Subject: Chemistry 1 Naming Compounds

Subject: Chemistry 1 Naming Compounds Matter Substance Elements Compounds Mixture Homo geneous Hetero geneous What is a compound?

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Subject: Chemistry 1

Naming Compounds


Substance Mixture

Elements CompoundsHomo



What is a compound?

Matter Substances can be:

• Elements, like:H2, K, Mg

• Compounds, like:H2O, NaCl, CaCO3

MatterMixtures can be:

• Homogeneous, likeSolutions (Sugar-water, Gatorade, etc.)

• Heterogeneous, likeSuspensions or colloids (oil-water, sand-water)

Naming Naming CompoundsCompounds

1. Ionic1. Ionic

a) Type I binary compoundsBinary = It has only 2 types of atom

Type I = The metal is from Groups 1A, 2A, or it is Aluminum.

Like in:• Na gives only Na+ Na Cl

• Mg gives only Mg+2 Mg Cl2• Ca gives only Ca+2 Ca


• Al gives only Al+3 Al Cl3

Rules for Type I compounds

1. The cation is always named first. A simple cation takes its name from the element.

Na+ Cl-

3. Name the anion. A simple anion is named by taking the first part of the element name (the root) and adding –ide.

Examples:Na Cl Sodium ChlorideMg Cl2 Magnesium ChlorideCa Br2 Calcium BromideAl Cl3 Aluminum Chloride

“Sodium …. …. Chloride”

b) Type II compounds:Type II = The metal present can

form two or more different ions: • Fe can be Fe+2 or Fe+3

• Cu can be Cu+1 or Cu+2

• Tin can be Sn+2 or Sn+4

Remember Sn+2 Tin II and Sn+4 Tin IV?


Rules for Type II compounds

1. The cation is always named first. Add a Roman numeral indicating the oxidation state of the cation:


Fe+2 O-2

2. A simple anion is named by taking the first part of the element name (the root) and

adding ide.

Examples:FeO Fe+2 O-2 Iron (II) oxideFe2O3 Fe+3

2O-23 Iron (III) oxide

“Iron (II) ….”“…. Oxide”

Naming Naming CompoundsCompounds

2. Covalent2. Covalent

c) Type III compounds:Type III = Compounds that contain

only non-metals (covalent bond) Like:• BF3

• NO• N2O5

Rules for Type III

1. The first element in the formula is named first, and the full element name is used

2. The second element is named as though it were an anion.

3. Prefixes are used to denote the numbers of atoms present.

4. The prefix mono is never used for naming the first element.




“boron trifluoride”






Boron trifluoride

Nitrogen monoxide

dinitrogen pentoxide

Carbon monoxide

Carbon dioxide

Assign names to the following: