Study of Workers Welfare

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  • 7/30/2019 Study of Workers Welfare



  • 7/30/2019 Study of Workers Welfare


    Labour welfare:-

    Labour welfare work aims at providing such service facilities and amenities which

    enable the workers employed in an organization to perform their work in healthy congenial

    surrounding conductive to good health and high morale.

    Labour welfare is a comprehensive term including various services, benefits and facilities

    offered by the employer. Through such generous fringe benefits the employer makes life

    worth living for employees. The welfare amenities are extended in additional to normal

    wages and other economic rewards available to employees as per the legal provisions.

    Welfare measures may also be provided by the government, trade unions and non-

    government agencies in addition to the employer. International Labour Organization

    efforts to make life worth living for workers According to the Oxford dictionary Welfare

    is fundamentally an attitude of mind on the part of management influencing the method by

    which management activities are undertaken.

    Objectives of labour welfare activities:-

    Following are the objectives of the voluntary labour welfare services by employer-

    1) To win over employees loyalty and increase their morale.

    2) To develop efficiency and productivity among workers.

    3) To reduce of threat of future government intervention.

    4) To make recruitment more effective.

    5) To earn goodwill and enhance public image.

    6) To build up stable labour force to reduce labour turnover and absenteeism.

    Importance of labour welfare activities:-

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    Labour welfare in India has a special significance as the constitution provides for the

    promotion of welfare of the labour for human conditions of work and securing to all


    The various welfare measures provided by the employee will have immediate impact on

    the health, physical and mental efficiency, alertness, morale and overall efficiency of the

    workers and thereby contributing to the highest productivity.

    Social security measure provided by employer will act as a protection to the workers.

    Labour welfare means activities designed for the promotion of the economic, social and

    cultural well being of the employees. Labour welfare includes both statutory as well as non-

    statutory activities undertaken by the employers, trade unions and both the central and state

    governments for the physical and mental development of the workers.

    Labour welfare enables workers to have richer and more satisfying life. It raises the

    standard of living of workers by indirectly reducing the burden on their pocket. Welfare

    measures improve the physical and physiological health of the employees, which in turn

    enhance their efficiency and productivity.

    Labour welfare promotes a sense of belongings among the workers, preventing them

    from resorting to unhealthy practices like absenteeism, lobour unrest strike, etc. welfare

    work improves the relations between employees and employers. It promotes a real change

    of heart and a change of outlook of the part of both the employers and employees.

    Reasons for the labour welfare activities in India:-

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    1) Increase in efficiency of employees:

    Labour welfare activities increases in efficiency of employees to work. These

    facilities help in developing the feeling of dedication among them. Due to the

    increase in efficiency the production and the productivity of the enterprise increase


    2) Helpful in reducing the state of poverty among employees:

    Most of the workers in our country are unable in providing for base necessities for

    themselves and to their family members. This is because of the extreme poverty

    among Indian workers. Provision of labour welfare activities plays an important role

    in reducing such poverty and in providing essential amenities to the workers.

    3) Establishment of Organizational peace:

    Labour welfare activities help in establishing sound relations between employees

    and employers. When the employees of the organization feels that they are getting

    all the possible facilities and the employers are very caring to them, then such good

    feeling increases enthusiasm among employees which will establish peace in the


    4) Helpful in reducing the rate of absenteeism and labour turnover:

    The rate of absenteeism and labour turnover is much higher in India as compared to

    that of developed countries of the world. Provision of labour welfare activities help

    in reducing this because the workers feel themselves well settled at one place.


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    Employees are well educated, talented and they do hard work so they need to be retained

    and maintained to serve the Organization and therefore better welfare facilities are designed

    to care of well being of the employees.

    The term welfare as applied to the industrial employees welfare means faring or doing well

    it is a comprehensive term and refers to the physical, mental, moral and emotional well

    being of an individual Labour welfare also referred to as betterment of work for individual.

    It is by no means a dead investment. A well fed, well clad and satisfied worker is an asset.

    Trade-Unions which look after anything done for the intellectual, physical, moral and

    Economics and safeguard and promote the interest of workers. They can compel

    government and employers to agree to improved benefits for the country. An example of

    this is the recent announcement of Government of India to allow for 8.33% bonus to all

    industrial workers. We prefer to include under welfare activities for betterment of the

    workers whether by employees by government agencies or by other agencies over and

    above what is laid down by law or what is normally expected as part of the contractual

    benefits for which the worker may have bargained. Thus under this definition, we may

    include medical and educational facilities, nutrition facilities, holidays with pay, social

    insurance measures undertaken voluntarily etc.


    Labour Welfare is justified for several reasons:-

    Constitutional -: Legal compulsions regarding the safety and working conditions of

    worker etc.

    Voluntary -: Those workers that the employer performs for the benefit or workers of

    his own Volition, without any coercion being involved.

    Mutual -: This kind includes the welfare work done by lobour unions in co-operation

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    with each other.

    Industrial Training -: Training in various activities for different jobs in the factory.

    Type of Welfare Activities-: The meaning of lobour welfare may be made clearer by


    the activities and facilities which are referred to as welfare measures.

    A comprehensive list of welfare activities is given by Mouthy in his monumental

    work of lobour welfare measures into two broad, groups, namely.

    1- Welfare measures inside the work place; and

    2- Welfare measures outside the work place.

    Each group includes several activities-:

    A. Welfare Measures inside the work place

    B. Condition of the Work Environment.

    C. Conveniences

    D. Workers Health Service]

    Woman and Child Welfare

    Workers Recreation

    Employment Services

    Economic Services

    Lobour- Management Participation

    Workers Education

    2- Welfare measures outside the work place

    Housing: bachelors quarter; family residences according to types and rooms.

    Water, Sanitation, Waste disposal.

    Roads lighting, parks recreation, playgrounds.

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    Schools, nursery, primary, secondary, and high school.

    Markets, Cooperatives, consumer and credit societies.

    Bank Transport

    Communication, post, telegraph and telephone

    Health and medical services, dispensary, emergency ward out patient and in-patientcare, family visiting, family planning.

    Recreation, games, clubs, craft centers, cultural programs that is music, clubs,interest, and hobby circles, festivals celebration, study circles, reading room and

    library, open air theater, swimming pool, athletics, gymnasia.

    Watch and ward security.

    Community leadership development, council of elders, committee ofrepresentatives, administrative of community, services and problem, child, youth

    and womens clubs.

    Welfare facilities may also be categorized (a) intra-mural and (b) extra mural.

    Welfare Facilities by Government

    Welfare activities of the State in relation to the creation of basic Welfare Standards for

    workers employed in undertaking, culminated in passing of the Factories Act,1948; Mines

    Act, 1952; Plantation Lobour Act,1951; and similar other contentment regulating working

    condition in other groups of industries like Railways, Airways, Sea-fares,(PWA) shops and

    commercial establishments and banks and insurance companies. The welfare activities

    covered by these funds include housing, medical, education and recreational facilities for

    employee and their dependents.

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    Welfare activities may also be defined as -:

    i. Statutory Provisions -:

    These are mandated by the Factories Act, 1948; The Mines Act, 1962; The

    Plantation Lobour Act, 1951 and same other acts of all these, the Factories act is

    most significant.

    ii. Non Statutory Provisions -:

    Non Statutory Provisions are related to the house, building, education of children, leave

    travels concession, fair prices shops and loans for purchasing personal conveyance and

    host of other facilities.

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    [Section 42+052]

    Chapter V of the Act contains provisions for welfare measures for the

    workers. The whole of the chapter containing sections to the long desired provisions of

    uniform standard of welfare order for industrial lobour.

    Washing Facilities (S.42)

    Facilities for storing and dry clothing (S.43)

    Sitting facilities for occasional rest for worker who are obliged to work standing(S.44)

    Fist and appliances (like first aid boxes or cupboards) one for 150 workers and

    ambulance facilities, if there are more than 500 workers.(S.45)

    Canteens with the capacity of more than 250 workers.(S.46)

    Shelters rest rooms and lunch rooms, if employing over 150 workers.(S.47)

    Crche, if employing more than 30 women.(S.48)

    Welfare Officer, employing 500 or more workers.(S.49)

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    To study and analyze the safety and welfare measures of the employee.

    To evaluate the effect of the welfare measures on employee morale.

    To evaluate the satisfaction level of employee about the work environment.

    To find the level of satisfaction of employee about the facilities given by the


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    To know the status of Britannia India Ltd.

    To know that Britannia India Ltd. is providing facility to employees or not.

    To know that the plant is aware of employees welfare or not

    To know the employees are satisfy with the provide facility or not.

    To know the condition of working environment.

    To know that how the plant is working for the employees welfare

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    Human resource and personnel management is the planning ,organization ,directing and

    controlling of the procurement ,compensation integration , maintenance and separation of

    human resource to the end that individuals, organizational and social objectives are



    A new wind is blowing through management literature nowadays which fast driving out the

    traditional term personnel management and substituting a new term human resource

    development. This new term seems to emphasize two things: one, the human beings are the

    most important resource of an organization. They are unlike other resources in that they

    have the unlimited potential for investment.

    Since the early 1970s when the concept of HRD first began to be recognized by some

    organization in India, a large number of organizations in the country have began to display

    an interest in HRD. While many organizations appear to have simply relabeled; their

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    personal departments to keep up the fashions of the times, there are some which seem to

    have done considerable work in setting up HRD systems. On the basis of some studies done

    on this subject it can be inferred that the main factors behind the setting up of a separate

    HRD function in any organization are the philosophy of its top management and the nature

    of business.

    As new era comes human resource development becomes very important in each and every

    organization whether it is public or private sector. Employee welfare is the sub part of

    human resource development because it is very important to get work in a proper way with

    better utilization of resource, in this context employee welfare is used as a motivational

    factors for each level of organization.


    Acc. to Factories Act 1948, in chapter v from section 42 to 49, following welfare facilities

    are provided to employees. They are Canteen, shelter & rest room, washing facilities,

    ambulance, first aid, lunch room, leaves etc.

    After employees have been hired, trained or remunerated, they need to be retained &

    maintained to serve the organization better. Welfare facilities are designed to take care of

    the well being of the employees.


    Labor Welfare means anything done for comfort & improvement (intellectual or social) of

    the employees over & above the wages paid which is not a necessity of the industry.

    According To Oxford Dictionary:-

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    Employee Welfare/ Labor Welfare mean the efforts to make a life worth living for a


    Thus Labor Welfare is a term, which must necessarily be elastic, bearing a somewhat

    different interpretation in one country from industrialization & education level of worker.

    However, at its Asian Regional Conference defined Employee Welfare as: -

    A term which is understood, to include such services & facilities as may be established in

    or in the undertaking condensate to high morale.


    Employee welfare is a comprehensive term including various services, facilities and

    amenities provided to employees for the betterment.

    Welfare measures are in addition to regular wages & other economic benefits

    available to employees under legal provisions & collective bargaining.

    Welfare measures may be provided not only by employers but by the government,

    trade unions & other agencies too.

    The basic purpose of Employees Welfare is to improve the lot of working class and

    thereby make a worker a good employee and a happy citizen.

    Employee Welfare is an essential part of the social welfare. It involves adjustment of

    an employees work life and family life to the community or social life.

    Welfare measures may be both voluntary & statutory. Voluntary measures are the

    result of paternalistic and philanthropic feelings of the employer.

    Employee Welfare measures are also known as Fringe benefits & services.

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    Employees Welfare provides the following benefits or objectives:

    It helps to improve recruitment. As the job becomes more attractive, more efficient

    employees can recruited.

    It improves the morale and loyalty of workers by making them happy and satisfied.

    It reduces labor turnover and absenteeism, thereby building a stable workforce.

    Welfare measures helps to improve the goodwill & public image of the enterprise.

    Voluntary efforts for the welfare of workers reduce the threat of further govt.


    Improvement in material, intellectual & cultural conditions of life protects the

    workers from social evils like drinking, gambling, prostitution etc.


    Employee Welfare services may be classified into 2 broad categories:-

    INTRA-MURAL: These services are provided within the establishment. These includes

    urinals, latrines, washing & bathing facilities, crches, rest & shelter rooms, canteens,

    uniform, medical, recreation facilities etc.

    EXTRA-MURAL: These services are provided outside the establishment. These

    Consist of housing accommodation, Transport, maternity benefits, children Education,

    family planning & child welfare Holiday homes leave travel facilities, Interest free loans


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    Britannia, one of Indias most trusted food brands, caters to consumers in all demographic

    and socio-economic segments across urban and rural India, through every day food like

    bakery and dairy products. Biscuits straddle nutrition, delight and convenience benefits and

    reach over 90% of all households in the country. Biscuits are consumed as healthy in-

    between meal fillers and make very effective energy providers (100 gm of most of Britannia

    biscuits provide around 10-15% of energy, proteins, required by an adult). The fortified

    range of products also provides vitamins, Iron & Calcium.

    Britannia innovates for strong presence in health and nutrition space

    Living up to its credo Eat Healthy Think Better and meeting the needs of todays

    consumers who like health and taste to co-exist in the food they eat, Britannia has been

    actively addressing health and nutrition through removal of unhealthy content (transfats) as

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    well as addition of nutrients through fortification.

    a. Removal of Transfats

    Transfats produced during hydrogenation & refining of oil are particularly harmful to health

    as they can increase bad cholesterol and decrease good cholesterol. During the last decade

    conclusive scientific evidence has linked the consumption of industrially produced trans

    fatty acids (TFAs) with alterations of metabolism of blood lipids, vascular inflammation

    and the development of cardio-vascular diseases. Recommendations of international

    agencies like WHO (World Health Organisation) & PAHO (Pan American Health

    Organisation) have urged for the replacement of trans fatty acids in manufactured food with

    unsaturated fat.

    Recognizing the changing global trends & health benefits of removing transfats, Britannia is

    the first Bakery brand in India to remove transfats from its products. Almost all the baked

    products in its portfolio are manufactured without transfats which include all its power

    brands Tiger, Milk Bikis, MarieGold, Treat, 50-50, Good Day regular range , Nutrichoice

    and Little Hearts. In the last 18 months, Britannia has removed around 8,500 tonnes of

    transfat from its products and moved around 56,000 tonnes of HVO to vegetable oil usage.

    This initiative is aligned to its corporate view of removal/minimisation of ingredients that

    may be potentially harmful to health, along with the challenge of retaining sensory

    attributes. Despite manufacturing challenges, Britannia has been able to stabilize vegetable

    oils in bakery format without adversely impacting the taste.

    Additionally, realizing the need for consumer education on transfats, Britannia has initiated

    basic transfat consumer education on brands like Marie Gold & Nutrichoice, which target

    adults. Britannia will continue to focus its efforts on consumer education through

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    declaration on product labels and media.

    Transfat & its impact on health?

    Partial hydrogenation, the process used to increase shelf-life of polyunsaturated fatty acids

    (PUFAs) / vegetable oils creates trans fatty acids. Many studies have demonstrated that

    trans fatty acids increase the clot forming tendency much more than saturated fats, by not

    only increasing LDL cholesterol to similar levels but also by decreasing the high density

    lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, (which is the good cholesterol). Several studies have found

    that intake of non natural trans fatty acids increases the risk of coronary heart disease Most

    trans fatty acids are contributed by industrially hardened oils. Even though trans fatty acids

    have been reduced or eliminated from retail fats and spreads in many parts of the world,

    generally available deep-fried foods and baked goods are a major and increasing source.

    b. Addition of Nutrients through Fortification

    Launch of Tiger Banana Biscuits Fortified with Iron

    Launch of Tiger Iron Zor

    Smart-Nutrient Fortified Milk Bikis

    Britannias range of breads has been fortified with 10 vital vitamins.

    The story of one of India's favorite brands reads almost like a fairy tale. Once upon a time,

    in 1892 to be precise, a biscuit company was started in a nondescript house in Calcutta (now

    Kolkata) with an initial investment of Rs. 295. The company we all know as Britannia


    The beginnings might have been humble-the dreams were anything but. By 1910, with the

    advent of electricity, Britannia mechanized its operations, and in 1921, it became the first

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    company east of the Suez Canal to use imported gas ovens. Britannia's business was

    flourishing. But, more importantly, Britannia was acquiring a reputation for quality and

    value. As a result, during the tragic World War II, the Government reposed its trust in

    Britannia by contracting it to supply large quantities of "service biscuits" to the armed


    As time moved on, the biscuit market continued to grow and Britannia grew along with

    it. In 1975, the Britannia Biscuit Company took over the distribution of biscuits from Parry's

    who till now distributed Britannia biscuits in India. In the subsequent public issue of 1978,

    Indian shareholding crossed 60%, firmly establishing the Indianness of the firm. The

    following year, Britannia Biscuit Company was re-christened Britannia Industries Limited

    (BIL). Four years later in 1983, it crossed the Rs. 100 crores revenue mark.

    On the operations front, the company was making equally dynamic strides. In 1992, it

    celebrated its Platinum Jubilee. In 1997, the company unveiled its new corporate identity -

    "Eat Healthy, Think Better" - and made its first foray into the dairy products market. In

    1999, the "Britannia Khao, World Cup Jao" promotion further fortified the affinity

    consumers had with 'Brand Britannia'.

    Britannia strode into the 21st Century as one of India's biggest brands and the pre-eminent

    food brand of the country. It was equally recognized for its innovative approach to products

    and marketing: the Lagaan Match was voted India's most successful promotional activity of

    the year 2001 while the delicious Britannia 50-50 Maska-Chaska became India's most

    successful product launch. In 2002, Britannia's New Business Division formed a joint

    venture with Fonterra, the world's second largest Dairy Company, and Britannia New

    Zealand Foods Pvt. Ltd. was born. In recognition of its vision and accelerating graph,

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    Forbes Global rated Britannia 'One amongst the Top 200 Small Companies of the World',

    and The Economic Times pegged Britannia India's 2nd Most Trusted Brand.

    Today, more than a century after those tentative first steps, Britannia's fairy tale is not only

    going strong but blazing new standards, and that miniscule initial investment has grown by

    leaps and bounds to crores of rupees in wealth for Britannia's shareholders. The company's

    offerings are spread across the spectrum with products ranging from the healthy and

    economical Tiger biscuits to the more lifestyle-oriented Milkman Cheese. Having

    succeeded in garnering the trust of almost one-third of India's one billion population and a

    strong management at the helm means Britannia will continue to dream big on its path of

    innovation and quality.


    Name Designation

    Mr. Nusli Neville Wadia Chairman

    Ms. Vinita Bali Managing Director

    Mr. Keki Dadiseth Director

    Mr. Avijit Deb Director

    Mr. A.K.Hirjee Director

    Mr. Nimesh N Kampani Director

    Mr. S.S.Kelkar Director

    Mr. Pratap Khanna Director

    Mr. Jeh N Wadia Director

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    1892 The Genesis - Britannia established with an investment of Rs. 295 in Kolkata

    1910 Advent of electricity sees operations mechanised

    19211. Imported machinery introduced; Britannia becomes the first company East of

    the Suez to use gas ovens

    1939 - 44 Sales rise exponentially to Rs.16,27,202 in 1939

    During 1944 sales ramp up by more than eight times to reach Rs.1.36 crore

    1975 Britannia Biscuit Company takes over biscuit distribution from Parry's

    1978 Public issue - Indian shareholding crosses 60%

    1979 Re-christened Britannia Industries Ltd. (BIL)

    1983 Sales cross Rs.100 crore


    The Executive Office relocated to Bangalore

    1992 BIL celebrates its Platinum Jubilee

    1993 Wadia Group acquires stake in ABIL, UK and becomes an equal partner

    with Groupe Danone in BIL


    1. Volumes cross 1,00,000 tons of biscuits

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    1997 Re-birth - new corporate identity 'Eat Healthy, Think Better' leads to new

    mission: 'Make every third Indian a Britannia consumer'

    BIL enters the dairy products market

    1999 "Britannia Khao World Cup Jao" - a major success! Profit up by 37%

    2000 Forbes Global Ranking - Britannia among Top 300 small companies

    2001 BIL ranked one of India's biggest brands

    No.1 food brand of the country

    Britannia Lagaan Match: India's most successful promotional activity of the


    Maska Chaska: India's most successful FMCG launch

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    2002 BIL launches joint venture with Fonterra, the world's second largest dairy


    Britannia New Zealand Foods Pvt. Ltd. is born

    Rated as 'One amongst the Top 200 Small Companies of the World' by Forbes


    Economic Times ranks BIL India's 2nd Most Trusted Brand

    Pure Magic -Winner of the Worldstar, Asiastar and Indiastar award for


    2003 'Treat Duet'- most successful launch of the year

    Britannia Khao World Cup Jao rocks the consumer lives yet again

    20041. Britannia accorded the status of being a 'Superbrand'

    2. Volumes cross 3,00,000 tons of biscuits

    3. Good Day adds a new variant - Choconut - in its range

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    2005 Re-birth of Tiger - 'Swasth Khao, Tiger Ban Jao' becomes the popular


    Britannia launched 'Greetings' range of premium assorted gift packs

    The new plant in Uttaranchal, commissioned ahead of schedule.

    The launch of yet another exciting snacking option - Britannia 50-50

    Pepper Chakkar

    2006 Britannia re-launched NutriChoice Hi-Fibre Digestive biscuits in an

    international large sized biscuit pack.

    Britannia acquires 51% stake in Bangalore-based bakery foods retailer Daily


    2007 Britannia industries formed a joint venture with the Khimji Ramdas Group and

    acquired a 70 percent beneficial stake in the Dubai-based Strategic Foods

    International Co. LLC and 65.4% in the Oman-based Al Sallan Food Industries

    Co. SAOG.

    Britannia NutriChoice SugarOut range introduced - 1st of its kind of biscuits to

    be be launched in India with "No Added Sugar" (Variants - Chocolate Cream,

    Orange Cream, and Litetime)

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    2008 Britannia NutriChoice 5 Grain biscuits launched - Biscuits with the goodness of

    5 health Cereals, and sweetened with Natural honey. Britannia Nutrichoice

    promised consumers "Bhook Bhagao, Kuch Healthy Khao"

    Britannia launched Iron fortified 'Tiger Banana' biscuits, 'Good Day Classic

    Cookies', Low Fat Dahi and renovated 'MarieGold'.

    2009 Britannia NutriChoice Nature Spice Crackers launched - Your favorite Cream

    Crackers, now made even more exciting with the addition of "Sabut" Ajwain

    and Jeera spices.

    Britannia takes full control of Daily Bread.

    Britannia-Fonterra joint venture dairy business restructured. Britannia acquires

    entire stake of Fonterra BNZF name changed to Britannia Dairy Pvt. Ltd.

    Recognizing the changing global trends & health benefits of removing transfats,

    Britannia is the first Bakery brand in India to remove transfats from its products.

    Wadia Group acquired stake holdings from Group Danone and becomes the

    single largest shareholder in BIL.

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    2010iii. Britannia NutriChoice launches a New Year pack - the Health Starter Kit. Created

    for everyone who makes New Year resolutions and doesnt follow through. The

    Health Starter Kit contains 1 pack each of NutriChoice Hi-Fiber Digestive,NutriChoice 5 Grain, NutriChoice Nature Spice Cracker bundled together with a

    Fit Sip Sipper and a fitness chart. All this only for Rs 100.

    iv. Tiger enters the Cookies category, with the launch of Krunch Cookies. These

    cookies are not only high on delight but also high on energy and have been

    created keeping in mind the needs of today's kids, These delightful cookies

    come in two exciting variants - Fruit & Nut and Chocochips and at an

    affordable price point of just Rs 5.

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    Tiger Banana

    Britannia is committed to help secure every child's right to

    Growth & Development through good food everyday.

    Purposefully taking forward the credo of 'Eat Healthy, Think

    Better', we have launched a new variant under our power brand

    TIGER - TIGER BANANA - power packed withIRON ZOR &

    and with the delightful taste of banana.

    IRON ZOR helps make mind sharper and body stronger. A Rs.4 pack has as much IRON

    ZOR as that in 1 kg of Banana.

    R&D in Britannia has spent considerable time to develop this nutritious and delightful

    snack for children.

    Britannia Tiger Bananapacked withIRON ZOR and goodness of Banana is accessible to

    all, being available in convenient packs priced at Rs.2, Rs.4 and Rs.10.

    NutriChoice SugarOut

    Sounds like yesterday when people commented that healthy foods meant "compromising on

    the taste." NutriChoice SugarOut is the most novel product range to have been introduced in

    the market. The product is not just sweet but tastes great, and yet contains no added sugar.

    This is because NutriChoice SugarOut is sweetened with "Sucralose," derived from sugar,

    which provides the same sweetness as any other biscuit, without the added calories of sugar.

    This range is available in 3 delicious variants namely Litetime, Chocolate cream, and

    Orange cream, targeted towards all health sensitive people. It is also relevant for

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    consumers with sugar related ailments.

    We are sure that you will be pleasantly delighted with its great taste and equally surprised to

    know that it has no added sugar

    Don't be taken for a ride when you read "Sugar Free" label on many biscuit packs marketed

    in India or abroad. Even with 100% no-added sugar, wheat-cereals in biscuits have their

    own natural sugar content. Britannia has chosen to represent these biscuits with "No Added

    Sugar" claim, as there is no added sugar in the processing of NutriChoice SugarOut.

    Britannia 50-50 Pepper Chakkar

    The launch of the latest 50-50 variant left everybody guessing

    "What it eez?" From TV ads, radio, outdoor and in-store display

    materials to events, a website and SMS and email blasts,

    traditional and new media were blended synergistically to create excitement and curiosity

    about the unique taste of the biscuit. The tangy and distinctive pepper flavoured biscuit,

    that's thin and crispy and more like a snack, caught the imagination of a younger audience

    craving something to nibble on. The 50-50 Pepper Chakkar launch is truly a case of

    leveraging the marketing mix to best advantage.

    NutriChoice Digestive Biscuit

    Nothing can be more difficult than making small efforts in our

    daily life towards healthy and active living. 24/7 we are

    engrossed in our busy schedules; skipping meals, missing walks,

    along with inadequate sleep and

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    frequently eating-out, all take a heavy toll on our health.

    At least with the new and improvedNutriChoice Digestive Biscuit, we have one less thing

    to worry about. Made with 50% whole-wheat and packed with added fibre (10% of our

    daily dietary needs), these delightfully tasty biscuits are amongst your healthiest bites of the


    In your next visit to a shop just look out for its Golden-green international carton pack.

    Try one and you'll know that you've made one smart choice - NutriChoice.

    Treat Fruit Rollz

    All kids who have relished the yummy creamy treasures of Britannia Treat in exciting

    flavors, have yet another reason to celebrate! Britannia Treat launches the amazingly

    yummy Treat Fruit Rollz!! These tasty soft rolls are filled with real fruits and provide a

    healthy yet mouth-watering treat to the kids. Fruit Rollz comes

    in four masti fruit flavours - Juicy Apple, Strawberry Surprise,

    Tangy Orange and Delicious Dates!

    Want to know a little secret? They make the best tiffin treats! So

    during snack time what better than to munch on the delicious

    and healthy Fruit Rollz and discover the yummy fruit flavor from within the shells. Keeping

    up with Britannia's platform of 'taste bhi, health bhi', Fruit Rollz is indeed a yummy

    snacking option for kids, while keeping the Moms assured about the goodness provided by

    the fruit filling.

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    Tiger, launched in 1997, became the largest brand in Britannia's portfolio in the very first

    year of its launch and continues to be so till today. Tiger has grown from strength to

    strength and the re-invigoration in June 2005 and more recently, in Apr 2008 has further

    helped bolster its growth in the highly competitive glucose biscuit category.

    Tiger is a Glucose biscuit, which comes with the added goodness of wheat and milk. It is

    for modern mothers who play an enabling role for their children to compete in today's world

    and thus want the best. Now Tiger Glucose has been fortified with "Iron Zor" with an

    attempt towards addressing the Iron Deficiency crisis the children of India face.

    Over the years, Tiger has become the mass-market face of Britannia symbolising fun and

    energy in both urban and rural India, and transcending glucose biscuits.

    Tiger Coconut : Delicious Coconut Flavoured Energy Biscuits, launched in 2001

    Tiger Creams : Was Introduced in 2002 at just Rs 5 per pack. Tiger Cream is now

    available in Orange, Elaichi, Chocolate, Pineapple, Strawberry and Butterscotch flavours,

    and promises to bring more fun and more energy to children across the country.

    Chota Tiger : Is an extension of brand Tiger launched nationally in May, 2007. It is mini

    sized poppable glucose biscuit with coloured sugar sprinkling. It comes in two variants:

    Milk Sparkies and Choco Sparkies

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    Tiger Banana : Britannia is committed to help secure every child's right to Growth &

    Development through good food everyday. Purposefully taking forward the credo of 'Eat

    Healthy, Think Better ', we have launched a new variant under our power brand TIGER -

    TIGER BANANA - power packed with IRON ZOR & and with the delightful taste of


    IRON ZORhelps make mind sharper and body stronger. A Rs.4 pack has as much IRON

    ZORas that in 1 kg of Banana.

    R&D in Britannia has spent considerable time to develop this nutritious and delightful

    snack for children.

    Britannia Tiger Banana packed with IRON ZORand goodness of Banana is accessible to

    all, being available in convenient packs priced at Rs.2, Rs.4 and Rs.10.

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    Britannia Good Day was launched in 1986 in two delectable avatars - Good Day Cashew

    and Butter. Over the years, new variants were introduced - Good Day Pista Badam in 1989,

    Good Day Chocochips in 2000 and Good Day Choconut in 2004.

    This rich biscuit enjoys a fan following of consumers across all ages, loyal to the brand

    promise of a great taste evident from the visibly abundant ingredients. Good Day is amongst

    the fastest growing brands in Britannia's portfolio and is today the market leader with

    almost 2/3 share of the market. The brand is synonymous with everyday treats that infuse

    happiness into people's daily lives.

    After two decades of magnificent success; it was time to give the nation yet another reason

    to have a good day. Abundance, goodness, indulgence and now unrestrained joy - that is the

    message of this new campaign.

    The new TT ad is the uncontrollable expression of the ticket collector's happiness and joy

    that is stimulated by consumption of the cookie, that spreads cheer amongst the people

    around him creating an atmosphere of shared joy that's unorchestrated and straight from the

    heart. The celebration was taken to the IPL as Good day cheered along with a million

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    cricket fans in the stadiums, each screaming and proclaiming "Ho gaya re Good Day". The

    dazzling brilliance of this endeavour, the contagious rhythm needs to be lived and spread

    through the nation, making 'Iska toh ho Gaya Re Good Day' a part of the common lingo

    and a way of life.

    Good Day truly believes laughter and happiness are infectious, it transcends race, caste

    creed unifying humanity in an inclusive emotion.

    The brand perseveres to infuse cheer, hearten the nation and enliven lives. With its rightful

    place on the front page of The Times of India, Good Day gifts the nation a priceless

    treasure, that of spreading JOY!

    With a brand name like 50-50, can the product be anything but fun? Launched in 1993, 50-

    50 belongs to the family of crackers and is considered the "very very tasty tasty" snack.

    Britannia 50-50 is the leader in its category with more than one-third of market share. The

    versatile and youthful brand constantly aims to provide a novel and exciting taste

    experience to the consumer. As a result, in 2001, the delicious Maska Chaska was launched

    as a variant of the original brand and became an instant success.

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    Britannia's oldest brand enjoys a heritage that spans the last 50 years - and going strong. In a

    market swamped with me-too products and where even the name 'Marie' has become

    generic, Britannia Marie Gold has maintained its stronghold. Today, the ever-popular Marie

    Gold is synonymous with the 'Tea Time Biscuit'. Its taste, crispiness and lightness make it a

    must for every tea break. It is the #1 brand in its category by a long shot.

    As a move to consolidate all the individual Cream Treat offerings under a single umbrella,

    Britannia launched Treat in 2002. Treat has a range of tasty delights for all kids with

    yummy creamy treasures within the biscuit shells. The kids have always relished unraveling

    the irresistibly delicious creams hidden inside the biscuit Britannia Treat offers a wide

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    variety of flavors, such as the Elaichi, the Fruit Flavored Creams such as Orange, Pineapple,

    Mango, and Strawberry, the Jam Filled Centers under the Jim Jam range, and the Duet

    Range (biscuits with two flavours of cream between three layers of biscuit) comprising

    Strawberry Vanilla and Duet Strawberry Chocolate.

    Britannia Treat has now launched yet another mouth watering delight under its umbrella.

    The delicious Fruit Rollz take the Treat brand beyond the cream biscuits and provides yet

    another lip smacking delight to its consumers!

    Fruit Rollz are soft rolls filled with the goodness of real fruits, and provide a healthy yet

    scrumptious treat to our 'loveable devils' Treat also introduced its naughty and adorable

    brand mascot FUNTOOSH whose primary occupation is mischief! FUNTOOSH is the guy

    who will pull off any trick to make sure he gets to eat his Britannia Treat!

    For all you kids who have relished the yummy treasures of Britannia Treat in exciting

    flavors, look out for yet another reason to celebrate!

    Britannia Treat launches a new and exciting combination of chocolate and caramel in a

    single bar - TREAT CHOCO GELO. This unique and never before product is guaranteed to

    double the masti and double the fun that you have with Treat.

    Treat Choco Gelo has been launched nationally in August, 2007 and is available at an

    attractive price of just Rs.5/-

    So go ahead, open this delicious pack, indulge yourself with Treat Choco Gelo and enjoy

    Yummy Chocolate and Gooey Caramelfor "Double Masti ka Double Dose"

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    Kids may dislike drinking milk, but they love Britannia Milk Bikis! Milk Bikis has been

    trusted by mothers as a source of growth energy of milk and their loyalty to the brand has

    made it an integral part of their children's nutrition regimen.

    In 1996, Milk Bikis launched a variant called Milk Cream. These round biscuits come with

    smiley faces and are full of milk cream that makes them very popular with children. Milk

    Cream also promoted the idea of 'eating milk' in a yummy way, which makes mothers

    happy as well.

    To keep pace with the demands of the new generation and to bring milk nutrition to the

    masses in a delightful form, Milk Bikis, went one step further in the last quarter of 2006 in

    providing not just energy but developmental fuel for children. With a unique and attractive

    honeycomb design and an enhanced product experience, the new biscuit is now fortified

    with SMART NUTRIENTS 4 vital vitamins, iron and iodine, proven to aid mental and

    physical development in growing kids.

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    No work can be completed without the research methodology. Research methodology is an

    important tool which provides a technique to conduct the study efficiently and effectively.

    Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be

    understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically.

    Research design: - research design is the plan, structure and strategy of investigation.

    Research design of the project will be descriptive research.

    Exploratory research is often the initial step in a series of studies designed to supply

    information for decision making. The purpose of this research is to explore the potential

    problem and opportunities present for the decision situation.

    The sample size of the research was 50 employees.

    The source of information was the primary data which is collected through the survey of 50

    employees of Britannia India Ltd.

    The secondary data like books, company annual reports, journals, and websites were

    accessed to increase the knowledge regarding the topic of study.

    Tabulation and graphical representation were also used for data analysis.


    Area Covered : Britannia India Ltd.

    Sampling Technique : Simple random sampling

    Sample Size : 50 employees

    Research Design : descriptive research design

    Data Collection : (a) Through Questionnaire

    (b) Personal Observation

    Types of Data : Primary & secondary both

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    Condition of work environment-:

    Safety-: These are three types of securities at BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. plant.

    i. CISE (Central Industry Security Force) appointed by Government.

    ii. BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. Security.

    iii. Security on contract basic.

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    a. There is a sanitation department (under administration department) which takes care

    of the cleanliness of work place. They take care of sanitation and take care of the

    cleaning and dusting.

    b. Estate Office and Horticulture department take care of the various functions. Such as

    house keeping, up keeping of premises Compound wall, lawn, gardens and so

    forth passage and doors with washing etc. But there are separate department and do

    their works according to the nature of job.

    c. Sanitation and Cleanliness -:

    There is proper attention is paid the sanitation and cleanliness of working place like

    rooms, galleries and toilets and stores, furnitures computers and other instrument.

    Proper attention is paid tot remove accumulation of dust (and refuse) and is removed

    daily by sweeping or by other effective means.

    d. Ventilation -:

    Ventilation is so necessary for the circulation of fresh air. There is provision for

    adequate ventilation in BRITANNIA INDIA LTD..

    Work mens Safety Measures-:

    At BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. there is proper maintenance of machines and tools


    To provide protection against dangerous fumes and gases ( which can be used up to

    35 minutes) workers are provided with breathing apparatus, safety helmet, car plugs

    or muffs, goggles, dust mask, hand gloves to avoid any sort inhalation. Further there

    is a huge vacuum cleaner and height rotation fans to remove accumulated dust from

    workshop or from clothes of workers respectively.

    For the employee working in Ammonia Plant, Ammonia suit is provided to protect

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    Detectors are there in the plant to detect leakage of Ammonia and Hydrogen.

    Pressure relieve valves are there to relieve excess pressure from any machinery.

    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. has trained male workers for examination of the

    machineries. Further the employees are not allowed to wear loose clothing and are

    instructed to wear shoes while working.

    In BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. no employees or any other person is not allowed to

    work at dangerous machines unless they are fully trained under adequate supervision

    and there is no women worker in plants.

    In BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. proper attention is paid to fencing of machines.

    There is safeguard (pull guards, coupling guards etc) an every moving part of a

    prime mover, every part of electric generator or motors, rotators, converters and every

    dangerous part of any other machinery.

    Information or Communication-:

    There are so many notice boards at necessary places. Pictures and Posters are

    pasted for the information throughout the plant and in township as well.

    There communication channels are very fast and each and every person is

    connected with other via telephone inside the plants control rooms.

    Working Hours-:

    In BRITANNIA INDIA LTD., the daily working hours (in general shifts) are

    from 8:15 to 17:30, the lunch time is from 12:30 to 13:15 on Saturday the working hours

    from 5:15 to 12:30 only. Thus no workers work more than 48 hours in a week.

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    In BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. there are four shifts in which workers are working the

    timing of the shifts are as follow-:

    Shift A : 6:00 to 14:00

    Shift B : 14:00 to 22:00

    Shift C : 22:00 to 17:30

    In BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. there is provision for intervals for rest of about 30

    minutes. They can also take occasional break if required.

    Extra Wages for Overtime-:

    In BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. workers are paid for overtime, by paying twice the

    existing rate of wages. The officers are given compensatory off for working overtime.

    Conveniences Urinals and Lavatories -:

    Sufficient lavatories and Urinals accommodation (separate for male and female

    workers) of prescribed type and conveniently situated and accessible to workers at

    all time while they are at factory.

    There are bathrooms, waste disposal baskets and spittoons, washbasins in sufficient

    numbers at convenient places which are maintained in a clean and hygienic


    Drinking Water-:

    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. provide the sufficient number of water coolers at

    different places in the plants.


    There is very large size canteen situated at main gate of the factory. It provides tea, snacks,

    lunch and meals at very reasonable rate to the employees.

    There are shelters, class rooms, restrooms, reading rooms.

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    There is library (both at the plant and in the township) for the employee.

    Fire Section has been provided with fire fighting tenders rapid intervention vehicles.

    Fireproof clothings personal protective equipments explosive meters.

    Safely belts.

    Air breathing apparatus etc.

    Worker Healthy Services-:

    1- Dispensary-:

    There is proper arrangement of a dispensary at factory area. They can start first aid

    treatment of the injured worker. The medicines, the bandages etc, are provided to

    the dispensary by BRITANNIA INDIA LTD..

    2- Health Center/Hospital -:

    In BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. there is a hospital in the township to take of the

    employees and their families too.

    There are three doctors

    One Physicians

    One Lady Doctor and One Child Specialist

    Beside there are 5 nurses, 2 Aayas, One Sweeper, One Administrative Assistant and

    One Pathology Technician.

    3- Emergency aid/First aid appliances -:

    There are well equipped first aid boxes readily available during all working hours

    at all the plants and offices respectively


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    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. provide four Ambulances to their employees for

    emergency period.

    Employment follow up-:

    In BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. progress of the employee Problems with regard to workload,

    Supervisors and colleagues in Taken care by P & A Department via grievance handling etc.

    Economic Services- :

    In BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. there, are suitable, welfare schemes regarding health

    insurance, rewards and incentives, and gratuity and pension, workmens compensation for

    injury, family assistance in times of need, profit and bonus sharing schemes etc.

    Labour-management participation- :

    The participative management is encouraged by formation and working of various

    committees like workers committees, safety committee, canteen committee etc.

    Workers Education-:

    In BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. stress is given to enhance the workers education this is done

    via reading room library, social education, seminars, factory news review, magazines for

    workers education and knowledge.

    Washing facility-:

    In BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. there is adequate and suitable facilities for washing for the

    use of the workers employed there in. They are kept clean and hygienic.

    Fire and Safety-: A well equipped, fire , and safety section has been in addition to various

    built in safety features of plan and technology.

    To include safety habit in each employee various safety seminars, training and competitions

    are organized from time to time.

    Labour Welfare Officer-:

    Schedule of the act provides that in Every factory where in 500 or more workers are

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    ordinarily employed, The employer shall appoint at least one welfare officer. The officer is

    expected to act as an advisor, counselor, mediator and Liaoning.Officer between the

    management and the labour specifically his/her duties include the following:

    For the same purpose BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. has appointed a welfare officer Mr.

    Jeetendra Bhardwaj who acts as an advisor, counselor, mediator and Liaoning Officer

    between the management and the lobour.

    1. Supervision of safety, healthy and welfare programs-:

    (i) Like housing, recreation and sanitation services.

    (ii)Working of joints committees.

    (iii)Grant of leave with wages.

    (iv)Redressed of workers grievances.

    2. Counseling workers in-:

    (i) Personal and family problems.

    (ii)Adjustment to their work environment.

    (iii)Understanding their rights and privileges.

    3. Advising management in matters of-:

    (i) Formulating welfare policies.

    (ii) Apprenticeship training programmers.

    (iii)Complying with statutory obligation to workers.

    (iv) Developing fringe benefits.

    (v) Workers education.

    4. Liaoning with workers so that they may-:

    (i) Appreciate the need for harmonious industrial relations in the plant;

    (ii) Resolve disputes, If any;

    (iii) Understand the limitations under which they operate.

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    (iv) Interpret company policies correctly.

    5. Liaoning with the management so as to apprise the latter about workers viewpoints on

    organizational matters.


    Provident fund 12% of basic salary and D.A and out of this provident fund

    contribution 1.166% is transferred to PE Scheme.

    Washing Allowance-:

    The employees who are supplied with protective clothing /uniform are granted and

    washing allowance on the percentage basis.

    For officers washing allowance percentage is 3% on the basic on the basic


    For the employees washing allowance percentage are 4% of the basic salary.


    The FLTE fixed by the management is on percentage basis of the basic payment

    of 18%.

    Salary Range for Officer


    B 25750-650-30950 75000-117750

    B1 23750-600-28550 65000-102000

    C 22500-600-27300 60000-94200

    C1 21500-600-26300 55000-74750

    D 20000-500-25000 51500-74050

    E 18500-450-23900 43200-69200

    F 17500-400-22300 38000-66500

    F1 16000-400-20800 35000-61250

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    G 14500-350-18700 32000-56000

    G1 13500-350-18050 29000-50750

    G2 10750-300-16750 23000-40250

    H1 9100-250-14600 20000-35000



    H2 8200-220-12380 18500-32500

    I 7600-210-11500 17000-29750

    J 7100-175-10425 16000-28000

    J1 6600-150-9450 15000-26250

    K 6400-130-8870 14500-25500

    L 6050-110-8360 13800-22200

    L1 5650-100-7750 12800-20600

    M 5300-90-7190 12000-19200

    N 4300-80-6580 11000-17600

    O 4100-70-5570 9500-15300

    P 3300-50-4100 7500-12100

    Q 2500-40-3140 5700-9300

    R 1800-30-2280 4100-6700

    Dearness Allowance-:

    100% DA neutralization will be applicable to all employees of BRITANNIA INDIA LTD.

    w.e.f. 01/01/2007. Thus DA as on 01/01/2007 will become zero with link point of All India

    Consumer Price Index (AICP) 2001=100, which were 126.33 as on 01/01/2007. The DA

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    payable w.e.f 1st January 2007 to 30/09/2009 shall be as per table given below. The

    payment of DA shall be reviewed quarterly as per the existing procedure

    Quarter Per% of Basic Pay Payable as Dearness


    01.01.2007-31.03.2007 0

    01.04.2007-30.06.2007 0.8

    01.07.2007-30.09.2007 1.3

    01.10.2007-31.12.2007 4.2

    01.01.2008-30.06.2008 5.8

    01.07.2008-30.09.2008 6.3

    1.10.2008-31.12.2008 9.2

    01.01.2009-31.03.2009 12.9

    01.04.2009-30.06.2009 16.6

    Fixation of Pay

    The pre revised Basic pay+ personal pay drawn by employees as on 31/12/2006+ DA @

    78.2% of pre revised basic for the purpose of fitment will be aggregated fitment benefit @

    30% on pre-revised basic+78.2 DA should be added to fix revised basic pay.

    Annul Increments

    Annul Increments will be admissible up-to 3% of progressive basic pay and rounded

    off to next multiple of Rs.

    The dates of annul increment of workmen will not be altered while switching over to

    the revised scales.

    In respect of workmen annul date of increment falls on 01/01/2007 the January 2007

    increment will be allowed to them in the revised pay scale up to 3% of revised basic


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    Grant of annul increment will be governed by the rules of society amended from

    time to time.

    Stay nation increment at maximum of 3% of basic pay will be admissible once in

    two years provided the performance of the employees is at least very good for those

    two years.

    Other Allowance

    Other allowances will be limited to 32% of basic pay

    Washing allowances

    Education allowances

    Reimbursement of expenses for newspaper and periodicals.

    Canteen subsidy or tax exempts meal vouchers.

    Transport allowance

    Conveyance allowance etc.

    House rent allowance

    House rent allowance will be paid w.e.f 01/01/2007 on revised Basic pay as per rates given


    Classification of Cities and Towns Rate of HRA

    Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and 30 % of Basic Pay


    All state capitals Ahmadabad, Kanpur, 25 % of Basic Pay

    Nagpur, Surat, Chandigarh, Cochin

    All other place !5 % of Basic Pay

    With effect from 01/04/09 minimum rate of HRA shall be @ 20% of revised Basic Pay.

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    Cash Handling Allowance

    Cash handling allowance shall be revised as under w.e.f 01/01/07

    Amount of Monthly Cash based Rate per Month

    Up-to Rs. 50000 Rs. 150

    Over Rs. 50000 & upto Rs. 500000 Rs. 300

    Over Rs. 500000 & upto Rs. 750000 Rs.500

    Over Rs. 750000 Rs.750

    Cash Handling will not be treated as part of wages. It will be payable so long a person

    handling cash.

    Shift Allowance

    Shift Allowance Rs. per Day

    Morning 75

    Evening 75

    Night 150

    Hill/ Remote area Allowance

    There will be no change in the present rate of hill/ Remote allowance.

    Allowance for Long Working Hours

    With effect from 01/01/2007 allowance for longer working hours to all workmen who are

    posted in plants and are required to work for 48 hours in a week will be paid @ 5% of initial

    of pay of respective scale of pay.


    for the welfare of their employees. PF is given from 12% for employees side and 12% from

    employer side and 85 interest is also given for it.

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    Various social securities run in BRITANNIA INDIA LTD.-:

    Group personal accident insurance.

    Personal life insurance.

    Group gratuity, insurance scheme (If Death happen at 40 years).

    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. has own Benevolent trust for welfare of its employees. It

    got post retirement medical assistance scheme BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. is

    contributing its premium of its employees.

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    Employees, whose sons / daughters are studying in school/college and not avail

    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD.s transport for attending school/college, are granted Transport

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    subsidy on the percentage of basic salary.

    For Officers Transport subsidy 3%.

    For the employees Transport subsidy 4%.


    Tuition fees in respect to school/college going children of the employees and

    officers are 4% on their basic salary bases.


    Those who are staying beyond radius of 5kms from their work place and have not

    been provided with BRITANNIA INDIA LTD.s transport either free or on subsides rate as

    well as are not in receipt to local travelling expenses, are paid a conveyance subsidy of

    Rs.30 per month.


    Over and above the incentive given by State/Central/Local Self Government

    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. also extends the following incentive to the employees

    who undergo Family Planning Operation.


    If sterilization operation is done after two Rs.1, 500 living children.

    If sterilization operation is done after three Rs.1, 125 living children.

    All expenses on account of the sterilization operation are borne by the management.


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    6 days causal leave in case of sterilization operation under gone by the male


    14 days special casual leave in case of sterilization operation under gone by the

    female employees.


    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. Township spread over an area of 500 acres having 1085 houses

    in township. The township is situated on Bareilly-Aonla road in front of BRITANNIA

    INDIA LTD. plant.

    It provides all modern facilities, amenities and recreational aspects to all the employees

    residing in the township.

    The township has been setup like planned city. The houses are built up in a row and

    it is built up in a same design. Neat and clean and well-maintained C.C. Road is spread in

    all townships. Green lawns and trees are grown among the houses and houses.

    There are some other facilities are provided too like-:

    Parks-: There are so many small parks with green grass, trees, beautiful flowers

    and some rides.

    Shopping Centre-: There are shopping complex where we can get each every daily

    use items. The shopping centers are divided into so many shops like provision store,

    medical store, readymade garment store, restaurants etc.

    Hospital-: It has been well defined previously that hospitals with good doctors are

    situated in township.

    Recreation clubs are there

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    TV community center is there.

    Open Air Theater.

    A big size swimming pool and stadium.

    A big beautiful temple is there.

    School-: There is one central and play-school for the children of the employees.

    Waste disposal-:

    The effluents from various plants undergo extensive treatment in lagoons from where they

    are used for irrigation of the green belt.

    The logons areas have become natural habitat for the migratory birds during winter season

    and excel as any picnic resort.

    Community Development-:

    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. being an institution is committed to work for the improvement

    of the socio economic conditions of rural population around the plant.

    Aonla unit has adopted several villages under its village Development scheme.

    Hand pumps, road construction, school building amenities have been provided in the

    surrounding villages. Medical camps, free distribution of medicines, polio and

    diphtheria vaccines, Family planning and social marketing are the few activities

    undertaken in these villages.

    Subah ladies club of township also plays an active role in Social welfare by running

    an education centre for poor people.

    Farmers service centre has been established in village Sainda near Aonla unit which

    provide fertilizers, pesticides and seeds to the farmers.

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    For the same purpose a project Strengthen Reproductive Health and family

    Planning Services in Alampur Zafrabad Block of Bareilly District is being

    implemented by BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. Jan Kalyan Samiti. It is funded by

    USAID - India and BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. Aonla named SIFPSA.

    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. Conveyance Advance Rules

    Loan has been granted to the employees of BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. after confirmation.

    The condition for the same is as follow:

    House Building Loan (HBL)

    2. The advance is granted to employees of BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. who have regularly

    been appointed to the service of BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. and have completed three

    Years of service.

    Motor Cars Motor cycle/scooter Auto

    Vehicle(moped) of

    less than 1 HP


    Amount of


    Actual cost are

    90% cost of

    maruti 800


    hever is less

    limited to Rs.


    Rs. 40,000 for motor

    cycle & Rs. 30,000

    for scooter or 24

    months basic pay or

    anticipated cost of

    motor cycle &

    scooter whichever isleast.

    Rs. 20,000 or 10

    months basic pay or

    anticipated cost of

    auto vehicle

    (moped), whichever

    is least.

    Rs. 3,000 or

    actual cost of

    the bicycle

    whichever is


    Entitlement Employees in

    grade G1 and


    Employees in grade

    L1 and above

    Employees in grade

    N and above

    Employees in

    grade N and


    Period of


    108 equal



    72 equal monthly


    60 equal monthly


    30 equal



  • 7/30/2019 Study of Workers Welfare


    2. HBL may be granted for:

    a) Purchase of Plot / Land.

    b) To buy Flats.

    c) For construction of house.

    d) For maintenance.

    3. The maximum amount of loan granted should not exceed Rs. 5,00,000.

    4. The quantum of loan will be such that carry home pay after Deduction of loan installation

    shall not be less than 50% of Gross Salary or Rs.4000 (Whoever is less).

    Medical Benefits

    1) An employee of BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. is in respect of any ailment, disease, injury

    or disability, befalling him or any dependent number of his family be eligible for

    reimbursement or medical expenses, subject to such Limits :-

    i) Fees paid by him to an Authorized Medical Attendant for Consolation (at his clinic or at

    employees residence).

    ii) Fees paid to injection, dressings or minor surgery.

    iii) The cost of medicines or Pharmaceuticals necessary for treatment.

    iv) The fees paid for pathological, bacteriological, radiological or other examination.

    2). The reimbursement shall not exceed the annual ceiling as under.

    Number of family members (Including

    the employee himself)

    Ceiling for routine medical Treatment

    (per annum)

    For 2 family members. Rs. 2250/-

  • 7/30/2019 Study of Workers Welfare


    For 3 family members above Rs. 4500/-


    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. provides Transport facilities to all its employees to move from

    one place to another so that they can work more efficiently.

    There are three categories of Vehicles:

    a) Buses.

    b) Light Vehicle.

    c) BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. Vehicle.

    1) Buses-: A total number of buses is 13 (on contract basis). Out of which 12 buses are used

    to carry main and material from BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. Township to Bareilly and Vice


    These buses are use for three purposes:

    a) Shift

    b) Marketing

    c) Schools buses

    Out of 13 buses one bus is used for traveling between township to Delhi and Vice-versa

    (This bus runs on alternate days i.e. on Monday, Wednesday & Friday.


    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. also owns a certain numbers of Vehicles itself. These are as


    Swaraj Mazda - 1

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    Truck - 2

    Minibus - 1

    Van - 3

    Jeep - 2

    Ambulance - 4

    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. company cars are allotted to JGM and above grade

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    Q. Is BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. providing you drinking water facility?

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    Yes No

    Drinking water facility


    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. has proper arrangement of drinking water facility. BRITANNIA

    INDIA LTD. arrange clean and safe drinking water for every department of BRITANNIA


    Q. Is the plant providing you washing facilities?

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    Yes No

    Washing Facilities


    All employees of BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. are satisfied for the washing facilities.

    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. provide washing subsidy for all employees of plant.

    Q. Is there any health check-up center or hospital?

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    Yes No

    Health check-



    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. arrange health check-up center/ Hospital in BRITANNIA

    INDIA LTD. Township. In hospital all necessary facilities for general and emergency.

    Q. Are you satisfied with the health facilities of BRITANNIA INDIA LTD.?

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    Health Facility


    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. provide health facilities for the employees. But all employees

    are not fully satisfied for the health facilities of BRITANNIA INDIA LTD..

    Q. Is the plant providing you canteen facility properly?

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    Fullysatisfied Partiallysatisfied Un-satisfied

    Canteen Facility


    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. canteen facilities are not properly arranged. Some change is

    required for canteen facilities.

    Q. Are the medical benefits satisfactory?

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    0 00











    Fully agree Partially agree Disagree

    Medical benefits


    All employees are fully agreed for medical benefits. BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. give

    various type of benefits of medical facility.

    Q. Are you satisfied with working hours and working shifts at BRITANNIA INDIA LTD.?

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    Working hours &Shifts


    Approximately BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. employees are satisfied for the working hours

    and working shifts of Unit.


    Q. Should any change required in working hours and working shifts?

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    Fully agree Partially



    Change in working

    hours & shifts


    Employees think that no change is required in working hours and working shifts of


    Q. Does BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. A run new employees welfare schemes time to time?

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    Fully agree Partially



    Employees welfare



    All employees are not fully agreed for that BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. run new employees

    welfare schemes time to time.

    Q. Should the plant provide education to the workers?

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    Fully agree Partially agree Disagree

    Education to the



    All employees think that education is most important part of any organization, so all

    employees feel that all important education should provide for related employees.

    Q. Are you satisfied with providing provision for leave?

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    0 0











    Fully agree Partially



    Provision for leave


    All employees of BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. are satisfied for the provision for leave.

    Employees said that all leave are beneficial for employees health and other necessary time.

    Q. Are you satisfied with present wages and salary structure?

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    Wages and Salary


    Some change is required for present wages and salary structure. But Employees think that

    six pay scales are satisfied for employees desire.

    Q. Are you satisfied with provision of provident fund?

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    Provident Fund


    Approximately employees are satisfied with the provision fund.

    Q. Are you satisfied with the pension scheme in BRITANNIA INDIA LTD.?

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    Fully agree Partially



    Pension Scheme


    Employees said that BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. pension scheme for employees is vary

    satisfactory, because it is a major welfare of any organization.

    Q. Is the plant providing loan facility for car, buying any plot etc satisfactory or not?

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    Lone Facilities


    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. provide lone facility for car, buying any plot etc, it is a good

    welfare for employees point of view. It support financially for its employees.

    Q. Is the housing, road and lighting facility satisfactory?

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    Housing, road andlighting facilities


    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. provide proper housing, road and lighting facilities for its

    employees. All employees are satisfied for these major.

    Q. BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. providing entertainment facilities to employees are proper or


  • 7/30/2019 Study of Workers Welfare













    Fully agree Partially



    Entertainment facilities


    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. are providing entertainment facilities to employees, but

    employees feel that entertainment facilities are sufficient, some more facilities should

    provide for entertainment of employees.


    The majority of population under study is aware of the various welfare schemes being

    provided by the organization. BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. provides its employees good

  • 7/30/2019 Study of Workers Welfare


    working conditions so that the employees may remain enthusiastic while discharging their

    duties. However some of the employees are not satisfied with the working conditions of

    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. but this may due to lack of environmental acceptance.

    The organization schemes and working style is able to make the impact of

    belongingness so that the production is going up to mark. This shows that the production of

    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. lies in the fact that BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. cares its

    employees as its adopted one. Apart from this the various in-house training programs like

    self-motivation, greet gayan, yagan, environment management, fire and safety management

    are carried out to enhance the workers education.

    The added incentives enables the workers to lead a decent life in the midst of urban

    congestion, rising inflation and poor living conditions. In BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. proper

    care and attention has been taken for the welfare of employees. All the above factors justify

    that the satisfaction shown by the employees of BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. is true and not

    superficial. BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. has been doing a great job in recognizing the unique

    place of the worker in the society and doing well for retaining and motivating employees.

  • 7/30/2019 Study of Workers Welfare



    Employees welfare is a systematic and objective way of increasing the efficiency and

    effectiveness of the employees.

  • 7/30/2019 Study of Workers Welfare


    In BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. proper attention and care has been taken for the welfare of

    employees and employees here are very satisfied.

    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. started so many welfare schemes for employees. BRITANNIA

    INDIA LTD. provides the medical allowance, house and building loans and P.F, children

    education etc.

    BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. has been doing a great job in recognizing the unique place of

    the worker in the society and doing well for him/her in retaining and motivating employees.

  • 7/30/2019 Study of Workers Welfare



    2. Management must ask its employees time to time that what kind of change they

    would like to impart in the various welfare facilities being provided by the


    3. The senior officers should make sure that subordinates have the tools to get the job

    done for achieving the goals.

    4. The people should be made known through proper feedback; how they are doing.

    5. Some more facilities should provide in BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. hospital and

    hospital facilities should be updated from time to time.

    6. More entertainment facilities should arrange by BRITANNIA INDIA LTD.. For it

  • 7/30/2019 Study of Workers Welfare


    take suggestion from the employees, which type of facilities they want.

    7. Take feedback from time to time for various matters of employee welfare through

    questionnaires and personal opinion for welfare matter, and take serious steps for it.

    7. An organization i.e. BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. should promote the education of


    8. Employees should be familiar with the-:

    a. Working Condition.

    b. Procedure and polices.

    c. Career growth rules.

  • 7/30/2019 Study of Workers Welfare



    The study is limited to sample.

    People working there are not interested in filling the questionnaires.

    Restricted entry in many of the departments.

    It was the tough time to get response from the workers as well as from their family


  • 7/30/2019 Study of Workers Welfare


  • 7/30/2019 Study of Workers Welfare



    I have taken the help of many sources which provided me the valuable information about

    my project. This information helped me in presenting this report in an effective and efficient


    My valuable source for primary data collection was Questionnaire.

    Sources of secondary data-:


    Kothari C.R.; Research Methodology, New Age, New Delhi, 2007.

    Wheelen T. L.; Strategic Management, Pearson Education, 2008.


    www.Britannia India


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  • 7/30/2019 Study of Workers Welfare




    Name of Respondent.

    House No.

    Phone No.

    No. of member in family

    1) Are you satisfied with transport facility in BRITANNIA INDIA LTD.?

    Yes [ ] No [ ]

    2) Is BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. providing you drinking water facility?

    Yes [ ] No [ ]

    3) Is the plant providing you washing facilities?

    Yes [ ] No [ ]

    4) Is there any health check-up center or hospital?

  • 7/30/2019 Study of Workers Welfare


    Yes [ ] No [ ]

    5) Are you satisfied with the health facility of BRITANNIA INDIA LTD.?

    Fully satisfied [ ] Partially satisfied [ ] Unsatisfied [ ]

    6) Is the plant providing you canteen facility properly?

    Fully satisfied [ ] Partially satisfied [ ] Unsatisfied [ ]

    7) Are the medical benefits satisfactory?

    Fully agree [ ] Partially agree [ ] Disagree [ ]

    8) Are you satisfied with working hours and working shifts at BRITANNIA INDIA LTD.?

    Fully satisfied [ ] Partially satisfied [ ] Unsatisfied [ ]

    9) Should any change required in working hours and working shifts?

    Fully agree [ ] Partially agree [ ] Disagree [ ]

    10) Should the plant provide education to the workers?

    Fully agree [ ] Partially agree [ ] Disagree [ ]

    11) Does BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. run new employees welfare schemes time to time?

    Fully agree [ ] Partially agree [ ] Disagree [ ]

    12) Are you satisfied with providing provision for leave?

    Yes [ ] No [ ]

    13) Are you satisfied with present wages and salary structure?

    Fully satisfied [ ] Partially satisfied [ ] Unsatisfied [ ]

    14) Are you satisfied with provision of provident fund?

  • 7/30/2019 Study of Workers Welfare


    Yes [ ] No [ ]

    15) Are you satisfied with the pension scheme in BRITANNIA INDIA LTD.?

    Fully agree [ ] Partially agree [ ] Disagree [ ]

    16) Is the plant providing loan facility for car, buying any plot etc satisfactory or not?

    Fully satisfied [ ] Partially satisfied [ ] Unsatisfied [ ]

    17) Is the housing, road, and lighting facility satisfactory?

    Fully satisfied [ ] Partially satisfied [ ] Unsatisfied [ ]

    18) BRITANNIA INDIA LTD. providing entertainment facilities to employees are proper

    or not?

    Fully agree [ ] Partially agree [ ] Disagree [ ]

    Any suggestion from your side

