Scholars -2 Subject- Psychology Session 2019-20 1 Subodh Public SchoolRambagh Session:-2019-2020 Subject-Psychology Subject Code –037 Scholars-2 Psychology is introduced as an elective subject at the higher secondary stage of school education. As a discipline, psychology specializes in the study of experiences, behaviors and mental processes of human beings within a socio-cultural historical context. This course purports to introduce the learners to the basic ideas, principles, and methods in Psychology. The emphasis is to create interest and exposure needed by learners to develop their own knowledge base andunderstanding. The course deals with psychological knowledge and practices which are contextually rooted. It emphasizes the complexity of behavioral processes and discourages simplistic cause-effect thinking. This is pursued by encouraging critical reasoning, allowing students to appreciate the role of cultural factors in behavior and illustrating how biology and experiences shapebehavior. It is suggested that the teaching - learning processes should involve students in evolving their own understanding, therefore, teaching of Psychology should be based on the use of case studies, narratives, experiential exercises, analysis of common everyday experiences,etc. Objectives: To develop appreciation about human mind and behavior in the context of learners’ immediate society andenvironment. To develop in learners an appreciation of the nature of psychological knowledge and its application to various aspects oflife. To enable learners to become perceptive, socially aware andself-reflective. To facilitate students’ quest for personal growth and effectiveness, and to enable them to become responsive and responsiblecitizens. School Exam Syllabus Name of Book :Psychology Author/ Publisher : NCRT Ref. Book : Psychology Made easy Author/ Publisher : A. K. Bhatnagar Name of Felicitator : Dr. VandanaBhati 9414887665

Subodh Public SchoolRambagh · 2019-04-24 · 2. Concepts of Abnormality and PsychologicalDisorders HistoricalBackground 3. Classification of PsychologicalDisorders 4. Factors Underlying

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Page 1: Subodh Public SchoolRambagh · 2019-04-24 · 2. Concepts of Abnormality and PsychologicalDisorders HistoricalBackground 3. Classification of PsychologicalDisorders 4. Factors Underlying

Scholars -2 Subject- Psychology Session 2019-20 1

Subodh Public SchoolRambagh

Session:-2019-2020 Subject-Psychology

Subject Code –037

Scholars-2 Psychology is introduced as an elective subject at the higher secondary stage of

school education. As a discipline, psychology specializes in the study of experiences,

behaviors and mental processes of human beings within a socio-cultural historical

context. This course purports to introduce the learners to the basic ideas, principles,

and methods in Psychology. The emphasis is to create interest and exposure needed

by learners to develop their own knowledge base andunderstanding.

The course deals with psychological knowledge and practices which are contextually

rooted. It emphasizes the complexity of behavioral processes and discourages

simplistic cause-effect thinking. This is pursued by encouraging critical reasoning,

allowing students to appreciate the role of cultural factors in behavior and illustrating

how biology and experiences shapebehavior.

It is suggested that the teaching - learning processes should involve students in

evolving their own understanding, therefore, teaching of Psychology should be

based on the use of case studies, narratives, experiential exercises, analysis of

common everyday experiences,etc.


To develop appreciation about human mind and behavior in the context of

learners’ immediate society andenvironment.

To develop in learners an appreciation of the nature of psychological

knowledge and its application to various aspects oflife.

To enable learners to become perceptive, socially aware andself-reflective.

To facilitate students’ quest for personal growth and effectiveness, and to

enable them to become responsive and responsiblecitizens.

School Exam Syllabus

Name of Book :Psychology

Author/ Publisher : NCRT

Ref. Book : Psychology Made easy

Author/ Publisher : A. K. Bhatnagar

Name of Felicitator : Dr. VandanaBhati 9414887665

Page 2: Subodh Public SchoolRambagh · 2019-04-24 · 2. Concepts of Abnormality and PsychologicalDisorders HistoricalBackground 3. Classification of PsychologicalDisorders 4. Factors Underlying

Scholars -2 Subject- Psychology Session 2019-20 2

Unit Test 1 [25 Marks]

S. No.

Name of Topic Activity No. of Periods Weightage

1 Variations in psychological attributes

Use “AISS” to judge adjustment of a student in social atmosphere

15 09

2 Self and personality Testing personality by using “H.S.P.Q” 10 09

3 Meeting life challenges

Introspective report of any individual by using questionnaire methods

10 07

Half Yearly Exam - Theory [70 Marks]

S. No. Name of Topic Activity No. of Periods Weightage 1 Variations in

psychological attributes

Use “AISS” to judge adjustment of a student in social atmosphere

15 15

2 Self and personality Testing personality by using “H.S.P.Q” 10 15

3 Meeting life challenges

Introspective report of any individual by using questionnaire methods

10 10

4 Psychological disorders

Sodhis Attitude Scale 15 10

5 Therapeutic Disorders

Use of S.P.M. and find out Abstract Intellectual capacity.

15 10

6 Attitude and social cognition

Power Point Presentation on sleeping posture

15 10

Half Yearly Exam - Practical [30 Marks]

S. No. Name of Topic Weightage

1 Project Work 05

2 File 05

3 Viva 05

4 Major, Minor 08+07=15

NOTE1: 1. Syllabus is subject to change as per new directives of CBSE and will be intimated well in time. 2. All suggested activities will be taken as per availability and feasibility conditions. At least 2 activities before Half Yearly and 2-3 activities before Final/Pre-board examination will be taken and in all 5 activities.

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Scholars -2 Subject- Psychology Session 2019-20 3

Pre-board - Theory [70 Marks]

Marks distribution as per CBSE Curriculum 2019-20 attached.

Pre-board - Practical [30 Marks]

Marks distribution as per CBSE Curriculum 2019-20 attached.

CBSE Curriculum 2019-20


CLASS XII (2019-20)

OneTheoryPaper 3Hours

Marks: 70

Units Topics No. of periods


I Variations in Psychological Attributes 20 9

II Self and Personality 24 10

III Meeting Life Challenges 14 7

IV Psychological Disorders 24 10

V Therapeutic Approaches 20 7

VI Attitude and Social Cognition 20 8

VII Social Influence and Group Processes 22 7

VIII Psychology and Life 13 6

IX Developing Psychological Skills 13 6

Total 170 70


Unit I Variations in Psychological Attributes

The topics in this unit are:

1. Introduction

2. Individual Differences in HumanFunctioning

3. Assessment of PsychologicalAttributes

4. Intelligence

5. Psychometric Theories of Intelligence, Information

Processing Theory, Theory of MultipleIntelligences,

20 Periods

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Scholars -2 Subject- Psychology Session 2019-20 4

Triarchic Theory of Intelligence, Planning, Attention-

arousal and Simultaneous successive Model of


6. Individual Differences inIntelligence

7. Culture andIntelligence

8. EmotionalIntelligence

9. Special Abilities: Aptitude: Nature andMeasurement

10. Creativity

Unit II Self and Personality

The topics in this unit are:

1. Introduction

2. Self andPersonality

3. Concept ofSelf

4. Cognitive and Behavioural Aspects ofSelf

5. Culture andSelf

6. Concept ofPersonality

7. Major Approaches to the Study ofPersonality







8. Assessment ofPersonality




24 Periods

Unit III Meeting LifeChallenges

The topics in this unitare:

1. Introduction

2. Nature, Types and Sources ofStress

3. Effects of Stress on Psychological Functioning and


Stress andHealth

General AdaptationSyndrome

Stress and ImmuneSystem


14 periods

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Scholars -2 Subject- Psychology Session 2019-20 5

4. Coping withStress

Stress ManagementTechniques

5. Promoting Positive Health andWell-being


Unit IV Psychological Disorders

The topics in this unit are:

1. Introduction

2. Concepts of Abnormality and PsychologicalDisorders


3. Classification of PsychologicalDisorders

4. Factors Underlying AbnormalBehaviour

5. Major PsychologicalDisorders


Obsessive-Compulsive and RelatedDisorders

Trauma-and Stressor-RelatedDisorders

Somatic Symptom and RelatedDisorders



Bipolar and Related Disorders

Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic



Disruptive, Impulse-Control and Conduct


Feeding and EatingDisorders

Substance Related and AddictiveDisorders

24 Periods

Unit V Therapeutic Approaches

The topics in this unit are:

1. Nature and Process ofpsychotherapy


2. Types ofTherapies






20 Periods

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Scholars -2 Subject- Psychology Session 2019-20 6


3. Rehabilitation of the Mentally Ill

Unit VI Attitude and Social Cognition

The topics in this unit are:

1. Introduction

2. Explaining SocialBehaviour

3. Nature and Components ofAttitudes

4. Attitude Formation andChange




5. Prejudice andDiscrimination

6. Strategies for HandlingPrejudice

7. SocialCognition

8. Schemas andStereotypes

9. Impression Formation andExplaining

10. Behaviour of Others throughAttributions


Attribution ofCausality

11. Behaviour in the Presence ofOthers

12. Pro-socialBehaviour

Factors Affecting Pro-socialBehaviour

20 Periods

Unit VII Social Influence and Group Processes

The topics in this unit are:

1. Introduction

2. Nature and Formation ofGroups

3. Type ofGroups

4. Influence of Group on IndividualBehaviour



5. Conformity, Compliance andObedience

6. Cooperation andCompetition

Determinants of Cooperation andCompetition

7. SocialIdentity

8. Intergroup Conflict: Nature andCauses

9. Conflict ResolutionStrategies

22 Periods

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Scholars -2 Subject- Psychology Session 2019-20 7

Unit VIII Psychology and Life

The topics in this unit are:

1. Introduction

2. Human-EnvironmentRelationship

Different Views of the Human-Environment


3. Environmental Effects on HumanBehaviour

Human Influence on theEnvironment




Natural Disasters

4. Promoting Pro-environmentalBehaviour

5. Psychology and SocialConcerns

Poverty andDiscrimination

Aggression, Violence andPeace

Mahatma Gandhi onNon-violence


Impact of Television onBehaviour

13 Periods

Unit IX Developing Psychological Skills

The topics in this unit are:

1. Introduction

2. Developing as an effectivePsychologist

3. GeneralSkills

4. ObservationalSkills

5. SpecificSkills


Psychological TestingSkills

6. InterviewingSkills

7. CounsellingSkills

13 Periods

Practical 30Marks

A. Development of caseprofile:

Using appropriate methods like interview, observation and

psychological tests.

B. Testadministration:

Students are required to administer and interpret five

60 Periods

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Scholars -2 Subject- Psychology Session 2019-20 8

Prescribed Books:

1. Psychology, Class XI, Published byNCERT

2. Psychology, Class XII, Published byNCERT

Note: The above textbooks are also available in Hindi medium.

PSYCHOLOGY (Code No. 037)


CLASS – XII (2019-20)

I. Board Examination:Theory Time3Hours Max. Marks:70 S.

No. Typology of Questions Objective

Type (1 Mark)

Very Short

Answer (VSA)

(2 Marks)

Short Answer (SA) – I

(3 Marks)

Short Answer (SA) – II

(4 Marks)

Long Answer (LA)(6 Marks)

Total Marks

% Weightage

1 Remembering: Exhibit

memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts, and answers.








2 Understanding:

Demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating main ideas








3 Applying: Solve problems

to new situations by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques and rules in a different way.











Distribution of Marks:

Practical File and Caseprofile

Viva Voce (Case profile andpractical)

Two practicals (5 for conduct and 10 forreporting)

psychological tests related to various psychological attributes

like intelligence, aptitude, attitude, personality,etc.

C.In Practical examination, thestudent will be requiredto

administer and interpret two psychological tests.

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Scholars -2 Subject- Psychology Session 2019-20 9

4 Analysing and Evaluating:

Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Make inferences and find evidence to support generalizations

Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas, or quality of work based on a set of criteria.








5 Creating: Compile

information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions.








Total 1×17 = 17 2×4 = 8 3×3 = 9 4×6 = 24

6×2 = 12

70 (32)


II. Practical: 30 Marks


Type of Question Marks per

question Total No. of Questions

Total Marks

Objective Type 1 17 17

Very Short Answer (VSA)

2 4 8

Short Answer (SA)- I 3 3 9

Short Answer (SA) - II 4 6 24

Long Answer (LA) 6 2 12

Total 32 70