ALAMEDA COUNTY HEALTH CARE SERVICES AGENCY COLLEEN CHAWLA, Director OFFICE OF THE AGENCY DIRECTOR 1000 San Leandro Boulevard, Suite 300 San Leandro, CA 94577 TEL (510) 618-3452 FAX (510) 351-1367 July 7, 2020 Honorable Board of Supervisors Administration Building 1221 Oak Street Oakland, CA 94612 Dear Board Members: SUBJECT: APPROVE THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE STANDARD SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH EAST BAY AGENCY FOR CHILDREN TO EXTEND ONE YEAR FROM 5/1/19 - 6/30/20 TO 5/1/19 – 6/30/21 AND TO INCREASE THE AMOUNT BY $49,850 FOR A TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $99,700. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the First Amendment (Procurement Contract No. 18210) with East Bay Agency for Children (Principal: Josh Leonard; Location: Oakland) to provide Trauma Informed Services Training and Capacity Building Services to the Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services Department, extending the current term of 5/1/19 – 6/30/20 by one-year until 6/30/21 and increasing the amount from $49,850 to $99,700 ($49,850 increase). DISCUSSION/SUMMARY: On May 21, 2019 (Item No. 8), your Board approved a Standard Service Agreement with East Bay Agency for Children (EBAC) and Alameda County Behavioral Health (ACBH) to deliver a Trauma Informed Services (TIS) Training and Capacity Building Program to support TIS practices in the ACBH workforce. Community members continue to prioritize Community Trauma and Violence as a community need during the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) three-year plan community input process, and ACBH has continued to work towards addressing trauma within communities of Alameda County through this agreement. EBAC’s trauma program was formed in 2015 as a model to address and heal organizational trauma, respond to vicarious trauma within the workforce through cultural humility and racial equity, and equip organizations to be healing organizations that promote the well-being of both the workforce and consumers. EBAC’s extensive experience in providing TIS training includes regional dissemination of the Train the Trainer model for the TIS curriculum. To date, EBAC has provided a total of 101 organizations held trainings across the Bay Area for 17,057 people; 112 who have been certified as trainers. EBAC will develop and facilitate catalyst groups consisting of staff who completed the initial TIS Train the Trainer model for expanding ACBH’s capacity to offer TIS trainings to the ACBH workforce, provider community and other interested public agencies. Additional funding will also be used to implement a full-scale Emerging Leaders of Color Leadership Program (ELOC-LP). The intents of these supplements are to provide training, fidelity monitoring, coaching, and consultation in the areas of trauma and TIC principles, inform leadership of areas for improvement, facilitate system improvement projects, and distribute TIC informational materials to community and county staff. AGENDA _____ July 28, 2020


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OFFICE OF THE AGENCY DIRECTOR 1000 San Leandro Boulevard, Suite 300

San Leandro, CA 94577 TEL (510) 618-3452 FAX (510) 351-1367

July 7, 2020 Honorable Board of Supervisors Administration Building 1221 Oak Street Oakland, CA 94612 Dear Board Members: SUBJECT: APPROVE THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE STANDARD SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH EAST BAY



Approve the First Amendment (Procurement Contract No. 18210) with East Bay Agency for Children (Principal: Josh Leonard; Location: Oakland) to provide Trauma Informed Services Training and Capacity Building Services to the Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services Department, extending the current term of 5/1/19 – 6/30/20 by one-year until 6/30/21 and increasing the amount from $49,850 to $99,700 ($49,850 increase).

DISCUSSION/SUMMARY: On May 21, 2019 (Item No. 8), your Board approved a Standard Service Agreement with East Bay Agency for Children (EBAC) and Alameda County Behavioral Health (ACBH) to deliver a Trauma Informed Services (TIS) Training and Capacity Building Program to support TIS practices in the ACBH workforce. Community members continue to prioritize Community Trauma and Violence as a community need during the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) three-year plan community input process, and ACBH has continued to work towards addressing trauma within communities of Alameda County through this agreement. EBAC’s trauma program was formed in 2015 as a model to address and heal organizational trauma, respond to vicarious trauma within the workforce through cultural humility and racial equity, and equip organizations to be healing organizations that promote the well-being of both the workforce and consumers. EBAC’s extensive experience in providing TIS training includes regional dissemination of the Train the Trainer model for the TIS curriculum. To date, EBAC has provided a total of 101 organizations held trainings across the Bay Area for 17,057 people; 112 who have been certified as trainers. EBAC will develop and facilitate catalyst groups consisting of staff who completed the initial TIS Train the Trainer model for expanding ACBH’s capacity to offer TIS trainings to the ACBH workforce, provider community and other interested public agencies. Additional funding will also be used to implement a full-scale Emerging Leaders of Color Leadership Program (ELOC-LP). The intents of these supplements are to provide training, fidelity monitoring, coaching, and consultation in the areas of trauma and TIC principles, inform leadership of areas for improvement, facilitate system improvement projects, and distribute TIC informational materials to community and county staff.

AGENDA _____ July 28, 2020

The Honorable Board of Supervisors July 7, 2020 Page 2 of 2

EBAC proposes to implement a Trauma-Informed Care Organizational Assessment as a tool to help ACBH identify opportunities for growth and improvement to ensure the Department is competent and capable of meeting the needs of target populations. The assessment process shall include the development and analysis of data to assess systemic processes, procedures, impact, and the effectiveness of TIC integration efforts. SELECTION CRITERIA/PROCESS:

ACBH worked with Health Care Services Agency, Special Projects Office, to develop and issue an Informal Request for Proposal (IRFP) No. HCSA-0618.

On October 10, 2018, one IRFP response was received from East Bay Agency for Children (EBAC). The response was evaluated by the County Selection Committee which was comprised of three members from ACBH and EBAC was recommended for award. EBAC is a certified SLEB provider (No. 12-00156; Expiration Date: 12/31/2021). FINANCING:

Appropriation of this contract will be funded by MHSA and is included in the ACBH FY 20-21 budget. There is no increase in Net County Cost as a result of your approval. VISION 2026 GOAL The Trauma Informed Training meets the 10x goal pathway of Healthcare for All in support of the shared vision of Thriving and Resilient Communities.

Sincerely, Colleen Chawla, Director Health Care Services Agency CC:th:kl:jj

Procurement Contract No. 18210

Contractor: East Bay Agency for Children

Original Contract Period: 7/01/19-06/30/20

1st Amendment Contract Period: 7/01/20-06/30/21 (12 month extension)

Original Contract Amount: $49,850

1st Amendment Contract Amount: $99,700 (increase $49,850)


This First Amendment to Agreement ("First Amendment") is made by the County

of Alameda ("County") and East Bay Agency for Children ("Contractor") with respect to

that certain agreement entered by them dated May 1, 2019 (referred to herein as the

"Contract" or "Agreement") pursuant to which Contractor provides Trauma Informed

Services Training services to County.

County and Contractor agree as follows:

1. For valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby

acknowledged, County and Contractor agree to amend the Agreement in the

following respects:

2. Except as otherwise stated in this First Amendment, the terms and provisions of

this Amendment will be effective as of the date this First Amendment is executed

by the County ("Effective Date").

3. The term of the Agreement is currently scheduled to expire on June 30, 2020. As

of the Effective Date, the term of the Agreement is extended through June 30,


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Procurement Contract No. 18210

4. In consideration for Contractor's additional services, the County shall pay

Contractor in an additional amount not to exceed forty-nine thousand, eight

hundred fifty dollars ($49,850). As a result of these additional services not to

exceed, the amount has increased from forty-nine thousand, eight hundred fifty

dollars ($49,850) to ninety-nine thousand, seven hundred dollars ($99,700) over

the term of the Agreement and any amendments.

5. Item 20 of the Standard Services Agreement is been amended as follows: The County has and reserves the right to suspend, terminate, or abandon the execution of any work by the Contractor without cause at any time upon giving to the Contractor prior written notice. In the event that the County should abandon, terminate, or suspend the Contractor's work, the Contractor shall be entitled to payment for services provided hereunder prior to the effective date of said suspension, termination, or abandonment. Said payment shall be computed in accordance with Exhibit B hereto, provided that the maximum amount payable to Contractor to provide planning and coordination services shall not exceed $99,700 payment for services provided hereunder prior to the effective date of said suspension, termination or abandonment.



attached to this First Amendment and made a part of the Agreement.

7. Exhibit B of the Agreement shall be modified as set forth in Exhibit B-1 , attached

hereto and made a part of the Agreement.


a. By signing this First Amendment and Exhibit D-1, Debarment and

Suspension Certification, Contractor/Grantee agrees to comply with

applicable federal suspension and debarment regulations, including but not

limited to 7 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 3016.35, 28 CFR 66.35, 29

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Procurement Contract No. 18210

CFR 97.35 , 34 CFR 80.35, 45 CFR 92.35 and Executive Order 12549.

b. By signing this First Amendment, Contractor certifies to the best of its

knowledge and belief, that it and its principals:

(1) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment,

declared ineligible, or voluntary excluded by any federal department

or agency;

(2) Shall not knowingly enter into any covered transaction with a person

who is proposed for debarment under federal regulations, debarred,

suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from

participation in such transaction.

9. Except as expressly modified by this First Amendment, all of the terms and

conditions of the Agreement are and remain in full force and effect.

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Procurement Contract No. 18210

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment.






Date:~_J_U....:..L _Z_8_2_02_0 __ _

Approved as to Form: DONNA R. ZIEGLER, County Counsel

~DocuSigned by:

By: ~i'il~ili8ili1iil . Raymond Leung, Deputy County Counsel

Page 4 of 18


G!si;:~J By: _ _____l,~----,.......----~ P889f88 1: il!P64&e .. .


N ame: ___ _;..J o=s=h:....;:L=e=o=n=ar'-=d (Printed)

Title:~-~E~x~ec~u:.!:t~iv..!::::e2:D~i~re~c~to~r __ _

7/14/2020 Date:~-----------

By signing above, signatory warrants and represents that he/she executed this First Amendment in his/her authorized capacity and that by his/her signature on this First Agreement, he/she or the entity upon behalf of which he/she acted, executed this First Amendment.

Procurement Contract No. 18210



1. Contractor shall provide Trauma Informed Systems {TIS} 101 training with Alameda County Behavioral Health {ACBH} to help participants understand how trauma and stress impact developing bodies and brains, communities, organizations, and systems with Specific Requirements {Exhibit A-1} and Deliverables/Reports {Exhibit A-2} set on this Exhibit A, consisting of the following:

Exhibit A-1 {Specific Requirements} Exhibit A-2 {Deliverables and Reports} Exhibit A-3 {Description of Services}

a. This Exhibit A has been drafted to include the requirements contained in the Informal Request for Proposal No. HCSA-0618, including any addenda, specifically including Exhibit A of the IRFP, the proposal response of Contractor {Response}, and additional services that the County obtained through negotiations, if any. In the event of any conflict {direct or indirect} among any of the exhibits, the IRFP and the Response, the more stringent requirements providing the County with the broader scope of services shall have precedence, such that this Exhibit A including all attachments, the scope of work described in the IRFP and the scope of work described in Contractor's proposal shall be performed to the greatest extent feasible.

b. The IRFP and Response may be relied upon to interpret this Contract and shall be applied in such a manner so that the obligations of the Contractor are to provide the County with the broadest scope of services for the best value.

2. Contractor project team will consist of the following Key Personnel and subcontractors, as applicable during the contract term:

Key Personnel Title

Jen Leland, MFT2 Trauma Transformed Center Director

Antoine Moore, MA, MPP Trauma Informed Systems {TIS} Trainer and Leadership Coach

Paula Gonzalez, MSW TIS Trainer and Leadership Coach

Cherie Falvey, MPH 3 Project Manager and Facilitator

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Francesca Osuna, MSW, MPH1

Josh Leonard

Gianna Annino

'Denotes Pmnt of Contact 2 Denotes Contractor Administrator 3 Denotes Data Liaison/ TIAA

Procurement Contract No. 18210

Project Manager and Facilitator

Point of Contact Contract Administrator

Data Entry

Contractor agrees that it shall not transfer or reassign the individuals identified above as Key Personnel or substitute subcontractors without the express written agreement of County, which agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld. Should such individual or individuals in the employ of Contractor no longer be employed by Contractor during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall make a good faith effort to present to County an individual with greater or equal qualifications as a replacement subject to County's approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

3. The approval of County to a requested change shall not release Contractor from its obligations under this Agreement.

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Contractor will provide services in the following areas:

Procurement Contract No. 18210

1. Provide Trauma Informed Systems (TIS) 101 training to help participants understand how

trauma and stress impact developing bodies and brains, communities, organizations, and

systems during our systems response to the impacts of COVID-19. TIS 101 training content

includes the application of the six principles of trauma-informed systems: Trauma

Understanding, Safety & Stability, Cultural/Racial Humility and Responsiveness, Compassion

& Dependability, Resilience & Recovery, and Empowerment & Collaboration.

a. On a schedule developed in collaboration with ACBH, Contractor will facilitate

supplemental course workshops, reflective sessions, and/or recorded webinars

to ACBH which will address the following topics:

i. COVID-19 clinical guidelines, and

ii. Compassion Fatigue in the time of COVID-19

iii. TIS workgroups including but not limited to four workgroups of reading

and reflection regarding materials pertaining to trauma, healing, and

mitigating the impacts of trauma

b. Contractor will utilize online learning management systems to develop, facilitate,

evaluate, track, and certify all trainings

i. Contractor shall provide training, technical assistance and support for the

online learning system

1. Contractor will provide a "train the trainer" model on the topic of Trauma Informed Systems

(TIS) for one cohort of 10-15 ACBH staff to become TIS 101 trainers (called trainees),

capable and certified to conduct the TIS 101 standard curriculum.

2. Assist ACBH management staff in identifying and selecting members of the training cohort

and conduct a comprehensive onboarding process to prepare the identified trainers to

deliver the TIS 101 curriculum.

3. Coach ACBH staff as they co-deliver the TIS 101 curriculum. Each trainer will be observed as

they deliver 2 trainings and will receive feedback and coaching to improve efficacy and


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Procurement Contract No. 18210

4. Conduct trainer assessment to officially certify ACBH staff as "Certified TIS 101 Trainers".

Per the Trauma Transformed model, 1-2 ACBH certified trainers will receive additional

technical assistance and coaching to prepare them to act as "lead" trainers as the TIS 101

training is rolled out more broadly within the county.

5. Provide pre and post training evaluation feedback and technical support to the TIS 101

cohort trainees via pre and post surveys.

c. Contractor will record, track and report to Tracy Hazelton, MHSA Division

Director and/or her designee, the evaluation and participant data collected for

each training session.

1. Facilitate a monthly trainer "learning community" during which the trainees share their

experiences and receive coaching, technical assistance and feedback based upon the unique

and general challenges and barriers presented to support their success as trainers.

2. Provide all materials necessary for certified trainers and their trainings, including the

comprehensive TIS 101 Train the Trainer Facilitator's Guide, TIS 101 curriculum, and pre and

post evaluations. Based upon the sizes of the ACBH staff train the trainer cohort as listed in

deliverable #2 above, Trauma Transformed foresees providing technical assistance and

support for up to 2 trainings per month.

3. Provide technical assistance and consultation to ACBH in implementation of TIS policies and

practices that reflect the six trauma-informed principles learned in the TIS 101 training is

the critical next step to creating a trauma-informed organization that is healing and not

trauma inducing.

a. Contractor will implement and facilitate up to 30 (45-minute} leadership, coaching,

and support check-ins to support managers, leaders, and supervisors in their

response to the impacts of COVID-19 on the system

b. Contractor will provide a leadership kick off to include one TIS 101 training for

leaders and one training session on leadership response to and recovery from the

impacts of COVID-19

4. When a critical mass of the workforce has received the TIS 101 training, the Contractor will

begin facilitating quarterly trauma-informed systems Champions Reading Groups/clinics and

catalyst workgroups to help county staff align and embed trauma-informed principles into

actual practices, providing communication content, facilitation supports and visual learning

aids to support TIC practice implementation to the ACBH workforce. Contractor will provide

additional visual learning aids, leadership trainings and presentations, data analytics, and

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Procurement Contract No. 18210

other related evaluations to measure impact of the TIS initiative on the workforce and

system transformation.

a. Contractor will hold regular sessions monthly or quarterly,

to meet the needs of staff in order to participate in

champions and catalysts PDSA workgroups.

5. Support continuous quality improvement by enabling ACBH to reflect on its strengths and

opportunities in implementing trauma-informed systems.

6. Coordinate administration of Trauma Informed Agency Assessment {TIAA) or approved

alternative organizational assessment tool and provide consultation on analyzing data and

establishing related continuous quality improvement processes for optimal organizational

data collection.

a. Contractor will adhere to standards of confidentiality in accordance to policies

established by ACBH .

b. Develop a consent protocol for implementation of TIAA or approved alternative

organizational assessment tool

c. Work with the identified data liaison, as required

d. Develop and administer a survey to all ACBH staff. Responses shall be fed into an

assessment rubric that shall allow the Contractor to analyze and rank ACBH capacity

into categories that shall asses capacity in each of the priority areas identified by

standard rubrics for assessing organizations' trauma informed care capacity. The

Contractor sha II modify these tools to fit the context of this project.

e. Analyze, code, compile, and synthesize agency administrative and ethnographic data

on the characteristics of trauma informed systems, risk factors, and dynamic needs

f. Provide feedback to ACBH, as required; to ensure successful execution of all work

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Procurement Contract No. 18210

g. Integrate key findings into the Annual Report. The TIAA or approved alternative

organizational assessment tool integration section should address the methodology,

and present key findings relating to the TIAA or identified assessment tool.

7. Hosting and facilitate a TIC learning session and a sustainability planning session to

collectively develop and support strategies to sustain practices and trainings.

8. Expand and implement a 2nd cohort of the Emerging Leaders of Color Leadership Program

(ELOC-LP), a 3-4-month leadership program for one cohort of ACBH or affiliated county staff

to promote, develop and sustain persons of color leadership with the long-term effect of

increasing and matching leaders with the diversity of people served in Alameda County.

a. Create application and determine outreach plan in collaboration with ACBH

b. Provide up to 8 meetings, once every 2-3 weeks

c. Coordinate and adapt curriculum as needed, based on participant needs

9. Contractor will develop and maintain a workplan and timeline totaling a work term of one

(1) year, outlining the TIS training, leadership & catalyst group components, and assessment

activities, processes, outcomes, and key deliverables.

a. Contractor will complete task/activities and deliverables within established budget.

b. Contractor will participate in collaborative planning meetings with ACBH staff and

management to review the execution of tasks, activities, and deliverables at a

schedule to be determined by ACBH.

c. Contractor's Work Plan shall address the following questions:

i. What is available data, and what are the gaps in the available data

ii. What activities will be used in the work plan and when will they be

conducted in the timeline

iii. What processes will be used in the work plan, and how will they be

executed? When will these processes be conducted in the timeline?

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Procurement Contract No. 18210

iv. What outcomes/milestones are expected to be achieved, and when will they

be achieved in the timeline?

10. Administrative Requirements:

a. Funding Acknowledgments

Contractor shall ensure all written materials, reports, presentations, publications, and electronic media which are produced with funds from this contract and/or pertains to the target population being serviced by this contract will include a funding acknowledgment statement in the form of a sentence under a separate heading entitled "Funding" directly after your acknowledgements. The funding agency should be written out in full, an approved logo attached followed by the Procurement Contract number in square brackets. All written materials, reports, presentations, publications, and electronic media which include the funding statement and logo shall be submitted to the funding agency prior to mass production. Please see following example of a funding statement:

This work was supported by the Alameda County Behavioral Health, [Procurement Contract No. 18210}.

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Procurement Contract No. 18210


Contractor will submit to MHSA Staff the following deliverables:

• Milestone/Deliverable: Quarterly Progress Reports

o Description: Contractor should submit progress reports on a quarterly basis which reflect activities and deliverables identified in the Specific requirements Workplan, and Timeline. Reports shall include information regarding training evaluations, participant data, data summary reports, and other technical assistance and interventions recommended.

o Contractor will develop and maintain a workplan and timeline totaling a work term of one (1) year, outlining the TIS training, leadership & catalyst group components, and assessment activities, processes, outcomes, and key deliverables. Contractor's Work Plan shall address the following questions:

a. What is available data, and what are the gaps in the available data

b. What activities will be used in the work plan and when will they be

conducted in the timeline

c. What processes will be used in the work plan, and how will they be

executed? When will these processes be conducted in the timeline?

d. What outcomes/milestones are expected to be achieved, and when will they

be achieved in the timeline?

• Milestone/Deliverable: Training Notification flyer

o Description: The training notification flyer shall be submitted no less than two weeks prior to the training date. The flyer will contain a training description, measurable learning objectives, trainer name, credentials and relevant expertise in TIS.

• Milestone/Deliverable: Written Process & Outcome Evaluation Plan

o Description: Copies of evaluation forms, attendance rosters/sign-in-sheets, and summative data shall be submitted within two weeks from the completion date of the training.

• Milestone/Deliverable: Final Annual report and Presentation

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Procurement Contract No. 18210

o Description: The Annual Report should include an executive summary that integrates, summarizes, and interprets key findings of all TIS activities. The report shall detail outcome and process evaluation findings, summarize best practices, training & evaluation data; identify sustainability strategies, and lessons learned for all training, technical assistance, and capacity building activities

• Data shall be expected to be collected from the Contractor. The Contractor is expected to produce the deliverables through a collaborative process, including relevant ACBH Divisions and other stakeholder (e.g. community-based organizations, providers, etc.)

• Any literature, manuscripts submitted for publication in peer review journals, professional publication, and briefs, are proprietary to Alameda County and require approval from the ACBH prior to producing or replicating materials associated with this project.

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Procurement Contract No. 18210



1. Description of Service Coordination

a. Contractor will partner with the County to provide Trauma Informed Services (TIS)

focused "Train the Trainer" training and recruit trainers on an "as needed" basis for

providers and community-based organizations. Trainings will be developed and

conducted to support Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) stated outcomes including:

i. Improving the alignment of system-wide training activities to maximize

individual and team learning, resources and desired outcomes; and

ii. Creating and utilizing a training evaluation methodology that measures

individual, team/ program and organizational outcomes.

b. The training leadership and administration will ensure of County training protocols


i. The timely submission of updated supporting documentation; and

ii. Using the specified training format; and

iii. Collecting on-going feedback from participants regarding current and future

training needs.

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Procurement Contract No. 18210



1. Contractor shall use all payments solely in the support of the annual project budget as set forth in the tables below.

2. Any changes to the table must be approved by the County prior to provision and invoicing of services. Regardless of any changes that are approved by the County, including hourly rates, Contractor shall not reduce services as set forth in Exhibit A, A-1, and A-2; nor exceed any other payments terms outlined in this Exhibit B (Payment Terms).

1. T2 Center Director $110.00 30

2. T2 Trainer & Lead Coaches, Project $85.00 534 $45,390.00 Coordinator, and Data Liaison

3. T2 Data Entry/Communications $55.00 21 $1,155.00



3. County will use its best efforts to make payment to Contractor upon successful completion

and acceptance of the following services listed within thirty (30) days upon receipt and

approval of invoice.

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Procurement Contract No. 18210

4. Upon notice to proceed from County, Contractor shall perform in accordance with the

following schedule:

a. Invoices shall be submitted, along with reports, by the 10th of each month (or net

business day when the lOth is on a weekend or holiday}

5. Invoices will be reviewed for approval by Tracy Hazelton, MHSA Division Director, Alameda

County Behavioral Health, or her designee. All invoices and supporting documents under

this Agreement shall be sent to:


Alameda County Behavioral Health

2000 Embarcadero Cove, Suite 400

Oakland, CA 94606

Attn: Tracy Hazelton, MHSA Division Director

Email: [email protected]

6. Total payment under the terms of the Agreement will not exceed the total amount of

$99,700}. This cost includes all taxes and all other charges.

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Procurement Contract No. 18210



Wrthout limiting any o1her ob!t.:laticn or liabl .. l)' under this ~' eanenl, !he Con1radllf, at its sole rost and expei\Se, .,m1 ~and keep in force dumg ~s !Qr9 loon or lha A~eement or :~Ef. as may be ~ belw. lhe folawilg ninimum in51Jrar.re covemg~. Urf1s and enOOr~menls:

lYPE OF INSURANCE COVERAGES MINIMUM UMITS ~~ ~~~~~----~---~~~~--~~~~~-~--~~~~----~~~.-A Commercial Generel UebUity S1 ,000,000 per OCOJIT9flOO (CSlJ



Premises liaMit,r; Produds and Completed ()porarion~ Con!mG!U3! Bo.diy Injury and PI'O(lefty l)<lmo;~gQ Uabfilv: PersorilllltJilJrv end M~ertisina l.iatt~tv

Commercial or Bus lnesi Automobile Llabili1y A1i 0\'.ned vahlaes, tired or IOO&ad vehides. noo-o'Mled. borrowed aod permi:1sive uses. Person A~'tOmobil~ liab ·rry is acceptab[e tor indi-liclual cor.!t!lciors v.~ll no tron:worlobonor haulino re!ated activitiO$ Worke~' Compenaat!on (WC) end Employers Liebility (El) Roouil!ld for all contra.ctors Wilh emt\Jovees

S1.000.DOO per OCWITenoe (CSL) Any All1o Bod~)' :njury and Propevty Damagn

WC: Statutory Limits EL $ t coo 000 DBr acciclef11 ror bOO~y irr:ury or diso3$0

D Endorsements end Conditions:

1 AOO!TIONAL INSURED: Min~ re~ired awte vt.lh the e.xcep~on ol Cl:lmT!lllft'.aJ 0t B~n<m Aulomobile Liabi~ty. Woli<ars· C<rmpe saticn and Ernp o~rs Liability, shn~ be endorse<d to name as additional insured: County or Alameda, it! Board of Supervisors. the individual memoor.~; lOOroof, anrl an Counly oltioers, atJerr.~. employees. 110 lllleers, and repro:~entatives. J

The M:l. OI)SIImured endorsement !hal\ be at least as broad~ ISO form Number CG 20 36 04 3.

2. DURA TlON OF COVERAGE: All required in3llrance slla.l be maintained dlJ!irQ l!tc'l(l(lti:e term of the Agreement In addftloo, Insurance policies and UJ\Ierage(s) v.rillen on a claim:J-made b8Sis 3hall be rnairuained du!ing the enti'e term Qf !he A.,"!WrtlCil! ~md ur•lil3 year$ foiiov;ing ~ la!er of teiTnJOation of the Agreement and actap!allC9 of ~II work provided under the Agreement y;Jth I~ retroactwe da:e or said in..'\Urn!IOO {as m~y bel app1i:ab!ei concurrent wiih the cornmenoemen! of act~JiHes pursuant to ttti·~ AQr*ment

3. REDUCTION OR UMIT Of OBLIGATION: Nl in:lurance po~cies roudr.g excess and tsnbrella StJrance poli::i~. shall maude m enda'sei'nent and be prim!!ry arod ron-oonll'fbuloly and Will not s~ oontrfbulioo 1rom any other insurance (or self· 1nsurance) available to too Cwnty. lne primal')' 1iflj non<(X)n~nbui!JrY andll'samen1 shall be at least ns brood as ISO Form 20 Of 04 13. Pursuant to ihe provisions or ltlis Agreement in:Manoe ellected or procul'OO by ne Contractor sha" no1 reduce or limil Cormtctor·~ contflilctual obligation f.o indam.1ify and deftrn<J !h91n4e:mJfied Parties.

4 INSURER ANANCIA.I- RAnNG; tnsuranoo 3tl.'l:l bo m[I!IItained thr®Qh an ins:rer wi~h a AM, B~t Rallng of no lo3:! than A:VII or eQuivalent w• b!1 adm'tted to the Stale of Caifomia unless otherwise y;aived by Ri$k ManagooJent. aod wilt. deduclib!e amoun~ accepla!l•o lo too Court.y_ Accopl.anco of Contractor's insuranco by Co<.Jn~· shall not relieve or docroa$€ lha li:atliity of Contradot hereunder. Arrl deducti " CJ ~lf-insured retentiGn arootJnt or other srrnJar oblig<lbon tr~der the poiiCICS soo bo ho sole respoos•bility or ltlc Co -1r.Jctor.

5. SUBCONTRACTORS: ContraClDr stl indude all subconlractors as an insured (cpvered party) under its polrcies or ehan w nt,. !hat e suboontraclot under its O'f1n po' icles and endorsements. AA$ complied with tho insumnce requ-rements in 11'\ls Agreeme!'ll. inc;u:Jing 11'\rs Exhiht. The addi~on.al !nsLired ~emenl shall be at leaet a5 broad as ISO Form Number CG 20 36 04 13

6 JOlt-IT VENTURES: 11 Cootractor is an as.'!Odahon. partnerSti 'p or other joint bu:iiness venture, reQuired tnsurance ~h.1ll be provided t>y ooo of the following methods. - Separale insural'lce po1ri~ is:luc<d for each individr.ral !!'Il lity, " e8d'l entUy ioo!uded as a· Na lej ln9Jre<f (covcmd

party), or at mimr.um named as an "Add!OOrlal ln$ured" on the other's pol1:;ias COWrngo !>hall bG at lt~ast as bread as R'llhe lSO FOITrnl named above Join~ mswonce ~rcQram wiih fhe assooiation. parloofship Cf ether jDirll Wsiness 11enture included as a·Nmncd Insured".

1. CANCELLATION OF INSURANCE: All insurance st.al be reqUired to prOV!dtl t -rty (J{)) !fays advance Wri!ten notice to th!l Coun:Y of cancc!la ion.

8, CERTIFICATE. OF INSURANCE: B afore corn:r.cncmg ~rations linder thiS Agreeroont, Contractor Sllal! p:OIJi.:le ccrt!~ca!o(s) of IASurance an:j applicatlle insuJa nee endorsements_ in form and satisfactory IOc Counly. cvide:ldng l:ha an rectliaed insurance CXIVOJago I! In eltoct. The County r9$erVes the fidhl!i to requiro thO Contractor to provide con1~e:c . certified COpi$5 of all requifoo illsura!lce poticies The reqUired cettffrtate(s) and endlll3e-'Tients m::s: oo sent as $€1 1011t\ ~,!he Notices pro·tr~ion

Certlici:Jo C-1 Page r d! t Farm ~1-1 (Rav 02/201'14)

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Procurement Contract No. 18210



The Contractor, under penalty of perjury, certifies that, except as noted below, contractor, its principals, and any named or unnamed subcontractor:

• Is not currently under suspension, debarment, voluntary exclusion, or

determination of ineligibility by any federal agency;

• Has not been suspended, debarred, voluntarily excluded or determined ineligible by

any federal agency within the past three years;

• Does not have a proposed debarment pending; and

• Has not been indicted, convicted, or had a civil judgment rendered against it by a

court of competent jurisdiction in any matter involving fraud or official misconduct

within the past three years.

If there are any exceptions to this certification, insert the exceptions in the following space.

D Check if continued on attached page. For any exception noted above, indicate below to whom it applies, initiating agency, and dates of action.

D Check if continued on attached page.

Notes: Providing false information may result in criminal prosecution or administrative sanctions. The above certification is part of the Amendment to the Standard Services Agreement. Signing the Amendment to Standard Services Agreement on the signature portion thereof shall also constitute signature of this Certification.


PRINCIPAL: Josh Leonard TITLE: Executive Director G1s7:e:~--j_---- 7/14/2020 --

SIGNATURE: __ ~~=rn~~~==--------------- DATE: ________________ _ F005E084AEFC488 ...

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