L.i 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 121 1 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 l /21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 I FOR EVALUATOR'S USE ONLY Sub. Code :1211 Optional Paper Mechanical Engineering : Paper- I Time · 3 Hours I Maximum Marks · 200 I Total Pages · 32 Evaluation Table (For Evaluator's Use Only) PART-A PART-B PART-e Grand Total QN E·1 E-2 AC QN E-1 E-2 AC QN E-1 E-2 AC PART-A 1 21 33 PART-S . 2 22 34 PART-C 3 23 35 Total 4 24 36 H Marks 5 25 37 Final Total 6 26 38 Marks in Words 7 27 39 8 28 9 29 10 30 . 11 31 12 32 13 14 15 16 17 . 18 of-Scrutiniser .. :.,:··.- ... . - ... ' '' -- ' . _,_,_,._ 19 20 Total Evalu a tor's Sign N - <D 0 www.examrace.com

Sub. Code Optional Paper Mechanical Engineering : … FOR EVALUATOR'S USE ONLY Sub. ... Shear Stress. 28 (Contd. lllllllllllllllllllllllll 1 ... Mechanical Engineering : Paper-[D

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Page 1: Sub. Code Optional Paper Mechanical Engineering : … FOR EVALUATOR'S USE ONLY Sub. ... Shear Stress. 28 (Contd. lllllllllllllllllllllllll 1 ... Mechanical Engineering : Paper-[D

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121 121 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21

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Sub. Code :1211 Optional Paper

Mechanical Engineering : Paper-I Time · 3 Hours I Maximum Marks · 200 I Total Pages · 32

Evaluation Table (For Evaluator's Use Only)

PART-A PART-B PART-e Grand Total

QN E·1 E-2 AC QN E-1 E-2 AC QN E-1 E-2 AC PART-A

1 21 33 PART-S .

2 22 34 PART-C

3 23 35 Total

4 24 36 H Marks

5 25 37 Final Total

6 26 38 Marks in Words

7 27 39

8 28

9 29

10 30 . ZNセセゥイョゥセセ⦅ウ[[ᄋMGセセセセカセセセオセエLセイセセゥセヲ@ eセ_セセMセセセセエ@11 31

12 32





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lContd ...

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PART- A Marks 40

Note Attempt all the twenty questions. Each question carries 2 marks. Answer should not exceed 15 words_

I State First Law of Thermodynamics.

2 In what form the energy can cross the boundaries of a closed system ?

3 What IS an adiabatic process and an adiabatic system ?

21-I I 3 [Contd ..•

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-.. \

4 State fッオイゥ・イGセ@ \a,,v of conduction_

5 Give the definition of Froude's Number.

6 Define the mean effective pressure for a reciprocating engme.


21-1] 4 [Contd ...

ャャャャャャャャャャャャャャャャャャャャャャャセ@ 1111 • ' I - I •


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7 Write the phases or combustion in a C 1 engine.


8 What do you understand by TvfHD generator ?

9 List various ョッョセ」ッョカ・ョエゥッョ。ャ@ energy sources.

21-1 1 5 (Contd ...

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lO What is a boiler draft and or how many types '"I

l1 Define relative humidity.

12 Define Adiabatic Saturation Temperature.

l 21-1]

6 ]Contd ...

11111mma Mill n 1111 . ' ' ' .


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21-I 1

What are the three common sources of irreversibilities which make actual vapour

compression cycle differ from the ideal one ?

What 1s purpose of governing a turbine ?

Define specific speed of a turbine.

7 [Contd .•.

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16 List practical applications of l3ernoul\i's [quation.s.

17 Define a pitot tube and its uses.

18 Define a solar cell.

2 21-I ]

8 (Contd

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19 Define Slip and Percentage Slip of Reciprocating Pump_

20 What is Euler head ?

21-I I 9 [Contd ...

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P,\RT - B

Note Attempt a!\ the twelve qucs\!ons. Each question carries 5 marks. ,\nswer should

not exceed 50 words.

21 Draw main characteristics or Centrifugal Pump.

22 Which cycle is more efficient for the same compression ratio, Otto or Diesel ? Explain_

21-1 1 10 ]Contd ...

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. ''

23 On a hot summer d<JY. a student turns his fan on when he !caves the room in the morning

When he returns in the evening will the room be wanner or cooler then the neighbouring morn ') Why 'J Assume all doors and windows are kept closed

24 Explain dropwise condensation.

21-I 1 II [Contd ...

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i· '


2:'i \Vhm ts signtllcancl' pf Nussell number .,

26 Discuss the factors which must be considered while choosing the type of generation in

power plant.

21-1) 12 IContd ...

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27 Draw the pressure variation curve lOr a tluid Jlowing through a convergent-divergent


28 Explain Effective Temperature.

21-1 I 13 [Contd •..

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29 Deline Vena-cunlr<'lct<\ nnd discuss why is it formed_

30 Define Bernoulli's theorem and its use.

21-lj 14

(Contd ..

I IIIII IIlii IIi Mlli U Ill ' ' ' . ' .


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3 t Explain characteristics of Entropy_


32 Discuss impulse momentum equation and its use.

21-I 1 15 [Contd ...

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I'ART - C Marks 100

Note Attempt any 5 questions. Each question carries 20 murks. Answer shoulc\ not exceed

200 words.

33 What are the important requirements of an ideal cycle ? Define ideal efficiency, isentropic

efficiency, overall eHiciency. work ratio and セー・」ゥヲゥ」@ steam consumption.

21-lj 16

fContd ...

IIIHIIill セQQQQQQQQQ@ D 1111 . ' ' .


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21-1 1 17 lContd ...



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34 Discuss air t,;onditioning of Theatres_

21-l J 18


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35 Explam the combustion phenomenon in an S-l engine. Define abnormal combustion also

21-1 l 20

]Contd ..

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21-1 J 21 (Contd •••



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36 Explain the variou:-; c:omponents used in a hydraulic power plant

21-1 1 22


IIIIIIMI!Rmlml . ' ' '


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21-I 1 23 !Contd ...



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37 \Vlu1t points should be considered while selecting right type of hydratllic turbines tOr

hydro-electric power plant ?

21-11 24 (Contd.

11111111111111111111111111 ' ' - ,

"1 . ;:y '

J, Ji www.examrace.com

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' h

21-I] 25 [Contd ...

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38 Why engines a1-c ウエセー・イ」ィ。イァ」、@ Bセ@ Explain different methods of supercharging. Why is

it avoided in S.l engines ')

21-1] 26 (Cont

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39 The velocity distribution in the boundary layer is given by

21-I I


(i) Boundary Layer Thickness

(ii) Shear Stress.

28 (Contd.

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21-I 1 29 [Contd ...


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SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK/<'!> q;n\ '11; セ@ ;;p]j(

21-1] 30 tContd ..

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SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK /1'1> '!>fli % fu'! "flfi'

31 [Contd ...

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SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK/<'!> <Wf if; full "1'16

2l-IJ 32


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FOR EVALUATOR'S USE ONLY . sub. code =m Optional Paper

Mechanical Engineering : Paper-[D

NLセセ@200 I Total .

•.s'1 i' .. \'N セMQL@ . 1 21 33

2 22 34

3 23 35

4 24 36

5 25 37

6 26 38

7 27 39

8 28

9 29

10 30

11 31

12 32

13 . 14







Tot' I


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PART- A M.arks : 40

Attempt all the twenty questions. Each question carries 2 marks. Answer should not exceed 15 words.

1 Write the relation between, number of joints (J), number of higher pairs (H) and number of links {L) in a chain to make it a mechanism.

2 What type of contacts exists between elements of lower pairs and higher pairs ? Give an example of each.

3 Define crowmng of pulleys m flat belt drives with its use.

21- II I 3 [Contd ...

11m1 miiiD QQQQQQQQQQQQセ@ 1111 " ' ' . ' ' -

• 0


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4 What are 'Mitre' gears "

5 List any three advantages of Value Engineering.

6 State Guest's theory of failure. For what type of materials this is applicable ?

2 21- II I 4 ]Contd •••

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7 Define a forming process.

8 What is meant by break-even point ?

9 List possible modes of failure of cotter in a cotter joint. Sketch any one mode of failure.

21-II] 5 [Contd ...

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIU 111111111111111111 . ' ' , , . . .


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10 Define kinematic link.

11 'Interferometry' can be used for inspection of what ?

12 What is the function of a gauge ?

21 -II ] 6

fContd ...

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13 List any four wages incentive plans.

14 State the names of various types of plant layout giving example of application industry.

15 What 1s meant by incentive scheme ?

21 セii@ I 7 [Contd .•.

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16 North-West corner method is used to solve which type of problems.

17 What is the economic lot size of an item with an annual demand of 900 pieces costing

Rs. 100 per piece, when -the ordering cost -per order is Rs. I 00 and holding cost is

Rs. 2 per unit per year ?

18 What is two person zero-sum Game ?

21-II] 8


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19 Name various types of cutting tools,

20 What will be the change in wire s1ze of compression spring with increase in allowable stresses ?

21 -Ill 9 fContd ...

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PART- ll Marks : 60

Note Attempt ali the twelve questions. Each question carries 5 marks. Answer should

not exceed 50 words.

21 Explain D'Alembert's Principle.

22 Explain any two mverswns of Slider-Crank kinematics chain mechanism and



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\ \

\ I

23 Explain the principle of working of Ultra sound machining .

24 List the steps in Scientific Recruitment (Selection) procedure.



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(Contd ...

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25 What do you understand by 'merit rating' ? How is this carried out ?

26 Explain principle of EDM with the help of a neat sketch.

21-II I 12 ]Contd ...

llllil lllllllllllllll l!lllllllll " , ' • 1 ' •

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27 Explain difference and relationship between Administration, Management and Organi7.ation_

28 What do you understand by selective inventory control ? Explain ABC analysis.

21-II] 13 JContd ... 1111111111111111111111 lnlli 1111

• ' I I I · ..


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29 What is the purpose of perfOrmance appraisal ? List important factors to be considered

in such appraisal.

30 What is significance of "Economic lot size" ? How 1s it obtained ?

21-II] 14 lContd ...

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31 For Critical Path Method (CPM) detlne : Critical Activity, Crashing and Free Slack (t1oat).

32 What is a 'Disc or Bellevile' spring ? Where are these kind of springs used ?

21 -II] 15 {Contd ... 111111 m1 セd@ 1111111111111 1111

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PART- C Marks : 100

Note Attempt any 5 questions. Each question carries 20 marks. Answer should not exceed

200 words.

33 Mls. Anupam Surgicals which markets hypodermic needles to hospitals likes to reduce

inventory cost by determining the optimal number of hypodermic needles obtained per

order. The annual demand is 50,000 units, the set up or ordering cost is Rs. 500 per

order and the holding cost per unit per year is Rs. 200. Using these data (figures) calculate:

(a) The optimum number of units per order

(b) Total annual inventory cost.

21-II I 16

[Contd ...

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21 -II] 17 [Contd ..•

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34 What do you mean by interference ? Derive an equation to find out minimum no_ of

teeth to avoid interference.

21 - II[ 18


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35 [n epicyclic gear train shown below in f1g., the annulus A rotates at 300 rpm about the

axis of the fixed wheel S which has 80 teeth. The armed spider shown as 'a' in figure

is driven at 180 rpm. Determine· the number of teeth on the wheel 'P'.



21-ll] 20 [Contd ...

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36 What is the purpose of Method Study ? Explain the procedure adopted for Method Study.

21- II I 22 [Contd ...

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21 -II J 21 [Contd .•.

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21 -II] 23 [Contd ...

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37 Discuss the principles of scientific management given by F. W. Taylor.

21- II) 24 )Contd •.

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21 -II] 25 [Contd ...

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38 Discuss various types of tool wears and mechanism of wear.

21 -II] 26 rcontd ...

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39 Using Taylors Tool life equation, derive an expression for most economical cutting speed_

Is this also most productive cutting speed ? JustifY your answer.

21 - II] 28 (Contd ...

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