.0% 8 80.0%28 8 28.6% 16 57.1%39 30 76.9% 34 87.2%31 31 100.0% 31 100.0%45 30 66.7% 38 84.4%52 35 67.3% 42 80.8%34 34 100.0% 34 100.0%37 36 97.3% 37 100.0%32 32 100.0% 32 100.0%43 20 46.5% 37 86.0%45 39 86.7% 45 100.0%

3 2 66.7% 2 66.7%22 21 95.5% 21 95.5%16 14 87.5% 14 87.5%35 30 85.7% 32 91.4%39 36 92.3% 38 97.4%

6 6 100.0% 6 100.0%39 24 61.5% 32 82.1%

Page 23: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 23Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

Pre-algebra 81383813848138581387

818 Basic Math. for Health Science 93494Fall 2015 MATH 110 Elementary Algebra 81349


120 Intermediate Algebra 88827888528922590680921269299293455

123 Intermediate Algebra II 88420125 Elementary Finite Math 81368130 Analytical Trigonometry 81370190 Path to Statistics 93659


200 Elem Probability & Statistics 81374831759004690272919909298794438

Elem Probability Stats- Honors 81373

25 11 44.0% 15 60.0%35 20 57.1% 26 74.3%39 26 66.7% 27 69.2%32 22 68.8% 28 87.5%39 35 89.7% 36 92.3%33 17 51.5% 24 72.7%40 21 52.5% 31 77.5%46 30 65.2% 37 80.4%32 17 53.1% 26 81.3%30 9 30.0% 19 63.3%54 34 63.0% 42 77.8%66 39 59.1% 50 75.8%36 12 33.3% 25 69.4%41 28 68.3% 33 80.5%39 15 38.5% 28 71.8%30 8 26.7% 17 56.7%26 8 30.8% 16 61.5%

3 2 66.7% 2 66.7%28 21 75.0% 23 82.1%57 39 68.4% 47 82.5%34 24 70.6% 28 82.4%39 25 64.1% 33 84.6%46 32 69.6% 37 80.4%41 15 36.6% 35 85.4%40 24 60.0% 30 75.0%47 20 42.6% 25 53.2%64 30 46.9% 44 68.8%48 42 87.5% 46 95.8%52 39 75.0% 47 90.4%50 36 72.0% 45 90.0%20 10 50.0% 14 70.0%24 15 62.5% 19 79.2%

Page 24: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 24Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

222 Pre-Calculus Col Algebra/Trig 92732225 Fast Track to Calculus 95077241 Applied Calculus I 81376

93638251 Analytical Geometry/Calculus I 81377

94333Cal/Analytic Geo I - HONORS 93327CalAnalytic Geometry1-HONORS 93639Calculus/Analytic Geometry I 93327


252 Analytical GeoCalc II - HONORS 81379Analytical Geometry/Calc II 81379Cal/Analytic Geo II - HONORS 93640Calcu/Analytic Geometry II 93640

253 Cal/Anal. Geometry III- Honors 95035Calc./Analytic Geom III 93604Calc/Anal. Geometry III-Honors 90238Calculus/Analytic Geometry III 94440

270 Linear Algebra 9258395176

Linear Algebra - Honors 95033275 Ordinary Diff. Equation-Honors 95034

Ordinary Diff. Equations 92584811 Pre-algebra 81383


818 Basic Math. for Health Science 93494Fall 2016 MATH 110 Elementary Algebra 81348

26 12 46.2% 22 84.6%40 21 52.5% 27 67.5%43 11 25.6% 23 53.5%40 31 77.5% 36 90.0%28 19 67.9% 21 75.0%30 29 96.7% 29 96.7%

1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

41 29 70.7% 35 85.4%44 32 72.7% 35 79.5%29 28 96.6% 28 96.6%28 27 96.4% 27 96.4%31 31 100.0% 31 100.0%

3 3 100.0% 3 100.0%36 15 41.7% 29 80.6%

2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%25 16 64.0% 19 76.0%

8 8 100.0% 8 100.0%8 8 100.0% 8 100.0%

39 34 87.2% 35 89.7%37 34 91.9% 36 97.3%23 12 52.2% 20 87.0%

9 9 100.0% 9 100.0%4 4 100.0% 4 100.0%2 1 50.0% 2 100.0%

20 12 60.0% 15 75.0%39 13 33.3% 19 48.7%47 32 68.1% 37 78.7%31 21 67.7% 22 71.0%37 21 56.8% 34 91.9%32 24 75.0% 28 87.5%29 16 55.2% 22 75.9%

Page 25: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 25Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate


120 Intermediate Algebra 8885289225906809212693455

125 Elementary Finite Math 81368130 Analytical Trigonometry 81370190 Path to Statistics 94436


200 Elem Probability & Statistics 813748317590046902729199092987944379524195374

Elem Probability Stats- Honors 81373222 Pre-Calculus Col Algebra/Trig 92732225 Fast Track to Calculus 95077

95446241 Applied Calculus I 81376

93638251 Analytical Geometry/Calculus I 81377


32 12 37.5% 26 81.3%80 50 62.5% 63 78.8%71 37 52.1% 47 66.2%40 16 40.0% 23 57.5%41 7 17.1% 31 75.6%36 23 63.9% 30 83.3%36 31 86.1% 35 97.2%32 27 84.4% 30 93.8%53 32 60.4% 41 77.4%38 28 73.7% 32 84.2%41 25 61.0% 34 82.9%44 25 56.8% 36 81.8%40 25 62.5% 32 80.0%35 25 71.4% 31 88.6%38 24 63.2% 29 76.3%54 33 61.1% 44 81.5%70 32 45.7% 47 67.1%45 34 75.6% 37 82.2%54 32 59.3% 47 87.0%41 32 78.0% 39 95.1%55 41 74.5% 52 94.5%39 20 51.3% 28 71.8%35 28 80.0% 33 94.3%20 16 80.0% 18 90.0%36 24 66.7% 33 91.7%38 20 52.6% 35 92.1%32 16 50.0% 29 90.6%33 9 27.3% 27 81.8%41 32 78.0% 36 87.8%44 37 84.1% 42 95.5%34 34 100.0% 34 100.0%21 20 95.2% 20 95.2%

Page 26: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 26Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

Calculus/Analytic Geometry I 93639947379473894739

252 Analy Geometry/Calc II HONORS 81379Analytical Geometry/Calc II 81379Calcu/Analytic Geometry II 93640

253 Cal/Anal. Geometry III- Honors 95035Calc/Anal. Geometry III-Honors 90238Calculus/Analytic Geometry III 94440

270 Linear Algebra 92583Linear Algebra - Honors 95033

275 Ordinary Diff. Equation-Honors 95034Ordinary Diff. Equations 92584Ordinary Differential Equation 89573

89574811 Pre-algebra 81383


Fall 2017 MATH 110 Elementary Algebra 813488134986711

120 Intermediate Algebra 888529068092126

130 Analytical Trigonometry 92711190 Path to Statistics 94436


45 40 88.9% 44 97.8%24 24 100.0% 24 100.0%33 33 100.0% 33 100.0%30 29 96.7% 29 96.7%

1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%39 35 89.7% 37 94.9%19 11 57.9% 15 78.9%

5 4 80.0% 4 80.0%28 28 100.0% 28 100.0%34 23 67.6% 27 79.4%33 31 93.9% 32 97.0%

1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%

46 42 91.3% 44 95.7%2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%8 8 100.0% 8 100.0%

31 20 64.5% 21 67.7%46 28 60.9% 34 73.9%37 21 56.8% 26 70.3%36 16 44.4% 29 80.6%42 22 52.4% 31 73.8%25 10 40.0% 17 68.0%50 27 54.0% 40 80.0%70 39 55.7% 53 75.7%46 19 41.3% 34 73.9%46 16 34.8% 31 67.4%34 19 55.9% 28 82.4%34 28 82.4% 31 91.2%41 25 61.0% 35 85.4%36 13 36.1% 31 86.1%39 21 53.8% 33 84.6%33 18 54.5% 26 78.8%

Page 27: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 27Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

200 Elem Prob & Stat - HONORS 95699Elem Probability & Statistics 81374


Elem Probability Stats- Honors 81373222 Pre-Calculus Col Algebra/Trig 92732225 Path to Calculus 95077

95446Path to Calculus - HONORS 95077

241 Applied Calculus I 8137693638

Applied Calculus I - HONORS 93638251 Analytical Geom/Cal I - HONORS 81377

Analytical Geometry/Calculus I 813779261694333

Cal/Analytic Geom I - HONORS 93639Calculus/Analytic Geometry I 93639


252 Analytical Geometry/Calc II 81379Calcu/Analytic Geometry II 93640

1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%28 11 39.3% 17 60.7%45 31 68.9% 36 80.0%57 34 59.6% 46 80.7%45 30 66.7% 38 84.4%56 43 76.8% 53 94.6%37 30 81.1% 36 97.3%32 20 62.5% 25 78.1%49 33 67.3% 43 87.8%22 14 63.6% 18 81.8%26 9 34.6% 12 46.2%61 51 83.6% 56 91.8%

9 7 77.8% 8 88.9%22 17 77.3% 18 81.8%32 18 56.3% 23 71.9%43 29 67.4% 40 93.0%26 13 50.0% 20 76.9%

1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%22 9 40.9% 17 77.3%34 17 50.0% 23 67.6%

2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

38 24 63.2% 31 81.6%26 26 100.0% 26 100.0%31 29 93.5% 31 100.0%

1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%44 31 70.5% 37 84.1%33 33 100.0% 33 100.0%29 28 96.6% 28 96.6%32 31 96.9% 31 96.9%37 29 78.4% 35 94.6%29 19 65.5% 24 82.8%

Page 28: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 28Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

253 Cal/Anal. Geometry III- Honors 95035Calc./Analytic Geom III 93604Calc/Anal. Geometry III-Honors 90238Calculus/Analytic Geometry III 94440

270 Linear Algebra 92583Linear Algebra - Honors 95033

275 Ordinary Diff. Equation-Honors 95034Ordinary Diff. Equations 92584Ordinary Differential Equation 89573

811 Pre-algebra 813838138481385

Spring 2014

MATH 110 Elementary Algebra 3133031331313333662442054429674306643390

111 Elementary Algebra I 37833112 Elementary Algebra II 37834120 Intermediate Algebra 31349


122 Intermediate Algebra I 37835

4 3 75.0% 3 75.0%7 7 100.0% 7 100.0%

33 32 97.0% 32 97.0%41 26 63.4% 31 75.6%24 21 87.5% 23 95.8%

1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%

29 24 82.8% 27 93.1%4 4 100.0% 4 100.0%

39 22 56.4% 30 76.9%28 20 71.4% 22 78.6%32 18 56.3% 23 71.9%36 17 47.2% 25 69.4%29 13 44.8% 26 89.7%32 19 59.4% 23 71.9%52 29 55.8% 41 78.8%47 19 40.4% 30 63.8%

3 2 66.7% 2 66.7%29 9 31.0% 14 48.3%31 10 32.3% 17 54.8%29 9 31.0% 17 58.6%40 22 55.0% 33 82.5%

1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%28 19 67.9% 22 78.6%37 13 35.1% 19 51.4%25 10 40.0% 14 56.0%65 38 58.5% 44 67.7%33 18 54.5% 26 78.8%39 18 46.2% 26 66.7%35 18 51.4% 25 71.4%38 16 42.1% 19 50.0%22 12 54.5% 17 77.3%

Page 29: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 29Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

123 Intermediate Algebra II 37836125 Elementary Finite Math 31352130 Analytical Trigonometry 42030

43396140 Math For Gen Education 31356190 Path to Statistics 44303200 Elem Probability & Statistics 43158

43824Elem. Probability & Statistics 31357


222 Pre-calculus Coll. Alg. Trigon 4291843558

241 Applied Calculus I 43258242 Applied Calculus II 40129251 Analytical Geo/Calcu-Honors 40904

Analytical Geometry/Calculus I 394014090340904

252 Analyt. Geometry/Calculus II 313623905243936

Calcu/Analytic Geom II- Honors 3136343192

Calcu/Analytic Geometry II 4271744623

253 Analyt. Geometry/Calculus III 31364Cal/Analytic Geo III - Honors 42252Calculus/Analytic Geometry III 40420

21 15 71.4% 19 90.5%17 11 64.7% 13 76.5%48 21 43.8% 34 70.8%17 12 70.6% 17 100.0%26 18 69.2% 22 84.6%35 23 65.7% 31 88.6%50 31 62.0% 46 92.0%

7 7 100.0% 7 100.0%54 46 85.2% 49 90.7%41 23 56.1% 31 75.6%30 23 76.7% 23 76.7%70 45 64.3% 52 74.3%40 19 47.5% 25 62.5%34 17 50.0% 25 73.5%27 19 70.4% 25 92.6%16 9 56.3% 13 81.3%40 31 77.5% 36 90.0%

9 8 88.9% 8 88.9%1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

27 18 66.7% 22 81.5%38 30 78.9% 33 86.8%22 10 45.5% 18 81.8%39 20 51.3% 31 79.5%36 35 97.2% 36 100.0%15 11 73.3% 12 80.0%20 20 100.0% 20 100.0%17 17 100.0% 17 100.0%35 33 94.3% 34 97.1%29 28 96.6% 29 100.0%20 15 75.0% 18 90.0%

9 8 88.9% 8 88.9%27 20 74.1% 24 88.9%

Page 30: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 30Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

275 Ordinary Differential Equation 43815695 Independent Study 43851811 Pre-Algebra 31367


818 Basic Math. for Health Science 42917Spring 2015

MATH 110 Elementary Algebra 313303133136624420544296743390

111 Elementary Algebra I 37833112 Elementary Algebra II 37834120 Intermediate Algebra 31349


122 Intermediate Algebra I 37835123 Intermediate Algebra II 37836125 Elementary Finite Math 31352130 Analytical Trigonometry 42030140 Math For Gen Education 31356190 Path to Statistics 43928


3 3 100.0% 3 100.0%2 1 50.0% 1 50.0%

31 13 41.9% 20 64.5%30 18 60.0% 21 70.0%39 17 43.6% 25 64.1%24 16 66.7% 17 70.8%12 6 50.0% 8 66.7%

7 5 71.4% 6 85.7%39 10 25.6% 27 69.2%37 16 43.2% 33 89.2%46 21 45.7% 29 63.0%35 20 57.1% 30 85.7%

4 3 75.0% 4 100.0%39 11 28.2% 22 56.4%33 23 69.7% 25 75.8%22 17 77.3% 21 95.5%

2 1 50.0% 2 100.0%14 8 57.1% 9 64.3%31 15 48.4% 25 80.6%43 22 51.2% 32 74.4%72 38 52.8% 48 66.7%35 17 48.6% 22 62.9%27 15 55.6% 18 66.7%30 11 36.7% 17 56.7%26 9 34.6% 19 73.1%24 12 50.0% 17 70.8%14 7 50.0% 8 57.1%21 19 90.5% 19 90.5%43 23 53.5% 34 79.1%15 14 93.3% 14 93.3%33 17 51.5% 32 97.0%21 15 71.4% 18 85.7%

Page 31: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 31Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

200 Elem Prob & Statis - HONORS 31357Elem Probability & Statistics 43158Elem. Probability & Statistics 31357


222 Pre-calculus Coll. Alg. Trigon 42918241 Applied Calculus I 43258242 Applied Calculus II 40129251 Analytical Geometry/Calculus I 40903

41478252 Analyt Geom/Calcu II - HONORS 43936

Analyt. Geometry/Calculus II 313623905243936

Calcu/Analytic Geom II 43192Calcu/Analytic Geometry II 42717

44623253 Cal/Analytic Geo III - Honors 42252

Calculus/Analytic Geometry III 4042043193

270 Linear Algebra - Honors 43490275 Ordinary Diff. Equation-Honors 44707

Ordinary Differential Equation 43815680CA Fast Track to Calculus 45011811 Pre-Algebra 31367


1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%36 13 36.1% 24 66.7%45 31 68.9% 37 82.2%33 20 60.6% 28 84.8%34 18 52.9% 26 76.5%66 38 57.6% 50 75.8%53 35 66.0% 48 90.6%42 22 52.4% 25 59.5%41 24 58.5% 35 85.4%42 10 23.8% 25 59.5%25 18 72.0% 21 84.0%49 38 77.6% 43 87.8%40 17 42.5% 31 77.5%

4 4 100.0% 4 100.0%41 29 70.7% 36 87.8%34 34 100.0% 34 100.0%40 34 85.0% 37 92.5%31 30 96.8% 30 96.8%33 33 100.0% 33 100.0%33 33 100.0% 33 100.0%

6 4 66.7% 6 100.0%30 19 63.3% 27 90.0%

6 6 100.0% 6 100.0%23 21 91.3% 21 91.3%18 12 66.7% 14 77.8%

2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%21 9 42.9% 10 47.6%17 9 52.9% 12 70.6%33 21 63.6% 28 84.8%20 12 60.0% 17 85.0%33 18 54.5% 27 81.8%13 4 30.8% 6 46.2%

Page 32: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 32Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

818 Basic Math. for Health Science 42917Spring 2016

MATH 110 Elementary Algebra 31330313313662442054

120 Intermediate Algebra 386583866738668419574205642971

125 Elementary Finite Math 31352130 Analytical Trigonometry 42030190 Path to Statistics 43928


200 Elem Prob & Stat - HONORS 43158Elem Probability & Statistics 43158


Elem. Probability & Statistics 313573135833472397564013441550

222 Pre-calculus Coll. Alg. Trigon 42918

10 6 60.0% 9 90.0%20 15 75.0% 18 90.0%36 14 38.9% 25 69.4%51 19 37.3% 30 58.8%30 17 56.7% 26 86.7%27 7 25.9% 13 48.1%31 18 58.1% 22 71.0%80 40 50.0% 56 70.0%29 16 55.2% 21 72.4%34 30 88.2% 33 97.1%33 13 39.4% 23 69.7%24 19 79.2% 22 91.7%42 23 54.8% 32 76.2%26 15 57.7% 22 84.6%37 31 83.8% 33 89.2%41 21 51.2% 26 63.4%32 15 46.9% 27 84.4%19 9 47.4% 16 84.2%25 13 52.0% 19 76.0%

1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%46 34 73.9% 37 80.4%

9 9 100.0% 9 100.0%51 36 70.6% 45 88.2%37 28 75.7% 34 91.9%39 21 53.8% 26 66.7%43 29 67.4% 34 79.1%40 21 52.5% 26 65.0%22 9 40.9% 14 63.6%67 32 47.8% 48 71.6%42 20 47.6% 32 76.2%23 8 34.8% 16 69.6%28 15 53.6% 18 64.3%

Page 33: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 33Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

225 Fast Track to Calculus 45117241 Applied Calculus I 43258

45118251 Analytical Geo/Cal I - HONORS 40903

Analytical Geometry/Calculus I 40903252 Analyt. Geo/Cal II - HONORS 43936

Analyt. Geo/Calc II - HONORS 31362Analyt. Geometry/Calculus II 31362


Calcu/Analytic Geom II 43192Calcu/Analytic Geometry II 42717

44623253 Cal/Analytic Geo III - Honors 42252

Calculus/Analytic Geometry III 40420270 Linear Algebra 43490

43502Linear Algebra- Honors 45216

275 Ordinary Dif Equation-Honors 45217Ordinary Differentia Equations 44707

811 Pre-Algebra 31367313693961440945

Spring 2017

MATH 110 Elementary Algebra 313303662442054

120 Intermediate Algebra 38666386684195742056

125 Elementary Finite Math 31352

37 22 59.5% 24 64.9%51 38 74.5% 42 82.4%39 8 20.5% 20 51.3%

1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%47 35 74.5% 39 83.0%

1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

51 45 88.2% 47 92.2%27 27 100.0% 27 100.0%35 28 80.0% 33 94.3%30 29 96.7% 30 100.0%29 29 100.0% 29 100.0%32 31 96.9% 32 100.0%

7 6 85.7% 7 100.0%21 12 57.1% 16 76.2%44 32 72.7% 39 88.6%

8 8 100.0% 8 100.0%2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%7 7 100.0% 7 100.0%

37 33 89.2% 36 97.3%31 19 61.3% 22 71.0%32 19 59.4% 24 75.0%16 10 62.5% 11 68.8%43 30 69.8% 37 86.0%30 17 56.7% 21 70.0%74 37 50.0% 60 81.1%28 11 39.3% 18 64.3%39 24 61.5% 35 89.7%71 36 50.7% 51 71.8%45 21 46.7% 28 62.2%23 17 73.9% 21 91.3%22 16 72.7% 18 81.8%

Page 34: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 34Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

31353130 Analytical Trigonometry 42030190 Path to Statistics 43928


200 Elem Probab & Statist - HONORS 39756Elem Probability & Statistics 43158


Elem. Probability & Statistics 313573135833472397564013441550

222 Pre-calculus Coll. Alg. Trigon 42918225 Fast Track to Calculus 45117

45492241 Applied Calculus I 43258

45118243 Applied Calc. II with Trigonom 45501251 Analytical Geometry/Calculus I 40903

40904252 Analy Geo/Calculus II - HONORS 43936

Analyt. Geometry/Calculus II 313623905243936

Calcu/Analytic Geom II 31363

6 6 100.0% 6 100.0%26 9 34.6% 18 69.2%18 9 50.0% 17 94.4%22 13 59.1% 20 90.9%26 14 53.8% 15 57.7%37 21 56.8% 34 91.9%29 18 62.1% 22 75.9%

1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%49 34 69.4% 40 81.6%55 36 65.5% 49 89.1%40 28 70.0% 34 85.0%48 33 68.8% 39 81.3%19 7 36.8% 12 63.2%41 31 75.6% 36 87.8%26 14 53.8% 17 65.4%40 28 70.0% 34 85.0%69 40 58.0% 49 71.0%57 41 71.9% 55 96.5%30 18 60.0% 20 66.7%39 32 82.1% 35 89.7%33 10 30.3% 21 63.6%38 28 73.7% 33 86.8%47 35 74.5% 39 83.0%19 6 31.6% 15 78.9%12 12 100.0% 12 100.0%32 26 81.3% 28 87.5%34 24 70.6% 31 91.2%

1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%42 37 88.1% 38 90.5%31 30 96.8% 30 96.8%39 22 56.4% 26 66.7%35 35 100.0% 35 100.0%

Page 35: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 35Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

43192Calcu/Analytic Geometry II 42717

44623253 Analyt. Geometry/Calculus III 31364

Cal/Analytic Geo III - Honors 42252Calculus/Analytic Geometry III 40420

270 Linear Algebra 4349043502

Linear Algebra- Honors 45216275 Ordinary Dif Equation-Honors 45217

Ordinary Differentia Equations 44707695 Independent Study 43851811 Pre-Algebra 31367


Spring 2018

MATH 110 Elementary Algebra 313303662442054

120 Intermediate Algebra 31349386663866841957

125 Elementary Finite Math 31352130 Analytical Trigonometry 42030150 Math for Elementary School Tea 45908190 Path to Statistics 44303


200 Elem Probability & Statistics 431584511645308

20 20 100.0% 20 100.0%25 25 100.0% 25 100.0%30 29 96.7% 30 100.0%

3 3 100.0% 3 100.0%2 1 50.0% 2 100.0%

28 17 60.7% 24 85.7%39 32 82.1% 35 89.7%20 15 75.0% 17 85.0%

5 5 100.0% 5 100.0%4 4 100.0% 4 100.0%

36 30 83.3% 34 94.4%1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

36 24 66.7% 25 69.4%19 14 73.7% 15 78.9%31 23 74.2% 26 83.9%28 16 57.1% 20 71.4%62 29 46.8% 47 75.8%32 10 31.3% 18 56.3%49 22 44.9% 27 55.1%31 18 58.1% 27 87.1%47 27 57.4% 37 78.7%46 25 54.3% 32 69.6%14 12 85.7% 14 100.0%35 18 51.4% 24 68.6%17 14 82.4% 16 94.1%18 16 88.9% 16 88.9%31 20 64.5% 28 90.3%24 9 37.5% 19 79.2%22 17 77.3% 18 81.8%30 22 73.3% 26 86.7%51 46 90.2% 50 98.0%43 32 74.4% 40 93.0%

Page 36: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 36Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

45855Elem. Probability & Statistics 31357


222 Pre-calculus Coll. Alg. Trigon 42918225 Path to Calculus 45117

45492241 Applied Calculus I 43258

46203251 Analy Geo/Calculus I - HONORS 40904

Analy Geom/Calculus I - HONORS 40904Analytical Geometry/Calculus I 40903

40904252 Anal Geo/Calculus II - HONORS 31362

Analyt. Geometry/Calculus II 313623905243936

Calcu/Analytic Geom II 3136343192

Calcu/Analytic Geometry II 4271744623

253 Analyt. Geometry/Calculus III 31364Calculus/Analytic Geometry III 40420

270 Linear Algebra 4349043502

Linear Algebra- Honors 45216275 Ordinary Dif Equation-Honors 45217

Ordinary Differentia Equations 44707Ordinary Differential Equation 43815

23 14 60.9% 18 78.3%42 27 64.3% 31 73.8%30 13 43.3% 20 66.7%30 20 66.7% 27 90.0%52 27 51.9% 38 73.1%40 12 30.0% 24 60.0%47 30 63.8% 41 87.2%14 11 78.6% 14 100.0%32 19 59.4% 27 84.4%20 17 85.0% 19 95.0%32 24 75.0% 31 96.9%13 9 69.2% 9 69.2%

1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

44 22 50.0% 28 63.6%27 15 55.6% 23 85.2%

2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%34 27 79.4% 31 91.2%35 35 100.0% 35 100.0%31 20 64.5% 26 83.9%26 26 100.0% 26 100.0%30 30 100.0% 30 100.0%28 28 100.0% 28 100.0%32 32 100.0% 32 100.0%

4 4 100.0% 4 100.0%36 27 75.0% 28 77.8%40 27 67.5% 33 82.5%16 13 81.3% 16 100.0%

2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%3 3 100.0% 3 100.0%

33 27 81.8% 28 84.8%7 7 100.0% 7 100.0%

Page 37: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 37Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

695 Independent Study 43851811 Pre-Algebra 31367

39614Summer 2013

MATH 110 Elementary Algebra 5306254192

111 Elementary Algebra I 54193112 Elementary Algebra II 54194120 Intermediate Algebra 53035


122 Intermediate Algebra I 53900123 Intermediate Algebra II 53901200 Elem Probability & Statistics 53065


251 Analytical Geometry/Calc I 52740695 Independent Study 54807

Independent Study - Honors 54807811 Pre-Algebra 53396

54599Summer 2014

MATH 110 Elementary Algebra 5306254192

111 Elementary Algebra I 54193112 Elementary Algebra II 54194120 Intermediate Algebra 53035


122 Intermediate Algebra I 53900123 Intermediate Algebra II 53901130 Analytical Trigonometry 54825200 Elem Probability & Statistics 53065

2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%24 14 58.3% 15 62.5%19 11 57.9% 13 68.4%28 17 60.7% 22 78.6%74 28 37.8% 44 59.5%15 6 40.0% 9 60.0%19 7 36.8% 10 52.6%39 27 69.2% 33 84.6%

101 58 57.4% 69 68.3%27 13 48.1% 15 55.6%19 5 26.3% 10 52.6%20 14 70.0% 16 80.0%45 28 62.2% 41 91.1%95 41 43.2% 65 68.4%36 32 88.9% 36 100.0%37 18 48.6% 26 70.3%38 25 65.8% 29 76.3%

2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%4 4 100.0% 4 100.0%

12 9 75.0% 11 91.7%24 18 75.0% 22 91.7%30 18 60.0% 23 76.7%63 26 41.3% 35 55.6%19 7 36.8% 9 47.4%15 5 33.3% 5 33.3%33 26 78.8% 30 90.9%90 64 71.1% 75 83.3%27 21 77.8% 25 92.6%19 12 63.2% 13 68.4%13 10 76.9% 11 84.6%26 20 76.9% 24 92.3%41 33 80.5% 37 90.2%

Page 38: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 38Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate


251 Analytical Geometry/Calc I 52740695 Independent Study-Honors 54807811 Pre-Algebra 54599

Summer 2015

MATH 110 Elementary Algebra 54192111 Elementary Algebra I 54193112 Elementary Algebra II 54194120 Intermediate Algebra 53035


122 Intermediate Algebra I 53900123 Intermediate Algebra II 53901200 Elem Probability & Statistics 53065


222 Precalculus 54649251 Analytical Geometry/Calc I 52740253 Calculus/Analytic Geometry III 55288695 Independent Study - HONORS 54807811 Pre-Algebra 54599

Summer 2016

MATH 110 Elementary Algebra 54192120 Intermediate Algebra 53035


190 Path to Statistics 55327200 Elem Probability & Statistics 53065


85 44 51.8% 58 68.2%36 35 97.2% 35 97.2%23 15 65.2% 18 78.3%34 27 79.4% 30 88.2%

1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%21 10 47.6% 16 76.2%49 18 36.7% 33 67.3%

6 1 16.7% 5 83.3%16 5 31.3% 6 37.5%29 24 82.8% 26 89.7%62 43 69.4% 46 74.2%20 16 80.0% 20 100.0%14 8 57.1% 10 71.4%23 18 78.3% 21 91.3%54 45 83.3% 53 98.1%84 40 47.6% 52 61.9%32 30 93.8% 32 100.0%44 30 68.2% 36 81.8%30 21 70.0% 26 86.7%31 17 54.8% 23 74.2%

1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%

29 21 72.4% 23 79.3%50 16 32.0% 22 44.0%21 15 71.4% 17 81.0%93 71 76.3% 77 82.8%24 21 87.5% 22 91.7%31 20 64.5% 29 93.5%29 26 89.7% 28 96.6%76 43 56.6% 52 68.4%39 37 94.9% 37 94.9%52 36 69.2% 47 90.4%

Page 39: Success and Retention 2013/14 through 2017/18 Mathematics (MATH) · 2018-09-12 · Mathematics (MATH) Course Success and Retention Annually Enrollments Success Count Success Rate

Cañada College Effectiveness 2013/14 through 2017/18

Page 39Data Source: SMCCD Data Warehouse Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Course Success and Retention by CoursesHeadcount Success Success Rate Retention Retention Rate

251 Analytical Geometry/Calc I 52740695 Independent Study 54807

Independent Study - HONORS 54807811 Pre-Algebra 54599

Summer 2017

MATH 110 Elementary Algebra 5419255529

120 Intermediate Algebra 5373355530

200 Elem Probability & Statistics 530655321953344547355540855482

251 Analytical Geometry/Calc I 52740695 Independent Study 54807

Independent Study - HONORS 54807

35 25 71.4% 32 91.4%1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

19 13 68.4% 15 78.9%32 20 62.5% 25 78.1%35 26 74.3% 28 80.0%51 41 80.4% 45 88.2%54 45 83.3% 50 92.6%33 28 84.8% 32 97.0%48 15 31.3% 31 64.6%16 13 81.3% 14 87.5%40 31 77.5% 38 95.0%33 22 66.7% 27 81.8%43 25 58.1% 28 65.1%31 26 83.9% 28 90.3%

2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%