Studying Life

Studying Life. Characteristics of Living Things Many characteristics constitute living Are cars living because the move? Is a fire alive because it

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Studying Life

Characteristics of Living Things

Many characteristics constitute livingAre cars living because the

move?Is a fire alive because it is

giving off energy?

8 Characteristics Made up of cells Reproduce Universal genetic code Grow and develop Obtain and use materials and energy Respond to environment Maintain a stable internal environment Change over time (as a group) - evolution

True/False Living Things have at least one cell.

Made Up of CellsSmallest living unit

Can grow, respond, and reproduce Highly complex

Unicellular – one cellMulticellular- many-celled

Different types of cells

ReproductionAsexual – single parent

Cell divides into two Portion splits off to form new


Sexual – two different parents

Unite to produce first cell of new organism

True/False Living Things contain genetic information.

Universal Genetic CodeBased on DNA

Determines the traits of every organism

True/False Living Things grow. Living Things grow and develop.

Growth and DevelopmentAll organisms grow during at least

part of their livesEggs –> maggots –> flies =

developmentCells become different from one

another Skin, WBC, RBC

True/False Living Things eat. Living Things require an energy source.

Need materials to stay aliveMetabolism

Combination of chemical reactions through which a organism builds up or breaks down materials as it carries on with life

Energy sources Light, chemicals, animals, plants

Obtain and Use Materials and Energy

True/False Living things move. Living things respond to the environment.

Response to the EnvironmentOrganisms make changes to adjust to

environment Too cold? What does your body do? What does a cold-blooded animal do? Light comes from one direction –

What does a plant do?

• Living Things breath

• Living Things exchange gases and produce waste.

Maintaining Internal BalanceHomeostasis

Process by which organisms keep stable internal conditions

What do you do when you are thirsty?

What happens when you have a fever?

True/False• Living Things change over time (a very long


EvolutionBasic traits inherited from

parents usually do not change• As a group, over time, any kind

of organism can changeTakes Hundreds or thousands of


Are Viruses Alive?Viruses: Has genetic material Can evolve in response to immune system. Need a host cell to reproduce. Acquire energy from their host cell.

Homework due 8/30Explain the main differences between living

cells and viruses. Are Viruses alive? Give three supporting details. (see chapter 1 and p. 544)